
- Update TOC

Sidoine De Wispelaere [07-19-14 - 13:30]
- Update TOC

- Use API_GetTalentInfoByID instead of API_GetTalentInfo
diff --git a/Ovale.toc b/Ovale.toc
index fef99ac..701f85a 100644
--- a/Ovale.toc
+++ b/Ovale.toc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-## Interface: 50400
-## X-Min-Interface: 50100
+## Interface: 60000
+## X-Min-Interface: 60000
 ## Title: Ovale Spell Priority
 ## Notes: Show the icon of the next spell to cast
 ## Notes-frFR: Affiche l'icône du prochain sort à lancer
diff --git a/OvaleSpellBook.lua b/OvaleSpellBook.lua
index 54b99d8..4857d0c 100644
--- a/OvaleSpellBook.lua
+++ b/OvaleSpellBook.lua
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ local API_GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo
 local API_GetSpellLink = GetSpellLink
 local API_GetSpellTabInfo = GetSpellTabInfo
 local API_GetTalentInfo = GetTalentInfo
+local API_GetTalentInfoByID = GetTalentInfoByID
 local API_HasPetSpells = HasPetSpells
 local API_IsSpellOverlayed = IsSpellOverlayed
 local API_IsUsableSpell = IsUsableSpell
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ function OvaleSpellBook:UpdateTalents()

 	local i = 1
 	while true do
-		local name, _, _, _, selected, _ = API_GetTalentInfo(i)
+		local name, _, _, _, selected, _ = API_GetTalentInfoByID(i)
 		if not name then break end
 		self.talent[i] = name
 		if selected then