
* eol-style native

James Whitehead Ii [08-07-07 - 22:45]
* eol-style native
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index bd1b76d..7478302 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
-local L = setmetatable({
-	TOOLTIP_SUBTITLE = "Zone Coordinates";
-	TOOLTIP_LOCKED = "This window is locked in place.";
-	TOOLTIP_LEFTCLICK = "Left-click and drag to move this window.";
-	TOOLTIP_RIGHTCLICK = "Right-click to toggle the options panel.";
-}, {__index=function(t,k) return k end})
-TomTom = {}
-local DongleFrames = DongleStub("DongleFrames-1.0")
-local Astrolabe = DongleStub("Astrolabe-0.4")
-local profile
-function TomTom:Initialize()
-	self.defaults = {
-		profile = {
-			clearwaypoints = true,
-			show = true,
-			lock = false,
-			worldmap = true,
-			cursor = true,
-			tooltip = true,
-			alpha = 1,
-			notes = {
-			},
-		}
-	}
-	self.db = self:InitializeDB("TomTomDB", self.defaults)
-	profile = self.db.profile
-	self:CreateSlashCommands()
-	self:CreateCoordWindows()
-	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD")
-	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
-	self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA")
+local L = setmetatable({
+	TOOLTIP_SUBTITLE = "Zone Coordinates";
+	TOOLTIP_LOCKED = "This window is locked in place.";
+	TOOLTIP_LEFTCLICK = "Left-click and drag to move this window.";
+	TOOLTIP_RIGHTCLICK = "Right-click to toggle the options panel.";
+}, {__index=function(t,k) return k end})
+TomTom = {}
+local DongleFrames = DongleStub("DongleFrames-1.0")
+local Astrolabe = DongleStub("Astrolabe-0.4")
+local profile
+function TomTom:Initialize()
+	self.defaults = {
+		profile = {
+			clearwaypoints = true,
+			show = true,
+			lock = false,
+			worldmap = true,
+			cursor = true,
+			tooltip = true,
+			alpha = 1,
+			notes = {
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	self.db = self:InitializeDB("TomTomDB", self.defaults)
+	profile = self.db.profile
+	self:CreateSlashCommands()
+	self:CreateCoordWindows()
+	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD")
+	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+	self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA")
-	self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON")
-function TomTom:Enable()
-	if not profile.notes then return end
-	for _,wp in pairs(profile.notes) do
-		self:AddZWaypoint(wp.c, wp.z, wp.x*100, wp.y*100, wp.desc, true)
-	end
-function TomTom:Disable()
-	local notes = {}
-	for _, wp in pairs(self.w_points) do
-		table.insert(notes, {["c"] = wp.c, ['z'] = wp.z, ['x'] = wp.x, ['y'] = wp.y, ['desc'] = wp.icon.label})
-	end
-	profile.notes = notes
+	self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON")
+function TomTom:Enable()
+	if not profile.notes then return end
+	for _,wp in pairs(profile.notes) do
+		self:AddZWaypoint(wp.c, wp.z, wp.x*100, wp.y*100, wp.desc, true)
+	end
+function TomTom:Disable()
+	local notes = {}
+	for _, wp in pairs(self.w_points) do
+		table.insert(notes, {["c"] = wp.c, ['z'] = wp.z, ['x'] = wp.x, ['y'] = wp.y, ['desc'] = wp.icon.label})
+	end
+	profile.notes = notes

 local function GetCurrentCursorPosition()
-    -- Coordinate calculation code taken from CT_MapMod
-	local cX, cY = GetCursorPosition()
-	local ceX, ceY = WorldMapFrame:GetCenter()
-	local wmfw, wmfh = WorldMapButton:GetWidth(), WorldMapButton:GetHeight()
-	cX = ( ( ( cX / WorldMapFrame:GetScale() ) - ( ceX - wmfw / 2 ) ) / wmfw + 22/10000 )
+    -- Coordinate calculation code taken from CT_MapMod
+	local cX, cY = GetCursorPosition()
+	local ceX, ceY = WorldMapFrame:GetCenter()
+	local wmfw, wmfh = WorldMapButton:GetWidth(), WorldMapButton:GetHeight()
+	cX = ( ( ( cX / WorldMapFrame:GetScale() ) - ( ceX - wmfw / 2 ) ) / wmfw + 22/10000 )
 	cY = ( ( ( ( ceY + wmfh / 2 ) - ( cY / WorldMapFrame:GetScale() ) ) / wmfh ) - 262/10000 )

 	return cX, cY
-function TomTom:CreateCoordWindows()
-	-- Create the draggable frame, as well as the world map coords
-	local function OnMouseDown(self,button)
-		if button == "LeftButton" and not profile.lock then
-			self:StartMoving()
-			self.isMoving = true
-		end
-	end
-	local function OnMouseUp(self,button)
-		if self.isMoving then
-			self:StopMovingOrSizing()
-			self.isMoving = false
-		end
-	end
-	local function OnEnter(self)
-		if profile.tooltip then
-			GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
-			GameTooltip:SetText(L["TOOLTIP_TITLE"])
-			GameTooltip:AddLine(L["TOOLTIP_SUBTITLE"])
-			if profile.lock then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(L["TOOLTIP_LOCKED"])
-			else
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(L["TOOLTIP_LEFTCLICK"])
-			end
-			GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(1,1,1);
-			GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(1,1,1);
-			GameTooltip:Show()
-		end
-	end
-	local function OnLeave(self)
-		GameTooltip:Hide();
-	end
-	local function CoordFrame_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-		local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-		local text
-		if not x or not y then
-			self:Hide()
-		else
-			self.Text:SetText(string.format("%.2f, %.2f", x*100, y*100))
-		end
-	end
-	local function WorldMap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-		local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-		if not x or not y then
-			self.Player:ZOOM_OUT_BUTTON_TEXTSetText("Player: ---")
-		else
-			self.Player:SetText(string.format("Player: %.2f, %.2f", x*100, y*100))
-		end
+function TomTom:CreateCoordWindows()
+	-- Create the draggable frame, as well as the world map coords
+	local function OnMouseDown(self,button)
+		if button == "LeftButton" and not profile.lock then
+			self:StartMoving()
+			self.isMoving = true
