
Split default weights and such into a separate file

Kevin Lyles [10-26-09 - 06:59]
Split default weights and such into a separate file
diff --git a/WeightsWatcher.toc b/WeightsWatcher.toc
index 9c8520c..b33f1c0 100644
--- a/WeightsWatcher.toc
+++ b/WeightsWatcher.toc
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ GemIds.lua
diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index edfe593..cc986d0 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -433,472 +433,3 @@ end
 function DropDownOnClick(choice, dropdown)
 	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(dropdown, choice.value, false)
-trackedStats = {
-	[1] = "General",
-	[2] = "Tanking",
-	[3] = "Melee",
-	[4] = "Caster",
-	[5] = "Meta Gem Stats",
-	[6] = "Resistances",
-	["General"] = {
-		"Stamina",
-		"Critical Strike Rating",
-		"Haste Rating",
-		"Hit Rating",
-		"Resilience Rating",
-		"Health",
-	},
-	["Tanking"] = {
-		"Defense Rating",
-		"Dodge Rating",
-		"Parry Rating",
-		"Block Rating",
-		"Block Value",
-		"Armor",
-		"HP5",
-	},
-	["Melee"] = {
-		"Agility",
-		"Attack Power",
-		"Strength",
-		"Armor Penetration Rating",
-		"Expertise Rating",
-		"Weapon DPS",
-		"Minimum Weapon Damage",
-		"Maximum Weapon Damage",
-	},
-	["Caster"] = {
-		"Intellect",
-		"MP5",
-		"Spell Penetration",
-		"Spell Power",
-		"Spirit",
-	},
-	["Meta Gem Stats"] = {
-		"Armor from Items Percent",
-		"Block Value Percent",
-		"Chance to Increase Melee/Ranged Attack Speed",
-		"Chance to Increase Spell Cast Speed",
-		"Chance to Restore Health on Hit",
-		"Chance to Restore Mana on Spellcast",
-		"Chance to Stun Target",
-		"Critical Damage Percent",
-		"Critical Healing Percent",
-		"Fear Duration Reduction Percent",
-		"Minor Run Speed",
-		"Silence Duration Reduction Percent",
-		"Snare/Root Duration Reduction Percent",
-		"Sometimes Heal on your Crits",
-		"Spell Damage Taken Reduction Percent",
-		"Spell Reflect Percent",
-		"Stun Duration Reduction Percent",
-		"Stun Resistance Percent",
-		"Threat Percent",
-		"Threat Reduction Percent",
-		"Weapon Damage (Not to be Confused with weapon dps)",
-	},
-	["Resistances"] = {
-		"Arcane",
-		"Fire",
-		"Frost",
-		"Holy",
-		"Nature",
-		"Shadow",
-	},
-classNames = {
-	["DEATHKNIGHT"] = "Death Knight",
-	["DRUID"] = "Druid",
-	["HUNTER"] = "Hunter",
-	["MAGE"] = "Mage",
-	["PALADIN"] = "Paladin",
-	["PRIEST"] = "Priest",
-	["ROGUE"] = "Rogue",
-	["SHAMAN"] = "Shaman",
-	["WARLOCK"] = "Warlock",
-	["WARRIOR"] = "Warrior",
-defaultVars = {
-	dataMajorVersion = 0,
-	dataMinorVersion = 4,
-	weightsList = {
-		[1] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
-		[2] = "DRUID",
-		[3] = "HUNTER",
-		[4] = "MAGE",
-		[5] = "PALADIN",
-		[6] = "PRIEST",
-		[7] = "ROGUE",
-		[8] = "SHAMAN",
-		[9] = "WARLOCK",
-		[10] = "WARRIOR",
-		["DEATHKNIGHT"] = {
-			[1] = "Blood DPS",
-			[2] = "Frost DPS",
-			[3] = "Unholy DPS",
-			[4] = "Tank",
-			["Blood DPS"] = {
-				["dps"] = 361,
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["strength"] = 97,
-				["expertise rating"] = 64,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 44,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 40,
-				["attack power"] = 38,
-				["haste rating"] = 22,
-			},
-			["Frost DPS"] = {
-				["dps"] = 417,
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["strength"] = 99,
-				["expertise rating"] = 52,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 50,
-				["attack power"] = 42,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 32,
-				["haste rating"] = 21,
-			},
-			["Unholy DPS"] = {
-				["dps"] = 305,
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["strength"] = 100,
-				["expertise rating"] = 56,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 46,
-				["attack power"] = 41,
-				["haste rating"] = 26,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 22,
-			},
-			["Tank"] = {
-				["dps"] = 432,
-				["parry rating"] = 103,
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["strength"] = 99,
-				["defense rating"] = 88,
-				["expertise rating"] = 71,
-				["dodge rating"] = 63,
-				["agility"] = 63,
