
Use math to adjust position of the list and handle instead of options

Adrian L Lange [08-10-14 - 20:46]
Use math to adjust position of the list and handle instead of options
diff --git a/BonusRollPreview.lua b/BonusRollPreview.lua
index 86e4484..f857fbc 100644
--- a/BonusRollPreview.lua
+++ b/BonusRollPreview.lua
@@ -81,12 +81,16 @@ local function ButtonsLeave(self)

+local function PositionDownwards()
+	return (GetScreenHeight() - BonusRollFrame:GetTop()) < 330
 local collapsed = true
 local function HandleClick()

 	if(collapsed) then
-		if(BonusRollPreviewDB.position == 'BOTTOM') then
+		if(PositionDownwards()) then
 			Handle.Arrow:SetTexCoord(1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1/2, 0, 1, 0)
 			Handle:SetPoint('BOTTOM', Container, 0, -14)
@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ local function HandleClick()

-		if(BonusRollPreviewDB.position == 'BOTTOM') then
+		if(PositionDownwards()) then
 			Handle.Arrow:SetTexCoord(0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 1, 1/2, 1)
 			Handle:SetPoint('TOP', BonusRollFrame, 'BOTTOM', 0, 2)
@@ -110,35 +114,6 @@ local function HandleClick()
 	collapsed = not collapsed

-function Container:HandleUpdate()
-	self:ClearAllPoints()
-	if(BonusRollPreviewDB.position == 'BOTTOM') then
-		self:SetPoint('TOP', BonusRollFrame, 'BOTTOM')
-		Handle.Arrow:SetTexCoord(0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 1, 1/2, 1)
-		Handle.TopCenter:Hide()
-		Handle.TopRight:Hide()
-		Handle.TopLeft:Hide()
-		Handle.BottomCenter:Show()
-		Handle.BottomRight:Show()
-		Handle.BottomLeft:Show()
-	else
-		self:SetPoint('BOTTOM', BonusRollFrame, 'TOP')
-		Handle.Arrow:SetTexCoord(1/2, 1, 0, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 0)
-		Handle.TopCenter:Show()
-		Handle.TopRight:Show()
-		Handle.TopLeft:Show()
-		Handle.BottomCenter:Hide()
-		Handle.BottomRight:Hide()
-		Handle.BottomLeft:Hide()
-	end
-	self:Hide()
-	collapsed = true
 local function HookStartRoll()
 	local specID = GetLootSpecialization()
 	if(not specID or specID == 0) then
@@ -274,6 +249,33 @@ function Container:Populate()
+	self:ClearAllPoints()
+	self:Hide()
+	if(PositionDownwards()) then
+		self:SetPoint('TOP', BonusRollFrame, 'BOTTOM')
+		Handle.Arrow:SetTexCoord(0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 1, 1/2, 1)
+		Handle.TopCenter:Hide()
+		Handle.TopRight:Hide()
+		Handle.TopLeft:Hide()
+		Handle.BottomCenter:Show()
+		Handle.BottomRight:Show()
+		Handle.BottomLeft:Show()
+	else
+		self:SetPoint('BOTTOM', BonusRollFrame, 'TOP')
+		Handle.Arrow:SetTexCoord(1/2, 1, 0, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 0)
+		Handle.TopCenter:Show()
+		Handle.TopRight:Show()
+		Handle.TopLeft:Show()
+		Handle.BottomCenter:Hide()
+		Handle.BottomRight:Hide()
+		Handle.BottomLeft:Hide()
+	end
+	collapsed = true

 function Container:Update()
@@ -340,14 +342,6 @@ function Container:SPELL_CONFIRMATION_TIMEOUT()

 function Container:PLAYER_LOGIN()
-	if(BonusRollPreviewDB.position == 'BOTTOM') then
-		self:SetPoint('TOP', BonusRollFrame, 'BOTTOM')
-		Handle:SetPoint('TOP', BonusRollFrame, 'BOTTOM', 0, 2)
-	else
-		self:SetPoint('BOTTOM', BonusRollFrame, 'TOP')
-		Handle:SetPoint('BOTTOM', BonusRollFrame, 'TOP', 0, -2)
-	end
 	local ScrollChild = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
 	ScrollChild:SetHeight(1) -- Completely ignores this value, bug?
 	self.ScrollChild = ScrollChild
@@ -486,8 +480,6 @@ function Container:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 	BottomLeft:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0.1, 1)
 	Handle.BottomLeft = BottomLeft