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnMouseUp(self,button)
+		if self.isMoving then
+			self:StopMovingOrSizing()
+			self.isMoving = false
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnEnter(self)
+		if profile.tooltip then
+			GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
+			GameTooltip:SetText(L["TOOLTIP_TITLE"])
+			GameTooltip:AddLine(L["TOOLTIP_SUBTITLE"])
+			if profile.lock then
+				GameTooltip:AddLine(L["TOOLTIP_LOCKED"])
+			else
+				GameTooltip:AddLine(L["TOOLTIP_LEFTCLICK"])
+			end
+			GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(1,1,1);
+			GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(1,1,1);
+			GameTooltip:Show()
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnLeave(self)
+		GameTooltip:Hide();
+	end
+	local function CoordFrame_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+		local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+		local text
+		if not x or not y then
+			self:Hide()
+		else
+			self.Text:SetText(string.format("%.2f, %.2f", x*100, y*100))
+		end
+	end
+	local function WorldMap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+		local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+		if not x or not y then
+			self.Player:ZOOM_OUT_BUTTON_TEXTSetText("Player: ---")
+		else
+			self.Player:SetText(string.format("Player: %.2f, %.2f", x*100, y*100))
+		end

         local cX, cY = GetCurrentCursorPosition()
-		if not cX or not cY then
-			self.Cursor:SetText("Cursor: ---")
-		else
-			self.Cursor:SetText(string.format("Cursor: %.2f, %.2f", cX*100, cY*100))
-		end
-	end
-	-- Create TomTomFrame, which is the coordinate display
-	DongleFrames:Create("n=TomTomFrame#p=UIParent#size=100,32#toplevel#strata=HIGH#mouse#movable#clamp", "CENTER", 0, 0)
-	TomTomFrame.Text = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontNormal", "CENTER", 0, 0)
-	TomTomFrame:SetBackdrop({
-		bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
-		edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
-		edgeSize = 16,
-		insets = {left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4},
-	})
-	TomTomFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.4)
-	TomTomFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0.8,0,0.8)
-	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", OnMouseDown)
-	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", OnMouseUp)
-	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnHide", OnMouseUp)
-	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
-	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
-	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", CoordFrame_OnUpdate)
-	if not profile.show then
-		TomTomFrame:Hide()
-	end
-	-- Create TomTomWorldFrame, which is anchored to the center of the WorldMap
-	DongleFrames:Create("n=TomTomWorldFrame#p=WorldMapFrame")
-	TomTomWorldFrame.Player = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomWorldFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontHighlightSmall", "BOTTOM", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOM", -100, 11)
-	TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomWorldFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontHighlightSmall", "BOTTOM", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOM", 100, 11)
-	TomTomWorldFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", WorldMap_OnUpdate)
-	if not profile.worldmap then TomTomWorldFrame:Hide() end
-	self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local count = 0
-local tooltip_icon
-local function Tooltip_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-	count = count + elapsed
-	if count >= 0.1 then
-		local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
-		local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(tooltip_icon)
-		TomTomTooltipTextLeft3:SetText(("%s yards away"):format(math.floor(dist)), 1, 1 ,1)
-	end
-local function MinimapIcon_OnEnter(self)
-	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
-	tooltip:SetScale(UIParent:GetEffectiveScale())
-	tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
-	tooltip_icon = self
-	if self.label then
-		tooltip:SetText("TomTom: " .. self.label .. "\n")
-	else
-		tooltip:SetText("TomTom Waypoint\n")
-	end
-	local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
-	tooltip:AddLine(self.coord, 1, 1, 1)
-	tooltip:AddLine(("%s yards away"):format(math.floor(dist)), 1, 1 ,1)
-	tooltip:AddLine(self.zone, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-	tooltip:Show()
-	tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", Tooltip_OnUpdate)
-local function MinimapIcon_OnLeave(self)
-	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
-	tooltip_icon = nil
-	tooltip:Hide()
-	tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-local function DropDown_RemoveWaypoint()
-	local icon = TomTomDropDown.icon
-	if icon.mpair then
-		icon = icon.mpair
-	end
-	Astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(icon)
-	icon.pair:Hide()
-	table.insert(TomTom.worldmapIcons, icon.pair)
-	for idx,entry in ipairs(TomTom.w_points) do
-		local w_icon = entry.icon
-		if icon.pair == w_icon then
-			table.remove(TomTom.w_points, idx)
-			break
-		end
-	end
+		if not cX or not cY then
+			self.Cursor:SetText("Cursor: ---")
+		else
+			self.Cursor:SetText(string.format("Cursor: %.2f, %.2f", cX*100, cY*100))
+		end
+	end
+	-- Create TomTomFrame, which is the coordinate display
+	DongleFrames:Create("n=TomTomFrame#p=UIParent#size=100,32#toplevel#strata=HIGH#mouse#movable#clamp", "CENTER", 0, 0)
+	TomTomFrame.Text = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontNormal", "CENTER", 0, 0)
+	TomTomFrame:SetBackdrop({
