
Clique: Initial commit from old svn

James Whitehead II [11-30-06 - 23:37]
Clique: Initial commit from old svn
diff --git a/Clique.lua b/Clique.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f66d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Clique.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+  Clique by Cladhaire <cladhaire@gmail.com>
+Clique = {Locals = {}}
+DongleStub("Dongle"):New(Clique, "Clique")
+local L = Clique.Locals
+-- Create a frame for event registration
+local eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local elapsed = 0
+eventFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function()
+	elapsed = elapsed + arg1
+	if elapsed >= 2.0 then
+		elapsed = 0
+		Clique:ClearQueue()
+	end
+if not InCombatLockdown then
+    function InCombatLockdown()
+	return UnitAffectingCombat("player")
+    end
+function Clique:Enable()
+	-- Grab the localisation header
+	L = Clique.Locals
+	self.defaults = {
+		profile = {
+			[L.CLICKSET_OOC] = {},
+		}
+	}
+	self.db = self:InitializeDB("CliqueDB", self.defaults)
+	self.profile = self.db.profile
+    self.editSet = self.profile[L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT]
+    local newindex = function(t,k,v)
+		Clique:RegisterFrame(k)
+		rawset(t,k,v)
+    end
+	ClickCastFrames = ClickCastFrames or {}
+    setmetatable(ClickCastFrames, {__newindex=newindex})
+    -- Register all frames that snuck in before we did =)
+    for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+		self:RegisterFrame(frame)
+    end
+    Clique:OptionsOnLoad()
+    Clique:EnableFrames()
+	-- Run the OOC script if we need to
+	Clique:CombatUnlock()
+    -- Securehook the RaidFrame_LoadUI
+    local raidFunc = function(type, name, parent, template)
+		if template == "RaidPulloutButtonTemplate" then
+			ClickCastFrames[getglobal(name.."ClearButton")] = true
+		end
+	end
+    hooksecurefunc("CreateFrame", raidFunc)
+function Clique:EnableFrames()
+    local tbl = {
+		PlayerFrame,
+		PetFrame,
+		PartyMemberFrame1,
+		PartyMemberFrame2,
+		PartyMemberFrame3,
+		PartyMemberFrame4,
+		PartyMemberFrame1PetFrame,
+		PartyMemberFrame2PetFrame,
+		PartyMemberFrame3PetFrame,
+		PartyMemberFrame4PetFrame,
+		TargetFrame,
+		TargetofTargetFrame,
+    }
+    for i,frame in pairs(tbl) do
+		ClickCastFrames[frame] = true
+    end
+function Clique:SpellBookButtonPressed()
+    local id = SpellBook_GetSpellID(this:GetParent():GetID());
+    local texture = GetSpellTexture(id, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
+    local name, rank = GetSpellName(id, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
+    if rank == L.RACIAL_PASSIVE or rank == L.PASSIVE then
+		StaticPopup_Show("CLIQUE_PASSIVE_SKILL")
+		return
+    else
+		rank = select(3, string.find(rank, L.RANK_PATTERN))
+		if rank then rank = tonumber(rank) end
+    end
+    local type = "spell"
+	local button
+	if self.editSet == self.profile[L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL] then
+		button = string.format("%s%d", "harmbutton", self:GetButtonNumber())
+	elseif self.editSet == self.profile[L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL] then
+		button = string.format("%s%d", "helpbutton", self:GetButtonNumber())
+	else
+		button = self:GetButtonNumber()
+	end
+    -- Build the SVN/live structure
+    local t = {
+		["button"] = button,
+		["modifier"] = self:GetModifierText(),
+		["texture"] = GetSpellTexture(id, SpellBookFrame.bookType),
+		["type"] = type,
+		["arg1"] = name,
+		["arg2"] = rank,
+    }
+    local key = t.modifier .. t.button
+    if self:CheckBinding(key) then
+	return
+    end
+    self.editSet[key] = t
+    self:SetAction(t)
+    self:ListScrollUpdate()
+function Clique:CombatLockdown()
+	self:Debug(1, "Going into combat mode")
+	-- Remove all OOC clicks
+	for k,v in pairs(self.profile[L.CLICKSET_OOC]) do
+		self:DeleteAction(v)
+		self:Debug(1, "Removing %s, %s", v.type, tostring(v.arg1))
+	end
+	-- Just bluntly force our clicks back onto the frames
+    for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+		self:RegisterFrame(frame)
+    end
+function Clique:CombatUnlock()
+	self:Debug(1, "Setting any out of combat clicks")
+    for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+		for k,v in pairs(self.profile[L.CLICKSET_OOC]) do
+			self:SetAttribute(v,frame)
+		end
+	end
+local queue = {}
+function Clique:CombatDelay(tbl)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then
+		if #queue == 0 then
+			self:Print("Cannot make changes in combat.  These changes will be delayed until you exit combat.")
+		end
+		table.insert(queue, tbl)
+		eventFrame:Show()
+		return true
+	end
+function Clique:ClearQueue()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	eventFrame:Hide()
+	self:Print("Out of combat.  Applying all queued changes.")
+	for k,v in ipairs(queue) do
+	    if v.GetAttribute then
+			self:RegisterFrame(v)
+	    else
+			if v.delete then
+				self:DeleteAction(v)
+			else
+				self:SetAction(v)
+			end
+	    end
+	end
+	queue = {}
+function Clique:RegisterFrame(frame)
+	if self:CombatDelay(frame) then return end
+	-- Ensure we have all the buttons registered
+	frame:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
+	for name,set in pairs(self.profile) do
+		if name ~= L.CLICKSET_OOC then
+			for modifier,entry in pairs(set) do
+				self:SetAttribute(entry, frame)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function Clique:ProfileChanged(new)
+	for name,set in pairs(self.profile) do
+	    for modifier,entry in pairs(set) do
+			self:DeleteAction(entry)
+	    end
+	end
+	self.profile = self.db.profile
+    self.editSet = self.profile[L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT]
+	self.profileKey = new
+	-- refresh the dropdown if its active
+	CliqueDropDownProfile:Hide()
+	CliqueDropDownProfile:Show()
+	self:Print("Profile changed to '%s'", new)
+    for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+		self:RegisterFrame(frame)
+    end
+function Clique:SetAttribute(entry, frame)
+	-- Set up any special attributes
+	local type,button,value
+	if not tonumber(entry.button) then
+		type,button = select(3, string.find(entry.button, "(%a+)button(%d+)"))
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier..entry.button, type..button)
+		button = string.format("-%s%s", type, button)
+	end
+	button = button or entry.button
+	if entry.type == "actionbar" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."action"..button, entry.arg1)
+	elseif entry.type == "action" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."action"..button, entry.arg1)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg2)
+	elseif entry.type == "pet" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."action"..button, entry.arg1)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg2)
+	elseif entry.type == "spell" then
+		local rank = tonumber(entry.arg2)
+		local cast = string.format(rank and L.CAST_FORMAT or "%s", entry.arg1, rank)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."spell"..button, cast)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."bag"..button, entry.arg2)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."slot"..button, entry.arg3)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."item"..button, entry.arg4)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg5)
+	elseif entry.type == "item" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."bag"..button, entry.arg1)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."slot"..button, entry.arg2)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."item"..button, entry.arg3)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg4)
+	elseif entry.type == "macro" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."macro"..button, entry.arg1)
+	elseif entry.type == "stop" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+	elseif entry.type == "target" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg1)
+	elseif entry.type == "focus" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg1)
+	elseif entry.type == "assist" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg1)
+	elseif entry.type == "click" then
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, entry.type)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."delegate"..button, getglobal(entry.arg1))
+	end
+function Clique:SetAction(entry)
+	if self:CombatDelay(entry) then return end
+	for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+		self:SetAttribute(entry, frame)
+	end
+function Clique:DeleteAction(entry)
+	local type,button,value
+	if not tonumber(entry.button) then
+		type,button = select(3, string.find(entry.button, "(%a+)button(%d+)"))
+		for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+			frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier..entry.button, nil)
+		end
+		button = string.format("-%s%s", type, button)
+	end
+	button = button or entry.button
+	entry.delete = true
+	if self:CombatDelay(entry) then return end
+	for frame in pairs(ClickCastFrames) do
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."type"..button, nil)
+		frame:SetAttribute(entry.modifier..entry.type..button, nil)
+	end
+function Clique:Print(msg, ...)
