diff --git a/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua b/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua
index 0cdc94e..e6f1257 100644
--- a/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua
+++ b/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ local standalone = (...) == MAJOR
local data, connections
local Unpack
+local function debug(...)
+ if standalone then
+ print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r", ...)
+ end
function lib:GetRealmInfo(realmID)
realmID = tonumber(realmID)
if not realmID then return end
@@ -29,14 +37,15 @@ function lib:GetRealmInfo(realmID)
local info = data[realmID]
if info then
return info.name, info.apiName, info.rules, info.locale, info.battlegroup, info.region, info.timezone, info.connected, info.latinName
- elseif standalone then
- return print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r No info found for realm", realmID)
+ debug("No info found for realm", realmID)
local currentRegion
+local portalToRegion = { US = "US", EU = "EU", RU = "EU", KR = "KR", CN = "CN", TW = "TW" }
local localeToRegion = { deDE = "EU", esES = "EU", esMX = "US", frFR = "EU", itIT = "EU", ruRU = "EU", koKR = "KR", enCN = "CN", zhCN = "CN", enTW = "TW", zhTW = "TW" }
-- enGB client returns enUS, ptPT client returns ptBR, no way to tell what's what
-- not actually sure if enCN and enTW return accurately
@@ -51,10 +60,15 @@ local function GetCurrentRegion()
_, _, _, _, _, currentRegion = lib:GetRealmInfo(realmID)
if not currentRegion then
- currentRegion = localeToRegion[GetLocale()]
+ local portal = GetCVar("portal")
+ if portal then
+ currentRegion = portalToRegion[strupper(portal)]
+ else
+ currentRegion = localeToRegion[GetLocale()]
+ end
if not currentRegion then
- return standalone and print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r Could not determine current region") or nil
+ return debug("Could not determine current region.")
return currentRegion
@@ -63,7 +77,7 @@ end
function lib:GetRealmInfoByName(searchName, searchRegion)
searchName = gsub(searchName, "%s", "")
searchRegion = searchRegion or GetCurrentRegion()
- print("GetRealmInfoByName", searchName, searchRegion, GetCurrentRegion())
+ debug("GetRealmInfoByName", searchName, searchRegion, GetCurrentRegion())
if Unpack then
@@ -91,9 +105,7 @@ end
function Unpack()
- if standalone then
- print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r Unpacking data...")
- end
+ debug("Unpacking data...")
for id, info in pairs(data) do
local name, rules, locale, battlegroup, region, timezone = strsplit(",", info)
@@ -128,8 +140,37 @@ function Unpack()
Unpack = nil
- if standalone then
- print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r Done unpacking data.")
+ debug("Done unpacking data.")
+ local auto = { GetAutoCompleteRealms() }
+ if #auto > 1 then
+ local id, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, connected = lib:GetRealmInfoByName(GetRealmName())
+ if not id then
+ return
+ end
+ if not connected then
+ print("|cffffff7fLibRealmInfo:|r Missing connected realm info for", id, GetRealmName())
+ return
+ end
+ for i = 1, #auto do
+ local name = auto[i]
+ auto[name] = true
+ auto[i] = nil
+ end
+ for i = 1, #connected do
+ local _, name = GetRealmInfo(connected[i])
+ if auto[name] then
