

Munglunch [10-14-14 - 16:18]
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f17e95e..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
-############################################################################## ]]--
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack        = _G.unpack;
-local select        = _G.select;
-local assert        = _G.assert;
-local type          = _G.type;
-local error         = _G.error;
-local pcall         = _G.pcall;
-local print         = _G.print;
-local ipairs        = _G.ipairs;
-local pairs         = _G.pairs;
-local next          = _G.next;
-local rawset        = _G.rawset;
-local rawget        = _G.rawget;
-local tostring      = _G.tostring;
-local tonumber      = _G.tonumber;
-local getmetatable  = _G.getmetatable;
-local setmetatable  = _G.setmetatable;
-local string        = _G.string;
-local upper         = string.upper;
-local format        = string.format;
-local find          = string.find;
-local match         = string.match;
-local gsub          = string.gsub;
-local math          = _G.math;
-local floor         = math.floor
-local table         = _G.table;
-local tsort         = table.sort;
-local tconcat       = table.concat;
-local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
-local tremove       = _G.tremove;
-local twipe         = _G.wipe;
-local ReloadUI              = _G.ReloadUI;
-local GetLocale             = _G.GetLocale;
-local CreateFrame           = _G.CreateFrame;
-local IsAddOnLoaded         = _G.IsAddOnLoaded;
-local InCombatLockdown      = _G.InCombatLockdown;
-local GetAddOnInfo          = _G.GetAddOnInfo;
-local LoadAddOn             = _G.LoadAddOn;
-local SendAddonMessage      = _G.SendAddonMessage;
-local LibStub               = _G.LibStub;
-local GetAddOnMetadata      = _G.GetAddOnMetadata;
-local GetCVarBool           = _G.GetCVarBool;
-local GameTooltip           = _G.GameTooltip;
-local StaticPopup_Hide      = _G.StaticPopup_Hide;
---[[  CONSTANTS ]]--
-_G.BINDING_HEADER_SVUI = "Supervillain UI";
-_G.SlashCmdList.RELOADUI = ReloadUI
-_G.SLASH_RELOADUI2 = "/reloadui"
-local SVLib = _G.LibSuperVillain;
---[[ LOCALS ]]--
-local callbacks = {};
-local numCallbacks = 0;
-local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
-local actualWidth, actualHeight = UIParent:GetSize()
-local function RegisterCallback(self, m, h)
-    assert(type(m) == "string" or type(m) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :RegisterCallback (string or function expected)")
-    if type(m) == "string" then
-        assert(type(h) == "table", "Bad argument #2 to :RegisterCallback (table expected)")
-        assert(type(h[m]) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :RegisterCallback (m \"" .. m .. "\" not found)")
-        m = h[m]
-    end
-    callbacks[m] = h or true
-    numCallbacks = numCallbacks + 1
-local function UnregisterCallback(self, m, h)
-    assert(type(m) == "string" or type(m) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :UnregisterCallback (string or function expected)")
-    if type(m) == "string" then
-        assert(type(h) == "table", "Bad argument #2 to :UnregisterCallback (table expected)")
-        assert(type(h[m]) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :UnregisterCallback (m \"" .. m .. "\" not found)")
-        m = h[m]
-    end
-    callbacks[m] = nil
-    numCallbacks = numCallbacks + 1
-local function DispatchCallbacks()
-    if (numCallbacks < 1) then return end
-    for m, h in pairs(callbacks) do
-        local ok, err = pcall(m, h ~= true and h or nil)
-        if not ok then
-            print("ERROR:", err)
-        end
-    end
-    local env = getfenv(0)
-    env.SVUI_CLASS_COLORS = {}
-    local classes = {};
-    local supercolors = {
-        ["HUNTER"]        = { r = 0.454, g = 0.698, b = 0 },
-        ["WARLOCK"]       = { r = 0.286, g = 0,     b = 0.788 },
-        ["PRIEST"]        = { r = 0.976, g = 1,     b = 0.839 },
-        ["PALADIN"]       = { r = 0.956, g = 0.207, b = 0.733 },
-        ["MAGE"]          = { r = 0,     g = 0.796, b = 1 },
-        ["ROGUE"]         = { r = 1,     g = 0.894, b = 0.117 },
-        ["DRUID"]         = { r = 1,     g = 0.513, b = 0 },
-        ["SHAMAN"]        = { r = 0,     g = 0.38,  b = 1 },
-        ["WARRIOR"]       = { r = 0.698, g = 0.36,  b = 0.152 },
-        ["DEATHKNIGHT"]   = { r = 0.847, g = 0.117, b = 0.074 },
-        ["MONK"]          = { r = 0.015, g = 0.886, b = 0.38 },
-    };
-    for class in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
-        tinsert(classes, class)
-    end
-    tsort(classes)
-    setmetatable(SVUI_CLASS_COLORS,{
-        __index = function(t, k)
-            if k == "RegisterCallback" then return RegisterCallback end
-            if k == "UnregisterCallback" then return UnregisterCallback end
-            if k == "DispatchCallbacks" then return DispatchCallbacks end
-        end
-    });
-    for i, class in ipairs(classes) do
-        local color = supercolors[class]
-        local r, g, b = color.r, color.g, color.b
-        local hex = ("ff%02x%02x%02x"):format(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
-        if not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class] or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].r or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].g or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].b then
-            SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class] = {
-                r = r,
-                g = g,
-                b = b,
-                colorStr = hex,
-            }
-        end
-    end
-    classes = nil
-local messagePattern = "|cffFF2F00%s:|r";
-local debugPattern = "|cffFF2F00%s|r [|cff992FFF%s|r]|cffFF2F00:|r";
-local errorPattern = "|cffff0000Error -- |r|cffff9900Required addon '|r|cffffff00%s|r|cffff9900' is %s.|r"
-local function _sendmessage(msg, prefix)
-    if(type(msg) == "table") then
-         msg = tostring(msg)
-    end
-    if(not msg) then return end
-    if(prefix) then
-        local outbound = ("%s %s"):format(prefix, msg);
-        print(outbound)
-    else
-        print(msg)
-    end
-local Core_DeadFunction = function() return end
-local Core_StaticPopup_Show = function(self, arg)
-    if arg == "ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN" then
-        StaticPopup_Hide(arg)
-    end
-local Core_Debugger = function(self, msg)
-    if(not self.DebugMode) then return end
-    local outbound = (debugPattern):format(self.NameID, "DEBUG")
-    _sendmessage(msg, outbound)
-local Core_AddonMessage = function(self, msg)
-    local outbound = (messagePattern):format(self.NameID)
-    _sendmessage(msg, outbound)
-local Core_ResetAllUI = function(self, confirmed)
-    if InCombatLockdown()then
-        SendAddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
-        return
-    end
-    if(not confirmed) then
-        self:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UI_CHECK')
-        return
-    end
-    self.Setup:Reset()
-local Core_ResetUI = function(self, confirmed)
-    if InCombatLockdown()then
-        SendAddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
-        return
-    end
-    if(not confirmed) then
-        self:StaticPopup_Show('RESETMOVERS_CHECK')
-        return
-    end
-    self.Mentalo:Reset()
-local Core_ImportProfile = function(self, key)
-    self.SystemAlert["COPY_PROFILE_PROMPT"].text = "Are you sure you want to copy the profile '" .. key .. "'?"
-    self.SystemAlert["COPY_PROFILE_PROMPT"].OnAccept = function() SVLib:ImportDatabase(key) end
-    self:StaticPopup_Show("COPY_PROFILE_PROMPT")
-local Core_ToggleConfig = function(self)
-    if InCombatLockdown() then
-        SendAddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
-        self.UIParent:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
-        return
-    end
-    if not IsAddOnLoaded(self.ConfigID) then
-        local _,_,_,_,_,state = GetAddOnInfo(self.ConfigID)
-        if state ~= "MISSING" and state ~= "DISABLED" then
-            LoadAddOn(self.ConfigID)
-            local config_version = GetAddOnMetadata(self.ConfigID, "Version")
-            if(tonumber(config_version) < 4) then
-                self:StaticPopup_Show("CLIENT_UPDATE_REQUEST")
-            end
-        else
-            local errorMessage = (errorPattern):format(self.ConfigID, state)
-            self:AddonMessage(errorMessage)
-            return
-        end
-    end
-    local aceConfig = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
-    local switch = not aceConfig.OpenFrames[self.NameID] and "Open" or "Close"
-    aceConfig[switch](aceConfig, self.NameID)
-    GameTooltip:Hide()
-local Core_TaintHandler = function(self, taint, sourceName, sourceFunc)
-    if GetCVarBool('scriptErrors') ~= 1 then return end
-    local errorString = ("Error Captured: %s->%s->{%s}"):format(taint, sourceName or "Unknown", sourceFunc or "Unknown")
-    self:AddonMessage(errorString)
-    self:StaticPopup_Show("TAINT_RL")
-  /$$$$$$  /$$    /$$ /$$   /$$ /$$$$$$        /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$$
- /$$__  $$| $$   | $$| $$  | $$|_  $$_/       /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$__  $$| $$_____/
-| $$  \__/| $$   | $$| $$  | $$  | $$        | $$  \__/| $$  \ $$| $$  \ $$| $$
-|  $$$$$$ |  $$ / $$/| $$  | $$  | $$        | $$      | $$  | $$| $$$$$$$/| $$$$$
- \____  $$ \  $$ $$/ | $$  | $$  | $$        | $$      | $$  | $$| $$__  $$| $$__/
- /$$  \ $$  \  $$$/  | $$  | $$  | $$        | $$    $$| $$  | $$| $$  \ $$| $$
-|  $$$$$$/   \  $/   |  $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$      |  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$/| $$  | $$| $$$$$$$$
- \______/     \_/     \______/ |______/       \______/  \______/ |__/  |__/|________/
--- We have to send the names of our three SavedVariables files since the WoW API
--- has no method for parsing them in LUA.
-local SVUI = SVLib:NewCore("SVUI_Global", "SVUI_Profile", "SVUI_Cache")
-SVUI.ConfigID           = "SVUI_ConfigOMatic";
-SVUI.Media              = {}
-SVUI.class              = playerClass
-SVUI.ClassRole          = ""
-SVUI.UnitRole           = "NONE"
-SVUI.ConfigurationMode  = false
-SVUI.EffectiveScale     = 1
-SVUI.ActualHeight       = actualHeight
-SVUI.ActualWidth        = actualWidth
-SVUI.yScreenArea        = (actualHeight * 0.33)
-SVUI.xScreenArea        = (actualWidth * 0.33)
-SVUI.fubar              = Core_DeadFunction
-SVUI.ResetAllUI         = Core_ResetAllUI
-SVUI.ResetUI            = Core_ResetUI
-SVUI.ToggleConfig       = Core_ToggleConfig
-SVUI.TaintHandler       = Core_TaintHandler
-SVUI.ImportProfile      = Core_ImportProfile
-SVUI.AddonMessage       = Core_AddonMessage
-SVUI.Debugger           = Core_Debugger
-SVUI.StaticPopup_Show   = Core_StaticPopup_Show
-SVUI.UIParent = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUIParent", UIParent);
-SVUI.UIParent:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER");
-SVUI.Cloaked = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent);
-SVUI.Options = {
-    type = "group",
-    name = "|cff339fffConfig-O-Matic|r",
-    args = {
-        plugins = {
-            order = -2,
-            type = "group",
-            name = "Plugins",
-            childGroups = "tab",
-            args = {
-                pluginheader = {
-                    order = 1,
-                    type = "header",
-                    name = "Supervillain Plugins",
-                },
-                pluginOptions = {
-                    order = 2,
-                    type = "group",
-                    name = "",
-                    args = {
-                        pluginlist = {
-                            order = 1,
-                            type = "group",
-                            name = "Summary",
-                            args = {
-                                active = {
-                                    order = 1,
-                                    type = "description",
-                                    name = function() return SVLib:GetPlugins() end
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc
index 572cf9a..88c0c52 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFCore Framework|r].
 ## SavedVariables: SVUI_Global
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml
index 4a6cce4..539bb14 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml
@@ -1,60 +1,9 @@
 <Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-    <Include file="libs\libs.xml"/>
-    <Script file="language\english_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\italian_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\french_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\russian_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\german_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\taiwanese_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\spanish_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\korean_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\chinese_ui.lua"/>
-    <Script file="language\portuguese_ui.lua"/>
-    <Include file="xml\system.xml"/>
-    <Script file="SVUI.lua"/>
-    <Script file="setup\configs.lua"/>
-    <Script file="setup\installer.lua"/>
-    <Script file="setup\presets.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\media.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\utilities.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\animate.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\common.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\visibility.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\timers.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\slash.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\alerts.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\moveable.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\mentalo.lua"/>
-    <Include file="packages\stats\SVStats.xml"/>
-    <Script file="packages\dock\SVDock.lua"/>
-    <Include file="packages\aura\SVAura.xml"/>
-    <Script file="packages\map\SVMap.lua"/>
-    <Include file="packages\plates\SVPlate.xml"/>
-    <Script file="packages\tip\SVTip.lua"/>
-    <Script file="packages\actionbar\SVBar.lua"/>
-    <Script file="packages\actionbar\KeyBind.lua"/>
-    <Include file="packages\unit\SVUnit.xml"/>
-    <Script file="packages\chat\SVChat.lua"/>
-    <Include file="packages\bag\SVBag.xml"/>
-    <Script file="packages\override\SVOverride.lua"/>
-    <Script file="packages\gear\SVGear.lua"/>
-    <Script file="packages\henchmen\SVHenchmen.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\misc.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\mounts.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\comix.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\questwatch.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\raid.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\reactions.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\spellbind.lua"/>
-    <Script file="scripts\ego.lua"/>
-    <Script file="system\load.lua"/>
+    <Include file="libs\_load.xml"/>
+    <Include file="language\_load.xml"/>
+    <Include file="xml\_load.xml"/>
+    <Include file="system\_load.xml"/>
+    <Include file="setup\_load.xml"/>
+    <Include file="packages\_load.xml"/>
+    <Include file="scripts\_load.xml"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE1.blp b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE1.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4708961
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE1.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE2.blp b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE2.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2d73c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE2.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE3.blp b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE3.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1faae
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE3.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE4.blp b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE4.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e48aac
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/assets/artwork/Template/Panes/COMIC-PANE4.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e44749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Script file="english_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="italian_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="french_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="russian_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="german_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="taiwanese_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="spanish_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="korean_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="chinese_ui.lua"/>
+    <Script file="portuguese_ui.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/chinese_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/chinese_ui.lua
index 53efbcc..77be406 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/chinese_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/chinese_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("zhCN");
 if not L then return end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "歡迎使用 |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! 让您的 %s 和你 %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "|cffAA78FF%s|r 版, 請輸入/sv 進入設定介面."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -110,7 +113,6 @@ L["THE_BUTTON_BELOW"] = "THE\nBUTTON\nBELOW";
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="插件 %s 不相容于 SVUI 的 %s 模组。请停用不相容的插件,或停用模组。"
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="欢迎使用 %sSVUI|r %s%s|r 版,请输入 /sv 进入设定介面。如需技术支援,请至 http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/english_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/english_ui.lua
index 9211ac5..42b63ea 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/english_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/english_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("enUS", true);
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "Welcome to |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! Keep your %s and your %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "Version |cffAA78FF%s|r, type /sv to access the in-game configuration menu."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -110,7 +113,6 @@ L["THE_BUTTON_BELOW"] = "THE\nBUTTON\nBELOW";
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="The addon %s is not compatible with SVUI's %s package. Please select either the addon or the SVUI package to disable.";
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Welcome to %sSupervillain UI|r version %s%s|r, type /sv to access the in-game configuration menu."
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/french_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/french_ui.lua
index 6dd382c..d5f51b8 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/french_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/french_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("frFR");
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "Bienvenue sur |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! Gardez votre %s et votre %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "Version |cffAA78FF%s|r, tapez /sv afin d'accéder au menu de configuration en jeu."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]="Une alteration s'est produite et vous empêche d'utiliser la file d'attente. Veuillez recharger votre interface utilisateur et essayer à nouveau."
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="L'addon %s n'est pas compatible avec le package %s d'SVUI. S'il vous plait, selectionnez soit l'addon ou le package d'SVUI pour le désactiver."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Bienvenue sur %sSVUI|r version %s%s|r, tapez /sv afin d'accéder au menu de configuration en jeu. Si vous avez besoin d'un support technique, vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/german_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/german_ui.lua
index 6cadd3a..fc3ac5c 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/german_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/german_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("deDE");
 if not L then return end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "Willkommen zu |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! halten Sie Ihre %s und Ihre %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "Version |cffAA78FF%s|r, Tippe /sv um das Konfigurationsmenü aufzurufen."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]=true;
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="Das Addon %s ist nicht mit dem SVUI %s Modul kompatibel. Bitte deaktiviere entweder das Addon oder deaktiviere das SVUI Modul."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Willkommen zu %sSVUI|r Version %s%s|r, Tippe /sv um das Konfigurationsmenü aufzurufen. Für technische Hilfe, besuche das Supportforum unter http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/italian_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/italian_ui.lua
index 1a993cd..66eeb36 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/italian_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/italian_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("itIT");
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "Benvenuti a |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! Mantenete il vostro %s e il vostro %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "versione |cffAA78FF%s|r, Tipo / sv per accedere al menu di configurazione in-game."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]=true;
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="The addon %s is not compatible with SVUI's %s package. Please select either the addon or the SVUI package to disable."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Welcome to %sSVUI|r version %s%s|r, type /sv to access the in-game configuration menu. If you are in need of technical support you can visit us at http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/korean_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/korean_ui.lua
index d0c5665..30cea20 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/korean_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/korean_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("koKR");
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "|cffFFFF1AUI를 악당|r에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 귀하의 유지 %s 당신을 %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "버전 |cffAA78FF%s|r, 유형 /sv 는 게임의 구성 메뉴에 액세스합니다."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]=true;
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="The addon %s is not compatible with SVUI's %s package. Please select either the addon or the SVUI package to disable."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Welcome to %sSVUI|r version %s%s|r, type /sv to access the in-game configuration menu. If you are in need of technical support you can visit us at http://www.wowinterface.com"
 L["Binding"]="단축키 지정"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/portuguese_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/portuguese_ui.lua
index 1126daa..1bc2bd0 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/portuguese_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/portuguese_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("ptBR");
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "Bem vindo à |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! Manter o seu %s e seu %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "Versão |cffAA78FF%s|r, escreva /sv para acessar o menu de configuração em jogo."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]="Um erro aconteceu que está previnindo você de usar o sistema de fila. Por favor recarregue sua interface e tente novamente."
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="The addon %s is not compatible with SVUI's %s package. Please select either the addon or the SVUI package to disable."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Bem vindo à versão %s%s|r da %sSVUI|r, escreva /sv para acessar o menu de configuração em jogo. Se precisar de suporte técnico visite-nos no site http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/russian_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/russian_ui.lua
index 14aec3f..9962fb7 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/russian_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/russian_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("ruRU");
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "обро пожаловать в |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! Держите свои %s и ваши %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "Версия |cffAA78FF%s|r, наберите /sv для доступа в меню настроек."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]="Произошла ошибка, которая не позволит встать в очередь. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите интерфейс и попробуйте снова"
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="Аддон %s не совместим с модулем %s SVUI. Пожалуйста, выберите отключить ли не совместимый аддон или модуль."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Добро пожаловать в %sSVUI|r версии %s%s|r, наберите /sv для доступа в меню настроек. Если Вам нужна техническая поддержка, посетите наш форум на http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/spanish_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/spanish_ui.lua
index fb3d1b5..b5fabba 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/spanish_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/spanish_ui.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ if not L then
 	L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("esMX")
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "Bienvenido a |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! Mantenga su %s y su %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "Versión |cffAA78FF%s|r, escribe /sv para acceder al menú de configuración."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -114,7 +117,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]="Un error ha ocurrido que te impide usar el sistema de cola. Recarga tu interfaz y trata nuevamente."
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="The addon %s is not compatible with SVUI's %s package. Please select either the addon or the SVUI package to disable."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="Bienvenido a %sSVUI|r versión %s%s|r, escribe /sv para acceder al menú de configuración. Si necesitas ayuda o soporte técnico puedes visitarnos en http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/taiwanese_ui.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/taiwanese_ui.lua
index 13e99bc..9a60c71 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/taiwanese_ui.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/language/taiwanese_ui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 local L = _G.LibSuperVillain:Lang("zhTW");
 if not L then return; end
+L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "歡迎使用 |cffFFFF1ASupervillain UI|r! 让您的 %s 和你 %s."
+L["LOGIN_MSG2"] = "|cffAA78FF%s|r 版, 請輸入/sv 進入設定介面."
 L[" is drinking."] = true;
 L["Leeeeeroy!"] = true;
@@ -111,7 +114,6 @@ L["Meanwhile..."]=true;
 L["..at "]=true;
 L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using the queue system. Please reload your user interface and try again."]="發生一個錯誤導致你無法使用隊列系統,請重新加載你的用戶界面,然後再試一次."
 L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"]="插件 %s 與 SVUI 的 %s 模組不相容。請停用不相容的插件,或停用模組."
-L["LOGIN_MSG"]="歡迎使用%sSVUI |r %s%s|r 版, 請輸入/sv 進入設定介面. 如需技術支援請至http://www.wowinterface.com"
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua
index 1dc362e..eba8b48 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua
@@ -294,6 +294,47 @@ valid data outside of the core object.

