
- #23 Updated Bag to properly count ammo / shard / profession bags per user option selection

urnati [11-16-19 - 17:20]
- #23 Updated Bag to properly count ammo / shard / profession bags per user option selection
- #21 Updated Movable to remove user placed usage (forced per retail 8.0); user can now move frames Blizzard allows to be moved
- #24 Removed the debug statement
diff --git a/TitanClassic/TitanClassicMovable.lua b/TitanClassic/TitanClassicMovable.lua
index 3b2f562..15f1381 100755
--- a/TitanClassic/TitanClassicMovable.lua
+++ b/TitanClassic/TitanClassicMovable.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ Addons that replace all or parts of the Blizzard UI use this.

 The user can turn turn on / off the adjusting of all top frames or all bottom frames.
+- Blizzard changed the way the main menu bar was handled in 8.0. The change was mainly on how the bar was
+handled going in and out of combat.
+This caused no end of grief to Titan which needs to move it properly adjust for Titan bottom bars.
+With Classic this has been reverted so the code can be removed. SetUserPlaced & SetMovable
 -- Globals

@@ -93,8 +99,7 @@ DESC: Handle the main menu bar so Blizzard does not get upset.
 VAR: None
 OUT: None
-- Needed because 8.0 made changes to the menu bar processing
-- Tell Blizzard that the bar is NOT user placed so when Blizzard makes it reappear, it is working
+- Reverted from 8.0 changes
 function TitanMovable_MenuBar_Disable()
@@ -111,8 +116,7 @@ DESC: Handle the main menu bar so Blizzard does not get upset.
 VAR: None
 OUT: None
-- Needed because 8.0 made changes to the menu bar processing
-- Tell Blizzard that the bar is user placed IF NOT in combat to prevent 'bouncing' of the bar if users use a bottom Titan bar
+- Reverted from 8.0 changes
 - This is called for the various events Titan handles that do / may hide the main menu bar
 - IF TitanMovable_MenuBar_Disable was called, this must be called before having Titan adjust frames. The 'is user placed' is required to work around a Blizzard 'feature' that adjusts the main menu bar while in combat.
@@ -120,8 +124,7 @@ NOTE:
 function TitanMovable_MenuBar_Enable()
 	if InCombatLockdown() then
 		-- wait until out of combat...
-		-- if player is in vehicle then do not set user is placed,
-		-- needed whether in taxi or other vehicle that may replace the main menu bar
+		-- if player is in vehicle ...
 		if DoAdjust(TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTTOM, false) then
@@ -146,17 +149,6 @@ function TitanMovable_GetPanelYOffset(framePosition) -- used by other addons

 	-- Both top & bottom are figured out but only the
 	-- requested position is returned
-	local barnum_top = TitanPanelTopAnchor:GetBottom()
-	local barnum_bot = TitanPanelBottomAnchor:GetTop()
-	if framePosition == TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_TOP then
-		return -barnum_top
-	elseif framePosition == TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTTOM then
-		return barnum_bot - 1;
-		-- no idea why -1 is needed... seems anchoring to bottom is off a pixel
-	end
 	local barnum_top = 0
 	local barnum_bot = 0
 	-- If user has the top adjust set then determine the
@@ -231,12 +223,12 @@ DESC: Adjust a given frame with the passed in values.
 VAR: frame - Text string of the frame name
 VAR: ... - list of frame position info
-Swiped from Vrul on wowinterface forum
+- Swiped from Vrul on wowinterface forum

-The table UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS does not hold all Blizzard frames.
+- The table UIPARENT_MANAGED_FRAME_POSITIONS does not hold all Blizzard frames.
 It is cleared for each frame in case the frame is in or might be in the table in the future.

-Titan does not control the frames as other addons so we honor a user placed frame
+- Titan does not control the frames as other addons so we honor a user placed frame
 local function SetPosition(frame, ...)
@@ -249,9 +241,7 @@ local function SetPosition(frame, ...)
         if name then
---        frame:SetMovable(true)          -- allow frame to move; Classic does not have vehicles so this retail fix is not needed
--- Titan honors a user placed frame so we don't need this
---        frame:SetUserPlaced(true)       -- tell Blizzard to back off
+		-- Titan honors a user placed frame
         frame:SetAttribute('ignoreFramePositionManager', true)
         frame.ignoreFramePositionManager = true
@@ -259,7 +249,6 @@ local function SetPosition(frame, ...)
---        frame:SetMovable(false)         -- lock frame from moving

