A couple of new translations for new and existing language files.
FranekWoW [06-16-19 - 10:16]
A couple of new translations for new and existing language files.
diff --git a/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc b/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc
index 97b2926..b3a833f 100644
--- a/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc
+++ b/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ embeds.xml
diff --git a/Localization/esES.lua b/Localization/esES.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c847dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization/esES.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+local addonName = ...
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "esES", true)
+if not L then return end
+-- Shrines
+L["Shrine of Nature"] = "Altar de la naturaleza"
+L["Laribole"] = "Laribola"
+L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = "Altar del amanecer"
+L["Scarlet Diamond"] = "Diamante escarlata"
+L["Shrine of the Sands"] = "Altar de las arenas"
+L["Amberblaze"] = "Fuegoámbar"
+L["Shrine of the Sea"] = "Altar del mar"
+L["Royal Quartz"] = "Cuarzo real"
+L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = "Altar del manto nocturno"
+L["Tidal Amethyst"] = "Amatista marina"
+L["Shrine of Storms"] = "Altar de las tormentas"
+L["Owlseye"] = "Ojobúho"
+-- Waypoints
+L["Create waypoint"] = true
+L["Create all waypoints"] = true
+L["Hide node"] = true
+L["Close"] = true
+-- Options
+L["Icon settings"] = true
+L["These settings control the look of the icon."] = true
+L["Icon Scale"] = true
+L["The scale of the icons"] = true
+L["Icon Alpha"] = true
+L["The alpha transparency of the icons"] = true
+L["World Map"] = true
+L["Show icons on world map"] = true
+L["Minimap"] = true
+L["Show icons on the minimap"] = true
+L["What to display"] = true
+L["Show Shrines"] = true
+L["Show Shrines which Jewelercrafters can use to create gems"] = true
+L["Reset hidden nodes"] = true
+L["Show all nodes that you manually hid by right-clicking on them and choosing \"hide\"."] = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization/frFR.lua b/Localization/frFR.lua
index 0bfb5c3..5c882ba 100644
--- a/Localization/frFR.lua
+++ b/Localization/frFR.lua
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(myaddon, "frFR", false)
if not L then return end
-- Shrines
-L["Shrine of Nature"] = true
+L["Shrine of Nature"] = "Sanctuaire de la Nature"
L["Laribole"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = true
-L["Scarlet Diamond"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Sands"] = true
-L["Amberblaze"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Sea"] = true
-L["Royal Quartz"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = true
-L["Tidal Amethyst"] = true
-L["Shrine of Storms"] = true
-L["Owlseye"] = true
+L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = "Sanctuaire de l'Aube"
+L["Scarlet Diamond"] = "Diamant écarlate"
+L["Shrine of the Sands"] = "Sanctuaire des Sables"
+L["Amberblaze"] = "Ambraisine"
+L["Shrine of the Sea"] = "Sanctuaire de la Mer"
+L["Royal Quartz"] = "Quartz royal"
+L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = "Sanctuaire du Brunant"
+L["Tidal Amethyst"] = "Améthyste des marées"
+L["Shrine of Storms"] = "Sanctuaire des Tempêtes"
+L["Owlseye"] = "Strigolite"
-- Waypoints
L["Create waypoint"] = true
diff --git a/Localization/itIT.lua b/Localization/itIT.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82106e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization/itIT.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+local addonName = ...
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "itIT", true)
+if not L then return end
+-- Shrines
+L["Shrine of Nature"] = "Santuario della Natura"
+L["Laribole"] = "Laribolo"
+L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = "Santuario dell'Alba"
+L["Scarlet Diamond"] = "Diamante Scarlatto"
+L["Shrine of the Sands"] = "Santuario delle Sabbie"
+L["Amberblaze"] = "Ambralume"
+L["Shrine of the Sea"] = "Santuario del Mare"
+L["Royal Quartz"] = "Quarzo Regale"
+L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = "Santuario del Vespro"
+L["Tidal Amethyst"] = "Ametista Marina"
+L["Shrine of Storms"] = "Santuario delle Tempeste"
+L["Owlseye"] = "Occhio di Gufo"
+-- Waypoints
+L["Create waypoint"] = true
+L["Create all waypoints"] = true
+L["Hide node"] = true
+L["Close"] = true
+-- Options
+L["Icon settings"] = true
+L["These settings control the look of the icon."] = true
+L["Icon Scale"] = true
+L["The scale of the icons"] = true
+L["Icon Alpha"] = true
+L["The alpha transparency of the icons"] = true
+L["World Map"] = true
+L["Show icons on world map"] = true
+L["Minimap"] = true
+L["Show icons on the minimap"] = true
+L["What to display"] = true
+L["Show Shrines"] = true
+L["Show Shrines which Jewelercrafters can use to create gems"] = true
+L["Reset hidden nodes"] = true
+L["Show all nodes that you manually hid by right-clicking on them and choosing \"hide\"."] = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization/ruRU.lua b/Localization/ruRU.lua
index 95f748a..7b402fb 100644
--- a/Localization/ruRU.lua
+++ b/Localization/ruRU.lua
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ if not L then return end
-- Shrines
L["Shrine of Nature"] = true
-L["Laribole"] = true
+L["Laribole"] = "Ларибол"
L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = true
-L["Scarlet Diamond"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Sands"] = true
-L["Amberblaze"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Sea"] = true
-L["Royal Quartz"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = true
-L["Tidal Amethyst"] = true
+L["Scarlet Diamond"] = "Алый алмаз"
+L["Shrine of Storms"] = "Алтарь штормов"
+L["Amberblaze"] = "Огненный янтарь"
+L["Shrine of the Sea"] = "Алтарь моря"
+L["Royal Quartz"] = "Королевский кварц"
+L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = "Алтарь сумерек"
+L["Tidal Amethyst"] = "Приливный аметист"
L["Shrine of Storms"] = true
-L["Owlseye"] = true
+L["Owlseye"] = "Совиный глаз"
-- Waypoints
L["Create waypoint"] = "Создать путевую точку"
diff --git a/Localization/zhTW.lua b/Localization/zhTW.lua
index 21f79e1..957bdc5 100644
--- a/Localization/zhTW.lua
+++ b/Localization/zhTW.lua
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(myaddon, "zhTW", false)
if not L then return end
-- Shrines
-L["Shrine of Nature"] = true
-L["Laribole"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = true
-L["Scarlet Diamond"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Sands"] = true
-L["Amberblaze"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Sea"] = true
-L["Royal Quartz"] = true
-L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = true
-L["Tidal Amethyst"] = true
-L["Shrine of Storms"] = true
-L["Owlseye"] = true
+L["Shrine of Nature"] = "自然聖壇"
+L["Laribole"] = "萊里柏石"
+L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = "黎明聖壇"
+L["Scarlet Diamond"] = "血紅鑽石"
+L["Shrine of the Sands"] = "沙塵聖壇"
+L["Amberblaze"] = "烈焰琥珀"
+L["Shrine of the Sea"] = "海濤聖壇"
+L["Royal Quartz"] = "皇家石英"
+L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = "黃昏聖壇"
+L["Tidal Amethyst"] = "海潮紫晶"
+L["Shrine of Storms"] = "風雨聖壇"
+L["Owlseye"] = "鶚眼石"
-- Waypoints
L["Create waypoint"] = "創建路徑點"