
Refactored click handler

Cogwheel-17646 [04-29-08 - 07:05]
Refactored click handler
Delete button creates a new page if you delete the only remaining one
Window title displays name of current page
diff --git a/WowLua.lua b/WowLua.lua
index e11add3..507380d 100644
--- a/WowLua.lua
+++ b/WowLua.lua
@@ -1,616 +1,652 @@
-  Copyright (c) 2007, James Whitehead II
-  All rights reserved.
-  WowLua is an interactive interpreter for World of Warcraft
--- TODO:
--- * Make the scroll bars hide/show as necessary
--- * Implement each button as required
--- * Make line numbers line up with soft-wrapped lines
--- * Disable selection of line numbers. Actually, would it be possible to make
---   it select lines a la most other edtiors?
--- * There seems to be a missing background texture in the upper-left 6th or so of the window
--- * Resizing the window should grow the edit box vertically and leave the output window static.
--- * Profit!!!
-WowLua = {
-	VERSION = "WowLua 1.0 Interactive Interpreter",
-WowLuaDB = {
-	pages = { ["Untitled 1"] = "", [1] = "Untitled 1"},
-	currentPage = 1,
-	untitled = 1,
-local function wowpad_print(...)
-	local out = ""
-	for i=1,select("#", ...) do
-		-- Comma seperate values
-		if i > 1 then
-			out = out .. ", "
-		end
-		out = out .. tostring(select(i, ...))
-	end
-	WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cff999999" .. out .. "|r")
-if not print then
-	print = wowpad_print
-local function processSpecialCommands(txt)
-	if txt == "/reload" then
-		ReloadUI()
-		return true
-	elseif txt == "/reset" then
-		WowLuaFrame:ClearAllPoints()
-		WowLuaFrame:SetPoint("CENTER")
-		WowLuaFrame:SetWidth(640)
-		WowLuaFrame:SetHeight(512)
-		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:ClearAllPoints()
-		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, -220)
-		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, -220)
-		return true
-	end
-function WowLua:ProcessLine(text)
-	WowLuaFrameCommandEditBox:SetText("")
-	if processSpecialCommands(text) then
-		return
-	end
-	-- escape any color codes:
-	local output = text:gsub("\124", "\124\124")
-	WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage(WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:GetText() .. output)
-	WowLuaFrameCommandEditBox:AddHistoryLine(output)
-	-- If they're using "= value" syntax, just print it
-	text = text:gsub("^%s*=%s*(.+)", "print(%1)")
-	-- Store this command into self.cmd in case we have multiple lines
-	if self.cmd then
-		self.cmd = self.cmd .. "\n" .. text
-		self.orig = self.orig .. "\n" .. text
-	else
-		self.cmd = text
-		self.orig = text
-	end
-	-- Trim the command before we run it
-	self.cmd = string.trim(self.cmd)
-	-- Process the current command
-	local func,err = loadstring(self.cmd)
-	-- Fail to compile?  Give it a return
-	-- Check to see if this just needs a return in front of it
-	if not func then
-		local newfunc,newerr = loadstring("print(" .. self.cmd .. ")")
-		if newfunc then
-			func,err = newfunc,newerr
-		end
-	end
-	if not func then
-		-- Check to see if this is just an unfinished block
-		if err:sub(-7, -1) == "'<eof>'" then
-			-- Change the prompt
-			WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:SetText(">> ")
-			return
-		end
-		WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
-		self.cmd = nil
-		WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:SetText("> ")
-	else
-		-- Make print a global function
-		local old_print = print
-		print = wowpad_print
-		-- Call the function
-		local succ,err = pcall(func)
-		-- Restore the value of print
-		print = old_print
-		if not succ then
-			WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
-		end
-		self.cmd = nil
-		WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:SetText("> ")
-	end
-function WowLua.RunScript(text)
-	-- escape any color codes:
-	local output = text:gsub("\124", "\124\124")
-	if text == "/reload" then
-		ReloadUI()
-	end
-	-- If they're using "= value" syntax, just print it
-	text = text:gsub("^%s*=%s*(.+)", "print(%1)")
-	-- Trim the command before we run it
-	text = string.trim(text)
-	-- Process the current command
-	local func,err = loadstring(text, "WowLua")
-	if not func then
-		WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
-		return false, err
-	else
-		-- Make print a global function
-		local old_print = print
-		print = wowpad_print
-		-- Call the function
-		local succ,err = pcall(func)
-		-- Restore the value of print
-		print = old_print
-		if not succ then
-			WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
-			return false, err
-		end
-	end
-	return true
-function WowLua.Initialize(self)
-	WowLua.OnSizeChanged(self)
-	table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "WowLuaFrame")
-			PlaySound("igMainMenuOpen");
