
Another wowwiki -> wowpedia conversion.

John Pasula [11-25-10 - 15:50]
Another wowwiki -> wowpedia conversion.
diff --git a/Docs/Main.txt b/Docs/Main.txt
index 69d9fde..9224060 100644
--- a/Docs/Main.txt
+++ b/Docs/Main.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ==What it does
-Ackis Recipe List is an addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes.  It works for all tradeskills including [[http://www.wowwiki.com/Runeforge | Runeforging]].
+Ackis Recipe List is an addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes.  It works for all tradeskills including [[http://www.wowpedia.org/Runeforge | Runeforging]].

 =====French (frFR)
 Ackis Recipe List est un addon qui analyse vos métiers et fournit des informations sur la façon d'obtenir les recettes manquantes. Il fonctionne pour tous les métiers, y compris Runeforge.