Update the arena preparation frames on login too
Adrian L Lange [09-01-14 - 19:47]
Update the arena preparation frames on login too
diff --git a/oUF_P3lim.lua b/oUF_P3lim.lua
index 0c0d8a6..611def8 100644
--- a/oUF_P3lim.lua
+++ b/oUF_P3lim.lua
@@ -702,23 +702,25 @@ PreparationHandler:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event)
for index = 1, 5 do
- else
- for index = 1, GetNumArenaOpponentSpecs() do
- local Frame = preparationFrames[index]
- local specID = GetArenaOpponentSpec(index)
- if(specID and specID > 0) then
- local _, name, _, _, _, _, class = GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID)
- local r, g, b, colorStr = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]
+ return
+ end
- Frame.Spec:SetFormattedText('|c%s%s|r', colorStr, name)
- Frame.Power:SetTexture(r, g, b)
- else
- Frame.Spec:SetText('Unknown')
- Frame.Power:SetTexture(1, 1, 1)
- end
+ for index = 1, GetNumArenaOpponentSpecs() do
+ local Frame = preparationFrames[index]
+ local specID = GetArenaOpponentSpec(index)
+ if(specID and specID > 0) then
+ local _, name, _, _, _, _, class = GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID)
+ local r, g, b, colorStr = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]
- Frame:Show()
+ Frame.Spec:SetFormattedText('|c%s%s|r', colorStr, name)
+ Frame.Power:SetTexture(r, g, b)
+ else
+ Frame.Spec:SetText('Unknown')
+ Frame.Power:SetTexture(1, 1, 1)
+ Frame:Show()