diff --git a/CommandManager.lua b/CommandManager.lua
index b187cd2..7ca5765 100644
--- a/CommandManager.lua
+++ b/CommandManager.lua
@@ -886,40 +886,17 @@ CM:Register({"readycheck", "rc"}, PM.Access.Groups.User.Level, function(args, se
if #args <= 0 then
if PM:GetAccess(sender) > PM.Access.Groups.Op.Level then
return "CM_ERR_NOACCESS", {sender.Info.Name, PM.Access.Groups.Op.Level, PM:GetAccess(sender)}
- elseif GT:IsGroupLeader() or GT:IsRaidLeaderOrAssistant() then
- C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning = true
- local name = tostring(sender.Info.Name)
- DoReadyCheck()
- return "CM_READYCHECK_ISSUED", {name}
- return false, "CM_READYCHECK_NOPRIV"
+ return RCM:Start(sender.Info.Name)
- local status = GetReadyCheckStatus("player")
- if (status ~= "waiting" and status ~= nil) or GetReadyCheckTimeLeft() <= 0 or not C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning then
- return false, "CM_READYCHECK_INACTIVE"
- end
local arg = tostring(args[1]):lower()
- if arg:match("^[ay]") then -- Accept
- C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning = false
- if ReadyCheckFrameYesButton then
- ReadyCheckFrameYesButton:Click()
- end
- ConfirmReadyCheck(true)
- status = GetReadyCheckStatus("player")
+ if arg:match("^[ayr]") then -- Accept / Ready
+ return RCM:Accept()
elseif arg:match("^[dn]") then -- Decline
- C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning = false
- if ReadyCheckFrameNoButton then
- ReadyCheckFrameNoButton:Click()
- end
- ConfirmReadyCheck(false)
- status = GetReadyCheckStatus("player")
- else
- return false, "CM_READYCHECK_INVALID", {tostring(arg)}
+ return RCM:Decline()
- return false, "CM_READYCHECK_FAIL"
+ return false, "CM_READYCHECK_USAGE"
CM:Register({"loot", "l"}, PM.Access.Groups.Op.Level, function(args, sender, isChat, bnetInfo)
diff --git a/Events.lua b/Events.lua
index 9d22211..94610f3 100644
--- a/Events.lua
+++ b/Events.lua
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ local SM = C.SummonManager
local IM = C.InviteManager
local RM = C.RoleManager
local CDM = C.DuelManager
+local RCM = C.ReadyCheckManager
--- Event handler for ADDON_LOADED
-- @name Command.Events.ADDON_LOADED
@@ -83,15 +84,11 @@ function C.Events.LFG_PROPOSAL_FAILED(self, ...)
function C.Events.READY_CHECK(self, ...)
- if C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning then return end
- local name = tostring(select(1, ...))
- if name == UnitName("player") then return end
- C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning = true
- CM:SendMessage(L("E_READYCHECK"):format(name), "SMART")
+ RCM:OnReadyCheck(tostring(select(1, ...)))
function C.Events.READY_CHECK_FINISHED(self, ...)
- C.Data.ReadyCheckRunning = false
+ RCM:OnReadyCheckEnd()
function C.Events.GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE(self, ...)
diff --git a/ReadyCheckManager.lua b/ReadyCheckManager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1773ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReadyCheckManager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Adam Hellberg.
+ *
+ * This file is part of Command.
