
Delete stray files possibly created by svn->git conversion. Looks like oddities are tamed for the time being.

Scott Sibley [07-21-11 - 06:36]
Delete stray files possibly created by svn->git conversion. Looks like oddities are tamed for the time being.
diff --git a/Modules/Appearance.lua b/Modules/Appearance.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a6b8e..0000000
--- a/Modules/Appearance.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Appearance")
-mod.name = "Appearance"
-local _G = _G
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local ShoppingTooltip1 = _G.ShoppingTooltip1
-local ShoppingTooltip2 = _G.ShoppingTooltip2
-local self = mod
-local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
-local defaults = {
-	profile = {
-		scale = 1,
-		font = StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("font", LSM:GetDefault("font")),
-		edgeFile = StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("border", "Blizzard Tooltip"),
-		background = StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("background", "Blizzard Tooltip"),
-		bgColor = { -- Default colors from CowTip
-			guild = {0, 0.15, 0, 1},
-			hostilePC = {0.25, 0, 0, 1},
-			hostileNPC = {0.15, 0, 0, 1},
-			neutralNPC = {0.15, 0.15, 0, 1},
-			friendlyPC = {0, 0, 0.25, 1},
-			friendlyNPC = {0, 0, 0.15, 1},
-			other = {0, 0, 0, 1},
-			dead = {0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1},
-			tapped = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1},
-		},
-		borderColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
-		padding = 4,
-		edgeSize = 16,
-	}
-local backdropParts = {bgFile = true, edgeFile = true, edgeSize = true, background = true}
-local otherParts = {scale = "SetScale", font = "SetFont"}
-local get = function(info)
-	return self.db.profile[info[#info]]
-local set = function(info, v)
-	self.db.profile[info[#info]] = v
-	if info[#info] == "bgColor" then return end
-	if backdropParts[info[#info]] then
-		self:SetBackdrop()
-	elseif info[#info] == "scale" then
-		self:SetScale()
-	else
-		self:SetFont()
-	end
-local options = {
-	scale = {
-		name = "Scale Slider",
-		desc = "Adjust tooltip scale",
-		type = "range",
-		min = 0.25,
-		max = 4,
-		step = 0.01,
-		bigStep = 0.05,
-		isPercent = true,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 4
-	},
-	font = {
-		name = "Tooltip Font",
-		desc = "Set the tooltip's font",
-		type = "select",
-		values = LSM:List("font"),
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 5
-	},
-	edgeFile = {
-		name = "Tooltip Border",
-		desc = "Set the tooltip's border style",
-		type = "select",
-		values = LSM:List("border"),
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 6
-	},
-	background = {
-		name = "Tooltip Background",
-		desc = "Set the tooltip's background style",
-		type = "select",
-		values = LSM:List("background"),
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 7
-	},
-	borderColor = {
-		name = "Tooltip Border Color",
-		desc = "Set the color of the tooltip's border",
-		type = "color",
-		hasAlpha = true,
-		get = function() return unpack(self.db.profile.borderColor) end,
-		set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
-			self.db.profile.borderColor[1] = r
-			self.db.profile.borderColor[2] = g
-			self.db.profile.borderColor[3] = b
-			self.db.profile.borderColor[4] = a
-		end,
-		order = 8
-	},
-	padding = {
-		name = "Tooltip Padding",
-		desc = "Set the tooltip's padding",
-		type = "range",
-		min = 0,
-		max = 20,
-		step = 1,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 9
-	},
-	edgeSize = {
-		name = "Tooltip Edge Size",
-		desc = "Set the tooltip's edge size",
-		type = "range",
-		min = 0,
-		max = 20,
-		step = 1,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 10
-	},
-	bgColor = {
-		name = "Background Color",
-		desc = "Set options for background color",
-		type = "group",
-		get = function(info)
-			return unpack(self.db.profile.bgColor[info[#info]])
-		end,
-		set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
-			self.db.profile.bgColor[info[#info]][1] = r
-			self.db.profile.bgColor[info[#info]][2] = g
-			self.db.profile.bgColor[info[#info]][3] = b
-			self.db.profile.bgColor[info[#info]][4] = a
-			self:SetBackdropColor()
-		end,
-		args = {
-			header = {
-				name = "Background Color",
-				type = "header",
-				order = 1
-			},
-			guild = {
-				name = "Guild and friends",
-				desc = "Background color for your guildmates and friends.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 2
-			},
-			hostilePC = {
-				name = "Hostile players",
-				desc = "Background color for hostile players.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 3
-			},
-			hostileNPC = {
-				name = "Hostile non-player characters",
-				desc = "Background color for hostile non-player characters.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 4
-			},
-			neutralNPC = {
-				name = "Neutral non-player characters",
-				desc = "Background color for neutral non-player characters.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 5
-			},
-			friendlyPC = {
-				name = "Friendly players",
-				desc = "Background color for friendly players.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 6
-			},
-			friendlyNPC = {
-				name = "Friendly non-player characters",
-				desc = "Background color for friendly non-player characters.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 7
-			},
-			dead = {
-				name = "Dead",
-				desc = "Background color for dead units.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 8
-			},
-			tapped = {
-				name = "Tapped",
-				desc = "Background color for when a unit is tapped by another.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 9
-			},
-			other = {
-				name = "Other Tooltips",
-				desc = "Background color for other tooltips.",
-				type = "color",
-				hasAlpha = true,
-				width = "full",
-				order = 10
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-	self.st1left, self.st1right, self.st2left, self.st2right = {}, {}, {}, {}
-	for i = 1, 50 do
-		ShoppingTooltip1:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ')
-		ShoppingTooltip2:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ')
-		self.st1left[i] = _G["ShoppingTooltip1TextLeft" .. i]
-		self.st1right[i] = _G["ShoppingTooltip1TextLeft" .. i]
-		self.st2left[i] = _G["ShoppingTooltip2TextRight" .. i]
-		self.st2right[i] = _G["ShoppingTooltip2TextRight" .. i]
-	end
-	ShoppingTooltip1:Show()
-	ShoppingTooltip1:Hide()
-	ShoppingTooltip2:Show()
-	ShoppingTooltip2:Hide()
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	self:SetScale()
-	self:SetFont()
-	self:SetBackdrop()
-	self:SetBorderColor()
-	self:SetBackdropColor(true)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, false)
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	self:SetScale(true)
-	self:SetFont(true)
-	self:SetBorderColor(true)
-	self:SetBackdrop(true)
-	self:SetBackdropColor(true)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	self.origBackdrop = self.origBackdrop or GameTooltip:GetBackdrop()
-	self.origBackdropColor = self.origBackdropColor or {GameTooltip:GetBackdropColor()}
-function mod:OnHide()
-	self:SetBackdropColor(true)
-function mod:OnShow()
-	self:SetBackdropColor()
-function mod:SetScale(reset)
-	if reset then
-		GameTooltip:SetScale(1)
-		ShoppingTooltip1:SetScale(1)
-		ShoppingTooltip2:SetScale(1)
-	else
-		GameTooltip:SetScale(self.db.profile.scale)
-		ShoppingTooltip1:SetScale(self.db.profile.scale)
