
Updated version to rc2.

pschifferer [10-18-09 - 21:39]
Updated version to rc2.
Added a check when learning reagents to report when reagent names/icons/links aren't returned properly.
Added some sanity checks to the intermediate and reagant add functions.
diff --git a/Cauldron.toc b/Cauldron.toc
index cdb44d7..07bd220 100755
--- a/Cauldron.toc
+++ b/Cauldron.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 30100
 ## Title: Cauldron |cff7fff7f -Ace3-|r
-## Version: 1.0.0.rc1.@project-revision@
+## Version: 1.0.0.rc2.@project-revision@
 ## Author: Caendra of Silver Hand
 ## Notes: An improved interface for your trade skills
 ## RequiredDeps:
diff --git a/CauldronMain.lua b/CauldronMain.lua
index 675a047..51aaf5f 100644
--- a/CauldronMain.lua
+++ b/CauldronMain.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Cauldron = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("Cauldron", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceHook-3.0", "LibLogger-1.0");
 local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Cauldron");

-Cauldron.version = "1.0.0.rc1.@project-revision@";
+Cauldron.version = "1.0.0.rc2.@project-revision@";
 Cauldron.date = string.sub("$Date$", 8, 17);

 -- key binding names
diff --git a/CauldronQueue.lua b/CauldronQueue.lua
index ede9aab..9f8054c 100644
--- a/CauldronQueue.lua
+++ b/CauldronQueue.lua
@@ -268,14 +268,17 @@ function CauldronQueue:AddIntermediate(queue, reagent, amount)
 		-- it's there, so increase the amount
 		item.amount = item.amount + amount;
-		local skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSkillInfoForItem(reagent.name);
 		-- it's not there, so create a new instance
 		if reagent.name then
-			queue.intermediate[reagent.name] = CauldronQueue:NewItem(reagent.name, reagent.icon, amount, nil, skillInfo.tradeskill, reagent.link);
+			local skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSkillInfoForItem(reagent.name);
+			if skillInfo then
+				queue.intermediate[reagent.name] = CauldronQueue:NewItem(reagent.name, reagent.icon, amount, nil, skillInfo.tradeskill, reagent.link);
+			else
+				Cauldron:error("AddIntermediate: no skill info found for reagent: "..reagent.name);
+			end
 			-- this shouldn't occur unless there's something wrong with the reagent info, but if it does, the user can report this error
-			Cauldron:error("AddIntermediate: reagent.name is nil!");
+			Cauldron:error("AddIntermediate: reagent.name is nil!  Please report this.  (skillIndex: "..reagent.skillIndex..", index: "..reagent.index..")");

diff --git a/CauldronTradeskill.lua b/CauldronTradeskill.lua
index b43056e..396acee 100644
--- a/CauldronTradeskill.lua
+++ b/CauldronTradeskill.lua
@@ -65,36 +65,9 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills()
 	SetTradeSkillItemLevelFilter(0, 0);

-	local category --[[ = self.skillCategory;
-	self:info("category="..tostring(category));
-	if not category then
-		self:info("initialize category");
-		category --]] = "";
-	--[[
-	end
-	local first = self.skillStart;
-	self:info("first="..tostring(first));
-	if not first then
-		self:info("initialize first to 1");
-		first = 1;
-	end
-	local last = self.skillEnd;
-	self:info("last="..tostring(last));
-	local total = GetNumTradeSkills();
-	self:info("total="..tostring(total));
-	local increment = 25;
-	self:info("increment="..tostring(increment));
-	if not last then
-		self:info("initialize last value");
-		last = math.min(increment, total);
-		self:info("last="..tostring(last));
-	end
-	--]]
+	local category = "";

---	self:info("iterate over skills");
 	for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do
---	for i=first,last do
 --		self:info("i="..tostring(i));
 		local name, difficulty, avail, expanded, verb = GetTradeSkillInfo(i);
 --		self:debug("UpdateSkills: name="..name.."; difficulty="..difficulty.."; avail="..avail);
@@ -171,11 +144,9 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills()
 				-- populate the slot list
 				Cauldron:debug("slot: "..tostring(slot));
 				if slot and (slot ~= "") then
---					if not skillDB.window.slots[slot] then
 						skillDB.window.slots[slot] = {
 							checked = true,
---					end
 					-- special slot representing items that don't have a slot
 					skillDB.window.slots.none = {
@@ -186,14 +157,18 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills()
 				-- populate the reagent list
 				for j=1,GetTradeSkillNumReagents(i) do
 					local rName, rIcon, rCount, _ = GetTradeSkillReagentInfo(i, j);
+--					Cauldron:info("UpdateSkills: i="..i..", j="..j..", rName="..tostring(rName)..", rIcon="..tostring(rIcon)..", rCount="..tostring(rCount));
 					local rLink = GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(i, j);
+--					Cauldron:info("UpdateSkills: rLink="..tostring(rLink));
 					local rItemId = Cauldron:GetIdFromLink(rLink);
---					local value, set = self.libs.PT:ItemInSet(rItemId, "Tradeskill.Mat.BySource.Vendor");
+--					Cauldron:info("UpdateSkills: rItemId="..tostring(rItemId));
 					local key = not Cauldron:IsVendorItem(rItemId);
---					if value then
---						key = false;
---					end
+--					Cauldron:info("UpdateSkills: key="..tostring(key));

+					if (not rName) or (not rIcon) or (not rLink) then
+						Cauldron:error("Can't get name/icon/link for reagent! (skill: "..name..", reagentIndex: "..j..")");
+					end
 					local r = {
 						["index"] = j,
 						["name"] = rName,
@@ -207,7 +182,9 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills()
 					table.insert(skillDB.recipes[name].reagents, r);

 					if rName then
+--							Cauldron:info("adding to keywords: "..tostring(keywords));
 						keywords = keywords..","..rName;
+--							Cauldron:info("keywords="..tostring(keywords));

@@ -227,28 +204,6 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills()

-	--[[
-	-- increment the counters
-	self:info("increment counters");
-	first = first + increment;
-	self:info("first="..tostring(first));
-	last = last + increment;
-	self:info("last="..tostring(last));
-	-- check if we need to queue the next batch
-	if first < total then
-		self:info("first < total");
-		-- update the counter storage variables
-		self.skillStart = first;
-		self.skillEnd = last;
-		self.skillCategory = category;
-		-- set the timer
-		self:info("schedule timer for next run");
-		self:ScheduleTimer(self.UpdateSkills,1,self);
---		self:UpdateSkillList();
-	end
-	--]]
 	self:debug("UpdateSkills exit");

@@ -517,6 +472,11 @@ end

 function Cauldron:GetSkillInfoForItem(item)

+	if not item then
+		Cauldron:error("GetSkillInfoForItem: item is nil!");
+		return nil;
+	end
 	for tradeskill, list in pairs(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills) do
 		-- skip linked skills
 		if not (string.find(tradeskill, "Linked-")) then
@@ -534,6 +494,11 @@ end

 function Cauldron:GetSkillInfoByIndex(itemIndex)

+	if not itemIndex then
+		Cauldron:error("GetSkillInfoByIndex: itemIndex is nil!");
+		return nil;
+	end
 	for tradeskill, list in pairs(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills) do
 		-- skip linked skills
 		if not (string.find(tradeskill, "Linked-")) then