+ *
+ * Command is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Command is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Command. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-- Upvalues
+local type = type
+-- API Upvalues
+local UnitName = UnitName
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local DoReadyCheck = DoReadyCheck
+local ConfirmReadyCheck = ConfirmReadyCheck
+local GetReadyCheckStatus = GetReadyCheckStatus
+local GetReadyCheckTimeLeft = GetReadyCheckTimeLeft
+local C = Command
+C.ReadyCheckManager = {}
+local L = C.LocaleManager
+local RCM = C.ReadyCheckManager
+local MAX_DELAY = 55
+local DEFAULT_DELAY = 5
+local AnnouncePending = false
+function RCM:Init()
+ self:LoadSavedVars()
+function RCM:LoadSavedVars()
+ if type(C.Global["READYCHECK_MANAGER"]) ~= "table" then
+ end
+ self.Settings = C.Global["READYCHECK_MANAGER"]
+ if type(self.Settings.ENABLED) ~= "boolean" then
+ self.Settings.ENABLED = true
+ end
+ if type(self.Settings.ANNOUNCE) ~= "boolean" then
+ self.Settings.ANNOUNCE = true
+ end
+ if type(self.Settings.DELAY) ~= "number" then
+ self.Settings.DELAY = DEFAULT_DELAY
+ end
+function RCM:OnReadyCheck(sender)
+ if not self.Settings.ANNOUNCE or AnnouncePending or not self.Settings.ENABLED then return end
+ if sender == UnitName("player") then return end
+ self.Active = true
+ if self.Settings.DELAY > 0 then
+ AnnouncePending = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+ frame.Time = 0
+ frame.Delay = self.Settings.DELAY
+ frame.Sender = sender
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+ self.Time = self.Time + elapsed
+ if self.Time >= self.Delay then
+ self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+ AnnouncePending = false
+ RCM:Announce(self.Sender)
+ end
+ end)
+ else
+ self:Announce(sender)
+ end
+function RCM:OnReadyCheckEnd()
+ self.Active = false
+function RCM:Announce(sender)
+ if not self:ReadyCheckPending() then return end
+ CM:SendMessage(L("RCM_ANNOUNCE"):format(sender), "SMART")
+function RCM:ReadyCheckPending()
+ return GetReadyCheckTimeLeft() > 0 or (ReadyCheckFrame and ReadyCheckFrame:IsShown())
+function RCM:HasResponded()
+ local status = GetReadyCheckStatus("player")
+ return status ~= "waiting" and status ~= nil
+function RCM:Accept()
+ if not self:ReadyCheckPending() then
+ return false, "RCM_INACTIVE"
+ elseif self:HasResponded() then
+ return false, "RCM_RESPONDED"
+ end
+ ConfirmReadyCheck(true)
+ self:HidePopup()
+ return "RCM_ACCEPTED"
+function RCM:Decline()
+ if not self:ReadyCheckPending() then
+ return false, "RCM_INACTIVE"
+ elseif self:HasResponded() then
+ return false, "RCM_RESPONDED"
+ end
+ ConfirmReadyCheck(false)
+ self:HidePopup()
+ return "RCM_DECLINED"
+function RCM:Start(sender)
+ if GT:IsGroupLeader() or GT:IsRaidLeaderOrAssistant() then
+ DoReadyCheck()
+ return "RCM_START_ISSUED", {sender}
+ end
+ return false, "RCM_START_NOPRIV"
+function RCM:HidePopup()
+ if ReadyCheckFrame and ReadyCheckFrame:IsShown() then
+ ReadyCheckFrame:Hide()
+ end
+function RCM:Enable()
+ self.Settings.ENABLED = true
+ return "RCM_ENABLED"
+function RCM:Disable()
+ self.Settings.ENABLED = false
+ -- We have to reset the active state in case this was called during a ready check
+ self.Active = false
+ return "RCM_DISABLED"
+function RCM:Toggle()
+ if self:IsEnabled() then
+ return self:Disable()
+ end
+ return self:Enable()
+function RCM:IsEnabled()
+ return self.Settings.ENABLED
+function RCM:EnableAnnounce()
+ self.Settings.ANNOUNCE = true
+function RCM:DisableAnnounce()
+ self.Settings.ANNOUNCE = false
+function RCM:ToggleAnnounce()
+ if self:IsAnnounceEnabled() then
+ return self:DisableAnnounce()
+ end
+ return self:EnableAnnounce()
+function RCM:IsAnnounceEnabled()
+ return self.Settings.ANNOUNCE
+function RCM:SetDelay(amount)
+ if amount < 0 then
+ amount = 0
+ elseif amount > MAX_DELAY then
+ amount = MAX_DELAY
+ end
+ self.Settings.DELAY = amount
+ if amount > 0 then
+ return "RCM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS", {self:GetDelay()}
+ end
+function RCM:GetDelay()
+ return self.Settings.DELAY
diff --git a/load.xml b/load.xml
index 4a6775c..9726f0a 100644
--- a/load.xml
+++ b/load.xml
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
<Script file="InviteManager.lua" />
<Script file="DuelManager.lua" />
<Script file="RoleManager.lua" />
