Johnny C. Lam [07-13-14 - 11:31]
diff --git a/Ovale.toc b/Ovale.toc
index 719a772..fef99ac 100644
--- a/Ovale.toc
+++ b/Ovale.toc
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ OvaleQueue.lua
# Core modules.
diff --git a/OvaleAST.lua b/OvaleAST.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e21879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OvaleAST.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2349 @@
+ Ovale Spell Priority
+ Copyright (C) 2014 Johnny C. Lam
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License in the LICENSE
+ file accompanying this program.
+ This module implements a parser that generates an abstract syntax tree (AST)
+ from an Ovale script.
+ An AST data structure is a table with the following public properties:
+ ast.annotation
+ ast.annotation.customFunction
+ ast.annotation.definition
+ ast.annotation.functionCall
+ ast.child
+local _, Ovale = ...
+local OvaleAST = Ovale:NewModule("OvaleAST")
+Ovale.OvaleAST = OvaleAST
+local L = Ovale.L
+local OvalePool = Ovale.OvalePool
+-- Forward declarations for module dependencies.
+local OvaleCondition = nil
+local OvaleLexer = nil
+local OvaleScripts = nil
+local format = string.format
+local gsub = string.gsub
+local next = next
+local pairs = pairs
+local rawset = rawset
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local strlower = string.lower
+local strmatch = string.match
+local strsub = string.sub
+local tconcat = table.concat
+local tinsert = table.insert
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local tostring = tostring
+local type = type
+local wipe = table.wipe
+local yield = coroutine.yield
+local API_GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo
+local API_GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo
+-- Profiling set-up.
+local Profiler = Ovale.Profiler
+local profiler = nil
+ local group = OvaleAST:GetName()
+ local function EnableProfiling()
+ API_GetItemInfo = Profiler:Wrap(group, "OvaleAST_API_GetItemInfo", GetItemInfo)
+ API_GetSpellInfo = Profiler:Wrap(group, "OvaleAST_API_GetSpellInfo", GetSpellInfo)
+ end
+ local function DisableProfiling()
+ API_GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo
+ API_GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo
+ end
+ Profiler:RegisterProfilingGroup(group, EnableProfiling, DisableProfiling)
+ profiler = Profiler:GetProfilingGroup(group)
+-- Keywords for the Ovale script language.
+local KEYWORD = {
+ ["and"] = true,
+ ["if"] = true,
+ ["not"] = true,
+ ["or"] = true,
+ ["unless"] = true,
+ ["wait"] = true,
+ ["AddActionIcon"] = true,
+ ["AddCheckBox"] = true,
+ ["AddFunction"] = true,
+ ["AddIcon"] = true,
+ ["AddListItem"] = true,
+ ["Define"] = true,
+ ["Include"] = true,
+ ["ItemInfo"] = true,
+ ["ItemList"] = true,
+ ["ScoreSpells"] = true,
+ ["SpellInfo"] = true,
+ ["SpellList"] = true,
+ ["checkbox"] = true,
+ ["checkboxoff"] = true,
+ ["checkboxon"] = true,
+ ["glyph"] = true,
+ ["if_spell"] = true,
+ ["if_stance"] = true,
+ ["item"] = true,
+ ["itemcount"] = true,
+ ["itemset"] = true,
+ ["list"] = true,
+ ["mastery"] = true,
+ ["stance"] = true,
+ ["talent"] = true,
+ ["wait"] = true,
+ ["SpellAddBuff"] = true,
+ ["SpellAddDebuff"] = true,
+ ["SpellAddTargetBuff"] = true,
+ ["SpellAddTargetDebuff"] = true,
+ ["SpellDamageBuff"] = true,
+ ["SpellDamageDebuff"] = true,
+ -- SpellAuraList keywords are declaration keywords.
+ for keyword, value in pairs(SPELL_AURA_KEYWORD) do
+ DECLARATION_KEYWORD[keyword] = value
+ end
+ -- All keywords are Ovale script keywords.
+ for keyword, value in pairs(DECLARATION_KEYWORD) do
+ KEYWORD[keyword] = value
+ end
+ for keyword, value in pairs(PARAMETER_KEYWORD) do
+ KEYWORD[keyword] = value
+ end
+-- Table of pattern/tokenizer pairs for the Ovale script language.
+local MATCHES = nil
+-- Functions that are actions.
+local ACTION = {
+ ["item"] = true,
+ ["macro"] = true,
+ ["spell"] = true,
+ ["texture"] = true,
+-- Functions for accessing string databases.
+ ["ItemName"] = true,
+ ["L"] = true,
+ ["SpellName"] = true,
+-- Unary and binary operators with precedence.
+ ["not"] = { "logical", 50 },
+ ["-"] = { "arithmetic", 50 },
+ -- logical
+ ["and"] = { "logical", 10 },
+ ["or"] = { "logical", 10 },
+ -- comparison
+ ["!="] = { "compare", 20 },
+ ["<"] = { "compare", 20 },
+ ["<="] = { "compare", 20 },
+ ["=="] = { "compare", 20 },
+ [">"] = { "compare", 20 },
+ [">="] = { "compare", 20 },
+ -- addition, subtraction
+ ["+"] = { "arithmetic", 30 },
+ ["-"] = { "arithmetic", 30 },
+ -- multiplication, division, modulus
+ ["%"] = { "arithmetic", 40 },
+ ["*"] = { "arithmetic", 40 },
+ ["/"] = { "arithmetic", 40 },
+ -- exponentiation
+ ["^"] = { "arithmetic", 100 },
+-- INDENT[k] is a string of k concatenated tabs.
+local INDENT = {}
+ INDENT[0] = ""
+ local metatable = {
+ __index = function(tbl, key)
+ key = tonumber(key)
+ if key > 0 then
+ local s = tbl[key - 1] .. "\t"
+ rawset(tbl, key, s)
+ return s
+ end
+ return INDENT[0]
+ end,
+ }
+ setmetatable(INDENT, metatable)
+local self_indent = 0
+local self_outputPool = OvalePool("OvaleAST_outputPool")
+local self_parametersPool = OvalePool("OvaleAST_parametersPool")
+local self_childrenPool = OvalePool("OvaleAST_childrenPool")
+local self_pool = OvalePool("OvaleAST_pool")
+ self_pool.Clean = function(self, node)
+ if node.child then
+ self_childrenPool:Release(node.child)
+ node.child = nil
+ end
+ end
+-- Export list of parameters keywords.
