
No point in having a fucking API when you fucking expose the database to the outside world.

Ackis [12-10-09 - 17:51]
No point in having a fucking API when you fucking expose the database to the outside world.
diff --git a/ARL.lua b/ARL.lua
index 709a384..b3bbf3d 100644
--- a/ARL.lua
+++ b/ARL.lua
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ addon.trainer_list	= TrainerList
 addon.seasonal_list	= SeasonalList
 addon.vendor_list	= VendorList

 -- Data which is stored regarding a players statistics (luadoc copied from Collectinator, needs updating)
@@ -1707,32 +1706,3 @@ function addon:ClearSavedSkills()

--- API to interface with external AddOns.
---- Initialize the recipe database with a specific profession
--- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeData
--- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeData(GetSpellInfo(51304))
--- @param profession Spell ID of the profession which you want to populate the database with.
--- @return Boolean indicating if the operation was successful.  The recipe database will be populated with appropriate data.
-function addon:AddRecipeData(profession)
-	return InitializeRecipe(profession)
---- Initialize the recipe database
--- @name AckisRecipeList:InitRecipeData
--- @usage AckisRecipeList:InitRecipeData()
--- @return Boolean indicating if the operation was successful.  The recipe database will be populated with appropriate data.
--- @return Arrays containing the RecipeList, MobList, TrainerList, VendorList, QuestList, ReputationList, SeasonalList.
-function addon:InitRecipeData()
-	return false, RecipeList, MobList, TrainerList, VendorList, QuestList, ReputationList, SeasonalList
---- Get recipe information from ARL
--- @name AckisRecipeList:GetRecipeData
--- @param spellID The spell ID of the recipe you want information about.
--- @return Table containing all spell ID information or nil if it's not found.
-function addon:GetRecipeData(spellID)
-	return RecipeList[spellID]