-local tooltips = {
-	["New"] = "Create a new script page",
-	["Open"] = "Open an existing script page",
-	["Save As"] = "Save the current page with a name",
-	["Undo"] = "Revert to the last saved version",
-	["Delete"] = "Delete the current page",
-	["Lock"] = "Locks/unlocks the current page from being changed",
-	["Previous"] = "Navigate back one page",
-	["Next"] = "Navigate forward one page",
-	["Run"] = "Run the current script",
-function WowLua.Button_OnEnter(self)
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_BOTTOM");
-	local operation = self:GetName():match("WowLuaButton_(.+)"):gsub("_", " ")
-	GameTooltip:SetText(operation)
-	if tooltips[operation] then
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(tooltips[operation], 1, 1, 1)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Show();
-function WowLua.Button_OnLeave(self)
-	GameTooltip:Hide()
-function WowLua.Button_OnClick(self)
-	local operation = self:GetName():match("WowLuaButton_(.+)")
-	if operation == "New" then
-		local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
-		WowLuaDB.pages[page] = text
-		WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText("")
-		WowLuaDB.untitled = WowLuaDB.untitled + 1
-		WowLuaDB.pages[#WowLuaDB.pages + 1] = string.format("Untitled %d", WowLuaDB.untitled)
-		WowLuaDB.currentPage = #WowLuaDB.pages
-		WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
-		SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		WowLuaButton_Previous:Enable()
-		SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-	elseif operation == "Open" then
-	elseif operation == "Save_As" then
-	elseif operation == "Undo" then
-		local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[page])
-	elseif operation == "Delete" then
-		local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		WowLuaDB.pages[page] = nil
-		table.remove(WowLuaDB.pages, WowLuaDB.currentPage)
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage > 1 then
-			WowLuaDB.currentPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage - 1
-		end
-		local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[page])
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage == 1 then
-			WowLuaButton_Previous:Disable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		else
-			WowLuaButton_Previous:Enable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-		end
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage == #WowLuaDB.pages then
-			WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		else
-			WowLuaButton_Next:Enable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-		end
-	elseif operation == "Lock" then
-	elseif operation == "Previous" then
-		local cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
-		WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] = text
-		WowLuaDB.currentPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage - 1
-		cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] or "")
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage == 1 then
-			WowLuaButton_Previous:Disable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		else
-			WowLuaButton_Previous:Enable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-		end
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage == #WowLuaDB.pages then
-			WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		else
-			WowLuaButton_Next:Enable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-		end
-	elseif operation == "Next" then
-		local cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
-		WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] = text
-		WowLuaDB.currentPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage + 1
-		cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-		WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] or "")
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage == #WowLuaDB.pages then
-			WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		else
-			WowLuaButton_Next:Enable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-		end
-		if WowLuaDB.currentPage == 1 then
-			WowLuaButton_Previous:Disable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-		else
-			WowLuaButton_Previous:Enable()
-			SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),false)
-		end
-	elseif operation == "Run" then
-		-- Run the script, if there is an error then highlight it
-		local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
-		if text then
-			local succ,err = WowLua.RunScript(text)
-			if not succ then
-				local chunkName,lineNum = err:match("(%b[]):(%d+):")
-				lineNum = tonumber(lineNum)
-				WowLua.UpdateLineNums(lineNum)
-				-- Highlight the text in the editor by finding the char of the line number we're on