+		bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+		edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+		edgeSize = 16,
+		insets = {left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4},
+	})
+	TomTomFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.4)
+	TomTomFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0.8,0,0.8)
+	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", OnMouseDown)
+	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", OnMouseUp)
+	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnHide", OnMouseUp)
+	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+	TomTomFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", CoordFrame_OnUpdate)
+	if not profile.show then
+		TomTomFrame:Hide()
+	end
+	-- Create TomTomWorldFrame, which is anchored to the center of the WorldMap
+	DongleFrames:Create("n=TomTomWorldFrame#p=WorldMapFrame")
+	TomTomWorldFrame.Player = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomWorldFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontHighlightSmall", "BOTTOM", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOM", -100, 11)
+	TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomWorldFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontHighlightSmall", "BOTTOM", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOM", 100, 11)
+	TomTomWorldFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", WorldMap_OnUpdate)
+	if not profile.worldmap then TomTomWorldFrame:Hide() end
+	self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local count = 0
+local tooltip_icon
+local function Tooltip_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+	count = count + elapsed
+	if count >= 0.1 then
+		local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
+		local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(tooltip_icon)
+		TomTomTooltipTextLeft3:SetText(("%s yards away"):format(math.floor(dist)), 1, 1 ,1)
+	end
+local function MinimapIcon_OnEnter(self)
+	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
+	tooltip:SetScale(UIParent:GetEffectiveScale())
+	tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
+	tooltip_icon = self
+	if self.label then
+		tooltip:SetText("TomTom: " .. self.label .. "\n")
+	else
+		tooltip:SetText("TomTom Waypoint\n")
+	end
+	local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
+	tooltip:AddLine(self.coord, 1, 1, 1)
+	tooltip:AddLine(("%s yards away"):format(math.floor(dist)), 1, 1 ,1)
+	tooltip:AddLine(self.zone, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+	tooltip:Show()
+	tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", Tooltip_OnUpdate)
+local function MinimapIcon_OnLeave(self)
+	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
+	tooltip_icon = nil
+	tooltip:Hide()
+	tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+local function DropDown_RemoveWaypoint()
+	local icon = TomTomDropDown.icon
+	if icon.mpair then
+		icon = icon.mpair
+	end
+	Astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(icon)
+	icon.pair:Hide()
+	table.insert(TomTom.worldmapIcons, icon.pair)
+	for idx,entry in ipairs(TomTom.w_points) do
+		local w_icon = entry.icon
+		if icon.pair == w_icon then
+			table.remove(TomTom.w_points, idx)
+			break
+		end
+	end

 local function DropDown_SendWaypoint()
@@ -236,206 +236,206 @@ local function DropDown_SendWaypoint()

     local distro = this.value

-    SendAddonMessage("TomTom", data, distro)
-local function DropDown_Init()
-	local dropdown = TomTomDropDown
-	local label = dropdown.icon.label
-	if not label then
-		label = "TomTom Waypoint"
-	end
+    SendAddonMessage("TomTom", data, distro)
+local function DropDown_Init()
+	local dropdown = TomTomDropDown
+	local label = dropdown.icon.label
+	if not label then
+		label = "TomTom Waypoint"
+	end

     local inGroup = GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 or GetNumRaidMembers() > 0
     local inGuild = IsInGuild()
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
-		text = label,
-		isTitle = 1,
-	}
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
-		text = "Remove waypoint",
-		value = "remove",
-		func = DropDown_RemoveWaypoint,
-	}
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
-		text = "Send to group",
-		value = "RAID",
-		func = DropDown_SendWaypoint,
-		textR = not inGroup and 0.6,
-		textG = not inGroup and 0.6,
-		textB = not inGroup and 0.6,
-	}
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
-		text = "Send to guild",
-		value = "GUILD",
-		func = DropDown_SendWaypoint,
-		textR = not inGuild and 0.6,
-		textG = not inGuild and 0.6,
-		textB = not inGuild and 0.6,
-	}
-local function MinimapIcon_OnClick(self)
-	local dropdown = TomTom.dropdown
-	if not dropdown then
-		TomTom.dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomDropDown", UIParent, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
-		dropdown = TomTom.dropdown
-		--UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth(50, dropdown)
-		--UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(50, dropdown)
-	end
-	dropdown:SetParent(self)
-	dropdown.icon = self
-	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, DropDown_Init, "MENU")
-	ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0);
-local halfpi = math.pi / 2
--- The magic number which represents the ratio of model position pixels to
--- logical screen pixels. I suspect this is really based on some property of the
--- model itself, but I figured it out through interpolation given 3 ratios
--- 4:3 5:4 16:10
-local MAGIC_ARROW_NUMBER  = 0.000723339
--- Calculation to determine the actual offset factor for the screen ratio, I dont
--- know where the 1/3 rationally comes from, but it works, there's probably some
--- odd logic within the client somewhere.
