
#35: Add control of sound channel to play ping through.

Ludovicus [10-19-19 - 21:07]
#35:  Add control of sound channel to play ping through.
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index c5c1e9f..3ebe727 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ function TomTom:Initialize(event, addon)
                 setclosest = true,
 				closestusecontinent = false,
                 enablePing = false,
+                pingChannel = "SFX",
 				hideDuringPetBattles = true,
             minimap = {
@@ -773,7 +774,7 @@ end

 local function _both_ping_arrival(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance)
     if TomTom.profile.arrow.enablePing then
-        PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Media\\ping.mp3")
+        PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Media\\ping.mp3", TomTom.profile.arrow.pingChannel)

diff --git a/TomTom_Config.lua b/TomTom_Config.lua
index 7a615a3..70d7993 100755
--- a/TomTom_Config.lua
+++ b/TomTom_Config.lua
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ local function createconfig()
 				type = "range",
 				name = L["\"Arrival Distance\""],
 				desc = L["This setting will control the distance at which the waypoint arrow switches to a downwards arrow, indicating you have arrived at your destination"],
-				min = 0, max = 150, step = 5,
+				min = 0, max = 150, step = 1,
 				width = "double",
 				arg = "arrow.arrival",
@@ -240,6 +240,21 @@ local function createconfig()
                 width = "double",
                 arg = "arrow.enablePing",
+			setPingChannel = {
+                order = 12,
+                type = "select",
+                name = L["Channel to play the ping through"],
+                desc = L["When a 'ping' is played, use the indicated sound channel so the volume can be controlled."],
+                width = "double",
+                values = {
+					["Master"] = MASTER_VOLUME,
+					["SFX"] = SOUND_VOLUME,
+					["Music"] = MUSIC_VOLUME,
+					["Ambience"] = AMBIENCE_VOLUME,
+					["Dialog"] = DIALOG_VOLUME
+                },
+                arg = "arrow.pingChannel",
+            },
 			hideDuringPetBattles = {
 				order = 13,
 				type = "toggle",