+-- Implementation of PHP-like print_r() taken from
+-- This is used to print out a table, but has been modified to print out an AST.
+local function print_r(node, indent, done, output)
+ done = done or {}
+ output = output or {}
+ indent = indent or ''
+ for key, value in pairs(node) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ if done[value] then
+ tinsert(output, indent .. "[" .. tostring(key) .. "] => (self_reference)")
+ else
+ -- Shortcut conditional allocation
+ done[value] = true
+ if value.type then
+ tinsert(output, indent .. "[" .. tostring(key) .. "] =>")
+ else
+ tinsert(output, indent .. "[" .. tostring(key) .. "] => {")
+ end
+ print_r(value, indent .. " ", done, output)
+ if not value.type then
+ tinsert(output, indent .. "}")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ tinsert(output, indent .. "[" .. tostring(key) .. "] => " .. tostring(value))
+ end
+ end
+ return output
+-- Follow the flyweight pattern for number nodes.
+local function GetNumberNode(value, nodeList, annotation)
+ -- Check for a flyweight node with this exact numerical value.
+ annotation.numberFlyweight = annotation.numberFlyweight or {}
+ local node = annotation.numberFlyweight[value]
+ if not node then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "value"
+ node.value = value
+ node.origin = 0
+ node.rate = 0
+ -- Store the first node with this exact numerical value in numberFlyweight.
+ annotation.numberFlyweight[value] = node
+ end
+ return node
+ Lexer functions (for use with OvaleLexer)
+local function TokenizeComment(token)
+ return yield("comment", token)
+local function TokenizeLua(token, options)
+ -- Strip off leading [[ and trailing ]].
+ token = strsub(token, 3, -3)
+ return yield("lua", token)
+local function TokenizeName(token)
+ if KEYWORD[token] then
+ return yield("keyword", token)
+ else
+ return yield("name", token)
+ end
+local function TokenizeNumber(token, options)
+ if options and options.number then
+ token = tonumber(token)
+ end
+ return yield("number", token)
+local function TokenizeString(token, options)
+ -- Strip leading and trailing quote characters.
+ if options and options.string then
+ token = strsub(token, 2, -2)
+ end
+ return yield("string", token)
+local function TokenizeWhitespace(token)
+ return yield("space", token)
+local function Tokenize(token)
+ return yield(token, token)
+local function NoToken()
+ return yield(nil)
+ { "^%s+", TokenizeWhitespace },
+ { "^%d+%.?%d*", TokenizeNumber },
+ { "^[%a_][%w_]*", TokenizeName },
+ { "^((['\"])%2)", TokenizeString }, -- empty string
+ { [[^(['\"]).-\\%1]], TokenizeString },
+ { [[^(['\"]).-[^\]%1]], TokenizeString },
+ { "^#.-\n", TokenizeComment },
+ { "^!=", Tokenize },
+ { "^==", Tokenize },
+ { "^<=", Tokenize },
+ { "^>=", Tokenize },
+ { "^.", Tokenize },
+ { "^$", NoToken },
+ }
+local function GetTokenIterator(s)
+ local exclude = { space = true, comments = true }
+ do
+ -- Fix some API brokenness in the Penlight lexer.
+ if then
+ exclude[TokenizeWhitespace] = true
+ end
+ if exclude.comments then
+ exclude[TokenizeComment] = true
+ end
+ end
+ return OvaleLexer.scan(s, MATCHES, exclude)
+ "Unparser" functions
+-- Forward declarations of functions needed to implement the recursive unparser.
+local UNPARSE_VISITOR = nil
+local Unparse = nil
+local UnparseAddCheckBox = nil
+local UnparseAddFunction = nil
+local UnparseAddIcon = nil
+local UnparseAddListItem = nil
+local UnparseComment = nil
+local UnparseDefine = nil
+local UnparseExpression = nil
+local UnparseFunction = nil
+local UnparseGroup = nil
+local UnparseIf = nil
+local UnparseItemInfo = nil
+local UnparseList = nil
+local UnparseNumber = nil
+local UnparseParameterValue = nil
+local UnparseParameters = nil
+local UnparseScoreSpells = nil
+local UnparseScript = nil
+local UnparseSpellAuraList = nil
+local UnparseSpellInfo = nil
+local UnparseString = nil
+local UnparseUnless = nil
+local UnparseVariable = nil
+local UnparseWait = nil
+Unparse = function(node)
+ local visitor
+ if node.previousType then
+ visitor = UNPARSE_VISITOR[node.previousType]
+ else
+ visitor = UNPARSE_VISITOR[node.type]
+ end
+ if not visitor then
+ Ovale:FormatPrint("Unable to unparse node of type '%s'.", node.type)
+ else
+ return visitor(node)
+ end
+UnparseAddCheckBox = function(node)
+ local s
+ if node.rawParams and next(node.rawParams) then
+ s = format("AddCheckBox(%s %s %s)",, Unparse(node.description), UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+ else
+ s = format("AddCheckBox(%s %s)",, Unparse(node.description))
+ end
+ return s
+UnparseAddFunction = function(node)
+ local s
+ if node.rawParams and next(node.rawParams) then
+ s = format("AddFunction %s %s %s",, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams), Unparse(node.child[1]))
+ else
+ s = format("AddFunction %s %s",, Unparse(node.child[1]))
+ end
+ return s
+UnparseAddIcon = function(node)
+ local s
+ if node.rawParams and next(node.rawParams) then
+ s = format("AddIcon %s %s", UnparseParameters(node.rawParams), Unparse(node.child[1]))
+ else
+ s = format("AddIcon %s", Unparse(node.child[1]))
+ end
+ return s
+UnparseAddListItem = function(node)
+ local s
+ if node.rawParams and next(node.rawParams) then
+ s = format("AddListItem(%s %s %s %s)",, node.item, Unparse(node.description), UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+ else
+ s = format("AddListItem(%s %s %s)",, node.item, Unparse(node.description))
