It works!
Kevin Carpenter [04-18-13 - 03:37]
diff --git a/BennyHill.lua b/BennyHill.lua
index ad27ce6..2feb525 100644
--- a/BennyHill.lua
+++ b/BennyHill.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
-SLASH_BENNY_HILL, SLASH_BH = '/bennyhill', '/bh';
-function SlashCmdList.BENNY_HILL(msg, editbox)
- PlaySoundFile("benny_hill.mp3");
\ No newline at end of file
+function SlashCmdList_AddSlashCommand(name, func, ...)
+ SlashCmdList[name] = func
+ local command = ''
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ command = select(i, ...)
+ if strsub(command, 1, 1) ~= '/' then
+ command = '/' .. command
+ end
+ _G['SLASH_'] = command
+ end
+SlashCmdList_AddSlashCommand('BENNY_HILL', function(msg)
+ PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\BennyHill\\benny_hill.mp3");
+end, 'bennyhill', 'bh')
+local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(UnitName("Player") ..' has logged in.')
\ No newline at end of file