-				["stamina"] = 63,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 50,
-				["attack power"] = 42,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 32,
-				["armor"] = 5,
-			},
-		},
-		["DRUID"] = {
-			[1] = "Balance",
-			[2] = "Feral DPS",
-			[3] = "Feral Tank",
-			[4] = "Restoration",
-			["Balance"] = {
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["haste rating"] = 46,
-				["spell power"] = 46,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 43,
-				["intellect"] = 26,
-				["mp5"] = 15,
-				["spirit"] = 8,
-			},
-			["Feral DPS"] = {
-				["strength"] = 100,
-				["agility"] = 85,
-				["expertise rating"] = 58,
-				["hit rating"] = 58,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 52,
-				["feral attack power"] = 43,
-				["attack power"] = 43,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 42,
-				["haste rating"] = 40,
-			},
-			["Feral Tank"] = {
-				["agility"] = 100,
-				["defense rating"] = 72,
-				["dodge rating"] = 70,
-				["stamina"] = 65,
-				["armor"] = 25,
-				["expertise rating"] = 16,
-				["strength"] = 10,
-				["hit rating"] = 6,
-				["haste rating"] = 5,
-				["feral attack power"] = 4,
-				["attack power"] = 4,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 3,
-			},
-			["Restoration"] = {
-				["mp5"] = 100,
-				["spell power"] = 53,
-				["spirit"] = 48,
-				["intellect"] = 28,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 14,
-				["haste rating"] = 12,
-			},
-		},
-		["HUNTER"] = {
-			[1] = "Beast Mastery",
-			[2] = "Marksmanship",
-			[3] = "Survival",
-			["Beast Mastery"] = {
-				["dps"] = 134,
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["intellect"] = 94,
-				["agility"] = 59,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 54,
-				["mp5"] = 48,
-				["haste rating"] = 43,
-				["attack power"] = 39,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 37,
-			},
-			["Marksmanship"] = {
-				["dps"] = 151,
-				["intellect"] = 100,
-				["hit rating"] = 90,
-				["mp5"] = 70,
-				["agility"] = 63,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 62,
-				["haste rating"] = 59,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 43,
-				["attack power"] = 38,
-			},
-			["Survival"] = {
-				["dps"] = 147,
-				["intellect"] = 100,
-				["hit rating"] = 93,
-				["agility"] = 83,
-				["mp5"] = 72,
-				["haste rating"] = 70,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 66,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 58,
-				["attack power"] = 35,
-			},
-		},
-		["MAGE"] = {
-			[1] = "Arcane",
-			[2] = "Fire",
-			[3] = "Frost",
-			["Arcane"] = {
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["haste rating"] = 49,
-				["arcane spell damage"] = 44,
-				["spell power"] = 44,
-				["intellect"] = 39,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 34,
-				["spirit"] = 14,
-				["mp5"] = 9,
-			},
-			["Fire"] = {
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 55,
-				["fire spell damage"] = 49,
-				["spell power"] = 49,
-				["haste rating"] = 47,
-				["intellect"] = 35,
-				["mp5"] = 15,
-			},
-			["Frost"] = {
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["frost spell damage"] = 50,
-				["spell power"] = 50,
-				["haste rating"] = 46,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 33,
-				["intellect"] = 21,
-				["mp5"] = 13,
-			},
-		},
-		["PALADIN"] = {
-			[1] = "Holy",
-			[2] = "Protection",
-			[3] = "Retribution",
-			["Holy"] = {
-				["haste rating"] = 100,
-				["spell power"] = 55,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 36,
-				["intellect"] = 29,
-				["mp5"] = 15,
-			},
-			["Protection"] = {
-				["defense rating"] = 100,
-				["strength"] = 96,
-				["agility"] = 88,
-				["block rating"] = 80,
-				["dodge rating"] = 79,
-				["stamina"] = 76,
-				["parry rating"] = 76,
-				["expertise rating"] = 53,
-				["block value"] = 52,
-				["hit rating"] = 50,
-				["attack power"] = 25,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 23,
-				["spell power"] = 20,
-				["armor"] = 9,
-			},
-			["Retribution"] = {