@@ -268,37 +257,24 @@ NAME: CheckConflicts
 DESC: Check for other addons that control UI elements. Tell Titan to back off the frames the addon controls or can control.
 VAR: <none>
-This is messy routine because the internals of each addon must be known to check for the frames that are controlled.
-Some addons use different names where Titan uses the Blizzard frame names
+- This is messy routine because the internals of each addon must be known to check for the frames that are controlled.
+- Some addons use different names where Titan uses the Blizzard frame names
 local function CheckConflicts()
 	local addon = "Bartender4"
+-- Below is sample code. The ideal would be tell the user to disable the
+-- Titan bottom bar adjust...
 	if (IsAddOnLoaded(addon)) then -- user has enabled
-		TitanDebug (addon.." active : Titan will not adjust frames that "..addon.." could control")
 		-- Check would be : BT4Bar<BT bar name>.config.enabled to check if the frame exists and if it is enabled in BT4
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MainMenuBar", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MicroButtonAndBagsBar", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MultiBarRight", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("ExtraActionBarFrame", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("OverrideActionBar", true) -- not sure about this one...
-    end
-	addon = "ElvUI"
-	if (IsAddOnLoaded(addon)) then -- user has enabled
-		TitanDebug (addon.." active : Titan will not adjust frames that "..addon.." could control")
-		-- ElvUI controls the whole UI
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("PlayerFrame", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("TargetFrame", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("PartyMemberFrame1", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("TicketStatusFrame", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("BuffFrame", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MinimapCluster", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MultiBarRight", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("OverrideActionBar", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MicroButtonAndBagsBar", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MainMenuBar", true)
---		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("ExtraActionBarFrame", true)
+		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MainMenuBar", true)
+		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MicroButtonAndBagsBar", true)
+		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("MultiBarRight", true)
+		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("ExtraActionBarFrame", true)
+		TitanMovable_AddonAdjust("OverrideActionBar", true) -- not sure about this one...

 --[[ local
@@ -311,54 +287,26 @@ OUT: top_bottom - Frame is at top or bottom, expecting Titan constant for top or
 local function MoveFrame(frame_ptr, start_y, top_bottom, force)
 	local frame = _G[frame_ptr]

-	if frame then
--- Urnati : Removing MA check as MoveAnything may not migrate to Classic and the logic is causing frame nils.
-		if DoAdjust(top_bottom, force) and frame:IsShown() then
-			local y = TitanMovable_GetPanelYOffset(top_bottom) + (start_y or 0) -- includes scale adjustment
-			local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = frame:GetPoint()
-			-- check for nil which will cause an error
-			if point and relativeTo and relativePoint and xOfs then -- do not care about yOfs
-				-- should be safe...
---				frame:ClearAllPoints();
---				frame:SetPoint(point, relativeTo:GetName(), relativePoint, xOfs, y)
-				if frame == ExtraActionBarFrame then
-				TitanDebug ("MoveFrame :"
-					.." "..tostring(frame:GetName())
-					.." point:"..tostring(point)
-					.." relativeTo:"..tostring(relativeTo:GetName())
-					.." relativePoint:"..tostring(relativePoint)
-					.." xOfs:"..tostring(xOfs)
-					.." y:"..tostring(y)
-					)
+	if frame then -- ensure a valid frame
+		if frame:IsUserPlaced() then -- user (or another addon) may have placed this frame
+		else
+			if DoAdjust(top_bottom, force) and frame:IsShown() then
+				local y = TitanMovable_GetPanelYOffset(top_bottom) + (start_y or 0) -- includes scale adjustment
+				local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = frame:GetPoint()
+				-- check for nil which will cause an error
+				if point and relativeTo and relativePoint and xOfs then -- do not care about yOfs
+					SetPosition(frame, point, relativeTo:GetName(), relativePoint, xOfs, y)
+				else
+					-- do not proceed
-				SetPosition(frame, point, relativeTo:GetName(), relativePoint, xOfs, y)
-				-- do not proceed
-				TitanDebug ("MoveFrame nil :"
-					.." "..tostring(frame:GetName())
-					.."point:"..tostring(point)
-					.."relativeTo:"..tostring(relativeTo:GetName())
-					.."relativePoint:"..tostring(relativePoint)
-					.."xOfs:"..tostring(xOfs)
-					)
-			end
-		else
-			--[[
-			Some frames such as the ticket frame may not be visible or even created
-			--]]
-				TitanDebug ("MoveFrame no adj :"
-					.." "..tostring(frame:GetName())
-					.." adj: "..tostring(DoAdjust(top_bottom, force))
-					.." shown: "..tostring(frame:IsShown())
-					)
+				--[[
+				Some frames such as the ticket frame may not be visible or even created
+				--]]
+		end
+		-- Should note get here...
 		TitanDebug ("MoveFrame nil found :"
 			.." "..tostring(frame_ptr)
@@ -379,14 +327,9 @@ OUT: top_bottom - Frame is at top or bottom, expecting Titan constant for top or
 local function MoveMenuFrame(frame_ptr, start_y, top_bottom, force)
 	local frame = _G[frame_ptr]
 	local adj = false
-	if frame and (frame:IsUserPlaced()
-			or frame.MALockPointHook  -- Allow MoveAnything to be used w/o error
-		)
-		and DoAdjust(top_bottom, force)
+	if frame and DoAdjust(top_bottom, force)
 		local yOffset = TitanMovable_GetPanelYOffset(top_bottom) -- includes scale adjustment
---		xOffset = TitanMovableFrame_GetXOffset(frame, top_bottom);
---[[ Urnati : Is StatusTrackingBarManager needed in this case since the above xOffset is active again? --]]
 		xOfs = TitanPanelGetVar("MainMenuBarXAdj")