--- 70.4 is half the width of the frame so we move to the center
-local ofs = MAGIC_ARROW_NUMBER * (GetScreenHeight()/GetScreenWidth() + 1/3) * 70.4;
--- The divisor here puts the arrow where the original magic number pair had it
-local radius = ofs / 1.166666666666667;
-local function gomove(model,angle)
-    model:SetFacing(angle);
-    -- The 137/140 simply adjusts for the fact that the textured
-    -- border around the minimap isn't exactly centered
-    model:SetPosition(ofs * (137 / 140) - radius * math.sin(angle),
-                      ofs               + radius * math.cos(angle),
-                      0);
--- For animating the arrow
---angle = 0
-local function MinimapIcon_UpdateArrow(self, elapsed)
-	local icon = self.parent
-	local angle = Astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(icon)
-	if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" then
-		local cring = MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing()
-		angle = angle + cring
-	end
-	gomove(self, angle)
-local function MinimapIcon_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-	local edge = Astrolabe:IsIconOnEdge(self)
-	local dot = self.dot:IsShown()
-	local arrow = self.arrow:IsShown()
-	if edge and not arrow then
-		self.arrow:Show()
-		self.arrow.seqtime = 0
-		self.dot:Hide()
-		self.edge = true
-	elseif not edge and not dot then
-		self.dot:Show()
-		self.arrow:Hide()
-		self.edge = false
-	end
-	local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
-	if dist and dist < 11 and profile.clearwaypoints then
-		-- Clear this waypoint
-		Astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(self)
-		self.pair:Hide()
-		table.insert(TomTom.worldmapIcons, self.pair)
-		local msg = (self.label and self.label ~= "") and self.label or "your destination"
-		TomTom:PrintF("You have arrived at %s (%s)", msg, self.coord)
-		for idx,entry in ipairs(TomTom.w_points) do
-			local w_icon = entry.icon
-			if self.pair == w_icon then
-				table.remove(TomTom.w_points, idx)
-				break
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function TomTom:CreateMinimapIcon(label, x, y)
-	if not self.minimapIcons then
-		self.minimapIcons = {}
-	end
-	if not self.tooltip then
-		self.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
-	end
-	-- Return one from the frame pool, if possible
-	local icon = table.remove(self.minimapIcons)
-	if icon then
-		icon.label = label
-		icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
-		return icon
-	end
-	-- Create a new icon with arrow
-	-- icon.dot is the minimap dot texture
-	-- icon.arrow is the model used on the edge of the map
-	-- icon.label will contain the mouseover label
-	-- icon.coord will contain the text of the coordinates
-	icon = CreateFrame("Button", nil, Minimap)
-	icon:SetHeight(12)
-	icon:SetWidth(12)
-	icon:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
-	icon.label = label
-	icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
-	local texture = icon:CreateTexture()
-	texture:SetTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\ObjectIcons")
-	texture:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 0.25)
-	texture:SetAllPoints()
-	icon.dot = texture
-	icon:SetScript("OnEnter", MinimapIcon_OnEnter)
-	icon:SetScript("OnLeave", MinimapIcon_OnLeave)
-	icon:SetScript("OnUpdate", MinimapIcon_OnUpdate)
-	icon:SetScript("OnClick", MinimapIcon_OnClick)
-	-- Golden Arrow Information:
-	-- Facing: 0.50088876485825
-	-- Light: 0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
-	-- Position: 0.029919292777777, 0.08267530053854, 0
-	local model = CreateFrame("Model", nil, icon)
-	model:SetHeight(140.8)
-	model:SetWidth(140.8)
-	model:SetPoint("CENTER", Minimap, "CENTER", 0, 0)
-	model:SetModel("Interface\\Minimap\\Rotating-MinimapArrow.mdx")
---	model:SetFogColor(0.9999977946281433,0.9999977946281433,0.9999977946281433,0.9999977946281433)
---	model:SetFogColor(math.random(), math.random(), math.random(), math.random())
---	model:SetFogFar(1)
---	model:SetFogNear(0)
---	model:SetLight(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
---	model:SetLight(1, 0, 0, -0.707, -0.707, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8)
---  Model:SetLight (enabled[,omni,dirX,dirY,dirZ,ambIntensity[,ambR,ambG,ambB [,dirIntensity[,dirR,dirG,dirB]]]])
-	model:SetLight(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
-	model:SetModelScale(.600000023841879)
-	model.parent = icon
-	icon.arrow = model
-	model:SetScript("OnUpdate", MinimapIcon_UpdateArrow)
-	model:Hide()
-	return icon
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
+		text = label,
+		isTitle = 1,
+	}
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
+		text = "Remove waypoint",
+		value = "remove",
+		func = DropDown_RemoveWaypoint,
+	}
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
+		text = "Send to group",
+		value = "RAID",
+		func = DropDown_SendWaypoint,
+		textR = not inGroup and 0.6,
+		textG = not inGroup and 0.6,
+		textB = not inGroup and 0.6,
+	}
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton{
+		text = "Send to guild",
+		value = "GUILD",
+		func = DropDown_SendWaypoint,
+		textR = not inGuild and 0.6,
+		textG = not inGuild and 0.6,
+		textB = not inGuild and 0.6,
+	}
+local function MinimapIcon_OnClick(self)
+	local dropdown = TomTom.dropdown
+	if not dropdown then
+		TomTom.dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomDropDown", UIParent, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+		dropdown = TomTom.dropdown
+		--UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth(50, dropdown)
+		--UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(50, dropdown)
+	end
+	dropdown:SetParent(self)
+	dropdown.icon = self
+	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, DropDown_Init, "MENU")
+	ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0);
+local halfpi = math.pi / 2
+-- The magic number which represents the ratio of model position pixels to
+-- logical screen pixels. I suspect this is really based on some property of the
+-- model itself, but I figured it out through interpolation given 3 ratios
+-- 4:3 5:4 16:10
+local MAGIC_ARROW_NUMBER  = 0.000723339
+-- Calculation to determine the actual offset factor for the screen ratio, I dont
+-- know where the 1/3 rationally comes from, but it works, there's probably some
+-- odd logic within the client somewhere.
