
Fix for ticket 163.

Johnny C. Lam [09-21-12 - 05:01]
Fix for ticket 163.

* Add GetDuration(id) and GetTickLength(id, haste) methods to OvaleData to
  extract the correct numbers from the given spell's info.  These numbers
  are fixed up for magic DoTs as regards to spell haste.

* Modify OvaleData:GetDamage() to use named arguments to be slightly more

* Teach OvaleState how to properly extend a DoT by allowing the next tick
  of the previous DoT (at the previous spell haste) before adding the
  duration of the new DoT with new snapshotted stats.

  Right now, it is assumed that a DoT that gets refreshed by another spell
  gets a new snapshot of the player's stats when refreshed.

* The duration calculation for OvaleState:GetTargetAura() is wrong.

  It doesn't take into account the spell haste of the aura and any
  additions to the duration through combo points or holy power, nor any
  DoT extensions.

* Fix the nexttick, ticks, ticksremain, and ticktime conditions.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@535 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f