accept the quest, let it be added to watch list automatically, abondon it, reopen quest log -voila, bug
Alex Shubert [10-18-14 - 18:22]
accept the quest, let it be added to watch list automatically, abondon it, reopen quest log -voila, bug
diff --git a/QuestLevel.lua b/QuestLevel.lua
index fc3d74f..a727865 100644
--- a/QuestLevel.lua
+++ b/QuestLevel.lua
@@ -21,22 +21,22 @@ AutoTurnIn.QuestTypesIndex = {
function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInLog()
if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.questlevel then
- end
+ end
for i = 1, #QuestMapFrame.QuestsFrame.Contents.Titles do
local button = QuestMapFrame.QuestsFrame.Contents.Titles[i]
if (button and button.questLogIndex) then
local title, level, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, frequency, questID,
startEvent, displayQuestID, isOnMap, hasLocalPOI, isTask, isStory = GetQuestLogTitle(button.questLogIndex)
local text = button.Text:GetText()
- if text and (not string.find(text, "^%[.*%].*")) then
- --local prevHeight = button:GetHeight() - button.Text:GetHeight() H:looks like adjusted automatically
+ if title and text and (not string.find(text, "^%[.*%].*")) then
button.Text:SetText(AutoTurnIn.QuestLevelFormat:format(level, title))
+ -- replacind checkbox image to the new position
button.Check:SetPoint("LEFT", button.Text, button.Text:GetWrappedWidth() + 2, 0);
- --button:SetHeight(prevHeight + button.Text:GetHeight()) H:looks like adjusted automatically
function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInWatchFrame()