diff --git a/IntervalTree.lua b/IntervalTree.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..763ab33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalTree.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+-- Red-black trees:
+-- Every node is red or black
+-- Root is black
+-- All leaves (nils) are black
+-- If a node is red, both its children are black
+-- For each node, all paths to descendant leaves containthe same number of black nodes
+IntervalTree = {}
+function IntervalTree.create()
+ local RED = true
+ local BLACK = false
+ local sentinel = {}
+ sentinel.parent = sentinel
+ sentinel.left = sentinel
+ sentinel.right = sentinel
+ sentinel.color = BLACK
+ local tree = { root = sentinel }
+ local function successor(node)
+ if node.right ~= sentinel then
+ node = node.right
+ while node.left ~= sentinel do
+ node = node.left
+ end
+ return node
+ end
+ local y = node.parent
+ while y ~= sentinel and node == y.right do
+ node = y
+ y = y.parent
+ end
+ return y
+ end
+ local function findNode(start, stop)
+ local node = tree.root
+ while node ~= sentinel do
+ if start < node.start then
+ node = node.left
+ elseif start > node.start then
+ node = node.right
+ elseif stop < node.stop then
+ node = node.left
+ elseif stop > node.stop then
+ node = node.right
+ else
+ return node
+ end
+ end
+ return sentinel
+ end
+ local function find(node, num)
+ if node == sentinel or num > node.max then
+ return {}
+ end
+ local results = {}
+ for _, result in ipairs(find(node.left, num)) do
+ table.insert(results, result)
+ end
+ if num >= node.start then
+ if num <= node.stop then
+ table.insert(results, node.value)
+ end
+ for _, result in ipairs(find(node.right, num)) do
+ table.insert(results, result)
+ end
+ end
+ return results
+ end
+ function tree.find(num)
+ return find(tree.root, num)
+ end
+ function tree.findInterval(start, stop)
+ return findNode(start, stop).value
+ end
+ local function rotateLeft(node)
+ local x = node
+ local y = x.right
+ x.right = y.left
+ if y.left ~= sentinel then
+ y.left.parent = x
+ end
+ y.parent = x.parent
+ if x.parent == sentinel then
+ tree.root = y
+ elseif x == x.parent.left then
+ x.parent.left = y
+ else
+ x.parent.right = y
+ end
+ y.left = x
+ x.parent = y
+ x.max = math.max(x.stop, x.left.max or 0, x.right.max or 0)
+ y.max = math.max(y.stop, y.left.max or 0, x.right.max or 0)
+ end
+ local function rotateRight(node)
+ local x = node
+ local y = x.left
+ x.left = y.right
+ if y.right ~= sentinel then
+ y.right.parent = x
+ end
+ y.parent = x.parent
+ if x.parent == sentinel then
+ tree.root = y
+ elseif x == x.parent.right then
+ x.parent.right = y
+ else
+ x.parent.left = y
+ end
+ y.right = x
+ x.parent = y
+ x.max = math.max(x.stop, x.left.max or 0, x.right.max or 0)
+ y.max = math.max(y.stop, y.left.max or 0, x.right.max or 0)
+ end
+ local function insertFixup(node)
+ local y
+ while node.parent.color == RED do
+ if node.parent == node.parent.parent.left then
+ y = node.parent.parent.right
+ if y.color == RED then
+ node.parent.color = BLACK
+ y.color = BLACK
+ node.parent.parent.color = RED
+ node = node.parent.parent
+ elseif node == node.parent.right then
+ node = node.parent
+ rotateLeft(node)
+ else
+ node.parent.color = BLACK
+ node.parent.parent.color = RED
+ rotateRight(node.parent.parent)
+ end
+ else
+ y = node.parent.parent.left
+ if y.color == RED then
+ node.parent.color = BLACK
+ y.color = BLACK
+ node.parent.parent.color = RED
+ node = node.parent.parent
+ elseif node == node.parent.left then
+ node = node.parent
+ rotateRight(node)
+ else
+ node.parent.color = BLACK
+ node.parent.parent.color = RED
+ rotateLeft(node.parent.parent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tree.root.color = BLACK
+ end