+local function SanitizeStorage(data)
+    for k,v in pairs(data) do
+        if(k == "STORED" or k == "SAFEDATA" or k == "LAYOUT") then
+            data[k] = nil
+        end
+    end
+local function LiveProfileChange()
+    local LastKey = SOURCE_KEY
+    if(PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA and PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA.dualSpecEnabled) then
+        SOURCE_KEY = GetSpecialization()
+        lib.EventManager:RegisterEvent("ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED")
+        if(not SOURCE_KEY) then
+            SOURCE_KEY = 1
+        end
+        if(LastKey ~= SOURCE_KEY) then
+            --construct core dataset
+            local db           = setmetatable({}, meta_database)
+            db.data            = PROFILE_SV.STORED[SOURCE_KEY]
+            db.defaults        = CoreObject.configs
+            CoreObject.db      = db
+            local cache        = setmetatable({}, meta_cache)
+            cache.data         = CACHE_SV.STORED[SOURCE_KEY]
+            CoreObject.cache   = cache
+            if(CoreObject.ReLoad) then
+                CoreObject:ReLoad()
+            end
+            lib:RefreshAll()
+        end
+    else
+        SOURCE_KEY = 1
+        lib.EventManager:UnregisterEvent("ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED")
+    end
 local function tablecopy(d, s, debug)
     if(debug) then
@@ -476,51 +517,6 @@ function lib:WipeGlobal()

-function lib:UpdateDatabase(event)
-    if event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" then
-        local sv = rawget(CoreObject.db, "data")
-        local src = rawget(CoreObject.db, "defaults")
-        for k,v in pairs(sv) do
-            if(not src[k]) then
-                sv[k] = nil
-            elseif(src[k] ~= nil and (not LoadOnDemand[k])) then
-                removedefaults(sv[k], src[k])
-            end
-        end
-    elseif(event == "ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED") then
-        local LastKey = SOURCE_KEY
-        if(PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA and PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA.dualSpecEnabled) then
-            SOURCE_KEY = GetSpecialization()
-            self.EventManager:RegisterEvent("ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED")
-            if(not SOURCE_KEY) then
-                SOURCE_KEY = 1
-            end
-            if(LastKey ~= SOURCE_KEY) then
-                --construct core dataset
-                local db           = setmetatable({}, meta_database)
-                db.data            = PROFILE_SV.STORED[SOURCE_KEY]
-                db.defaults        = CoreObject.configs
-                CoreObject.db      = db
-                local cache        = setmetatable({}, meta_cache)
-                cache.data         = CACHE_SV.STORED[SOURCE_KEY]
-                CoreObject.cache   = cache
-                if(CoreObject.ReLoad) then
-                    CoreObject:ReLoad()
-                end
-                self:RefreshAll()
-            end
-        else
-            SOURCE_KEY = 1
-            self.EventManager:UnregisterEvent("ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED")
-        end
-    end
 function lib:GetSafeData(index)
     if(index) then
         return PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA[index]
@@ -587,7 +583,7 @@ local changeDBVar = function(self, value, key, sub1, sub2, sub3)

 local innerOnEvent = function(self, event, ...)
-    local obj = self.module
+    local obj = self.___owner
     if self[event] and type(self[event]) == "function" then
         self[event](obj, event, ...)
@@ -596,7 +592,7 @@ end
 local registerEvent = function(self, eventname, eventfunc)
     if not self.___eventframe then
         self.___eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil)
-        self.___eventframe.module = self
+        self.___eventframe.___owner = self
         self.___eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", innerOnEvent)

@@ -621,7 +617,7 @@ end

 local innerOnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
     if self.elapsed and self.elapsed > (self.throttle) then
-        local obj = self.module
+        local obj = self.___owner
         local callbacks = self.callbacks

         for name, fn in pairs(callbacks) do
@@ -640,7 +636,7 @@ end
 local registerUpdate = function(self, updatefunc, throttle)
     if not self.___updateframe then
         self.___updateframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil);
-        self.___updateframe.module = self;
+        self.___updateframe.___owner = self;
         self.___updateframe.callbacks = {};
         self.___updateframe.elapsed = 0;
         self.___updateframe.throttle = throttle or 0.2;
@@ -712,6 +708,13 @@ function lib:RefreshAll()

+function lib:LiveUpdate()
+    if(PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA.NEEDSLIVEUPDATE and not C_PetBattles.IsInBattle()) then
+        self:RefreshAll()
+    end
 function lib:GetModuletable()
     return MODULES
@@ -728,7 +731,7 @@ function lib:ToggleDualProfile(enabled)
     PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA.dualSpecEnabled = enabled
     if(enabled) then
-        self:UpdateDatabase()
+        LiveProfileChange()
@@ -878,22 +881,40 @@ local function NewLoadOnDemand(addonName, schema, header)

-local function SanitizeStorage(data)
-    for k,v in pairs(data) do
-        if(k == "STORED" or k == "SAFEDATA" or k == "LAYOUT") then
-            data[k] = nil
-        end
-    end

-local DataBase_OnEvent = function(self, event)
-    if(event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" or event == "ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED") then
-        lib:UpdateDatabase(event)
+local Library_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
+    if(event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT") then
+        local sv = rawget(CoreObject.db, "data")
+        local src = rawget(CoreObject.db, "defaults")
+        for k,v in pairs(sv) do
+            if(not src[k]) then
+                sv[k] = nil
+            elseif(src[k] ~= nil and (not LoadOnDemand[k])) then
+                removedefaults(sv[k], src[k])
+            end
+        end
+    elseif(event == "ADDON_LOADED") then
+        if(arg == CoreName) then
+            if(not CoreObject.___loaded and CoreObject.Load) then
+                CoreObject:Load()
+                CoreObject.___loaded = true
+                self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
+            end
+        end
+    elseif(event == "PLAYER_LOGIN") then
+        if(not CoreObject.___initialized and CoreObject.Initialize and IsLoggedIn()) then
+            CoreObject:Initialize()
+            CoreObject.___initialized = true
+            self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
+        end
+    elseif(event == "ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED") then
+        LiveProfileChange()

 local Core_NewCallback = function(self, fn)
     if(fn and type(fn) == "function") then
         Callbacks[#Callbacks+1] = fn
@@ -983,24 +1004,32 @@ function lib:NewCore(gfile, pfile, cfile)

     if(not self.EventManager.Initialized) then
+        self.EventManager:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
+        self.EventManager:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
-        self.EventManager:SetScript("OnEvent", DataBase_OnEvent)
+        self.EventManager:SetScript("OnEvent", Library_OnEvent)
         self.EventManager.Initialized = true

-    CoreObject.NameID       = CoreName;
-    CoreObject.Version      = AddonVersion;
-    CoreObject.GameVersion  = tonumber(InterfaceVersion);
-    CoreObject.DebugMode    = false;
-    CoreObject.Schema       = GetAddOnMetadata(CoreName, SchemaFromMeta);
-    CoreObject.TitleID      = GetAddOnMetadata(CoreName, HeaderFromMeta);
-    CoreObject.NewCallback  = Core_NewCallback
-    CoreObject.NewScript    = Core_NewScript
-    CoreObject.NewPackage   = Core_NewPackage
-    CoreObject.ResetData    = Core_ResetData
-    CoreObject.db           = tablesplice(CoreObject.configs, {})
-    CoreObject.L            = self:Lang()
+    CoreObject.NameID               = CoreName;
+    CoreObject.Version              = AddonVersion;
+    CoreObject.GameVersion          = tonumber(InterfaceVersion);
+    CoreObject.DebugMode            = false;
+    CoreObject.Schema               = GetAddOnMetadata(CoreName, SchemaFromMeta);
+    CoreObject.TitleID              = GetAddOnMetadata(CoreName, HeaderFromMeta);
+    CoreObject.RegisterEvent        = registerEvent
+    CoreObject.UnregisterEvent      = unregisterEvent
+    CoreObject.RegisterUpdate       = registerUpdate
+    CoreObject.UnregisterUpdate     = unregisterUpdate
+    CoreObject.NewCallback          = Core_NewCallback
+    CoreObject.NewScript            = Core_NewScript
+    CoreObject.NewPackage           = Core_NewPackage
+    CoreObject.ResetData            = Core_ResetData
+    CoreObject.db                   = tablesplice(CoreObject.configs, {})
+    CoreObject.L                    = self:Lang()

     --set global
     _G[CoreName] = CoreObject;
@@ -1055,6 +1084,8 @@ function lib:Initialize()
     PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA = PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA or {dualSpecEnabled = false}

     if(PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA and PROFILE_SV.SAFEDATA.dualSpecEnabled) then
         SOURCE_KEY = GetSpecialization() or 1
@@ -1169,4 +1200,6 @@ function lib:Launch()

         ScriptQueue = nil
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc724e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Script file="LibSuperVillain-1.0\LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua"/>
+	<Script file="LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
+    <Script file="CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"/>
+    <Script file="LibSharedMedia-3.0\LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua"/>
+    <Script file="LibActionButton-1.0\LibActionButton-1.0.lua"/>
+    <Include file="oUF_Villain\oUF_Villain.xml"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/libs.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/libs.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc724e1..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/libs.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file="LibSuperVillain-1.0\LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua"/>
-	<Script file="LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
-    <Script file="CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"/>
-    <Script file="LibSharedMedia-3.0\LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua"/>
-    <Script file="LibActionButton-1.0\LibActionButton-1.0.lua"/>
-    <Include file="oUF_Villain\oUF_Villain.xml"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ActionPanel/oUF_ActionPanel.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ActionPanel/oUF_ActionPanel.toc
index 9deaa79..6a3d5d2 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ActionPanel/oUF_ActionPanel.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ActionPanel/oUF_ActionPanel.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: oUF ActionPanel
 ## Notes: Adds a backing to all unit frames that provides many utilities.
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## X-Category: oUF
 ## Dependencies: oUF

diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Afflicted/oUF_Afflicted.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Afflicted/oUF_Afflicted.toc
index e56137c..432ad2b 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Afflicted/oUF_Afflicted.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Afflicted/oUF_Afflicted.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: oUF Afflicted
 ## Notes: Adds Custom Debuff Highlighting to oUF.
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## X-Category: oUF
 ## Dependencies: oUF

diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ArcaneCharge/oUF_ArcaneCharge.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ArcaneCharge/oUF_ArcaneCharge.toc
index 6cbcafa..9cc371a 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ArcaneCharge/oUF_ArcaneCharge.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_ArcaneCharge/oUF_ArcaneCharge.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: oUF Arcane Charge
 ## Notes: Adds support for arcane charge indicators to oUF.
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Dependencies: oUF

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_AuraBars/oUF_AuraBars.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_AuraBars/oUF_AuraBars.lua
index d4d8fe3..2eb382d 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_AuraBars/oUF_AuraBars.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_AuraBars/oUF_AuraBars.lua
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ local function SetBackground(frame)
             bottom = 0,
-    frame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.25)
+    frame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.5)

diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Combatant/oUF_Combatant.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Combatant/oUF_Combatant.toc
index 3fd9fb2..88f0fed 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Combatant/oUF_Combatant.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_Combatant/oUF_Combatant.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: oUF Combatant
 ## Notes: Adds PvP trinket status and spec icons to oUF frames.
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.90
+## Version: 5.00
 ## X-Category: oUF
 ## Dependencies: oUF

diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a325aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Include file="stats\SVStats.xml"/>
+    <Script file="dock\SVDock.lua"/>
+    <Include file="aura\SVAura.xml"/>
+    <Script file="map\SVMap.lua"/>
+    <Include file="plates\SVPlate.xml"/>
+    <Script file="tip\SVTip.lua"/>
+    <Script file="actionbar\SVBar.lua"/>
+    <Script file="actionbar\KeyBind.lua"/>
+    <Include file="unit\SVUnit.xml"/>
+    <Script file="chat\SVChat.lua"/>
+    <Include file="bag\SVBag.xml"/>
+    <Script file="override\SVOverride.lua"/>
+    <Script file="gear\SVGear.lua"/>
+    <Script file="henchmen\SVHenchmen.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.lua
index f3ea13f..cecfa3e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.lua
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ local function SaveActionButton(parent)
 		MOD.ButtonCache[parent] = true
-	parent:SetSlotTemplate(true, 2, 0, 0)
+	parent:SetSlotTemplate(true, 2, 0, 0, 0.75)

 local function SetFlyoutButton(button)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/SVBag.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/SVBag.lua
index 940ea11..71f1a89 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/SVBag.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/SVBag.lua
@@ -292,16 +292,20 @@ local SlotUpdate = function(self, slotID)
 		local r, g, b = bagType[1], bagType[2], bagType[3];
 		slot:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0.6)
 		slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, 1)
-	elseif(itemLink) then
+	else
+		slot:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
+		slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+	end
+	if(itemLink) then
 		local rarity = select(3, GetItemInfo(itemLink))
 		if(rarity and rarity > 1) then
 			local r, g, b = GetItemQualityColor(rarity)
-			slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b)
-		else
-			slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0)
+			slot:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0.6)
+			slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, 1)
+		else
+			slot:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
+			slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
-	else
-		slot:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0)

 	if(C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bag, slotID)) then
@@ -538,6 +542,8 @@ local ContainerFrame_UpdateLayout = function(self)
 				bag = self.Bags[bagID]