+ end
+ return s
+UnparseComment = function(node)
+ return "#" .. node.comment
+UnparseDefine = function(node)
+ return format("Define(%s %s)",, node.value)
+UnparseExpression = function(node)
+ local expression
+ if node.expressionType == "unary" then
+ if node.operator == "-" then
+ expression = "-" .. Unparse(node.child[1])
+ else
+ expression = format("%s %s", node.operator, Unparse(node.child[1]))
+ end
+ elseif node.expressionType == "binary" then
+ expression = format("%s %s %s", Unparse(node.child[1]), node.operator, Unparse(node.child[2]))
+ end
+ if node.left and node.right then
+ local left, right = node.left, node.right
+ local left = (node.left == "{") and "{ " or node.left
+ local right = (node.right == "}") and " }" or node.right
+ return left .. expression .. right
+ else
+ return expression
+ end
+UnparseFunction = function(node)
+ local s
+ if node.rawParams and next(node.rawParams) then
+ local name
+ local filter = node.rawParams.filter
+ if filter == "debuff" then
+ name = gsub(, "^Buff", "Debuff")
+ else
+ name =
+ end
+ local target =
+ if target then
+ s = format("%s.%s(%s)", target, name, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+ else
+ s = format("%s(%s)", name, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+ end
+ else
+ s = format("%s()",
+ end
+ return s
+UnparseGroup = function(node)
+ local output = self_outputPool:Get()
+ output[#output + 1] = ""
+ output[#output + 1] = INDENT[self_indent] .. "{"
+ self_indent = self_indent + 1
+ for _, statementNode in ipairs(node.child) do
+ output[#output + 1] = INDENT[self_indent] .. Unparse(statementNode)
+ end
+ self_indent = self_indent - 1
+ output[#output + 1] = INDENT[self_indent] .. "}"
+ local outputString = tconcat(output, "\n")
+ self_outputPool:Release(output)
+ return outputString
+UnparseIf = function(node)
+ return format("if %s %s", Unparse(node.child[1]), Unparse(node.child[2]))
+UnparseItemInfo = function(node)
+ return format("ItemInfo(%s %s)",, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+UnparseList = function(node)
+ return format("%s(%s %s)", node.keyword,, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+UnparseNumber = function(node)
+ return tostring(node.value)
+UnparseParameterValue = function(node)
+ return "!" .. Unparse(node.child[1])
+UnparseParameters = function(parameters)
+ local output = self_outputPool:Get()
+ local N = #parameters
+ for k = 1, N do
+ output[#output + 1] = Unparse(parameters[k])
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(parameters) do
+ if type(k) == "number" and k <= N then
+ -- Already output in previous loop.
+ elseif type(v) == "table" then
+ output[#output + 1] = format("%s=%s", k, Unparse(v))
+ elseif k == "filter" or k == "target" then
+ -- Skip output of "filter" or "target".
+ else
+ output[#output + 1] = format("%s=%s", k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ local outputString = tconcat(output, " ")
+ self_outputPool:Release(output)
+ return outputString
+UnparseScoreSpells = function(node)
+ return format("ScoreSpells(%s)", UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+UnparseScript = function(node)
+ local output = self_outputPool:Get()
+ for _, declarationNode in ipairs(node.child) do
+ if declarationNode.type == "item_info" or declarationNode.type == "spell_aura_list" or declarationNode.type == "spell_info" then
+ output[#output + 1] = INDENT[self_indent + 1] .. Unparse(declarationNode)
+ else
+ -- Add an extra blank line preceding "AddFunction" or "AddIcon".
+ if declarationNode.type == "add_function" or declarationNode.type == "icon" then
+ output[#output + 1] = ""
+ end
+ output[#output + 1] = Unparse(declarationNode)
+ end
+ end
+ local outputString = tconcat(output, "\n")
+ self_outputPool:Release(output)
+ return outputString
+UnparseSpellAuraList = function(node)
+ return format("%s(%s %s)", node.keyword,, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+UnparseSpellInfo = function(node)
+ return format("SpellInfo(%s %s)",, UnparseParameters(node.rawParams))
+UnparseString = function(node)
+ return '"' .. node.value .. '"'
+UnparseUnless = function(node)
+ return format("unless %s %s", Unparse(node.child[1]), Unparse(node.child[2]))
+UnparseVariable = function(node)
+ return
+UnparseWait = function(node)
+ return format("wait %s", Unparse(node.child[1]))
+ ["action"] = UnparseFunction,
+ ["add_function"] = UnparseAddFunction,
+ ["arithmetic"] = UnparseExpression,
+ ["bang_value"] = UnparseParameterValue,
+ ["checkbox"] = UnparseAddCheckBox,
+ ["compare"] = UnparseExpression,
+ ["comment"] = UnparseComment,
+ ["custom_function"] = UnparseFunction,
+ ["define"] = UnparseDefine,
+ ["function"] = UnparseFunction,
+ ["group"] = UnparseGroup,
+ ["icon"] = UnparseAddIcon,
+ ["if"] = UnparseIf,
+ ["item_info"] = UnparseItemInfo,
+ ["list"] = UnparseList,
+ ["list_item"] = UnparseAddListItem,
+ ["logical"] = UnparseExpression,
+ ["score_spells"] = UnparseScoreSpells,
+ ["script"] = UnparseScript,
+ ["spell_aura_list"] = UnparseSpellAuraList,
+ ["spell_info"] = UnparseSpellInfo,
+ ["string"] = UnparseString,
+ ["unless"] = UnparseUnless,
+ ["value"] = UnparseNumber,
+ ["variable"] = UnparseVariable,
+ ["wait"] = UnparseWait,
+ }
+ Parser functions
+-- Prints the error message and the next 20 tokens from tokenStream.
+local function SyntaxError(tokenStream, ...)
+ Ovale:FormatPrint(...)