-				["strength"] = 100,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 70,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 67,
-				["agility"] = 67,
-				["hit rating"] = 59,
-				["expertise rating"] = 44,
-				["haste rating"] = 38,
-				["attack power"] = 38,
-				["spell power"] = 12,
-			},
-		},
-		["PRIEST"] = {
-			[1] = "Discipline",
-			[2] = "Holy",
-			[3] = "Shadow",
-			["Discipline"] = {
-				["mp5"] = 100,
-				["intellect"] = 89,
-				["spell power"] = 60,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 36,
-				["spirit"] = 32,
-				["haste rating"] = 20,
-			},
-			["Holy"] = {
-				["mp5"] = 100,
-				["intellect"] = 69,
-				["spell power"] = 60,
-				["spirit"] = 52,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 38,
-				["haste rating"] = 31,
-			},
-			["Shadow"] = {
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["shadow spell damage"] = 61,
-				["spell power"] = 61,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 50,
-				["intellect"] = 43,
-				["mp5"] = 27,
-				["haste rating"] = 25,
-				["spirit"] = 6,
-			},
-		},
-		["ROGUE"] = {
-			[1] = "All",
-			["All"] = {
-				["agility"] = 100,
-				["expertise rating"] = 100,
-				["haste rating"] = 82,
-				["hit rating"] = 82,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 82,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 55,
-				["strength"] = 50,
-				["attack power"] = 46,
-				["stamina"] = 1,
-			},
-		},
-		["SHAMAN"] = {
-			[1] = "Elemental",
-			[2] = "Enhancement",
-			[3] = "Restoration",
-			["Elemental"] = {
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["spell power"] = 65,
-				["haste rating"] = 40,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 35,
-				["intellect"] = 10,
-			},
-			["Enhancement"] = {
-				["dps"] = 191,
-				["hit rating"] = 100,
-				["expertise rating"] = 84,
-				["intellect"] = 55,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 55,
-				["agility"] = 55,
-				["haste rating"] = 42,
-				["strength"] = 36,
-				["attack power"] = 33,
-				["spell power"] = 30,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 26,
-			},
-			["Restoration"] = {
-				["mp5"] = 100,
-				["intellect"] = 87,
-				["spell power"] = 76,
-				["haste rating"] = 57,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 34,
-			},
-		},
-		["WARLOCK"] = {
-			[1] = "Affliction",
-			[2] = "Demonology",
-			[3] = "Destruction",
-			["Affliction"] = {
-				["spell power"] = 100,
-				["shadow spell damage"] = 88,
-				["spirit"] = 74,
-				["hit rating"] = 32,
-				["haste rating"] = 25,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 24,
-				["mp5"] = 22,
-				["intellect"] = 14,
-				["fire spell damage"] = 13,
-			},
-			["Demonology"] = {
-				["spell power"] = 100,
-				["spirit"] = 96,
-				["shadow spell damage"] = 86,
-				["hit rating"] = 49,
-				["haste rating"] = 37,
-				["mp5"] = 33,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-				["fire spell damage"] = 15,
-				["intellect"] = 12,
-			},
-			["Destruction"] = {
-				["spell power"] = 100,
-				["spirit"] = 56,
-				["shadow spell damage"] = 55,
-				["hit rating"] = 50,
-				["haste rating"] = 48,
-				["mp5"] = 48,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 47,
-				["fire spell damage"] = 46,
-				["intellect"] = 45,
-			},
-		},
-		["WARRIOR"] = {
-			[1] = "DPS",
-			[2] = "Protection",
-			["DPS"] = {
-				["expertise rating"] = 100,
-				["attack power"] = 34,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 33,
-				["strength"] = 22,
-				["hit rating"] = 18,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 18,
-				["agility"] = 12,
-				["haste rating"] = 3,
-				["armor"] = 1,
-			},
-			["Protection"] = {
-				["stamina"] = 100,
-				["defense rating"] = 166,
-				["dodge rating"] = 59,
-				["expertise rating"] = 58,
-				["agility"] = 53,
-				["parry rating"] = 50,
-				["block value"] = 22,
-				["strength"] = 17,
-				["hit rating"] = 7,
-				["armor"] = 7,
-				["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-				["armor penetration rating"] = 5,
-				["attack power"] = 3,
-				["haste rating"] = 3,