 		SetPosition(frame, "BOTTOM", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", xOfs, yOffset)
@@ -506,7 +449,6 @@ local function has_pet_bar()
 	if ( ( PetActionBarFrame and PetActionBarFrame:IsShown() ) or ( StanceBarFrame and StanceBarFrame:IsShown() ) or
 		 ( MultiCastActionBarFrame and MultiCastActionBarFrame:IsShown() ) or ( PossessBarFrame and PossessBarFrame:IsShown() ) or
 		 ( MainMenuBarVehicleLeaveButton and MainMenuBarVehicleLeaveButton:IsShown() ) ) then
---		tinsert(yOffsetFrames, "pet");
 		hasPetBar = true;
 	return hasPetBar
@@ -604,23 +546,10 @@ local MData = {
 					yOfs = yOfs + petBattleTop
-TitanDebug ("MData ExtraActionBarFrame :"
-	.." yOfs:"..tostring(yOfs)
-	)
 				MoveFrame("ExtraActionBarFrame", yOfs, TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTTOM, force)
 		addonAdj = false, },
-	[12] = {frameName = "OrderHallCommandBar",
-		move = function (force)
-			MoveFrame("OrderHallCommandBar", 0, TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_TOP, force) end,
-		addonAdj = false, },

 --[[ Titan
@@ -702,8 +631,6 @@ local function TitanMovableFrame_MoveFrames(force)
 		Titan_FCF_UpdateDockPosition(); -- chat
 		UpdateContainerFrameAnchors(); -- Move bags as needed
@@ -810,7 +737,9 @@ function TitanMovable_SecureFrames()
 		TitanPanelAce:SecureHook(VideoOptionsFrame, "Hide", Titan_AdjustUIScale) -- VideoOptionsFrame.xml

-	-- Check for other addons that control UI frames. Tell Titan to back off of the frames these addons could control
+	-- Check for other addons that control UI frames.
+	-- Tell Titan to back off of the frames these addons could control
+	-- Look in this routine for any special code or directions

 	hooks_done = true
diff --git a/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.lua b/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.lua
index 67d5e6d..79e92e7 100644
--- a/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.lua
+++ b/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.lua
@@ -28,15 +28,24 @@ local BagTimer
 local function IsAmmoPouch(name)
 	local bagType = ""
 	local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE
+	local ammo = false
 	if (name) then
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_AMMO_POUCH_NAMES"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value)) then
-				bagType = "AMMO";
+				ammo = true
+				bagType = "AMMO"
 				color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE
-	return bagType, color
+.." "..tostring(ammo)
+.." "..tostring(bagType)
+.." "..tostring(used)
+	return ammo, bagType, color

@@ -49,16 +58,18 @@ end
 local function IsShardBag(name)
 	local bagType = ""
 	local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE
+	local shard = false
 	if (name) then
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_SHARD_BAG_NAMES"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value)) then
-				bagType = "SHARD";
+				shard = true
+				bagType = "SHARD"
 				color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE
 				return bagType, color;
-	return bagType, color
+	return shard, bagType, color

@@ -71,10 +82,12 @@ end
 local function IsProfBag(name)
 	local bagType = ""
 	local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE
+	local prof = false
 	-- each if returns if bag name is found, cleaner but could be confusing
 	if (name) then
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_ENCHANTING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "ENCHANTING";
 				color = {r=0,g=0,b=1}; -- BLUE
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -82,6 +95,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_ENGINEERING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "ENGINEERING";
 				color = {r=1,g=0.49,b=0.04}; -- ORANGE
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -89,6 +103,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_HERBALISM"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "HERBALISM";
 				color = {r=0,g=1,b=0}; -- GREEN
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -96,6 +111,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_INSCRIPTION"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "INSCRIPTION";
 				color = {r=0.58,g=0.51,b=0.79}; -- PURPLE
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -103,6 +119,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_JEWELCRAFTING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "JEWELCRAFTING";
 				color = {r=1,g=0,b=0}; -- RED
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -110,6 +127,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_LEATHERWORKING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "LEATHERWORKING";
 				color = {r=0.78,g=0.61,b=0.43}; -- TAN
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -117,6 +135,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_MINING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "MINING";
 				color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -124,6 +143,7 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_FISHING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "FISHING";
 				color = {r=0.41,g=0.8,b=0.94}; -- LIGHT_BLUE
 				return bagType, color;
@@ -131,13 +151,14 @@ local function IsProfBag(name)
 		for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_COOKING"]) do
 			if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then
+				prof = true
 				bagType = "COOKING";
 				color = {r=0.96,g=0.55,b=0.73}; -- PINK
 				return bagType, color;
-	return bagType, color
+	return prof, bagType, color