+ <Script file="ReadyCheckManager.lua" />
<Script file="CommandManager.lua" />
<Script file="ChatManager.lua" />
<Script file="Events.lua" />
diff --git a/locales/enUS.lua b/locales/enUS.lua
index e2d27e6..bf601d1 100644
--- a/locales/enUS.lua
+++ b/locales/enUS.lua
@@ -262,13 +262,7 @@ local L = {
CM_TOGGLEDEBUG_HELP = "Toggle debugging mode on and off.",
CM_READYCHECK_HELP = "Respond to ready check or initiate a new one.",
- CM_READYCHECK_ISSUED = "%s issued a ready check!",
- CM_READYCHECK_NOPRIV = "Cannot initiate ready check when not leader or assistant.",
- CM_READYCHECK_INACTIVE = "Ready check not running or I have already responded.",
- CM_READYCHECK_ACCEPTED = "Accepted ready check.",
- CM_READYCHECK_DECLINED = "Declined ready check.",
- CM_READYCHECK_INVALID = "Invalid argument: %s",
- CM_READYCHECK_FAIL = "Failed to accept or decline ready check.",
+ CM_READYCHECK_USAGE = "Usage: rc [accept|decline]",
CM_LOOT_HELP = "Provides various loot functions.",
CM_LOOT_USAGE = "Usage: loot type||threshold||master||pass",
@@ -627,6 +621,29 @@ local L = {
CRM_STARTDELAY_SUCCESS = "RoleManager announce delay set to %s!",
CRM_STARTDELAY_INSTANT = "RoleManager now announces instantly.",
+ -----------------------
+ -- ReadyCheckManager --
+ -----------------------
+ RCM_INACTIVE = "No ready check is currently running.",
+ RCM_RESPONDED = "I have already responded to the ready check.",
+ RCM_ENABLED = "ReadyCheckManager has been enabled.",
+ RCM_DISABLED = "ReadyCheckManager has been disabled.",
+ RCM_ANNOUNCE = "%s has started a ready check! Type !rc accept to make me accept or !rc deny to deny it.",
+ RCM_ACCEPTED = "Accepted the ready check!",
+ RCM_DECLINED = "Declined the ready check!",
+ RCM_START_ISSUED = "%s has started a ready check!",
+ RCM_START_NOPRIV = "Unable to start ready check, not leader or assistant.",
+ RCM_ANNOUNCE_ENABLED = "ReadyCheckManager will now announce received ready checks.",
+ RCM_ANNOUNCE_DISABLED = "ReadyCheckManager will no longer announce recevied ready checks.",
+ RCM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS = "ReadyCheckManager announce delay set to %d second(s)!",
+ RCM_SETDELAY_INSTANT = "ReadyCheckManager will now announce instantly!",
-- AuthManager --
diff --git a/locales/svSE.lua b/locales/svSE.lua
index ad663be..1527aaa 100644
--- a/locales/svSE.lua
+++ b/locales/svSE.lua
@@ -262,13 +262,7 @@ local L = {
CM_TOGGLEDEBUG_HELP = "Toggle debugging mode on and off.",
CM_READYCHECK_HELP = "Respond to ready check or initiate a new one.",
- CM_READYCHECK_ISSUED = "%s issued a ready check!",
- CM_READYCHECK_NOPRIV = "Cannot initiate ready check when not leader or assistant.",
- CM_READYCHECK_INACTIVE = "Ready check not running or I have already responded.",
- CM_READYCHECK_ACCEPTED = "Accepted ready check.",
- CM_READYCHECK_DECLINED = "Declined ready check.",
- CM_READYCHECK_INVALID = "Invalid argument: %s",
- CM_READYCHECK_FAIL = "Failed to accept or decline ready check.",
+ CM_READYCHECK_USAGE = "Usage: rc [accept|decline]",
CM_LOOT_HELP = "Provides various loot functions.",
CM_LOOT_USAGE = "Användning: loot type||threshold||master||pass",
@@ -627,6 +621,29 @@ local L = {
CRM_STARTDELAY_SUCCESS = "RoleManager announce delay set to %s!",
CRM_STARTDELAY_INSTANT = "RoleManager now announces instantly.",
+ -----------------------
+ -- ReadyCheckManager --
+ -----------------------
+ RCM_INACTIVE = "No ready check is currently running.",
+ RCM_RESPONDED = "I have already responded to the ready check.",
+ RCM_ENABLED = "ReadyCheckManager has been enabled.",
+ RCM_DISABLED = "ReadyCheckManager has been disabled.",
+ RCM_ANNOUNCE = "%s has started a ready check! Type !rc accept to make me accept or !rc deny to deny it.",
+ RCM_ACCEPTED = "Accepted the ready check!",
+ RCM_DECLINED = "Declined the ready check!",
+ RCM_START_ISSUED = "%s has started a ready check!",
+ RCM_START_NOPRIV = "Unable to start ready check, not leader or assistant.",
+ RCM_ANNOUNCE_ENABLED = "ReadyCheckManager will now announce received ready checks.",
+ RCM_ANNOUNCE_DISABLED = "ReadyCheckManager will no longer announce recevied ready checks.",
+ RCM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS = "ReadyCheckManager announce delay set to %d second(s)!",
+ RCM_SETDELAY_INSTANT = "ReadyCheckManager will now announce instantly!",
-- AuthManager --