diff --git a/Clique.toc b/Clique.toc
index 8423325..7a53d96 100755
--- a/Clique.toc
+++ b/Clique.toc
@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ BlizzardFrames.lua
# HeaderTest.xml
# HeaderTest.lua
+# TestSuite.lua
diff --git a/TestSuite.lua b/TestSuite.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbd1f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestSuite.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+local addonName, addon = ...
+local tests = {}
+-- Bootstrap code to set up the buttons
+local groupheader = CreateFrame("Button", addonName .. "TestHeader", UIParent, "SecureGroupHeaderTemplate")
+local button_m = CreateFrame("Button", addonName .. "TestButton_m", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+local button_h = CreateFrame("Button", addonName .. "TestButton_h", UIParent, "ClickCastUnitTemplate,SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+-- Create the event handler
+local eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
+ print("====== " .. addonName .. "Test Suite ======")
+ print(" - Registering frames for click-casting")
+ ClickCastFrames[button_m] = true
+ groupheader:SetFrameRef("clickcast_header", addon.header)
+ groupheader:SetFrameRef("thebutton", button_h)
+ groupheader:Execute[[
+ local header = self:GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
+ header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", self:GetFrameRef("thebutton"))
+ header:RunAttribute("clickcast_register")
+ ]]
+ local currentProfile = addon.db:GetCurrentProfile()
+ for name, testFunc in pairs(tests) do
+ print(" - Running " .. name)
+ testFunc()
+ end
+ addon.db:SetProfile(currentProfile)
+-- Utility functions
+local function makeprofile(bindings)
+ addon:ClearAttributes()
+ addon:ClearGlobalAttributes()
+ local tempName = "Temp" .. GetTime()
+ local suiteName = addonName .. "TestSuite"
+ addon.db:SetProfile(tempName)
+ addon.db:DeleteProfile(suiteName, true)
+ addon.db:SetProfile(suiteName)
+ addon.db:DeleteProfile(tempName)
+ table.wipe(addon.bindings)
+ for k,v in pairs(bindings) do
+ table.insert(addon.bindings, v)
+ end
+ addon:UpdateEverything()
+local function makebind(key)
+ local entry = {}
+ entry.key = key
+ entry.type = "menu"
+ entry.menu = function()
+ end
+ entry.sets = {default = true}
+ return entry
+local function getbutton(bind)
+ local prefix, suffix = addon:GetBindingPrefixSuffix(bind)
+ if suffix == "1" then
+ suffix = "LeftButton"
+ elseif suffix == "2" then
+ suffix = "RightButton"
+ elseif suffix == "3" then
+ suffix = "MiddleButton"
+ elseif tonumber(suffix) then
+ suffix = "Button" .. suffix
+ end
+ return suffix
+local passed = 0
+local function pass(name)
+ passed = passed + 1
+ --print(" - |cff00ff00PASS|r - " .. name)
+local failed = 0
+local function fail(name)
+ failed = failed + 1
+ print(" - |cffff0000FAIL|r - " .. name)
+local modbits = {
+ "IsAltKeyDown",
+ "IsLeftAltKeyDown",
+ "IsRightAltKeyDown",
+ "IsControlKeyDown",
+ "IsLeftControlKeyDown",
+ "IsRightControlKeyDown",
+ "IsShiftKeyDown",
+ "IsLeftShiftKeyDown",
+ "IsRightShiftKeyDown",
+local origs = {}
+for k,v in pairs(modbits) do
+ origs[v] = _G[v]
+local function setmodifiers(bind)
+ local binary = addon:GetBinaryBindingKey()
+ for i = 1, #binary, 1 do
+ local enabled = binary:sub(i,i) == "1"
+ if enabled then
+ _G[modbits[i]] = function() return 1 end
+ end
+ end
+local function clrmodifiers()
+ for idx, name in ipairs(modbits) do
+ _G[name] = origs[name]
+ end
+local function randommodifiers()
+ local prefix = ""
+ if math.random(0, 1) then
+ -- Alt key down
+ local which = math.random(0, 10)
+ if which >= 2 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "ALT-"
+ elseif which == 0 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "LALT-"
+ elseif which == 1 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "RALT-"
+ end
+ end
+ if math.random(0, 1) then
+ -- Ctrl key down
+ local which = math.random(0, 10)
+ if which >= 2 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "CTRL-"
+ elseif which == 0 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "LCTRL-"
+ elseif which == 1 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "RCTRL-"
+ end
+ end
+ if math.random(0, 1) then
+ -- Shift key down
+ local which = math.random(0, 10)
+ if which >= 2 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "SHIFT-"
+ elseif which == 0 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "LSHIFT-"
+ elseif which == 1 then
+ prefix = prefix .. "RSHIFT-"
+ end
+ end
+ return prefix
+-- Test code
+local all_binding_types = {
+ lower = makebind("f"),
+ upper = makebind("F"),
+ num = makebind("1"),
+ foreign = makebind("ö"),
+ fkey = makebind("F1"),
+ leftbutton = makebind("BUTTON1"),
+ rightbutton = makebind("BUTTON2"),
+ middlebutton = makebind("BUTTON3"),
+ button4 = makebind("BUTTON4"),
+ button5 = makebind("BUTTON5"),
+-- First test to ensure each type of binding works properly
+function tests.SimpleTriggers()
+ makeprofile(all_binding_types)
+ for name, bind in pairs(all_binding_types) do
+ -- Test to see if the binding works on the manually registered button
+ local button = getbutton(bind)
+ button_m.menu = bind.menu
+ button_m:Click(button)
+ pass(name .. " manual")
+ else
+ fail(name .. " manual")
+ end
+ button_h.menu = bind.menu
+ button_h:Click(button)
+ pass(name .. " header")
+ else
+ fail(name .. " header")
+ end
+ end
+ print(" - " .. passed .. " passed, " .. failed .. " failed")
+function tests.Modifiers()
+ -- Copy bindings table
+ local bindings = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(all_binding_types) do
+ bindings[k] = {}
+ for ka,va in pairs(v) do
+ bindings[k][ka] = va
+ end
+ end
+ -- Run this test five times
+ for i = 1, 10, 1 do
+ for name, bind in pairs(bindings) do
+ local obind = bind.key
+ bind.key = randommodifiers() .. bind.key
+ -- Register the bindings
+ makeprofile(bindings)
+ -- Manually registered button
+ local button = getbutton(bind)
+ button_m.menu = function()
+ end
+ button_m:Click(button)
+ pass(name .. " manual")
+ else
+ fail(name .. " manual")
+ end
+ button_h.menu = function()
+ end
+ button_h:Click(button)
+ pass(name .. "(" .. bind.key .. ") " .. "header")
+ else
+ fail(name .. " header")
+ end
+ bind.key = obind
+ end
+ end
+ print(" - " .. passed .. " passed, " .. failed .. " failed")