
Added a function to combine similar strings

Kevin Lyles [02-27-11 - 02:33]
Added a function to combine similar strings

Took the oportunity to move ww_deepTableCopy to the new utils.lua as well
diff --git a/Upgrade.lua b/Upgrade.lua
index cbf3529..3c9868d 100644
--- a/Upgrade.lua
+++ b/Upgrade.lua
@@ -1,24 +1,5 @@
 local L = ww_localization

--- TODO: move this to a util(s).lua?
-function ww_deepTableCopy(object)
-    local lookup_table = {}
-    local function _copy(object)
-        if type(object) ~= "table" then
-            return object
-        elseif lookup_table[object] then
-            return lookup_table[object]
-        end
-        local new_table = {}
-        lookup_table[object] = new_table
-        for index, value in pairs(object) do
-            new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value)
-        end
-        return setmetatable(new_table, _copy(getmetatable(object)))
-    end
-    return _copy(object)
 local function stringsToFuncs(strTable)
 	local funcTable = {}

diff --git a/WeightsWatcher.toc b/WeightsWatcher.toc
index 124599e..30183a0 100644
--- a/WeightsWatcher.toc
+++ b/WeightsWatcher.toc
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 ## X-Compatible-With: 40000
 ## X-License: GPLv2


diff --git a/utils.lua b/utils.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d3746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+function ww_deepTableCopy(object)
+    local lookup_table = {}
+    local function _copy(object)
+        if type(object) ~= "table" then
+            return object
+        elseif lookup_table[object] then
+            return lookup_table[object]
+        end
+        local new_table = {}
+        lookup_table[object] = new_table
+        for index, value in pairs(object) do
+            new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value)
+        end
+        return setmetatable(new_table, _copy(getmetatable(object)))
+    end
+    return _copy(object)
+function ww_combineStrings(strings)
+	local startSame, endSame = "", ""
+	local stringPieces = {}
+	for i, string in ipairs(strings) do
+		local pieces = { strsplit(" ", string) }
+		for j, piece in ipairs(pieces) do
+			if not stringPieces[j] then
+				stringPieces[j] = {}
+			end
+			stringPieces[j][piece] = (stringPieces[j][piece] or 0) + 1
+		end
+	end
+	local done = false
+	for i = 1, #(stringPieces) do
+		for piece, count in pairs(stringPieces[i]) do
+			if count == #(strings) then
+				startSame = (startSame == "" and "" or startSame .. " ") .. piece
+			else
+				done = true
+				break
+			end
+		end
+		if done then
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	done = false
+	for i = #(stringPieces), 1, -1 do
+		for piece, count in pairs(stringPieces[i]) do
+			if count == #(strings) then
+				endSame = piece .. (endSame == "" and "" or " " .. endSame)
+			else
+				done = true
+				break
+			end
+		end
+		if done then
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	if startSame ~= "" then
+		startSame = startSame .. " "
+	end
+	if endSame ~= "" then
+		endSame = " " .. endSame
+	end
+	for i = 1, #(strings) do
+		strings[i] = strings[i]:sub(startSame:len() + 1, -endSame:len() - 1)
+	end
+	return startSame .. table.concat(strings, "/") .. endSame