-		ShoppingTooltip2:SetScale(self.db.profile.scale)
-	end
-function mod:SetFont(reset)
-	local font
-	if reset then
-		font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
-	else
-		font = LSM:Fetch('font', LSM:List("font")[self.db.profile.font])
-	end
-	if StarTip.leftLines[1]:GetFont() == font then
-		return
-	end
-	for i = 1, 50 do
-		local left = StarTip.leftLines[i]
-		local right = StarTip.rightLines[i]
-		local _, size, style = left:GetFont()
-		left:SetFont(font, size, style)
-		_, size, style = right:GetFont()
-		right:SetFont(font, size, style)
-		left = self.st1left[i]
-		right = self.st1right[i]
-		_, size, style = left:GetFont()
-		left:SetFont(font, size, style)
-		_, size, style = right:GetFont()
-		right:SetFont(font, size, style)
-		left = self.st2left[i]
-		right = self.st2right[i]
-		_, size, style = left:GetFont()
-		left:SetFont(font, size, style)
-		_, size, style = right:GetFont()
-		right:SetFont(font, size, style)
-	end
-local tmp, tmp2 = {}, {}
-function mod:SetBackdrop()
-	if reset then
-		GameTooltip:SetBackdrop(self.origBackdrop)
-		ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdrop(self.origBackdrop)
-		ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdrop(self.origBackdrop)
-	else
-		local bd = GameTooltip:GetBackdrop()
-		local changed = false
-		local bgFile = LSM:Fetch('background', LSM:List('background')[self.db.profile.background])
-		local edgeFile = LSM:Fetch('border', LSM:List('border')[self.db.profile.edgeFile])
-		if bd.bgFile ~= bgFile or bd.edgeFile ~= edgeFile or bd.edgeSize ~= self.db.profile.edgeSize or bd.insets.left ~= self.db.profile.padding then
-			changed = true
-		end
-		if changed then
-			tmp.bgFile = bgFile
-			tmp.edgeFile = edgeFile
-			tmp.tile = false
-			tmp.edgeSize = self.db.profile.edgeSize
-			tmp.insets = tmp2
-			tmp2.left = self.db.profile.padding
-			tmp2.right = self.db.profile.padding
-			tmp2.top = self.db.profile.padding
-			tmp2.bottom = self.db.profile.padding
-			GameTooltip:SetBackdrop(tmp)
-			ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdrop(tmp)
-			ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdrop(tmp)
-		end
-	end
-function mod:SetBackdropColor(reset)
-	if reset then
-		if self.origBackdropColor then
-			GameTooltip:SetBackdropColor(unpack(self.origBackdropColor))
-			ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdropColor(unpack(self.origBackdropColor))
-			ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdropColor(unpack(self.origBackdropColor))
-		else
-			GameTooltip:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1)
-			ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1)
-			ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1)
-		end
-	else -- Snagged from CowTip
-		local kind
-		if UnitExists("mouseover") then
-			if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("mouseover") then
-				kind = 'dead'
-			elseif UnitIsTapped("mouseover") and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer("mouseover") then
-				kind = 'tapped'
-			elseif UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-				if UnitIsFriend("player", "mouseover") then
-					local playerGuild = GetGuildInfo("player")
-					if playerGuild and playerGuild == GetGuildInfo("mouseover") or UnitIsUnit("player", "mouseover") then
-						kind = 'guild'
-					else
-						local friend = false
-						local name = UnitName("mouseover")
-						for i = 1, GetNumFriends() do
-							if GetFriendInfo(i) == name then
-								friend = true
-								break
-							end
-						end
-						if friend then
-							kind = 'guild'
-						else
-							kind = 'friendlyPC'
-						end
-					end
-				else
-					kind = 'hostilePC'
-				end
-			else
-				if UnitIsFriend("player", "mouseover") then
-					kind = 'friendlyNPC'
-				else
-					local reaction = UnitReaction("mouseover", "player")
-					if not reaction or reaction <= 2 then
-						kind = 'hostileNPC'
-					else
-						kind = 'neutralNPC'
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			kind = 'other'
-		end
-		GameTooltip:SetBackdropColor(unpack(self.db.profile.bgColor[kind]))
-		if kind == 'other' then
-			ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdropColor(unpack(self.db.profile.bgColor[kind]))
-			ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdropColor(unpack(self.db.profile.bgColor[kind]))
-		end
-	end
-function mod:SetBorderColor(reset)
-	if reset then
-		GameTooltip:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,1)
-		ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,1)
-		ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,1)
-	else
-		GameTooltip:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(self.db.profile.borderColor))
-		ShoppingTooltip1:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(self.db.profile.borderColor))
-		ShoppingTooltip2:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(self.db.profile.borderColor))
-	end
diff --git a/Modules/Bars.lua b/Modules/Bars.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f7b8a81..0000000
--- a/Modules/Bars.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Bars", "AceTimer-3.0")
-mod.name = "Bars"
-local _G = _G
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local GameTooltipStatusBar = _G.GameTooltipStatusBar
-local UnitIsPlayer = _G.UnitIsPlayer
-local UnitSelectionColor = _G.UnitSelectionColor
-local UnitClass = _G.UnitClass
-local self = mod
-local timer
-local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
-local defaults = {
-	profile = {
-		showHP = true,
-		showMP = true,
-		hpTexture = StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("statusbar", LSM:GetDefault("statusbar")),
-		mpTexture = StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("statusbar", LSM:GetDefault("statusbar")),
-		useGradient = false,
-	}
-local options = {
-	hpBar = {
-		name = "HP Bar",
-		type = "group",
-		args = {
-			show = {
-				name = "Show",
-				desc = "Toggle showing the HP bar",
-				type = "toggle",
-				get = function() return self.db.profile.showHP end,
-				set = function(info, v) self.db.profile.showHP = v end,
-				order = 1
-			},
-			useGradient = {
-				name = "Use Gradient",
-				desc = "Set whether to use a gradient based on unit health",
-				type = "toggle",
-				get = function() return self.db.profile.useGradient end,
-				set = function(info, v) self.db.profile.useGradient = v end,
-				order = 3
-			},
-			texture = {
-				name = "Texture",
-				desc = "Change the status bar's texture",
-				type = "select",
-				values = LSM:List("statusbar"),
-				get = function() return self.db.profile.hpTexture end,
-				set = function(info, v)
-					self.db.profile.hpTexture = v
-					self.hpBar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", LSM:List("statusbar")[v]))
-				end,
-				order = 2
-			},
-		}
-	},
-	mpBar = {
-		name = "MP Bar",
-		type = "group",
-		args = {
-			show = {
-				name = "Show",
-				desc = "Toggle showing the MP bar",
-			type = "toggle",
-				get = function() return self.db.profile.showMP end,
-				set = function(info, v) self.db.profile.showMP = v end,
-				order = 1
-			},
-			texture = {
-				name = "Texture",
-				desc = "Change the status bar's texture",
-				type = "select",
-				values = LSM:List("statusbar"),
-				get = function() return self.db.profile.mpTexture end,
-				set = function(info, v)
-					self.db.profile.mpTexture = v
-					self.mpBar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", LSM:List("statusbar")[v]))
