Transfer button will now be enabled when putting an item into void storage. (Fixes CF ticket #1)
KyrosKrane [07-04-15 - 21:52]
Transfer button will now be enabled when putting an item into void storage. (Fixes CF ticket #1)
diff --git a/AnnoyingPopupRemover/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua b/AnnoyingPopupRemover/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
index 0cea744..6488661 100644
--- a/AnnoyingPopupRemover/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
+++ b/AnnoyingPopupRemover/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
-- It removes the popup confirmation dialog when adding a BOP item to void storage, and that item is modified (gemmed, enchanted, or transmogged) or still tradable with the looting group.
-- Define whether we're in debug mode or production mode. True means debug; false means production.
-local DebugMode = true;
+local DebugMode = false;
+local APR_Version = "@project-version@";
-- Print debug output to the chat frame.
@@ -65,6 +67,15 @@ function PrintVarArgs(...)
end -- PrintVarArgs()
+-- Announce our load.
+print ("Annoying Popup Remover " .. APR_Version .. " loaded.");
+-- Force the default Void Storage frame to load.
+local isloaded, reason = LoadAddOn("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI")
+DebugPrint ("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI isloaded is ", isloaded);
+DebugPrint ("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI reason is ", reason);
-- Create the frame to hold our event catcher, and the list of events.
local AutoLootBOP_Frame, events = CreateFrame("Frame"), {};
@@ -155,3 +166,8 @@ StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = nil;
-- Disable the dialog for putting tradable or modified items into void storage.
StoredDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"];
StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = nil;
+-- Curse-specific command to exclude this section from appearing for end users.
+DebugMode = true;