diff --git a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
index 99ca175..09c67c0 100644
--- a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
+++ b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ APR.Version = "@project-version@";
-- Create the frame to hold our event catcher, and the list of events.
APR.Frame, APR.Events = CreateFrame("Frame"), {};
+-- Create a holder to store dialogs we're removing, in case the user wants to restore them.
+APR.StoredDialogs = {};
-- Get a local reference to these functions to speed up execution.
local rawset = rawset
local tostring = tostring
@@ -60,9 +63,25 @@ APR.locale = GetLocale();
---# Saved Variables
+--# Localization
+-- This bit of meta-magic makes it so that if we call L with a key that doesn't yet exist, a key is created automatically, and its value is the name of the key. For example, if L["MyAddon"] doesn't exist, and I run print (L["MyAddon"]), the __index command causes the L table to automatically create a new key called MyAddon, and its value is set to tostring("MyAddon") -- same as the key name.
+L = setmetatable({ }, {__index = function(t, k)
+ local v = tostring(k);
+ rawset(t, k, v);
+ return v;
+-- The above system effectively makes it so that we don't have to define the default, English-language values. Just set the key name as the English value.
+-- Set the default strings used here. Other languages can override these as needed.
+-- Not going to localize debug strings for now.
+-- In another file, you can override these strings like:
+-- if APR.locale == "deDE" then
+-- L["APR"] = "German name of APR here";
+-- end
+-- That way, it preserves the default English strings in case of a missed translation.
@@ -226,9 +245,9 @@ function APR:TogglePopup(popup, state)
if "bind" == popup then
if state then
if "show" == state then
- APR:ShowPopupBind()
+ APR:ShowPopupBind(true);
elseif "hide" == state then
- APR:HidePopupBind()
+ APR:HidePopupBind(true);
-- error, bad programmer, no cookie!
DebugPrint("Error in APR:TogglePopup: unknown state " .. state .. " for popup type " .. popup .. " passed in.");
@@ -237,18 +256,18 @@ function APR:TogglePopup(popup, state)
-- no state specified, so reverse the state. If Hide was on, then show it, and vice versa.
if APR.DB.HideBind then
- APR:ShowPopupBind()
+ APR:ShowPopupBind(true);
- APR:HidePopupBind()
+ APR:HidePopupBind(true);
elseif "roll" == popup then
if state then
if "show" == state then
- APR:ShowPopupRoll()
+ APR:ShowPopupRoll(true);
elseif "hide" == state then
- APR:HidePopupRoll()
+ APR:HidePopupRoll(true);
-- error, bad programmer, no cookie!
DebugPrint("Error in APR:TogglePopup: unknown state " .. state .. " for popup type " .. popup .. " passed in.");
@@ -257,18 +276,18 @@ function APR:TogglePopup(popup, state)
-- no state specified, so reverse the state. If Hide was on, then show it, and vice versa.
if APR.DB.HideRoll then
- APR:ShowPopupRoll()
+ APR:ShowPopupRoll(true);
- APR:HidePopupRoll()
+ APR:HidePopupRoll(true);
elseif "void" == popup then
if state then
if "show" == state then
- APR:ShowPopupVoid()
+ APR:ShowPopupVoid(true);
elseif "hide" == state then
- APR:HidePopupVoid()
+ APR:HidePopupVoid(true);
-- error, bad programmer, no cookie!
DebugPrint("Error in APR:TogglePopup: unknown state " .. state .. " for popup type " .. popup .. " passed in.");
@@ -277,9 +296,9 @@ function APR:TogglePopup(popup, state)
-- no state specified, so reverse the state. If Hide was on, then show it, and vice versa.
if APR.DB.HideVoid then
- APR:ShowPopupVoid()
+ APR:ShowPopupVoid(true);
- APR:HidePopupVoid()
+ APR:HidePopupVoid(true);
@@ -292,55 +311,112 @@ end -- APR:TogglePopup()
---# State toggling functions
+--# Dialog toggling functions
-- Show and hide functions for each of the supported types
-function APR:ShowPopupBind()
+-- not documenting individually, as it should be clear what they do.
+function APR:ShowPopupBind(printconfirm)
APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:ShowPopupBind");
+ if APR.DB.HideBind then
+ -- Re-enable the dialog that pops to confirm looting BoP gear yourself.
+ StaticPopupDialogs["LOOT_BIND"] = APR.StoredDialogs["LOOT_BIND"];
+ APR.StoredDialogs["LOOT_BIND"] = nil;
+ -- Mark that the dialog is shown.
+ APR.DB.HideBind = false;
+ -- else already shown, nothing to do.
+ end
+ if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("bind") end;
end -- APR:ShowPopupBind()
-function APR:ShowPopupRoll()
+function APR:ShowPopupRoll(printconfirm)
APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:ShowPopupRoll");
+ if APR.DB.HideRoll then
+ -- Re-enable the dialog for the event that triggers when rolling on BOP items.
+ StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = APR.StoredDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"];
+ APR.StoredDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = nil;
+ -- Mark that the dialog is shown.
+ APR.DB.HideRoll = false;
+ -- else already shown, nothing to do.