+ auto[name] = nil
+ else
+ auto[name] = connected[i]
+ end
+ end
+ if next(auto) then
+ print("|cffffff7fLibRealmInfo:|r Incomplete connected realm info for", id, GetRealmName())
+ for name, id in pairs(auto) do
+ print(name, id == true and "MISSING" or "INCORRECT")
+ end
+ end
@@ -1050,7 +1091,7 @@ connections = {
"1136,83,109,129,1142", -- Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, Hakkar
"1129,56,1291,1559", -- Agamaggan, Archimonde, Jaedenar, The Underbog
--- 14 Aug: add 102 Burning Legion
+-- FUTURE: add 102 Burning Legion
"106,1576", -- Aggramar, Fizzcrank
"1137,84,1145", -- Akama, Dragonmaw, Mug'thol
"1070,1563", -- Alexstrasza, Terokkar
@@ -1083,9 +1124,8 @@ connections = {
"91,95,1285", -- Burning Blade, Lightning's Blade, Onyxia
"1430,1432", -- Caelestrasz, Nagrand
"1361,122", -- Cairne, Perenolde
--- 24 Aug: "88,1356", -- Cenarion Circle, Sisters of Elune
-"1556,1278,157,1286", -- Coilfang, Dalvengyr, Dark Iron, Demon Soul
--- 14 Aug: add 72 Shattered Hand
+"88,1356", -- Cenarion Circle, Sisters of Elune (21 Aug 2014)
+"1556,1278,157,1286,72", -- Coilfang, Dalvengyr, Dark Iron, Demon Soul, Shattered Hand (21 Aug 2014)
"1351,87", -- Darrowmere, Windrunner
"1434,1134", -- Dath'Remar, Khaz'goroth
"1582,1173", -- Dawnbringer, Madoran
@@ -1119,8 +1159,7 @@ connections = {
"98,1262", -- Kargath, Norgannon
"4,1355", -- Kilrogg, Winterhoof
"1071,1290,1260", -- Kirin Tor, Sentinels, Steamwheedle Cartel
-"163,1289", -- Maelstrom, The Venture Co
--- 21 Aug: add 1130 Lightninghoof
+"1130,163,1289", -- Lightninghoof (21 Aug 2014), Maelstrom, The Venture Co
"1132,1175", -- Malfurion, Trollbane
"1350,1151", -- Misha, Rexxar
"1374,86", -- Mok'Nathal, Silvermoon
@@ -1134,42 +1173,44 @@ connections = {
-- Current: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8715582685
-- Upcoming: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9582578502
--- MAYBE: "1312,1081", -- Aerie Peak, Bronzebeard
+-- 17 Sep: "1312,1081", -- Aerie Peak, Bronzebeard
"518,522,525,1091,646", -- Agamaggan, Bloodscalp, Crushridge, Emeriss, Hakkar
+-- FUTURE: Add Twilight's Hammer
"1413,1303", -- Aggra, Grim Batol
"500,619", -- Aggramar, Hellscream
"1093,607,1299,1083,526,621,1598,511,1090,1088", -- Ahn'Qiraj, Balnazzar, Boulderfist, Chromaggus, Daggerspine, Laughing Skull, Shattered Halls, Sunstrider, Talnivarr, Trollbane
"562,1607", -- Alexstrasza, Nethersturm
--- FUTURE: "563,1099", -- Alleria, Rexxar
+"563,1099", -- Alleria, Rexxar
+-- FUTURE: Alonsus, Kul Tiras
+-- FUTURE: add Anachronos
"1330,568", -- Ambossar, Kargath
-"1104,1611,587,1322", -- Anetheron, Festung der Stürme, Gul'dan, Rajaxx
--- 13 Aug: add 594 Nathrezim
+"1104,1611,587,589,594,1322", -- Anetheron, Festung der Stürme, Gul'dan, Kil'jaeden, Nathrezim, Rajaxx
"512,642,643", -- Arak-arahm, Rashgarroth, Throk'Feroth
+-- FUTURE: add Kael'Thas
"1334,541,1624,1622", -- Arathi, Illidan, Naxxramas, Temple noir
"501,1587", -- Arathor, Hellfire
"1404,602,1400", -- Area 52, Sen'jin, Un'Goro
-"578,1613,1318", -- Arthas, Blutkessel, Vek'lor
--- FUTURE: add 588 Kel'Thuzad
--- MAYBE: add Wrathbringer
+"578,1613,588,1318,609", -- Arthas, Blutkessel, Kel'Thuzad, Vek'lor, Wrathbringer
"1406,569", -- Arygos, Khaz'goroth
"502,548", -- Aszune, Shadowsong
"1597,529,1304", -- Auchindoun, Dunemaul, Jaedenar
