
Re-worked addon:SetupMap() and all associated code to work with the new acquire_data system and moved it all to its own file - Waypoint.lua

James D. Callahan III [03-17-10 - 05:31]
Re-worked addon:SetupMap() and all associated code to work with the new acquire_data system and moved it all to its own file - Waypoint.lua
diff --git a/AckisRecipeList.toc b/AckisRecipeList.toc
index e9974e1..275607e 100644
--- a/AckisRecipeList.toc
+++ b/AckisRecipeList.toc
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Constants.lua
diff --git a/Frame.lua b/Frame.lua
index 841e9b5..7f52dd4 100644
--- a/Frame.lua
+++ b/Frame.lua
@@ -2744,493 +2744,6 @@ MainPanel.close_button:SetScript("OnClick",

--- Map waypoint code.
-	local BZ = LibStub("LibBabble-Zone-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
-	local function LoadZones(c, y, ...)
-		-- Fill up the list for normal lookup
-		for i = 1, select('#', ...), 1 do
-			c[i] = select(i, ...)
---			if c[i] == BZ["The Storm Peaks"] then
---				addon:Print("We have a match.")
---			end
-		end
-		-- Reverse lookup to make work easier later on
-		for i in pairs(c) do
-			y[c[i]] = i
-		end
-	end
-	local C1 = {}
-	local C2 = {}
-	local C3 = {}
-	local C4 = {}
-	local c1 = {}
-	local c2 = {}
-	local c3 = {}
-	local c4 = {}
---	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 1")
-	LoadZones(C1, c1, GetMapZones(1))
---	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 2")
-	LoadZones(C2, c2, GetMapZones(2))
---	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 3")
-	LoadZones(C3, c3, GetMapZones(3))
---	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 4")
-	LoadZones(C4, c4, GetMapZones(4))
-	local iconlist = {}
-	-- Clears all the icons from the world map and the mini-map
-	function addon:ClearMap()
-		if TomTom then
-			for i in pairs(iconlist) do
-				TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(iconlist[i])
-			end
-			iconlist = twipe(iconlist)
-		end
-	end
-	-- Used for maplist
-	local map_data = {}
-	local function GetMapDisplay(acquire_type, acquire_info, flags)
-		local maptrainer = addon.db.profile.maptrainer
-		local mapquest = addon.db.profile.mapquest
-		local mapvendor = addon.db.profile.mapvendor
-		local mapmob = addon.db.profile.mapmob
-		local player_faction = Player.faction
-		local acquire_id = acquire_entry.ID
-		map_data[acquire_id] = map_data[acquire_id] or {}
-		local map_entry = map_data[acquire_id]
-		map_entry.type = -1
-		if acquire_type == A.TRAINER and maptrainer then
-			local trainer = private.trainer_list[acquire_id]
-			display = (trainer.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or trainer.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL)
-		elseif acquire_type == A.VENDOR and mapvendor then
-			local vendor = private.vendor_list[acquire_id]
-			display = (vendor.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or vendor.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL)
-		elseif acquire_type == A.REPUTATION and mapvendor then
-			local vendor = private.vendor_list[acquire_entry.rep_vendor]
-			display = (vendor.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or vendor.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL)
-		elseif acquire_type == A.MOB and mapmob then
-			return true
-		elseif  acquire_type == A.QUEST and mapquest then
-			local quest = private.quest_list[acquire_id]
-			display = (quest.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or quest.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL)
-		elseif acquire_type == A.CUSTOM then
-			if flags[F.TRAINER] and maptrainer then
-				return true
-			elseif flags[F.VENDOR] and mapvendor then
-				return true
-			elseif flags[F.QUEST] and mapquest then
-				return true
-			elseif flags[F.INSTANCE] or flags[F.RAID] or flags[F.WORLD_DROP] or flags[F.MOB_DROP] then
-				return true
-			end
-		end
-		return ((map_data.type > -1) and (map_data.ID > -1))
-	end
-		[BZ["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Dragonblight"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 28.49,
-			["y"] = 51.73,
-		},
-		[BZ["Auchenai Crypts"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Azjol-Nerub"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Dragonblight"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 26.01,
-			["y"] = 50.83,
-		},
-		[BZ["Blackrock Depths"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Searing Gorge"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Blackrock Spire"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Searing Gorge"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Blackwing Lair"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Searing Gorge"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Dire Maul"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Feralas"]],
