diff --git a/Command.lua b/Command.lua
index b04b3ce..dbf4f78 100644
--- a/Command.lua
+++ b/Command.lua
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ C:Register("__DEFAULT__", function(args)
KT:Msg("/kt lookup <name> - Display number of kills on <name>, <name> can also be NPC ID.")
KT:Msg("/kt print - Toggle printing kill updates to chat.")
KT:Msg("/kt list - Display a list of all mobs entries.")
+ KT:Msg("/kt delete <id> - Delete entry with NPC id <id>.")
KT:Msg("/kt purge [treshold] - Open dialog to purge entries, specifiying a treshold here is optional.")
KT:Msg("/kt reset - Clear the mob database.")
KT:Msg("/kt - Displays this help message.")
@@ -90,14 +91,32 @@ C:Register({"print", "p"}, function(args)
+C:Register({"delete", "del", "remove", "rem"}, function(args)
+ if #args <= 0 then
+ KT:Msg("Missing argument: id")
+ return
+ end
+ local id = tonumber(args[1])
+ if not id then
+ KT:Msg("Id must be a number")
+ return
+ end
+ if not KT.Global.MOBS[id] then
+ KT:Msg(("Id %d does not exist in the database."):format(id))
+ return
+ end
+ local name = KT.Global.MOBS[id].Name
+ KT:ShowDelete(id, name)
C:Register({"purge"}, function(args)
local treshold
if #args >= 1 then treshold = tonumber(args[1]) end
- KT:Purge(treshold)
+ KT:ShowPurge(treshold)
C:Register({"reset", "r"}, function(args)
- KT:Reset()
+ KT:ShowReset()
C:Register({"lookup", "lo", "check"}, function(args)
diff --git a/Dialogs.lua b/Dialogs.lua
index 03b9f23..695a333 100644
--- a/Dialogs.lua
+++ b/Dialogs.lua
@@ -19,35 +19,6 @@
local KT = KillTrack
-local Treshold
-local function Purge(treshold)
- local count = 0
- for k,v in pairs(KT.Global.MOBS) do
- if type(v) == "table" and v.Kills < treshold then
- KT.Global.MOBS[k] = nil
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(KT.CharGlobal.MOBS) do
- if type(v) == "table" and v.Kills < treshold then
- KT.CharGlobal.MOBS[k] = nil
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- KT:Msg(("Purged %d entries with a kill count below %d"):format(count, treshold))
- Treshold = nil
- StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_FINISH", tostring(count))
-local function Reset()
- local count = #KT.Global.MOBS + #KT.CharGlobal.MOBS
- wipe(KT.Global.MOBS)
- wipe(KT.CharGlobal.MOBS)
- KT:Msg(("%d mob entries have been removed!"):format(count))
- StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_FINISH", tostring(count))
StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_FINISH"] = {
text = "%s entries removed.",
button1 = "Okay",
@@ -57,16 +28,29 @@ StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_FINISH"] = {
hideOnEscape = true
+StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_DELETE"] = {
+ text = "Delete %s with ID %s?",
+ button1 = "Delete all",
+ button2 = "Character only",
+ button3 = "Cancel",
+ OnAccept = function() KT:Delete(KT.Temp.DeleteId) end,
+ OnCancel = function() KT:Delete(KT.Temp.DeleteId, true) end, -- Cancel is actually the second (button2) button.
