
Added colorized differences to currently equipped items to tooltips

Kevin Lyles [12-14-09 - 06:44]
Added colorized differences to currently equipped items to tooltips
diff --git a/Upgrade.lua b/Upgrade.lua
index 4938d50..ef17c75 100644
--- a/Upgrade.lua
+++ b/Upgrade.lua
@@ -135,6 +135,15 @@ function noop_major_up(vars)
 	return vars

+function upgradeAccountToShowDifferences(vars)
+	if vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences == nil then
+		vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences = true
+	end
+	vars.dataMinorVersion = 3
+	return vars
 function upgradeAccountToCorrectShowClassNames(vars)
 	if vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == nil then
 		if vars.options.showClassNames == nil then
@@ -515,6 +524,7 @@ upgradeAccountFunctions = {
 	[1] = {
 		[0] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountToBetterMetaEffectNames(vars) end,
 		[1] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountToCorrectShowClassNames(vars) end,
+		[2] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountToShowDifferences(vars) end,

@@ -534,6 +544,7 @@ downgradeAccountFunctions = {
 		[0] = downgradeAccountToDevelopment,
 		[1] = downgradeAccountFromBetterMetaEffectNames,
 		[2] = noop_down,
+		[3] = noop_down,

diff --git a/WeightsWatcher.lua b/WeightsWatcher.lua
index 242d327..0f4e7d9 100644
--- a/WeightsWatcher.lua
+++ b/WeightsWatcher.lua
@@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ end

 function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
 	local link, bareLink, itemType, stackSize, sockets, gemStats
-	local stat, value, str
+	local stat, value, str, formatStr
+	local compareLink, compareBareLink, compareScore, compareLink2, compareBareLink2, compareScore2
 	local _, playerClass = UnitClass("player")

 	_, link = tooltip:GetItem()
@@ -303,6 +304,17 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
 	if (IsEquippableItem(link) and itemType ~= "Container" and itemType ~= "Quiver") or (itemType == "Gem" and stackSize == 1) or (itemType == "Consumable") or (itemType == "Recipe") then
 		bareLink = splitItemLink(link)

+		if ttname == "GameTooltip" and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences then
+			_, compareLink = ShoppingTooltip1:GetItem()
+			if compareLink then
+				compareBareLink = splitItemLink(compareLink)
+			end
+			_, compareLink2 = ShoppingTooltip2:GetItem()
+			if compareLink2 then
+				compareBareLink2 = splitItemLink(compareLink2)
+			end
+		end
 		if keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights]() then
 			tooltip:AddLine("Current Weights:")
 			for _, class in ipairs(ww_charVars.activeWeights) do
@@ -313,7 +325,26 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
 							if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == "Always" or (ww_vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == "Others" and class ~= playerClass) then
 								str = str .. " - " .. classNames[class]
-							tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format("%.3f", ww_weightCache[class][weight][link]))
+							if compareLink then
+								compareScore = ww_weightCache[class][weight][compareLink]
+								if compareLink2 then
+									compareScore2 = ww_weightCache[class][weight][compareLink2]
+									if compareScore2 < compareScore then
+										compareScore = compareScore2
+									end
+								end
+								compareScore = ww_weightCache[class][weight][link] - compareScore
+								if compareScore < 0 then
+									formatStr = "%.3f (|cffff0000%+.3f|r)"
+								elseif compareScore > 0 then
+									formatStr = "%.3f (|cff00ff00%+.3f|r)"
+								else
+									formatStr = "%.3f (%+.3f)"
+								end
+								tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format(formatStr, ww_weightCache[class][weight][link], compareScore))
+							else
+								tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format("%.3f", ww_weightCache[class][weight][link]))
+							end
@@ -332,7 +363,26 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
 									if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == "Always" or (ww_vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == "Others" and class ~= playerClass) then
 										str = str .. " - " .. classNames[class]
-									tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format("%.3f", ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].score))
+									if compareBareLink then
+										compareScore = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][compareBareLink].score
+										if compareBareLink2 then
+											compareScore2 = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][compareBareLink2].score
+											if compareScore2 < compareScore then
+												compareScore = compareScore2
+											end
+										end
+										compareScore = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].score - compareScore
+										if compareScore < 0 then
+											formatStr = "%.3f (|cffff0000%+.3f|r)"
+										elseif compareScore > 0 then
+											formatStr = "%.3f (|cff00ff00%+.3f|r)"
+										else
+											formatStr = "%.3f (%+.3f)"
+										end
+										tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format(formatStr, ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].score, compareScore))
+									else
+										tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format("%.3f", ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].score))
+									end
 									if keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems]() then
 										gemStats = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].gemStats
 										for _, gem in ipairs(gemStats) do
diff --git a/config.xml b/config.xml
index e839cd5..0ca1c6f 100644
--- a/config.xml
+++ b/config.xml
@@ -406,6 +406,42 @@
+					<CheckButton name="$parentShowDifference" parentKey="showDifference" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate" text="Show differences to current gear">
+						<Size>
+							<AbsDimension x="25" y="25"/>
+						</Size>
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$parentShowClassNames"/>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT">
+								<Offset>
+									<AbsDimension x="5"/>
+								</Offset>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnClick>
+								if self:GetChecked() then
+									ww_vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences = true
+								else
+									ww_vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences = false
+								end
+							</OnClick>
+							<OnEnter>
+								GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,"ANCHOR_RIGHT")
+								GameTooltip:AddLine("Shows the change in score compared to the currently equipped gear", 1, 1, 1)
+								GameTooltip:Show()
+							</OnEnter>
+							<OnLeave>
+								GameTooltip:Hide()
+							</OnLeave>
+							<OnLoad>
+								getglobal(self:GetName() .. "Text"):SetText(self:GetText())
+							</OnLoad>
+							<OnShow>
+								self:SetChecked(ww_vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences)
+							</OnShow>
+						</Scripts>
+					</CheckButton>
diff --git a/defaults.lua b/defaults.lua
index 9d21b7c..a1dbbd6 100644
--- a/defaults.lua
+++ b/defaults.lua
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ classNameOptions = {

 defaultVars = {
 	dataMajorVersion = 1,
-	dataMinorVersion = 2,
+	dataMinorVersion = 3,
 	weightsList = {
 		[1] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
 		[2] = "DRUID",
@@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ defaultVars = {
 			showIdealGems = "Control",
 			showIdealGemStats = "Always",
 			showClassNames = "Others",
+			showDifferences = true,