-			["c"] = 1,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Drak'Tharon Keep"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Zul'Drak"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Gnomeregan"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Dun Morogh"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Halls of Lightning"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["The Storm Peaks"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 45.40,
-			["y"] = 21.37,
-		},
-		[BZ["Halls of Stone"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["The Storm Peaks"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 39.49,
-			["y"] = 26.92,
-		},
-		[BZ["Karazhan"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Deadwind Pass"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Magisters' Terrace"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c2[BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 61.20,
-			["y"] = 30.89,
-		},
-		[BZ["Mana-Tombs"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Oculus"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Borean Tundra"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 27.52,
-			["y"] = 26.71,
-		},
-		[BZ["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
-			["c"] = 1,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Onyxia's Lair"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"]],
-			["c"] = 1,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
-			["c"] = 1,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Scholomance"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Western Plaguelands"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Sethekk Halls"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Shadow Labyrinth"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Stratholme"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
-			["c"] = 1,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Arcatraz"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Netherstorm"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Black Morass"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
-			["c"] = 1,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Botanica"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Netherstorm"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Deadmines"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Westfall"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Mechanar"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Netherstorm"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Nexus"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Borean Tundra"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 27.50,
-			["y"] = 25.97,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Shattered Halls"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Slave Pens"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Zangarmarsh"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Steamvault"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Zangarmarsh"]],
-			["c"] = 3,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-		[BZ["The Violet Hold"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Dalaran"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 66.78,
-			["y"] = 68.19,
-		},
-		[BZ["Utgarde Keep"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Howling Fjord"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 57.28,
-			["y"] = 46.73,
-		},
-		[BZ["Utgarde Pinnacle"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c4[BZ["Howling Fjord"]],
-			["c"] = 4,
-			["x"] = 57.26,
-			["y"] = 46.67,
-		},
-		[BZ["Zul'Gurub"]] = {
-			["loc"] = c1[BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"]],
-			["c"] = 2,
-			["x"] = 0,
-			["y"] = 0,
-		},
-	}
-	local maplist = {}
-	-- Adds mini-map and world map icons with tomtom.
-	-- Expected result: Icons are added to the world map and mini-map.
-	-- Input: An optional recipe ID
-	-- Output: Points are added to the maps
-	function addon:SetupMap(single_recipe)
-		-- Need to re-write this for the new acquire format. -Torhal
-		if TomTom or not TomTom then
-			return
-		end
-		local worldmap = addon.db.profile.worldmap
-		local minimap = addon.db.profile.minimap
-		if not (worldmap or minimap) then
-			return
-		end
-		local icontext = "Interface\\AddOns\\AckisRecipeList\\img\\enchant_up"
-		-- Get the proper icon to put on the mini-map
-		--		for i, k in pairs(SORTED_PROFESSIONS) do
-		--			if (k["name"] == Player.current_prof) then
-		--				icontext = "Interface\\AddOns\\AckisRecipeList\\img\\" .. k["texture"] .. "_up"