@@ -154,28 +175,74 @@ local function CountMe(bag)
 	local bagType = ""
 	local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1} -- WHITE
 	local used = 0
+	local countme = false
+	local useme = false
+	local bt = ""
+	local c = {}
 	if name ~= "" then -- a bag is in the slot
-		for slot = 1, size do
-			if (GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)) then
-				used = used + 1;
-			end
-		end
 		-- check for a special storage bag
-		if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountAmmoPouchSlots") and bagType == "") then
-			bagType, color = IsAmmoPouch(name)
+		useme, bt, c = IsAmmoPouch(name)
+		if useme then
+			bagType = bt
+			color = c
+			if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountAmmoPouchSlots")) then
+				countme = true
+			else -- found the bag but do not count any slots
+			end
+		else -- check next type
-		if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountShardBagSlots") and bagType == "") then
-			bagType, color = IsShardBag(name)
+		useme, bt, c = IsShardBag(name)
+		if useme then
+			bagType = bt
+			color = c
+			if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountShardBagSlots")) then
+				countme = true
+			else -- found the bag but do not count any slots
+			end
+		else -- check next type
-		if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountProfBagSlots") and bagType == "") then
-			bagType, color = IsProfBag(name)
+		useme, bt, c = IsProfBag(name)
+		if useme then
+			bagType = bt
+			color = c
+			if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountProfBagSlots")) then
+				countme = true
+			else -- found the bag but do not count any slots
+			end
+		else -- check next type
-		if (bagType == "") then
+		if (bagType == "") then -- not a special bag
+			countme = true
 			bagType = "NORMAL"
+		-- Collect the slots IF we should count it
+		if (countme) then
+			for slot = 1, size do
+				if (GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)) then
+					used = used + 1;
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			-- Should *not* be counted
+		end
-	return {size = size, used = used, bagType = bagType, name = name, color = color}
+.." "..tostring(bag)
+.." '"..tostring(name).."'"
+.." "..tostring(bagType)
+.." "..tostring(size)
+.." "..tostring(used)
+.." "..tostring(countme)
+	return {countme = countme,
+		size = size,
+		used = used,
+		bagType = bagType,
+		name = name,
+		color = color}

@@ -268,27 +335,28 @@ function TitanPanelBagButton_GetButtonText(id)
 	bagRichText = ""
 	for bag = 0, 4 do
 		local info = CountMe(bag)
-		if info.bagType == "" then
-			-- no bag in slot
-		elseif info.bagType == "NORMAL" then
-			usedBagSlots = usedBagSlots + info.used
-			totalBagSlots = totalBagSlots + info.size
-		else -- process special storage bag
-			totalProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.size
-			usedProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.used
-			availableProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.size - info.used
-			-- prepare text for the special bag
-			if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots")) then
-				bagText = "  [" .. format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], usedProfBagSlots[bag+1], totalProfBagSlots[bag+1]) .. "]";
-			else
-				bagText = "  [" .. format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], availableProfBagSlots[bag+1], totalProfBagSlots[bag+1]) .. "]";
-			end
-			if ( TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowColoredText") ) then
-				bagRichTextProf[bag+1] = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(bagText, info.color);
-			else
-				bagRichTextProf[bag+1] = TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(bagText);
+		if info.countme then
+			if info.bagType == "NORMAL" then
+				usedBagSlots = usedBagSlots + info.used
+				totalBagSlots = totalBagSlots + info.size
+			else -- process special storage bag
+				totalProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.size
+				usedProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.used
+				availableProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.size - info.used
+				-- prepare text for the special bag
+				if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots")) then
+					bagText = "  [" .. format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], usedProfBagSlots[bag+1], totalProfBagSlots[bag+1]) .. "]";
+				else
+					bagText = "  [" .. format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], availableProfBagSlots[bag+1], totalProfBagSlots[bag+1]) .. "]";
+				end
+				if ( TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowColoredText") ) then
+					bagRichTextProf[bag+1] = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(bagText, info.color);
+				else
+					bagRichTextProf[bag+1] = TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(bagText);
+				end
+		else
+			-- no bag in slot
 	-- process normal bags as one set