-				text = WowLua.indent.coloredGetText(WowLuaFrameEditBox)
-				local curLine,start = 1,1
-				while curLine < lineNum do
-					local s,e = text:find("\n", start)
-					start = e + 1
-					curLine = curLine + 1
-				end
-				local nextLine = select(2, text:find("\n", start))
-				WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetFocus()
-				WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetCursorPosition(start - 1)
-			end
-			local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-			WowLuaDB.pages[page] = text
-		end
-	end
-local function slashHandler(txt)
-	local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
-	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[page] or "")
-	if WowLuaDB.currentPage == 1 then
-		WowLuaButton_Previous:Disable()
-		SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-	end
-	if WowLuaDB.currentPage == #WowLuaDB.pages then
-		WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
-		SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),true)
-	end
-	--WowLua:CreateFrame()
-	WowLuaFrame:Show()
-	if processSpecialCommands(txt) then
-		return
-	end
-	if txt:match("%S") then
-		WowLua:ProcessLine(txt)
-	end
-	WowLuaFrameCommandEditBox:SetFocus()
-SLASH_WOWLUA1 = "/wowlua"
-SLASH_WOWLUA2 = "/lua"
-SlashCmdList["WOWLUA"] = slashHandler
-function WowLua.OnSizeChanged(self)
-	-- The first graphic is offset 13 pixels to the right
-	local width = self:GetWidth() - 13
-	local bg2w,bg3w,bg4w = 0,0,0
-	-- Resize bg2 up to 256 width
-	local bg2w = width - 256
-	if bg2w > 256 then
-		bg3w = bg2w - 256
-		bg2w = 256
-	end
-	if bg3w > 256 then
-		bg4w = bg3w - 256
-		bg3w = 256
-	end
-	local bg2 = WowLuaFrameBG2
-	local bg3 = WowLuaFrameBG3
-	local bg4 = WowLuaFrameBG4
-	if bg2w > 0 then
-		bg2:SetWidth(bg2w)
-		bg2:SetTexCoord(0, (bg2w / 256), 0, 1)
-		bg2:Show()
-	else
-		bg2:Hide()
-	end
-	if bg3w and bg3w > 0 then
-		bg3:SetWidth(bg3w)
-		bg3:SetTexCoord(0, (bg3w / 256), 0, 1)
-		bg3:Show()
-	else
-		bg3:Hide()
-	end
-	if bg4w and bg4w > 0 then
-		bg4:SetWidth(bg4w)
-		bg4:SetTexCoord(0, (bg4w / 256), 0, 1)
-		bg4:Show()
-	else
-		bg4:Hide()
-	end
-	if WowLuaFrameResizeBar then
-		-- Don't move too high, or too low
-		local parent = WowLuaFrameResizeBar:GetParent()
-		local top = parent:GetTop()
-		local bot = parent:GetBottom()
-		local maxpoint = (top - bot - 80) * -1
-		-- This is the current point, actually
-		local newPoint = select(5, WowLuaFrameResizeBar:GetPoint())
-		-- Don't move past the edges of the frame
-		if newPoint < maxpoint then
-			newPoint = maxpoint
-		elseif newPoint > -125 then
-			newPoint = -125
-		end
-		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:ClearAllPoints()
-		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, newPoint)
-		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, newPoint)
-		--[[
-		-- Get our bottom, and the bottom of the frame
-		local sbot,pbot = WowLuaFrameResizeBar:GetBottom(), parent:GetBottom()
-		-- Diff
-		local diff = pbot - sbot
-		local numLines = math.abs((diff / 14) + 1.3)
-		if numLines <= 1 then numLines = 1 end
-		WowLuaFrameOutput:SetMaxLines(numLines)
-		--]]
-	end
-function WowLua.ResizeBar_OnMouseDown(self, button)
-	self.cursorStart = select(2, GetCursorPosition())
-	self.anchorStart = select(5, self:GetPoint())
-	self:SetScript("OnUpdate", WowLua.ResizeBar_OnUpdate)
-function WowLua.ResizeBar_OnMouseUp(self, button)
-	self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-function WowLua.ResizeBar_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-	local cursorY = select(2, GetCursorPosition())
-	local newPoint = self.anchorStart - (self.cursorStart - cursorY)/self:GetEffectiveScale()
-	-- Don't move too high, or too low
-	local parent = self:GetParent()
-	local top = parent:GetTop()
-	local bot = parent:GetBottom()
-	local maxpoint = (top - bot - 80) * -1
-	-- Don't move past the edges of the frame
-	if newPoint < maxpoint then
-		newPoint = maxpoint
-	elseif newPoint > -125 then
-		newPoint = -125
-	end
-	self:ClearAllPoints()
-	self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, newPoint)
-	self:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, newPoint)
-	--[[
-	-- Get our bottom, and the bottom of the frame
-	local sbot,pbot = self:GetBottom(), parent:GetBottom()
-	-- Diff
-	local diff = pbot - sbot
-	local numLines = math.abs((diff / 14) + 1.3)
-	if numLines <= 1 then numLines = 1 end
-	WowLuaFrameOutput:SetMaxLines(numLines)
-	--]]
-function WowLua.OnVerticalScroll(scrollFrame)
-	local offset = scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll();
-	local scrollbar = getglobal(scrollFrame:GetName().."ScrollBar");
-	scrollbar:SetValue(offset);
-	local min, max = scrollbar:GetMinMaxValues();
-	local display = false;
-	if ( offset == 0 ) then