-		--				break
-		--			end
-		--		end
-		twipe(maplist)
-		local recipe_list = private.recipe_list
-		-- We're only getting a single recipe, not a bunch
-		if single_recipe then
-			local recipe = recipe_list[single_recipe]
-			for acquire_type, acquire_info in pairs(recipe.acquire_data) do
-				if GetMapDisplay(acquire_type, acquire_info, recipe["Flags"]) then
-					maplist[acquire] = true
-				end
-			end
-		elseif addon.db.profile.autoscanmap then
-			local sorted_recipes = addon.sorted_recipes
-			-- Scan through all recipes to display, and add the vendors to a list to get their acquire info
-			for i = 1, #sorted_recipes do
-				local recipe_entry = recipe_list[sorted_recipes[i]]
-				if recipe_entry.is_visible and recipe_entry.is_relevant then
-					-- loop through acquire methods, display each
-					for acquire_type, acquire_info in pairs(recipe_entry.acquire_data) do
-						if GetMapDisplay(acquire, recipe_entry["Flags"]) then
-							maplist[acquire] = true
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		--		local ARLWorldMap = CreateFrame("Button","ARLWorldMap",WorldMapDetailFrame)
-		--		ARLWorldMap:ClearAllPoints()
-		--		ARLWorldMap:SetWidth(8)
-		--		ARLWorldMap:SetHeight(8)
-		--		ARLWorldMap.icon = ARLWorldMap:CreateTexture("ARTWORK")
-		--		ARLWorldMap.icon:SetTexture(icontext)
-		--		ARLWorldMap.icon:SetAllPoints()
-		--		local ARLMiniMap = CreateFrame("Button","ARLMiniMap",MiniMap)
-		--		ARLMiniMap:ClearAllPoints()
-		--		ARLMiniMap:SetWidth(8)
-		--		ARLMiniMap:SetHeight(8)
-		--		ARLMiniMap.icon = ARLMiniMap:CreateTexture("ARTWORK")
-		--		ARLMiniMap.icon:SetTexture(icontext)
-		--		ARLMiniMap.icon:SetAllPoints()
-		for entry in pairs(maplist) do
-			local loc
-			local custom = false
-			local id_num = entry.ID
-			local acquire_type = entry.type
-			-- Get the location of the entry.
-			if acquire_type == A.TRAINER then
-				loc = private.trainer_list[id_num]
-			elseif acquire_type == A.VENDOR then
-				loc = private.vendor_list[id_num]
-			elseif acquire_type == A.REPUTATION then
-				loc = private.vendor_list[entry.rep_vendor]
-			elseif acquire_type == A.MOB then
-				loc = private.mob_list[id_num]
-			elseif acquire_type == A.QUEST then
-				loc = private.quest_list[id_num]
-			elseif acquire_type == A.CUSTOM then
-				loc = private.custom_list[id_num]
-				custom = true
-			end
-			local name = loc.name
-			local x = loc.coord_x
-			local y = loc.coord_y
-			local location = loc.location
-			local continent, zone
-			if not loc then
-				--@alpha@
-				addon:Printf("DEBUG: No continent/zone map match for ID %d  - loc is nil.", id_num)
-				--@end-alpha@
-			elseif c1[location] then
-				continent = 1
-				zone = c1[location]
-			elseif c2[location] then
-				continent = 2
-				zone = c2[location]
-			elseif c3[location] then
-				continent = 3
-				zone = c3[location]
-			elseif c4[location] then
-				continent = 4
-				zone = c4[location]
-			elseif INSTANCE_LOCATIONS[location] then
-				local info = INSTANCE_LOCATIONS[location]
-				continent = info.c
-				x = info.x
-				y = info.y
-				zone = info.loc
-				name = name .. " (" .. location .. ")"
-			else
-				--@alpha@
-				addon:Printf("DEBUG: No continent/zone map match for ID %d. Location: %s.", idnum, location)
-				--@end-alpha@
-			end
-			--@alpha@
-			if (x < -100) or (x > 100) or (y < -100) or (y > 100) then
-				addon:Printf("DEBUG: Invalid location coordinates for ID %d. Location: %s.", idnum, location)
-			end
-			--@end-alpha@
-			if zone and continent then
-				--@alpha@
-				if x == 0 and y == 0 then
-					addon:Printf("DEBUG: Location is \"0, 0\" for ID %d. Location: %s.", idnum, location)
-				end
-				--@end-alpha@
-				local iconuid = TomTom:AddZWaypoint(continent, zone, x, y, name, false, minimap, worldmap)
-				tinsert(iconlist, iconuid)
-			else
-				--@alpha@
-				if not zone then
-					self:Printf("No zone for ID %d. Location: %s.", id_num, location)
-				end
-				if not continent then
-					self:Printf("No continent for ID %d. Location: %s.", id_num, location)
-				end
-				--@end-alpha@
-			end
-		end
-	end
-end -- do block
 -- Description: Converting from hex to rgb (Thanks Maldivia)
 local function toRGB(hex)
 	local r, g, b = hex:match("(..)(..)(..)")
diff --git a/Waypoint.lua b/Waypoint.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a626c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Waypoint.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+-- Waypoint.lua
+-- File date: @file-date-iso@
+-- File revision: @file-revision@
+-- Project revision: @project-revision@
+-- Project version: @project-version@
+-- Please see http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/ for more information.