+-- 70.4 is half the width of the frame so we move to the center
+local ofs = MAGIC_ARROW_NUMBER * (GetScreenHeight()/GetScreenWidth() + 1/3) * 70.4;
+-- The divisor here puts the arrow where the original magic number pair had it
+local radius = ofs / 1.166666666666667;
+local function gomove(model,angle)
+    model:SetFacing(angle);
+    -- The 137/140 simply adjusts for the fact that the textured
+    -- border around the minimap isn't exactly centered
+    model:SetPosition(ofs * (137 / 140) - radius * math.sin(angle),
+                      ofs               + radius * math.cos(angle),
+                      0);
+-- For animating the arrow
+--angle = 0
+local function MinimapIcon_UpdateArrow(self, elapsed)
+	local icon = self.parent
+	local angle = Astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(icon)
+	if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" then
+		local cring = MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing()
+		angle = angle + cring
+	end
+	gomove(self, angle)
+local function MinimapIcon_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+	local edge = Astrolabe:IsIconOnEdge(self)
+	local dot = self.dot:IsShown()
+	local arrow = self.arrow:IsShown()
+	if edge and not arrow then
+		self.arrow:Show()
+		self.arrow.seqtime = 0
+		self.dot:Hide()
+		self.edge = true
+	elseif not edge and not dot then
+		self.dot:Show()
+		self.arrow:Hide()
+		self.edge = false
+	end
+	local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
+	if dist and dist < 11 and profile.clearwaypoints then
+		-- Clear this waypoint
+		Astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(self)
+		self.pair:Hide()
+		table.insert(TomTom.worldmapIcons, self.pair)
+		local msg = (self.label and self.label ~= "") and self.label or "your destination"
+		TomTom:PrintF("You have arrived at %s (%s)", msg, self.coord)
+		for idx,entry in ipairs(TomTom.w_points) do
+			local w_icon = entry.icon
+			if self.pair == w_icon then
+				table.remove(TomTom.w_points, idx)
+				break
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function TomTom:CreateMinimapIcon(label, x, y)
+	if not self.minimapIcons then
+		self.minimapIcons = {}
+	end
+	if not self.tooltip then
+		self.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+	end
+	-- Return one from the frame pool, if possible
+	local icon = table.remove(self.minimapIcons)
+	if icon then
+		icon.label = label
+		icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
+		return icon
+	end
+	-- Create a new icon with arrow
+	-- icon.dot is the minimap dot texture
+	-- icon.arrow is the model used on the edge of the map
+	-- icon.label will contain the mouseover label
+	-- icon.coord will contain the text of the coordinates
+	icon = CreateFrame("Button", nil, Minimap)
+	icon:SetHeight(12)
+	icon:SetWidth(12)
+	icon:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+	icon.label = label
+	icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
+	local texture = icon:CreateTexture()
+	texture:SetTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\ObjectIcons")
+	texture:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 0.25)
+	texture:SetAllPoints()
+	icon.dot = texture
+	icon:SetScript("OnEnter", MinimapIcon_OnEnter)
+	icon:SetScript("OnLeave", MinimapIcon_OnLeave)
+	icon:SetScript("OnUpdate", MinimapIcon_OnUpdate)
+	icon:SetScript("OnClick", MinimapIcon_OnClick)
+	-- Golden Arrow Information:
+	-- Facing: 0.50088876485825
+	-- Light: 0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+	-- Position: 0.029919292777777, 0.08267530053854, 0
+	local model = CreateFrame("Model", nil, icon)
+	model:SetHeight(140.8)
+	model:SetWidth(140.8)
+	model:SetPoint("CENTER", Minimap, "CENTER", 0, 0)
+	model:SetModel("Interface\\Minimap\\Rotating-MinimapArrow.mdx")
+--	model:SetFogColor(0.9999977946281433,0.9999977946281433,0.9999977946281433,0.9999977946281433)
+--	model:SetFogColor(math.random(), math.random(), math.random(), math.random())
+--	model:SetFogFar(1)
+--	model:SetFogNear(0)
+--	model:SetLight(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
+--	model:SetLight(1, 0, 0, -0.707, -0.707, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8)
+--  Model:SetLight (enabled[,omni,dirX,dirY,dirZ,ambIntensity[,ambR,ambG,ambB [,dirIntensity[,dirR,dirG,dirB]]]])
+	model:SetLight(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
+	model:SetModelScale(.600000023841879)
+	model.parent = icon
