
Fuck this file!

Darthpred [02-27-15 - 19:17]
Fuck this file!
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e2021..0000000
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI);
-local SLE = E:GetModule('SLE');
-local ACD = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
-local bnettesttbl = {}
-function SLE:GetBNetInfo()
-	local _, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
-	for i = 1, numBNetOnline do
-		local presenceID, presenceName, _, _, _, _, client, isOnline = BNGetFriendInfo(i)
-		if isOnline and client == BNET_CLIENT_WOW then
-			BNSendGameData(presenceID, 'SLE_DEV_REQ', 'slesay#'..presenceID)
-		end
-	end
-local function Login(self, event)
-	self:UnregisterEvent(event)
-	if SLE:Auth() then
-		local selectedChannel = ''
-		local UserListCache = {}
-		local highestVersion = tonumber(SLE.version)
-		local flag = 'SLE_DEV_SAYS'
-		local addonChannel = 'GUILD'
-		local addonTarget = ""
-		local output = 'SAY'
-		local text = ''
-		local wtarget = ""
-		local bnetP
-		function SLE:delete(...)
-			local _, id = ...
-			id = tostring(id)
-			bnettesttbl[id] = nil
-		end
-		SLE:RegisterEvent('BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE', 'delete')
-		RegisterAddonMessagePrefix('SLE_DEV_INFO')
-		local f = CreateFrame('Frame')
-		f:RegisterEvent('CHAT_MSG_ADDON')
-		f:RegisterEvent('BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON')
-		f:RegisterEvent('BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE')
-		f:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD')
-		f:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, prefix, message, channel, sender)
-			if event == 'BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE' or event == 'BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE' then
-				SLE:GetBNetInfo()
-			end
-			if event == 'PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD' then
-				SLE:GetBNetInfo()
-			end
-			if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_INFO' then
-				if event == 'CHAT_MSG_ADDON' or event == 'BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON' then
-					if not message:find("SLEinfo") then
-						local userLevel, userClass, userName, userRealm, userVersion = strsplit('#', message)
-						if (userName == E.myname and userRealm == E.myrealm) then return end;
-						userVersion = tonumber(userVersion)
-						if userVersion > highestVersion then
-							highestVersion = userVersion
-						end
-						local id = #UserListCache + 1;
-						for i=1,#UserListCache do
-							if (UserListCache[i].userName == userName and UserListCache[i].userRealm == userRealm) then
-								id = i;
-								break;
-							end
-						end
-						UserListCache[id] = {
-							['userLevel'] = userLevel,
-							['userClass'] = userClass,
-							['userName'] = userName,
-							['userRealm'] = userRealm,
-							['userVersion'] = userVersion,
-						}
-						if (IsAddOnLoaded("ElvUI_Config")) then
-							ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'sle', 'developer', 'userList')
-						end
-					else
-						local _, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
-						for i = 1, numBNetOnline do
-							local presenceID, presenceName, _, _, toon, _, _, _ = BNGetFriendInfo(i)
-							message = message:gsub("SLEinfo", '')
-							local pid = tonumber(message)
-							if pid == presenceID then
-								bnettesttbl[message] = presenceName;
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end)
-		local function configTable()
-			E.Options.args.sle.args.developer = {
-				order = 999,
-				type = 'group',
-				name = "Developer",
-				childGroups = 'tab',
-				args = {
-					header = {
-						order = 1,
-						type = "header",
-						name = "Version Control Panel",
-					},
-					testdesc = {
-						order = 2,
-						type = "description",
-						name = "",
-					},
-					userList = {
-						order = 3,
-						type = "group",
-						name = "User List",
-						args = {
-							listheader = {
-								order = 1,
-								type = "header",
-								name = "S&L Users with Version # Installed",
-							},
-							List = {
-								type = 'select',
-								name = 'Choose channel to get S&L info from.',
-								order = 2,
-								get = function() return selectedChannel end,