+			bag.numSlots = numSlots;
 			local btype = select(2, GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagID));
 			local r, g, b;
 			if RefProfessionColors[btype] then
@@ -568,7 +574,8 @@ local ContainerFrame_UpdateLayout = function(self)
-					slot:SetSlotTemplate(true, 2, 0, 0, true);
+					slot:SetSlotTemplate(true, 2, 0, 0, 0.45);
+					slot.Panel.Shadow:SetAttribute("shadowAlpha", 0.9)

 					if(_G[newTexName]) then
@@ -618,6 +625,8 @@ local ContainerFrame_UpdateLayout = function(self)
 			if(self.Bags[bagID]) then
+				self.Bags[bagID].numSlots = numSlots;
 				for i = 1, MAX_CONTAINER_ITEMS do
 					if(self.Bags[bagID][i]) then
@@ -625,8 +634,6 @@ local ContainerFrame_UpdateLayout = function(self)
-		self.Bags[bagID].numSlots = numSlots;

 	self:Size(containerWidth, containerHeight);
@@ -1810,6 +1817,8 @@ function MOD:Load()
 		BagFilters.buttons[clearID]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", BagFilters.buttons[NUM_LE_BAG_FILTER_FLAGS], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)


diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua
index 881a504..54d3358 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ do
 		MMBBar:SetPoint("CENTER", MMBHolder, "CENTER", 0, 0)
 		MMBBar:Height(SV.db.SVMap.minimapbar.buttonSize + 4)
 		MMBBar:Width(SV.db.SVMap.minimapbar.buttonSize + 4)
+		MMBBar:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+		MMBBar:SetFrameLevel(0)

 		local lastButton, anchor, relative, xPos, yPos;
 		local list  = MOD.MinimapButtons
@@ -189,9 +191,9 @@ do

-		btn:SetPushedTexture(nil)
-		btn:SetHighlightTexture(nil)
-		btn:SetDisabledTexture(nil)
+		btn:SetPushedTexture("")
+		btn:SetHighlightTexture("")
+		btn:SetDisabledTexture("")

 		if not btn.isStyled then
 			btn:HookScript("OnEnter", MMB_OnEnter)
@@ -695,10 +697,6 @@ function MOD:PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED()
-	self:UpdateMinimapButtonSettings()
@@ -723,6 +721,7 @@ end
 function MOD:ReLoad()
 	if(not SV.db.SVMap.enable) then return; end
+	self:UpdateMinimapButtonSettings()

 function MOD:Load()
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua
index 8549fec..873f69c 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ function MOD:NewAnchor(parent, maxCount, tipAnchor, isTop, customTemplate, isVer
 		strata = "LOW"
 		template = isTop and "FramedTop" or "FramedBottom"
-		strata = "HIGH"
+		strata = "MEDIUM"

 	MOD.Anchors[parent:GetName()] = parent;
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua
index 03ab962..2427428 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ local ColorizeAuraBars = function(self)
 		if color then
-			auraBar:SetBackdropColor(color[1] * 0.25, color[2] * 0.25, color[3] * 0.25, 0.25)
+			auraBar:SetBackdropColor(color[1] * 0.25, color[2] * 0.25, color[3] * 0.25, 0.5)
 			local r, g, b = auraBar.statusBar:GetStatusBarColor()
-			auraBar:SetBackdropColor(r * 0.25, g * 0.25, b * 0.25, 0.25)
+			auraBar:SetBackdropColor(r * 0.25, g * 0.25, b * 0.25, 0.5)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c111e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Script file="misc.lua"/>
+    <Script file="mounts.lua"/>
+    <Script file="comix.lua"/>
+    <Script file="questwatch.lua"/>
+    <Script file="raid.lua"/>
+    <Script file="reactions.lua"/>
+    <Script file="spellbind.lua"/>
+    <Script file="ego.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua
index 5b6a9fa..4cebace 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua
@@ -33,88 +33,66 @@ local L = SV.L

 local Sequences = {
 	{65, 1000}, --shrug
-	{68, 1000}, --cheer
 	{70, 1000}, --laugh
 	{74, 1000}, --roar
-	{77, 1000}, --cry
-	{84, 1000}, --point
 	{82, 1000}, --flex

-local EgoFrame = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", "SVUI_EgoModel", UIParent);
 local function rng()
 	return random(1, #Sequences)

-local LaunchAnimation = function(self, key)
+local GoGoGadget = function(self, key)
 	key = key or rng()
 	local emote = Sequences[key][1]
-	self:Show()
-	self:SetAnimation(emote)
-	self.anim:Play()
+	self:SetAlpha(1)
+	self.Model1:SetAnimation(emote)
+	self.Model2:SetAnimation(emote)

-local LaunchFreezeFrame = function(self, key)
-	key = key or rng()
-	local animation = Sequences[key]
-	local size = SVUIParent:GetHeight()
-	self:Show()
-	self:SetSequenceTime(unpack(animation))
-	self.anim[2]:SetOffset(size, -size)
-	self.anim[2]:SetOffset(0, 0)
-	self.anim:Play()
+local function LoadSVEgo()
+	local GameMenuFrame = _G.GameMenuFrame

-local ResetPosition = function(self)
-	local size = SVUIParent:GetHeight()
-	self:SetPoint("TOP", SV.UIParent, "TOP", 0, 0)
-	self:SetWidth(size)
-	self:SetHeight(size)
-	self:SetUnit("player")
+	local EgoFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUI_EgoFrame", UIParent);
+	EgoFrame:SetParent(GameMenuFrame)
+	EgoFrame:SetFrameLevel(0)
+	EgoFrame:SetAllPoints(SV.UIParent)

-local Ego_OnEvent = function(self, event)
-	if event == "ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED" then
-		self:LaunchAnimation(4)
-	else
-		self:LaunchAnimation(6)
-	end
+	EgoFrame.BG1 = EgoFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, -7)
+    EgoFrame.BG1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", EgoFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+    EgoFrame.BG1:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", EgoFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -300)
+    EgoFrame.BG1:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
+	EgoFrame.BG1:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)

-function SV:ToggleEgo()
-	if not SV.db.general.ego then
-		EgoFrame:UnregisterEvent("ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED")
-		EgoFrame:UnregisterEvent("SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED")
-		EgoFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", nil)
-	else
-		EgoFrame:RegisterEvent("ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED")
-		EgoFrame:RegisterEvent("SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED")
-		EgoFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", Ego_OnEvent)
-	end
+	EgoFrame.BG2 = EgoFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, -7)
+    EgoFrame.BG2:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", EgoFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+    EgoFrame.BG2:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", EgoFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 300)
+    EgoFrame.BG2:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
+	EgoFrame.BG2:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)

-local EgoPop_OnUpdate = function(self) self.parent:SetAlpha(0) end
+	EgoFrame.Model1 = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", "SVUI_EgoModel1", EgoFrame);
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetUnit("player")
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetRotation(1)
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetPortraitZoom(0.3)
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetPosition(0,0,-0.25)
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", EgoFrame, "TOPLEFT", -250, -300)
+	EgoFrame.Model1:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", EgoFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 300)

-local function LoadSVEgo()
-	local size = UIParent:GetWidth()
-	EgoFrame:SetParent(SV.UIParent)
-	EgoFrame:SetPoint("TOP", SV.UIParent, "TOP", 0, 0)
-	EgoFrame:SetWidth(size)
-	EgoFrame:SetHeight(size)
-	EgoFrame:SetUnit("player")
-	EgoFrame.LaunchAnimation = LaunchAnimation
-	EgoFrame.LaunchFreezeFrame = LaunchFreezeFrame
-	EgoFrame.ResetPosition = ResetPosition
-	SV.Animate:Slide(EgoFrame, 0, 0, true, 1.5)
-	EgoFrame.anim[4]:SetScript("OnFinished", EgoPop_OnUpdate)
+	EgoFrame.Model2 = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", "SVUI_EgoModel2", EgoFrame);
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetUnit("player")
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetRotation(-1)
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetPortraitZoom(0.3)
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetPosition(0,0,-0.25)
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", EgoFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 250, -300)
+	EgoFrame.Model2:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", EgoFrame, "BOTTOM", 250, 300)

-	EgoFrame:Hide()
+	EgoFrame.GoGoGadget = GoGoGadget

-_G.SlashCmdList["BADASS"] = function()
-	EgoFrame:LaunchAnimation(4)
+	EgoFrame:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
+		self:GoGoGadget()
+	end)
-_G.SLASH_BADASS1 = "/badass"

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802f04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+    <Script file="installer.lua"/>
+    <Script file="presets.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/configs.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/configs.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb41f9..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/configs.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3658 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
-local SV = select(2, ...)
-local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
-local filterClass = playerClass or "NONE"
-local function safename(id)
-    local n = GetSpellInfo(id)
-    if not n then
-        if type(id) == "string" then
-            n = id
-        else
-            SV:Debugger('|cffFF9900SVUI:|r Spell not found: (#ID) '..id)
-            n = "Voodoo Doll";
-        end
-    end
-    return n
---[[ SYSTEM DATA ]]--
-SV.configs = {}
-SV.configs["general"] = {
-    ["cooldown"] = true,
-    ["autoScale"] = true,
-    ["multiMonitor"] = false,
-    ["taintLog"] = false,
-    ["stickyFrames"] = true,
-    ["loginmessage"] = true,
-    ["hideErrorFrame"] = true,
-    ["threatbar"] = false,
-    ["bubbles"] = true,
-    ["comix"] = true,
-    ["bigComix"] = true,
-    ["questWatch"] = true,
-    ["woot"] = true,
-    ["pvpinterrupt"] = true,
-    ["lookwhaticando"] = false,
-    ["reactionChat"] = false,
-    ["reactionEmote"] = false,
-    ["sharingiscaring"] = false,
-    ["arenadrink"] = true,
-    ["stupidhat"] = true,
-SV.configs["LAYOUT"] = {
-    mediastyle = "default",
-    barstyle = "default",
-    unitstyle = "default",
-    groupstyle = "default",
-    aurastyle = "default"
-SV.configs["totems"] = {
-    ["enable"] = true,
-    ["showBy"] = "VERTICAL",
-    ["sortDirection"] = "ASCENDING",
-    ["size"] = 40,
-    ["spacing"] = 4
-SV.configs["media"] = {
-    ["fonts"] = {
-        ["default"] = "SVUI System Font",
-        ["name"] = "SVUI Name Font",
-        ["number"] = "SVUI Number Font",
-        ["combat"] = "SVUI Combat Font",
-        ["giant"] = "SVUI Action Font",
-        ["size"] = 10,
-        ["unicodeSize"] = 12,
-    },
-    ["textures"] = {
-        ["pattern"]      = "SVUI Backdrop 1",
-        ["comic"]        = "SVUI Comic 1",
-        ["unitlarge"]    = "SVUI Unit BG 3",
-        ["unitsmall"]    = "SVUI Small BG 3"
-    },
-    ["colors"] = {
-        ["default"]      = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1},
-        ["special"]      = {0.37, 0.32, 0.29, 1},
-    },
-    ["unitframes"] = {
-        ["health"]       = {0.3, 0.5, 0.3},
-        ["power"]        = {
-            ["MANA"]         = {0.41, 0.85, 1},
-            ["RAGE"]         = {1, 0.31, 0.31},
-            ["FOCUS"]        = {1, 0.63, 0.27},
-            ["ENERGY"]       = {0.85, 0.83, 0.25},
-            ["RUNES"]        = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
-            ["RUNIC_POWER"] = {0, 0.82, 1},
-            ["FUEL"]         = {0, 0.75, 0.75}
-        },
-        ["reaction"]     = {
-            [1] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
-            [2] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
-            [3] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
-            [4] = {0.85, 0.85, 0.13},
-            [5] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-            [6] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-            [7] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-            [8] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-        },
-        ["tapped"]           = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
-        ["disconnected"]     = {0.84, 0.75, 0.65},
-        ["casting"]          = {0.8, 0.8, 0},
-        ["spark"]            = {1, 0.72, 0},
-        ["interrupt"]        = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25},
-        ["shield_bars"]      = {0.56, 0.4, 0.62},
-        ["buff_bars"]        = {0.31, 0.31, 0.31},
-        ["debuff_bars"]      = {0.8, 0.1, 0.1},
-        ["predict"]          = {
-            ["personal"]         = {0, 1, 0.5, 0.25},
-            ["others"]           = {0, 1, 0, 0.25},
-            ["absorbs"]          = {1, 1, 0, 0.25}
-        },
-        ["spellcolor"] = {
-            [safename(2825)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11},  --Bloodlust
-            [safename(32182)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Heroism
-            [safename(80353)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Time Warp
-            [safename(90355)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Ancient Hysteria
-            [safename(84963)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Inquisition
-            [safename(86659)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Guardian of Ancient Kings
-        }
-    }
-SV.configs["SVBar"] = {
-	["enable"] = true,
-	["font"] = "Roboto",
-	["fontSize"] = 11,
-	["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-	["countFont"] = "SVUI Number Font",
-	["countFontSize"] = 11,
-	["countFontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-	["cooldownSize"] = 18,
-	["rightClickSelf"] = false,
-	["macrotext"] = false,
-	["hotkeytext"] = false,
-	["hotkeyAbbrev"] = true,
-	["showGrid"] = true,
-	["unc"] = {0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7},
-	["unpc"] = {0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.7},
-	["keyDown"] = false,
-	["unlock"] = "SHIFT",
-	["Micro"] = {
-		["enable"] = true,
-		["mouseover"] = true,
-		["alpha"] = 1,
-		["buttonsize"] = 30,
-		["buttonspacing"] = 4,
-		["yOffset"] = 4
-	},
-	["Bar1"] = {
-		["enable"] = true,
-		["buttons"] = 12,
-		["mouseover"] = false,
-		["buttonsPerRow"] = 12,
-		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-		["backdrop"] = false,
-		["buttonsize"] = 32,
-		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
-		["useCustomPaging"] = true,
-		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
-		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; show",
-		["customPaging"] = {
-		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "[form:2] 10;",
-		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "[bonusbar:1] 7;",
-		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
-		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
-		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "[stance:1] 7; [stance:2] 7; [stance:3] 7; [bonusbar:1] 7; [form:3] 7;",
-		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "[bonusbar:1, nostealth] 7; [bonusbar:1, stealth] 8; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10;",
-		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
-		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
-		    ["MONK"]    	 = "[bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9;",
-		},
-		["alpha"] = 1
-	},
-	["Bar2"] = {
-		["enable"] = false,
-		["mouseover"] = false,
-		["buttons"] = 12,
-		["buttonsPerRow"] = 12,
-		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-		["backdrop"] = false,
-		["buttonsize"] = 32,
-		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
-		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
-		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
-		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
-		["customPaging"] = {
-		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
-		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
-		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
-		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
-		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
-		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
-		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
-		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
-		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
-		},
-		["alpha"] = 1
-	},
-	["Bar3"] = {
-		["enable"] = true,
-		["mouseover"] = false,
-		["buttons"] = 6,
-		["buttonsPerRow"] = 6,
-		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-		["backdrop"] = false,
-		["buttonsize"] = 32,
-		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
-		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
-		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
-		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
-		["customPaging"] = {
-		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
-		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
-		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
-		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
-		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
-		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
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---[[ CACHE DATA ]]--
-    PRIEST = {
-        {-- Weakened Soul
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-            ["id"] = 139,
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-            ["id"] = 17,
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-            ["id"] = 47788,
-            ["point"] = "LEFT",
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-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 33206,
-            ["point"] = "LEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    DRUID = {
-        {-- Rejuvenation
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 774,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Regrowth
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 8936,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Lifebloom
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 33763,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Wild Growth
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 48438,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    PALADIN = {
-        {-- Beacon of Light
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 53563,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Protection
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 1022,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Freedom
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 1044,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.45, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Salvation
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 1038,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Sacrifice
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 6940,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.1, ["b"] = 0.1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Purity
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114039,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.64, ["g"] = 0.41, ["b"] = 0.72},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Sacred Shield
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 20925,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Eternal Flame
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114163,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.87, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.03},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    SHAMAN = {
-        {-- Riptide
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 61295,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Earth Shield
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 974,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Earthliving
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 51945,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.4},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    MONK = {
-        {--Renewing Mist
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 119611,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Life Cocoon
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 116849,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Enveloping Mist
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 132120,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Zen Sphere
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 124081,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    ROGUE = {
-        {-- Tricks of the Trade
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 57934,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    MAGE = {
-        {-- Ice Ward
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 111264,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    WARRIOR = {
-        {-- Vigilance
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114030,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Intervene
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 3411,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Safe Guard
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114029,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-        {-- Unholy Frenzy
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 49016,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    HUNTER = {},
-    WARLOCK = {},
-    NONE = {}
-local FilterIDs = {
-    ["Blocked"] = [[36900,36901,36893,114216,97821,36032,132365,8733,57724,25771,57723,36032,58539,26013,6788,71041,41425,55711,8326,23445,24755,25163,80354,95809,95223,124275,124274,124273,117870,123981,15007,113942,89140]],
-    ["Allowed"] = [[31821,2825,32182,80353,90355,47788,33206,116849,22812,1490,116202,123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
-    ["Strict"] = [[123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
-    ["CC"] = [[47476,91800,91807,91797,108194,115001,33786,2637,339,78675,22570,5211,9005,102359,99,127797,45334,102795,114238,113004,3355,1513,19503,34490,24394,64803,19386,117405,128405,50519,91644,90337,54706,4167,90327,56626,50245,50541,96201,96201,31661,118,55021,122,82691,118271,44572,33395,102051,20066,10326,853,105593,31935,105421,605,64044,8122,9484,15487,114404,88625,113792,87194,2094,1776,6770,1833,51722,1330,408,88611,115197,113953,51514,64695,63685,76780,118905,118345,710,6789,118699,5484,6358,30283,24259,115782,115268,118093,89766,137143,20511,7922,676,105771,107566,132168,107570,118895,18498,116706,117368,115078,122242,119392,119381,120086,116709,123407,140023,25046,20549,107079]],
-    ["Shield"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,115610,48797,48792,49039,87256,55233,50461,33206,47788,62618,47585,104773,110913,108359,22812,102342,106922,61336,19263,53480,1966,31224,74001,5277,45182,98007,30823,108271,1022,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,31850,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,20594]],
-    ["Player"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,45438,115610,110909,12051,12472,80353,12042,32612,110960,108839,111264,108843,48797,48792,49039,87256,49222,55233,50461,49016,51271,96268,33206,47788,62618,47585,6346,10060,114239,119032,27827,104773,110913,108359,113860,113861,113858,88448,22812,102342,106922,61336,117679,102543,102558,102560,16689,132158,106898,1850,106951,29166,52610,69369,112071,124974,19263,53480,51755,54216,34471,3045,3584,131894,90355,90361,31224,74001,5277,45182,51713,114018,2983,121471,11327,108212,57933,79140,13750,98007,30823,108271,16188,2825,79206,16191,8178,58875,108281,108271,16166,114896,1044,1022,1038,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,20925,31850,31884,53563,31842,54428,105809,85499,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,18499,1719,23920,114028,46924,3411,107574,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,125174,116841,20594,59545,20572,26297,68992]],
-    ["Raid"] = [[116281,116784,116417,116942,116161,117708,118303,118048,118135,117878,117949,116835,116778,116525,122761,122760,122740,123812,123180,123474,122835,123081,122125,121885,121949,117436,118091,117519,122752,123011,116161,123121,119985,119086,119775,122151,138349,137371,136767,137641,137359,137972,136903,136753,137633,137731,133767,133768,136050,138569,134691,137440,137408,137360,135000,143436,143579,147383,146124,144851,144358,144774,147207,144215,143990,144330,143494,142990,143919,143766,143773,146589,143777,143385,143974,145183]]
-local FilterOverrides = {
-    ["45438"] = 5, ["48797"] = 5, ["87256"] = 4,
-    ["33206"] = 3, ["47585"] = 5, ["22812"] = 2,
-    ["102342"] = 2, ["19263"] = 5, ["5277"] = 5,
-    ["1022"] = 5, ["31821"] = 3, ["498"] = 2,
-    ["642"] = 5, ["86659"] = 4, ["31850"] = 4,
-    ["118038"] = 5, ["114029"] = 2, ["871"] = 3,
-    ["120954"] = 2, ["131523"] = 5
-SV.configs["filter"] = {
-    ["CC"] = {},
-    ["Shield"] = {},
-    ["Player"] = {},
-    ["Blocked"] = {},
-    ["Allowed"] = {},
-    ["Strict"] = {},
-    ["Raid"] = {},
-    ["BuffWatch"] = BUFFWATCH_BY_CLASS[filterClass],
-    ["PetBuffWatch"] = {
-        {-- Frenzy
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 19615,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Mend Pet
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 136,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    }
-for k, x in pairs(FilterIDs) do
-    local src = {};
-    for id in x:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
-        if(id) then
-            local saved
-            local n = safename(id);
-            local p = FilterOverrides[tostring(id)] or 0;
-            if k == "Strict" then
-                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['spellID'] = id, ['priority'] = p}
-            else
-                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['priority'] = p}
-            end
-            src[n] = saved
-        end
-    end
-    SV.configs["filter"][k] = src
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08da957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+    <Script file="core.lua"/>
+    <Script file="configs.lua"/>
+	<Script file="media.lua"/>
+    <Script file="utilities.lua"/>
+    <Script file="animate.lua"/>
+    <Script file="common.lua"/>
+    <Script file="visibility.lua"/>
+    <Script file="timers.lua"/>
+    <Script file="slash.lua"/>
+    <Script file="alerts.lua"/>
+    <Script file="moveable.lua"/>
+    <Script file="mentalo.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/common.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/common.lua
index bd4b3b1..f45ddd7 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/common.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/common.lua
@@ -71,11 +71,7 @@ end
--- function SV:ScreenCalibration(event)
---     return
--- end
-function SV:ScreenCalibration(event)
+function SV:UI_SCALE_CHANGED(event)
     local scale, evalwidth
     local gxWidth, gxHeight, gxMod = GetUsableScreen()