+	if string.find(msg, "%%") then
+		-- This is a string format, so lets format
+		msg = string.format(msg, ...)
+	end
+	ChatFrame1:AddMessage("|cFF33FF99Clique|r: " .. tostring(msg))
diff --git a/Clique.toc b/Clique.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437e21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Clique.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## Interface: 20000
+## Title: Clique
+## Author: Cladhaire
+## Notes: Simply powerful click-casting interface
+## SavedVariables: CliqueDB
+## OptionalDeps: Dongle
diff --git a/Clique.xml b/Clique.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e386fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Clique.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+      <CheckButton name="CliqueIconTemplate" virtual="true">
+                <Size>
+                        <AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
+                </Size>
+                <Layers>
+                        <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+                                <Texture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-EmptySlot-Disabled">
+                                        <Size>
+                                                <AbsDimension x="64" y="64"/>
+                                        </Size>
+                                        <Anchors>
+                                                <Anchor point="CENTER">
+                                                        <Offset>
+                                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
+                                                        </Offset>
+                                                </Anchor>
+                                        </Anchors>
+                                </Texture>
+                        </Layer>
+                </Layers>
+                <NormalTexture name="$parentIcon">
+                        <Size>
+                                <AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
+                        </Size>
+                        <Anchors>
+                                <Anchor point="CENTER">
+                                        <Offset>
+                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
+                                        </Offset>
+                                </Anchor>
+                        </Anchors>
+                </NormalTexture>
+                <HighlightTexture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Buttons\ButtonHilight-Square"/>
+                <CheckedTexture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Buttons\CheckButtonHilight"/>
+        <Scripts>
+            <OnClick>
+                Clique:SetSpellIcon()
+            </OnClick>
+        </Scripts>
+        </CheckButton>
diff --git a/CliqueOptions.lua b/CliqueOptions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a1eee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CliqueOptions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1279 @@
+local L = Clique.Locals
+local NUM_ENTRIES = 10
+local ENTRY_SIZE = 35
+local work = {}
+function Clique:OptionsOnLoad()
+    -- Create a set of buttons to hook the SpellbookFrame
+    self.spellbuttons = {}
+    local onclick = function() Clique:SpellBookButtonPressed() end
+    local onleave = function()
+        this.updateTooltip = nil
+        GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end
+    for i=1,12 do
+        local parent = getglobal("SpellButton"..i)
+        local button = CreateFrame("Button", nil, parent)
+        button:SetID(parent:GetID())
+        button:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\ButtonHilight-Square")
+        button:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp","RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
+        button:SetAllPoints(parent)
+        button:SetScript("OnClick", onclick)
+        button:SetScript("OnEnter", SpellButton_OnEnter)
+        button:SetScript("OnLeave", onleave)
+		button:Hide()
+        self.spellbuttons[i] = button
+    end
+    CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliquePulloutTab", SpellBookFrame, "SpellBookSkillLineTabTemplate")
+    CliquePulloutTab:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\Images\\CliqueIcon")
+    CliquePulloutTab:SetScript("OnClick", function() Clique:Toggle() end)
+    CliquePulloutTab:SetScript("OnEnter", function() local i = 1 end)
+    CliquePulloutTab:SetScript("OnShow", function()
+		Clique.inuse = nil
+        for k,v in pairs(self.profile) do
+            if next(v) then
+                Clique.inuse = true
+            end
+        end
+        if not Clique.inuse then
+            CliqueFlashFrame.texture:Show()
+            UIFrameFlash(CliqueFlashFrame, 0.5, 0.5, 30, nil)
+        end
+    end)
+    local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueFlashFrame", CliquePulloutTab)
+    frame:SetWidth(10) frame:SetHeight(10)
+    frame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
+    local texture = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+    texture:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\CheckButtonGlow")
+    texture:SetHeight(64) texture:SetWidth(64)
+    texture:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
+    texture:Hide()
+    CliqueFlashFrame.texture = texture
+    CliquePulloutTab:Show()
+    local num = GetNumSpellTabs()
+    CliquePulloutTab:ClearAllPoints()
+    CliquePulloutTab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","SpellBookSkillLineTab"..(num),"BOTTOMLEFT",0,-17)
+	-- Hook the container buttons
+	local containerFunc = function(button)
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() and CliqueCustomArg1 then
+			if CliqueCustomArg1:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg1:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg2:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg2:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg3:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg3:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg4:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg4:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg5:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg5:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()))
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	hooksecurefunc("ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick", containerFunc)
+	-- Hook the bank buttons
+	local bankFunc = function(button)
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() and CliqueCustomArg1 then
+			if CliqueCustomArg1:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg1:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER, this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg2:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg2:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER, this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg3:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg3:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER, this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg4:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg4:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER, this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg5:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg5:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER, this:GetID()))
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	hooksecurefunc("BankFrameItemButtonGeneric_OnModifiedClick", bankFunc)
+	-- Hook the paper doll frame buttons
+	local dollFunc = function(button)
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() and CliqueCustomArg1 then
+			if CliqueCustomArg1:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg1:Insert(GetInventoryItemLink("player", this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg2:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg2:Insert(GetInventoryItemLink("player", this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg3:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg3:Insert(GetInventoryItemLink("player", this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg4:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg4:Insert(GetInventoryItemLink("player", this:GetID()))