-	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollUpButton"):Disable();
-	else
-	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollUpButton"):Enable();
-	    display = true;
-	end
-	if ((scrollbar:GetValue() - max) == 0) then
-	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollDownButton"):Disable();
-	else
-	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollDownButton"):Enable();
-	    display = true;
-	end
-	if ( display ) then
-		scrollbar:Show();
-	else
-		scrollbar:Hide();
-	end
-function WowLua.UpdateLineNums(highlightNum)
-	-- highlightNum is the line number indicated by the error message
-	if highlightNum then
-		WowLua.highlightNum = highlightNum
-	else
-		highlightNum = WowLua.highlightNum
-	end
-	-- Since we know this is FAIAP enabled, we need to pass true in order
-	-- to get the raw values
-	local editbox = WowLuaFrameEditBox
-	local linebox = WowLuaFrameLineNumEditBox
-	local linetest = WowLuaFrameEditBoxLineTest
-	local linescroll = WowLuaFrameLineNumScrollFrame
-	local width = editbox:GetWidth()
-	local text = editbox:GetText(true)
-	local linetext = ""
-	local count = 1
-	for line in text:gmatch("([^\n]*\n?)") do
-		if #line > 0 then
-			if count == highlightNum then
-				linetext = linetext .. "|cFFFF1111" .. count .. "|r" .. "\n"
-			else
-				linetext = linetext .. count .. "\n"
-			end
-			count = count + 1
-			-- Check to see if the line of text spans more than one actual line
-			linetest:SetText(line:gsub("|", "||"))
-			local testwidth = linetest:GetWidth()
-			if testwidth >= width then
-				linetext = linetext .. string.rep("\n", testwidth / width)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if text:sub(-1, -1) == "\n" then
-		linetext = linetext .. count .. "\n"
-		count = count + 1
-	end
-	-- Make the line number frame wider as necessary
-	local offset = tostring(count):len() * 10
-	linescroll:ClearAllPoints()
-	linescroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", WowLuaFrame, "TOPLEFT", 18, -74)
-	linescroll:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WowLuaFrameResizeBar, "TOPLEFT", 15 + offset, -4)
-	linebox:SetText(linetext)
-	linetest:SetText(text)
-local function canScroll(scroll, direction)
-	local num, displayed, currScroll = scroll:GetNumMessages(),
-					   scroll:GetNumLinesDisplayed(),
-					   scroll:GetCurrentScroll();
-	if ( direction == "up" and
-	     (
-		num == displayed or
-		num == ( currScroll + displayed )
-	      )
-	) then
-		return false;
-	elseif ( direction == "down" and currScroll == 0 ) then
-		return false;
-	end
-	return true;
-function WowLua.UpdateScrollingMessageFrame(frame)
-	local name = frame:GetName();
-	local display = false;
-	if ( canScroll(frame, "up") ) then
-		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Enable();
-		display = true;
-	else
-		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Disable();
-	end
-	if ( canScroll(frame, "down") ) then
-		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Enable();
-		display = true;
-	else
-		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Disable();
-	end
-	if ( display ) then
-		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Show();
-		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Show();
-	else
-		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Hide();
-		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Hide();
-	end
-local scrollMethods = {
-	["line"] = { ["up"] = "ScrollUp", ["down"] = "ScrollDown" },
-	["page"] = { ["up"] = "PageUp", ["down"] = "PageDown" },
-	["end"] = { ["up"] = "ScrollToTop", ["down"] = "ScrollToBottom" },
-function WowLua.ScrollingMessageFrameScroll(scroll, direction, type)
-	-- Make sure we can scroll first
-	if ( not canScroll(scroll, direction) ) then
-		return;
-	end
-	local method = scrollMethods[type][direction];
-	scroll[method](scroll);
-function WowLua.OnTextChanged(self)
-	self.highlightNum = nil
-function WowLua.OnCursorChanged(self)
-	WowLua.dirty = true
+  Copyright (c) 2007, James Whitehead II
+  All rights reserved.
+  WowLua is an interactive interpreter for World of Warcraft
+-- TODO:
+-- * Make the scroll bars hide/show as necessary
+-- * Implement each button as required
+-- * Make line numbers line up with soft-wrapped lines
+-- * Disable selection of line numbers. Actually, would it be possible to make
+--   it select lines a la most other edtiors?
+-- * There seems to be a missing background texture in the upper-left 6th or so of the window
+-- * Resizing the window should grow the edit box vertically and leave the output window static.
+-- * Profit!!!
+WowLua = {
+	VERSION = "WowLua 1.0 Interactive Interpreter",
+WowLuaDB = {
+	pages = { ["Untitled 1"] = "", [1] = "Untitled 1"},
+	currentPage = 1,
+	untitled = 1,
+local function wowpad_print(...)
