
Forgot one function for luadoc.

John Pasula [02-08-11 - 18:43]
Forgot one function for luadoc.
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index 0f8fb2e..236e8c0 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -1261,11 +1261,11 @@ do

-	--- Adds vendor acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
-	-- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeVendor
-	-- @usage AckisRecipeList:
+	--- Adds custom acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+	-- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeCustom
+	-- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeCustom(12086, 48)
 	-- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
-	-- @param ... A listing of vendors that sell the recipe.
+	-- @param ... A listing of custom entries for that recipe.
 	-- @return None.
 	function addon:AddRecipeCustom(spell_id, ...)
 		GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.CUSTOM, "Custom", private.custom_list, ...)