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	options = {
-		normalizeWeights = true,
-		gemQualityLimit = 9,
-	},
-defaultCharVars = {
-	dataMajorVersion = 0,
-	dataMinorVersion = 2,
-	activeWeights = {},
diff --git a/defaults.lua b/defaults.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8c853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/defaults.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+trackedStats = {
+	[1] = "General",
+	[2] = "Tanking",
+	[3] = "Melee",
+	[4] = "Caster",
+	[5] = "Meta Gem Stats",
+	[6] = "Resistances",
+	["General"] = {
+		"Stamina",
+		"Critical Strike Rating",
+		"Haste Rating",
+		"Hit Rating",
+		"Resilience Rating",
+		"Health",
+	},
+	["Tanking"] = {
+		"Defense Rating",
+		"Dodge Rating",
+		"Parry Rating",
+		"Block Rating",
+		"Block Value",
+		"Armor",
+		"HP5",
+	},
+	["Melee"] = {
+		"Agility",
+		"Attack Power",
+		"Strength",
+		"Armor Penetration Rating",
+		"Expertise Rating",
+		"Weapon DPS",
+		"Minimum Weapon Damage",
+		"Maximum Weapon Damage",
+	},
+	["Caster"] = {
+		"Intellect",
+		"MP5",
+		"Spell Penetration",
+		"Spell Power",
+		"Spirit",
+	},
+	["Meta Gem Stats"] = {
+		"Armor from Items Percent",
+		"Block Value Percent",
+		"Chance to Increase Melee/Ranged Attack Speed",
+		"Chance to Increase Spell Cast Speed",
+		"Chance to Restore Health on Hit",
+		"Chance to Restore Mana on Spellcast",
+		"Chance to Stun Target",
+		"Critical Damage Percent",
+		"Critical Healing Percent",
+		"Fear Duration Reduction Percent",
+		"Minor Run Speed",
+		"Silence Duration Reduction Percent",
+		"Snare/Root Duration Reduction Percent",
+		"Sometimes Heal on your Crits",
+		"Spell Damage Taken Reduction Percent",
+		"Spell Reflect Percent",
+		"Stun Duration Reduction Percent",
+		"Stun Resistance Percent",
+		"Threat Percent",
+		"Threat Reduction Percent",
+		"Weapon Damage (Not to be Confused with weapon dps)",
+	},
+	["Resistances"] = {
+		"Arcane",
+		"Fire",
+		"Frost",
+		"Holy",
+		"Nature",
+		"Shadow",
+	},
+classNames = {
+	["DEATHKNIGHT"] = "Death Knight",
+	["DRUID"] = "Druid",
+	["HUNTER"] = "Hunter",
+	["MAGE"] = "Mage",
+	["PALADIN"] = "Paladin",
+	["PRIEST"] = "Priest",
+	["ROGUE"] = "Rogue",
+	["SHAMAN"] = "Shaman",
+	["WARLOCK"] = "Warlock",
+	["WARRIOR"] = "Warrior",
+defaultVars = {
+	dataMajorVersion = 0,
+	dataMinorVersion = 4,
+	weightsList = {
+		[1] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
+		[2] = "DRUID",
+		[3] = "HUNTER",
+		[4] = "MAGE",
+		[5] = "PALADIN",
+		[6] = "PRIEST",
+		[7] = "ROGUE",
+		[8] = "SHAMAN",
+		[9] = "WARLOCK",
+		[10] = "WARRIOR",
+		["DEATHKNIGHT"] = {
+			[1] = "Blood DPS",
+			[2] = "Frost DPS",
+			[3] = "Unholy DPS",
+			[4] = "Tank",
+			["Blood DPS"] = {
+				["dps"] = 361,
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["strength"] = 97,
+				["expertise rating"] = 64,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 44,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 40,
+				["attack power"] = 38,
+				["haste rating"] = 22,
+			},
+			["Frost DPS"] = {
+				["dps"] = 417,
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["strength"] = 99,
+				["expertise rating"] = 52,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 50,
+				["attack power"] = 42,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 32,
+				["haste rating"] = 21,
+			},
+			["Unholy DPS"] = {
+				["dps"] = 305,
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["strength"] = 100,
+				["expertise rating"] = 56,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 46,
+				["attack power"] = 41,
+				["haste rating"] = 26,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 22,
+			},
+			["Tank"] = {
+				["dps"] = 432,
+				["parry rating"] = 103,
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["strength"] = 99,
+				["defense rating"] = 88,
+				["expertise rating"] = 71,
+				["dodge rating"] = 63,
+				["agility"] = 63,
+				["stamina"] = 63,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 50,
+				["attack power"] = 42,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 32,
+				["armor"] = 5,
+			},
+		},
