
Update to support 4.0.1 and removed tooltip since

Christopher Rosell [10-12-10 - 23:33]
Update to support 4.0.1 and removed tooltip since
all mounts now scale to riding skill anyway.
diff --git a/CompanionCount.lua b/CompanionCount.lua
index dfea4b6..d2223a7 100644
--- a/CompanionCount.lua
+++ b/CompanionCount.lua
@@ -1,138 +1,22 @@
--- Scanning functions
-local GetMountInfo, GetMountTypeSpeed
-	local L = {
-		fast = 'This is a very fast %w+',
-		fastest = 'This is an extremely fast %w+',
-		flying = 'Outland %w+ Northrend',
-		turtle = '[Tt]urtle',
-		aq = 'Emits a high frequency sound, forcing a silithid tank',
-	}
-	local speeds = {
-		flying_fastest = 310, flying_fast = 280, flying = 150,
-		ground_fast = 100, ground = 60, ground_slow = 0
-	}
-	local cache = {}
-	local scantt = CreateFrame('GameTooltip', 'CompanionCountTooltip', UIParent, 'GameTooltipTemplate')
-	function GetMountType(spellid)
-		local rval
-		if not cache[spellid] then
-			local link = GetSpellLink(spellid)
-			scantt:SetOwner(UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE')
-			scantt:SetHyperlink(link)
-			if CompanionCountTooltipTextLeft3 then
-				local text = CompanionCountTooltipTextLeft3:GetText()
-				scantt:Hide()
-				if text:match(L.flying) then
-					if text:match(L.fastest) then
-						rval = 'flying_fastest'
-					elseif text:match(L.fast) then
-						rval = 'flying_fast'
-					else
-						rval = 'flying'
-					end
-				else
-					if text:match(L.fast) then
-						rval = 'ground_fast'
-					elseif text:match(L.turtle) then
-							rval = 'ground_slow'
-					elseif text:match(L.aq) then
-						rval = 'ground'
-					else
-						rval = 'ground'
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			cache[spellid] = rval
-		else
-			rval = cache[spellid]
-		end
-		return rval
-	end
-	function GetMountTypeSpeed(typ)
-		return speeds[typ] or 0
-	end
--- Text update
-	local TOTAL_FORMAT = ' ('..NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_TEMPLATE:match('%( (.-) %)')..')'
-	hooksecurefunc("PetPaperDollFrame_SetCompanionPage", function(num)
-		local text = CompanionPageNumber:GetText()
-		local count = GetNumCompanions(PetPaperDollFrameCompanionFrame.mode)
+local IsCataclysmWorld = select("#", GetMapContinents()) > 4

-		CompanionPageNumber:SetFormattedText(text..TOTAL_FORMAT, count)
-	end)
-	local point1, parent, point2, x, y = CompanionPrevPageButton:GetPoint(1)
-	CompanionPrevPageButton:ClearAllPoints()
-	CompanionPrevPageButton:SetPoint(point1, parent, point2, x-20, y)
-	point1, parent, point2, x, y = CompanionNextPageButton:GetPoint(1)
-	CompanionNextPageButton:ClearAllPoints()
-	CompanionNextPageButton:SetPoint(point1, parent, point2, x+33, y)
+	CRITTER = IsCataclysmWorld and 190 or 160,
+	MOUNT = IsCataclysmWorld and 290 or 263

--- Tooltip
-	local mounts = {}
-	local function DoMountTooltip(self, tt)
-		local show = function(msg, typ)
-			if mounts[typ] then
-				tt:AddDoubleLine(msg:format(GetMountTypeSpeed(typ)), mounts[typ], 1, 1, 1)
-			end
-		end
+	local progress = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "CompanionCountProgress", SpellBookCompanionsFrame, "ProfessionStatusBarTemplate")
+	progress:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -220)

-		table.wipe(mounts)
-		for i=1, GetNumCompanions'MOUNT' do
-			local id, name, spellid = GetCompanionInfo('MOUNT', i)
-			local typ = GetMountType(spellid)
+	hooksecurefunc("SpellBookFrame_UpdatePages", function()
+		local mode = SpellBookCompanionsFrame.mode

-			mounts[typ] = (mounts[typ] or 0) + 1
+		if mode then
+			local cur, max = GetNumCompanions(mode), MAX_COMPANIONS[mode]
+			progress:SetMinMaxValues(1, max)
+			progress:SetValue(cur)
+			progress.rankText:SetFormattedText("%d/%d", cur, max)
-		tt:SetOwner(self, 'ANCHOR_NONE')
-		tt:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'TOPRIGHT')
-		tt:ClearLines()
-		tt:AddLine'Detailed Info'
-		show('Flying (%d%%)', 'flying_fastest')
-		show('Flying (%d%%)', 'flying_fast')
-		show('Flying (%d%%)', 'flying')
-		show('Ground (%d%%)', 'ground_fast')
-		show('Ground (%d%%)', 'ground')
-		show('Ground (%d%%)', 'ground_slow')
-		tt:Show()
-	end
-	local function OnEnter(self)
-		if PetPaperDollFrameCompanionFrame.mode == 'MOUNT' then
-			DoMountTooltip(self, GameTooltip)
-		end
-	end
-	local function OnLeave(self)
-		GameTooltip:Hide()
-	end
-	local ttparent = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, CompanionPageNumber:GetParent())
-	ttparent:SetWidth(CompanionPageNumber:GetWidth())
-	ttparent:SetHeight(CompanionPageNumber:GetHeight())
-	ttparent:SetAllPoints(CompanionPageNumber)
-	ttparent:EnableMouse(true)
-	ttparent:SetScript('OnEnter', OnEnter)
-	ttparent:SetScript('OnLeave', OnLeave)
+	end)
diff --git a/CompanionCount.toc b/CompanionCount.toc
index 765aba0..83dc6a6 100644
--- a/CompanionCount.toc
+++ b/CompanionCount.toc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-## Interface: 30300
+## Interface: 40000
 ## Title: Companion Count
 ## Notes: Display number of companions on pet/mount tab
-## Version: 1.1
+## Version: 1.2
 ## Author: chrippa

 ## LoadManagers: AddonLoader