
Druid: Add "Weakened Armor" option for whether to apply the target debuff.

Johnny C. Lam [05-16-14 - 21:54]
Druid: Add "Weakened Armor" option for whether to apply the target debuff.

Some classes apply the debuff automatically as part of their damage
rotation so it's not worth it for a feral to do it.  The "weakened armor"
option is on by default, but can be turned off as needed.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1464 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_druid.lua b/scripts/ovale_druid.lua
index c9c321a..362effe 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_druid.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_druid.lua
@@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ AddIcon mastery=balance size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right
 #	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#UZ!...2.1
 #	glyphs=savagery/cat_form

+AddCheckBox(opt_weakened_armor_debuff SpellName(weakened_armor_debuff) default mastery=feral)
 AddFunction FeralFillerActions
@@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ AddFunction FeralBasicActions
 	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
-	if target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
 	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ AddFunction FeralBasicPredictiveActions
 	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
-	if target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
 	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
@@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ AddFunction FeralBasicCdActions

 	unless { target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and Spell(ferocious_bite) }
-		or { target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 and Spell(faerie_fire) }
+		or { CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 and Spell(faerie_fire) }
 		or { TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } and Spell(healing_touch) }
 		or { BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 3 and SavageRoar() }
@@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ AddFunction FeralAoeActions
-	if target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
 	if BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) or { BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 } SavageRoar()
@@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ AddFunction FeralAdvancedActions
 	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
-	if target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
 	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
@@ -486,7 +488,7 @@ AddFunction FeralAdvancedPredictiveActions
 	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
-	if target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
 	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
@@ -543,7 +545,7 @@ AddFunction FeralAdvancedCdActions
 	unless { Stealthed() and Spell(ravage) }
 		or { target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and Spell(ferocious_bite) }
-		or { target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 and Spell(faerie_fire) }
+		or { CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 and Spell(faerie_fire) }
 		or { TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } and Spell(healing_touch) }
 		or { BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) and SavageRoar() }