-				end,
-				order = 2
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	local hpBar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, GameTooltip)
-	hpBar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", LSM:List("statusbar")[self.db.profile.hpTexture]))
-	hpBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", GameTooltip, "TOPLEFT")
-	hpBar:SetPoint("LEFT", GameTooltip, "LEFT")
-	hpBar:SetPoint("RIGHT", GameTooltip, "RIGHT")
-	hpBar:SetHeight(5)
-	hpBar:Hide()
-	self.hpBar = hpBar
-	local mpBar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, GameTooltip)
-	mpBar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", LSM:List("statusbar")[self.db.profile.mpTexture]))
-	mpBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", GameTooltip, "BOTTOMLEFT")
-	mpBar:SetPoint("LEFT")
-	mpBar:SetPoint("RIGHT")
-	mpBar:SetHeight(5)
-	mpBar:Hide()
-	self.mpBar = mpBar
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	local top, bottom = 0, 0
-	if self.db.profile.showHP then
-		top = 5
-	end
-	if self.db.profile.showMP then
-		bottom = -5
-	end
-	GameTooltip:SetClampRectInsets(0, 0, top, bottom)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, false)
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	GameTooltip:SetClampRectInsets(0, 0, 0, 0)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
-local function updateBars()
-	if self.db.profile.showHP then self:UpdateHealth() end
-	if self.db.profile.showMP then self:UpdateMana() end
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	GameTooltipStatusBar:Hide()
-	updateBars()
-	if self.db.profile.showHP then self.hpBar:Show() end
-	if self.db.profile.showMP then self.mpBar:Show() end
-	timer = timer or self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(updateBars, .5)
-function mod:OnHide()
-	if timer then
-		self:CancelTimer(timer)
-		timer = nil
-	end
-	self.hpBar:Hide()
-	self.mpBar:Hide()
-local function colorGradient(perc)
-    if perc <= 0.5 then
-        return 1, perc*2, 0
-    else
-        return 2 - perc*2, 1, 0
-    end
--- Colors, snagged from oUF
-local power = {
-	[0] = { r = 48/255, g = 113/255, b = 191/255}, -- Mana
-	[1] = { r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255}, -- Rage
-	[2] = { r = 255/255, g = 178/255, b = 0}, -- Focus
-	[3] = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 34/255}, -- Energy
-	[4] = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 1}, -- Happiness
-	[5] = {}, --Unknown
-	[6] = { r = 0.23, g = 0.12, b = 0.77 } -- Runic Power
-local health = {
-	[0] = {r = 49/255, g = 207/255, b = 37/255}, -- Health
-	[1] = {r = .6, g = .6, b = .6} -- Tapped targets
-local happiness = {
-	[1] = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0}, -- need.... | unhappy
-	[2] = {r = 1 ,g = 1, b = 0}, -- new..... | content
-	[3] = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0}, -- colors.. | happy
--- Logic snagged from oUF
-function mod:UpdateHealth()
-	local unit = "mouseover"
-	if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
-	local min, max = UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit)
-	self.hpBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, max)
-	self.hpBar:SetValue(min)
-	local color
-	if self.db.profile.useGradient then
-		color = {}
-		color.r, color.g, color.b = colorGradient(min/max)
-	elseif(UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
-		color = health[1]
-	elseif UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
-		color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
-	else
-		color = {}
-		color.r, color.g, color.b = UnitSelectionColor(unit)
-	end
-	if not color then color = health[0] end
-	self.hpBar:SetStatusBarColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
-function mod:UpdateMana()
-	local unit = "mouseover"
-	if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
-	local min, max = UnitMana(unit), UnitManaMax(unit)
-	self.mpBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, max)
-	self.mpBar:SetValue(min)
-	local color = power[UnitPowerType(unit)]
-	self.mpBar:SetStatusBarColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
diff --git a/Modules/Fade.lua b/Modules/Fade.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index be7d0ae..0000000
--- a/Modules/Fade.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Fade", "AceHook-3.0")
-mod.name = "Fade"
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local UnitExists = _G.UnitExists
-local self = mod
-local defaults = {
-	profile = {
-		unitFrames = 1,
-		otherFrames = 1,
-		units = 2,
-		objects = 2,
-	}
-local choices = {
-	"Hide",
-	"Fade out"
-local get = function(info)
-	return self.db.profile[info[#info]]
-local set = function(info, v)
-	self.db.profile[info[#info]] = v
-local options = {
-	units = {
-		name = "World Units",
-		desc = "What to do with tooltips for world frames",
-		type = "select",
-		values = choices,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 4
-	},
-	unitFrames = {
-		name = "Unit Frames",
-		desc = "What to do with tooltips for unit frames",
-		type = "select",
-		values = choices,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 5
-	},
-	otherFrames = {
-		name = "Other Frames",
-		desc = "What to do with tooltips for other frames (spells, macros, items, etc..)",
-		type = "select",
-		values = choices,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 6
-	},
-	objects = {
-		name = "World Objects",
-		desc = "What to do with tooltips for world objects (mailboxes, portals, etc..)",
-		type = "select",
-		values = choices,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 7
-	}
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "FadeOut", "GameTooltipFadeOut", true)
-	self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "Hide", "GameTooltipHide", true)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, false)
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "FadeOut")
-	self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "Hide")
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-	if timer then
-		self:CancelTimer(timer)
-		timer = nil
-	end
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
--- CowTip's solution below
-local updateExistenceFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local updateAlphaFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local checkExistence = function()
-	if not UnitExists("mouseover") then
-		updateExistenceFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-		local kind
-		if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then
-			kind = self.db.profile.units
-		else
-			kind = self.db.profile.unitFrames
-		end
-		if kind == 2 then
-			GameTooltip:FadeOut()
-		else
-			GameTooltip:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-local checkTooltipAlpha = function()
-	if GameTooltip:GetAlpha() < 1 then
-		updateAlphaFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-		local kind
-		if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then
-			kind = self.db.profile.objects
-		else
-			kind = self.db.profile.otherFrames
-		end
-		if kind == 2 then
-			GameTooltip:FadeOut()
-		else
-			GameTooltip:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-function mod:OnShow()
-	if UnitExists("mouseover") then
-		updateExistenceFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", checkExistence)
-	else
-		updateAlphaFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", checkTooltipAlpha)
-	end
-function mod:GameTooltipFadeOut(this, ...)
