diff --git a/XanDebuffTimers.lua b/XanDebuffTimers.lua
index e85f6f9..d99b51d 100644
--- a/XanDebuffTimers.lua
+++ b/XanDebuffTimers.lua
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ local function Debug(...)
if debugf then debugf:AddMessage(string.join(", ", tostringall(...))) end
+timers.data = {}
+timersFocus.data = {}
-- Enable --
@@ -41,6 +44,9 @@ function f:PLAYER_LOGIN()
--create our anchors
f:CreateAnchor("XDT_Anchor", UIParent, "xanDebuffTimers: Target Anchor")
f:CreateAnchor("XDT_FocusAnchor", UIParent, "xanDebuffTimers: Focus Anchor")
+ --create our bars
+ f:generateBars()
@@ -256,65 +262,11 @@ function f:CreateAnchor(name, parent, desc)
-local TimerOnUpdate = function(self, time)
- if self.active then
- self.OnUpdateCounter = (self.OnUpdateCounter or 0) + time
- if self.OnUpdateCounter < 0.05 then return end
- self.OnUpdateCounter = 0
- local beforeEnd = self.endTime - GetTime()
- local percentTotal = (beforeEnd / self.durationTime)
- local percentFinal = ceil(percentTotal * 100)
- local barLength = ceil( string.len(BAR_TEXT) * percentTotal )
- --calculate the individual bar segments and make the appropriate calculations
- local totalDuration = (self.endTime - self.startTime) --total duration of the spell
- local totalBarSegment = (string.len(BAR_TEXT) / totalDuration) --lets get how much each segment of the bar string would value up to 100%
- local totalBarLength = totalBarSegment * beforeEnd --now get the individual bar segment value and multiply it with current duration
- local barPercent = (totalBarLength / string.len(BAR_TEXT)) * 100
- --100/40 means each segment is 2.5 for 100%
- --example for 50% 50/100 = 0.5 0.5 / 2.5 = 0.2 (50% divided by segment count) 0.2 * 100 = 20 (which is half of the bar of 40)
- --local testBar = ((percentFinal / 100) / 2.5) * 100
- --Debug("(2) Spell("..self.spellName..") totalDuration: "..tostring(ceil(totalDuration)).." | totalBarSegment: "..tostring(ceil(totalBarSegment)).." | totalBarLength: "..tostring(ceil(totalBarLength)).." | barPercent: "..tostring(ceil(barPercent)))
- --Debug("(3) Spell("..self.spellName..") Time: "..tostring(GetTime()).." | percentTotal: "..tostring(ceil(percentTotal)).." | PercentFinal: "..tostring(percentFinal).." | tmpBL: "..tostring(tmpBL).." | TextTime: "..tostring(ceil(beforeEnd)))
- --Debug("(4) Spell("..self.spellName..") Time: "..tostring(GetTime()).." | beforeEnd: "..tostring(ceil(beforeEnd)).." | tmpBL: "..tostring(tmpBL).." | Testing: "..tostring(testing))
- if barPercent <= 0 or beforeEnd <= 0 or totalBarLength <= 0 then
- self.active = false
- self:Hide()
- f:ArrangeDebuffs(true, self.id)
- return
- end
- self.percent = barPercent
- self.tmpBL = totalBarLength
- self.beforeEnd = beforeEnd
- self.Bar:SetText( string.sub(BAR_TEXT, 1, totalBarLength).." | "..barLength.." | ".. totalBarLength)
- self.Bar:SetTextColor(f:getBarColor(self.durationTime, beforeEnd))
- if self.stacks > 0 then
- self.stacktext:SetText(self.stacks)
- else
- self.stacktext:SetText(nil)
- end
- self.timetext:SetText(f:GetTimeText(ceil(beforeEnd)))
- f:ArrangeDebuffs(true, self.id)
- end
function f:CreateDebuffTimers()
local Frm = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ Frm.data = {}
Frm.active = false
@@ -345,28 +297,107 @@ function f:CreateDebuffTimers()
Frm.Bar:SetPoint("LEFT", Frm.icon, "RIGHT", 1, 0)
- Frm:SetScript("OnUpdate", TimerOnUpdate)
return Frm
+function f:generateBars()
+ local adj = 0
+ --lets create the max bars to use on screen for future sorting
+ for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
+ timers[i] = f:CreateDebuffTimers()
+ timersFocus[i] = f:CreateDebuffTimers()
+ if not timers.data[i] then timers.data[i] = {} end
+ if not timersFocus.data[i] then timersFocus.data[i] = {} end
+ end
+ --rearrange order
+ for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
+ if XDT_DB.grow then
+ timers[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+ timers[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", XDT_Anchor, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, adj)
+ timersFocus[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+ timersFocus[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", XDT_FocusAnchor, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, adj)
+ else
+ timers[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+ timers[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", XDT_Anchor, "TOPRIGHT", 0, (adj * -1))
+ timersFocus[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+ timersFocus[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", XDT_FocusAnchor, "TOPRIGHT", 0, (adj * -1))
+ end
+ adj = adj - BAR_ADJUST
+ end
+function f:ProcessDebuffBar(data)