+		["DRUID"] = {
+			[1] = "Balance",
+			[2] = "Feral DPS",
+			[3] = "Feral Tank",
+			[4] = "Restoration",
+			["Balance"] = {
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["haste rating"] = 46,
+				["spell power"] = 46,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 43,
+				["intellect"] = 26,
+				["mp5"] = 15,
+				["spirit"] = 8,
+			},
+			["Feral DPS"] = {
+				["strength"] = 100,
+				["agility"] = 85,
+				["expertise rating"] = 58,
+				["hit rating"] = 58,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 52,
+				["feral attack power"] = 43,
+				["attack power"] = 43,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 42,
+				["haste rating"] = 40,
+			},
+			["Feral Tank"] = {
+				["agility"] = 100,
+				["defense rating"] = 72,
+				["dodge rating"] = 70,
+				["stamina"] = 65,
+				["armor"] = 25,
+				["expertise rating"] = 16,
+				["strength"] = 10,
+				["hit rating"] = 6,
+				["haste rating"] = 5,
+				["feral attack power"] = 4,
+				["attack power"] = 4,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 3,
+			},
+			["Restoration"] = {
+				["mp5"] = 100,
+				["spell power"] = 53,
+				["spirit"] = 48,
+				["intellect"] = 28,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 14,
+				["haste rating"] = 12,
+			},
+		},
+		["HUNTER"] = {
+			[1] = "Beast Mastery",
+			[2] = "Marksmanship",
+			[3] = "Survival",
+			["Beast Mastery"] = {
+				["dps"] = 134,
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["intellect"] = 94,
+				["agility"] = 59,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 54,
+				["mp5"] = 48,
+				["haste rating"] = 43,
+				["attack power"] = 39,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 37,
+			},
+			["Marksmanship"] = {
+				["dps"] = 151,
+				["intellect"] = 100,
+				["hit rating"] = 90,
+				["mp5"] = 70,
+				["agility"] = 63,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 62,
+				["haste rating"] = 59,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 43,
+				["attack power"] = 38,
+			},
+			["Survival"] = {
+				["dps"] = 147,
+				["intellect"] = 100,
+				["hit rating"] = 93,
+				["agility"] = 83,
+				["mp5"] = 72,
+				["haste rating"] = 70,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 66,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 58,
+				["attack power"] = 35,
+			},
+		},
+		["MAGE"] = {
+			[1] = "Arcane",
+			[2] = "Fire",
+			[3] = "Frost",
+			["Arcane"] = {
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["haste rating"] = 49,
+				["arcane spell damage"] = 44,
+				["spell power"] = 44,
+				["intellect"] = 39,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 34,
+				["spirit"] = 14,
+				["mp5"] = 9,
+			},
+			["Fire"] = {
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 55,
+				["fire spell damage"] = 49,
+				["spell power"] = 49,
+				["haste rating"] = 47,
+				["intellect"] = 35,
+				["mp5"] = 15,
+			},
+			["Frost"] = {
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["frost spell damage"] = 50,
+				["spell power"] = 50,
+				["haste rating"] = 46,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 33,
+				["intellect"] = 21,
+				["mp5"] = 13,
+			},
+		},
+		["PALADIN"] = {
+			[1] = "Holy",
+			[2] = "Protection",
+			[3] = "Retribution",
+			["Holy"] = {
+				["haste rating"] = 100,
+				["spell power"] = 55,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 36,
+				["intellect"] = 29,
+				["mp5"] = 15,
+			},
+			["Protection"] = {
+				["defense rating"] = 100,
+				["strength"] = 96,
+				["agility"] = 88,
+				["block rating"] = 80,
+				["dodge rating"] = 79,
+				["stamina"] = 76,
+				["parry rating"] = 76,
+				["expertise rating"] = 53,
+				["block value"] = 52,
+				["hit rating"] = 50,
+				["attack power"] = 25,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 23,
+				["spell power"] = 20,
+				["armor"] = 9,
+			},
+			["Retribution"] = {
+				["strength"] = 100,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 70,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 67,
+				["agility"] = 67,
+				["hit rating"] = 59,
+				["expertise rating"] = 44,