+ local context = { "Next tokens:" }
+ for i = 1, 20 do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek(i)
+ if tokenType then
+ context[#context + 1] = token
+ else
+ context[#context + 1] = "<EOS>"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ Ovale:Print(tconcat(context, " "))
+-- Forward declarations of parser functions needed to implement a recursive descent parser.
+local PARSE_VISITOR = nil
+local Parse = nil
+local ParseAddCheckBox = nil
+local ParseAddFunction = nil
+local ParseAddIcon = nil
+local ParseAddListItem = nil
+local ParseDeclaration = nil
+local ParseDefine = nil
+local ParseExpression = nil
+local ParseFunction = nil
+local ParseGroup = nil
+local ParseIf = nil
+local ParseInclude = nil
+local ParseItemInfo = nil
+local ParseList = nil
+local ParseNumber = nil
+local ParseParameterValue = nil
+local ParseParameters = nil
+local ParseParentheses = nil
+local ParseScoreSpells = nil
+local ParseScript = nil
+local ParseSimpleExpression = nil
+local ParseSpellAuraList = nil
+local ParseSpellInfo = nil
+local ParseString = nil
+local ParseStatement = nil
+local ParseUnless = nil
+local ParseVariable = nil
+local ParseWait = nil
+Parse = function(nodeType, tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local visitor = PARSE_VISITOR[nodeType]
+ if not visitor then
+ Ovale:FormatPrint("Unable to parse node of type '%s'.", nodeType)
+ else
+ return visitor(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ParseAddCheckBox = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'AddCheckBox' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "AddCheckBox") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDCHECKBOX; 'AddCheckBox' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDCHECKBOX; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the checkbox name.
+ local name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDCHECKBOX; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the description string.
+ local descriptionNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, descriptionNode = ParseString(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume any parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDCHECKBOX; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "checkbox"
+ = name
+ node.description = descriptionNode
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseAddFunction = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'AddFunction' token.
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "AddFunction") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDFUNCTION; 'AddFunction' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ -- Consume the function name.
+ local name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDFUNCTION; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume any parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the body.
+ local bodyNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, bodyNode = ParseGroup(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = "add_function"
+ = name
+ node.child[1] = bodyNode
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ annotation.customFunction = annotation.customFunction or {}
+ annotation.customFunction[name] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseAddIcon = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'AddIcon' token.
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "AddIcon") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDICON; 'AddIcon' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ -- Consume any parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the body.
+ local bodyNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, bodyNode = ParseGroup(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = "icon"
+ node.child[1] = bodyNode
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseAddListItem = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'AddListItem' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "AddListItem") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDLISTITEM; 'AddListItem' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDLISTITEM; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the list name.
+ local name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDLISTITEM; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the item name.
+ local item
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ item = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDLISTITEM; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the description string.
+ local descriptionNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, descriptionNode = ParseString(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume any parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ADDLISTITEM; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "list_item"
+ = name
+ node.item = item
+ node.description = descriptionNode
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseDeclaration = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local node
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "keyword" and DECLARATION_KEYWORD[token] then
+ if token == "AddCheckBox" then
+ ok, node = ParseAddCheckBox(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "AddFunction" then
+ ok, node = ParseAddFunction(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "AddIcon" then
+ ok, node = ParseAddIcon(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "AddListItem" then
+ ok, node = ParseAddListItem(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "Define" then
+ ok, node = ParseDefine(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "Include" then
+ ok, node = ParseInclude(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "ItemInfo" then
+ ok, node = ParseItemInfo(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "ItemList" then
+ ok, node = ParseList(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "ScoreSpells" then
+ ok, node = ParseScoreSpells(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif SPELL_AURA_KEYWORD[token] then
+ ok, node = ParseSpellAuraList(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "SpellInfo" then
+ ok, node = ParseSpellInfo(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "SpellList" then
+ ok, node = ParseList(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DECLARATION; declaration keyword expected.", token)
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ ok = false
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseDefine = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'Define' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "Define") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DEFINE; 'Define' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DEFINE; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the variable name.
+ local name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DEFINE; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the value.
+ local value
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "-" then
+ -- Negative number.
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "number" then
+ -- Elide the unary negation operator into the number.
+ value = -1 * tonumber(token)
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DEFINE; number expected after '-'.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ elseif tokenType == "number" then
+ value = tonumber(token)
+ elseif tokenType == "string" then
+ value = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DEFINE; number or string expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing DEFINE; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "define"
+ = name
+ node.value = value
+ annotation.definition = annotation.definition or {}
+ annotation.definition[name] = value
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ Operator-precedence parser for logical and arithmetic expressions.
+ Implementation taken from Wikipedia:
+ParseExpression = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation, minPrecedence)
+ minPrecedence = minPrecedence or 0
+ local ok = true
+ local node
+ -- Check for unary operator expressions first as they decorate the underlying expression.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType then
+ local opInfo = UNARY_OPERATOR[token]
+ if opInfo then
+ local opType, precedence = opInfo[1], opInfo[2]
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ local operator = token
+ local rhsNode
+ ok, rhsNode = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation, precedence)
+ if ok then
+ if operator == "-" and rhsNode.type == "value" then
+ -- Elide the unary negation operator into the number.
+ local value = -1 * rhsNode.value
+ node = GetNumberNode(value, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = opType
+ node.expressionType = "unary"
+ node.operator = operator
+ node.precedence = precedence
+ node.child[1] = rhsNode
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ ok, node = ParseSimpleExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Peek at the next token to see if it is a binary operator.
+ while ok do
+ local keepScanning = false
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType then
+ local opInfo = BINARY_OPERATOR[token]
+ if opInfo then
+ local opType, precedence = opInfo[1], opInfo[2]
+ if precedence and precedence > minPrecedence then
+ keepScanning = true
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ local operator = token
+ local lhsNode = node
+ local rhsNode
+ ok, rhsNode = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation, precedence)
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = opType
+ node.expressionType = "binary"
+ node.operator = operator
+ node.precedence = precedence
+ node.child[1] = lhsNode
+ node.child[2] = rhsNode
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not keepScanning then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseFunction = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local name, lowername
+ -- Consume the name.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ lowername = strlower(name)
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing FUNCTION; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Check for <target>.<function>.