+	local out = ""
+	for i=1,select("#", ...) do
+		-- Comma seperate values
+		if i > 1 then
+			out = out .. ", "
+		end
+		out = out .. tostring(select(i, ...))
+	end
+	WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cff999999" .. out .. "|r")
+if not print then
+	print = wowpad_print
+local function processSpecialCommands(txt)
+	if txt == "/reload" then
+		ReloadUI()
+		return true
+	elseif txt == "/reset" then
+		WowLuaFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+		WowLuaFrame:SetPoint("CENTER")
+		WowLuaFrame:SetWidth(640)
+		WowLuaFrame:SetHeight(512)
+		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:ClearAllPoints()
+		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, -220)
+		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, -220)
+		return true
+	end
+function WowLua:ProcessLine(text)
+	WowLuaFrameCommandEditBox:SetText("")
+	if processSpecialCommands(text) then
+		return
+	end
+	-- escape any color codes:
+	local output = text:gsub("\124", "\124\124")
+	WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage(WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:GetText() .. output)
+	WowLuaFrameCommandEditBox:AddHistoryLine(output)
+	-- If they're using "= value" syntax, just print it
+	text = text:gsub("^%s*=%s*(.+)", "print(%1)")
+	-- Store this command into self.cmd in case we have multiple lines
+	if self.cmd then
+		self.cmd = self.cmd .. "\n" .. text
+		self.orig = self.orig .. "\n" .. text
+	else
+		self.cmd = text
+		self.orig = text
+	end
+	-- Trim the command before we run it
+	self.cmd = string.trim(self.cmd)
+	-- Process the current command
+	local func,err = loadstring(self.cmd)
+	-- Fail to compile?  Give it a return
+	-- Check to see if this just needs a return in front of it
+	if not func then
+		local newfunc,newerr = loadstring("print(" .. self.cmd .. ")")
+		if newfunc then
+			func,err = newfunc,newerr
+		end
+	end
+	if not func then
+		-- Check to see if this is just an unfinished block
+		if err:sub(-7, -1) == "'<eof>'" then
+			-- Change the prompt
+			WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:SetText(">> ")
+			return
+		end
+		WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
+		self.cmd = nil
+		WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:SetText("> ")
+	else
+		-- Make print a global function
+		local old_print = print
+		print = wowpad_print
+		-- Call the function
+		local succ,err = pcall(func)
+		-- Restore the value of print
+		print = old_print
+		if not succ then
+			WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
+		end
+		self.cmd = nil
+		WowLuaFrameCommandPrompt:SetText("> ")
+	end
+function WowLua.RunScript(text)
+	-- escape any color codes:
+	local output = text:gsub("\124", "\124\124")
+	if text == "/reload" then
+		ReloadUI()
+	end
+	-- If they're using "= value" syntax, just print it
+	text = text:gsub("^%s*=%s*(.+)", "print(%1)")
+	-- Trim the command before we run it
+	text = string.trim(text)
+	-- Process the current command
+	local func,err = loadstring(text, "WowLua")
+	if not func then
+		WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
+		return false, err
+	else
+		-- Make print a global function
+		local old_print = print
+		print = wowpad_print
+		-- Call the function
+		local succ,err = pcall(func)
+		-- Restore the value of print
+		print = old_print
+		if not succ then
+			WowLuaFrameOutput:AddMessage("|cffff0000" .. err .. "|r")
+			return false, err
+		end
+	end
+	return true
+function WowLua.Initialize(self)
+	WowLua.OnSizeChanged(self)
+	table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "WowLuaFrame")
+			PlaySound("igMainMenuOpen");
+local tooltips = {
+	["New"] = "Create a new script page",
+	["Open"] = "Open an existing script page",
+	["Save As"] = "Save the current page with a name",
+	["Undo"] = "Revert to the last saved version",
+	["Delete"] = "Delete the current page",
+	["Lock"] = "Locks/unlocks the current page from being changed",
+	["Previous"] = "Navigate back one page",
+	["Next"] = "Navigate forward one page",
+	["Run"] = "Run the current script",
+function WowLua.Button_OnEnter(self)
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_BOTTOM");
+	local operation = self:GetName():match("WowLuaButton_(.+)"):gsub("_", " ")
+	GameTooltip:SetText(operation)
+	if tooltips[operation] then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(tooltips[operation], 1, 1, 1)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show();