+-- This source code is released under All Rights Reserved.
+-- **AckisRecipeList** provides an interface for scanning professions for missing recipes.
+-- There are a set of functions which allow you make use of the ARL database outside of ARL.
+-- ARL supports all professions currently in World of Warcraft 3.3.2
+-- @class file
+-- @name Waypoint.lua
+-- Localized Lua globals.
+local _G = getfenv(0)
+local table = _G.table
+local string = _G.string
+-- AddOn namespace.
+local LibStub = LibStub
+local MODNAME	= "Ackis Recipe List"
+local addon	= LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(MODNAME)
+local BFAC	= LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
+local BZ	= LibStub("LibBabble-Zone-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
+local L		= LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(MODNAME)
+-- Set up the private intra-file namespace.
+local private	= select(2, ...)
+local Player	= private.Player
+local A = private.acquire_types
+local F = private.filter_flags
+-- Constants.
+local C1 = {}
+local C2 = {}
+local C3 = {}
+local C4 = {}
+local c1 = {}
+local c2 = {}
+local c3 = {}
+local c4 = {}
+local function LoadZones(c, y, ...)
+	-- Fill up the list for normal lookup
+	for i = 1, select('#', ...), 1 do
+		c[i] = select(i, ...)
+	end
+	-- Reverse lookup to make work easier later on
+	for i in pairs(c) do
+		y[c[i]] = i
+	end
+--	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 1")
+LoadZones(C1, c1, GetMapZones(1))
+--	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 2")
+LoadZones(C2, c2, GetMapZones(2))
+--	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 3")
+LoadZones(C3, c3, GetMapZones(3))
+--	addon:Print("Loading zones for continent 4")
+LoadZones(C4, c4, GetMapZones(4))
+	[BZ["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Dragonblight"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 28.49,
+		["y"] = 51.73,
+	},
+	[BZ["Auchenai Crypts"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Azjol-Nerub"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Dragonblight"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 26.01,
+		["y"] = 50.83,
+	},
+	[BZ["Blackrock Depths"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Searing Gorge"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Blackrock Spire"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Searing Gorge"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Blackwing Lair"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Searing Gorge"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Dire Maul"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Feralas"]],
+		["c"] = 1,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Drak'Tharon Keep"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Zul'Drak"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Gnomeregan"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Dun Morogh"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Halls of Lightning"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["The Storm Peaks"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 45.40,
+		["y"] = 21.37,
+	},
+	[BZ["Halls of Stone"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["The Storm Peaks"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 39.49,
+		["y"] = 26.92,
+	},
+	[BZ["Karazhan"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Deadwind Pass"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Magisters' Terrace"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c2[BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 61.20,
+		["y"] = 30.89,
+	},
+	[BZ["Mana-Tombs"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Oculus"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Borean Tundra"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 27.52,
+		["y"] = 26.71,
+	},
+	[BZ["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
+		["c"] = 1,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Onyxia's Lair"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"]],
+		["c"] = 1,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
+		["c"] = 1,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Scholomance"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Western Plaguelands"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Sethekk Halls"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Shadow Labyrinth"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Terokkar Forest"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Stratholme"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
