Added PAC 5.0 "compatability". Reverted update logic to old system.
Daniel Yates [08-19-11 - 22:03]
Added PAC 5.0 "compatability". Reverted update logic to old system.
diff --git a/Core.lua b/Core.lua
index 8ee66b0..00d13f9 100644
--- a/Core.lua
+++ b/Core.lua
@@ -364,6 +364,14 @@ function CoreFrame:OnEvent(event, ...)
if(event == "ADDON_LOADED") then
-- Make sure we're the loaded one.
if(... == "PowerAurasButtons") then
+ -- Check: If PAC >= 5.0, bail.
+ if(PowaAuras and PowaAuras:VersionGreater(PowaAuras.VersionParts, {Major=4,Minor=99,Build=0,Revision=""})) then
+ self:Print("You're using Power Auras 5.0. Using my witty charms and general awesomeness, " ..
+ "this plugin has been integrated into Power Auras directly. /dance, /cheer and /lick. " ..
+ "Your settings have not been migrated, but you can do so by using the slash command " ..
+ "\"/powa pacb\". You do not need to keep this addon after migrating your settings.");
+ return;
+ end
-- Fix config first.
-- Create an epic event.
@@ -380,4 +388,4 @@ function CoreFrame:OnEvent(event, ...)
-- Register.
-CoreFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", CoreFrame.OnEvent);
\ No newline at end of file
+CoreFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", CoreFrame.OnEvent);
diff --git a/Modules/Buttons.lua b/Modules/Buttons.lua
index 6db4865..a3b4ff9 100644
--- a/Modules/Buttons.lua
+++ b/Modules/Buttons.lua
@@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ function ModuleFrame:OnInitialize()
ButtonsBySlot[button._state_action] = button;
--- -- Add a button update hook.
--- LAB:RegisterCallback("OnButtonUpdate", function(_, button)
--- if(not button:IsShown()) then return; end
--- ModuleFrame:UpdateButton(button);
--- end);
+ -- Add a button update hook.
+ LAB:RegisterCallback("OnButtonUpdate", function(_, button)
+ if(not button:IsShown()) then return; end
+ ModuleFrame:UpdateButton(button);
+ end);
-- Odds are you're using the default buttons if you're not using Dominos/BT.
@@ -378,22 +378,22 @@ function ModuleFrame:OnInitialize()
--- -- If you use Dominos or have the Blizzard buttons on, you need this.
--- if(Dominos or RazerNaga or CoreFrame:GetModuleSetting("Buttons", "RegisterBlizzardButtons")) then
--- -- Hook for button updates.
--- hooksecurefunc("ActionButton_Update", function(button)
--- if(not button:IsShown()) then return; end
--- ModuleFrame:UpdateButton(button);
--- end);
--- end
- -- Update only if slot data changes.
- CoreFrame:RegisterBlizzEventListener("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED", ModuleFrame, function(self, id)
- if(id == 0 or not ButtonsBySlot[id]) then
- ModuleFrame:UpdateAllButtons();
- else
- ModuleFrame:UpdateButton(ButtonsBySlot[id]);
- end
- end);
+ -- If you use Dominos or have the Blizzard buttons on, you need this.
+ if(Dominos or RazerNaga or CoreFrame:GetModuleSetting("Buttons", "RegisterBlizzardButtons")) then
+ -- Hook for button updates.
+ hooksecurefunc("ActionButton_Update", function(button)
+ if(not button:IsShown()) then return; end
+ ModuleFrame:UpdateButton(button);
+ end);
+ end
+-- -- Update only if slot data changes.
+-- CoreFrame:RegisterBlizzEventListener("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED", ModuleFrame, function(self, id)
+-- if(id == 0 or not ButtonsBySlot[id]) then
+-- ModuleFrame:UpdateAllButtons();
+-- else
+-- ModuleFrame:UpdateButton(ButtonsBySlot[id]);
+-- end
+-- end);
-- Create some events for modules to hook on to.