James D. Callahan III [03-05-11 - 10:37]
diff --git a/Interface/FilterMenus.lua b/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
index 762a573..c35e055 100644
--- a/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
+++ b/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
@@ -738,13 +738,27 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
local Tol_Barad = isAlliance and BFAC["Baradin's Wardens"] or BFAC["Hellscream's Reach"]
local Wildhammer_Dragonmaw = isAlliance and BFAC["Wildhammer Clan"] or BFAC["Dragonmaw Clan"]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Used for the tooltip of every reputation checkbox.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local function ReputationDesc(text)
return string.format(L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"], text)
+ -- Toggle the SavedVariables and CheckButtons for the given expansion frame.
+ local function ToggleExpansionCheckBoxes(handler, button)
+ local filterdb = addon.db.profile.filters.rep
+ local check_value = (button == "LeftButton") and true or false
+ for reputation in pairs(handler.buttons) do
+ local check_button = handler.frame[reputation]
+ if check_button:IsEnabled() then
+ filterdb[reputation] = check_value
+ check_button:SetChecked(check_value)
+ end
+ end
+ MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
+ MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+ end
-- Create FilterPanel.rep.expansion0, and set its scripts.
@@ -774,29 +788,13 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
local expansion0_toggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, expansion0_frame, 15, 120, "GameFontHighlight", _G.REPUTATION .. ":", "LEFT", L["REP_TEXT_DESC"], 0)
expansion0_toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", expansion0_frame, "TOPLEFT", -2, -4)
expansion0_toggle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
- expansion0_toggle:SetScript("OnClick",
- function(self, button)
- local filterdb = addon.db.profile.filters.rep
- if button == "LeftButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion0_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = true
- end
- elseif button == "RightButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion0_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = false
- end
- end
- for reputation in pairs(expansion0_buttons) do
- expansion0_frame[reputation]:SetChecked(filterdb[reputation])
- end
- MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
- MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
- end)
+ expansion0_toggle.buttons = expansion0_buttons
+ expansion0_toggle.frame = expansion0_frame
+ expansion0_toggle:SetScript("OnClick", ToggleExpansionCheckBoxes)
end -- do-block
@@ -837,29 +835,13 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
local expansion1_toggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, expansion1_frame, 15, 120, "GameFontHighlight", _G.REPUTATION .. ":", "LEFT", L["REP_TEXT_DESC"], 0)
expansion1_toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", expansion1_frame, "TOPLEFT", -2, -4)
expansion1_toggle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
- expansion1_toggle:SetScript("OnClick",
- function(self,button)
- local filterdb = addon.db.profile.filters.rep
- if button == "LeftButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion1_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = true
- end
- elseif button == "RightButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion1_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = false
- end
- end
- for reputation in pairs(expansion1_buttons) do
- expansion1_frame[reputation]:SetChecked(filterdb[reputation])
- end
- MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
- MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
- end)
+ expansion1_toggle.buttons = expansion1_buttons
+ expansion1_toggle.frame = expansion1_frame
+ expansion1_toggle:SetScript("OnClick", ToggleExpansionCheckBoxes)
end -- do-block
@@ -910,29 +892,13 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
local expansion2_toggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, expansion2_frame, 15, 120, "GameFontHighlight", _G.REPUTATION .. ":", "LEFT", L["REP_TEXT_DESC"], 0)
expansion2_toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", expansion2_frame, "TOPLEFT", -2, -4)
expansion2_toggle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
- expansion2_toggle:SetScript("OnClick",
- function(self,button)
- local filterdb = addon.db.profile.filters.rep
- if button == "LeftButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion2_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = true
- end
- elseif button == "RightButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion2_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = false
- end
- end
- for reputation in pairs(expansion2_buttons) do
- expansion2_frame[reputation]:SetChecked(filterdb[reputation])
- end
- MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
- MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
- end)
+ expansion2_toggle.buttons = expansion2_buttons
+ expansion2_toggle.frame = expansion2_frame
+ expansion2_toggle:SetScript("OnClick", ToggleExpansionCheckBoxes)
end -- do-block
@@ -977,29 +943,13 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
local expansion3_toggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, expansion3_frame, 15, 120, "GameFontHighlight", _G.REPUTATION .. ":", "LEFT", L["REP_TEXT_DESC"], 0)
expansion3_toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", expansion3_frame, "TOPLEFT", -2, -4)
expansion3_toggle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
- expansion3_toggle:SetScript("OnClick",
- function(self,button)
- local filterdb = addon.db.profile.filters.rep
- if button == "LeftButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion3_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = true
- end
- elseif button == "RightButton" then
- for reputation in pairs(expansion3_buttons) do
- filterdb[reputation] = false
- end
- end
- for reputation in pairs(expansion3_buttons) do
- expansion3_frame[reputation]:SetChecked(filterdb[reputation])
- end
- MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
- MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
- end)
+ expansion3_toggle.buttons = expansion3_buttons
+ expansion3_toggle.frame = expansion3_frame
+ expansion3_toggle:SetScript("OnClick", ToggleExpansionCheckBoxes)
end -- do-block
@@ -1387,4 +1337,4 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
["therazane"] = { cb = expansion3.therazane, svroot = nil },
private.InitializeFilterPanel = nil
\ No newline at end of file