+			elseif CliqueCustomArg5:HasFocus() then
+				CliqueCustomArg5:Insert(GetInventoryItemLink("player", this:GetID()))
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	hooksecurefunc("PaperDollItemSlotButton_OnModifiedClick", dollFunc)
+function Clique:ToggleSpellBookButtons()
+   local method = CliqueFrame:IsVisible() and "Show" or "Hide"
+   local buttons = self.spellbuttons
+   for i=1,12 do
+      buttons[i][method](buttons[i])
+   end
+function Clique:Toggle()
+    if not CliqueFrame then
+        Clique:CreateOptionsFrame()
+		CliqueFrame:Hide()
+		CliqueFrame:Show()
+	else
+        if CliqueFrame:IsVisible() then
+            CliqueFrame:Hide()
+			CliquePulloutTab:SetChecked(nil)
+        else
+            CliqueFrame:Show()
+			CliquePulloutTab:SetChecked(true)
+        end
+    end
+    Clique:ToggleSpellBookButtons()
+    self:ListScrollUpdate()
+-- This code is contributed with permission from Beladona
+local ondragstart = function()
+	this:GetParent():StartMoving()
+local ondragstop = function()
+	this:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing()
+	this:GetParent():SetUserPlaced()
+function Clique:SkinFrame(frame)
+	frame:SetBackdrop({
+		bgFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\backdrop.tga",
+		edgeFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\borders.tga", tile = true,
+		tileSize = 32, edgeSize = 16,
+		insets = {left = 16, right = 16, top = 16, bottom = 16}
+	});
+	frame:EnableMouse()
+	frame.titleBar = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame)
+	frame.titleBar:SetHeight(32)
+	frame.titleBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 2, -2)
+	frame.titleBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -2, -2)
+	frame:SetMovable(true)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM")
+	frame.titleBar:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+	frame.titleBar:SetScript("OnDragStart", ondragstart)
+	frame.titleBar:SetScript("OnDragStop", ondragstop)
+	frame.headerLeft = frame.titleBar:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK");
+	frame.headerLeft:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\headCorner.tga");
+	frame.headerLeft:SetWidth(32); frame.headerLeft:SetHeight(32);
+	frame.headerLeft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
+	frame.headerRight = frame.titleBar:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK");
+	frame.headerRight:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\headCorner.tga");
+	frame.headerRight:SetTexCoord(1,0,0,1);
+	frame.headerRight:SetWidth(32); frame.headerRight:SetHeight(32);
+	frame.headerRight:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, 0);
+	frame.header = frame.titleBar:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK");
+	frame.header:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\header.tga");
+	frame.header:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.headerLeft, "TOPRIGHT");
+	frame.header:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.headerRight, "BOTTOMLEFT");
+	frame.title = frame.titleBar:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall");
+	frame.title:SetWidth(200); frame.title:SetHeight(16);
+	frame.title:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -2);
+	frame.footerLeft = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK");
+	frame.footerLeft:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\footCorner.tga");
+	frame.footerLeft:SetWidth(48); frame.footerLeft:SetHeight(48);
+	frame.footerLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, 2);
+	frame.footerRight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK");
+	frame.footerRight:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\footCorner.tga");
+	frame.footerRight:SetTexCoord(1,0,0,1);
+	frame.footerRight:SetWidth(48); frame.footerRight:SetHeight(48);
+	frame.footerRight:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2);
+	frame.footer = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK");
+	frame.footer:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Clique\\images\\footer.tga");
+	frame.footer:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.footerLeft, "TOPRIGHT");
+	frame.footer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.footerRight, "BOTTOMLEFT");
+function Clique:CreateOptionsFrame()
+    local frames = {}
+    self.frames = frames
+    local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueFrame", SpellBookFrame)
+    frame:SetHeight(415)
+    frame:SetWidth(400)
+    frame:SetPoint("LEFT", SpellBookFrame, "RIGHT", 15, 30)
+	self:SkinFrame(frame)
+	frame.title:SetText("Clique (BC) v0.1");
+	frame:SetScript("OnShow", function()
+		if Clique.inuse then
+			CliqueHelpText:Hide()
+		else
+			CliqueHelpText:Show()
+		end
+	end)
+    local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueListFrame", CliqueFrame)
+    frame:SetAllPoints()
+    local onclick = function()
+    local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueListScroll)
+        self.listSelected = offset + this.id
+        Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+    end
+    local onenter = function() this:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 1) end
+    local onleave = function()
+        local selected = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueListScroll) + this.id
+        if selected == self.listSelected then
+            this:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0)
+        else
+            this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
+        end
+    end
+    for i=1,NUM_ENTRIES do
+        local entry = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueList"..i, frame)
+        entry.id = i
+        entry:SetHeight(ENTRY_SIZE)
+        entry:SetWidth(390)
+        entry:SetBackdrop({
+          bgFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background",
+          edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+          tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 16,
+          insets = {left = 2, right = 2, top = 2, bottom = 2}})
+        entry:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
+        entry:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3)
+        entry:SetScript("OnClick", onclick)
+        entry:SetScript("OnEnter", onenter)
+        entry:SetScript("OnLeave", onleave)
+        entry.icon = entry:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+        entry.icon:SetHeight(24)
+        entry.icon:SetWidth(24)
+        entry.icon:SetPoint("LEFT", 5, 0)
+        entry.name = entry:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+        entry.name:SetPoint("LEFT", entry.icon, "RIGHT", 5, 0)
+        entry.binding = entry:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+        entry.binding:SetPoint("RIGHT", entry, "RIGHT", -5, 0)
+        frames[i] = entry
+    end
+    frames[1]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 5, -55)
+    for i=2,NUM_ENTRIES do
+        frames[i]:SetPoint("TOP", frames[i-1], "BOTTOM", 0, 2)
+    end
+    local endButton = getglobal("CliqueList"..NUM_ENTRIES)
+    CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "CliqueListScroll", CliqueListFrame, "FauxScrollFrameTemplate")
+    CliqueListScroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueList1, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+    CliqueListScroll:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", endButton, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+    local texture = CliqueListScroll:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+    texture:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground")
+    texture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueListScroll, "TOPRIGHT", 14, 0)
+    texture:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", CliqueListScroll, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 23, 0)
+    texture:SetGradientAlpha("HORIZONTAL", 0.5, 0.25, 0.05, 0, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1)
+    local texture = CliqueListScroll:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+    texture:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground")
+    texture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueListScroll, "TOPRIGHT", 4, 0)