-	if self.justFade then
-		self.justFade = nil
-		self.hooks[this].FadeOut(this, ...)
-		return
-	end
-	local kind
-	if self.isUnit then
-		if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then
-			kind = self.db.profile.units
-		else
-			kind = self.db.profile.unitFrames
-		end
-		self.isUnit = nil
-	else
-		if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then
-			kind = self.db.profile.objects
-		else
-			kind = self.db.profile.otherFrames
-		end
-	end
-	if kind == 2 then
-		self.hooks[this].FadeOut(this, ...)
-	else
-		self.justHide = true
-		GameTooltip:Hide()
-	end
-function mod:GameTooltipHide(this, ...)
-	if self.justHide then
-		self.justHide = nil
-		return self.hooks[this].Hide(this, ...)
-	end
-	local kind
-	if self.isUnit then
-		if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then
-			kind = self.db.profile.units
-		else
-			kind = self.db.profile.unitFrames
-		end
-		self.isUnit = nil
-	else
-		if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then
-			kind = self.db.profile.objects
-		else
-			kind = self.db.profile.otherFrames
-		end
-	end
-	if kind == 2 then
-		self.justFade = true
-		return GameTooltip:FadeOut()
-	else
-		return self.hooks[this].Hide(this, ...)
-	end
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	self.isUnit = true
diff --git a/Modules/Position.lua b/Modules/Position.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac613b..0000000
--- a/Modules/Position.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Position", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
-mod.name = "Positioning and Hiding"
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local UIParent = _G.UIParent
-local self = mod
-local defaults = {
-	profile = {
-		inCombat = 1,
-		anchor = 1,
-		unitFrames = 13,
-		other = 1,
-		inCombatXOffset = 0,
-		inCombatYOffset = 0,
-		anchorXOffset = 0,
-		anchorYOffset = 0,
-		unitFramesXOffset = 0,
-		unitFramesYOffset = 0,
-		otherXOffset = 0,
-		otherYOffset = 0
-	}
-local anchors = {
-	"TOP",
-	"RIGHT",
-	"LEFT",
-local anchorText = {
-	"Cursor Top",
-	"Cursor Top-right",
-	"Cursor Top-left",
-	"Cursor Bottom",
-	"Cursor Bottom-right",
-	"Cursor Bottom-left",
-	"Cursor Left",
-	"Cursor Right",
-	"Screen Top",
-	"Screen Top-right",
-	"Screen Top-left",
-	"Screen Bottom",
-	"Screen Bottom-right",
-	"Screen Bottom-left",
-	"Screen Right",
-	"Screen Left",
-	"Screen Center"
-local opposites = {
-local selections = {}
-for i, v in ipairs(anchorText) do
-	selections[i] = v
-selections[#selections+1] = "Hide"
-local get = function(info)
-	return self.db.profile[info[#info]]
-local set = function(info,v)
-	self.db.profile[info[#info]] = v
-local minX = -math.floor(GetScreenWidth()/5 + 0.5) * 5
-local minY = -math.floor(GetScreenHeight()/5 + 0.5) * 5
-local maxX = math.floor(GetScreenWidth()/5 + 0.5) * 5
-local maxY = math.floor(GetScreenHeight()/5 + 0.5) * 5
-local options = {
-	anchor = {
-		name = "World Units",
-		desc = "Where to anchor the tooltip when mousing over world characters",
-		type = "select",
-		values = selections,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 4
-	},
-	anchorXOffset = {
-		name = "X-axis offset",
-		desc = "The x-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minX,
-		max = maxX,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 5
-	},
-	anchorYOffset = {
-		name = "Y-axis offset",
-		desc = "The y-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minY,
-		max = maxY,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 6
-	},
-	inCombatHeader = {
-		name = "",
-		type = "header",
-		order = 7
-	},
-	inCombat = {
-		name = "In Combat",
-		desc = "Where to anchor the world unit tooltip while in combat",
-		type = "select",
-		values = selections,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 8
-	},
-	inCombatXOffset = {
-		name = "X-axis offset",
-		desc = "The x-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minX,
-		max = maxX,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 9
-	},
-	inCombatYOffset = {
-		name = "Y-axis offset",
-		desc = "The y-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minY,
-		max = maxY,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 10
-	},
-	unitFramesHeader = {
-		name = "",
-		type = "header",
-		order = 11
-	},
-	unitFrames = {
-		name = "Unit Frames",
-		desc = "Where to anchor the tooltip when mousing over a unit frame",
-		type = "select",
-		values = selections,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 12
-	},
-	unitFramesXOffset = {
-		name = "X-axis offset",
-		desc = "The x-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minX,
-		max = maxX,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 13
-	},
-	unitFramesYOffset = {
-		name = "Y-axis offset",
-		desc = "The y-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minY,
-		max = maxY,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 14
-	},
-	otherHeader = {
-		name = "",
-		type = "header",
-		order = 15
-	},
-	other = {
-		name = "Other tooltips",
-		desc = "Where to anchor tooltips that are not unit tooltips",
-		type = "select",
-		values = selections,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 16
-	},
-	otherXOffset = {
-		name = "X-axis offset",
-		desc = "The x-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minX,
-		max = maxX,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 17
-	},
-	otherYOffset = {
-		name = "Y-axis offset",
-		desc = "The y-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
-		type = "range",
-		min = minY,
-		max = maxY,
-		step = 1,
-		bigStep = 5,
-		get = get,
-		set = set,
-		order = 18
-	}
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	self:RegisterEvent("REGEN_DISABLED")
-	self:RegisterEvent("REGEN_ENABLED")
-	self:SecureHook("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor")
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, false)
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	self:UnregisterEvent("REGEN_DISABLED")
-	self:UnregisterEvent("REGEN_ENABLED")
-	self:Unhook("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor")
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
-local updateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local oldX, oldY
-local currentAnchor
-local xoffset, yoffset
-local positionTooltip = function()
-	local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
-	local effScale = GameTooltip:GetEffectiveScale()
-	if x ~= oldX or y ~= oldY then
-		GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints()
-		GameTooltip:SetPoint(currentAnchor, UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", (x + xoffset) / effScale, (y + yoffset) / effScale)
-	end
-	oldX, oldY = x, y
-local getIndex = function(owner)
-	local index