"503,623", -- Azjol-Nerub, Quel'Thalas
--- MAYBE: "579,616", -- Azshara, Krag'jin
+"579,616", -- Azshara, Krag'jin
"565,570", -- Baelgun, Lothar
"521,632,515", -- Bladefist, Frostwhisper, Zenedar
+"1416,1298", -- Blade's Edge, Vek'nilash
"630,1392,1087,633,556", -- Bloodfeather, Burning Steppes, Executus, Kor'gall, Shattered Hand
"504,1080", -- Bloodhoof, Khadgar
"1924,1617", -- Booty Bay (RU), Deathweaver (RU)
"1393,618", -- Bronze Dragonflight, Nordrassil
"523,1092", -- Burning Blade, Drak'thul
+-- FUTURE: Chants éternels, Vol'jin
"545,1336,533", -- Cho'gall, Eldre'Thalas, Sinstralis
"1395,1387,1384", -- Colinas Pardas, Los Errantes, Tyrande
-"1127,1626", -- Confrérie du Thorium, Les Clairvoyants
--- FUTURE: add 647 Les Sentinelles
+"1127,1626,647", -- Confrérie du Thorium, Les Clairvoyants, Les Sentinelles
"644,1337,1086", -- Conseil des Ombres, Culte de la Rive noire, La Croisade écarlate
"538,1621", -- Dalaran, Marécage de Zangar
-"1321,1105", -- Dalvengyr, Nazjatar
+"1321,584,1105,573", -- Dalvengyr, Frostmourne, Nazjatar, Zuluhed
"1317,561", -- Darkmoon Faire, Earthen Ring
"631,606,624", -- Darksorrow, Genjuros, Neptulon
"1389,1314,1415", -- Darkspear, Saurfang, Terokkar
@@ -1177,11 +1218,9 @@ connections = {
"527,1596,637,627", -- Deathwing, Karazhan, Lightning's Blade, The Maelstrom
"1609,1616", -- Deepholm (RU), Razuvious (RU)
"1084,1306", -- Dentarg, Tarren Mill
-"582,591,612,611", -- Destromath, Mannoroth, Nefarian, Nera'thor
--- MAYBE: add Gorgonnash
-"531,1319,615,605", -- Dethecus, Mug'thol, Terrordar, Theradras
--- FUTURE: add 610 Onyxia
--- MAYBE: "", -- Die ewige Wacht, Sie Silberne Hand
+"582,586,591,612,611", -- Destromath, Gorgonnash, Mannoroth, Nefarian, Nera'thor
+"531,1319,610,615,605", -- Dethecus, Mug'thol, Onyxia, Terrordar, Theradras
+"1118,576", -- Die ewige Wacht, Die Silberne Hand
-- MAYBE: "505,553", -- Doomhammer, Turalyon
"507,1588", -- Dragonblight, Ghostlands
"528,638,558,559,629", -- Dragonmaw, Haomarush, Spinebreaker, Stormreaver, Vashj
@@ -1191,9 +1230,10 @@ connections = {
"1612,590,1320", -- Echsenkessel, Mal'Ganis, Taerar
"1123,1332", -- Eitrigg, Krasus
"540,645", -- Elune, Varimathras
--- MAYBE: "508,551", -- Emerald Dream, Terenas
+-- FUTURE: "508,551", -- Emerald Dream, Terenas
"1385,1386", -- Exodar, Minahonda
"509,544", -- Garona, Ner'zhul
+-- FUTURE: add ,546, Sargeras
"1401,574,1608", -- Garrosh, Nozdormu, Shattrath
"567,1323", -- Gilneas, Ulduar
"1927,1926", -- Grom (RU), Thermaplugg (RU)
@@ -1205,14 +1245,15 @@ connections = {
"1324,1097", -- Malorne, Ysera
"517,1331", -- Medivh, Suramar
"1085,1595", -- Moonglade, The Sha'tar
--- MAYBE: add 1117 Steamwheedle Cartel
+-- FUTURE: add 1117 Steamwheedle Cartel
"575,1407", -- Perenolde, Teldrassil
-"1308,1096,1606,636", -- Ravenholdt, Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, The Venture Co
+"635,1308,1096,1606,636", -- Defias Brotherhood, Ravenholdt, Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, The Venture Co
"1382,1383,1380,1379", -- Sanguino, Shen'dralar, Uldum, Zul'jin
"557,639", -- Skullcrusher, Xavius
+-- FUTURE: Add Al'Akir
"552,1313", -- Thunderhorn, Wildhammer
--- MAYBE: "", -- Todeswache, Zirkel des Cenarius
+"1405,592", -- Todeswache, Zirkel des Cenarius
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file