+    texture:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", CliqueListScroll, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 14, 0)
+    texture:SetGradientAlpha("HORIZONTAL", 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.05, 0)
+    local update = function() Clique:ListScrollUpdate() end
+    CliqueListScroll:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function() FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(ENTRY_SIZE, update) end)
+    CliqueListScroll:SetScript("OnShow", update)
+	-- Dropdown Frame
+	CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueDropDown", CliqueFrame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+	CliqueDropDown:SetID(1)
+	CliqueDropDown:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -115, -25)
+	CliqueDropDown:SetScript("OnShow", function() Clique:DropDown_OnShow() end)
+	local font = CliqueDropDown:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+	font:SetText("Click Set:")
+	font:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueDropDown, "LEFT", 5, 3)
+	-- Profile Dropdown Frame
+	CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueDropDownProfile", CliqueFrame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+	CliqueDropDownProfile:SetID(1)
+	CliqueDropDownProfile:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueDropDown, "LEFT", -210, 0)
+	CliqueDropDownProfile:SetScript("OnShow", function() Clique:DropDownProfile_OnShow() end)
+	-- Button Creations
+    local buttonFunc = function() Clique:ButtonOnClick() end
+	local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueButtonClose", CliqueFrame.titleBar, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+	button:SetHeight(25)
+	button:SetWidth(25)
+	button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -5, 3)
+	button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueButtonDelete", CliqueFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(24)
+    button:SetWidth(70)
+    button:SetText("Delete")
+    button:SetPoint("BOTTOM", -38, 4)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueButtonEdit", CliqueFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(24)
+    button:SetWidth(70)
+    button:SetText("Edit")
+    button:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 38, 4)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueButtonMax", CliqueFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(24)
+    button:SetWidth(70)
+    button:SetText("Max Rank")
+    button:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueButtonEdit, "RIGHT", 6, 0)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+	-- Create the custom edit screen
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueButtonCustom", CliqueFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(24)
+    button:SetWidth(70)
+    button:SetText("Custom")
+    button:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueButtonDelete, "LEFT", -6, 0)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+	self.customEntry = {}
+    local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueCustomFrame", CliqueFrame)
+    frame:SetHeight(375)
+	frame:SetWidth(450)
+	frame:SetPoint("CENTER", 70, -50)
+	self:SkinFrame(frame)
+	frame.title:SetText("Clique Custom Editor");
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH")
+    frame:Hide()
+	-- Help text for Custom screen
+	local font = frame:CreateFontString("CliqueCustomHelpText", "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlight")
+	font:SetWidth(260) font:SetHeight(100)
+	font:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -25)
+	font:SetText(L.CUSTOM_HELP)
+	local checkFunc = function() Clique:CustomRadio() end
+	self.radio = {}
+	local buttons = {
+		{type = "actionbar", name = "Change ActionBar"},
+		{type = "action", name = "Action Button"},
+		{type = "pet", name = "Pet Action Button"},
+		{type = "spell", name = "Cast Spell"},
+		{type = "item", name = "Use Item"},
+		{type = "macro", name = "Run Custom Macro"},
+		{type = "stop", name = "Stop Casting"},
+		{type = "target", name = "Target Unit"},
+		{type = "focus", name = "Set Focus"},
+		{type = "assist", name = "Assist Unit"},
+		{type = "click", name = "Click Button"},
+	}
+	local entry = buttons[1]
+	local name = "CliqueRadioButton"..entry.type
+	local button = CreateFrame("CheckButton", name, CliqueCustomFrame, "UIRadioButtonTemplate")
+	button.type = entry.type
+	getglobal(name.."Text"):SetText(entry.name)
+	button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 5, -30)
+	button:SetScript("OnClick", checkFunc)
+	self.radio[button] = true
+	local prev = button
+	for i=2,#buttons do
+		local entry = buttons[i]
+		local name = "CliqueRadioButton"..entry.type
+		local button = CreateFrame("CheckButton", name, CliqueCustomFrame, "UIRadioButtonTemplate")
+		button.type = entry.type
+		getglobal(name.."Text"):SetText(entry.name)
+		button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", prev, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+		button:SetScript("OnClick", checkFunc)
+		self.radio[button] = true
+		prev = button
+	end
+	-- Disable the click button
+	CliqueRadioButtonclick:Disable()
+	-- Button to set the binding
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueCustomButtonBinding", CliqueCustomFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(30)
+    button:SetWidth(175)
+    button:SetText("Set Click Binding")
+    button:SetPoint("TOP", CliqueCustomHelpText, "BOTTOM", 40, -10)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", function() Clique:CustomBinding_OnClick() end )
+	button:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
+	-- Button for icon selection
+	local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueCustomButtonIcon", CliqueCustomFrame)
+	button.icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+	button.icon:SetAllPoints()
+	button.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Rogue_Sprint")
+	button:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\ButtonHilight-Square")
+	button:GetHighlightTexture():SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	button:SetHeight(30)
+	button:SetWidth(30)
+	button:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueCustomButtonBinding, "LEFT", -15, 0)
+    local func = function()
+        GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT")
+		GameTooltip:SetText("Click here to set icon")
+        GameTooltip:Show()
+    end
+    button:SetScript("OnEnter", func)
+    button:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+	button:SetScript("OnClick", function() CliqueIconSelectFrame:Show() end)
+	-- Create the editboxes for action arguments
+	local edit = CreateFrame("EditBox", "CliqueCustomArg1", CliqueCustomFrame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	edit:SetHeight(30)
+	edit:SetWidth(200)
+	edit:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CliqueCustomFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -10, -190)
+	edit:SetAutoFocus(nil)
+	edit:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function()
+		if CliqueCustomArg2:IsVisible() then
+			CliqueCustomArg2:SetFocus()
+		end
+	end)
+	edit.label = edit:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	edit.label:SetText("Spell Name:")
+	edit.label:SetPoint("RIGHT", edit, "LEFT", -10, 0)
+	edit.label:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+	edit:Hide()
+	-- Argument 2
+	local edit = CreateFrame("EditBox", "CliqueCustomArg2", CliqueCustomFrame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	edit:SetHeight(30)
+	edit:SetWidth(200)
+	edit:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CliqueCustomArg1, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+	edit:SetAutoFocus(nil)
+	edit:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function()
+		if CliqueCustomArg3:IsVisible() then
+			CliqueCustomArg3:SetFocus()
+		end
+	end)
+	edit.label = edit:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	edit.label:SetText("Spell Name:")
+	edit.label:SetPoint("RIGHT", edit, "LEFT", -10, 0)
+	edit.label:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+	edit:Hide()
+	-- Argument 3
+	local edit = CreateFrame("EditBox", "CliqueCustomArg3", CliqueCustomFrame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	edit:SetHeight(30)
+	edit:SetWidth(200)
+	edit:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CliqueCustomArg2, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+	edit:SetAutoFocus(nil)