-	if UnitExists("mouseover") then
-		if InCombatLockdown() then
-			index = self.db.profile.inCombat
-		elseif owner == UIParent then
-			index = self.db.profile.anchor
-		else
-			index = self.db.profile.unitFrames
-		end
-	else
-		index = self.db.profile.other
-	end
-	return index
-local setOffsets = function(owner)
-	if owner == UIParent then
-		if UnitExists("mouseover") then
-			if InCombatLockdown() then
-				xoffset = self.db.profile.inCombatXOffset
-				yoffset = self.db.profile.inCombatYOffset
-			else
-				xoffset = self.db.profile.anchorXOffset
-				yoffset = self.db.profile.anchorYOffset
-			end
-		else
-			xoffset = self.db.profile.otherXOffset
-			yoffset = self.db.profile.otherYOffset
-		end
-	else
-		if UnitExists("mouseover") then
-			xoffset = self.db.profile.unitFramesXOffset
-			yoffset = self.db.profile.unitFramesYOffset
-		else
-			xoffset = self.db.profile.otherXOffset
-			yoffset = self.db.profile.otherYOffset
-		end
-	end
-local currentOwner
-local currentThis
-local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local function delayAnchor()
-	f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-	local this = currentThis
-	local owner = currentOwner
-	this:ClearAllPoints()
-	setOffsets(owner)
-	local index = getIndex(owner)
-	if index == #selections then
-		this:Hide()
-		return
-	elseif anchors[index]:find("^CURSOR_")  then
-		oldX, oldY = 0, 0
-		currentAnchor = opposites[anchors[index]:sub(8)]
-		updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionTooltip)
-		positionTooltip()
-	else
-		if updateFrame:GetScript("OnUpdate") then updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end
-		this:SetPoint(anchors[index], UIParent, anchors[index], xoffset, yoffset)
-	end
-function mod:GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(this, owner)
-	currentOwner = owner
-	currentThis = this
-	if not f:GetScript("OnUpdate") then f:SetScript("OnUpdate", delayAnchor) end
-function mod:REGEN_DISABLED()
-	if not currentOwner then return end
-	updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-	self:GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, currentOwner)
-function mod:OnHide()
-	updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
diff --git a/Modules/PvP.lua b/Modules/PvP.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c458f0d..0000000
--- a/Modules/PvP.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("PvP", "AceEvent-3.0")
-mod.name = "PvP"
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local UnitFactionGroup = _G.UnitFactionGroup
-local self = mod
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	local frame = _G.CreateFrame("Frame", nil, GameTooltip)
-	local pvp = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-	pvp:SetHeight(30)
-	pvp:SetWidth(30)
-	pvp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", GameTooltip, 20, 10)
-	pvp:Hide()
-	self.PvP = pvp
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION")
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION")
-function mod:UNIT_FACTION(event, unit)
-	if unit ~= "mouseover" then return end
-	local factionGroup = UnitFactionGroup(unit)
-	if(UnitIsPVPFreeForAll(unit)) then
-		self.PvP:SetTexture[[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-PVP-FFA]]
-		self.PvP:Show()
-	elseif(factionGroup and UnitIsPVP(unit)) then
-		self.PvP:SetTexture([[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-PVP-]]..factionGroup)
-		self.PvP:Show()
-	else
-		self.PvP:Hide()
-	end
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	self:UNIT_FACTION(nil, "mouseover")
-function mod:OnHide()
-	self.PvP:Hide()
diff --git a/Modules/RaidIcon.lua b/Modules/RaidIcon.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7f51a..0000000
--- a/Modules/RaidIcon.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("RaidIcon", "AceEvent-3.0")
-mod.name = "RaidIcon"
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local GetRaidTargetIndex = _G.GetRaidTargetIndex
-local SetRaidTargetIconTexture = _G.SetRaidTargetIconTexture
-local self = mod
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, GameTooltip)
-	local icon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-	icon:SetHeight(16)
-    icon:SetWidth(16)
-    icon:SetPoint("TOP", GameTooltip, 0, 4)
-    icon:SetTexture"Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons"
-	icon:Hide()
-	self.icon = icon
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	self:RegisterEvent("RAID_TARGET_UPDATE")
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	self:UnregisterEvent("RAID_TARGET_UPDATE")
-function mod:SetUnit()
-function mod:OnHide()
-	if self.icon:IsShown() then self.icon:Hide() end
-function mod:RAID_TARGET_UPDATE(event)
-	local index = _G.GetRaidTargetIndex("mouseover")
-	if(index) then
-		_G.SetRaidTargetIconTexture(self.icon, index)
-		self.icon:Show()
-	else
-		self.icon:Hide()
-	end
diff --git a/Modules/Targeting.lua b/Modules/Targeting.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a6e400c..0000000
--- a/Modules/Targeting.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Targeting", "AceEvent-3.0")
-mod.name = "Targeting"
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local UnitFactionGroup = _G.UnitFactionGroup
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local self = mod
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-function mod:OnEnable()
-function mod:OnDisable()
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	if UnitInRaid("player") then
-		local txt = ''
-		for i=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
-			if UnitExists("mouseover") and UnitGUID("mouseover") == UnitGUID("raid" .. i .. "target") then
-				local c = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass("raid" .. i))]
-				local name = UnitName("raid" .. i)
-				txt = txt .. ("|cFF%02x%02x%02x%s|r "):format(c.r*255, c.g*255, c.b*255, name)
-			end
-		end
-		if txt ~= '' then
-			GameTooltip:AddLine("Targeting: " .. txt, .5, .5, 1, 1)
-		end
-	end
diff --git a/Modules/Text.lua b/Modules/Text.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0190883..0000000
--- a/Modules/Text.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Text", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0")
-mod.name = "Text"
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local self = mod
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local tinsert = _G.tinsert
-local unpack = _G.unpack
-local select = _G.select
-local format = _G.format
-local floor = _G.floor
-local tostring = _G.tostring
-local UnitExists = _G.UnitExists
-local UnitIsPlayer = _G.UnitIsPlayer
-local UnitBuff = _G.UnitBuff
-local GetSpellInfo = _G.GetSpellInfo
-local UnitIsConnected = _G.UnitIsConnected
-local UnitIsFeignDeath = _G.UnitIsFeignDeath
