Properly bail if there is no action
Adrian L Lange [07-21-12 - 12:29]
Properly bail if there is no action
diff --git a/Molinari.lua b/Molinari.lua
index e59e876..dca99af 100644
--- a/Molinari.lua
+++ b/Molinari.lua
@@ -37,14 +37,16 @@ function button:PLAYER_LOGIN()
if(item and not InCombatLockdown() and IsAltKeyDown() and not (AuctionFrame and AuctionFrame:IsShown())) then
local spell, r, g, b = ScanTooltip(self, spells)
+ if(not spell and disenchanter and ns.Disenchantable(link)) then
+ spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(13262), 1/2, 1/2, 1
+ end
+ if(not spell and rogue and ns.Openable) then
+ spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(1804), 0, 1, 1
+ end
if(not spell) then
- if(disenchanter and ns.Disenchantable(link)) then
- spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(13262), 1/2, 1/2, 1
- elseif(rogue and ns.Openable) then
- spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(1804), 0, 1, 1
- else
- return
- end
+ return
local bag, slot = GetMouseFocus():GetParent(), GetMouseFocus()