+function WowLua.Button_OnLeave(self)
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+function WowLua.Button_OnClick(self)
+	local operation = self:GetName():match("WowLuaButton_(.+)")
+	if operation == "New" then
+		WowLua.NewPage()
+	elseif operation == "Open" then
+		WowLua.OpenPage()
+	elseif operation == "Save_As" then
+		WowLua.SavePageAs()
+	elseif operation == "Undo" then
+		WowLua.Undo()
+	elseif operation == "Delete" then
+		WowLua.DeletePage()
+	elseif operation == "Lock" then
+		WowLua.LockPage()
+	elseif operation == "Previous" then
+		WowLua.PreviousPage()
+	elseif operation == "Next" then
+		WowLua.NextPage()
+	elseif operation == "Run" then
+		WowLua.RunPage()
+	end
+function WowLua.CommitPage()
+	local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaDB.pages[page] = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
+function WowLua.SetPrevNextStates()
+	local tex = WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture()
+	local cPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage
+	if cPage == 1 then
+		WowLuaButton_Previous:Disable()
+		SetDesaturation(tex, true)
+	else
+		WowLuaButton_Previous:Enable()
+		SetDesaturation(tex, false)
+	end
+	tex = WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture()
+	if cPage == #WowLuaDB.pages then
+		WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
+		SetDesaturation(tex, true)
+	else
+		WowLuaButton_Next:Enable()
+		SetDesaturation(tex, false)
+	end
+function WowLua.NewPage()
+	WowLua.CommitPage()
+	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText("")
+	WowLuaDB.untitled = WowLuaDB.untitled + 1
+	WowLuaDB.pages[#WowLuaDB.pages + 1] = string.format("Untitled %d", WowLuaDB.untitled)
+	WowLuaDB.currentPage = #WowLuaDB.pages
+	WowLua.SetPrevNextStates()
+	WowLua.SetTitle()
+function WowLua.OpenPage()
+function WowLua.OpenDropDownOnLoad(self)
+	--UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, WowLua.
+function WowLua.SavePageAs()
+function WowLua.Undo()
+	local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[page])
+function WowLua.DeletePage()
+	if #WowLuaDB.pages == 1 then
+		WowLua.NewPage()
+		WowLua.PreviousPage()
+	end
+	local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaDB.pages[page] = nil
+	table.remove(WowLuaDB.pages, WowLuaDB.currentPage)
+	if WowLuaDB.currentPage > 1 then
+		WowLuaDB.currentPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage - 1
+	end
+	local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[page])
+	WowLua.SetPrevNextStates()
+	WowLua.SetTitle()
+function WowLua.LockPage()
+function WowLua.PreviousPage()
+	local cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
+	WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] = text
+	WowLuaDB.currentPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage - 1
+	cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] or "")
+	WowLua.SetPrevNextStates()
+	WowLua.SetTitle()
+function WowLua.NextPage()
+	local cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
+	WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] = text
+	WowLuaDB.currentPage = WowLuaDB.currentPage + 1
+	cPage = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[cPage] or "")
+	WowLua.SetPrevNextStates()
+	WowLua.SetTitle()
+function WowLua.RunPage()
+	-- Run the script, if there is an error then highlight it
+	local text = WowLuaFrameEditBox:GetText()
+	if text then
+		local succ,err = WowLua.RunScript(text)
+		if not succ then
+			local chunkName,lineNum = err:match("(%b[]):(%d+):")
+			lineNum = tonumber(lineNum)
+			WowLua.UpdateLineNums(lineNum)
+			-- Highlight the text in the editor by finding the char of the line number we're on
+			text = WowLua.indent.coloredGetText(WowLuaFrameEditBox)
+			local curLine,start = 1,1
+			while curLine < lineNum do
+				local s,e = text:find("\n", start)
+				start = e + 1
+				curLine = curLine + 1
+			end
+			local nextLine = select(2, text:find("\n", start))
+			WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetFocus()
+			WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetCursorPosition(start - 1)
+		end
+		local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+		WowLuaDB.pages[page] = text
+	end
+function WowLua.SetTitle()
+	local pageName = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaFrameTitle:SetText(pageName.." - WowLua Editor")
