diff --git a/XanChat.lua b/XanChat.lua
index bc8868d..294753b 100644
--- a/XanChat.lua
+++ b/XanChat.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
--Some stupid custom Chat modifications for me :P
local StickyTypeChannels = {
SAY = 1,
YELL = 0,
@@ -38,6 +37,61 @@ local function scrollChat(frame, delta)
+--special thanks to Tekkub for tekPlayerMenu
+StaticPopupDialogs["COPYNAME"] = {
+ text = "COPY NAME",
+ button2 = CANCEL,
+ hasEditBox = true,
+ hasWideEditBox = true,
+ timeout = 0,
+ exclusive = 1,
+ hideOnEscape = 1,
+ EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function(self) self:GetParent():Hide() end,
+ whileDead = 1,
+ maxLetters = 255,
+local function insertbefore(t, before, val)
+ for k,v in ipairs(t) do if v == before then return table.insert(t, k, val) end end
+ table.insert(t, val)
+local clickers = {["COPYNAME"] = function(a1) XanChat_DoCopyName(a1) end}
+UnitPopupButtons["COPYNAME"] = {text = "Copy Name", dist = 0}
+insertbefore(UnitPopupMenus["FRIEND"], "IGNORE", "COPYNAME")
+hooksecurefunc("UnitPopup_HideButtons", function()
+ local dropdownMenu = UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU
+ for i,v in pairs(UnitPopupMenus[dropdownMenu.which]) do
+ if clickers[v] then UnitPopupShown[i] = (dropdownMenu.name == UnitName("player") and 0) or 1 end
+ end
+hooksecurefunc("UnitPopup_OnClick", function(self)
+ local dropdownFrame = UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU
+ local button = self.value
+ if clickers[button] then clickers[button](dropdownFrame.name) end
+ PlaySound("UChatScrollButton")
+function XanChat_DoCopyName(name)
+ local dialog = StaticPopup_Show("COPYNAME")
+ local editbox = _G[dialog:GetName().."EditBox"]
+ editbox:SetText(name or "")
+ editbox:SetFocus()
+ editbox:HighlightText()
+ local button = _G[dialog:GetName().."Button2"]
+ button:ClearAllPoints()
+ button:SetPoint("CENTER", editbox, "CENTER", 0, -30)
function XanChat_doChat()
--sticky channels
@@ -49,18 +103,11 @@ function XanChat_doChat()
for i,v in pairs(CHAT_CONFIG_CHAT_LEFT) do
ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, v.type)
--this is to toggle class colors for all the global channels that is not listed under CHAT_CONFIG_CHAT_LEFT
- local chanNum = 1
- local cId, cName = GetChannelName(chanNum)
- while (cId > 0 and cName ~= nil) do
- --set the class color for the channel
- ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL"..cId)
- --increment
- chanNum = chanNum + 1
- cId, cName = GetChannelName(chanNum)
- if chanNum >= 10 then break end
+ for iCh = 1, 15 do
+ ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL"..iCh)
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
local f = _G[("ChatFrame%d"):format(i)]
@@ -92,6 +139,11 @@ function XanChat_doChat()
+function XanChat_CopyName(origin_frame, ...)
+ print(a1)
+ print(a2)
local linklinkColor = "9ACD32"
local pattern = "[wWhH][wWtT][wWtT][\46pP]%S+[^%p%s]"
@@ -155,7 +207,6 @@ function ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow(self, link, text, button)
local eFrame = CreateFrame("frame","XanChatEventFrame",UIParent)
eFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)
diff --git a/XanChat.toc b/XanChat.toc
index fb3aa1d..8efd8d4 100644
--- a/XanChat.toc
+++ b/XanChat.toc
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
## Title: XanChat
## Notes: A very minimalistic chat modification addon.
## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 1.2
+## Version: 1.4