-	self:HandleUpdate()
 	Hotspot:SetScript('OnEnter', HotspotEnter)
 	Hotspot:SetScript('OnLeave', HotspotLeave)
@@ -502,3 +494,4 @@ function Container:PLAYER_LOGIN()

 Container:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, event, ...) end)
diff --git a/BonusRollPreview.toc b/BonusRollPreview.toc
index 4da2719..1b3ac1c 100644
--- a/BonusRollPreview.toc
+++ b/BonusRollPreview.toc
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
 ## Version: @project-version@
 ## Title: Bonus Roll Preview
 ## Notes: Easily see what the bonus loot roll can yield
-## SavedVariables: BonusRollPreviewDB


diff --git a/Config.lua b/Config.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d59b5f2..0000000
--- a/Config.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-local addonName, ns = ...
-local objects = {}
-local temporary = {}
-local defaults = {
-	position = 'TOP',
-local Panel = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer)
-Panel.name = addonName
-Panel:SetScript('OnEvent', function()
-	BonusRollPreviewDB = BonusRollPreviewDB or defaults
-	for key, value in next, defaults do
-		if(BonusRollPreviewDB[key] == nil) then
-			BonusRollPreviewDB[key] = value
-		end
-	end
-	BonusRollPreviewContainer:PLAYER_LOGIN()
-function Panel:okay()
-	for key, value in next, temporary do
-		BonusRollPreviewDB[key] = value
-	end
-	BonusRollPreviewContainer:HandleUpdate()
-function Panel:default()
-	BonusRollPreviewDB = defaults
-	table.wipe(temporary)
-function Panel:refresh()
-	for key, object in next, objects do
-		if(object:IsObjectType('Frame')) then
-			object.Label:SetText(object.keys[BonusRollPreviewDB[key]])
-		end
-	end
-local CreateDropdown
-	local BACKDROP = {
-		bgFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark]],
-		edgeFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]], edgeSize = 32,
-		insets = {top = 12, bottom = 9, left = 11, right = 12}
-	}
-	local function OnHide(self)
-		self.Menu:Hide()
-	end
-	local function MenuClick(self)
-		local Menu = self:GetParent().Menu
-		if(Menu:IsShown()) then
-			Menu:Hide()
-		else
-			for key, Item in next, Menu.items do
-				Item.Button:SetChecked(key == (temporary[Menu.key] or QuickQuestDB[Menu.key]))
-			end
-			Menu:Show()
-		end
-		PlaySound('igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn')
-	end
-	local function ItemClick(self)
-		local Menu = self:GetParent()
-		temporary[Menu.key] = self.value
-		Menu:Hide()
-		Menu:GetParent().Label:SetText(self:GetText())
-	end
-	function CreateDropdown(parent, key, items)
-		local Dropdown = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, parent)
-		Dropdown:SetSize(110, 32)
-		Dropdown:SetScript('OnHide', OnHide)
-		Dropdown.keys = items
-		local LeftTexture = Dropdown:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
-		LeftTexture:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', -14, 17)
-		LeftTexture:SetSize(25, 64)
-		LeftTexture:SetTexture([[Interface\Glues\CharacterCreate\CharacterCreate-LabelFrame]])
-		LeftTexture:SetTexCoord(0, 0.1953125, 0, 1)
-		local RightTexture = Dropdown:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
-		RightTexture:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', 14, 17)
-		RightTexture:SetSize(25, 64)
-		RightTexture:SetTexture([[Interface\Glues\CharacterCreate\CharacterCreate-LabelFrame]])
-		RightTexture:SetTexCoord(0.8046875, 1, 0, 1)
-		local MiddleTexture = Dropdown:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
-		MiddleTexture:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', LeftTexture, 'TOPRIGHT')
-		MiddleTexture:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', RightTexture, 'TOPLEFT')
-		MiddleTexture:SetTexture([[Interface\Glues\CharacterCreate\CharacterCreate-LabelFrame]])
-		MiddleTexture:SetTexCoord(0.1953125, 0.8046875, 0, 1)
-		local Button = CreateFrame('Button', nil, Dropdown)
-		Button:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', RightTexture, -16, -18)