+local function slashHandler(txt)
+	local page = WowLuaDB.pages[WowLuaDB.currentPage]
+	WowLuaFrameEditBox:SetText(WowLuaDB.pages[page] or "")
+	if WowLuaDB.currentPage == 1 then
+		WowLuaButton_Previous:Disable()
+		SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Previous:GetNormalTexture(),true)
+	end
+	if WowLuaDB.currentPage == #WowLuaDB.pages then
+		WowLuaButton_Next:Disable()
+		SetDesaturation(WowLuaButton_Next:GetNormalTexture(),true)
+	end
+	--WowLua:CreateFrame()
+	WowLuaFrame:Show()
+	WowLua.SetTitle()
+	if processSpecialCommands(txt) then
+		return
+	end
+	if txt:match("%S") then
+		WowLua:ProcessLine(txt)
+	end
+	WowLuaFrameCommandEditBox:SetFocus()
+SLASH_WOWLUA1 = "/wowlua"
+SLASH_WOWLUA2 = "/lua"
+SlashCmdList["WOWLUA"] = slashHandler
+function WowLua.OnSizeChanged(self)
+	-- The first graphic is offset 13 pixels to the right
+	local width = self:GetWidth() - 13
+	local bg2w,bg3w,bg4w = 0,0,0
+	-- Resize bg2 up to 256 width
+	local bg2w = width - 256
+	if bg2w > 256 then
+		bg3w = bg2w - 256
+		bg2w = 256
+	end
+	if bg3w > 256 then
+		bg4w = bg3w - 256
+		bg3w = 256
+	end
+	local bg2 = WowLuaFrameBG2
+	local bg3 = WowLuaFrameBG3
+	local bg4 = WowLuaFrameBG4
+	if bg2w > 0 then
+		bg2:SetWidth(bg2w)
+		bg2:SetTexCoord(0, (bg2w / 256), 0, 1)
+		bg2:Show()
+	else
+		bg2:Hide()
+	end
+	if bg3w and bg3w > 0 then
+		bg3:SetWidth(bg3w)
+		bg3:SetTexCoord(0, (bg3w / 256), 0, 1)
+		bg3:Show()
+	else
+		bg3:Hide()
+	end
+	if bg4w and bg4w > 0 then
+		bg4:SetWidth(bg4w)
+		bg4:SetTexCoord(0, (bg4w / 256), 0, 1)
+		bg4:Show()
+	else
+		bg4:Hide()
+	end
+	if WowLuaFrameResizeBar then
+		-- Don't move too high, or too low
+		local parent = WowLuaFrameResizeBar:GetParent()
+		local top = parent:GetTop()
+		local bot = parent:GetBottom()
+		local maxpoint = (top - bot - 80) * -1
+		-- This is the current point, actually
+		local newPoint = select(5, WowLuaFrameResizeBar:GetPoint())
+		-- Don't move past the edges of the frame
+		if newPoint < maxpoint then
+			newPoint = maxpoint
+		elseif newPoint > -125 then
+			newPoint = -125
+		end
+		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:ClearAllPoints()
+		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, newPoint)
+		WowLuaFrameResizeBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, newPoint)
+		--[[
+		-- Get our bottom, and the bottom of the frame
+		local sbot,pbot = WowLuaFrameResizeBar:GetBottom(), parent:GetBottom()
+		-- Diff
+		local diff = pbot - sbot
+		local numLines = math.abs((diff / 14) + 1.3)
+		if numLines <= 1 then numLines = 1 end
+		WowLuaFrameOutput:SetMaxLines(numLines)
+		--]]
+	end
+function WowLua.ResizeBar_OnMouseDown(self, button)
+	self.cursorStart = select(2, GetCursorPosition())
+	self.anchorStart = select(5, self:GetPoint())
+	self:SetScript("OnUpdate", WowLua.ResizeBar_OnUpdate)
+function WowLua.ResizeBar_OnMouseUp(self, button)
+	self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+function WowLua.ResizeBar_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+	local cursorY = select(2, GetCursorPosition())
+	local newPoint = self.anchorStart - (self.cursorStart - cursorY)/self:GetEffectiveScale()
+	-- Don't move too high, or too low
+	local parent = self:GetParent()
+	local top = parent:GetTop()
+	local bot = parent:GetBottom()
+	local maxpoint = (top - bot - 80) * -1
+	-- Don't move past the edges of the frame
+	if newPoint < maxpoint then
+		newPoint = maxpoint
+	elseif newPoint > -125 then
+		newPoint = -125
+	end
+	self:ClearAllPoints()
+	self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, newPoint)
+	self:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, newPoint)
+	--[[
+	-- Get our bottom, and the bottom of the frame
+	local sbot,pbot = self:GetBottom(), parent:GetBottom()
+	-- Diff
+	local diff = pbot - sbot
+	local numLines = math.abs((diff / 14) + 1.3)
+	if numLines <= 1 then numLines = 1 end
+	WowLuaFrameOutput:SetMaxLines(numLines)
+	--]]
+function WowLua.OnVerticalScroll(scrollFrame)
+	local offset = scrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll();
+	local scrollbar = getglobal(scrollFrame:GetName().."ScrollBar");
+	scrollbar:SetValue(offset);
+	local min, max = scrollbar:GetMinMaxValues();
+	local display = false;
+	if ( offset == 0 ) then
+	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollUpButton"):Disable();