@@ -172,7 +168,7 @@ end

 local function scaled(value)
     if(not SCREEN_MOD) then
-        SV:ScreenCalibration()
     return SCREEN_MOD * floor(value / SCREEN_MOD + .5);
@@ -346,426 +342,29 @@ end
 local _templates = {
-    ["Default"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
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-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
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-        color = "default",
-        gradient = "default",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["Transparent"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "transparent",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = false,
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["Component"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "default",
-        gradient = "default",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["Button"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\BUTTON]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "default",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = false,
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["FramedTop"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "default",
-        gradient = "darkest2",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT2]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["FramedBottom"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "default",
-        gradient = "darkest",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["Bar"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "transparent",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = false,
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 1,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["Slot"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 1,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "transparent",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = false,
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["Inset"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "transparent",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = false,
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["Comic"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\COMIC1]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "class",
-        gradient = "class",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\COMIC1]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["ModelComic"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\COMIC-MODEL]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 3,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "special",
-        gradient = "class",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\COMIC-MODEL]],
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 3,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["Paper"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\PAPER]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "white",
-        gradient = "white",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\PAPER]],
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["Container"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\PATTERN3]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "special",
-        gradient = "special",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\PATTERN3]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["Pattern"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\PATTERN1]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "special",
-        gradient = "special",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Background\PATTERN1]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["Halftone"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "default",
-        gradient = "special",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = false,
-        extended = [[HALFTONE]],
-    },
-    ["Action"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "default",
-        gradient = "special",
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 2,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = false,
-        extended = [[ACTION]],
-    },
-    ["Blackout"] = {
-        backdrop = {
-            bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
-            tile = false,
-            tileSize = 0,
-            edgeSize = 2,
-            insets =
-            {
-                left = 1,
-                right = 1,
-                top = 1,
-                bottom = 1,
-            },
-        },
-        color = "transparent",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]],
-        texupdate = false,
-        padding = 2,
-        forcedOffset = 2,
-        shadow = true,
-        noupdate = true,
-    },
-    ["UnitLarge"] = {
-        backdrop = false,
-        color = "special",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Unitframe\Background\UNIT-BG1]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 0,
-        forcedOffset = 0,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = false,
-    },
-    ["UnitSmall"] = {
-        backdrop = false,
-        color = "special",
-        gradient = false,
-        texture = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Unitframe\Background\UNIT-SMALL-BG1]],
-        texupdate = true,
-        padding = 0,
-        forcedOffset = 0,
-        shadow = false,
-        noupdate = false,
-    }
+    ["Default"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Default",
+    ["Transparent"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Transparent",
+    ["Component"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Component",
+    ["Button"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Button",
+    ["FramedTop"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_FramedTop",
+    ["FramedBottom"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_FramedBottom",
+    ["Bar"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Bar",
+    ["Slot"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Slot",
+    ["Inset"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Inset",
+    ["Comic"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Comic",
+    ["ModelComic"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_ModelComic",
+    ["Paper"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Paper",
+    ["Container"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Container",
+    ["Pattern"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Pattern",
+    ["Halftone"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Halftone",
+    ["Action"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Action",
+    ["Blackout"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_Blackout",
+    ["UnitLarge"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_UnitLarge",
+    ["UnitSmall"] = "SVUI_PanelTemplate_UnitSmall"
@@ -773,14 +372,15 @@ INTERNAL HANDLERS
 local HookPanelBorderColor = function(self,r,g,b,a)
-    if self[1]then
-        self[1]:SetTexture(r,g,b,a)
-        self[2]:SetTexture(r,g,b,a)
-        self[3]:SetTexture(r,g,b,a)
-        self[4]:SetTexture(r,g,b,a)
-        if self[5]then
-            self[5]:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b,0.7)
-        end
+    if self.BorderLeft then
+        self.BorderLeft:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a)
+        self.BorderRight:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a)
+        self.BorderTop:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a)
+        self.BorderBottom:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a)
+    end
+    if self.Shadow then
+        local alpha = self.Shadow:GetAttribute("shadowAlpha") or 0.5
+        self.Shadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b,alpha)

@@ -797,7 +397,7 @@ local HookBackdropBorderColor = function(self,...)

 local HookVertexColor = function(self,...)
-    self._skin:SetVertexColor(...)
+    self.Panel.Skin:SetVertexColor(...)

 local HookCustomBackdrop = function(self)
@@ -832,58 +432,14 @@ TEMPLATE HELPERS
 local function CreatePanelTemplate(frame, templateName, underlay, noupdate, padding, xOffset, yOffset, defaultColor)
     if(not templateName or not _templates[templateName]) then templateName = frame._template or 'Default' end

-    local settings = _templates[templateName]
-    local colorName = defaultColor or settings.color or "default"
-    local gradientName = settings.gradient
-    local texFile = settings.texture
-    local hasShadow = settings.shadow
-    local bd = settings.backdrop
-    local bypass = noupdate or settings.noupdate
-    local bgColor = SV.Media.color[colorName] or {0.18,0.18,0.18,1}
+    local xmlTemplate = _templates[templateName]
     local borderColor = {0,0,0,1}
-    local initLevel = 0;
     local needsHooks = false;

-    padding = padding or settings.padding or 1
-    xOffset = settings.forcedOffset or xOffset or 1
-    yOffset = settings.forcedOffset or yOffset or 1
-    frame._template = templateName;
-    frame._color = colorName;
-    frame._gradient = gradientName;
-    frame._texture = false;
-    frame._noupdate = bypass;
     if(not frame.Panel) then
         needsHooks = true

-        local panel = NewFrame('Frame', nil, frame)
-        panel:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame, 'TOPLEFT', (xOffset * -1), yOffset)
-        panel:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', xOffset, yOffset * -1)
-        if(padding > 0) then
-            panel[1] = panel:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
-            panel[1]:SetTexture(0,0,0)
-            panel[1]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
-            panel[1]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
-            panel[1]:SetWidth(padding)
-            panel[2] = panel:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
-            panel[2]:SetTexture(0,0,0)
-            panel[2]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
-            panel[2]:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
-            panel[2]:SetWidth(padding)
-            panel[3] = panel:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
-            panel[3]:SetTexture(0,0,0)
-            panel[3]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
-            panel[3]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
-            panel[3]:SetHeight(padding)
-            panel[4] = panel:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
-            panel[4]:SetTexture(0,0,0)
-            panel[4]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
-            panel[4]:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
-            panel[4]:SetHeight(padding)
-        end
+        local panel = NewFrame('Frame', nil, frame, xmlTemplate)

         local level = frame:GetFrameLevel()
         if(level == 0 and not InCombatLockdown()) then
@@ -899,54 +455,62 @@ local function CreatePanelTemplate(frame, templateName, underlay, noupdate, padd
         NewHook(frame, "SetFrameLevel", HookFrameLevel)

         frame.Panel = panel
-    end
+    end

-    if(hasShadow) then
-        if(not frame.Panel[5]) then
-            if(underlay) then
-                frame.Panel[5] = NewFrame('Frame', nil, frame.Panel)
-                frame.Panel[5]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame.Panel, 'TOPLEFT', -3, 3)
-                frame.Panel[5]:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame.Panel, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 3, -3)
-            else
-                frame.Panel[5] = NewFrame('Frame', nil, frame)
-                frame.Panel[5]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame, 'TOPLEFT', -3, 3)
-                frame.Panel[5]:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 3, -3)
-            end
-        end
+    local colorName = defaultColor or frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelColor") or "default"
+    local gradientName = frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelGradient")
+    local bypass = noupdate or frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelSkipUpdate")

-        frame.Panel[5]:SetBackdrop({
-            edgeFile = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\GLOW]],
-            edgeSize = 3,
-            insets = {
-                left = 0,
-                right = 0,
-                top = 0,
-                bottom = 0
-            }
-        });
+    frame._template = templateName;
+    frame._color = colorName;
+    frame._gradient = gradientName;
+    frame._texture = false;
+    frame._noupdate = bypass;
+    local forcedOffset = frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelOffset")

-        frame.Panel[5]:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,0.5)
+    xOffset = forcedOffset or xOffset or 1
+    yOffset = forcedOffset or yOffset or 1

-        local level = frame.Panel[5]:GetFrameLevel() - 1
+    frame.Panel:WrapOuter(frame, xOffset, yOffset)

+    padding = padding or frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelPadding")
+    if(padding and frame.Panel.BorderLeft) then
+        frame.Panel.BorderLeft:SetWidth(padding)
+        frame.Panel.BorderRight:SetWidth(padding)
+        frame.Panel.BorderTop:SetHeight(padding)
+        frame.Panel.BorderBottom:SetHeight(padding)
+    end
+    if(frame.Panel.Shadow) then
+        frame.Panel.Shadow:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame.Panel, 'TOPLEFT', -3, 3)
+        frame.Panel.Shadow:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame.Panel, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 3, -3)
+        local alpha = frame.Panel.Shadow:GetAttribute("shadowAlpha") or 0.5
+        frame.Panel.Shadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,alpha)
+        local level = frame.Panel.Shadow:GetFrameLevel() - 1
         if(level >= 0) then
-            frame.Panel[5]:SetFrameLevel(level)
+            frame.Panel.Shadow:SetFrameLevel(level)
-            frame.Panel[5]:SetFrameLevel(0)
+            frame.Panel.Shadow:SetFrameLevel(0)

+    local bgColor = SV.Media.color[colorName] or {0.18,0.18,0.18,1}

-    if(bd) then
-        initLevel = 1;
+    if(not frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelNoBackdrop")) then
         if(underlay) then
-            frame.Panel:SetBackdrop(bd)
             frame.Panel:SetBackdropColor(bgColor[1],bgColor[2],bgColor[3],bgColor[4] or 1)
+            local bd = frame.Panel:GetBackdrop()
             frame:SetBackdropColor(bgColor[1],bgColor[2],bgColor[3],bgColor[4] or 1)
+            frame.Panel:SetBackdrop(nil)

         if(needsHooks and templateName ~= 'Transparent') then
@@ -964,28 +528,20 @@ local function CreatePanelTemplate(frame, templateName, underlay, noupdate, padd

-    if(texFile) then
-        if(not frame._skin) then
-            if(underlay) then
-                frame._skin = frame.Panel:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,initLevel)
-                frame._skin:SetAllPoints(frame.Panel)
-            else
-                frame._skin = frame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,initLevel)
-                frame._skin:SetAllPoints(frame)
-            end
+    if(frame.Panel.Skin) then
+        if(not underlay) then
+            frame.Panel.Skin:SetParent(frame)
+            frame.Panel.Skin:FillInner(frame, xOffset, yOffset)
+        else
+            frame.Panel.Skin:FillInner(frame.Panel, xOffset, yOffset)
-        frame._skin:SetTexture(texFile)
         if(gradientName and SV.Media.gradient[gradientName]) then
-            frame._skin:SetGradient(unpack(SV.Media.gradient[gradientName]))
+            frame.Panel.Skin:SetGradient(unpack(SV.Media.gradient[gradientName]))
-            frame._skin:SetVertexColor(bgColor[1], bgColor[2], bgColor[3], bgColor[4] or 1)
+            frame.Panel.Skin:SetVertexColor(bgColor[1], bgColor[2], bgColor[3], bgColor[4] or 1)

-        frame._skin:SetNonBlocking(true)
-        if((not bypass) and settings.texupdate) then
+        if((not bypass) and frame.Panel:GetAttribute("panelTexUpdate")) then
             frame._texture = lower(templateName)
             frame.TextureNeedsUpdate = true
             if(templateName == 'UnitLarge' or templateName == 'UnitSmall') then
@@ -993,56 +549,6 @@ local function CreatePanelTemplate(frame, templateName, underlay, noupdate, padd
                 frame.NoColorUpdate = true
-        initLevel = 2;
-    end
-    if(settings.extended) then
-        if(not underlay) then
-            initLevel = 0
-        end
-        local name = settings.extended
-        if(not frame._extended) then
-            frame._extended = {}
-            frame._extended[1] = frame.Panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, initLevel)
-            frame._extended[1]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.Panel, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[1]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame.Panel, "TOP", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[1]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame.Panel, "LEFT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[2] = frame.Panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, initLevel)
-            frame._extended[2]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame.Panel, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[2]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.Panel, "TOP", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[2]:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.Panel, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[3] = frame.Panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, initLevel)
-            frame._extended[3]:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.Panel, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[3]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame.Panel, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[3]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame.Panel, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[4] = frame.Panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, initLevel)
-            frame._extended[4]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame.Panel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[4]:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.Panel, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)
-            frame._extended[4]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.Panel, "LEFT", 0, 0)
-        end
-        frame._extended[1]:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\]] .. name .. [[_TOPLEFT]])
-        frame._extended[1]:SetVertexColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.5)
-        frame._extended[1]:SetNonBlocking(true)
-        frame._extended[2]:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\]] .. name .. [[_TOPRIGHT]])
-        frame._extended[2]:SetVertexColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.5)
-        frame._extended[2]:SetNonBlocking(true)
-        frame._extended[3]:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\]] .. name .. [[_BOTTOMRIGHT]])
-        frame._extended[3]:SetVertexColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
-        frame._extended[3]:SetNonBlocking(true)
-        frame._extended[4]:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\]] .. name .. [[_BOTTOMLEFT]])
-        frame._extended[4]:SetVertexColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
-        frame._extended[4]:SetNonBlocking(true)