+	edit:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function()
+		if CliqueCustomArg4:IsVisible() then
+			CliqueCustomArg4:SetFocus()
+		end
+	end)
+	edit.label = edit:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	edit.label:SetText("Spell Name:")
+	edit.label:SetPoint("RIGHT", edit, "LEFT", -10, 0)
+	edit.label:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+	edit:Hide()
+	-- Argument 4
+	local edit = CreateFrame("EditBox", "CliqueCustomArg4", CliqueCustomFrame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	edit:SetHeight(30)
+	edit:SetWidth(200)
+	edit:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CliqueCustomArg3, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+	edit:SetAutoFocus(nil)
+	edit:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function()
+		if CliqueCustomArg5:IsVisible() then
+			CliqueCustomArg5:SetFocus()
+		end
+	end)
+	edit.label = edit:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	edit.label:SetText("Spell Name:")
+	edit.label:SetPoint("RIGHT", edit, "LEFT", -10, 0)
+	edit.label:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+	edit:Hide()
+	-- Argument 5
+	local edit = CreateFrame("EditBox", "CliqueCustomArg5", CliqueCustomFrame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	edit:SetHeight(30)
+	edit:SetWidth(200)
+	edit:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CliqueCustomArg4, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+	edit:SetAutoFocus(nil)
+	edit:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function()
+		if CliqueCustomArg1:IsVisible() then
+			CliqueCustomArg1:SetFocus()
+		end
+	end)
+	edit.label = edit:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	edit.label:SetText("Spell Name:")
+	edit.label:SetPoint("RIGHT", edit, "LEFT", -10, 0)
+	edit.label:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+	edit:Hide()
+	-- Bottom buttons
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueCustomButtonCancel", CliqueCustomFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(24)
+    button:SetWidth(70)
+    button:SetText("Cancel")
+    button:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 65, 4)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+    local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueCustomButtonSave", CliqueCustomFrame, "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate")
+    button:SetHeight(24)
+    button:SetWidth(70)
+    button:SetText("Save")
+    button:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueCustomButtonCancel, "RIGHT", 6, 0)
+    button:SetScript("OnClick", buttonFunc)
+	-- Create the macro icon frame
+	CreateFrame("Frame", "CliqueIconSelectFrame", CliqueCustomFrame)
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:SetWidth(296)
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:SetHeight(250)
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0)
+	self:SkinFrame(CliqueIconSelectFrame)
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame.title:SetText("Select an icon")
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:Hide()
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon1", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon1:SetID(1)
+	CliqueIcon1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 25, -35)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon2", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon2:SetID(2)
+	CliqueIcon2:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon1, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon3", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon3:SetID(3)
+	CliqueIcon3:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon2, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon4", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon4:SetID(4)
+	CliqueIcon4:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon3, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon5", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon5:SetID(5)
+	CliqueIcon5:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon4, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon6", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon6:SetID(6)
+	CliqueIcon6:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueIcon1, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon7", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon7:SetID(7)
+	CliqueIcon7:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon6, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon8", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon8:SetID(8)
+	CliqueIcon8:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon7, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon9", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon9:SetID(9)
+	CliqueIcon9:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon8, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon10", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon10:SetID(10)
+	CliqueIcon10:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon9, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon11", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon11:SetID(11)
+	CliqueIcon11:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueIcon6, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon12", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon12:SetID(12)
+	CliqueIcon12:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon11, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon13", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon13:SetID(13)
+	CliqueIcon13:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon12, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon14", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon14:SetID(14)
+	CliqueIcon14:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon13, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon15", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon15:SetID(15)
+	CliqueIcon15:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon14, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon16", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon16:SetID(16)
+	CliqueIcon16:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueIcon11, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon17", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon17:SetID(17)
+	CliqueIcon17:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon16, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon18", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon18:SetID(18)
+	CliqueIcon18:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon17, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon19", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon19:SetID(19)
+	CliqueIcon19:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon18, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CliqueIcon20", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "CliqueIconTemplate")
+	CliqueIcon20:SetID(20)
+	CliqueIcon20:SetPoint("LEFT", CliqueIcon19, "RIGHT", 10, 0)
+	CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "CliqueIconScrollFrame", CliqueIconSelectFrame, "FauxScrollFrameTemplate")
+	CliqueIconScrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueIcon1, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+	CliqueIconScrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", CliqueIcon20, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 10, 0)
+	local texture = CliqueIconScrollFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	texture:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground")
+	texture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueIconScrollFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 14, 0)
+	texture:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 23, 0)
+	texture:SetVertexColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
+	local texture = CliqueIconScrollFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	texture:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground")
+	texture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CliqueIconScrollFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 4, 0)
+	texture:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 14,0)