+ local target
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "." then
+ target = name
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume(2)
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ lowername = strlower(name)
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing FUNCTION; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing FUNCTION; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume any function parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Verify that an action has at least one fixed parameter.
+ if ok and ACTION[lowername] and not parameters[1] then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: action '%s' requires at least one fixed parameter.", name)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing FUNCTION; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ if ok then
+ -- Parse the function name.
+ if not then
+ -- Auto-set the target if the function name starts with "Target".
+ if strsub(lowername, 1, 6) == "target" then
+ = "target"
+ lowername = strsub(lowername, 7)
+ name = strsub(name, 7)
+ end
+ end
+ if not parameters.filter then
+ -- Auto-set the aura filter if the function name starts with "Debuff" or "Buff".
+ if strsub(lowername, 1, 6) == "debuff" then
+ parameters.filter = "debuff"
+ elseif strsub(lowername, 1, 4) == "buff" then
+ parameters.filter = "buff"
+ elseif strsub(lowername, 1, 11) == "otherdebuff" then
+ parameters.filter = "debuff"
+ elseif strsub(lowername, 1, 9) == "otherbuff" then
+ parameters.filter = "buff"
+ end
+ end
+ -- Set the target if given in a prefix.
+ if target then
+ = target
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ = name
+ node.lowername = lowername
+ if ACTION[lowername] then
+ node.type = "action"
+ -- Built-in functions are case-insensitive.
+ node.func = lowername
+ elseif STRING_LOOKUP_FUNCTION[name] then
+ node.type = "function"
+ -- String-lookup functions are case-sensitive.
+ node.func = name
+ elseif OvaleCondition:IsCondition(lowername) then
+ node.type = "function"
+ -- Built-in functions are case-insensitive.
+ node.func = lowername
+ else
+ node.type = "custom_function"
+ -- Script-defined functions are case-sensitive.
+ node.func = name
+ end
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ node.asString = UnparseFunction(node)
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ annotation.functionCall = annotation.functionCall or {}
+ annotation.functionCall[node.func] = true
+ annotation.functionReference = annotation.functionReference or {}
+ annotation.functionReference[#annotation.functionReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseGroup = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the left brace.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "{" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing GROUP; '{' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume any statements up to the matching right brace.
+ local child = self_childrenPool:Get()
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ while ok and tokenType and tokenType ~= "}" do
+ local statementNode
+ ok, statementNode = ParseStatement(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ if ok then
+ child[#child + 1] = statementNode
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the right brace.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "}" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing GROUP; '}' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "group"
+ node.child = child
+ else
+ self_childrenPool:Release(child)
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseIf = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'if' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "if") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing IF; 'if' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the condition and body.
+ local conditionNode, bodyNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, conditionNode = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ if ok then
+ ok, bodyNode = ParseStatement(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = "if"
+ node.child[1] = conditionNode
+ node.child[2] = bodyNode
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseInclude = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'Include' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "Include") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing INCLUDE; 'Include' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing INCLUDE; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the script name.
+ local name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing INCLUDE; script name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing INCLUDE; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Get the code associated with the script name.
+ local code = OvaleScripts.script[name] and OvaleScripts.script[name].code
+ if not code then
+ Ovale:FormatPrint("Script '%s' not found when parsing INCLUDE.", name)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ local includeTokenStream = OvaleLexer(name, GetTokenIterator(code))
+ ok, node = ParseScript(includeTokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ includeTokenStream:Release()
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseItemInfo = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local name, lowername
+ -- Consume the 'ItemInfo' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "ItemInfo") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ITEMINFO; 'ItemInfo' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ITEMINFO; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the item ID.
+ local itemId, name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "number" then
+ spellId = token
+ elseif tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ITEMINFO; number or name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume any ItemInfo parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing ITEMINFO; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "item_info"
+ node.itemId = itemId
+ = name
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ if name then
+ annotation.nameReference = annotation.nameReference or {}
+ annotation.nameReference[#annotation.nameReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseList = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the list token.
+ local keyword
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "keyword" and (token == "ItemList" or token == "SpellList") then
+ keyword = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing LIST; keyword expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing LIST; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the list name.
+ local name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing LIST; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the list.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation, true)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing LIST; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "list"
+ node.keyword = keyword
+ = name
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseNumber = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local value
+ -- Consume the number.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "number" then
+ value = tonumber(token)
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing NUMBER; number expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = GetNumberNode(value, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseParameterValue = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local isBang = false
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "!" then
+ isBang = true
+ -- Consume the '!' token.
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ end
+ local expressionNode
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "(" or tokenType == "-" then
+ ok, expressionNode = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ ok, expressionNode = ParseSimpleExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ local node
+ if isBang then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = "bang_value"
+ node.child[1] = expressionNode
+ else
+ node = expressionNode
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseParameters = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation, isList)
+ local ok = true
+ local parameters = self_parametersPool:Get()
+ while ok do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType then
+ local name, node
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ ok, node = ParseVariable(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ if ok then
+ name =
+ end
+ elseif tokenType == "number" then
+ ok, node = ParseNumber(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ if ok then
+ name = node.value
+ end
+ elseif PARAMETER_KEYWORD[token] then
+ if isList then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected keyword '%s' when parsing PARAMETERS; simple expression expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ else
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ name = token
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ -- Check if this is a bare value or the start of a "name=value" pair.
+ if ok and name then
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "=" then
+ -- Consume the '=' token.
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ -- Get the value.