+ if not data.active then return end --just in case
+ local beforeEnd = data.endTime - GetTime()
+ -- local percentTotal = (beforeEnd / data.durationTime)
+ -- local percentFinal = ceil(percentTotal * 100)
+ -- local barLength = ceil( string.len(BAR_TEXT) * percentTotal )
+ --calculate the individual bar segments and make the appropriate calculations
+ local totalDuration = (data.endTime - data.startTime) --total duration of the spell
+ local totalBarSegment = (string.len(BAR_TEXT) / totalDuration) --lets get how much each segment of the bar string would value up to 100%
+ local totalBarLength = totalBarSegment * beforeEnd --now get the individual bar segment value and multiply it with current duration
+ local barPercent = (totalBarLength / string.len(BAR_TEXT)) * 100
+ --100/40 means each segment is 2.5 for 100%
+ --example for 50% 50/100 = 0.5 0.5 / 2.5 = 0.2 (50% divided by segment count) 0.2 * 100 = 20 (which is half of the bar of 40)
+ --local testBar = ((percentFinal / 100) / 2.5) * 100
+ --Debug("(2) Spell("..data.spellName..") totalDuration: "..tostring(ceil(totalDuration)).." | totalBarSegment: "..tostring(ceil(totalBarSegment)).." | totalBarLength: "..tostring(ceil(totalBarLength)).." | barPercent: "..tostring(ceil(barPercent)))
+ --Debug("(3) Spell("..data.spellName..") Time: "..tostring(GetTime()).." | percentTotal: "..tostring(ceil(percentTotal)).." | PercentFinal: "..tostring(percentFinal).." | totalBarLength: "..tostring(totalBarLength).." | TextTime: "..tostring(ceil(beforeEnd)))
+ --Debug("(4) Spell("..data.spellName..") Time: "..tostring(GetTime()).." | beforeEnd: "..tostring(ceil(beforeEnd)).." | totalBarLength: "..tostring(totalBarLength).." | Testing: "..tostring(testing))
+ if barPercent <= 0 or beforeEnd <= 0 or totalBarLength <= 0 then
+ data.active = false
+ return
+ end
+ data.percent = barPercent
+ data.totalBarLength = totalBarLength
+ data.beforeEnd = beforeEnd
-- Debuff Functions --
+--lets use one global OnUpdate instead of individual ones for each debuff bar
+f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+ self.OnUpdateCounter = (self.OnUpdateCounter or 0) + elapsed
+ if self.OnUpdateCounter < 0.05 then return end
+ self.OnUpdateCounter = 0
+ for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
+ if timers.data[i].active then
+ self:ProcessDebuffBar(timers.data[i])
+ end
+ if timersFocus.data[i].active then
+ self:ProcessDebuffBar(timersFocus.data[i])
+ end
+ end
+ f:ArrangeDebuffs("target")
+ f:ArrangeDebuffs("focus")
function f:ProcessDebuffs(sT, sdTimer)
--only process for as many timers as we are using
- local slotNum = 0
for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
- local name, _, icon, count, _, duration, expTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellId = UnitAura(sT, i, 'HARMFUL|PLAYER')
- if not name then break end
- --UnitIsUnit is used JUST IN CASE (you never know lol)
+ local name, _, icon, count, _, duration, expTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellId = UnitAura(sT, i, 'PLAYER|HARMFUL')
--check for duration > 0 for the evil DIVIDE BY ZERO
- if name and unitCaster and unitCaster == "player" and duration and duration > 0 then
+ if name and duration and duration > 0 then
local beforeEnd = expTime - GetTime()
local startTime = (expTime - duration)
local totalDuration = (expTime - startTime) --total duration of the spell
@@ -375,75 +406,61 @@ function f:ProcessDebuffs(sT, sdTimer)
local barPercent = (totalBarLength / string.len(BAR_TEXT)) * 100
if barPercent > 0 or beforeEnd > 0 or totalBarLength > 0 then
- --get the next timer slot we can use
- slotNum = slotNum + 1
- if not sdTimer[slotNum] then sdTimer[slotNum] = f:CreateDebuffTimers() end --create the timer if it doesn't exist
- sdTimer[slotNum].id = sT
- sdTimer[slotNum].spellName = name
- sdTimer[slotNum].spellId = spellId
- sdTimer[slotNum].iconTex = icon
- sdTimer[slotNum].icon:SetTexture(icon)
- sdTimer[slotNum].startTime = startTime
- sdTimer[slotNum].durationTime = duration
- sdTimer[slotNum].beforeEnd = beforeEnd
- sdTimer[slotNum].endTime = expTime
- sdTimer[slotNum].tmpBL = totalBarLength
- sdTimer[slotNum].stacks = count or 0
- sdTimer[slotNum].percent = barPercent
- sdTimer[slotNum].active = true
- if not sdTimer[slotNum]:IsVisible() then sdTimer[slotNum]:Show() end
+ --data
+ sdTimer.data[i].id = sT
+ sdTimer.data[i].spellName = name
+ sdTimer.data[i].spellId = spellId
+ sdTimer.data[i].iconTex = icon
+ sdTimer.data[i].startTime = startTime
+ sdTimer.data[i].durationTime = duration
+ sdTimer.data[i].beforeEnd = beforeEnd
+ sdTimer.data[i].endTime = expTime
+ sdTimer.data[i].totalBarLength = totalBarLength
+ sdTimer.data[i].stacks = count or 0
+ sdTimer.data[i].percent = barPercent