+				["haste rating"] = 38,
+				["attack power"] = 38,
+				["spell power"] = 12,
+			},
+		},
+		["PRIEST"] = {
+			[1] = "Discipline",
+			[2] = "Holy",
+			[3] = "Shadow",
+			["Discipline"] = {
+				["mp5"] = 100,
+				["intellect"] = 89,
+				["spell power"] = 60,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 36,
+				["spirit"] = 32,
+				["haste rating"] = 20,
+			},
+			["Holy"] = {
+				["mp5"] = 100,
+				["intellect"] = 69,
+				["spell power"] = 60,
+				["spirit"] = 52,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 38,
+				["haste rating"] = 31,
+			},
+			["Shadow"] = {
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["shadow spell damage"] = 61,
+				["spell power"] = 61,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 50,
+				["intellect"] = 43,
+				["mp5"] = 27,
+				["haste rating"] = 25,
+				["spirit"] = 6,
+			},
+		},
+		["ROGUE"] = {
+			[1] = "All",
+			["All"] = {
+				["agility"] = 100,
+				["expertise rating"] = 100,
+				["haste rating"] = 82,
+				["hit rating"] = 82,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 82,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 55,
+				["strength"] = 50,
+				["attack power"] = 46,
+				["stamina"] = 1,
+			},
+		},
+		["SHAMAN"] = {
+			[1] = "Elemental",
+			[2] = "Enhancement",
+			[3] = "Restoration",
+			["Elemental"] = {
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["spell power"] = 65,
+				["haste rating"] = 40,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 35,
+				["intellect"] = 10,
+			},
+			["Enhancement"] = {
+				["dps"] = 191,
+				["hit rating"] = 100,
+				["expertise rating"] = 84,
+				["intellect"] = 55,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 55,
+				["agility"] = 55,
+				["haste rating"] = 42,
+				["strength"] = 36,
+				["attack power"] = 33,
+				["spell power"] = 30,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 26,
+			},
+			["Restoration"] = {
+				["mp5"] = 100,
+				["intellect"] = 87,
+				["spell power"] = 76,
+				["haste rating"] = 57,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 34,
+			},
+		},
+		["WARLOCK"] = {
+			[1] = "Affliction",
+			[2] = "Demonology",
+			[3] = "Destruction",
+			["Affliction"] = {
+				["spell power"] = 100,
+				["shadow spell damage"] = 88,
+				["spirit"] = 74,
+				["hit rating"] = 32,
+				["haste rating"] = 25,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 24,
+				["mp5"] = 22,
+				["intellect"] = 14,
+				["fire spell damage"] = 13,
+			},
+			["Demonology"] = {
+				["spell power"] = 100,
+				["spirit"] = 96,
+				["shadow spell damage"] = 86,
+				["hit rating"] = 49,
+				["haste rating"] = 37,
+				["mp5"] = 33,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 21,
+				["fire spell damage"] = 15,
+				["intellect"] = 12,
+			},
+			["Destruction"] = {
+				["spell power"] = 100,
+				["spirit"] = 56,
+				["shadow spell damage"] = 55,
+				["hit rating"] = 50,
+				["haste rating"] = 48,
+				["mp5"] = 48,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 47,
+				["fire spell damage"] = 46,
+				["intellect"] = 45,
+			},
+		},
+		["WARRIOR"] = {
+			[1] = "DPS",
+			[2] = "Protection",
+			["DPS"] = {
+				["expertise rating"] = 100,
+				["attack power"] = 34,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 33,
+				["strength"] = 22,
+				["hit rating"] = 18,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 18,
+				["agility"] = 12,
+				["haste rating"] = 3,
+				["armor"] = 1,
+			},
+			["Protection"] = {
+				["stamina"] = 100,
+				["defense rating"] = 166,
+				["dodge rating"] = 59,
+				["expertise rating"] = 58,
+				["agility"] = 53,
+				["parry rating"] = 50,
+				["block value"] = 22,
+				["strength"] = 17,
+				["hit rating"] = 7,
+				["armor"] = 7,
+				["critical strike rating"] = 5,
+				["armor penetration rating"] = 5,
+				["attack power"] = 3,
+				["haste rating"] = 3,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	options = {
+		normalizeWeights = true,
+		gemQualityLimit = 9,
+	},
+defaultCharVars = {
+	dataMajorVersion = 0,
+	dataMinorVersion = 2,
+	activeWeights = {},