+	texture:SetVertexColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
+	CliqueIconScrollFrame:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", function()
+															local MACRO_ICON_ROW_HEIGHT = 36
+															FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(MACRO_ICON_ROW_HEIGHT, function() Clique:UpdateIconFrame() end)
+														end)
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:SetScript("OnShow", function() Clique:UpdateIconFrame() end)
+	-- Create the CliqueHelpText
+	CliqueFrame:CreateFontString("CliqueHelpText", "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlight")
+	CliqueHelpText:SetText(L.HELP_TEXT)
+	CliqueHelpText:SetAllPoints()
+	CliqueHelpText:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	CliqueHelpText:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
+	CliqueHelpText:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
+    self.sortList = {}
+    self.listSelected = 0
+function Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+    local idx,button
+    Clique:SortList()
+    local clickCasts = self.sortList
+    local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueListScroll)
+    FauxScrollFrame_Update(CliqueListScroll, table.getn(clickCasts), NUM_ENTRIES, ENTRY_SIZE)
+    if not CliqueListScroll:IsShown() then
+        CliqueFrame:SetWidth(400)
+    else
+        CliqueFrame:SetWidth(425)
+    end
+    for i=1,NUM_ENTRIES do
+        idx = offset + i
+        button = getglobal("CliqueList"..i)
+        if idx <= table.getn(clickCasts) then
+            Clique:FillListEntry(button,idx)
+            button:Show()
+            if idx == self.listSelected then
+                button:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,0)
+            else
+                button:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
+            end
+        else
+            button:Hide()
+        end
+    end
+    Clique:ValidateButtons()
+local sortFunc = function(a,b)
+    local numA = a.button
+    local numB = b.button
+    if numA == numB then
+        return a.modifier < b.modifier
+    else
+        return tostring(numA) < tostring(numB)
+    end
+function Clique:SortList()
+    self.sortList = {}
+    for k,v in pairs(self.editSet) do
+        table.insert(self.sortList, v)
+    end
+    table.sort(self.sortList, sortFunc)
+function Clique:ValidateButtons()
+    local entry = self.sortList[self.listSelected]
+    if entry then
+        CliqueButtonDelete:Enable()
+        CliqueButtonEdit:Enable()
+        if entry.type == "spell" and entry.arg2 then
+            CliqueButtonMax:Enable()
+        else
+            CliqueButtonMax:Disable()
+        end
+    else
+        CliqueButtonDelete:Disable()
+        CliqueButtonEdit:Disable()
+        CliqueButtonMax:Disable()
+    end
+    -- This should always be enabled
+    CliqueButtonCustom:Enable()
+	-- Disable the help text
+	Clique.inuse = nil
+	for k,v in pairs(self.profile) do
+		if next(v) then
+			Clique.inuse = true
+		end
+	end
+	if Clique.inuse then
+		CliqueHelpText:Hide()
+	else
+		CliqueHelpText:Show()
+	end
+function Clique:FillListEntry(frame, idx)
+    local entry = self.sortList[idx]
+    local rank = string.format(" (Rank %d)", entry.rank or 0)
+    local type = string.format("%s%s", string.upper(string.sub(entry.type, 1, 1)), string.sub(entry.type, 2))
+	local button = tonumber(string.sub(entry.button, -1, -1))
+    frame.icon:SetTexture(entry.texture or "Interface/Icons/Ability_Rogue_Sprint")
+	frame.binding:SetText(entry.modifier..self:GetButtonText(button))
+	if entry.type == "action" then
+		frame.name:SetText(string.format("Action Button %d", entry.arg1))
+	elseif entry.type == "pet" then
+		frame.name:SetText(string.format("Pet Action %d", entry.arg1))
+	elseif entry.type == "spell" then
+		frame.name:SetText(string.format(entry.arg2 and "%s (%s %d)" or "%s", entry.arg1, L.RANK, entry.arg2))
+	elseif entry.type == "stop" then
+		frame.name:SetText("Stop Casting")
+	elseif entry.type == "target" then
+		frame.name:SetText("Target Unit")
+	elseif entry.type == "focus" then
+		frame.name:SetText("Set Focus Unit")
+	elseif entry.type == "assist" then
+		frame.name:SetText("Assist Unit")
+	end
+    frame:Show()
+function Clique:ButtonOnClick(button)
+    local entry = self.sortList[self.listSelected]
+	local this = button or this
+    if this == CliqueButtonDelete then
+        if InCombatLockdown() then
+            StaticPopup_Show("CLIQUE_COMBAT_LOCKDOWN")
+            return
+        end
+        self.editSet[entry.modifier..entry.button] = nil
+        local len = table.getn(self.sortList) - 1
+        if self.listSelected > len then
+            self.listSelected = len
+        end
+		self:DeleteAction(entry)
+		entry = nil
+        self:ListScrollUpdate()
+	elseif this == CliqueButtonClose then
+		self:Toggle()
+    elseif this == CliqueButtonMax then
+        entry.arg2 = nil
+		self:DeleteAction(entry)
+		self:SetAction(entry)
+    elseif this == CliqueButtonCustom then
+        if CliqueCustomFrame:IsVisible() then
+            CliqueCustomFrame:Hide()
+        else
+            CliqueCustomFrame:Show()
+		end
+	elseif this == CliqueButtonEdit then
+		-- Make a copy of the entry
+		self.customEntry = {}
+		for k,v in pairs(entry) do
+			self.customEntry[k] = v
+		end
+		CliqueCustomFrame:Show()
+		-- Select the right radio button
+		for k,v in pairs(self.radio) do
+			if entry.type == k.type then
+				self:CustomRadio(k)
+				k:SetChecked(true)
+			end
+		end
+		self.customEntry.type = entry.type
+		CliqueCustomArg1:SetText(entry.arg1 or "")
+		CliqueCustomArg2:SetText(entry.arg2 or "")
+		CliqueCustomArg3:SetText(entry.arg3 or "")
+		CliqueCustomArg4:SetText(entry.arg4 or "")
+		CliqueCustomArg5:SetText(entry.arg5 or "")
+		CliqueCustomButtonBinding.modifier = entry.modifier
+		CliqueCustomButtonBinding.button = self:GetButtonNumber(entry.button)
+		CliqueCustomButtonBinding:SetText(string.format("%s%s", entry.modifier, self:GetButtonText(entry.button)))
+		self.editEntry = entry
+    elseif this == CliqueCustomButtonCancel then
+		CliqueCustomFrame:Hide()
+		CliqueCustomButtonIcon.icon:SetTexture("Interface/Icons/Ability_Rogue_Sprint")
+		CliqueCustomButtonBinding:SetText("Set Click Binding")
+		self.customEntry = {}
+		self.editEntry = nil
+		self:CustomRadio()
+	elseif this == CliqueCustomButtonSave then
+		-- Add custom save logic in here
+		local entry = self.customEntry
+		entry.arg1 = CliqueCustomArg1:GetText()
+		entry.arg2 = CliqueCustomArg2:GetText()
+		entry.arg3 = CliqueCustomArg3:GetText()
+		entry.arg4 = CliqueCustomArg4:GetText()
+		entry.arg5 = CliqueCustomArg5:GetText()
+		if entry.arg1 == "" then entry.arg1 = nil end
+		if entry.arg2 == "" then entry.arg2 = nil end
+		if entry.arg3 == "" then entry.arg3 = nil end
+		if entry.arg4 == "" then entry.arg4 = nil end
+		if entry.arg5 == "" then entry.arg5 = nil end
+		if tonumber(entry.arg1) then entry.arg1 = tonumber(entry.arg1) end
+		if tonumber(entry.arg2) then entry.arg2 = tonumber(entry.arg2) end
+		if tonumber(entry.arg3) then entry.arg3 = tonumber(entry.arg3) end
+		if tonumber(entry.arg4) then entry.arg4 = tonumber(entry.arg4) end
+		if tonumber(entry.arg5) then entry.arg5 = tonumber(entry.arg5) end
+		local pattern = "Hitem.+|h%[(.+)%]|h"
+		if entry.arg1 and string.find(entry.arg1, pattern) then
+			entry.arg1 = select(3, string.find(entry.arg1, pattern))
+		end
+		if entry.arg2 and string.find(entry.arg2, pattern) then
+			entry.arg2 = select(3, string.find(entry.arg2, pattern))
+		end
+		if entry.arg3 and string.find(entry.arg3, pattern) then
+			entry.arg3 = select(3, string.find(entry.arg3, pattern))
+		end
+		if entry.arg4 and string.find(entry.arg4, pattern) then
+			entry.arg4 = select(3, string.find(entry.arg4, pattern))
+		end
+		if entry.arg5 and string.find(entry.arg5, pattern) then
+			entry.arg5 = select(3, string.find(entry.arg5, pattern))
+		end
+		local issue
+		if not entry.type then
+			issue = "You must select an action type."
+		elseif not entry.button then
+			issue = "You must set a click-binding."
+		elseif entry.type == "action" and not entry.arg1 then
+			issue = "You must supply an action button number when creating a custom \"action\"."
+		elseif entry.type == "pet" and not entry.arg1 then
+			issue = "You must supply a pet action button number when creating a custom action \"pet\"."