@@ -1232,20 +738,20 @@ end
 local function SetPanelColor(self, ...)
     local arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 = select(1, ...)
     if(not self.Panel or not arg1) then return; end
-    if(self._skin and self._gradient) then
+    if(self.Panel.Skin and self._gradient) then
         if(type(arg1) == "string") then
             if(arg1 == "VERTICAL" or arg1 == "HORIZONTAL") then
-                self._skin:SetGradient(...)
+                self.Panel.Skin:SetGradient(...)
             elseif(SV.Media.gradient[arg1]) then
                 if self.__border then
                     local d,r,g,b,r2,g2,b2 = unpack(SV.Media.gradient[arg1])
-                    --self._skin:SetGradient(d,r,g,b,r2,g2,b2)
+                    --self.Panel.Skin:SetGradient(d,r,g,b,r2,g2,b2)
-                    self._skin:SetGradient(unpack(SV.Media.gradient[arg1]))
+                    self.Panel.Skin:SetGradient(unpack(SV.Media.gradient[arg1]))
                     if(SV.Media.color[arg1]) then
                         local t = SV.Media.color[arg1]
                         local r,g,b,a = t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4] or 1;
@@ -1360,12 +866,14 @@ local function SetButtonTemplate(self, invisible, overridePadding, xOffset, yOff

-local function SetSlotTemplate(self, underlay, padding, x, y, noChecked)
+local function SetSlotTemplate(self, underlay, padding, x, y, shadowAlpha)
     if(not self) then return end
     padding = padding or 1
     CreatePanelTemplate(self, "Slot", underlay, true, padding, x, y)
     CreateButtonPanel(self, true)
+    if(shadowAlpha) then
+        self.Panel.Shadow:SetAttribute("shadowAlpha", shadowAlpha)
+    end

 local function SetCheckboxTemplate(self, underlay, x, y)
@@ -1381,7 +889,7 @@ local function SetCheckboxTemplate(self, underlay, x, y)

