diff --git a/Modules/Text.lua b/Modules/Text.lua
index 4429a11..ec98551 100644
--- a/Modules/Text.lua
+++ b/Modules/Text.lua
@@ -157,12 +157,16 @@ function del(t)
-local defaults = {profile={titles=true, empty = true, lines = {}, refreshRate = 500}}
+local defaults = {profile={titles=true, empty = true, lines = {}, refreshRate = 100}}
local defaultLines={
[1] = {
name = "UnitName",
left = [[
+return self.unitName
+ right = nil,
+ colorLeft = [[
local c
if self.UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
c = self.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, self.UnitClass("mouseover"))]
@@ -170,10 +174,8 @@ else
c = self:new()
c.r, c.g, c.b = self.UnitSelectionColor("mouseover")
-return self.unitName, c
+return c
- right = nil,
- rightUpdating = false,
bold = true,
enabled = true
@@ -182,6 +184,14 @@ return self.unitName, c
left = 'return "Target:"',
right = [[
if self.UnitExists("mouseovertarget") then
+ local name = self.UnitName("mouseovertarget")
+ return name
+ return "None", self.newDict("r", 1, "g", 1, "b", 1)
+ colorRight = [[
+if self.UnitExists("mouseovertarget") then
local c
if self.UnitIsPlayer("mouseovertarget") then
c = self.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, self.UnitClass("mouseovertarget"))]
@@ -189,11 +199,10 @@ if self.UnitExists("mouseovertarget") then
c = self:new()
c.r, c.g, c.b = self.UnitSelectionColor("mouseovertarget")
- local name = self.UnitName("mouseovertarget")
- return name, c
+ return c
- return "None", self.newDict("r", 1, "g", 1, "b", 1)
+ return self.newDict("r", 1, "g", 1, "b", 1)
rightUpdating = true,
enabled = true
@@ -205,7 +214,6 @@ end
local guild = self.GetGuildInfo("mouseover")
if guild then return "<" .. guild .. ">" else return self.unitGuild end
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[4] = {
@@ -214,7 +222,6 @@ if guild then return "<" .. guild .. ">" else return self.unitGuild end
right = [[
return select(2, self.GetGuildInfo("mouseover"))
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[5] = {
@@ -223,7 +230,6 @@ return select(2, self.GetGuildInfo("mouseover"))
right = [[
return select(2, self.UnitName("mouseover"))
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[6] = {
@@ -251,7 +257,6 @@ self.del(classifications)
return lvl
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[7] = {
@@ -266,7 +271,6 @@ else
return race
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[8] = {
@@ -275,10 +279,12 @@ return race
right = [[
local class = self.UnitClass("mouseover")
if class == self.UnitName("mouseover") then return end
-local c = self.UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and self.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, self.UnitClass("mouseover"))]
-return class, c
+return class
- rightUpdating = false,
+ colorRight = [[
+local c = self.UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and self.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, self.UnitClass("mouseover"))]
+return c
+ ]],
enabled = true
[9] = {
@@ -287,7 +293,6 @@ return class, c
right = [[
return self.UnitFactionGroup("mouseover")
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[10] = {
@@ -308,7 +313,6 @@ elseif self.UnitIsDead("mouseover") then
return "Dead"
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[11] = {
@@ -339,7 +343,6 @@ end
return (self.powers[class] or "Mana:")
- rightUpdating = false,
right = [[
local mana = self.UnitMana("mouseover")
local maxMana = self.UnitManaMax("mouseover")
@@ -360,7 +363,6 @@ return value
right = [[
return self.unitLocation
- rightUpdating = false,
enabled = true
[14] = {
@@ -388,7 +390,7 @@ else
return "Between " .. min .. " and " .. max .. " yards"
- rightUpdating = true,
+ leftUpdating = true,
enabled = true,
update = 1000
@@ -531,19 +533,19 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
for i, v in ipairs(self) do
if v.enabled then
- local left, right, c = '', ''
+ local left, right, c, cc = '', ''
if v.right then
- right, c = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.right)
- left, cc = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
+ right = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.right)
+ c = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.colorRight)
+ left = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
+ cc = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.colorLeft)
if right == "" then right = "nil" end
right = ''
- left, c = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
+ left = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
+ c = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.colorLeft)
- if v.rightUpdating then
- v.update = 500
- end
if left and left ~= "" and right ~= "nil" and not v.deleted then
lineNum = lineNum + 1
if v.right then
@@ -552,9 +554,12 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
if not v.leftObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
if v.leftObj then v.leftObj:Del() end
v.value = v.left
+ local tmp = v.update
+ if not v.leftUpdating then v.update = 0 end
v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "left", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
v.leftObj.visitor.lcd = self.lcd
+ v.update = tmp
@@ -568,10 +573,12 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
if not v.rightObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
if v.rightObj then v.rightObj:Del() end
v.value = v.right
+ local tmp = v.update
+ if not v.rightUpdating then v.update = 0 end
v.rightObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "right", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.rightLines[lineNum])
v.rightObj.visitor.lcd = self.lcd
+ v.update = tmp
if type(c) == "table" and c.r and c.g and c.b then
v.rightObj.color.r = (c.r * 255)
@@ -587,10 +594,13 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
if not v.leftObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
if v.leftObj then v.leftObj:Del() end
v.value = v.left
+ local tmp = v.update
+ if not v.leftUpdating then v.update = 0 end
v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
v.leftObj.visitor.lcd = lcd
v.lineNum = lineNum
+ v.update = tmp
if type(c) == "table" and c.r and c.g and c.b then
v.leftObj.color.r = c.r * 255 or 255
@@ -749,16 +759,50 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
width = "full",
order = 2
+ colorLeft = {
+ name = "Left Color",
+ type = "input",
+ desc = "Color for left segment",
+ get = function() return v.colorLeft end,
+ set = function(info, val)
+ v.colorLeft = val
+ end,
+ multiline = true,
+ width = "full",
+ order = 3
+ },
+ colorRight = {
+ name = "Right Color",
+ type = "input",
+ desc = "Color for right segment",
+ get = function() return v.colorRight end,
+ set = function(info, val)
+ v.colorRight = val
+ end,
+ multiline = true,
+ width = "full",
+ order = 4
+ },
+ leftUpdating = {
+ name = "Left Updating",
+ type = "toggle",
+ get = function() return v.leftUpdating end,
+ set = function(info, val)
+ v.leftUpdating = v
+ self:CreateLines()
+ end,
+ order = 5
+ },
rightUpdating = {
name = "Updating",
desc = "Whether this line refreshes while hovering over unit.",
type = "toggle",
- get = function() return v.rightUpdating and v.update ~= nil end,
+ get = function() return v.rightUpdating end,
set = function(info, val)
v.rightUpdating = val
- order = 3
+ order = 6
up = {
name = "Move Up",
@@ -777,7 +821,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
- order = 4
+ order = 7
down = {
name = "Move Down",
@@ -796,7 +840,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
- order = 5
+ order = 8
bold = {
name = "Bold",
@@ -807,7 +851,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
self.db.profile.lines[i].bold = v
- order = 6
+ order = 9
enabled = {
name = "Enabled",
@@ -818,7 +862,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
self.db.profile.lines[i].enabled = v
- order = 7
+ order = 10
delete = {
name = "Delete",