-		Button:SetSize(24, 24)
-		Button:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Up]])
-		Button:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Down]])
-		Button:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Disabled]])
-		Button:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-Common-MouseHilight]])
-		Button:GetHighlightTexture():SetBlendMode('ADD')
-		Button:SetScript('OnClick', MenuClick)
-		Dropdown.Button = Button
-		local Label = Dropdown:CreateFontString(nil, nil, 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
-		Label:SetPoint('RIGHT', Button, 'LEFT')
-		Label:SetSize(0, 10)
-		Dropdown.Label = Label
-		local Menu = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, Dropdown)
-		Menu:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', Dropdown, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, 4)
-		Menu:SetBackdrop(BACKDROP)
-		Menu:Hide()
-		Menu.key = key
-		Menu.items = {}
-		Dropdown.Menu = Menu
-		local index, maxWidth = 0, 0
-		for value, name in next, items do
-			local Item = CreateFrame('Button', nil, Menu)
-			Item:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 14, -(14 + (18 * index)))
-			Item:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight]])
-			Item:GetHighlightTexture():SetBlendMode('ADD')
-			Item:SetScript('OnClick', ItemClick)
-			Item.value = value
-			local ItemButton = CreateFrame('CheckButton', nil, Item)
-			ItemButton:SetPoint('LEFT')
-			ItemButton:SetSize(16, 16)
-			ItemButton:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\Common\UI-DropDownRadioChecks]])
-			ItemButton:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.5, 1, 0.5, 1)
-			ItemButton:SetCheckedTexture([[Interface\Common\UI-DropDownRadioChecks]])
-			ItemButton:GetCheckedTexture():SetTexCoord(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
-			ItemButton:EnableMouse(false)
-			Item.Button = ItemButton
-			local ItemLabel = Item:CreateFontString(nil, nil, 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
-			ItemLabel:SetPoint('LEFT', ItemButton, 'RIGHT', 4, -1)
-			ItemLabel:SetText(name)
-			Item:SetFontString(ItemLabel)
-			local width = ItemLabel:GetWidth()
-			if(width > maxWidth) then
-				maxWidth = width
-			end
-			Menu.items[value] = Item
-			index = index + 1
-		end
-		for _, Item in next, Menu.items do
-			Item:SetSize(32 + maxWidth, 18)
-		end
-		Menu:SetSize(60 + maxWidth, 28 + 18 * index)
-		local Text = Dropdown:CreateFontString(nil, nil, 'GameFontHighlight')
-		Text:SetPoint('LEFT', Dropdown, 'RIGHT', 3, 2)
-		Dropdown.Text = Text
-		objects[key] = Dropdown
-		return Dropdown
-	end
-Panel:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
-	local Title = self:CreateFontString(nil, nil, 'GameFontNormalLarge')
-	Title:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 16, -16)
-	Title:SetText(addonName)
-	local Description = self:CreateFontString(nil, nil, 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
-	Description:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', Title, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -8)
-	Description:SetPoint('RIGHT', -32, 0)
-	Description:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
-	Description:SetText('Quick access to your upcoming loot!')
-	self.Description = Description
-	local Position = CreateDropdown(self, 'position', {
-		BOTTOM = 'Bottom',
-		TOP = 'Top'
-	})
-	Position:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', Description, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -14)
-	Position.Text:SetText('Position of the list')
-	Panel:refresh()
-	self:SetScript('OnShow', nil)
-SLASH_BonusRollPreview1 = '/brp'
-SLASH_BonusRollPreview1 = '/bonusrollpreview'
-SlashCmdList[addonName] = function()
-	InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(addonName)
-	InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(addonName)