     NewHook(self, "SetChecked", function(self,checked)
         local r,g,b = 0,0,0
-        if(checked == 1) then
+        if(checked == 1 or checked == true) then
             r,g,b = self:GetCheckedTexture():GetVertexColor()
@@ -1546,14 +1054,14 @@ local function FrameTemplateUpdates()
             if(frame.TextureNeedsUpdate and frame._texture) then
                 local tex = SV.Media.bg[frame._texture]
                 if(tex) then
-                    frame._skin:SetTexture(tex)
+                    frame.Panel.Skin:SetTexture(tex)
                 if(not frame.NoColorUpdate) then
                     if(frame._gradient and SV.Media.gradient[frame._gradient]) then
                         local g = SV.Media.gradient[frame._gradient]
-                        frame._skin:SetGradient(g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4], g[5], g[6], g[7])
+                        frame.Panel.Skin:SetGradient(g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4], g[5], g[6], g[7])
                     elseif(p) then
-                        frame._skin:SetVertexColor(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] or 1)
+                        frame.Panel.Skin:SetVertexColor(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] or 1)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/configs.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/configs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7becf07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/configs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3658 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+local SV = select(2, ...)
+local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
+local filterClass = playerClass or "NONE"
+local function safename(id)
+    local n = GetSpellInfo(id)
+    if not n then
+        if type(id) == "string" then
+            n = id
+        else
+            SV:Debugger('|cffFF9900SVUI:|r Spell not found: (#ID) '..id)
+            n = "Voodoo Doll";
+        end
+    end
+    return n
+--[[ SYSTEM DATA ]]--
+SV.configs = {}
+SV.configs["general"] = {
+    ["cooldown"] = true,
+    ["autoScale"] = true,
+    ["multiMonitor"] = false,
+    ["taintLog"] = false,
+    ["stickyFrames"] = true,
+    ["loginmessage"] = true,
+    ["hideErrorFrame"] = true,
+    ["threatbar"] = false,
+    ["bubbles"] = true,
+    ["comix"] = true,
+    ["bigComix"] = true,
+    ["questWatch"] = true,
+    ["woot"] = true,
+    ["pvpinterrupt"] = true,
+    ["lookwhaticando"] = false,
+    ["reactionChat"] = false,
+    ["reactionEmote"] = false,
+    ["sharingiscaring"] = false,
+    ["arenadrink"] = true,
+    ["stupidhat"] = true,
+SV.configs["LAYOUT"] = {
+    mediastyle = "default",
+    barstyle = "default",
+    unitstyle = "default",
+    groupstyle = "default",
+    aurastyle = "default"
+SV.configs["totems"] = {
+    ["enable"] = true,
+    ["showBy"] = "VERTICAL",
+    ["sortDirection"] = "ASCENDING",
+    ["size"] = 40,
+    ["spacing"] = 4
+SV.configs["media"] = {
+    ["fonts"] = {
+        ["default"] = "SVUI System Font",
+        ["name"] = "SVUI Name Font",
+        ["number"] = "SVUI Number Font",
+        ["combat"] = "SVUI Combat Font",
+        ["giant"] = "SVUI Action Font",
+        ["size"] = 10,
+        ["unicodeSize"] = 12,
+    },
+    ["textures"] = {
+        ["pattern"]      = "SVUI Backdrop 1",
+        ["comic"]        = "SVUI Comic 1",
+        ["unitlarge"]    = "SVUI Unit BG 3",
+        ["unitsmall"]    = "SVUI Small BG 3"
+    },
+    ["colors"] = {
+        ["default"]      = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1},
+        ["special"]      = {0.37, 0.32, 0.29, 1},
+    },
+    ["unitframes"] = {
+        ["health"]       = {0.3, 0.5, 0.3},
+        ["power"]        = {
+            ["MANA"]         = {0.41, 0.85, 1},
+            ["RAGE"]         = {1, 0.31, 0.31},
+            ["FOCUS"]        = {1, 0.63, 0.27},
+            ["ENERGY"]       = {0.85, 0.83, 0.25},
+            ["RUNES"]        = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
+            ["RUNIC_POWER"] = {0, 0.82, 1},
+            ["FUEL"]         = {0, 0.75, 0.75}
+        },
+        ["reaction"]     = {
+            [1] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
+            [2] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
+            [3] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
+            [4] = {0.85, 0.85, 0.13},
+            [5] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+            [6] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+            [7] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+            [8] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+        },
+        ["tapped"]           = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
+        ["disconnected"]     = {0.84, 0.75, 0.65},
+        ["casting"]          = {0.8, 0.8, 0},
+        ["spark"]            = {1, 0.72, 0},
+        ["interrupt"]        = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25},
+        ["shield_bars"]      = {0.56, 0.4, 0.62},
+        ["buff_bars"]        = {0.31, 0.31, 0.31},
+        ["debuff_bars"]      = {0.8, 0.1, 0.1},
+        ["predict"]          = {
+            ["personal"]         = {0, 1, 0.5, 0.25},
+            ["others"]           = {0, 1, 0, 0.25},
+            ["absorbs"]          = {1, 1, 0, 0.25}
+        },
+        ["spellcolor"] = {
+            [safename(2825)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11},  --Bloodlust
+            [safename(32182)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Heroism
+            [safename(80353)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Time Warp
+            [safename(90355)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Ancient Hysteria
+            [safename(84963)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Inquisition
+            [safename(86659)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Guardian of Ancient Kings
+        }
+    }
+SV.configs["SVBar"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["font"] = "Roboto",
+	["fontSize"] = 11,
+	["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+	["countFont"] = "SVUI Number Font",
+	["countFontSize"] = 11,
+	["countFontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+	["cooldownSize"] = 18,
+	["rightClickSelf"] = false,
+	["macrotext"] = false,
+	["hotkeytext"] = false,
+	["hotkeyAbbrev"] = true,
+	["showGrid"] = true,
+	["unc"] = {0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7},
+	["unpc"] = {0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.7},
+	["keyDown"] = false,
+	["unlock"] = "SHIFT",
+	["Micro"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["mouseover"] = true,
+		["alpha"] = 1,
+		["buttonsize"] = 30,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 4,
+		["yOffset"] = 4
+	},
+	["Bar1"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["buttons"] = 12,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = 12,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = true,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "[form:2] 10;",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "[bonusbar:1] 7;",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "[stance:1] 7; [stance:2] 7; [stance:3] 7; [bonusbar:1] 7; [form:3] 7;",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "[bonusbar:1, nostealth] 7; [bonusbar:1, stealth] 8; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10;",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "[bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9;",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Bar2"] = {
+		["enable"] = false,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttons"] = 12,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = 12,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Bar3"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttons"] = 6,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = 6,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Bar4"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["mouseover"] = true,
+		["buttons"] = 12,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = 1,
+		["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Bar5"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttons"] = 6,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = 6,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Bar6"] = {
+		["enable"] = false,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttons"] = 12,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = 12,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = false,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Pet"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttons"] = NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS,
+		["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 24,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 3,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; [pet, novehicleui, nooverridebar, nopossessbar] show; hide",
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
+	["Stance"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["style"] = "darkenInactive",
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+		["buttons"] = NUM_STANCE_SLOTS,
+		["buttonsPerRow"] = NUM_STANCE_SLOTS,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		["backdrop"] = false,
+		["buttonsize"] = 24,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 5,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; show",
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	}
+SV.configs["SVAura"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["disableBlizzard"] = true,
+	["font"] = "SVUI Number Font",
+	["fontSize"] = 12,
+	["fontOutline"] = "THINOUTLINE",
+	["countOffsetV"] = 0,
+	["countOffsetH"] = 0,
+	["timeOffsetV"] = -4,
+	["timeOffsetH"] = 0,
+	["hyperBuffs"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["filter"] = true,
+	},
+	["fadeBy"] = 5,
+	["buffs"] = {
+		["showBy"] = "LEFT_DOWN",
+		["wrapAfter"] = 12,
+		["maxWraps"] = 3,
+		["wrapXOffset"] = 6,
+		["wrapYOffset"] = 16,
+		["sortMethod"] = "TIME",
+		["sortDir"] = "-",
+		["isolate"] = 1,
+		["size"] = 32,
+	},
+	["debuffs"] = {
+		["showBy"] = "LEFT_DOWN",
+		["wrapAfter"] = 12,
+		["maxWraps"] = 1,
+		["wrapXOffset"] = 6,
+		["wrapYOffset"] = 16,
+		["sortMethod"] = "TIME",
+		["sortDir"] = "-",
+		["isolate"] = 1,
+		["size"] = 32,
+	},
+SV.configs["SVBag"] = {
+	["incompatible"] = {
+		["AdiBags"] = true,
+		["ArkInventory"] = true,
+		["Bagnon"] = true,
+	},
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["sortInverted"] = false,
+	["bags"] = {
+		["xOffset"] = -40,
+		["yOffset"] = 40,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+	},
+	["bank"] = {
+		["xOffset"] = 40,
+		["yOffset"] = 40,
+		["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+	},
+	["bagSize"] = 34,
+	["bankSize"] = 34,
+	["alignToChat"] = false,
+	["bagWidth"] = 525,
+	["bankWidth"] = 525,
+	["currencyFormat"] = "ICON",
+	["ignoreItems"] = "",
+	["bagTools"] = true,
+	["bagBar"] = {
+		["enable"] = false,
+		["showBy"] = "VERTICAL",
+		["sortDirection"] = "ASCENDING",
+		["size"] = 30,
+		["spacing"] = 4,
+		["showBackdrop"] = false,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+	},
+SV.configs["SVChat"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["tabHeight"] = 20,
+	["tabWidth"] = 75,
+	["tabStyled"] = true,
+	["font"] = "Roboto",
+	["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+	["tabFont"] = "SVUI Alert Font",
+	["tabFontSize"] = 10,
+	["tabFontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+	["url"] = true,
+	["shortChannels"] = true,
+	["hyperlinkHover"] = true,
+	["throttleInterval"] = 45,
+	["fade"] = false,
+	["sticky"] = true,
+	["smileys"] = true,
+	["secretWordTone"] = "None",
+	["psst"] = "Whisper Alert",
+	["noWipe"] = false,
+	["timeStampFormat"] = "NONE",
+	["secretWords"] = "%MYNAME%, SVUI",
+	["basicTools"] = true,
+SV.configs["SVDock"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["dockLeftWidth"] = 412,
+	["dockLeftHeight"] = 224,
+	["dockRightWidth"] = 412,
+	["dockRightHeight"] = 224,
+	["dockStatWidth"] = defaultStatBarWidth,
+	["buttonSize"] = 30,
+	["buttonSpacing"] = 4,
+	["leftDockBackdrop"] = true,
+	["rightDockBackdrop"] = true,
+	["topPanel"] = true,
+	["bottomPanel"] = true,
+	["docklets"] = {
+		["DockletMain"] = "None",
+		["MainWindow"] = "None",
+		["DockletExtra"] = "None",
+		["ExtraWindow"] = "None",
+		["enableExtra"] = false,
+		["DockletCombatFade"] = true
+	},
+SV.configs["SVGear"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["specialization"] = {
+		["enable"] = false,
+	},
+	["battleground"] = {
+		["enable"] = false,
+	},
+	["primary"] = "none",
+	["secondary"] = "none",
+	["equipmentset"] = "none",
+	["durability"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["onlydamaged"] = true,
+	},
+	["itemlevel"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+	},
+	["misc"] = {
+		setoverlay = true,
+	}
+SV.configs["SVHenchmen"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["autoRoll"] = false,
+	["vendorGrays"] = true,
+	["autoAcceptInvite"] = false,
+	["autorepchange"] = false,
+	["pvpautorelease"] = false,
+	["autoquestcomplete"] = false,
+	["autoquestreward"] = false,
+	["autoquestaccept"] = false,
+	["autodailyquests"] = false,
+	["autopvpquests"] = false,
+	["skipcinematics"] = false,
+	["mailOpener"] = true,
+	["autoRepair"] = "PLAYER",
+SV.configs["SVMap"] = {
+	["incompatible"] = {
+		["SexyMap"] = true,
+		["SquareMap"] = true,
+		["PocketPlot"] = true,
+	},
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["mapAlpha"] = 1,
+	["tinyWorldMap"] = true,
+	["size"] = 240,
+	["customshape"] = true,
+	["locationText"] = "CUSTOM",
+	["playercoords"] = "CUSTOM",
+	["bordersize"] = 6,
+	["bordercolor"] = "light",
+	["minimapbar"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["styleType"] = "HORIZONTAL",
+		["layoutDirection"] = "NORMAL",
+		["buttonSize"] = 28,
+		["mouseover"] = false,
+	},
+SV.configs["SVOverride"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["loot"] = true,
+	["lootRoll"] = true,
+	["lootRollWidth"] = 328,
+	["lootRollHeight"] = 28,
+SV.configs["SVPlate"] = {
+	["enable"] = true,
+	["filter"] = {},
+	["font"] = "SVUI Name Font",
+	["fontSize"] = 10,
+	["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+	["comboPoints"] = true,
+	["nonTargetAlpha"] = 0.6,
+	["combatHide"] = false,
+	["colorNameByValue"] = true,
+	["showthreat"] = true,
+	["targetcount"] = true,
+	["pointer"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["colorMatchHealthBar"] = true,
+		["color"] = {0.9, 1, 0.9},
+	},
+	["healthBar"] = {
+		["lowThreshold"] = 0.4,
+		["width"] = 108,
+		["height"] = 9,
+		["text"] = {
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["format"] = "CURRENT",
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+				["yOffset"] = -4,
+			},
+		},
+	},
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+			["xOffset"] = 0,
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+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
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+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
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+			["filterInfinite"] = true,
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+		},
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+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
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+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = false,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
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+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
+		},
+		["auraWatch"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 8,
+		},
+		["rdebuffs"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 26,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["yOffset"] = 2,
+		},
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+		{
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+			{
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+				["xOffset"] = 0,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
+		},
+	},
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+		["enable"] = true,
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+		["height"] = 28,
+		["gridAllowed"] = true,
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+			["power_alt"] = false,
+			["health_colored"] = true,
+			["health_type"] = "deficit",
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+			["name_length"] = 8,
+			["smartlevel"] = false,
+			["absorbs"] = false,
+			["threat"] = false,
+			["incoming"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
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+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
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+		{
+			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
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+			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
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+			["height"] = 28,
+		},
+	},
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+		["threatEnabled"] = true,
+		["rangeCheck"] = true,
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+		["height"] = 28,
+		["gridAllowed"] = true,
+		["formatting"] = {
+			["power_colored"] = true,
+			["power_type"] = "none",
+			["power_class"] = false,
+			["power_alt"] = false,
+			["health_colored"] = true,
+			["health_type"] = "deficit",
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+			["name_length"] = 8,
+			["smartlevel"] = false,
+			["absorbs"] = false,
+			["threat"] = false,
+			["incoming"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
+		["misc"] = {
+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
+		["health"] =
+		{
+			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
+			["position"] = "INNERRIGHT",
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+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["width"] = 120,
+			["height"] = 28,
+		},
+	}
+--[[ CACHE DATA ]]--
+    PRIEST = {
+        {-- Weakened Soul
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 6788,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 0, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Prayer of Mending
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 41635,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Renew
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 139,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Power Word: Shield
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 17,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.81, ["g"] = 0.85, ["b"] = 0.1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Power Word: Shield Power Insight
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 123258,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.81, ["g"] = 0.85, ["b"] = 0.1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Power Infusion
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 10060,
+            ["point"] = "RIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Guardian Spirit
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 47788,
+            ["point"] = "LEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.86, ["g"] = 0.44, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Pain Suppression
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 33206,
+            ["point"] = "LEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    DRUID = {
+        {-- Rejuvenation
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 774,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Regrowth
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 8936,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Lifebloom
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 33763,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Wild Growth
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 48438,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    PALADIN = {
+        {-- Beacon of Light
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 53563,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Protection
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 1022,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Freedom
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 1044,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.45, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Salvation
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 1038,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Sacrifice
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 6940,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.1, ["b"] = 0.1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Purity
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114039,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.64, ["g"] = 0.41, ["b"] = 0.72},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Sacred Shield
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 20925,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Eternal Flame
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114163,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.87, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.03},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    SHAMAN = {
+        {-- Riptide
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 61295,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Earth Shield
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 974,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Earthliving
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 51945,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.4},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    MONK = {
+        {--Renewing Mist
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 119611,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Life Cocoon
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 116849,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Enveloping Mist
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 132120,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Zen Sphere
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 124081,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
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+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    ROGUE = {
+        {-- Tricks of the Trade
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 57934,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    MAGE = {
+        {-- Ice Ward
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 111264,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    WARRIOR = {
+        {-- Vigilance
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114030,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Intervene
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 3411,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Safe Guard
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114029,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+        {-- Unholy Frenzy
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 49016,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    HUNTER = {},
+    WARLOCK = {},
+    NONE = {}
+local FilterIDs = {
+    ["Blocked"] = [[36900,36901,36893,114216,97821,36032,132365,8733,57724,25771,57723,36032,58539,26013,6788,71041,41425,55711,8326,23445,24755,25163,80354,95809,95223,124275,124274,124273,117870,123981,15007,113942,89140]],
+    ["Allowed"] = [[31821,2825,32182,80353,90355,47788,33206,116849,22812,1490,116202,123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
+    ["Strict"] = [[123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
+    ["CC"] = [[47476,91800,91807,91797,108194,115001,33786,2637,339,78675,22570,5211,9005,102359,99,127797,45334,102795,114238,113004,3355,1513,19503,34490,24394,64803,19386,117405,128405,50519,91644,90337,54706,4167,90327,56626,50245,50541,96201,96201,31661,118,55021,122,82691,118271,44572,33395,102051,20066,10326,853,105593,31935,105421,605,64044,8122,9484,15487,114404,88625,113792,87194,2094,1776,6770,1833,51722,1330,408,88611,115197,113953,51514,64695,63685,76780,118905,118345,710,6789,118699,5484,6358,30283,24259,115782,115268,118093,89766,137143,20511,7922,676,105771,107566,132168,107570,118895,18498,116706,117368,115078,122242,119392,119381,120086,116709,123407,140023,25046,20549,107079]],
+    ["Shield"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,115610,48797,48792,49039,87256,55233,50461,33206,47788,62618,47585,104773,110913,108359,22812,102342,106922,61336,19263,53480,1966,31224,74001,5277,45182,98007,30823,108271,1022,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,31850,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,20594]],
+    ["Player"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,45438,115610,110909,12051,12472,80353,12042,32612,110960,108839,111264,108843,48797,48792,49039,87256,49222,55233,50461,49016,51271,96268,33206,47788,62618,47585,6346,10060,114239,119032,27827,104773,110913,108359,113860,113861,113858,88448,22812,102342,106922,61336,117679,102543,102558,102560,16689,132158,106898,1850,106951,29166,52610,69369,112071,124974,19263,53480,51755,54216,34471,3045,3584,131894,90355,90361,31224,74001,5277,45182,51713,114018,2983,121471,11327,108212,57933,79140,13750,98007,30823,108271,16188,2825,79206,16191,8178,58875,108281,108271,16166,114896,1044,1022,1038,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,20925,31850,31884,53563,31842,54428,105809,85499,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,18499,1719,23920,114028,46924,3411,107574,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,125174,116841,20594,59545,20572,26297,68992]],
+    ["Raid"] = [[116281,116784,116417,116942,116161,117708,118303,118048,118135,117878,117949,116835,116778,116525,122761,122760,122740,123812,123180,123474,122835,123081,122125,121885,121949,117436,118091,117519,122752,123011,116161,123121,119985,119086,119775,122151,138349,137371,136767,137641,137359,137972,136903,136753,137633,137731,133767,133768,136050,138569,134691,137440,137408,137360,135000,143436,143579,147383,146124,144851,144358,144774,147207,144215,143990,144330,143494,142990,143919,143766,143773,146589,143777,143385,143974,145183]]
+local FilterOverrides = {
+    ["45438"] = 5, ["48797"] = 5, ["87256"] = 4,
+    ["33206"] = 3, ["47585"] = 5, ["22812"] = 2,
+    ["102342"] = 2, ["19263"] = 5, ["5277"] = 5,
+    ["1022"] = 5, ["31821"] = 3, ["498"] = 2,
+    ["642"] = 5, ["86659"] = 4, ["31850"] = 4,
+    ["118038"] = 5, ["114029"] = 2, ["871"] = 3,
+    ["120954"] = 2, ["131523"] = 5
+SV.configs["filter"] = {
+    ["CC"] = {},
+    ["Shield"] = {},
+    ["Player"] = {},
+    ["Blocked"] = {},
+    ["Allowed"] = {},
+    ["Strict"] = {},
+    ["Raid"] = {},
+    ["BuffWatch"] = BUFFWATCH_BY_CLASS[filterClass],
+    ["PetBuffWatch"] = {
+        {-- Frenzy
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 19615,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Mend Pet
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 136,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    }
+for k, x in pairs(FilterIDs) do
+    local src = {};
+    for id in x:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
+        if(id) then
+            local saved
+            local n = safename(id);
+            local p = FilterOverrides[tostring(id)] or 0;
+            if k == "Strict" then
+                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['spellID'] = id, ['priority'] = p}
+            else
+                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['priority'] = p}
+            end
+            src[n] = saved
+        end
+    end
+    SV.configs["filter"][k] = src
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/core.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/core.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0852c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/core.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+############################################################################## ]]--
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local unpack        = _G.unpack;
+local select        = _G.select;
+local assert        = _G.assert;
+local type          = _G.type;
+local error         = _G.error;
+local pcall         = _G.pcall;
+local print         = _G.print;
+local ipairs        = _G.ipairs;
+local pairs         = _G.pairs;
+local next          = _G.next;
+local rawset        = _G.rawset;
+local rawget        = _G.rawget;
+local tostring      = _G.tostring;
+local tonumber      = _G.tonumber;
+local getmetatable  = _G.getmetatable;
+local setmetatable  = _G.setmetatable;
+local string        = _G.string;
+local upper         = string.upper;
+local format        = string.format;
+local find          = string.find;
+local match         = string.match;
+local gsub          = string.gsub;
+local math          = _G.math;
+local floor         = math.floor
+local random        = math.random;
+local table         = _G.table;
+local tsort         = table.sort;
+local tconcat       = table.concat;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local twipe         = _G.wipe;
+local ReloadUI              = _G.ReloadUI;
+local GetLocale             = _G.GetLocale;
+local CreateFrame           = _G.CreateFrame;
+local IsAddOnLoaded         = _G.IsAddOnLoaded;
+local InCombatLockdown      = _G.InCombatLockdown;
+local GetAddOnInfo          = _G.GetAddOnInfo;
+local LoadAddOn             = _G.LoadAddOn;
+local SendAddonMessage      = _G.SendAddonMessage;
+local LibStub               = _G.LibStub;
+local GetAddOnMetadata      = _G.GetAddOnMetadata;
+local GetCVarBool           = _G.GetCVarBool;
+local GameTooltip           = _G.GameTooltip;
+local StaticPopup_Hide      = _G.StaticPopup_Hide;
+--[[  CONSTANTS ]]--
+_G.BINDING_HEADER_SVUI = "Supervillain UI";
+_G.SlashCmdList.RELOADUI = ReloadUI
+_G.SLASH_RELOADUI2 = "/reloadui"
+local SVLib = _G.LibSuperVillain;
+  /$$$$$$  /$$    /$$ /$$   /$$ /$$$$$$        /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$$
+ /$$__  $$| $$   | $$| $$  | $$|_  $$_/       /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$__  $$| $$_____/
+| $$  \__/| $$   | $$| $$  | $$  | $$        | $$  \__/| $$  \ $$| $$  \ $$| $$
+|  $$$$$$ |  $$ / $$/| $$  | $$  | $$        | $$      | $$  | $$| $$$$$$$/| $$$$$
+ \____  $$ \  $$ $$/ | $$  | $$  | $$        | $$      | $$  | $$| $$__  $$| $$__/
+ /$$  \ $$  \  $$$/  | $$  | $$  | $$        | $$    $$| $$  | $$| $$  \ $$| $$
+|  $$$$$$/   \  $/   |  $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$      |  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$/| $$  | $$| $$$$$$$$
+ \______/     \_/     \______/ |______/       \______/  \______/ |__/  |__/|________/
+--[[ LOCALS ]]--
+local callbacks = {};
+local numCallbacks = 0;
+local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
+local actualWidth, actualHeight = UIParent:GetSize()
+local messagePattern = "|cffFF2F00%s:|r";
+local debugPattern = "|cffFF2F00%s|r [|cff992FFF%s|r]|cffFF2F00:|r";
+local errorPattern = "|cffff0000Error -- |r|cffff9900Required addon '|r|cffffff00%s|r|cffff9900' is %s.|r"
+--[[ HELPERS ]]--
+local function _removedeprecated()
+    --[[ BEGIN DEPRECATED ]]--
+    --[[ END DEPRECATED ]]--
+local function _sendmessage(msg, prefix)
+    if(type(msg) == "table") then
+         msg = tostring(msg)
+    end
+    if(not msg) then return end
+    if(prefix) then
+        local outbound = ("%s %s"):format(prefix, msg);
+        print(outbound)
+    else
+        print(msg)
+    end
+local function RegisterCallback(self, m, h)
+    assert(type(m) == "string" or type(m) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :RegisterCallback (string or function expected)")
+    if type(m) == "string" then
+        assert(type(h) == "table", "Bad argument #2 to :RegisterCallback (table expected)")
+        assert(type(h[m]) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :RegisterCallback (m \"" .. m .. "\" not found)")
+        m = h[m]
+    end
+    callbacks[m] = h or true
+    numCallbacks = numCallbacks + 1
+local function UnregisterCallback(self, m, h)
+    assert(type(m) == "string" or type(m) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :UnregisterCallback (string or function expected)")
+    if type(m) == "string" then
+        assert(type(h) == "table", "Bad argument #2 to :UnregisterCallback (table expected)")
+        assert(type(h[m]) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :UnregisterCallback (m \"" .. m .. "\" not found)")
+        m = h[m]
+    end
+    callbacks[m] = nil
+    numCallbacks = numCallbacks + 1
+local function DispatchCallbacks()
+    if (numCallbacks < 1) then return end
+    for m, h in pairs(callbacks) do
+        local ok, err = pcall(m, h ~= true and h or nil)
+        if not ok then
+            print("ERROR:", err)
+        end
+    end
+    local env = getfenv(0)
+    env.SVUI_CLASS_COLORS = {}
+    local classes = {};
+    local supercolors = {
+        ["HUNTER"]        = { r = 0.454, g = 0.698, b = 0 },
+        ["WARLOCK"]       = { r = 0.286, g = 0,     b = 0.788 },
+        ["PRIEST"]        = { r = 0.976, g = 1,     b = 0.839 },
+        ["PALADIN"]       = { r = 0.956, g = 0.207, b = 0.733 },
+        ["MAGE"]          = { r = 0,     g = 0.796, b = 1 },
+        ["ROGUE"]         = { r = 1,     g = 0.894, b = 0.117 },
+        ["DRUID"]         = { r = 1,     g = 0.513, b = 0 },
+        ["SHAMAN"]        = { r = 0,     g = 0.38,  b = 1 },
+        ["WARRIOR"]       = { r = 0.698, g = 0.36,  b = 0.152 },
+        ["DEATHKNIGHT"]   = { r = 0.847, g = 0.117, b = 0.074 },
+        ["MONK"]          = { r = 0.015, g = 0.886, b = 0.38 },
+    };
+    for class in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
+        tinsert(classes, class)
+    end
+    tsort(classes)
+    setmetatable(SVUI_CLASS_COLORS,{
+        __index = function(t, k)
+            if k == "RegisterCallback" then return RegisterCallback end
+            if k == "UnregisterCallback" then return UnregisterCallback end
+            if k == "DispatchCallbacks" then return DispatchCallbacks end
+        end
+    });
+    for i, class in ipairs(classes) do
+        local color = supercolors[class]
+        local r, g, b = color.r, color.g, color.b
+        local hex = ("ff%02x%02x%02x"):format(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
+        if not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class] or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].r or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].g or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].b then
+            SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class] = {
+                r = r,
+                g = g,
+                b = b,
+                colorStr = hex,
+            }
+        end
+    end
+    classes = nil
+-- We have to send the names of our three SavedVariables files since the WoW API
+-- has no method for parsing them in LUA.
+local SVUI = SVLib:NewCore("SVUI_Global", "SVUI_Profile", "SVUI_Cache")
+SVUI.ConfigID           = "SVUI_ConfigOMatic";
+SVUI.class              = playerClass
+SVUI.ClassRole          = ""
+SVUI.UnitRole           = "NONE"
+SVUI.ConfigurationMode  = false
+SVUI.EffectiveScale     = 1
+SVUI.ActualHeight       = actualHeight
+SVUI.ActualWidth        = actualWidth
+SVUI.yScreenArea        = (actualHeight * 0.33)
+SVUI.xScreenArea        = (actualWidth * 0.33)
+SVUI.UIParent = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUIParent", UIParent);
+SVUI.UIParent:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER");
+SVUI.Cloaked = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent);
+SVUI.Options = {
+    type = "group",
+    name = "|cff339fffConfig-O-Matic|r",
+    args = {
+        plugins = {
+            order = -2,
+            type = "group",
+            name = "Plugins",
+            childGroups = "tab",
+            args = {
+                pluginheader = {
+                    order = 1,
+                    type = "header",
+                    name = "Supervillain Plugins",
+                },
+                pluginOptions = {
+                    order = 2,
+                    type = "group",
+                    name = "",
+                    args = {
+                        pluginlist = {
+                            order = 1,
+                            type = "group",
+                            name = "Summary",
+                            args = {
+                                active = {
+                                    order = 1,
+                                    type = "description",
+                                    name = function() return SVLib:GetPlugins() end
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+local commandments = {
+    {
+        "schemes diabolical",
+        "henchmen in-line",
+        "entrances grand",
+        "battles glorious",
+        "power absolute",
+    },
+    {
+        "traps inescapable",
+        "enemies overthrown",
+        "monologues short",
+        "victories infamous",
+        "identity a mystery",
+    }
+function SVUI:SetLoginMessage()
+    local first = commandments[1][random(1,5)]
+    local second = commandments[2][random(1,5)]
+    local logMsg1 = (self.L["LOGIN_MSG"]):format(first, second)
+    local logMsg2 = (self.L["LOGIN_MSG2"]):format(self.Version)
+    local outbound = (messagePattern):format(self.NameID)
+    _sendmessage(logMsg1, outbound)
+    _sendmessage(logMsg2, outbound)
+function SVUI:fubar() return end
+function SVUI:StaticPopup_Show(arg)
+    if arg == "ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN" then
+        StaticPopup_Hide(arg)
+    end
+function SVUI:Debugger(msg)
+    if(not self.DebugMode) then return end
+    local outbound = (debugPattern):format(self.NameID, "DEBUG")
+    _sendmessage(msg, outbound)
+function SVUI:AddonMessage(msg)
+    local outbound = (messagePattern):format(self.NameID)
+    _sendmessage(msg, outbound)
+function SVUI:ResetAllUI(confirmed)
+    if InCombatLockdown()then
+        SendAddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
+        return
+    end
+    if(not confirmed) then
+        self:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UI_CHECK')
+        return
+    end
+    self.Setup:Reset()
+function SVUI:ResetUI(confirmed)
+    if InCombatLockdown()then
+        SendAddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
+        return
+    end
+    if(not confirmed) then
+        self:StaticPopup_Show('RESETMOVERS_CHECK')
+        return
+    end
+    self.Mentalo:Reset()
+function SVUI:ImportProfile(key)
+    self.SystemAlert["COPY_PROFILE_PROMPT"].text = "Are you sure you want to copy the profile '" .. key .. "'?"
+    self.SystemAlert["COPY_PROFILE_PROMPT"].OnAccept = function() SVLib:ImportDatabase(key) end
+    self:StaticPopup_Show("COPY_PROFILE_PROMPT")
+function SVUI:ToggleConfig()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then
+        SendAddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
+        self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+        return
+    end
+    if not IsAddOnLoaded(self.ConfigID) then
+        local _,_,_,_,_,state = GetAddOnInfo(self.ConfigID)
+        if state ~= "MISSING" and state ~= "DISABLED" then
+            LoadAddOn(self.ConfigID)
+            local config_version = GetAddOnMetadata(self.ConfigID, "Version")
+            if(tonumber(config_version) < 4) then
+                self:StaticPopup_Show("CLIENT_UPDATE_REQUEST")
+            end
+        else
+            local errorMessage = (errorPattern):format(self.ConfigID, state)
+            self:AddonMessage(errorMessage)
+            return
+        end
+    end
+    local aceConfig = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
+    local switch = not aceConfig.OpenFrames[self.NameID] and "Open" or "Close"
+    aceConfig[switch](aceConfig, self.NameID)
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+function SVUI:TaintHandler(taint, sourceName, sourceFunc)
+    if GetCVarBool('scriptErrors') ~= 1 then return end
+    local errorString = ("Error Captured: %s->%s->{%s}"):format(taint, sourceName or "Unknown", sourceFunc or "Unknown")
+    self:AddonMessage(errorString)
+    self:StaticPopup_Show("TAINT_RL")
+function SVUI:VersionCheck()
+    local minimumVersion = 4.06;
+    local installedVersion = SVLib:GetSafeData("install_version");
+    if(installedVersion) then
+        if(type(installedVersion) == "string") then
+            installedVersion = tonumber(installedVersion)
+        end
+        if(type(installedVersion) == "number" and installedVersion < minimumVersion) then
+            --_removedeprecated()  -- No current deprecated entries to remove
+            self.Setup:Install(true)
+        end
+    else
+        self.Setup:Install(true)
+    end
+function SVUI:RefreshEverything(bypass)
+    self:RefreshAllSystemMedia();
+    self.UIParent:Hide();
+    self.Mentalo:SetPositions();
+    SVLib:RefreshAll();
+    self.UIParent:Show();
+    if not bypass then
+        self:VersionCheck()
+    end
+    if(not self.RoleIsSet) then
+        self:PlayerInfoUpdate()
+    end
+    if(not self.MediaInitialized) then
+        self:RefreshAllSystemMedia()
+    end
+    local _,instanceType = IsInInstance()
+    if(instanceType == "pvp") then
+        self.BGTimer = self.Timers:ExecuteLoop(RequestBattlefieldScoreData, 5)
+    elseif(self.BGTimer) then
+        self.Timers:RemoveLoop(self.BGTimer)
+        self.BGTimer = nil
+    end
+    if(not InCombatLockdown()) then
+        collectgarbage("collect")
+    end
+    self:PushDisplayAudit()
+    SVLib:LiveUpdate()
+    self:FlushDisplayAudit()
+    self:PushDisplayAudit()
+    SVLib:LiveUpdate()
+    local forceClosed = false;
+    if(IsAddOnLoaded(self.ConfigID)) then
+        local aceConfig=LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
+        if aceConfig.OpenFrames[self.NameID] then
+            self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED")
+            aceConfig:Close(self.NameID)
+            forceClosed = true
+        end
+    end
+    if(self.Mentalo.Frames) then
+        for frame,_ in pairs(self.Mentalo.Frames) do
+            if _G[frame] and _G[frame]:IsShown() then
+                forceClosed = true;
+                _G[frame]:Hide()
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if(HenchmenFrameModel and HenchmenFrame and HenchmenFrame:IsShown()) then
+        HenchmenFrame:Hide()
+        HenchmenFrameBG:Hide()
+        forceClosed = true;
+    end
+    if forceClosed == true then
+        self:AddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
+    end
+    if(self.NeedsFrameAudit) then
+        self:PushDisplayAudit()
+    end
+    self:ToggleConfig()
+    self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED")
+function SVUI:TaintHandler(event, taint, sourceName, sourceFunc)
+    if GetCVarBool('scriptErrors') ~= 1 then return end
+    local errorString = ("Error Captured: %s->%s->{%s}"):format(taint, sourceName or "Unknown", sourceFunc or "Unknown")
+    self:AddonMessage(errorString)
+function SVUI:ReLoad()
+    self.Timers:ClearAllTimers();
+    self:RefreshAllSystemMedia();
+    self.Mentalo:SetPositions();
+    self:AddonMessage("All user settings reloaded");
+function SVUI:Load()
+    self.Timers:ClearAllTimers()
+    local rez = GetCVar("gxResolution");
+    local gxHeight = tonumber(match(rez,"%d+x(%d+)"));
+    local gxWidth = tonumber(match(rez,"(%d+)x%d+"));
+    SVLib:Initialize()
+    self.DisplaySettings = SVLib:NewGlobal("Display")
+    if(not self.DisplaySettings.screenheight or (self.DisplaySettings.screenheight and type(self.DisplaySettings.screenheight) ~= "number")) then
+        self.DisplaySettings.screenheight = gxHeight
+    end
+    if(not self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth or (self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth and type(self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth) ~= "number")) then
+        self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth = gxWidth
+    end
+    self:UI_SCALE_CHANGED();
+    self:RefreshSystemFonts();
+    self:LoadSystemAlerts();
+    self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED');
+function SVUI:Initialize()
+    SVLib:Launch();
+    self:PlayerInfoUpdate();
+    self.Mentalo:Initialize()
+    self:VersionCheck()
+    self:RefreshAllSystemMedia();
+    hooksecurefunc("StaticPopup_Show", self.StaticPopup_Show)
+    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
+    self:RegisterEvent("UI_SCALE_CHANGED");
+    self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_CLOSE");
+    self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START");
+    self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED", "TaintHandler");
+    self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN", "TaintHandler");
+    self:RegisterEvent("ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED", "PlayerInfoUpdate");
+    self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE", "PlayerInfoUpdate");
+    self:RegisterEvent("CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED", "PlayerInfoUpdate");
+    self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED", "PlayerInfoUpdate");
+    self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR", "PlayerInfoUpdate");
+    SVLib:RefreshModule("SVMap");
+    collectgarbage("collect")
+    if self.db.general.loginmessage then
+        self:SetLoginMessage()
+    end
+local LemonPledge = 0;
+local Consuela = CreateFrame("Frame")
+Consuela:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
+    LemonPledge = LemonPledge  +  1
+    if(InCombatLockdown()) then return end;
+    if(LemonPledge > 10000) then
+        collectgarbage("collect");
+        LemonPledge = 0;
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/load.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/load.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bf48f8a..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/load.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-	______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-	 _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-	  __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-	   _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-		___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack    = _G.unpack;
-local select    = _G.select;
-local pairs     = _G.pairs;
-local type      = _G.type;
-local tonumber  = _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert   = _G.tinsert;
-local string    = _G.string;
-local table     = _G.table;
-local format, match = string.format, string.match;
---[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
-local tcopy = table.copy;
-local SV = select(2, ...)
-local SVLib = _G.LibSuperVillain
-local L = SV.L
-local NewHook = hooksecurefunc;
-local playerClass = select(2,UnitClass("player"));
-local function DeleteOldSavedVars()
-    --[[ END DEPRECATED ]]--
-function SV:VersionCheck()
-	local minimumVersion = 4.06;
-	local installedVersion = SVLib:GetSafeData("install_version");
-	if(installedVersion) then
-		if(type(installedVersion) == "string") then
-			installedVersion = tonumber(installedVersion)
-		end
-		if(type(installedVersion) == "number" and installedVersion < minimumVersion) then
-			--DeleteOldSavedVars()  -- No current deprecated entries to remove
-			self.Setup:Install(true)
-		end
-	else
-		self.Setup:Install(true)
-	end
-function SV:RefreshEverything(bypass)
-	self:RefreshAllSystemMedia();
-	self.UIParent:Hide();
-	self.Mentalo:SetPositions();
-	SVLib:RefreshAll();
-	self.UIParent:Show();
-	if not bypass then
-		self:VersionCheck()
-	end
-function SV:ReLoad()
-	self.Timers:ClearAllTimers();
-	self:RefreshAllSystemMedia();
-	self.Mentalo:SetPositions();
-	self:AddonMessage("All user settings reloaded");
-function SV:Load()
-	self.Timers:ClearAllTimers()
-	local rez = GetCVar("gxResolution");
-	local gxHeight = tonumber(match(rez,"%d+x(%d+)"));
-	local gxWidth = tonumber(match(rez,"(%d+)x%d+"));
-    SVLib:Initialize()
-    self.DisplaySettings = SVLib:NewGlobal("Display")
-    if(not self.DisplaySettings.screenheight or (self.DisplaySettings.screenheight and type(self.DisplaySettings.screenheight) ~= "number")) then
-    	self.DisplaySettings.screenheight = gxHeight
-    end
-    if(not self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth or (self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth and type(self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth) ~= "number")) then
-    	self.DisplaySettings.screenwidth = gxWidth
-    end
-	self:ScreenCalibration();
-	self:RefreshSystemFonts();
-	self:LoadSystemAlerts();
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED');
-	self.AddonLoaded = true
-function SV:Launch()
-	SVLib:Launch();
-	self:ScreenCalibration("PLAYER_LOGIN");
-	self:DefinePlayerRole();
-	self.Mentalo:Initialize()
-	self:VersionCheck()
-	self:RefreshAllSystemMedia();
-	NewHook("StaticPopup_Show", self.StaticPopup_Show)
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("UI_SCALE_CHANGED");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_CLOSE");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED");
-	self.UIParent:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR");
-	SVLib:RefreshModule("SVMap");
-	collectgarbage("collect")
-	if self.db.general.loginmessage then
-		local logMsg = (L["LOGIN_MSG"]):format("|cffFFFF1A", "|cffAA78FF", self.Version)
-		self:AddonMessage(logMsg);
-	end
-	self.AddonLaunched = true
-local SVUISystem_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
-	if(event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg == "SVUI") then
-		if(not SV.AddonLoaded) then
-			SV:Load()
-			self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
-		end
-	end
-	if(event == "PLAYER_LOGIN") then
-		if(not SV.AddonLaunched and IsLoggedIn()) then
-			SV:Launch()
-			self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
-		end
-	end
-		SV:DefinePlayerRole()
-	elseif(event == "UI_SCALE_CHANGED") then
-		SV:ScreenCalibration("UI_SCALE_CHANGED")
-	elseif(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
-		if(not SV.RoleIsSet) then
-			SV:DefinePlayerRole()
-		end
-		if(not SV.MediaInitialized) then
-			SV:RefreshAllSystemMedia()
-		end
-		local _,instanceType = IsInInstance()
-		if(instanceType == "pvp") then
-			SV.BGTimer = SV.Timers:ExecuteLoop(RequestBattlefieldScoreData, 5)
-		elseif(SV.BGTimer) then
-			SV.Timers:RemoveLoop(SV.BGTimer)
-			SV.BGTimer = nil
-		end
-		if(not InCombatLockdown()) then
-			collectgarbage("collect")
-		end
-	elseif(event == "PET_BATTLE_CLOSE") then
-		SV:PushDisplayAudit()
-	elseif(event == "PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START") then
-		SV:FlushDisplayAudit()
-	elseif(event == "ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED" or event == "ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN") then
-		SV:TaintHandler(arg, ...)
-	elseif(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
-		local forceClosed = false;
-		if IsAddOnLoaded(SV.ConfigID) then
-			local aceConfig=LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
-			if aceConfig.OpenFrames[SV.NameID] then
-				self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
-				aceConfig:Close(SV.NameID)
-				forceClosed = true
-			end
-		end
-		if SV.Mentalo.Frames then
-			for frame,_ in pairs(SV.Mentalo.Frames) do
-				if _G[frame] and _G[frame]:IsShown() then
-					forceClosed = true;
-					_G[frame]:Hide()
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if(HenchmenFrameModel and HenchmenFrame and HenchmenFrame:IsShown()) then
-			HenchmenFrame:Hide()
-			HenchmenFrameBG:Hide()
-			forceClosed = true;
-		end
-		if forceClosed == true then
-			SV:AddonMessage(ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT)
-		end
-	elseif(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
-		SV:ToggleConfig()
-		self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
-	end
-SV.UIParent:SetScript("OnEvent", SVUISystem_OnEvent)
-local LemonPledge = 0;
-local Consuela = CreateFrame("Frame")
-Consuela:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
-	LemonPledge = LemonPledge  +  1
-	if(InCombatLockdown()) then return end;
-	if(LemonPledge > 10000) then
-		collectgarbage("collect");
-		LemonPledge = 0;
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/media.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/media.lua
index cc169e0..abff273 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/media.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/media.lua
@@ -127,9 +127,12 @@ LSM:Register("font","SVUI Pixel Font",[[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\fonts\Pixel
+SV.Media = {}
   local myclass = select(2,UnitClass("player"))
   local cColor1 = SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[myclass]
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/utilities.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/utilities.lua
index 93ac86c..396b76f 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/utilities.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/utilities.lua
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ elseif(PlayerClass == "PALADIN") then
     RefUnitRoles = {"HEALER", "TANK", "DAMAGER"}