-local UnitIsGhost = _G.UnitIsGhost
-local UnitIsDead = _G.UnitIsDead
-local UnitLevel = _G.UnitLevel
-local UnitClassification = _G.UnitClassification
-local UnitSelectionColor = _G.UnitSelectionColor
-local UnitRace = _G.UnitRace
-local GetNumTalentTabs = _G.GetNumTalentTabs
-local GetTalentTabInfo = _G.GetTalentTabInfo
-local GetGuildInfo = _G.GetGuildInfo
-local UnitName = _G.UnitName
-local UnitClass = _G.UnitClass
-local UnitMana = _G.UnitMana
-local UnitManaMax = _G.UnitManaMax
-local UnitFactionGroup = _G.UnitFactionGroup
-local UnitCreatureFamily = _G.UnitCreatureFamily
-local UnitCreatureType = _G.UnitCreatureType
-local UnitIsUnit = _G.UnitIsUnit
-local timer, talentTimer
-local TalentQuery = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibTalentQuery-1.0", true)
-local TalentGuess = LibStub:GetLibrary("TalentGuess-1.0", true) and LibStub:GetLibrary("TalentGuess-1.0"):Register()
-local spec = setmetatable({}, {__mode='v'})
-local factionList = {}
-local linesToAdd = {}
-local linesToAddR = {}
-local linesToAddG = {}
-local linesToAddB = {}
-local linesToAddRight = {}
-local linesToAddRightR = {}
-local linesToAddRightG = {}
-local linesToAddRightB = {}
-local unitLocation
-local unitName
-local unitGuild
-local NUM_LINES
--- Thanks to ckknight for this
-local short = function(value)
-	if value >= 10000000 or value <= -10000000 then
-		value = ("%.1fm"):format(value / 1000000)
-	elseif value >= 1000000 or value <= -1000000 then
-		value = ("%.2fm"):format(value / 1000000)
-	elseif value >= 100000 or value <= -100000 then
-		value = ("%.0fk"):format(value / 1000)
-	elseif value >= 10000 or value <= -10000 then
-		value = ("%.1fk"):format(value / 1000)
-	else
-		value = tostring(floor(value+0.5))
-	end
-	return value
-local classifications = {
-	worldboss = "Boss",
-	rareelite = "+ Rare",
-	elite = "+",
-	rare = "Rare"
-local talentTrees = {
-	["Druid"] = {"Balance", "Feral Combat", "Restoration"},
-	["Hunter"] = {"Beast Mastery", "Marksmanship", "Survival"},
-	["Mage"] = {"Arcane", "Fire", "Frost"},
-	["Paladin"] = {"Holy", "Protection", "Retribution"},
-	["Priest"] = {"Discipline", "Holy", "Shadow"},
-	["Rogue"] = {"Assassination", "Combat", "Subtlety"},
-	["Shaman"] = {"Elemental", "Enhancement", "Restoration"},
-	["Warlock"] = {"Affliction", "Demonology", "Destruction"},
-	["Warrior"] = {"Arms", "Fury", "Protection"},
-local powers = {
-	["WARRIOR"] = "Rage:",
-	["ROGUE"] = "Energy:",
-powers = setmetatable(powers, {__index=function(self,key)
-	if type(key) == nil then return nil end
-	if rawget(self,key) then
-		return self[key]
-	else
-		return "Mana:"
-	end
-local updateTalents = function()
-	if not UnitExists("mouseover") then
-		self:CancelTimer(talentTimer)
-		talentTimer = nil
-		return
-	end
-	local nameRealm = select(1, UnitName("mouseover")) .. (select(2, UnitName("mouseover")) or '')
-	if spec[nameRealm] and spec[nameRealm][4] and spec[nameRealm][1] and spec[nameRealm][2] and spec[nameRealm][3] then
-		local specText = ('%s (%d/%d/%d)'):format(spec[nameRealm][4], spec[nameRealm][1], spec[nameRealm][2], spec[nameRealm][3])
-		local lineNum
-		if NUM_LINES < GameTooltip:NumLines() then
-			lineNum = NUM_LINES + 1
-			local j = 0
-			for i = lineNum, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
-				local left = mod.leftLines[i]
-				j = j + 1
-				linesToAdd[j] = left:GetText()
-				local r, g, b = left:GetTextColor()
-				linesToAddR[j] = r
-				linesToAddG[j] = g
-				linesToAddB[j] = b
-				local right = mod.rightLines[i]
-				if right:IsShown() then
-					linesToAddRight[j] = right:GetText()
-					local r, g, b = right:GetTextColor()
-					linesToAddRightR[j] = r
-					linesToAddRightG[j] = g
-					linesToAddRightB[j] = b
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			lineNum = GameTooltip:NumLines() + 1
-		end
-		local replaced
-		for i = 1, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
-			if mod.leftLines[i]:GetText() == "Talents Guessed:" then
-				lineNum = i
-				replaced = true
-			end
-		end
-		if not replaced then
-			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ')
-		end
-		local left = mod.leftLines[lineNum]
-		local right = mod.rightLines[lineNum]
-		left:SetText("Talents:")
-		right:SetText(specText)
-		if not right:IsShown() then
-			right:Show()
-		end
-		left:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-		right:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-		for i=1, #linesToAdd do
-			local left = mod.leftLines[i + lineNum]
-			left:SetText(linesToAdd[i])
-			left:SetTextColor(linesToAddR[i], linesToAddG[i], linesToAddB[i])
-			if linesToAddRight[i] then
-				local right = mod.rightLines[i + lineNum]
-				right:SetText(linesToAddRight[i])
-				right:SetTextColor(linesToAddRightR[i], linesToAddRightG[i], linesToAddRightB[i])
-			end
-			linesToAdd[i] = nil
-			linesToAddR[i] = nil
-			linesToAddG[i] = nil
-			linesToAddB[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRight[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRightR[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRightG[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRightB[i] = nil
-		end
-		self:CancelTimer(talentTimer)
-		talentTimer =  nil
-		GameTooltip:Show()
-	elseif spec[nameRealm] then
-		for k in pairs(spec[nameRealm]) do
-			spec[nameRealm][k] = nil
-		end
-		spec[nameRealm] = nil
-	end
-local indexOf = function(t, val)
-	for i=1, #t do
-		if t[i] == val then
-			return i
-		end
-	end
-local indicesOf = function(t, val)
-	local a = {}
-	for i=1, #t do
-		if t[i] == val then
-			tinsert(a, i)
-		end
-	end
-	return unpack(a)
-function mod:TalentQuery_Ready(e, name, realm)
-	if not TalentQuery then return end
-	local nameRealm = name .. (realm or '')
-	local isnotplayer = (name ~= UnitName("player"))
-	if not spec[nameRealm] then
-		spec[nameRealm] = {[4]=NONE}
-		local highPoints = {}
-		local specNames = {}
-		for tab = 1, GetNumTalentTabs(isnotplayer) do
-			local treename, _, pointsspent = GetTalentTabInfo(tab, isnotplayer)
-			highPoints[tab] = pointsspent
-			spec[nameRealm][tab] = pointsspent
-			specNames[tab] = treename
-		end
-		if highPoints[1] == nil or highPoints[2] == nil or highPoints[3] == nil  then spec[nameRealm] = nil return end
-		table.sort(highPoints, function(a,b) return a>b end)
-		local first, second = select(1, indicesOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1])), select(2, indicesOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1]))
-		if highPoints[1] > 0 and highPoints[2] > 0 and highPoints[1] - highPoints[2] <= 5 and highPoints[1] ~= highPoints[2] then
-			spec[nameRealm][4] = specNames[indexOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1])] .. "/" .. specNames[indexOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[2])]
