
-Removed stupid max level check. if you want it off then turn it off yourself per character basis.

Xruptor [09-29-12 - 17:22]
-Removed stupid max level check.  if you want it off then turn it off yourself per character basis.
diff --git a/XanEXP.lua b/XanEXP.lua
index c398182..ab3dd9e 100644
--- a/XanEXP.lua
+++ b/XanEXP.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
 --Inspired by Author Tekkub and his mod PicoEXP

---don't load the addon for maxed leveled characters
-if UnitLevel("player") >= 85 then return end
 local start, max, starttime, startlevel

 local f = CreateFrame("frame","xanEXP",UIParent)
diff --git a/XanEXP.toc b/XanEXP.toc
index 5c903a9..02c1c7a 100644
--- a/XanEXP.toc
+++ b/XanEXP.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: xanEXP
 ## Notes: A small window display current xp and other xp information
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 2.3
+## Version: 2.4
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: XanEXP_DB
