
Can pass args to functions. Works only for string, number, nil, boolean

Petr G [06-11-16 - 03:47]
Can pass args to functions. Works only for string, number, nil, boolean
diff --git a/ViragDevTool.lua b/ViragDevTool.lua
index 319618d..99035ec 100644
--- a/ViragDevTool.lua
+++ b/ViragDevTool.lua
@@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ ViragDevTool = {

-    -- stores arguments for fcunction calls --todo implement
-    tArgs = {},

     -- mapping table is used to store searches and diferent values that are frequently used
     -- for example we may need some api or some variable so we can add it here
@@ -138,8 +137,8 @@ ViragDevTool = {

-        -- this table is for storing arguments if we want to call function with some
+        -- stores arguments for fcunction calls --todo implement
+        tArgs = {},

         -- events to monitor
         -- format ({event = "EVENT_NAME", unit = "player", active = true}, ...)
@@ -626,6 +625,8 @@ end
 function ViragDevTool:ToggleSidebar()
+    self:Toggle(self.wndRef.topFrame.editbox)
+    self:Toggle(self.wndRef.topFrame.clearFnArgsButton)
     self.settings.isSideBarOpen = self.wndRef.sideFrame:IsVisible()
@@ -742,6 +743,7 @@ end
 -- Main table row button clicks setup
 function ViragDevTool:SetMainTableButtonScript(button, info)
+    --todo add left click = copy to chat
     local valueType = type(info.value)
     if valueType == "table" then
         button:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, button, down)
@@ -764,37 +766,23 @@ function ViragDevTool:TryCallFunction(info)
     -- info.value is just our function to call
     local parent, ok
     local fn = info.value
-    local args = self:shallowcopyargs(self.tArgs)
+    local args = self.settings.tArgs
     -- lets try safe call first
     local ok, results = self:TryCallFunctionWithArgs(fn, args)

     if not ok then
         -- if safe call failed we probably could try to find self and call self:fn()
-        parent = info.parent
-        if parent and parent.value == _G then
-            -- this fn is in global namespace so no parent
-            parent = nil
-        end
+        parent = self:GetParentTable(info)

         if parent then
-            if self:IsMetaTableNode(parent) then
-                -- metatable has real object 1 level higher
-                parent = parent.parent
-            end
-            fn = parent.value[info.name]
-            table.insert(args, 1, parent.value)
-            ok, results = self:TryCallFunctionWithArgs(fn, args)
+            args = {parent.value , unpack(args)} --shallow copy and add parent table
+            ok, results = self:TryCallFunctionWithArgs(fn,args)

     self:ProcessCallFunctionData(ok, info, parent, args, results)

 function ViragDevTool:GetParentTable(info)
     local  parent = info.parent
     if parent and parent.value == _G then
@@ -813,10 +801,9 @@ function ViragDevTool:GetParentTable(info)

 function ViragDevTool:TryCallFunctionWithArgs(fn, args)
-    local results = {}
-    local ok
-    ok, results[1], results[2], results[3], results[4], results[5] = pcall(fn, unpack(args, 1, 10))
+    local results ={ pcall(fn, unpack(args, 1, 10)) }
+    local ok = results[1]
+    table.remove(results, 1)
     return ok, results

@@ -837,8 +824,8 @@ function ViragDevTool:ProcessCallFunctionData(ok, info, parent, args, results)

     --constract collored full function call name
-    local fnNameWitArgs = C.white .. info.name .. C.lightblue .. "(" .. self:argstostring(args) .. ")" .. C.white
-    fnNameWitArgs = parent and C.gray .. parent.name .. ":" .. fnNameWitArgs or fnNameWitArgs
+    local fnNameWithArgs = C.white .. info.name .. C.lightblue .. "(" .. self:argstostring(args) .. ")" .. C.white
+    fnNameWithArgs = parent and C.gray .. parent.name .. ":" .. fnNameWithArgs or fnNameWithArgs

     local returnFormatedStr = ""

@@ -859,7 +846,7 @@ function ViragDevTool:ProcessCallFunctionData(ok, info, parent, args, results)

     -- create fist node of result info no need for now. will use debug
-    table.insert(nodes, 1, list:NewNode(string.format("%s - %s", stateStr(ok), fnNameWitArgs), -- node value
+    table.insert(nodes, 1, list:NewNode(string.format("%s - %s", stateStr(ok), fnNameWithArgs), -- node value
         C.white .. date("%X") .. " function call results:", padding))

@@ -868,18 +855,42 @@ function ViragDevTool:ProcessCallFunctionData(ok, info, parent, args, results)

     --print info to chat
-    self:print(stateStr(ok) .. " " .. fnNameWitArgs .. C.gray .. " returns:" .. returnFormatedStr)
+    self:print(stateStr(ok) .. " " .. fnNameWithArgs .. C.gray .. " returns:" .. returnFormatedStr)

 -- type can be string or int or bool -- not table or userdata or function for now
-function ViragDevTool:SetSavedArg(arg, position, type)
+function ViragDevTool:SetArgForFunctionCall(arg, position, type)
     if type == "number" then arg = tonumber(arg)
     elseif type == "boolean" then arg = toboolean(arg)
     elseif type == "nil" then arg = nil
     elseif type == "string" then arg = tostring(arg)
     else return end -- cant handle this type of args

