
Updated Mail Grab System

Xruptor [10-26-16 - 12:58]
Updated Mail Grab System
-Grabbing mail should now work properly regardless of whatever addon you have installed.
-Added a helpful info text on previous email that caused an error.  To help folks identify which mail item they need to look at.
-Toc update for Legion 7.1
diff --git a/xanAutoMail.lua b/xanAutoMail.lua
index dfcb8ac..bbde871 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.lua
+++ b/xanAutoMail.lua
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ end
 local delayCount = {}
 local moneyCount = 0
 local skipCount = 0
+local currMailName = ""
 local errorCheckCount = 0
 local currentStatus = "STOP"

@@ -345,7 +346,8 @@ function xanAutoMail:UI_ERROR_MESSAGE(event, num, msg)
 		stopMailGrab = true
 	elseif msg == ERR_ITEM_MAX_COUNT then
 		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanAutoMail: (ERROR) Cannot loot anymore unique items from Mailbox.")
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanAutoMail: Please the delete item(s) from the Mailbox before trying again.")
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Please the delete item(s) from the Mailbox before trying again.")
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("[SUBJECT:] "..tostring(currMailName))
 		stopMailGrab = true

@@ -402,9 +404,12 @@ function xanAutoMail:GrabNextMailItem()

 	skipCount = 0 --reset
+	currMailName = "" --reset

 	for mIndex = nItem, 1, -1 do
-		local _, _, _, _, money, COD, _, numItems, wasRead, _, _, _, isGM = GetInboxHeaderInfo(mIndex)
+		local _, _, _, subject, money, COD, _, numItems, wasRead, _, _, _, isGM = GetInboxHeaderInfo(mIndex)
+		currMailName = subject

 		if money > 0 or (numItems and numItems > 0) and COD <= 0 and not isGM then
 			if money > 0 then moneyCount = moneyCount + money end
@@ -433,6 +438,7 @@ function xanAutoMail:StartMailGrab()
 	currentStatus = "START"
 	moneyCount = 0
+	currMailName = ""
 	skipCount = 0
 	errorCheckCount = 0
 	xanAutoMail:Delay("mailGrabNextItem", 0.2, xanAutoMail.GrabNextMailItem)
diff --git a/xanAutoMail.toc b/xanAutoMail.toc
index 4533f07..245363d 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.toc
+++ b/xanAutoMail.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 60000
+## Interface: 70100
 ## Title: xanAutoMail
 ## Notes: Expands blizzards automatic name generation for sending Mail to include people outside the guild.
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 2.4
+## Version: 2.5
 ## SavedVariables: xanAutoMailDB