+	icon.arrow = model
+	model:SetScript("OnUpdate", MinimapIcon_UpdateArrow)
+	model:Hide()
+	return icon

 local Orig_WorldMapButton_OnClick = WorldMapButton_OnClick
 function WorldMapButton_OnClick(mouseButton, button)
@@ -448,176 +448,176 @@ function WorldMapButton_OnClick(mouseButton, button)

 WorldMapMagnifyingGlassButton:SetText(ZOOM_OUT_BUTTON_TEXT .. "\nCtrl+Right Click To Add a Waypoint")
-local function WorldMapIcon_OnEnter(self)
-	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
-	tooltip:SetScale(UIParent:GetEffectiveScale())
-	tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
-	tooltip_icon = self
-	if self.label then
-		tooltip:SetText("TomTom: " .. self.label .. "\n")
-	else
-		tooltip:SetText("TomTom Waypoint\n")
-	end
-	tooltip:AddLine(self.coord, 1, 1, 1)
-	tooltip:AddLine(self.zone, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-	tooltip:Show()
-local function WorldMapIcon_OnLeave(self)
-	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
-	tooltip:Hide()
-function TomTom:CreateWorldMapIcon(label, x, y)
-	if not self.worldmapIcons then
-		self.worldmapIcons = {}
-	end
-	-- Return one from the frame pool, if possible
-	local icon = table.remove(self.worldmapIcons)
-	if icon then
-		icon.label = label
-		icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
-		return icon
-	end
-	-- Create a new icon with arrow
-	-- icon.dot is the minimap dot texture
-	-- icon.label will contain the mouseover label
-	-- icon.coord will contain the text of the coordinates
-	icon = CreateFrame("Button", nil, WorldMapButton)
-	icon:SetHeight(12)
-	icon:SetWidth(12)
-	icon.label = label
-	icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
-	local texture = icon:CreateTexture()
-	texture:SetTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\ObjectIcons")
-	texture:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 0.25)
-	texture:SetAllPoints()
-	icon.dot = texture
-	icon:SetScript("OnEnter", WorldMapIcon_OnEnter)
-	icon:SetScript("OnLeave", WorldMapIcon_OnLeave)
-	icon:SetScript("OnClick", MinimapIcon_OnClick)
-	icon:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
-	return icon
-function TomTom:CreateSlashCommands()
-	-- Options slash commands
-	self.cmd = self:InitializeSlashCommand("TomTom Slash Command", "TOMTOM", "tomtom")
-	local ToggleDisplay = function(origin)
-		if origin == "coord" and TomTomFrame then
-			profile.show = not profile.show
-			TomTomFrame[profile.show and "Show" or "Hide"](TomTomFrame)
-			self:PrintF("The coordinate display has been %s.", profile.show and "shown" or "hidden")
-		elseif origin == "mapcoord" and TomTomWorldFrame then
-			profile.worldmap = not profile.worldmap
-			TomTomWorldFrame[profile.worldmap and "Show" or "Hide"](TomTomWorldFrame)
-			self:PrintF("The world map coordinate display has been %s.", profile.worldmap and "shown" or "hidden")
-		end
-	end
-	local LockDisplay = function()
-		profile.lock = not profile.lock
-		self:PrintF("The coordinate display has been %s.", profile.lock and "locked" or "unlocked")
-	end
-	self.cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("|cffffff00coord|r - Show/Hide the coordinate display", "^(coord)$", ToggleDisplay)
-	self.cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("|cffffff00mapcoord|r - Show/Hide the world map coordinate display", "^(mapcoord)$", ToggleDisplay)
-	self.cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("|cffffff00lock|r - Lock/Unlock the coordinate display", "^lock$", LockDisplay)
-	-- Waypoint placement slash commands
-	self.cmd_way = self:InitializeSlashCommand("TomTom - Waypoints", "TOMTOM_WAY", "way")
-	local Way_Set = function(x,y,desc)
-		self:AddWaypoint(x,y,desc)
-	end
-	local Way_Reset = function()
-		if #self.w_points == 0 then
-			self:Print("There are no waypoints to remove.")
-			return
-		end
-		if self.m_points then
-			for cont,ztbl in pairs(self.m_points) do
-				for zone,ztbl in pairs(ztbl) do
-					for idx,entry in pairs(ztbl) do
-						Astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(entry.icon)
-						table.insert(self.minimapIcons, entry.icon)
-						ztbl[idx] = nil
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if self.w_points then
-			for k,v in ipairs(self.w_points) do
-				local icon = v.icon
-				icon:Hide()
-				self.w_points[k] = nil
-				table.insert(self.worldmapIcons, icon)
-			end
-		end
-		self:Print("All waypoints have been removed.")
