Allow Ctrl- and Alt-clicking quests in the questlog for abandoning and sharing
Adrian L Lange [02-05-12 - 14:45]
Allow Ctrl- and Alt-clicking quests in the questlog for abandoning and sharing
diff --git a/Monomyth.lua b/Monomyth.lua
index cedcbbd..1870c2a 100644
--- a/Monomyth.lua
+++ b/Monomyth.lua
@@ -149,4 +149,15 @@ Monomyth:Register('BAG_UPDATE', function(bag)
+hooksecurefunc('QuestLogTitleButton_OnClick', function(self)
+ if(self.isHeader) then return end
+ QuestLog_SetSelection(self:GetID())
+ if(IsControlKeyDown()) then
+ AbandonQuest()
+ elseif(IsAltKeyDown() and GetQuestLogPushable()) then
+ QuestLogPushQuest()
+ end
QuestInfoDescriptionText.SetAlphaGradient = function() end