+ ok, node = ParseParameterValue(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ if ok then
+ parameters[name] = node
+ end
+ elseif PARAMETER_KEYWORD[name] then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected keyword '%s' when parsing PARAMETERS; simple expression expected.", name)
+ ok = false
+ else
+ parameters[#parameters + 1] = node
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ok then
+ annotation.parametersList = annotation.parametersList or {}
+ annotation.parametersList[#annotation.parametersList + 1] = parameters
+ else
+ parameters = nil
+ end
+ return ok, parameters
+ParseParentheses = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local leftToken, rightToken
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "(" then
+ leftToken, rightToken = "(", ")"
+ elseif tokenType == "{" then
+ leftToken, rightToken = "{", "}"
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing PARENTHESES; '(' or '{' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the inner expression.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ ok, node = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= rightToken then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing PARENTHESES; '%s' expected.", token, rightToken)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ if ok then
+ node.left = leftToken
+ node.right = rightToken
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseScoreSpells = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'ScoreSpells' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "ScoreSpells") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SCORESPELLS; 'ScoreSpells' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SCORESPELLS; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the list of spells.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation, true)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SCORESPELLS; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "score_spells"
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseScript = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ profiler.Start("OvaleAST_ParseScript")
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume each declaration.
+ local child = self_childrenPool:Get()
+ while ok do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType then
+ local declarationNode
+ ok, declarationNode = ParseDeclaration(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ if ok then
+ if declarationNode.type == "script" then
+ for _, node in ipairs(declarationNode.child) do
+ child[#child + 1] = node
+ end
+ -- All "script" nodes are standalone and need to be explicitly released.
+ self_pool:Release(declarationNode)
+ else
+ child[#child + 1] = declarationNode
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local ast
+ if ok then
+ -- Create a standalone AST node.
+ ast = OvaleAST:NewNode()
+ ast.type = "script"
+ ast.child = child
+ else
+ self_childrenPool:Release(child)
+ end
+ profiler.Stop("OvaleAST_ParseScript")
+ return ok, ast
+ParseSimpleExpression = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local node
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "number" then
+ ok, node = ParseNumber(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif tokenType == "name" then
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek(2)
+ if tokenType == "." or tokenType == "(" then
+ ok, node = ParseFunction(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ ok, node = ParseVariable(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ elseif tokenType == "(" or tokenType == "{" then
+ ok, node = ParseParentheses(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SIMPLE EXPRESSION", token)
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ ok = false
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseSpellAuraList = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the keyword token.
+ local keyword
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "keyword" and SPELL_AURA_KEYWORD[token] then
+ keyword = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLAURALIST; keyword expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLAURALIST; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the spell ID.
+ local spellId, name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "number" then
+ spellId = token
+ elseif tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLAURALIST; number or name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume any parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLAURALIST; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "spell_aura_list"
+ node.keyword = keyword
+ node.spellId = spellId
+ = name
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ if name then
+ annotation.nameReference = annotation.nameReference or {}
+ annotation.nameReference[#annotation.nameReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseSpellInfo = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local name, lowername
+ -- Consume the 'SpellInfo' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "SpellInfo") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLINFO; 'SpellInfo' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the left parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= "(" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLINFO; '(' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the spell ID.
+ local spellId, name
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "number" then
+ spellId = token
+ elseif tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLINFO; number or name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume any SpellInfo parameters.
+ local parameters
+ if ok then
+ ok, parameters = ParseParameters(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Consume the right parenthesis.
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType ~= ")" then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing SPELLINFO; ')' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "spell_info"
+ node.spellId = spellId
+ = name
+ node.rawParams = parameters
+ annotation.parametersReference = annotation.parametersReference or {}
+ annotation.parametersReference[#annotation.parametersReference + 1] = node
+ if name then
+ annotation.nameReference = annotation.nameReference or {}
+ annotation.nameReference[#annotation.nameReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseStatement = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local node
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType then
+ local parser
+ if token == "{" then
+ -- Find the matching '}' and inspect the next token to see if this is an expression or a group.
+ local i = 1
+ local count = 0
+ while tokenType do
+ if token == "{" then
+ count = count + 1
+ elseif token == "}" then
+ count = count - 1
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek(i)
+ if count == 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if tokenType then
+ if BINARY_OPERATOR[token] then
+ ok, node = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ ok, node = ParseGroup(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected end of script.")
+ end
+ elseif token == "if" then
+ ok, node = ParseIf(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "unless" then
+ ok, node = ParseUnless(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ elseif token == "wait" then
+ ok, node = ParseWait(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ ok, node = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseString = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local node
+ local value
+ if ok then
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Peek()
+ if tokenType == "string" then
+ value = token
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ elseif tokenType == "name" then
+ ok, node = ParseFunction(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ else
+ value = token
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ end
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing STRING; string, variable, or function expected.", token)
+ tokenStream:Consume()
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ if ok then
+ if not node then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "string"
+ node.value = value
+ end
+ annotation.stringReference = annotation.stringReference or {}
+ annotation.stringReference[#annotation.stringReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseUnless = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'unless' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "unless") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing UNLESS; 'unless' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the condition and body.
+ local conditionNode, bodyNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, conditionNode = ParseExpression(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ if ok then
+ ok, bodyNode = ParseStatement(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = "unless"
+ node.child[1] = conditionNode
+ node.child[2] = bodyNode
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseVariable = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ local name
+ -- Consume the variable name.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if tokenType == "name" then
+ name = token
+ else
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing VARIABLE; name expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList)
+ node.type = "variable"
+ = name
+ annotation.nameReference = annotation.nameReference or {}
+ annotation.nameReference[#annotation.nameReference + 1] = node
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ParseWait = function(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ local ok = true
+ -- Consume the 'wait' token.
+ do
+ local tokenType, token = tokenStream:Consume()
+ if not (tokenType == "keyword" and token == "wait") then
+ SyntaxError(tokenStream, "Syntax error: unexpected token '%s' when parsing WAIT; 'wait' expected.", token)
+ ok = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Consume the statement body.
+ local bodyNode
+ if ok then
+ ok, bodyNode = ParseStatement(tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ end
+ -- Create the AST node.