-function SV:DefinePlayerRole()
+function SV:PlayerInfoUpdate()
     local spec = GetSpecialization()
     local role, unitRole;
     if spec then
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/visibility.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/visibility.lua
index 3836bdf..8383d94 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/visibility.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/visibility.lua
@@ -36,10 +36,8 @@ local L = SV.L;
-local DisplayEventHandler = CreateFrame("Frame");
-local DisplayFrames = {};
 local SecureFadeManager = CreateFrame("Frame");
-local SecureFadeFrames = {};
+local DisplayFrames, SecureFadeFrames = {}, {};
@@ -52,28 +50,21 @@ function SV:AddToDisplayAudit(frame)

 function SV:FlushDisplayAudit()
-    if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-    for frame,_ in pairs(DisplayFrames)do
-        frame:SetParent(SV.Cloaked)
-    end
-    DisplayEventHandler:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
+    if(InCombatLockdown()) then return end
+    for frame, _ in pairs(DisplayFrames)do
+        frame:SetParent(self.Cloaked)
+    end
+    self.NeedsFrameAudit = true

 function SV:PushDisplayAudit()
-    if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-    local default = self.UIParent
-    for frame,parent in pairs(DisplayFrames)do
-        frame:SetParent(parent or default)
-    end
-    DisplayEventHandler:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
-local DisplayAudit_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
-    SV:PushDisplayAudit()
+    if(InCombatLockdown()) then return end
+    for frame, parent in pairs(DisplayFrames)do
+        frame:SetParent(parent or self.UIParent)
+    end
+    self.NeedsFrameAudit = false

