
* Patch from [Ammo] to fix aggro detection

James Whitehead II [01-20-08 - 21:18]
* Patch from [Ammo] to fix aggro detection
* Added SetFormattedText() in the buffs module
diff --git a/PerfectRaid_Aggro.lua b/PerfectRaid_Aggro.lua
index ca5b3bc..b65094f 100644
--- a/PerfectRaid_Aggro.lua
+++ b/PerfectRaid_Aggro.lua
@@ -77,49 +77,54 @@ end

 local elapsed = 0
 function Aggro.OnUpdate()
-	local self = Aggro
 	elapsed = elapsed + arg1
 	if elapsed >= rate then
+		-- Aggro check
 		for unit,tbl in pairs(frames) do
-			-- Aggro check
-			for unit,tbl in pairs(frames) do
-				if not targets[unit] then
-					targets[unit] = unit.."target"
-					victims[unit] = unit.."targettarget"
-					aggro[unit] = 0
-				end
+			if not targets[unit] then
+				targets[unit] = unit.."target"
+				victims[unit] = unit.."targettarget"
+				aggro[unit] = 0
+			end

-				local target = targets[unit]
-				local victim = victims[unit]
-				if UnitIsUnit(victim, unit) and UnitCanAttack(unit, target) then
-					-- unit is being targeted by a hostile mob
-					local val = aggro[unit]
-					if val < 20 then
-						aggro[unit] = val + 10
+			local target = targets[unit]
+			local victim = victims[unit]
+			if UnitExists(target) and UnitCanAttack(unit, target) and UnitExists( victim ) and UnitCanAttack(victim, target) then
+				for unit2, tbl2  in pairs(frames) do
+					if unit2 and UnitIsUnit( unit2, victim ) then
+						-- unit is being targeted by a hostile mob
+						if not targets[unit2] then
+							targets[unit2] = unit2.."target"
+							victims[unit2] = unit2.."targettarget"
+							aggro[unit2] = 0
+						end
+						local val = aggro[unit2]
+						if val < 20 then
+							aggro[unit2] = val + 10
+						end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- aggro update
+		for unit, tbl in pairs(frames) do
+			-- Aggro decay (thanks BanzaiLib)
+			if aggro[unit] >= 5 then
+				aggro[unit] = aggro[unit] - 5
+			end
+			-- Use this when a unit has aggro
+			if aggro[unit] >= 15 then
+				if not marked[unit] then
+					PerfectRaid:UNIT_HEALTH(nil, unit)
+					marked[unit] = true
-				-- Aggro decay (thanks BanzaiLib)
-				if aggro[unit] >= 5 then
-					aggro[unit] = aggro[unit] - 5
-				end
-				-- Use this when a unit has aggro
-				if aggro[unit] >= 15 then
-					if not marked[unit] then
-						PerfectRaid:UNIT_HEALTH(nil, unit)
-						marked[unit] = true
-					end
-				else
-					if marked[unit] then
-						PerfectRaid:UNIT_HEALTH(nil, unit)
-						marked[unit] = nil
-					end
+			else
+				if marked[unit] then
+					PerfectRaid:UNIT_HEALTH(nil, unit)
+					marked[unit] = nil
-				local name = UnitName(unit)
 		elapsed = 0
diff --git a/PerfectRaid_Buffs.lua b/PerfectRaid_Buffs.lua
index b3b57f9..b2d0c25 100644
--- a/PerfectRaid_Buffs.lua
+++ b/PerfectRaid_Buffs.lua
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ function Buffs:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)

 	local status = strjoin(" ", unpack(work))
 	for frame in pairs(frames[unit]) do
-		frame.aura:SetText(status)
+		frame.aura:SetFormattedText(status)
 		frame.backdropset = bdset