+ sdTimer.data[i].active = true
--Debug("(1) Time: "..tostring(GetTime()).." | Start: "..tostring(expTime - duration).." | Duration: "..tostring(duration).." | Expiration: "..tostring(expTime))
--Debug("<Percentage> "..tostring(sdTimer[slotNum].percent) )
+ else
+ sdTimer.data[i].active = false
- --clear everything else
- for i=(slotNum+1), #sdTimer do
- if sdTimer[i] then
- sdTimer[i].active = false
- sdTimer[i]:Hide()
- end
- end
- if slotNum > 0 then
- f:ArrangeDebuffs(false, sT)
- end
+ f:ArrangeDebuffs(sT)
function f:ClearDebuffs(sdTimer)
local adj = 0
- for i=1, #sdTimer do
- if sdTimer[i].active then
- sdTimer[i].active = false
- end
- --reset the order
- if XDT_DB.grow then
- sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints()
- sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, adj)
- else
- sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints()
- sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "TOPRIGHT", 0, (adj * -1))
- end
- adj = adj - BAR_ADJUST
+ for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
+ sdTimer.data[i].active = false
-function f:ArrangeDebuffs(throttle, id)
- --to prevent spam and reduce CPU use
- if throttle then
- if not f.ADT then f.ADT = GetTime() end
- if (GetTime() - f.ADT) < 0.1 then
- return
- end
- f.ADT = GetTime()
- end
+local function deepcopy(orig)
+ local orig_type = type(orig)
+ local copy
+ if orig_type == 'table' then
+ copy = {}
+ for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
+ copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value)
+ end
+ setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
+ else -- number, string, boolean, etc
+ copy = orig
+ end
+ return copy
+function f:ArrangeDebuffs(id)
local adj = 0
local sdTimer
+ local tmpList = {}
if id == "target" then
sdTimer = timers
@@ -453,74 +470,57 @@ function f:ArrangeDebuffs(throttle, id)
- --hides
- for i=1, #sdTimer do
- if not sdTimer[i].active then
- sdTimer[i]:Hide()
+ for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
+ if sdTimer.data[i].active then
+ table.insert(tmpList, deepcopy(sdTimer.data[i]))
+ --Debug(i)
if XDT_DB.grow then
--bars will grow down
if XDT_DB.sort then
--sort from shortest to longest
- table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b)
- if a.active == true and b.active == false then
- return true;
- elseif a.active and b.active then
- return (a.percent < b.percent);
- end
- return false;
- end)
+ table.sort(tmpList, function(a,b) return (a.percent < b.percent) end)
--sort from longest to shortest
- table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b)
- if a.active == true and b.active == false then
- return true;
- elseif a.active and b.active then
- return (a.percent > b.percent);
- end
- return false;
- end)
+ table.sort(tmpList, function(a,b) return (a.percent > b.percent) end)
--bars will grow up
if XDT_DB.sort then
--sort from shortest to longest
- table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b)
- if a.active == true and b.active == false then
- return true;
- elseif a.active and b.active then
- return (a.percent > b.percent);
- end
- return false;
- end)
+ table.sort(tmpList, function(a,b) return (a.percent > b.percent) end)
--sort from longest to shortest
- table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b)
- if a.active == true and b.active == false then
- return true;
- elseif a.active and b.active then
- return (a.percent < b.percent);
- end
- return false;
- end)
+ table.sort(tmpList, function(a,b) return (a.percent < b.percent) end)
- --rearrange order
- for i=1, #sdTimer do
- if XDT_DB.grow then
- sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints()
- sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, adj)
+ for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do
+ if tmpList[i] then
+ sdTimer.data[i] = tmpList[i]
+ sdTimer[i].Bar:SetText( string.sub(BAR_TEXT, 1, sdTimer.data[i].totalBarLength) )
+ sdTimer[i].Bar:SetTextColor(f:getBarColor(sdTimer.data[i].durationTime, sdTimer.data[i].beforeEnd))
+ sdTimer[i].icon:SetTexture(sdTimer.data[i].iconTex)
+ if sdTimer.data[i].stacks > 0 then
+ sdTimer[i].stacktext:SetText(sdTimer.data[i].stacks)
+ else
+ sdTimer[i].stacktext:SetText(nil)
+ end
+ sdTimer[i].timetext:SetText(f:GetTimeText(ceil(sdTimer.data[i].beforeEnd)))
+ sdTimer[i]:Show()
- sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints()
- sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "TOPRIGHT", 0, (adj * -1))
+ sdTimer.data[i].active = false
+ sdTimer[i]:Hide()
- adj = adj - BAR_ADJUST
@@ -609,5 +609,5 @@ function f:GetTimeText(timeLeft)
return nil
if IsLoggedIn() then f:PLAYER_LOGIN() else f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end