-		elseif highPoints[1] > 0 and first and second then
-			spec[nameRealm][4] = specNames[first] .. "/" .. specNames[second]
-		elseif highPoints[1] > 0 then
-			spec[nameRealm][4] = specNames[indexOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1])]
-		end
-	end
-local unitHasAura = function(aura)
-	local i = 1
-	while true do
-		local buff = UnitBuff("mouseover", i, true)
-		if not buff then return end
-		if buff == aura then return true end
-		i = i + 1
-	end
-local options = {
-	titles = {
-		name = "Titles",
-		desc = "Toggle whether to show titles or not",
-		type = "toggle",
-		set = function(info, v) self.db.profile.titles = v end,
-		get = function() return self.db.profile.titles end,
-		order = 5
-	},
-local lines = setmetatable({
-	[1] = {
-		db = "Name:",
-		name = "UnitName",
-		left = function()
-			local c
-			if UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-				c = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass("mouseover"))]
-			else
-				c = {}
-				c.r, c.g, c.b = UnitSelectionColor("mouseover")
-			end
-			return unitName, c
-		end,
-		right = nil,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[2] = {
-		db = "Target:",
-		name = "Target",
-		left = function() return "Target:" end,
-		right = function()
-			if UnitExists("mouseovertarget") then
-				local c
-				if UnitIsPlayer("mouseovertarget") then
-					c = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass("mouseovertarget"))]
-				else
-					c = {}
-					c.r, c.g, c.b = UnitSelectionColor("mouseovertarget")
-				end
-				local name = UnitName("mouseovertarget")
-				return name, c
-			else
-				return "None", {r=1, g=1, b=1}
-			end
-		end,
-		updating = true
-	},
-	[3] = {
-		db = "Guild:",
-		name = "Guild",
-		left = function() return "Guild:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local guild = GetGuildInfo("mouseover")
-			if guild then return guild else return unitGuild end
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[4] = {
-		db = "Rank:",
-		name = "Rank",
-		left = function() return "Rank:" end,
-		right =  function()
-			return select(2, GetGuildInfo("mouseover"))
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[5] = {
-		db = "Realm:",
-		name = "Realm",
-		left = function() return "Realm:" end,
-		right = function()
-			return select(2, UnitName("mouseover"))
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[6] = {
-		db = "Level:",
-		name = "Level",
-		left = function() return "Level:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local lvl = UnitLevel("mouseover")
-			local class = UnitClassification("mouseover")
-			if lvl <= 0 then
-				lvl = ''
-			end
-			if classifications[class] then
-				lvl = lvl .. classifications[class]
-			end
-			return lvl
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[7] = {
-		db = "Race:",
-		name = "Race",
-		left = function() return "Race:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local race
-			if UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-				race = UnitRace("mouseover");
-			else
-				race = UnitCreatureFamily("mouseover") or UnitCreatureType("mouseover")
-			end
-			return race
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[8] = {
-		db = "Class:",
-		name = "Class",
-		left = function() return "Class:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local class = UnitClass("mouseover")
-			if class == UnitName("mouseover") then return end
-			local c = UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass("mouseover"))]
-			return class, c
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[9] = {
-		db = "Faction:",
-		name = "Faction",
-		left = function() return "Faction:" end,
-		right = function()
-			return UnitFactionGroup("mouseover")
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[10] = {
-		db = "Status:",
-		name = "Status",
-		left = function() return "Status:" end,
-		right = function()
-			if not UnitIsConnected("mouseover") then
-				return "Offline"
-			elseif unitHasAura(GetSpellInfo(19752)) then
-				return "Divine Intervention"
-			elseif UnitIsFeignDeath("mouseover") then
-				return "Feigned Death"
-			elseif UnitIsGhost("mouseover") then
-				return "Ghost"
-			elseif UnitIsDead("mouseover") and  unitHasAura(GetSpellInfo(20707)) then
-				return "Soulstoned"
-			elseif UnitIsDead("mouseover") then
-				return "Dead"
-			end
-		end,
-		updating = true
-	},
-	[11] = {
-		db = "Health:",
-		name = "Health",
-		left = function() return "Health:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local health, maxHealth = UnitHealth("mouseover"), UnitHealthMax("mouseover")
-			local value
-			if maxHealth == 100 then
-				value = health .. "%"
-			elseif maxHealth ~= 0 then
-				value = format("%s/%s (%d%%)", short(health), short(maxHealth), health/maxHealth*100)
-			end
-			return value
-		end,
-		updating = true
-	},
-	[12] = {
-		db = "Mana:",
-		name = "Mana",
-		left = function()
-			local class = select(2, UnitClass("mouseover"))
-			return powers[class]
-		end,
-		right = function()
-			local mana = UnitMana("mouseover")
-			local maxMana = UnitManaMax("mouseover")
-			local value
-			if maxMana == 100 then
-				value = mana
-			elseif maxMana ~= 0 then
-				value = format("%s/%s (%d%%)", short(mana), short(maxMana), mana/maxMana*100)
-			end
-			return value
-		end,
-		updating = true
-	},
-	[13] = {
-		db = "Location:",
-		name = "Location",
-		left = function() return "Location:" end,
-		right = function()
-			return unitLocation
-		end,
-		updating = true
-	},
-	[14] = {
-		db = "Talents:",
-		name = "Talents",
-		left = function() return "Talents:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local name = UnitName("mouseover")
-			if TalentQuery and UnitIsUnit("mouseover", "player") then
-				mod:TalentQuery_Ready(_, name)
-			elseif TalentQuery and UnitExists("mouseover") and UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-				TalentQuery:Query("mouseover")
-				talentTimer = talentTimer or self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(updateTalents, 0)
-			end
-		end,
-		updating = false
-	},
-	[15] = {
-		db = "TalentsGuessed:",
-		name = "Talents Guesssed",
-		left = function() return "Talents Guessed:" end,
-		right = function()
-			local name, realm = UnitName("mouseover")
-			local nameRealm
-			if realm then
-				nameRealm = name .. '-' .. realm
-			else
-				nameRealm = name
-			end
-			local specText
-			if nameRealm and TalentGuess and TalentGuess:GetTalents(nameRealm) then
-				local talents = {}
-				local high = 1
-				talents[1], talents[2], talents[3] = TalentGuess:GetTalents(nameRealm)
-				for i = 2, 3 do
-					if talents[i] > talents[high] then
-						high = i
-					end
-				end
-				local class = UnitClass("mouseover")