+ end
+ if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("roll") end;
end -- APR:ShowPopupRoll()
-function APR:ShowPopupVoid()
+function APR:ShowPopupVoid(printconfirm)
APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:ShowPopupVoid");
+ if APR.DB.HideVoid then
+ -- Re-enable the dialog for putting tradable or modified items into void storage.
+ StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = APR.StoredDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"];
+ APR.StoredDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = nil;
+ -- Mark that the dialog is shown.
+ APR.DB.HideVoid = false;
+ -- else already shown, nothing to do.
+ end
+ if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("void") end;
end -- APR:ShowPopupVoid()
function APR:HidePopupBind()
APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:HidePopupBind");
+ if not APR.DB.HideBind then
+ -- Disable the dialog that pops to confirm looting BoP gear yourself.
+ APR.StoredDialogs["LOOT_BIND"] = StaticPopupDialogs["LOOT_BIND"];
+ StaticPopupDialogs["LOOT_BIND"] = nil;
+ -- Mark that the dialog is hidden.
+ APR.DB.HideBind = true;
+ -- else already hidden, nothing to do.
+ end
+ if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("bind") end;
end -- APR:HidePopupBind()
function APR:HidePopupRoll()
APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:HidePopupRoll");
+ if not APR.DB.HideRoll then
+ -- Disable the dialog for the event that triggers when rolling on BOP items.
+ APR.StoredDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"];
+ StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = nil;
+ -- Mark that the dialog is hidden.
+ APR.DB.HideRoll = true;
+ -- else already hidden, nothing to do.
+ end
+ if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("roll") end;
end -- APR:HidePopupRoll()
function APR:HidePopupVoid()
APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:HidePopupVoid");
-end -- APR:HidePopupVoid()
+ if not APR.DB.HideVoid then
+ -- Disable the dialog for putting tradable or modified items into void storage.
+ APR.StoredDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"];
+ StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = nil;
+ -- Mark that the dialog is hidden.
+ APR.DB.HideVoid = true;
---# Localization
--- This bit of meta-magic makes it so that if we call L with a key that doesn't yet exist, a key is created automatically, and its value is the name of the key. For example, if L["MyAddon"] doesn't exist, and I run print (L["MyAddon"]), the __index command causes the L table to automatically create a new key called MyAddon, and its value is set to tostring("MyAddon") -- same as the key name.
-L = setmetatable({ }, {__index = function(t, k)
- local v = tostring(k);
- rawset(t, k, v);
- return v;
--- The above system effectively makes it so that we don't have to define the default, English-language values. Just set the key name as the English value.
--- Set the default strings used here. Other languages can override these as needed.
--- Not going to localize debug strings for now.
+ -- else already hidden, nothing to do.
+ end
--- In another file, you can override these strings like:
--- if APR.locale == "deDE" then
--- L["APR"] = "German name of APR here";
--- end
--- That way, it preserves the default English strings in case of a missed translation.
+ if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("void") end;
+end -- APR:HidePopupVoid()
@@ -422,7 +498,7 @@ function APR.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
APR:DebugPrint ("Got ADDON_LOADED for " .. addon);
if addon == "AnnoyingPopupRemover" then
-- Load the saved variables, or initialize if they don't exist yet.
- if APR_DB and APR_DB.HideBind then
+ if APR_DB and APR_DB.HideBind ~= nil and APR_DB.HideRoll ~= nil and APR_DB.HideVoid ~= nil then
APR:DebugPrint ("Loading existing saved var.");
@@ -438,16 +514,25 @@ function APR.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
APR:DebugPrint ("HideRoll is " .. (APR.DB.HideRoll and "true" or "false"));
APR:DebugPrint ("HideVoid is " .. (APR.DB.HideVoid and "true" or "false"));
+ -- Hide the dialogs the user has selected.
+ if APR.DB.HideBind then APR:HidePopupBind() end;
+ if APR.DB.HideRoll then APR:HidePopupRoll() end;
+ if APR.DB.HideVoid then APR:HidePopupVoid() end;
end -- if AnnoyingPopupRemover
end -- APR.Events:PLAYER_LOGIN()
-- Save the db on logout.
function APR.Events:PLAYER_LOGOUT(...)
+ APR:DebugPrint ("In PLAYER_LOGOUT, saving DB.");
end -- APR.Events:PLAYER_LOGOUT()
+--# Implement the event handlers
-- Create the event handler function.
APR.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
@@ -461,24 +546,6 @@ for k, v in pairs(APR.Events) do
---# Dialog management
--- Create a holder to store dialogs we're removing, in case I ever want to implement a per-dialog toggle (which means I'd have to restore the dialogs).
-APR.StoredDialogs = {};
--- Disable the dialog that pops to confirm looting BoP gear yourself.
-APR.StoredDialogs["LOOT_BIND"] = StaticPopupDialogs["LOOT_BIND"];
-StaticPopupDialogs["LOOT_BIND"] = nil;
--- Disable the dialog for the event that triggers when rolling on BOP items.
-APR.StoredDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"];
-StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = nil;
--- Disable the dialog for putting tradable or modified items into void storage.
-APR.StoredDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"];
-StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = nil;