+ function tree.insert(start, stop, value)
+ local y = sentinel
+ local x = tree.root
+ while x ~= sentinel do
+ y = x
+ if start < x.start then
+ x = x.left
+ elseif start > x.start then
+ x = x.right
+ elseif stop < x.stop then
+ x = x.left
+ elseif stop > x.stop then
+ x = x.right
+ else
+ for key, value in pairs(value) do
+ if not x.value[key] then
+ x.value[key] = {}
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(value) do
+ x.value[key][k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local node = {
+ start = start,
+ stop = stop,
+ max = stop,
+ value = value,
+ parent = y,
+ left = sentinel,
+ right = sentinel,
+ color = RED,
+ }
+ if y == sentinel then
+ tree.root = node
+ elseif start < y.start then
+ y.left = node
+ else
+ y.right = node
+ end
+ insertFixup(node)
+ while node.parent ~= sentinel do
+ if node.max > node.parent.max then
+ node.parent.max = node.max
+ end
+ node = node.parent
+ end
+ end
+ local function printNode(node)
+ if node == sentinel or node == nil then
+ io.write("nil")
+ return
+ end
+ io.write("( ")
+ printNode(node.left)
+ io.write(", ")
+ if node.color == RED then
+ io.write("RED")
+ else
+ io.write("BLACK")
+ end
+ io.write(": " .. node.start .. "-" .. node.stop .. " = " .. tostring(node.value))
+ io.write(", max = " .. node.max)
+ io.write(", ")
+ printNode(node.right)
+ io.write(" )")
+ end
+ function tree.print()
+ printNode(tree.root)
+ print()
+ end
+ local function quotedString(str)
+ return string.gsub(string.format("%q", str), "\n", "n")
+ end
+ local function varName(name)
+ if type(name) == "number" then
+ return string.format("[%d]", name)
+ elseif type(name) == "string" then
+ if string.find(name, "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") then
+ return name
+ else
+ return string.format("[%s]", quotedString(name))
+ end
+ elseif type(name) == "boolean" then
+ return string.format("[%s]", tostring(name))
+ else
+ print("Unhandled name type: %q", type(name))
+ end
+ end
+ local function fullPrintNode(node, name, indent)
+ local indentStr
+ if indent then
+ indentStr = string.rep("\t", indent)
+ else
+ indent = 0
+ indentStr = ""
+ end
+ print(string.format("%s%s = {", indentStr, varName(name)))
+ local indexTable = {}
+ for index, value in pairs(node) do
+ if index ~= "parent" and value ~= sentinel and type(value) ~= "function" then
+ table.insert(indexTable, index)
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(indexTable)
+ for _, index in ipairs(indexTable) do
+ local value = node[index]
+ if type(value) == "string" then
+ print(string.format("%s\t%s = %s,", indentStr, varName(index), quotedString(value)))
+ elseif type(value) == "number" then
+ value = string.gsub(string.format("%f", value), "%.?0+$", "")
+ print(string.format("%s\t%s = %s,", indentStr, varName(index), value))
+ elseif type(value) == "table" then
+ if type(value.fullPrint) == "function" then
+ value.fullPrint(index, indent + 1)
+ elseif type(value.parent) == "table" then
+ fullPrintNode(value, index, indent + 1)
+ else
+ sort(value, index, indent + 1)
+ end
+ elseif type(value) == "boolean" then
+ print(string.format("%s\t%s = %s,", indentStr, varName(index), quotedString(value and "RED" or "BLACK")))
+ else
+ print(string.format("%s\tUnhandled value type: %q", indentStr, type(value)))
+ end
+ end
+ if indent > 0 then
+ print(string.format("%s},", indentStr))
+ else
+ print("}")
+ end
+ end
+ function tree.fullPrint(name, indent)
+ fullPrintNode(tree.root, name, indent)
+ end
+ function tree.check()
+ if sentinel.color ~= BLACK then
+ print("Sentinel's color is not black!")
+ return false
+ end
+ if tree.root.color ~= BLACK then
+ print("Root's color is not black!")
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return tree