+ local node
+ if ok then
+ node = OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, true)
+ node.type = "wait"
+ node.child[1] = bodyNode
+ end
+ return ok, node
+ ["action"] = ParseFunction,
+ ["add_function"] = ParseAddFunction,
+ ["arithmetic"] = ParseExpression,
+ ["bang_value"] = ParseParameterValue,
+ ["checkbox"] = ParseAddCheckBox,
+ ["compare"] = ParseExpression,
+ ["comment"] = ParseComment,
+ ["custom_function"] = ParseFunction,
+ ["define"] = ParseDefine,
+ ["expression"] = ParseExpression,
+ ["function"] = ParseFunction,
+ ["group"] = ParseGroup,
+ ["icon"] = ParseAddIcon,
+ ["if"] = ParseIf,
+ ["item_info"] = ParseItemInfo,
+ ["list"] = ParseList,
+ ["list_item"] = ParseAddListItem,
+ ["logical"] = ParseExpression,
+ ["score_spells"] = ParseScoreSpells,
+ ["script"] = ParseScript,
+ ["spell_aura_list"] = ParseSpellAuraList,
+ ["spell_info"] = ParseSpellInfo,
+ ["string"] = ParseString,
+ ["unless"] = ParseUnless,
+ ["value"] = ParseNumber,
+ ["variable"] = ParseVariable,
+ ["wait"] = ParseWait,
+ }
+function OvaleAST:OnInitialize()
+ -- Resolve module dependencies.
+ OvaleCondition = Ovale.OvaleCondition
+ OvaleLexer = Ovale.OvaleLexer
+ OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts
+function OvaleAST:Debug()
+ self_pool:Debug()
+ self_parametersPool:Debug()
+ self_childrenPool:Debug()
+ self_outputPool:Debug()
+-- Get a new node from the pool and save it in the nodes array.
+function OvaleAST:NewNode(nodeList, hasChild)
+ local node = self_pool:Get()
+ if nodeList then
+ local nodeId = #nodeList + 1
+ node.nodeId = nodeId
+ nodeList[nodeId] = node
+ end
+ if hasChild then
+ node.child = self_childrenPool:Get()
+ end
+ return node
+function OvaleAST:NodeToString(node)
+ local output = print_r(node)
+ return tconcat(output, "\n")
+function OvaleAST:ReleaseAnnotation(annotation)
+ if annotation.parametersList then
+ for _, parameters in ipairs(annotation.parametersList) do
+ self_parametersPool:Release(parameters)
+ end
+ end
+ if annotation.nodeList then
+ for _, node in ipairs(annotation.nodeList) do
+ self_pool:Release(node)
+ end
+ end
+ for key, value in pairs(annotation) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ wipe(value)
+ end
+ annotation[key] = nil
+ end
+function OvaleAST:Release(ast)
+ if ast.annotation then
+ self:ReleaseAnnotation(ast.annotation)
+ ast.annotation = nil
+ end
+ self_pool:Release(ast)
+function OvaleAST:ParseCode(nodeType, code, nodeList, annotation)
+ nodeList = nodeList or {}
+ annotation = annotation or {}
+ local tokenStream = OvaleLexer("Ovale", GetTokenIterator(code))
+ local ok, node = Parse(nodeType, tokenStream, nodeList, annotation)
+ tokenStream:Release()
+ return node, nodeList, annotation
+function OvaleAST:ParseScript(name, options)
+ -- Get the code associated with the script name.
+ local code = OvaleScripts.script[name] and OvaleScripts.script[name].code
+ local ast
+ if code then
+ options = options or { verify = true }
+ -- Annotation table for the AST.
+ local annotation = {
+ nodeList = {},
+ verify = options.verify,
+ }
+ ast = self:ParseCode("script", code, annotation.nodeList, annotation)
+ if ast then
+ ast.annotation = annotation
+ self:PropagateConstants(ast)
+ self:PropagateStrings(ast)
+ self:FlattenParameters(ast)
+ self:VerifyFunctionCalls(ast)
+ else
+ -- Create a dummy node to properly release resources.
+ ast = self:NewNode()
+ ast.annotation = annotation
+ self:Release(ast)
+ ast = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return ast
+function OvaleAST:Unparse(node)
+ return Unparse(node)
+-- Replaces variables with their defined values.
+function OvaleAST:PropagateConstants(ast)
+ profiler.Start("OvaleAST_PropagateConstants")
+ if ast.annotation then
+ local dictionary = ast.annotation.definition
+ if dictionary and ast.annotation.nameReference then
+ for _, node in ipairs(ast.annotation.nameReference) do
+ if node.type == "item_info" and then
+ local itemId = dictionary[]
+ if itemId then
+ node.itemId = itemId
+ end
+ elseif (node.type == "spell_aura_list" or node.type == "spell_info") and then
+ local spellId = dictionary[]
+ if spellId then
+ node.spellId = spellId
+ end
+ elseif node.type == "variable" then
+ local name =
+ local value = dictionary[name]
+ if value then
+ -- Convert to a value node.
+ node.previousType = "variable"
+ node.type = "value"
+ node.value = value
+ node.origin = 0
+ node.rate = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ profiler.Stop("OvaleAST_PropagateConstants")
+-- Replaces variables and string-lookup function calls with string values.
+function OvaleAST:PropagateStrings(ast)
+ profiler.Start("OvaleAST_PropagateStrings")
+ if ast.annotation and ast.annotation.stringReference then
+ for _, node in ipairs(ast.annotation.stringReference) do
+ if node.type == "string" then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif node.type == "variable" then
+ local value =
+ -- Convert to a string node.
+ node.previousType = "variable"
+ node.type = "string"
+ node.value = value
+ elseif node.type == "function" then
+ -- Get the lookup key for the string database.
+ local key = node.rawParams[1]
+ if type(key) == "table" then
+ if key.type == "value" then
+ key = key.value
+ elseif key.type == "variable" then
+ key =
+ elseif key.type == "string" then
+ key = key.value
+ end
+ end
+ local value
+ if key then
+ local name =
+ if name == "ItemName" then
+ value = API_GetItemInfo(key)
+ elseif name == "L" then
+ value = L[key]
+ elseif name == "SpellName" then
+ value = API_GetSpellInfo(key)
+ end
+ end
+ if value then
+ -- Convert to a string node.