-DisplayEventHandler:SetScript("OnEvent", DisplayAudit_OnEvent)
 local function SafeFrameRemoval(table, item)
     local index = 1;
     while table[index] do
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/_load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adbd8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/_load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Include file='system.xml'/>
+	<Include file='widgets.xml'/>
+	<Include file='mentalo.xml'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/mentalo.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/mentalo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6471e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/mentalo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Frame name="SVUI_MentaloPrecision" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
+        <Size x="130" y="60"/>
+        <Anchors>
+            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
+        </Anchors>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+                <Texture name="$parentBG" setAllPoints="true"/>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="OVERLAY">
+                <Texture name="$parentTitleBG">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="0" y="30"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
+                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="Focused Position">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </FontString>
+                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="X">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="LEFT">
+                            <Offset x="-3" y="0"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
+                </FontString>
+                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="Y">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="3" y="0"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
+                </FontString>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+        <Frames>
+            <EditBox name="$parentSetX" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
+                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
+                        <Offset x="-12" y="3"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnEscapePressed>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                    </OnEscapePressed>
+                    <OnEditFocusLost>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnEditFocusLost>
+                    <OnShow>
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnShow>
+                </Scripts>
+            </EditBox>
+            <EditBox name="$parentSetY" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
+                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
+                        <Offset x="12" y="3"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnEscapePressed>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                    </OnEscapePressed>
+                    <OnEditFocusLost>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnEditFocusLost>
+                    <OnShow>
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnShow>
+                </Scripts>
+            </EditBox>
+            <Button name="$parentUpButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
+                        <Offset x="10" y="-3"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "UP");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$parentDownButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+                        <Offset x="2" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "DOWN");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$parentRightButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
+                        <Offset x="-20" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "RIGHT");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$parentLeftButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentRightButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
+                        <Offset x="-2" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "LEFT");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+        </Frames>
+    </Frame>
+    <Frame name="SVUI_Mentalo" movable="true" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
+        <Size x="300" y="30"/>
+        <Anchors>
+            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
+        </Anchors>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+                <Texture name="$parentBG" setAllPoints="true"/>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="OVERLAY">
+                <Texture name="$parentTitleBG">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="0" y="-30"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
+                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="SystemFont_Small" justifyH="LEFT" text="Mentalo The Frame Mover!">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG">
+                            <Offset x="4" y="0"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG"/>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="1" a="1"/>
+                </FontString>
+                <FontString parentKey="SubTitle" inherits="FriendsFont_Small" justifyH="CENTER" text="Right-click frames to move with precision.">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+                            <Offset x="4" y="-4"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="-4" y="-4"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="0" a="0.8"/>
+                </FontString>
+                <Texture parentKey="Avatar" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Doodads\MENTALO-OFF">
+                    <Size x="132" y="132"/>
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="TOP"/>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+        <Frames>
+            <Button name="$parentLockButton" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="Lock">
+                <Size x="96" y="24"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG">
+                        <Offset x="-4" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+            </Button>
+        </Frames>
+        <Scripts>
+            <OnHide>
+                _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecision"]:Hide();
+            </OnHide>
+            <OnDragStart>
+                self.moving = true;
+                self:StartMoving();
+            </OnDragStart>
+            <OnDragStop>
+                self.moving = nil;
+                self:StopMovingOrSizing();
+            </OnDragStop>
+        </Scripts>
+    </Frame>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml
index 4beb4ad..dc0c93f 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml
@@ -93,240 +93,4 @@
-    <Frame name="SVUI_MentaloPrecision" inherits="SVUI_PanelTemplate" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
-        <Size x="130" y="60"/>
-        <Anchors>
-            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
-        </Anchors>
-        <Layers>
-            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
-                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="Focused Position">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-                    </Anchors>
-                </FontString>
-                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="X">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="LEFT">
-                            <Offset x="-3" y="0"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
-                </FontString>
-                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="Y">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-                            <Offset x="3" y="0"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
-                </FontString>
-            </Layer>
-        </Layers>
-        <Frames>
-            <EditBox name="$parentSetX" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
-                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
-                        <Offset x="-12" y="3"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnEscapePressed>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                    </OnEscapePressed>
-                    <OnEditFocusLost>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnEditFocusLost>
-                    <OnShow>
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnShow>
-                </Scripts>
-            </EditBox>
-            <EditBox name="$parentSetY" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
-                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
-                        <Offset x="12" y="3"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnEscapePressed>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                    </OnEscapePressed>
-                    <OnEditFocusLost>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnEditFocusLost>
-                    <OnShow>
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnShow>
-                </Scripts>
-            </EditBox>
-            <Button name="$parentUpButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
-                        <Offset x="10" y="-3"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "UP");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$parentDownButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-                        <Offset x="2" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "DOWN");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$parentRightButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
-                        <Offset x="-20" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "RIGHT");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$parentLeftButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentRightButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
-                        <Offset x="-2" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "LEFT");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-        </Frames>
-    </Frame>
-    <Frame name="SVUI_Mentalo" movable="true" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
-        <Size x="300" y="30"/>
-        <Anchors>
-            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
-        </Anchors>
-        <Layers>
-            <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-                <Texture name="$parentBG" setAllPoints="true"/>
-            </Layer>
-            <Layer level="OVERLAY">
-                <Texture name="$parentTitleBG">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
-                            <Offset x="0" y="-30"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                </Texture>
-            </Layer>
-            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
-                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="SystemFont_Small" justifyH="LEFT" text="Mentalo The Frame Mover!">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG">
-                            <Offset x="4" y="0"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG"/>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="1" a="1"/>
-                </FontString>
-                <FontString parentKey="SubTitle" inherits="FriendsFont_Small" justifyH="CENTER" text="Right-click frames to move with precision.">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
-                            <Offset x="4" y="-4"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
-                            <Offset x="-4" y="-4"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="0" a="0.8"/>
-                </FontString>
-                <Texture parentKey="Avatar" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Doodads\MENTALO-OFF">
-                    <Size x="132" y="132"/>
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="TOP"/>
-                    </Anchors>
-                </Texture>
-            </Layer>
-        </Layers>
-        <Frames>
-            <Button name="$parentLockButton" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="Lock">
-                <Size x="96" y="24"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG">
-                        <Offset x="-4" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-            </Button>
-        </Frames>
-        <Scripts>
-            <OnHide>
-                _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecision"]:Hide();
-            </OnHide>
-            <OnDragStart>
-                self.moving = true;
-                self:StartMoving();
-            </OnDragStart>
-            <OnDragStop>
-                self.moving = nil;
-                self:StopMovingOrSizing();
-            </OnDragStop>
-        </Scripts>
-    </Frame>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/widgets.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/widgets.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4acae67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/widgets.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+    <Frame name="SVUI_ShadowTemplate" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="shadowAlpha" type="number" value="0.5" />
+        </Attributes>
+        <Backdrop edgeFile="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\GLOW">
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+            <BorderColor r="0" g="0" b="0" a="0.5" />
+        </Backdrop>
+    </Frame>
+	<Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_Default" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="default" />
+            <Attribute name="panelGradient" type="string" value="default" />
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+            <Attribute name="panelSkipUpdate" type="boolean" value="false" />
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+        <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8" edgeFile="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8" tile="false">
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+            <BorderColor r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="1">
+                <Texture parentKey="Skin" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT" setAllPoints="true" />
+                <Color r="0.2" g="0.2" b="0.2" a="1" />
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="BORDER">
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderLeft" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                    </Anchors>
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+                        <AbsDimension x="1" />
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+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderRight" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension x="1" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderTop" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="1" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderBottom" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="1" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
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+    <Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_Transparent" virtual="true">
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+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="transparent" />
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+            <Attribute name="panelSkipUpdate" type="boolean" value="true" />
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+        <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8" edgeFile="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8" tile="false">
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+            <Layer level="BORDER">
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderLeft" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderRight" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderTop" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
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+                        <AbsDimension y="1" />
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+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderBottom" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="1" />
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+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
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+    <Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_Component" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="default" />
+            <Attribute name="panelGradient" type="string" value="default" />
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+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="1">
+                <Texture parentKey="Skin" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT" setAllPoints="true" />
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+            <Layer level="BORDER">
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderLeft" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
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+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderRight" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderTop" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderBottom" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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+        <Frames>
+            <Frame parentKey="Shadow" inherits="SVUI_ShadowTemplate" />
+        </Frames>
+    </Frame>
+    <Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_Button" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="default" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderTop" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
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+                <Texture parentKey="BorderBottom" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
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+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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+            <Frame parentKey="Shadow" inherits="SVUI_ShadowTemplate" />
+        </Frames>
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+            <BorderColor r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+        </Backdrop>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="1">
+                <Texture parentKey="Skin" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT" setAllPoints="true" />
+                <Color r="0.2" g="0.2" b="0.2" a="1" />
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="2">
+                <Texture parentKey="ExtendedTopLeft" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\HALFTONE_TOPLEFT">
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+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOP" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="LEFT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="0.05" g="0.05" b="0.05" a="0.5" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="ExtendedTopRight" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\HALFTONE_TOPRIGHT">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOP" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="RIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="0.05" g="0.05" b="0.05" a="0.5" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="ExtendedBottomLeft" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\HALFTONE_BOTTOMLEFT">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOM" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="LEFT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="0.1" g="0.1" b="0.1" a="0.5" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="ExtendedBottomRight" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\Extended\HALFTONE_BOTTOMRIGHT">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOM" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="RIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="0.1" g="0.1" b="0.1" a="0.5" />
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="BORDER">
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderLeft" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension x="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderRight" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension x="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderTop" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderBottom" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+        <Frames>
+            <Frame parentKey="Shadow" inherits="SVUI_ShadowTemplate" />
+        </Frames>
+    </Frame>
+    <Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_Blackout" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="transparent" />
+            <Attribute name="panelGradient" type="boolean" value="false" />
+            <Attribute name="panelTexUpdate" type="boolean" value="false" />
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+            <Attribute name="panelOffset" type="number" value="2" />
+            <Attribute name="panelSkipUpdate" type="boolean" value="false" />
+        </Attributes>
+        <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8" edgeFile="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8" tile="false">
+            <EdgeSize val="2" />
+            <TileSize val="0" />
+            <BackgroundInsets left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" />
+            <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="0.5" />
+            <BorderColor r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+        </Backdrop>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="1">
+                <Texture parentKey="Skin" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT" setAllPoints="true" />
+                <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="0.5" />
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="BORDER">
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderLeft" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension x="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderRight" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension x="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderTop" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+                <Texture parentKey="BorderBottom" file="Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension y="2" />
+                    </Size>
+                    <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1" />
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+        <Frames>
+            <Frame parentKey="Shadow" inherits="SVUI_ShadowTemplate" />
+        </Frames>
+    </Frame>
+    <Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_UnitLarge" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="special" />
+            <Attribute name="panelGradient" type="boolean" value="false" />
+            <Attribute name="panelTexUpdate" type="boolean" value="true" />
+            <Attribute name="panelPadding" type="number" value="0" />
+            <Attribute name="panelOffset" type="number" value="3" />
+            <Attribute name="panelSkipUpdate" type="boolean" value="false" />
+            <Attribute name="panelNoBackdrop" type="boolean" value="true" />
+        </Attributes>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="1">
+                <Texture parentKey="Skin" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Unitframe\Background\UNIT-BG1" setAllPoints="true" />
+                <Color r="0.37" g="0.32" b="0.29" a="1" />
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+    </Frame>
+    <Frame name="SVUI_PanelTemplate_UnitSmall" virtual="true">
+        <Attributes>
+            <Attribute name="panelColor" type="string" value="special" />
+            <Attribute name="panelGradient" type="boolean" value="false" />
+            <Attribute name="panelTexUpdate" type="boolean" value="true" />
+            <Attribute name="panelPadding" type="number" value="0" />
+            <Attribute name="panelOffset" type="number" value="3" />
+            <Attribute name="panelSkipUpdate" type="boolean" value="false" />
+            <Attribute name="panelNoBackdrop" type="boolean" value="true" />
+        </Attributes>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="1">
+                <Texture parentKey="Skin" nonBlocking="true" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Unitframe\Background\UNIT-SMALL-BG1" setAllPoints="true" />
+                <Color r="0.37" g="0.32" b="0.29" a="1" />
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+    </Frame>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ChatOMatic/SVUI_ChatOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ChatOMatic/SVUI_ChatOMatic.toc
index ffc27ea..f2775bd 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ChatOMatic/SVUI_ChatOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ChatOMatic/SVUI_ChatOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Chat-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFVarious Chat Gadgets|r]
 ## SavedVariables: ChatOMatic_Data
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc
index c6b20a4..1a96515 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Config-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFConfig Options|r]
 ## RequiredDeps: SVUI
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/components/bag.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/components/bag.lua
index a82f95a..3781d9f 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/components/bag.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/components/bag.lua
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ SV.Options.args.SVBag = {
 							min = 15,
 							max = 45,
 							step = 1,
-							set = function(a,b) MOD:ChangeDBVar(b,a[#a]) MOD:RefreshBagFrames("BagFrame") end
+							set = function(a,b) MOD:ChangeDBVar(b,a[#a]) MOD:RefreshBagFrames("BagFrame") end,
+							disabled = function()return SV.db.SVBag.alignToChat end
 						bankSize = {
 							order = 2,
@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ SV.Options.args.SVBag = {
 							min = 15,
 							max = 45,
 							step = 1,
-							set = function(a,b) MOD:ChangeDBVar(b,a[#a]) MOD:RefreshBagFrames("BankFrame") end
+							set = function(a,b) MOD:ChangeDBVar(b,a[#a]) MOD:RefreshBagFrames("BankFrame") end,
+							disabled = function()return SV.db.SVBag.alignToChat end
 						sortInverted = {
 							order = 3,
@@ -161,8 +163,8 @@ SV.Options.args.SVBag = {
 						alignToChat = {
 							order = 1,
 							type = "toggle",
-							name = L["Align To Chat"],
-							desc = L["Align the width of the bag frame to fit inside the chat box."],
+							name = L["Align To Docks"],
+							desc = L["Align the width of the bag frame to fit inside dock windows."],
 							set = function(a,b)MOD:ChangeDBVar(b,a[#a]) MOD:RefreshBagFrames() end
 						bags = {
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_CraftOMatic/SVUI_CraftOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_CraftOMatic/SVUI_CraftOMatic.toc
index 168e57a..f50e954 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_CraftOMatic/SVUI_CraftOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_CraftOMatic/SVUI_CraftOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Craft-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFProfession Tools|r].
 ## Interface: 60000
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_FightOMatic/SVUI_FightOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_FightOMatic/SVUI_FightOMatic.toc
index c43eaec..c1d3f7e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_FightOMatic/SVUI_FightOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_FightOMatic/SVUI_FightOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Fight-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFPvP Tools|r].
 ## SavedVariables: FightOMatic_Data
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_LogOMatic/SVUI_LogOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_LogOMatic/SVUI_LogOMatic.toc
index 1438078..de8f577 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_LogOMatic/SVUI_LogOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_LogOMatic/SVUI_LogOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Log-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFData Logging|r].
 ## SavedVariables: LogOMatic_Data
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc
index 8ccf115..adcc9be 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch, Azilroka, Sortokk
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Style-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFAddon Skins|r].
 ## RequiredDeps: SVUI
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/challenges.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/challenges.lua
index 1ad71b2..a3e6805 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/challenges.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/challenges.lua
@@ -38,16 +38,17 @@ local function ChallengesFrameStyle()
   select(10, ChallengesFrameDetails:GetRegions()):Hide()
   select(11, ChallengesFrameDetails:GetRegions()):Hide()
   ChallengesFrameDungeonButton1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ChallengesFrame, "TOPLEFT", 8, -83)
   for u = 1, 9 do
     local v = ChallengesFrame["button"..u]
-    v:SetButtonTemplate()
     v.selectedTex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -1)
     v.selectedTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 1)
-  v.NoMedal:Die()
-  end
+    v.NoMedal:Die()
+  end
   for u = 1, 3 do
     local F = ChallengesFrame["RewardRow"..u]
     for A = 1, 2 do
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/encounterjournal.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/encounterjournal.lua
index e807a0a..db59c68 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/encounterjournal.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/encounterjournal.lua
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ local function EncounterJournalStyle()

+  EncounterJournalInstanceSelectScrollDownButton:SetButtonTemplate()
+  EncounterJournalInstanceSelectScrollDownButton:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Icons\MOVE-DOWN]])


diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/inspect.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/inspect.lua
index 8e41af9..24543de 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/inspect.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/inspect.lua
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ local function InspectStyle()
 		local r = GetInventoryItemQuality(unit, q:GetID())
 		if r and q.Panel then
 			local s, t, f = GetItemQualityColor(r)
-			q.Panel:SetBackdropBorderColor(s, t, f)
+			q:SetBackdropBorderColor(s, t, f)
 		elseif q.Panel then
-			q.Panel:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,1)
+			q:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,1)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/lfd.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/lfd.lua
index bd04c57..b794649 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/lfd.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/lfd.lua
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ local function LFDFrameStyle()
-      button:SetFixedPanelTemplate('Button')
+      button:SetPanelTemplate('Button')
       button.icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/loothistory.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/loothistory.lua
index 8b5c624..06b03ea 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/loothistory.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/loothistory.lua
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ local _hook_MasterLootFrame_OnShow = function()
     icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
-    item.Panel:SetBackdropBorderColor(colors.r, colors.g, colors.b)
+    item:SetBackdropBorderColor(colors.r, colors.g, colors.b)
   for i = 1, MasterLooterFrame:GetNumChildren()do
     local child = select(i, MasterLooterFrame:GetChildren())
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/petjournal.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/petjournal.lua
index 7b1b302..7695f78 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/petjournal.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/petjournal.lua
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ local function PetJournal_UpdatePets()
 			if N then
 				local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[N-1]
 				if d.Panel then
-					d.Panel:SetBackdropBorderColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+					d:SetBackdropBorderColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
 				if d.IconShadow then
 					d.IconShadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
 				if d.Panel then
-					d.Panel:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.5)
+					d:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.5)
 				if d.IconShadow then
 					d.IconShadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.5)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/style_methods.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/style_methods.lua
index e82ca79..63657d1 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/style_methods.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/style_methods.lua
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ function STYLE:ApplyScrollBarStyle(this)
-    this.Panel:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.2,0.2,0.2)
+    this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.2,0.2,0.2)

 	this.StyleHooked = true
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_TrackOMatic/SVUI_TrackOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_TrackOMatic/SVUI_TrackOMatic.toc
index 78cb107..c216e6d 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_TrackOMatic/SVUI_TrackOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_TrackOMatic/SVUI_TrackOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 60000
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.9
+## Version: 5.0
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Track-O-Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFRaid & Party Member Tracking|r].
 ## RequiredDeps: SVUI
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc7cf2
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SILVER-BUTTON-DOWN.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SILVER-BUTTON-UP.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SILVER-BUTTON-UP.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ef32d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SILVER-BUTTON-UP.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Down.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Down.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9c18c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Down.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Hi.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Hi.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..611cc3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Hi.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Up.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Up.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9c18c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Left-Up.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Down.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Down.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a2fe76
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Down.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Hi.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Hi.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..454fcc2
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Hi.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Up.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Up.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a2fe76
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Mid-Up.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Down.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Down.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deaf17d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Down.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Hi.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Hi.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624cd81
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Hi.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Up.blp b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Up.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deaf17d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/BUTTONS/UI-SilverButtonLG-Right-Up.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Alliance.blp b/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Alliance.blp
index 9c11a82..6000090 100644
Binary files a/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Alliance.blp and b/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Alliance.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Horde.blp b/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Horde.blp
index 5a5db15..5532ffc 100644
Binary files a/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Horde.blp and b/Interface/BattlefieldFrame/Battleground-Horde.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-Battleneticon.blp b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-Battleneticon.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45609b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-Battleneticon.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-D3icon.blp b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-D3icon.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0698a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-D3icon.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-Sc2icon.blp b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-Sc2icon.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c6232
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-Sc2icon.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-WTCGicon.blp b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-WTCGicon.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b7084e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-WTCGicon.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-WoWicon.blp b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-WoWicon.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0022ecd
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/FriendsFrame/Battlenet-WoWicon.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/FriendsFrame/TravelPass-Invite.blp b/Interface/FriendsFrame/TravelPass-Invite.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88dd31c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/FriendsFrame/TravelPass-Invite.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/MINIMAP/TRACKING/BattleMaster.blp b/Interface/MINIMAP/TRACKING/BattleMaster.blp
index 4a9be08..aadc6e2 100644
Binary files a/Interface/MINIMAP/TRACKING/BattleMaster.blp and b/Interface/MINIMAP/TRACKING/BattleMaster.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Alliance.blp b/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Alliance.blp
index 25c67e5..6000090 100644
Binary files a/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Alliance.blp and b/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Alliance.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Horde.blp b/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Horde.blp
index 8d8603f..5532ffc 100644
Binary files a/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Horde.blp and b/Interface/PVPFrame/PVP-Currency-Horde.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-PVP-Alliance.blp b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-PVP-Alliance.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0ff56
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-PVP-Alliance.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-PVP-Horde.blp b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-PVP-Horde.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e229b9d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-PVP-Horde.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-StatusBar.blp b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-StatusBar.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6556b55
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-StatusBar.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill.blp b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6556b55
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-TargetingFrame-LevelBackground.blp b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-TargetingFrame-LevelBackground.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6556b55
Binary files /dev/null and b/Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-TargetingFrame-LevelBackground.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/WorldStateFrame/AllianceIcon.blp b/Interface/WorldStateFrame/AllianceIcon.blp
index 40a4c94..6000090 100644
Binary files a/Interface/WorldStateFrame/AllianceIcon.blp and b/Interface/WorldStateFrame/AllianceIcon.blp differ
diff --git a/Interface/WorldStateFrame/HordeIcon.blp b/Interface/WorldStateFrame/HordeIcon.blp
index 18e88e1..5532ffc 100644
Binary files a/Interface/WorldStateFrame/HordeIcon.blp and b/Interface/WorldStateFrame/HordeIcon.blp differ