-	end
-	self.cmd_way:RegisterSlashHandler("reset - Remove all current waypoints", "^reset$", Way_Reset)
-	self.cmd_way:RegisterSlashHandler("<xx.xx> <yy.yy> [<desc>] - Add a new waypoint with optional note", "^(%d*%.?%d*)[%s]+(%d*%.?%d*)%s*(.*)", Way_Set)
-function TomTom:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA()
-	-- This could clear the minimap, but I won't.. cause.. I don't like that
-	-- Not sure what to do here
-	if profile.show then
-		local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-		if c and z and x and y then
-			TomTomFrame:Show()
-		end
-	end
-	if true then return end
-	local oc,oz = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	SetMapToCurrentZone()
-	local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	if oc and oz then
-		SetMapZoom(oc,oz)
-	end
-	if self.m_points and self.m_points[c] then
-		for zone,v in pairs(self.m_points[c]) do
-			for idx,entry in pairs(v) do
-				Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(entry.icon, c, zone, entry.x, entry.y)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function TomTom:WORLD_MAP_UPDATE()
-	if not self.w_points then return end
-	local c = GetCurrentMapContinent()
-	for idx,entry in ipairs(self.w_points) do
-		local icon = entry.icon
-		local x,y = Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(WorldMapDetailFrame, icon, entry.c, entry.z, entry.x, entry.y)
-		if (x and y and (0 < x and x <= 1) and (0 < y and y <= 1)) then
-			icon:Show()
-		else
-			icon:Hide()
-		end
-	end
+local function WorldMapIcon_OnEnter(self)
+	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
+	tooltip:SetScale(UIParent:GetEffectiveScale())
+	tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
+	tooltip_icon = self
+	if self.label then
+		tooltip:SetText("TomTom: " .. self.label .. "\n")
+	else
+		tooltip:SetText("TomTom Waypoint\n")
+	end
+	tooltip:AddLine(self.coord, 1, 1, 1)
+	tooltip:AddLine(self.zone, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+	tooltip:Show()
+local function WorldMapIcon_OnLeave(self)
+	local tooltip = TomTom.tooltip
+	tooltip:Hide()
+function TomTom:CreateWorldMapIcon(label, x, y)
+	if not self.worldmapIcons then
+		self.worldmapIcons = {}
+	end
+	-- Return one from the frame pool, if possible
+	local icon = table.remove(self.worldmapIcons)
+	if icon then
+		icon.label = label
+		icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
+		return icon
+	end
+	-- Create a new icon with arrow
+	-- icon.dot is the minimap dot texture
+	-- icon.label will contain the mouseover label
+	-- icon.coord will contain the text of the coordinates
+	icon = CreateFrame("Button", nil, WorldMapButton)
+	icon:SetHeight(12)
+	icon:SetWidth(12)
+	icon.label = label
+	icon.coord = string.format("%5.2f, %5.2f", x, y)
+	local texture = icon:CreateTexture()
+	texture:SetTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\ObjectIcons")
+	texture:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 0.25)
+	texture:SetAllPoints()
+	icon.dot = texture
+	icon:SetScript("OnEnter", WorldMapIcon_OnEnter)
+	icon:SetScript("OnLeave", WorldMapIcon_OnLeave)
+	icon:SetScript("OnClick", MinimapIcon_OnClick)
+	icon:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+	return icon
+function TomTom:CreateSlashCommands()
+	-- Options slash commands
+	self.cmd = self:InitializeSlashCommand("TomTom Slash Command", "TOMTOM", "tomtom")
+	local ToggleDisplay = function(origin)
+		if origin == "coord" and TomTomFrame then
+			profile.show = not profile.show
+			TomTomFrame[profile.show and "Show" or "Hide"](TomTomFrame)
+			self:PrintF("The coordinate display has been %s.", profile.show and "shown" or "hidden")
+		elseif origin == "mapcoord" and TomTomWorldFrame then
+			profile.worldmap = not profile.worldmap
+			TomTomWorldFrame[profile.worldmap and "Show" or "Hide"](TomTomWorldFrame)
+			self:PrintF("The world map coordinate display has been %s.", profile.worldmap and "shown" or "hidden")
+		end
+	end
+	local LockDisplay = function()
+		profile.lock = not profile.lock
+		self:PrintF("The coordinate display has been %s.", profile.lock and "locked" or "unlocked")
+	end
+	self.cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("|cffffff00coord|r - Show/Hide the coordinate display", "^(coord)$", ToggleDisplay)
+	self.cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("|cffffff00mapcoord|r - Show/Hide the world map coordinate display", "^(mapcoord)$", ToggleDisplay)
+	self.cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("|cffffff00lock|r - Lock/Unlock the coordinate display", "^lock$", LockDisplay)
+	-- Waypoint placement slash commands
+	self.cmd_way = self:InitializeSlashCommand("TomTom - Waypoints", "TOMTOM_WAY", "way")
+	local Way_Set = function(x,y,desc)
+		self:AddWaypoint(x,y,desc)
+	end
+	local Way_Reset = function()
+		if #self.w_points == 0 then
+			self:Print("There are no waypoints to remove.")
+			return
+		end
+		if self.m_points then
+			for cont,ztbl in pairs(self.m_points) do
+				for zone,ztbl in pairs(ztbl) do
+					for idx,entry in pairs(ztbl) do
+						Astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(entry.icon)
+						table.insert(self.minimapIcons, entry.icon)
+						ztbl[idx] = nil
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if self.w_points then
+			for k,v in ipairs(self.w_points) do
+				local icon = v.icon
+				icon:Hide()
+				self.w_points[k] = nil
+				table.insert(self.worldmapIcons, icon)
+			end
+		end
+		self:Print("All waypoints have been removed.")