-								set = function(_, value)
-									selectedChannel = value
-								end,
-								values = {
-									[''] = ' ',
-									['GUILD'] = 'Guild',
-									['INSTANCE_CHAT'] = 'Instance',
-									['PARTY'] = 'Party',
-									['RAID'] = 'Raid',
-									['BNET'] = 'BNet',
-								},
-							},
-							submitbutton = {
-								type = 'execute',
-								order = 3,
-								name = function()
-									return selectedChannel ~= '' and "Update List" or "Clear List"
-								end,
-								func = function(info, value)
-									UserListCache = {} -- Clear Cache
-									if selectedChannel == 'BNET' then
-										local _, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
-										for i = 1, numBNetOnline do
-											local presenceID, _, _, _, _, _, client, isOnline = BNGetFriendInfo(i)
-											if isOnline and client == BNET_CLIENT_WOW then
-												BNSendGameData(presenceID, 'SLE_DEV_REQ', 'userlist')
-											end
-										end
-									elseif selectedChannel ~= '' then
-										SendAddonMessage('SLE_DEV_REQ', 'userlist', selectedChannel)
-									end
-								end,
-							},
-							Space = {
-								type = 'description',
-								name = ' ',
-								order = 4,
-							},
-							userList = {
-								type = 'group',
-								name = function()
-									return 'Userlist : '..selectedChannel
-								end,
-								order = 5,
-								guiInline = true,
-								args = {},
-								hidden = function() return selectedChannel == '' end,
-							},
-						},
-					},
-					devdiaggroup = {
-						order = 5,
-						type = "group",
-						name = "Tech and shit",
-						args = {
-							subgroup = {
-								order = 1,
-								type = "header",
-								name = "Some tech stuff",
-							},
-							cpuprofiling = {
-								order = 2,
-								type = 'execute',
-								name = "CPU Profiling",
-								func = function() SetCVar("scriptProfile", GetCVar("scriptProfile") == "1" and 0 or 1); ReloadUI() end,
-							},
-						},
-					},
-					devgroupone = {
-						order = 500,
-						type = "group",
-						name = "Test Group",
-						args = {
-							subgroup = {
-								order = 1,
-								type = "header",
-								name = "Dafuq we have this?",
-							},
-						},
-					},
-				},
-			}
-			for i = 1, 40 do
-				E.Options.args.sle.args.developer.args.userList.args.userList.args[tostring(i)] = {
-					type = 'description',
-					order = i,
-					name = function()
-						if UserListCache[i] then
-							local Level = GetQuestDifficultyColor(UserListCache[i]['userLevel'])
-							Level = format('|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r', Level.r *255, Level.g *255, Level.b *255, UserListCache[i]['userLevel'])
-							local ClassColor = '|c'..RAID_CLASS_COLORS[(UserListCache[i]['userClass'])]['colorStr']
-							local UserName = ClassColor..UserListCache[i]['userName']..'|r'
-							local UserRealm = UserListCache[i]['userRealm']
-							local UserVersion = UserListCache[i]['userVersion']
-							UserVersion = (UserVersion == highestVersion and '|cffceff00' or '|cffff5678')..UserVersion
-							local Icon = '';
-							local realm = UserRealm:gsub(' ','');
-							if (SLE.SpecialChatIcons[realm] and SLE.SpecialChatIcons[realm][UserListCache[i]['userName']]) then
-								Icon = SLE.SpecialChatIcons[realm][UserListCache[i]['userName']];
-							end
-							return Level..'  '..UserName.. '|cffffffff - '..UserRealm..' : '..UserVersion..Icon
-						else
-							return ' '
-						end
-					end,
-					hidden = function() return not UserListCache[i] end,
-				}
-			end
-		end
-		table.insert(E.SLEConfigs, configTable)
-	end
-local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "SLE_Dev_load", UIParent)
-f:SetScript("OnEvent", Login)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/options/load_options.xml b/ElvUI_SLE/options/load_options.xml
index 7cadc81..c7f7ec8 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/options/load_options.xml
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/options/load_options.xml
@@ -26,5 +26,4 @@
 	<Script file='unitframes_c.lua'/>
 	<Script file='vehicle_c.lua'/>
 	<Script file='errorframe_c.lua'/>
-	<Script file='dev_c.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file