+		["c"] = 1,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Arcatraz"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Netherstorm"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Black Morass"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Tanaris"]],
+		["c"] = 1,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Botanica"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Netherstorm"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Deadmines"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Westfall"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Mechanar"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Netherstorm"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Nexus"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Borean Tundra"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 27.50,
+		["y"] = 25.97,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Shattered Halls"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Slave Pens"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Zangarmarsh"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Steamvault"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Zangarmarsh"]],
+		["c"] = 3,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+	[BZ["The Violet Hold"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Dalaran"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 66.78,
+		["y"] = 68.19,
+	},
+	[BZ["Utgarde Keep"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Howling Fjord"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 57.28,
+		["y"] = 46.73,
+	},
+	[BZ["Utgarde Pinnacle"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c4[BZ["Howling Fjord"]],
+		["c"] = 4,
+		["x"] = 57.26,
+		["y"] = 46.67,
+	},
+	[BZ["Zul'Gurub"]] = {
+		["loc"] = c1[BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"]],
+		["c"] = 2,
+		["x"] = 0,
+		["y"] = 0,
+	},
+local iconlist = {}
+-- Clears all the icons from the world map and the mini-map
+function addon:ClearMap()
+	if TomTom then
+		for i in pairs(iconlist) do
+			TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(iconlist[i])
+		end
+		iconlist = table.wipe(iconlist)
+	end
+local function GetWaypoint(acquire_type, id_num, flags)
+	local maptrainer = addon.db.profile.maptrainer
+	local mapquest = addon.db.profile.mapquest
+	local mapvendor = addon.db.profile.mapvendor
+	local mapmob = addon.db.profile.mapmob
+	local player_faction = Player.faction
+	local waypoint
+	if acquire_type == A.TRAINER and maptrainer then
+		local trainer = private.trainer_list[id_num]
+		if trainer.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or trainer.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL then
+			waypoint = trainer
+		end
+	elseif acquire_type == A.VENDOR and mapvendor then
+		local vendor = private.vendor_list[id_num]
+		if vendor.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or vendor.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL then
+			waypoint = vendor
+		end
+	elseif acquire_type == A.REPUTATION and mapvendor then
+		local vendor = private.vendor_list[id_num]
+		if vendor.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or vendor.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL then
+			waypoint = vendor
+		end
+	elseif acquire_type == A.MOB and mapmob then
+		waypoint = private.mob_list[id_num]
+	elseif  acquire_type == A.QUEST and mapquest then
+		local quest = private.quest_list[id_num]
+		if quest.faction == BFAC[player_faction] or quest.faction == FACTION_NEUTRAL then
+			waypoint = quest
+		end
+	elseif acquire_type == A.CUSTOM then
+		if flags[F.TRAINER] and maptrainer then
+			waypoint = private.custom_list[id_num]
+		elseif flags[F.VENDOR] and mapvendor then
+			waypoint = private.custom_list[id_num]
+		elseif flags[F.QUEST] and mapquest then
+			waypoint = private.custom_list[id_num]
+		elseif flags[F.INSTANCE] or flags[F.RAID] or flags[F.WORLD_DROP] or flags[F.MOB_DROP] then
+			waypoint = private.custom_list[id_num]
+		end
+	end
+	return waypoint
+local maplist = {}
+-- Adds mini-map and world map icons with tomtom.
+-- Expected result: Icons are added to the world map and mini-map.
+-- Input: An optional recipe ID
+-- Output: Points are added to the maps
+function addon:SetupMap(single_recipe)
+	if not TomTom then
+		return
+	end
+	local worldmap = addon.db.profile.worldmap
+	local minimap = addon.db.profile.minimap
