
-A much simpler way. Really all I was trying to do was make a global hooking function for the future.

Xruptor [01-15-11 - 18:01]
-A much simpler way.  Really all I was trying to do was make a global hooking function for the future.
diff --git a/xanAutoMail.lua b/xanAutoMail.lua
index 7092bd2..d55076a 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.lua
+++ b/xanAutoMail.lua
@@ -15,97 +15,10 @@ local stopLoop = 10
 local loopChk = 0
 local skipCount = 0

-local xanAutoMail = CreateFrame("frame","xanAutoMailFrame",UIParent)
-xanAutoMail:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)
 local origHook = {}

---create our own hooking function :)
-local function createHook(self, func, method, handler, secure, script)
-	if not func then return end
-	--check if already hooked
-	local chkHook = false
-	if method and origHook[func] and origHook[func][method] then
-		chkHook = true
-	elseif not method and origHook[func] then
-		chkHook = true
-	end
-	--if we don't have the hook and it's not secure then create it
-	if not chkHook and not secure and not script then
-		--create tmp hook to replace original function
-		local tmp = function(...)
-			if origHook[func] then
-				if handler then
-					return handler(self, ...)
-				elseif method then
-					return self[method](self, ...)
-				else
-					return self[func](self, ...)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		--check to see if were using a method, if we aren't then replace hook
-		if not method then
-			--store the original hook and then replace it
-			origHook[func] = _G[func]
-			_G[func] = tmp
-		else
-			origHook[func] = origHook[func] or {}
-			origHook[func][method] = _G[func][method]
-			_G[func][method] = tmp
-		end
-	elseif not chkHook and not secure and method and script then
-		--NOTE: func cannot be a string
-		--store the old script
-		origHook[func] = origHook[func] or {}
-		origHook[func][method] = func:GetScript(method)
-		if handler then
-			func:SetScript(method, handler)
-		else
-			func:SetScript(method, self[method])
-			--will use a function from the addon as follows
-			--self:method(...)
-		end
-	elseif not chkHook and secure then
-		--it's a secure hook
-		if not method then
-			--NOTE: func must be a string for this to work properly
-			if handler then
-				hooksecurefunc(func, handler)
-			else
-				hooksecurefunc(func, self[func])
-				--will use a function from the addon as follows
-				--self:func(...)
-			end
-			origHook[func] = true
-		else
-			--NOTE: func must be a function/table and cannot be a string, method must be a string
-			if handler then
-				hooksecurefunc(func, method, handler)
-			else
-				hooksecurefunc(func, method, self[method])
-				--will use a function from the addon as follows
-				--self:method(...)
-			end
-			origHook[func] = origHook[func] or {}
-			origHook[func][method] = true
-		end
-	end
+local xanAutoMail = CreateFrame("frame","xanAutoMailFrame",UIParent)
+xanAutoMail:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)

@@ -123,11 +36,20 @@ function xanAutoMail:PLAYER_LOGIN()

 	--do the hooks
-	createHook(self, "SendMailFrame_Reset")
-	createHook(self, "MailFrameTab_OnClick")
-	createHook(self, "AutoComplete_Update")
-	createHook(self, SendMailNameEditBox, "OnEditFocusGained", nil, nil, true)
-	createHook(self, SendMailNameEditBox, "OnChar", nil, nil, true)
+	origHook["SendMailFrame_Reset"] = SendMailFrame_Reset
+	SendMailFrame_Reset = self.SendMailFrame_Reset
+	origHook["MailFrameTab_OnClick"] = MailFrameTab_OnClick
+	MailFrameTab_OnClick = self.MailFrameTab_OnClick
+	origHook["AutoComplete_Update"] = AutoComplete_Update
+	AutoComplete_Update = self.AutoComplete_Update
+	origHook[SendMailNameEditBox] = origHook[SendMailNameEditBox] or {}
+	origHook[SendMailNameEditBox]["OnEditFocusGained"] = SendMailNameEditBox:GetScript("OnEditFocusGained")
+	origHook[SendMailNameEditBox]["OnChar"] = SendMailNameEditBox:GetScript("OnChar")
+	SendMailNameEditBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", self.OnEditFocusGained)
+	SendMailNameEditBox:SetScript("OnChar", self.OnChar)

 	--make the open all button
 	inboxAllButton = CreateFrame("Button", "xanAutoMail_OpenAllBTN", InboxFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
@@ -193,7 +115,7 @@ end

 --this is called when one of the mailtabs is clicked
 --we have to autofill the name when the tabs are clicked
-function xanAutoMail:MailFrameTab_OnClick(self, tab)
+function xanAutoMail:MailFrameTab_OnClick(tab)
 	origHook["MailFrameTab_OnClick"](self, tab)
 	if tab == 2 then
 		local playerName = DB_RECENT[1]
@@ -206,7 +128,6 @@ end

 --this function is called each time a character is pressed in the playername field of the mail window
 function xanAutoMail:OnChar(...)
 	if self:GetUTF8CursorPosition() ~= strlenutf8(self:GetText()) then return end
 	local text = strupper(self:GetText())
 	local textlen = strlen(text)
@@ -261,9 +182,9 @@ function xanAutoMail:OnEditFocusGained(...)

-function xanAutoMail:AutoComplete_Update(editBox, editBoxText, utf8Position, ...)
-	if editBox ~= SendMailNameEditBox then
-		origHook["AutoComplete_Update"](editBox, editBoxText, utf8Position, ...)
+function xanAutoMail:AutoComplete_Update(editBoxText, utf8Position, ...)
+	if self ~= SendMailNameEditBox then
+		origHook["AutoComplete_Update"](self, editBoxText, utf8Position, ...)