+	else
+	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollUpButton"):Enable();
+	    display = true;
+	end
+	if ((scrollbar:GetValue() - max) == 0) then
+	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollDownButton"):Disable();
+	else
+	    getglobal(scrollbar:GetName().."ScrollDownButton"):Enable();
+	    display = true;
+	end
+	if ( display ) then
+		scrollbar:Show();
+	else
+		scrollbar:Hide();
+	end
+function WowLua.UpdateLineNums(highlightNum)
+	-- highlightNum is the line number indicated by the error message
+	if highlightNum then
+		WowLua.highlightNum = highlightNum
+	else
+		highlightNum = WowLua.highlightNum
+	end
+	-- Since we know this is FAIAP enabled, we need to pass true in order
+	-- to get the raw values
+	local editbox = WowLuaFrameEditBox
+	local linebox = WowLuaFrameLineNumEditBox
+	local linetest = WowLuaFrameEditBoxLineTest
+	local linescroll = WowLuaFrameLineNumScrollFrame
+	local width = editbox:GetWidth()
+	local text = editbox:GetText(true)
+	local linetext = ""
+	local count = 1
+	for line in text:gmatch("([^\n]*\n?)") do
+		if #line > 0 then
+			if count == highlightNum then
+				linetext = linetext .. "|cFFFF1111" .. count .. "|r" .. "\n"
+			else
+				linetext = linetext .. count .. "\n"
+			end
+			count = count + 1
+			-- Check to see if the line of text spans more than one actual line
+			linetest:SetText(line:gsub("|", "||"))
+			local testwidth = linetest:GetWidth()
+			if testwidth >= width then
+				linetext = linetext .. string.rep("\n", testwidth / width)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if text:sub(-1, -1) == "\n" then
+		linetext = linetext .. count .. "\n"
+		count = count + 1
+	end
+	-- Make the line number frame wider as necessary
+	local offset = tostring(count):len() * 10
+	linescroll:ClearAllPoints()
+	linescroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", WowLuaFrame, "TOPLEFT", 18, -74)
+	linescroll:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WowLuaFrameResizeBar, "TOPLEFT", 15 + offset, -4)
+	linebox:SetText(linetext)
+	linetest:SetText(text)
+local function canScroll(scroll, direction)
+	local num, displayed, currScroll = scroll:GetNumMessages(),
+					   scroll:GetNumLinesDisplayed(),
+					   scroll:GetCurrentScroll();
+	if ( direction == "up" and
+	     (
+		num == displayed or
+		num == ( currScroll + displayed )
+	      )
+	) then
+		return false;
+	elseif ( direction == "down" and currScroll == 0 ) then
+		return false;
+	end
+	return true;
+function WowLua.UpdateScrollingMessageFrame(frame)
+	local name = frame:GetName();
+	local display = false;
+	if ( canScroll(frame, "up") ) then
+		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Enable();
+		display = true;
+	else
+		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Disable();
+	end
+	if ( canScroll(frame, "down") ) then
+		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Enable();
+		display = true;
+	else
+		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Disable();
+	end
+	if ( display ) then
+		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Show();
+		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Show();
+	else
+		getglobal(name.."UpButton"):Hide();
+		getglobal(name.."DownButton"):Hide();
+	end
+local scrollMethods = {
+	["line"] = { ["up"] = "ScrollUp", ["down"] = "ScrollDown" },
+	["page"] = { ["up"] = "PageUp", ["down"] = "PageDown" },
+	["end"] = { ["up"] = "ScrollToTop", ["down"] = "ScrollToBottom" },
+function WowLua.ScrollingMessageFrameScroll(scroll, direction, type)
+	-- Make sure we can scroll first
+	if ( not canScroll(scroll, direction) ) then
+		return;
+	end
+	local method = scrollMethods[type][direction];
+	scroll[method](scroll);
+function WowLua.OnTextChanged(self)
+	self.highlightNum = nil
+function WowLua.OnCursorChanged(self)
+	WowLua.dirty = true
diff --git a/WowLua.xml b/WowLua.xml
index 7226c35..95b23f2 100644
--- a/WowLua.xml
+++ b/WowLua.xml
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@

+  <Frame name="WowLuaOpenDropdown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" frameStrata="FULLSCREEN_DIALOG">
+    <Scripts>
+      <OnLoad>
+        WowLua.OpenDropDownOnLoad(self)
+      </OnLoad>
+    </Scripts>
+  </Frame>
   <Frame name="WowLuaFrame" toplevel="true" movable="true" parent="UIParent" enableMouse="true" resizable="true" frameStrata="MEDIUM">
 	<Size x="640" y="512"/>