+	if not (worldmap or minimap) then
+		return
+	end
+	local icontext = "Interface\\AddOns\\AckisRecipeList\\img\\enchant_up"
+	-- Get the proper icon to put on the mini-map
+	--		for i, k in pairs(SORTED_PROFESSIONS) do
+	--			if (k["name"] == Player.current_prof) then
+	--				icontext = "Interface\\AddOns\\AckisRecipeList\\img\\" .. k["texture"] .. "_up"
+	--				break
+	--			end
+	--		end
+	table.wipe(maplist)
+	local recipe_list = private.recipe_list
+	-- We're only getting a single recipe, not a bunch
+	if single_recipe then
+		local recipe = recipe_list[single_recipe]
+		for acquire_type, acquire_info in pairs(recipe.acquire_data) do
+			for id_num, id_info in pairs(acquire_info) do
+				if acquire_type == A.REPUTATION then
+					for rep_level, level_info in pairs(id_info) do
+						for vendor_id in pairs(level_info) do
+							local waypoint = GetWaypoint(acquire_type, vendor_id, recipe["Flags"])
+							if waypoint then
+								maplist[waypoint] = single_recipe
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				else
+					local waypoint = GetWaypoint(acquire_type, id_num, recipe["Flags"])
+					if waypoint then
+						maplist[waypoint] = single_recipe
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif addon.db.profile.autoscanmap then
+		local sorted_recipes = addon.sorted_recipes
+		-- Scan through all recipes to display, and add the vendors to a list to get their acquire info
+		for i = 1, #sorted_recipes do
+			local recipe = recipe_list[sorted_recipes[i]]
+			if recipe.is_visible and recipe.is_relevant then
+				for acquire_type, acquire_info in pairs(recipe.acquire_data) do
+					for id_num, id_info in pairs(acquire_info) do
+						if acquire_type == A.REPUTATION then
+							for rep_level, level_info in pairs(id_info) do
+								for vendor_id in pairs(level_info) do
+									local waypoint = GetWaypoint(acquire_type, vendor_id, recipe["Flags"])
+									if waypoint then
+										maplist[waypoint] = sorted_recipes[i]
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						else
+							local waypoint = GetWaypoint(acquire_type, id_num, recipe["Flags"])
+							if waypoint then
+								maplist[waypoint] = sorted_recipes[i]
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	--		local ARLWorldMap = CreateFrame("Button","ARLWorldMap",WorldMapDetailFrame)
+	--		ARLWorldMap:ClearAllPoints()
+	--		ARLWorldMap:SetWidth(8)
+	--		ARLWorldMap:SetHeight(8)
+	--		ARLWorldMap.icon = ARLWorldMap:CreateTexture("ARTWORK")
+	--		ARLWorldMap.icon:SetTexture(icontext)
+	--		ARLWorldMap.icon:SetAllPoints()
+	--		local ARLMiniMap = CreateFrame("Button","ARLMiniMap",MiniMap)
+	--		ARLMiniMap:ClearAllPoints()
+	--		ARLMiniMap:SetWidth(8)
+	--		ARLMiniMap:SetHeight(8)
+	--		ARLMiniMap.icon = ARLMiniMap:CreateTexture("ARTWORK")
+	--		ARLMiniMap.icon:SetTexture(icontext)
+	--		ARLMiniMap.icon:SetAllPoints()
+	for entry, spell_id in pairs(maplist) do
+		local name = string.format("%s (%s)", entry.name, recipe_list[spell_id].name)
+		local x = entry.coord_x
+		local y = entry.coord_y
+		local location = entry.location
+		local continent, zone
+		if c1[location] then
+			continent = 1
+			zone = c1[location]
+		elseif c2[location] then
+			continent = 2
+			zone = c2[location]
+		elseif c3[location] then
+			continent = 3
+			zone = c3[location]
+		elseif c4[location] then
+			continent = 4
+			zone = c4[location]
+		elseif INSTANCE_LOCATIONS[location] then
+			local info = INSTANCE_LOCATIONS[location]
+			continent = info.c
+			x = info.x
+			y = info.y
+			zone = info.loc
+			name = name .. " (" .. location .. ")"
+		else
+			--@alpha@
+			addon:Printf("DEBUG: No continent/zone map match for ID %d. Location: %s.", spell_id, location)
+			--@end-alpha@
+		end
+		--@alpha@
+		if (x < -100) or (x > 100) or (y < -100) or (y > 100) then
+			addon:Printf("DEBUG: Invalid location coordinates for ID %d. Location: %s.", spell_id, location)
+		end
+		--@end-alpha@
+		if zone and continent then
+			--@alpha@
+			if x == 0 and y == 0 then
+				addon:Printf("DEBUG: Location is \"0, 0\" for ID %d. Location: %s.", spell_id, location)
+			end
+			--@end-alpha@
+			local iconuid = TomTom:AddZWaypoint(continent, zone, x, y, name, false, minimap, worldmap)
+			tinsert(iconlist, iconuid)
+		else
+			--@alpha@
+			if not zone then
+				self:Printf("No zone for ID %d. Location: %s.", spell_id, location)
+			end
+			if not continent then
+				self:Printf("No continent for ID %d. Location: %s.", spell_id, location)
+			end
+			--@end-alpha@
+		end
+	end