
Added (experimental) Recount support.

Peter Eliasson [01-18-15 - 17:30]
Added (experimental) Recount support.
diff --git a/src/parse_modules/parse_modules_include.xml b/src/parse_modules/parse_modules_include.xml
index 747f042..01eb3b4 100644
--- a/src/parse_modules/parse_modules_include.xml
+++ b/src/parse_modules/parse_modules_include.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 <Ui xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/ ..\..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
 	<Script file="parse_modules_core.lua"/>
 	<Script file="skada.lua"/>
+	<Script file="recount.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/parse_modules/recount.lua b/src/parse_modules/recount.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4bff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parse_modules/recount.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+local addonName, addonTable = ...
+local addon = addonTable[1];
+local pmc = addon.parseModulesCore;
+local mod = pmc:NewModule("Recount", "AceHook-3.0");
+if not mod then return end;
+-- Global functions
+local wipe = wipe;
+local tinsert = tinsert;
+function mod:IsActivatable()
+	return IsAddOnLoaded("Recount");
+function mod:GetPlayersFromLastFight()
+	local players = {};
+	-- Pets are not included in player's damage, so keep track
+	-- and manually merge them afterwards
+	local pets = {};
+	local fightData;
+	for name, combatant in pairs(Recount.db2.combatants) do
+		fightData = combatant.Fights.LastFightData;
+		local damage = (fightData and fightData.Damage) or 0;
+		local healing = (fightData and fightData.Healing) or 0;
+		-- Since Recount groups by combatant instead of fights
+		-- we have to verify that the combatant was part of the fight.
+		if fightData and (damage > 0 or healing > 0) then
+			if combatant.type == "Pet" then
+				pets[name] = {damage = damage, healing = healing};
+			elseif combatant.type == "Grouped" or combatant.type == "Self" then
+				if self:ShouldIncludePlayer(combatant.GUID, combatant.Name) then
+					local playerData = {
+						id = combatant.GUID,
+						name = combatant.Name,
+						damage = damage,
+						healing = healing,
+						pets = combatant.Pet
+					};
+					tinsert(players, playerData);
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Merge pets and players
+	for _, playerData in ipairs(players) do
+		if playerData.pets then
+			for _, petName in ipairs(playerData.pets) do
+				if pets[petName] then
+					playerData.damage = playerData.damage + pets[petName].damage;
+					playerData.healing = playerData.healing + pets[petName].healing;
+				end
+			end
+			playerData.pets = nil;
+		end
+	end
+	return players;
+function mod:ProcessParseRequest(encounter, callback)
+	-- Look at the most recent one, as previous ones might
+	-- be wipes at the same boss
+	if not Recount.FightingWho or Recount.FightingWho ~= encounter.name then
+		self:Debug("No Recount fight found for boss");
+		return callback(false);
+	end
+	-- CombatTimes is an object {startTime, endTime, formatStart, formatEnd, name}
+	-- where the times are from GetTime() and not time(). Because of that
+	-- we have to calculate our own unix timestamp for startTime.
+	local combatInfo = Recount.db2.CombatTimes[#Recount.db2.CombatTimes];
+	local duration = combatInfo[2] - combatInfo[1];
+	local startTime = floor(time() - duration);
+	local playerParses = self:GetPlayersFromLastFight();
+	return callback(true, startTime, duration, playerParses);
+function mod:GetParsesForEncounter(encounter, callback)
+	-- If recount hasn't finished the fight, wait for it
+	if Recount.InCombat then
+		tinsert(self.pendingParseRequests, {encounter = encounter, callback = callback});
+	else
+		self:ProcessParseRequest(encounter, callback);
+	end
+function mod:LeaveCombat()
+	self:Debug("Recount: LeaveCombat")
+	-- If we have requests waiting for LeaveCombat, process them now.
+	if #self.pendingParseRequests then
+		for _, pendingRequest in ipairs(self.pendingParseRequests) do
+			local encounter = pendingRequest.encounter;
+			local callback = pendingRequest.callback;
+			self:ProcessParseRequest(encounter, callback);
+		end
+		wipe(self.pendingParseRequests);
+	end
+function mod:OnEnable()
+	self.pendingParseRequests = {};
+	self:SecureHook(Recount, "LeaveCombat");
+function mod:OnDisable()
+	wipe(self.pendingParseRequests);
+	self:UnHook(Recount, "LeaveCombat");