
Fixes for Cross Realm Support - Tooltip Sorting.

Xruptor [07-25-16 - 18:52]
Fixes for Cross Realm Support - Tooltip Sorting.
Changed the location of the Player Name sorting.  Completely forgot about the Guild Name option.  Oh WELL... can't win them all
Changed the delimiter used for player/realm to something a little less used in languages.
Fixed an issue where Tooltip information was not displaying correctly if CrossRealm and BNet support is not activated (Basically Default view)
diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index 69e9200..cca754d 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 		for k, v in pairs(BagSyncDB) do
 			for q, r in pairs(v) do
 				--we do this incase there are multiple characters with same name
-				buildCache[q.."~"..k] = r
+				buildCache[q.."^"..k] = r
 	elseif BagSyncOpt.enableCrossRealmsItems then
@@ -915,10 +915,12 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 			if k == currentRealm or crossRealmNames[k] then
 				for q, r in pairs(v) do
 					----we do this incase there are multiple characters with same name
-					buildCache[q.."~"..k] = r
+					buildCache[q.."^"..k] = r
-		end
+		end
+    else
+		buildCache = BagSyncDB[currentRealm]

 	--loop through our characters
@@ -941,7 +943,7 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround

 		--check if we should show both factions or not
 		if BagSyncOpt.enableFaction or pFaction == playerFaction then
 			--now count the stuff for the user
 			--q = bag name, r = stored data for bag name
 			for q, r in pairs(v) do
@@ -996,8 +998,8 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 					frame:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")

-				local yName, yRealm  = strsplit('~', k)
+				local yName, yRealm  = strsplit('^', k)
 				--add Cross-Realm and BNet identifiers to Characters not on same realm
 				if BagSyncOpt.enableBNetAccountItems then
 					if v.realm and v.realm ~= currentRealm then
@@ -1027,6 +1029,9 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround


+	--sort it
+	table.sort(lastDisplayed, function(a,b) return (a < b) end)
 	--show guildnames last
 	if BagSyncOpt.enableGuild and BagSyncOpt.showGuildNames then
 		for k, v in pairsByKeys(previousGuilds) do
@@ -1043,9 +1048,6 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 		table.insert(lastDisplayed, format(TTL_C, L["Total:"]).."@"..format(SILVER, grandTotal))

-	--sort it
-	table.sort(lastDisplayed, function(a,b) return (a < b) end)
 	--add it all together now
 	for i = 1, #lastDisplayed do
 		local ename, ecount  = strsplit('@', lastDisplayed[i])
@@ -1123,7 +1125,7 @@ function BagSync:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 	playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"))
 	playerFaction = UnitFactionGroup("player")

-	for k, v in pairs(GetAutoCompleteRealms()) do
+	for k, v in pairs(GetAutoCompleteRealms()) do
 		if v ~= currentRealm then
 			crossRealmNames[v] = true
diff --git a/BagSync.toc b/BagSync.toc
index 9317d00..b8ef799 100644
--- a/BagSync.toc
+++ b/BagSync.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: BagSync
 ## Notes: BagSync tracks your characters items and displays it within tooltips.
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 8.6
+## Version: 8.7
 ## OptionalDeps: tekDebug
 ## SavedVariables: BagSyncDB, BagSyncOpt, BagSyncGUILD_DB, BagSyncTOKEN_DB, BagSyncCRAFT_DB, BagSyncBLACKLIST_DB