+ node.previousType = "function"
+ node.type = "string"
+ node.value = value
+ node.key = key
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ profiler.Stop("OvaleAST_PropagateStrings")
+-- "Flattens" parameter tables by replacing table values with the bare numerical or string values
+-- so that the parameter table can be used directly by script conditions.
+function OvaleAST:FlattenParameters(ast)
+ profiler.Start("OvaleAST_FlattenParameters")
+ local annotation = ast.annotation
+ if annotation and annotation.parametersReference then
+ local dictionary = annotation.definition
+ for _, node in ipairs(annotation.parametersReference) do
+ if node.rawParams then
+ local parameters = self_parametersPool:Get()
+ for key, value in pairs(node.rawParams) do
+ -- Lookup the key.
+ if type(key) ~= "number" and dictionary and dictionary[key] then
+ key = dictionary[key]
+ end
+ -- Evaluate the value.
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ local node = value
+ local isBang = false
+ if node.type == "bang_value" then
+ isBang = true
+ node = node.child[1]
+ end
+ if node.type == "value" then
+ value = node.value
+ elseif node.type == "variable" then
+ value =
+ elseif node.type == "string" then
+ value = node.value
+ end
+ if isBang then
+ value = "!" .. tostring(value)
+ end
+ end
+ parameters[key] = value
+ end
+ node.params = parameters
+ annotation.parametersList = annotation.parametersList or {}
+ annotation.parametersList[#annotation.parametersList + 1] = parameters
+ -- Save a flattened string representation of the parameters.
+ local output = self_outputPool:Get()
+ local N = #parameters
+ for k = 1, N do
+ output[k] = parameters[k]
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(parameters) do
+ if type(k) == "number" and k <= N then
+ -- Already output in previous loop.
+ else
+ output[#output + 1] = format("%s=%s", k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ node.paramsAsString = tconcat(output, " ")
+ self_outputPool:Release(output)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ profiler.Stop("OvaleAST_FlattenParameters")
+-- Verify that all functions called within the script are known.
+function OvaleAST:VerifyFunctionCalls(ast)
+ profiler.Start("OvaleAST_VerifyFunctionCalls")
+ if ast.annotation and ast.annotation.verify then
+ local customFunction = ast.annotation.customFunction
+ local functionCall = ast.annotation.functionCall
+ if functionCall then
+ for name in pairs(functionCall) do
+ if ACTION[name] then
+ -- Function call is an action.
+ elseif STRING_LOOKUP_FUNCTION[name] then
+ -- Function call is a string-lookup function.
+ elseif OvaleCondition:IsCondition(name) then
+ -- Function call is a registered script condition.
+ elseif customFunction and customFunction[name] then
+ -- Function call is a script-defined function (via AddFunction).
+ else
+ Ovale:Errorf("unknown function '%s'.", name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ profiler.Stop("OvaleAST_VerifyFunctionCalls")
+function OvaleAST:Optimize(ast)
+ self:CommonFunctionElimination(ast)
+ Common Function Elimination
+ This is an optimizing transformation of the AST that globally replaces
+ references to function nodes to the node of the first function call made
+ with identical parameters.
+function OvaleAST:CommonFunctionElimination(ast)
+ profiler.Start("OvaleAST_CommonFunctionElimination")
+ if ast.annotation then
+ -- Hash all of the function calls.
+ if ast.annotation.functionReference then
+ local functionHash = ast.annotation.functionHash or {}
+ for _, node in ipairs(ast.annotation.functionReference) do
+ if node.params then
+ local parameters = node.params
+ local N = #parameters
+ local output = self_outputPool:Get()
+ output[#output + 1] =
+ output[#output + 1] = "("
+ for k, v in ipairs(parameters) do
+ output[#output + 1] = v
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(parameters) do
+ if type(k) == "number" and k <= N then
+ -- Already output in previous loop.
+ else
+ output[#output + 1] = format("%s=%s", k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ output[#output + 1] = ")"
+ local hash = tconcat(output, " ")
+ self_outputPool:Release(output)
+ node.functionHash = hash
+ functionHash[hash] = functionHash[hash] or node
+ end
+ end
+ ast.annotation.functionHash = functionHash
+ end
+ -- Walk the AST and search for child nodes that are function nodes and
+ -- replace with a reference to the hashed node.
+ if ast.annotation.functionHash and ast.annotation.nodeList then
+ local functionHash = ast.annotation.functionHash
+ for _, node in ipairs(ast.annotation.nodeList) do
+ if node.child then
+ for k, childNode in ipairs(node.child) do
+ if childNode.functionHash then
+ node.child[k] = functionHash[childNode.functionHash]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ profiler.Stop("OvaleAST_CommonFunctionElimination")
diff --git a/tests/ast.t b/tests/ast.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..195c9f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ast.t
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ Load fake WoW environment.
+local root = "../"
+ local state = {
+ class = "SHAMAN",
+ level = 90,
+ }
+ dofile(root .. "WoWAPI.lua")
+ WoWAPI:Initialize("Ovale", state)
+ WoWAPI:ExportSymbols()
+ Fake loading via file order from Ovale.toc.
+ local addonFiles = {
+ "Ovale.lua",
+ -- Profiling module.
+ "Profiler.lua",
+ -- Utility modules.
+ "OvalePool.lua",
+ "OvaleQueue.lua",
+ -- Core modules.
+ "OvaleAST.lua",
+ "OvaleCondition.lua",
+ "OvaleLexer.lua",
+ "OvaleScripts.lua",
+ -- Additional modules.
+ "scripts/files.xml",
+ }
+ for _, file in ipairs(addonFiles) do
+ WoWAPI:LoadAddonFile(file, root)
+ end
+ local AceAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0")
+local OvaleAST = Ovale.OvaleAST
+local separator = string.rep("-", 80)
+-- Parse the default Ovale script for the class.
+local ast = OvaleAST:ParseScript("Ovale", { verify = false })
+if ast then
+ OvaleAST:Optimize(ast)
+ Ovale:Print(OvaleAST:NodeToString(ast))
+ Ovale:Print(separator)
+ Ovale:Print(OvaleAST:Unparse(ast))
+ OvaleAST:Release(ast)