-    self.tArgs[position] = arg
+    self.settings.tArgs[position] = arg
+function ViragDevTool:SetArgForFunctionCallFromString(argStr)
+    local args =  self.split(argStr, ",") or {}
+    local trim = function(s)
+        return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+    end
+    for k,arg in pairs(args) do
+        arg = trim(arg)
+        if tonumber(arg) then
+            args[k] = tonumber(arg)
+        elseif arg == "nil" then
+            args[k] = nil
+        elseif arg == "true" then
+            args[k] = true
+        elseif arg == "false" then
+            args[k] = false
+        end
+    end
+    self.settings.tArgs = args
+    self:Add(args, "New Args for function calls")

@@ -899,7 +910,6 @@ function ViragDevTool:AddToHistory(strValue)

         table.insert(hist, 1, strValue)

         local maxSize = self.default_settings.MAX_HISTORY_SIZE
@@ -1224,7 +1234,9 @@ function ViragDevTool:SetupForSettings(s)

     -- setup open or closed sidebar
     self:SetVisible(self.wndRef.sideFrame, s.isSideBarOpen)
+    self:SetVisible(self.wndRef.topFrame.editbox, s.isSideBarOpen)
+    self:SetVisible(self.wndRef.topFrame.clearFnArgsButton, s.isSideBarOpen)
     -- setup selected sidebar tab history/events/logs

@@ -1240,6 +1252,16 @@ function ViragDevTool:SetupForSettings(s)

+    -- show in UI fn saved args if you have them
+    local args = ""
+    local delim = ""
+    for _, arg in pairs(s.tArgs) do
+        args = tostring(arg) .. delim.. args
+        delim = ", "
+    end
+    self.wndRef.topFrame.editbox:SetText(args)
     -- setup events part 2 set scripts on frame to listen registered events

@@ -1253,13 +1275,6 @@ function ViragDevTool:print(strText)
     print(self.colors.darkred .. "[Virag's DT]: " .. self.colors.white .. strText)

-function ViragDevTool:shallowcopyargs(orig)
-    local copy = {}
-    for k, v in pairs(orig) do copy[k] = orig[v]
-    end
-    return copy
 function ViragDevTool:split(sep)
     local sep, fields = sep or ".", {}
     local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
diff --git a/ViragDevTool.xml b/ViragDevTool.xml
index 0de35dd..837a2a9 100644
--- a/ViragDevTool.xml
+++ b/ViragDevTool.xml
@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
     <Font name="ViragDevToolMediumFont" inherits="SystemFont_Med1" justifyW="LEFT" justifyH="LEFT" virtual="true"/>

     <CheckButton text="Test" name="ViragDevToolTopButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
-        <Size>
-            <AbsDimension x="100" y="25"/>
-        </Size>
+        <Size x="100" y="25"/>
         <NormalFont style="GameFontHighlightLeft"/>
-        <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-DialogBox-Button-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD">
-        </CheckedTexture>
+        <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-DialogBox-Button-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>

     <Frame name="ViragDevToolSideBarRowTemplate" virtual="true">
@@ -290,6 +287,7 @@
+                                self:ClearFocus();
@@ -378,6 +376,7 @@
@@ -432,6 +431,78 @@
                             <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentFrameStack" relativePoint="RIGHT"/>
+                    <Button text="FN Call Args:" name="$parentFNCallLabelButton" parentKey="clearFnArgsButton">
+                        <Size x="75" y="25"/>
+                        <NormalFont style="GameFontHighlightLeft"/>
+                        <Scripts>
+                            <OnClick>
+                                -- clear args
+                                ViragDevTool:SetArgForFunctionCallFromString("")
+                                self:GetParent().editbox:SetText("")
+                            </OnClick>
+                        </Scripts>
+                        <Anchors>
+                            <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$parentClearButton" relativePoint="TOP" y ="2"/>
+                        </Anchors>
+                    </Button>
+                    <EditBox name="$parentTextArea" autoFocus="false" parentKey="editbox">
+                        <Size>
+                            <AbsDimension x="290" y="32"/>
+                        </Size>
+                        <Anchors>
+                            <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentFNCallLabelButton" relativePoint="RIGHT" x="10"/>
+                        </Anchors>
+                        <Scripts>
+                            <OnEnterPressed>
+                                ViragDevTool:SetArgForFunctionCallFromString(self:GetText())
+                                self:ClearFocus();
+                            </OnEnterPressed>
+                            <OnEscapePressed>
+                                self:ClearFocus();
+                            </OnEscapePressed>
+                        </Scripts>
+                        <FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
+                        <Layers>
+                            <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+                                <Texture name="$parentLeft" file="Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Left2">
+                                    <Size>
+                                        <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
+                                    </Size>
+                                    <Anchors>
+                                        <Anchor point="LEFT" x="-10" y="0"/>
+                                    </Anchors>
+                                </Texture>
+                                <Texture name="$parentRight" file="Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Right2">
+                                    <Size>
+                                        <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
+                                    </Size>
+                                    <Anchors>
+                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" x="10" y="0"/>
+                                    </Anchors>
+                                </Texture>
+                                <Texture name="$parentMid" file="Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Mid2"
+                                         horizTile="true">
+                                    <Size>
+                                        <AbsDimension x="0" y="32"/>
+                                    </Size>
+                                    <Anchors>
+                                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentLeft" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
+                                            <Offset>
+                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
+                                            </Offset>
+                                        </Anchor>
+                                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentRight" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
+                                            <Offset>
+                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
+                                            </Offset>
+                                        </Anchor>
+                                    </Anchors>
+                                </Texture>
+                            </Layer>
+                        </Layers>
+                    </EditBox>
                     <Button virtual="true">
                         <Size x="32" y="32"/>