+	end
+	self.cmd_way:RegisterSlashHandler("reset - Remove all current waypoints", "^reset$", Way_Reset)
+	self.cmd_way:RegisterSlashHandler("<xx.xx> <yy.yy> [<desc>] - Add a new waypoint with optional note", "^(%d*%.?%d*)[%s]+(%d*%.?%d*)%s*(.*)", Way_Set)
+function TomTom:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA()
+	-- This could clear the minimap, but I won't.. cause.. I don't like that
+	-- Not sure what to do here
+	if profile.show then
+		local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+		if c and z and x and y then
+			TomTomFrame:Show()
+		end
+	end
+	if true then return end
+	local oc,oz = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+	SetMapToCurrentZone()
+	local c,z,x,y = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+	if oc and oz then
+		SetMapZoom(oc,oz)
+	end
+	if self.m_points and self.m_points[c] then
+		for zone,v in pairs(self.m_points[c]) do
+			for idx,entry in pairs(v) do
+				Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(entry.icon, c, zone, entry.x, entry.y)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function TomTom:WORLD_MAP_UPDATE()
+	if not self.w_points then return end
+	local c = GetCurrentMapContinent()
+	for idx,entry in ipairs(self.w_points) do
+		local icon = entry.icon
+		local x,y = Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(WorldMapDetailFrame, icon, entry.c, entry.z, entry.x, entry.y)
+		if (x and y and (0 < x and x <= 1) and (0 < y and y <= 1)) then
+			icon:Show()
+		else
+			icon:Hide()
+		end
+	end

 local zdata = {}
 for c=1,3 do
@@ -645,63 +645,63 @@ function TomTom:CHAT_MSG_ADDON(event, prefix, message, distro, sender)
     TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, true)
     self:PrintF("Waypoint at %.2f, %.2f in %s recieved from %s.", x*100, y*100, zone, sender)
-local sortFunc = function(a,b)
-	if a.x == b.x then return a.y < b.y else return a.x < b.x end
-function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c,z,x,y,desc,silent)
-	if not self.m_points then self.m_points = {} end
-	if not self.w_points then self.w_points = {} end
+local sortFunc = function(a,b)
+	if a.x == b.x then return a.y < b.y else return a.x < b.x end
+function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c,z,x,y,desc,silent)
+	if not self.m_points then self.m_points = {} end
+	if not self.w_points then self.w_points = {} end

     if desc == '' then desc = nil end
-	local m_icon = self:CreateMinimapIcon(desc, x, y)
-	local w_icon = self:CreateWorldMapIcon(desc, x, y)
-	m_icon.pair = w_icon
-	w_icon.mpair = m_icon
-	x = x / 100
-	y = y / 100
-	Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(m_icon, c, z, x, y)
-	Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(WorldMapDetailFrame, w_icon, c, z, x, y)
-	w_icon:Show()
-	local zone = select(z, GetMapZones(c))
-	m_icon.zone = zone
-	w_icon.zone = zone
-	if not silent then
-		self:PrintF("Setting a waypoint at %.2f, %.2f in %s.", x * 100, y * 100, zone)
-	end
-	self.m_points[c] = self.m_points[c] or {}
-	self.m_points[c][z] = self.m_points[c][z] or {}
-	self.m_points.current = self.m_points[c][z]
-	table.insert(self.m_points[c][z], {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["icon"] = m_icon})
-	table.sort(self.m_points[c][z], sortFunc)
-	table.insert(self.w_points, {["c"] = c, ["z"] = z, ["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["icon"] = w_icon})
-function TomTom:AddWaypoint(x,y,desc)
-	local oc,oz = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	SetMapToCurrentZone()
-	local c,z = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	if oc and oz then
-		SetMapZoom(oc,oz)
-	end
-	if not c or not z or c < 1 then
-		self:Print("Cannot find a valid zone to place the coordinates")
-		return
-	end
-	self:AddZWaypoint(c,z,x,y,desc)
+	local m_icon = self:CreateMinimapIcon(desc, x, y)
+	local w_icon = self:CreateWorldMapIcon(desc, x, y)
+	m_icon.pair = w_icon
+	w_icon.mpair = m_icon
+	x = x / 100
+	y = y / 100
+	Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(m_icon, c, z, x, y)
+	Astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(WorldMapDetailFrame, w_icon, c, z, x, y)
+	w_icon:Show()
+	local zone = select(z, GetMapZones(c))
+	m_icon.zone = zone
+	w_icon.zone = zone
+	if not silent then
+		self:PrintF("Setting a waypoint at %.2f, %.2f in %s.", x * 100, y * 100, zone)
+	end
+	self.m_points[c] = self.m_points[c] or {}
+	self.m_points[c][z] = self.m_points[c][z] or {}
+	self.m_points.current = self.m_points[c][z]
+	table.insert(self.m_points[c][z], {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["icon"] = m_icon})
+	table.sort(self.m_points[c][z], sortFunc)
+	table.insert(self.w_points, {["c"] = c, ["z"] = z, ["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["icon"] = w_icon})
+function TomTom:AddWaypoint(x,y,desc)
+	local oc,oz = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+	SetMapToCurrentZone()
+	local c,z = Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+	if oc and oz then
+		SetMapZoom(oc,oz)
+	end
+	if not c or not z or c < 1 then
+		self:Print("Cannot find a valid zone to place the coordinates")
+		return
+	end
+	self:AddZWaypoint(c,z,x,y,desc)
 TomTom = DongleStub("Dongle-1.0"):New("TomTom", TomTom)