+ showAlert = true,
+ timeout = 10,
+ whileDead = true,
+ hideOnEscape = true
StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_PURGE"] = {
text = "Remove all mob entries with their kill count below this treshold:",
button1 = "Purge",
button2 = "Cancel",
hasEditBox = true,
- OnAccept = function(self, data, data2) Purge(tonumber(self.editBox:GetText())) end,
- OnCancel = function() Treshold = nil end,
+ OnAccept = function(self, data, data2) KT:Purge(tonumber(self.editBox:GetText())) end,
+ OnCancel = function() KT.Temp.Treshold = nil end,
OnShow = function(self, data)
- if tonumber(Treshold) then
- self.editBox:SetText(tostring(Treshold))
+ if tonumber(KT.Temp.Treshold) then
+ self.editBox:SetText(tostring(KT.Temp.Treshold))
@@ -89,7 +73,7 @@ StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_RESET"] = {
text = "Remove all mob entries from the database? THIS CANNOT BE REVERSED.",
button1 = "Yes",
button2 = "No",
- OnAccept = function() Reset() end,
+ OnAccept = function() KT:Reset() end,
showAlert = true,
enterClicksFirstButton = true,
timeout = 0,
@@ -97,13 +81,21 @@ StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_RESET"] = {
hideOnEscape = true
-function KT:Purge(treshold)
+function KT:ShowDelete(id, name)
+ id = tonumber(id)
+ name = tostring(name)
+ if not id then error("'id' must be a number.") end
+ self.Temp.DeleteId = id
+ StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_DELETE", name, id)
+function KT:ShowPurge(treshold)
if tonumber(treshold) then
- Treshold = tonumber(treshold)
+ self.Temp.Treshold = tonumber(treshold)
-function KT:Reset()
+function KT:ShowReset()
diff --git a/KillTrack.lua b/KillTrack.lua
index 067d19e..8046fe6 100644
--- a/KillTrack.lua
+++ b/KillTrack.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ KillTrack = {
Events = {},
Global = {},
CharGlobal = {},
+ Temp = {},
Sort = {
Desc = 0,
Asc = 1,
@@ -183,6 +184,54 @@ function KT:GetSortedMobTable(mode)
return t
+function KT:Delete(id, charOnly)
+ id = tonumber(id)
+ if not id then error(("Expected 'id' param to be number, got %s."):format(type(id))) end
+ local found = false
+ local name
+ if self.Global.MOBS[id] then
+ name = self.Global.MOBS[id].Name
+ if not charOnly then self.Global.MOBS[id] = nil end
+ if self.CharGlobal.MOBS[id] then
+ self.CharGlobal.MOBS[id] = nil
+ end
+ found = true
+ end
+ if found then
+ self:Msg(("Deleted %q (%d) from database."):format(name, id))
+ StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_FINISH", 1)
+ else
+ self:Msg(("ID: %d was not found in the database."):format(id))
+ end
+function KT:Purge(treshold)
+ local count = 0
+ for k,v in pairs(KT.Global.MOBS) do
+ if type(v) == "table" and v.Kills < treshold then
+ self.Global.MOBS[k] = nil
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(KT.CharGlobal.MOBS) do
+ if type(v) == "table" and v.Kills < treshold then
+ self.CharGlobal.MOBS[k] = nil
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ self:Msg(("Purged %d entries with a kill count below %d"):format(count, treshold))
+ self.Temp.Treshold = nil
+ StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_FINISH", tostring(count))
+function KT:Reset()
+ local count = #KT.Global.MOBS + #KT.CharGlobal.MOBS
+ wipe(self.Global.MOBS)
+ wipe(self.CharGlobal.MOBS)
+ KT:Msg(("%d mob entries have been removed!"):format(count))
+ StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_FINISH", tostring(count))
KT.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
for k,_ in pairs(KT.Events) do
diff --git a/MobList.lua b/MobList.lua
index 8aa04cd..e22a554 100644
--- a/MobList.lua
+++ b/MobList.lua
@@ -157,6 +157,11 @@ function ML:UpdateList()
id:SetColor(1, 1, 1)
id:SetHighlight(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
+ id:SetUserData("NPC_ID", v.Id)
+ id:SetUserData("NPC_NAME", v.Name)
+ id:SetCallback("OnClick", function(self)
+ KT:ShowDelete(self:GetUserData("NPC_ID"), self:GetUserData("NPC_NAME"))
+ end)
local name = GUI:Create("Label")
name:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", 12)