-				specText = ("%s (%d/%d/%d)"):format(talentTrees[class][high], talents[1], talents[2], talents[3])
-			end
-			return specText
-		end,
-		updating = true
-	}
-}, {__call=function(this)
-	local lineNum = 0
-	for i, v in ipairs(this) do
-		if self.db.profile[v.db] then
-			local left, right, c
-			if v.right then
-				right, c = v.right()
-				left = v.left()
-			else
-				right = ''
-				left, c = v.left()
-			end
-			if left and right then
-				lineNum = lineNum + 1
-				if v.right then
-					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
-					mod.leftLines[lineNum]:SetText(left)
-					mod.rightLines[lineNum]:SetText(right)
-					if type(c) == "table" and c.r then
-						mod.rightLines[lineNum]:SetVertexColor(c.r, c.g, c.b)
-					end
-				else
-					GameTooltip:AddLine(' ', 1, 1, 1)
-					mod.leftLines[lineNum]:SetText(left)
-					if type(c) == "table" and c.r then
-						mod.leftLines[lineNum]:SetVertexColor(c.r, c.g, c.b)
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	NUM_LINES = lineNum
-local function updateLines()
-	if not UnitExists("mouseover") then
-		mod:CancelTimer(timer)
-		timer = nil
-		return
-	end
-	for _, v in ipairs(lines) do
-		if v.updating and v.right and self.db.profile[v.db] then
-			local left = v.left()
-			local right, c = v.right()
-			if left and right then
-				for i = 1, NUM_LINES do
-					if mod.leftLines[i]:GetText() == left then
-						mod.rightLines[i]:SetText(right)
-						if type(c) == "table" and c.r then
-							mod.rightLines[i]:SetVertexColor(c.r, c.g, c.b)
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local defaults = {profile={titles=true}}
-	local lnum = 1
-	for i, v in ipairs(lines) do
-		options[v.db] = {
-			name = v.name,
-			desc = "Toggle showing this line",
-			type = "toggle",
-			set = function(info, val) self.db.profile[v.db] = val end,
-			get = function() return self.db.profile[v.db] end,
-			order = 5 + lnum
-		}
-		lnum = lnum + 1
-		defaults.profile[v.db] = true
-	end
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	self.leftLines = StarTip.leftLines
-	self.rightLines = StarTip.rightLines
-	self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_FACTION")
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	local i = 1
-	while true do
-		if not self.db.profile[i] then break end
-		lines[i] = self.db.profile[i]
-		i = i + 1
-	end
-	if TalentQuery then TalentQuery.RegisterCallback(self, "TalentQuery_Ready") end
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, false)
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	if TalentQuery then TalentQuery.UnregisterCallback(self, "TalentQuery_Ready") end
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
-function mod:UPDATE_FACTION()
-	for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
-		local name = GetFactionInfo(i)
-		factionList[name] = true
-	end
-local getName = function()
-	if self.db.profile.titles then
-		local name = self.leftLines[1]:GetText()
-		if UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and name:find(" %- ") then
-			name = name:sub(1, name:find(" %- "))
-		end
-		return name
-	else
-		return UnitName("mouseover")
-	end
--- Taken from LibDogTag-Unit-3.0
-local LEVEL_start = "^" .. (type(LEVEL) == "string" and LEVEL or "Level")
-local getLocation = function()
-	if UnitIsVisible("mouseover") or not UnitIsConnected("mouseover") then
-		return nil
-	end
-	local left_2 = self.leftLines[2]:GetText()
-	local left_3 = self.leftLines[3]:GetText()
-	if not left_2 or not left_3 then
-		return nil
-	end
-	local hasGuild = not left_2:find(LEVEL_start)
-	local factionText = not hasGuild and left_3 or self.leftLines[4]:GetText()
-	if factionText == PVP then
-		factionText = nil
-	end
-	local hasFaction = factionText and not UnitPlayerControlled("mouseover") and not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and (UnitFactionGroup("mouseover") or factionList[factionText])
-	if hasGuild and hasFaction then
-		return self.leftLines[5]:GetText()
-	elseif hasGuild or hasFaction then
-		return self.leftLines[4]:GetText()
-	else
-		return left_3
-	end
-local getGuild = function()
-	local left_2 = self.leftLines[2]:GetText()
-	if left_2:find(LEVEL_start) then return nil end
-	return "<" .. left_2 .. ">"
-local ff = CreateFrame("Frame")
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	--[[self = mod
-	if not UnitExists("mouseover") then
-		if ff:GetScript("OnUpdate") then
-			ff:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-		else
-			ff:SetScript("OnUpdate", self.SetUnit)
-		end
-		return
-	end]]
-	if ff:GetScript("OnUpdate") then ff:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end
-	unitName = getName()
-	unitLocation = getLocation()
-	unitGuild = getGuild()
-	-- Taken from CowTip
-	local lastLine = 2
-	local text2 = self.leftLines[2]:GetText()
-	if not text2 then
-		lastLine = lastLine - 1
-	elseif not text2:find("^"..LEVEL) then
-		lastLine = lastLine + 1
-	end
-	if not UnitPlayerControlled("mouseover") and not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-		local factionText = self.leftLines[lastLine + 1]:GetText()
-		if factionText == PVP then
-			factionText = nil
-		end
-		if factionText and (factionList[factionText] or UnitFactionGroup("mouseover")) then
-			lastLine = lastLine + 1
-		end
-	end
-	if not UnitIsConnected("mouseover") or not UnitIsVisible("mouseover") or UnitIsPVP("mouseover") then
-		lastLine = lastLine + 1
-	end
-	lastLine = lastLine + 1
-	for i = lastLine, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
-		local left = self.leftLines[i]
-		local j = i - lastLine + 1
-		linesToAdd[j] = left:GetText()
-		local r, g, b = left:GetTextColor()
-		linesToAddR[j] = r
-		linesToAddG[j] = g
-		linesToAddB[j] = b
-		local right = self.rightLines[i]
-		if right:IsShown() then
-			linesToAddRight[j] = right:GetText()
-			local r, g, b = right:GetTextColor()
-			linesToAddRightR[j] = r
-			linesToAddRightG[j] = g
-			linesToAddRightB[j] = b
-		end
-	end
-	-- End
-	GameTooltip:ClearLines()
-	lines()
-	-- Another part taken from CowTip
-	for i, left in ipairs(linesToAdd) do
-		local right = linesToAddRight[i]
-		if right then
-			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(left, right, linesToAddR[i], linesToAddG[i], linesToAddB[i], linesToAddRightR[i], linesToAddRightG[i], linesToAddRightB[i])
-		else
-			GameTooltip:AddLine(left, linesToAddR[i], linesToAddG[i], linesToAddB[i], true)
-		end
-		linesToAdd[i] = nil
-		linesToAddR[i] = nil
-		linesToAddG[i] = nil
-		linesToAddB[i] = nil
-		linesToAddRight[i] = nil
-		linesToAddRightR[i] = nil
-		linesToAddRightG[i] = nil
-		linesToAddRightB[i] = nil
-	end
-	-- End
-	timer = timer or self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(updateLines, .5)
-	GameTooltip:Show()