+		elseif entry.type == "spell" and not (entry.arg1 or (entry.arg2 and entry.arg3) or entry.arg4) then
+			issue = "You must supply either a spell name and optionally an item slot/bag or name to consume when creating a \"spell\" action."
+		elseif entry.type == "item" and not ((entry.arg1 and entry.arg2) or entry.arg3) then
+			issue = "You must supply either a bag/slot, or an item name to use."
+		elseif entry.type == "menu" and not arg1 then
+			issue = "You must supply a menu function for action type \"menu\"."
+		end
+		if issue then
+			StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_CANT_SAVE"].text = issue
+			StaticPopup_Show("CLIQUE_CANT_SAVE")
+			return
+		end
+		-- Delete the one we're editing, if that's the case
+		if self.editEntry then
+			local key = self.editEntry.modifier..self.editEntry.button
+			self.editSet[key] = nil
+			self:DeleteAction(self.editEntry)
+			self.editEntry = nil
+		end
+		local key = entry.modifier..entry.button
+		self.editSet[key] = entry
+		self:SetAction(entry)
+		self:ButtonOnClick(CliqueCustomButtonCancel)
+	end
+    Clique:ValidateButtons()
+    Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+local click_func = function() Clique:DropDown_OnClick() end
+function Clique:DropDown_Initialize()
+    local info = {}
+    for k,v in pairs(work) do
+        info = {}
+        info.text = v
+        info.value = Clique.profile[v]
+        info.func = click_func
+        UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
+	end
+function Clique:DropDown_OnClick()
+	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(CliqueDropDown, this.value)
+	Clique.editSet = this.value
+	self.listSelected = 0
+	Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+function Clique:DropDown_OnShow()
+	work = {}
+	for k,v in pairs(self.profile) do
+		table.insert(work, k)
+	end
+	table.sort(work)
+	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, function() Clique:DropDown_Initialize() end);
+	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(CliqueDropDown, self.editSet)
+	Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+-- Profile dropdown
+local work
+local click_func = function() Clique:DropDownProfile_OnClick() end
+function Clique:DropDownProfile_Initialize()
+    local info = {}
+    for k,v in ipairs(work) do
+        info = {}
+        info.text = string.sub(v, 1, 15)
+		if #v > 15 then
+			info.text = info.text.."..."
+		end
+		info.value = v
+        info.func = click_func
+        UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
+	end
+	info = {
+		text = "New profile",
+		value = -1,
+		func = click_func
+	}
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
+function Clique:DropDownProfile_OnClick()
+	if this.value == -1 then
+		StaticPopup_Show("CLIQUE_NEW_PROFILE")
+		return
+	end
+	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(CliqueDropDownProfile, this.value)
+	self:SetProfile(this.value)
+	self.listSelected = 0
+	Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+function Clique:DropDownProfile_OnShow()
+	work = {}
+	for k,v in pairs(self.db.profiles) do
+		table.insert(work, k)
+	end
+	table.sort(work)
+	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, function() Clique:DropDownProfile_Initialize() end);
+	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(CliqueDropDownProfile, self.db.char.profileKey)
+	Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
+function Clique:CustomBinding_OnClick()
+	-- This handles the binding click
+	local mod = self:GetModifierText()
+	local button = arg1
+	self.customEntry.modifier = mod
+	self.customEntry.button = self:GetButtonNumber(button)
+	this:SetText(string.format("%s%s", mod, button))
+local buttonSetup = {
+	actionbar = {
+		help = "Change the actionbar.  'increment' will move it up one page, 'decrement' does the opposite.  If you supply a number, the action bar will be turned to that page.  You can specify 1,3 to toggle between pages 1 and 3",
+		arg1 = "Action:",
+	},
+	action = {
+		help = "Simulate a click on an action button.  Specify the number of the action button.",
+		arg1 = "Button Number:",
+		arg2 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	pet = {
+		help = "Simulate a click on an pet's action button.  Specify the number of the button.",
+		arg1 = "Pet Button Number:",
+		arg2 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	spell = {
+		help = "Cast a spell from the spellbook.  Takes a spell name, and optionally a bag and slot, or item name to use as the target of the spell (i.e. Feed Pet)",
+		arg1 = "Spell Name:",
+		arg2 = "Rank/Bag Number:",
+		arg3 = "Slot Number:",
+		arg4 = "Item Name:",
+		arg5 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	item = {
+		help = "Use an item.  Can take either a bag and slot, or an item name.",
+		arg1 = "Bag Number:",
+		arg2 = "Slot Number:",
+		arg3 = "Item Name:",
+		arg4 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	macro = {
+		help = "Use a custom macro in a given index",
+		arg1 = "Macro Index:",
+		arg2 = "Macro Text:",
+	},
+	stop = {
+		help = "Stops casting the current spell",
+	},
+	target = {
+		help = "Targets the unit",
+		arg1 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	focus = {
+		help = "Sets your \"focus\" unit",
+		arg1 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	assist = {
+		help = "Assists the unit",
+		arg1 = "Unit:",
+	},
+	click = {
+		help = "Simulate click on a button",
+		arg1 = "Button Name:",
+	},
+function Clique:CustomRadio(button)
+	this = button or this
+	local anySelected
+	for k,v in pairs(self.radio) do
+		if k ~= this then
+			k:SetChecked(nil)
+		end
+	end
+	local entry = buttonSetup[this.type]
+	self.customEntry.type = this.type
+	if this and this.type then
+		if not this:GetChecked() then
+			self.customEntry.type = nil
+		end
+	end
+	if not entry then
+		CliqueCustomHelpText:SetText(L.CUSTOM_HELP)
+		CliqueCustomArg1:Hide()
+		CliqueCustomArg2:Hide()
+		CliqueCustomArg3:Hide()
+		CliqueCustomArg4:Hide()
+		CliqueCustomArg5:Hide()
+		CliqueCustomButtonBinding:SetText("Set Click Binding")
+		return
+	end
+	-- Clear any open arguments
+	CliqueCustomArg1:SetText("")
+	CliqueCustomArg2:SetText("")
+	CliqueCustomArg3:SetText("")
+	CliqueCustomArg4:SetText("")
+	CliqueCustomArg5:SetText("")
+	CliqueCustomHelpText:SetText(entry.help)
+	CliqueCustomArg1.label:SetText(entry.arg1)
+	CliqueCustomArg2.label:SetText(entry.arg2)
+	CliqueCustomArg3.label:SetText(entry.arg3)
+	CliqueCustomArg4.label:SetText(entry.arg4)
+	CliqueCustomArg5.label:SetText(entry.arg5)
+	if entry.arg1 then CliqueCustomArg1:Show() else CliqueCustomArg1:Hide() end
+	if entry.arg2 then CliqueCustomArg2:Show() else CliqueCustomArg2:Hide() end
+	if entry.arg3 then CliqueCustomArg3:Show() else CliqueCustomArg3:Hide() end
+	if entry.arg4 then CliqueCustomArg4:Show() else CliqueCustomArg4:Hide() end
+	if entry.arg5 then CliqueCustomArg5:Show() else CliqueCustomArg5:Hide() end
+function Clique:UpdateIconFrame()
+    local MAX_MACROS = 18;
+    local NUM_MACRO_ICONS_SHOWN = 20;
+    local NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW = 5;
+    local NUM_ICON_ROWS = 4;
+    local MACRO_ICON_ROW_HEIGHT = 36;
+    local macroPopupOffset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueIconScrollFrame);
+    local numMacroIcons = GetNumMacroIcons();
+    -- Icon list
+    for i=1, NUM_MACRO_ICONS_SHOWN do
+        macroPopupIcon = getglobal("CliqueIcon"..i.."Icon");
+        macroPopupButton = getglobal("CliqueIcon"..i);
+        if not macroPopupButton.icon then
+            macroPopupButton.icon = macroPopupIcon
+        end
+        index = (macroPopupOffset * NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW) + i;
+        if ( index <= numMacroIcons ) then
+            macroPopupIcon:SetTexture(GetMacroIconInfo(index));
+            macroPopupButton:Show();
+        else
+            macroPopupIcon:SetTexture("");
+            macroPopupButton:Hide();
+        end
+        macroPopupButton:SetChecked(nil);
+    end
+    FauxScrollFrame_Update(CliqueIconScrollFrame, ceil(numMacroIcons / NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW) , NUM_ICON_ROWS, MACRO_ICON_ROW_HEIGHT );
+function Clique:SetSpellIcon()
+	local texture = this.icon:GetTexture()
+	self.customEntry.texture = texture
+	CliqueCustomButtonIcon.icon:SetTexture(texture)
+	CliqueIconSelectFrame:Hide()
+StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_PASSIVE_SKILL"] = {
+	text = "You can't bind a passive skill.",
+button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
+	OnAccept = function()
+	end,
+	timeout = 0,
+	hideOnEscape = 1
+StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_CANT_SAVE"] = {
+	text = "",
+	button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
+	OnAccept = function()
+	end,
+	timeout = 0,
+	hideOnEscape = 1
+StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_BINDING_PROBLEM"] = {
+	text = "That combination is already bound.  Delete the old one before trying to re-bind.",
+	button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
+	OnAccept = function()
+	end,
+	timeout = 0,
+	hideOnEscape = 1
+StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_COMBAT_LOCKDOWN"] = {
+	text = "You are currently in combat.  You cannot make changes to your click casting while in combat..",
+	button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
+	OnAccept = function()
+	end,
+	timeout = 0,
+	hideOnEscape = 1
+StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_NEW_PROFILE"] = {
+	text = TEXT("Enter the name of a new profile you'd like to create"),
+	button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
+	button2 = TEXT(CANCEL),
+	OnAccept = function()
+		Clique:SetProfile(getglobal(this:GetName().."EditBox"):GetText())
+	end,
+	timeout = 0,
+	whileDead = 1,
+	exclusive = 1,
+	showAlert = 1,
+	hideOnEscape = 1,
+	hasEditBox = 1,
+	maxLetters = 32,
+	OnShow = function()
+		getglobal(this:GetName().."Button1"):Disable();
+		getglobal(this:GetName().."EditBox"):SetFocus();
+	end,
+	OnHide = function()
+		if ( ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() ) then
+			ChatFrameEditBox:SetFocus();
+		end
+		getglobal(this:GetName().."EditBox"):SetText("");
+	end,
+	EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function()
+		if ( getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."Button1"):IsEnabled() == 1 ) then
+			Clique:SetProfile(this:GetText())
+			this:GetParent():Hide();
+		end
+	end,
+	EditBoxOnTextChanged = function ()
+		local editBox = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."EditBox");
+		local txt = editBox:GetText()
+		if #txt > 0 then
+			getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."Button1"):Enable();
+		else
+			getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."Button1"):Disable();
+		end
+	end,
+	EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function()
+		this:GetParent():Hide();
+		ClearCursor();
+	end
diff --git a/CliqueUtils.lua b/CliqueUtils.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ba81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CliqueUtils.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+local buttonMap = {
+    [1] = "LeftButton",
+    [2] = "RightButton",
+    [3] = "MiddleButton",
+    [4] = "Button4",
+    [5] = "Button5",
+    LeftButton = 1,
+    RightButton = 2,
+    MiddleButton = 3,
+    Button4 = 4,
+    Button5 = 5,
+function Clique:GetModifierText()
+    local modifier = ""
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		modifier = "Shift-"..modifier
+	end
+	if IsControlKeyDown() then
+		modifier = "Ctrl-"..modifier
+	end
+	if IsAltKeyDown() then
+		modifier = "Alt-"..modifier
+	end
+    return modifier
+function Clique:GetButtonNumber()
+    if not button then return "" end
+    return buttonMap[arg1] or ""
+function Clique:GetButtonText(num)
+    if not num then return "" end
+	num = tonumber(num) and tonumber(num) or num
+    return buttonMap[num] or ""
+function Clique:CheckBinding(key)
+    for k,v in pairs(self.editSet) do
+        if k == key then
+            return v
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.de.lua b/Localization.de.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..033b978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.de.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for deDE.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
+	L.RANK                    = "Rang"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rang (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rang %d)"
+--	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+--	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+--	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+--	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+--	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.en.lua b/Localization.en.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b0903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.en.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for English
+local L = Clique.Locals
+-- This is the default locale.
+	L.RANK                    = "Rank"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rank (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rank %s)"
+	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
+	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.fr.lua b/Localization.fr.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b94726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.fr.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for frFR.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
+	L.RANK                    = "Rang"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rang (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rang %d)"
+--	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+--	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+--	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+--	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+--	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.kr.lua b/Localization.kr.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8b63ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.kr.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for koKR.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "koKR" then
+	L.RANK                    = "레벨"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "(%d+) 레벨"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(%d 레벨)"
+--	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+--	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+--	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+--	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+--	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.zh.lua b/Localization.zh.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0127f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.zh.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for zhCN.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "zhCN" then
+	L.RANK                    = "等级"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "等级 (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(等级 %d)"
+--	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+--	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+--	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+--	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+--	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/images/CliqueIcon.tga b/images/CliqueIcon.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0219f56
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/CliqueIcon.tga differ
diff --git a/images/backdrop.tga b/images/backdrop.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f061cda
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/backdrop.tga differ
diff --git a/images/borders.tga b/images/borders.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f9e27
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/borders.tga differ
diff --git a/images/footCorner.tga b/images/footCorner.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3780e58
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/footCorner.tga differ
diff --git a/images/footer.tga b/images/footer.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0983828
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/footer.tga differ
diff --git a/images/headCorner.tga b/images/headCorner.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83b28fc
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/headCorner.tga differ
diff --git a/images/header.tga b/images/header.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7266823
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/header.tga differ