
5.3 for patch 7.3.0

Ebonyfaye [08-30-17 - 16:16]
5.3 for patch 7.3.0
diff --git a/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Jamba-AdvancedLoot.toc b/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Jamba-AdvancedLoot.toc
index e82eb22..5e3882a 100644
--- a/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Jamba-AdvancedLoot.toc
+++ b/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Jamba-AdvancedLoot.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: Jamba-AdvancedLoot
 ## Notes: Jamba-AdvancedLoot
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula & Max Schilling
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/JambaAdvancedLoot.lua b/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/JambaAdvancedLoot.lua
index 10e160c..4883952 100644
--- a/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/JambaAdvancedLoot.lua
+++ b/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/JambaAdvancedLoot.lua
@@ -558,8 +558,9 @@ end
 -- Called when the addon is enabled.
 function AJM:OnEnable()
-	AJM:RegisterEvent( "LOOT_OPENED" )
+	--AJM:RegisterEvent( "LOOT_OPENED" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE" )
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "LOOT_READY" )
 	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_AREAS_CHANGED, "OnMessageAreasChanged" )

@@ -647,6 +648,15 @@ function AJM:GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE( event, ... )

+function AJM:LOOT_READY()
+	if AJM.db.advancedLoot == true then
+		if IsInGroup() then
+			AJM:DoAdvancedLoot()
+		end
+	end
 function AJM:LOOT_OPENED()
 	if AJM.db.advancedLoot == true then
 		if IsInGroup() then
diff --git a/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Locales/Locales.xml
index 3a7360b..8e22097 100644
--- a/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-AdvancedLoot/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ Credits: Built on top of the awesome JAMBA addon, most code is copied nearly dir

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaAdvancedLoot-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Curr/Jamba-Curr.toc b/Jamba-Curr/Jamba-Curr.toc
index 7da10b0..2a8c06a 100644
--- a/Jamba-Curr/Jamba-Curr.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Curr/Jamba-Curr.toc
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaCurr
 ## Notes: JambaCurr
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
 ## SavedVariables: JambaCurrProfileDB
 ## LoadOnDemand: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Curr/JambaCurr.lua b/Jamba-Curr/JambaCurr.lua
index 0d9a976..a030892 100644
--- a/Jamba-Curr/JambaCurr.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Curr/JambaCurr.lua
@@ -61,6 +61,14 @@ AJM.currTypes.ShadowyCoins = 1154
 AJM.currTypes.SightlessEye = 1149
 AJM.currTypes.TimeWornArtifact = 1268
 AJM.currTypes.CuriousCoin = 1275
+AJM.currTypes.LegionfallWarSupplies = 1342
+AJM.currTypes.CoinsOfAir = 1416
+AJM.currTypes.WrithingEssence = 1501
+AJM.currTypes.ArgusWaystone = 1506
+AJM.currTypes.VeiledArgunite = 1508

 -------------------------------------- End of edit --------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -85,9 +93,9 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		CcurrTypeThreeName = AJM:CurrencyIconAndName(AJM.currTypes.TimeWalker),
 		CcurrTypeFour = AJM.currTypes.SightlessEye,
 		CcurrTypeFourName = AJM:CurrencyIconAndName(AJM.currTypes.SightlessEye),
-		CcurrTypeFive = 0,
+		CcurrTypeFive = 1,
 		CcurrTypeFiveName = "",
-		CcurrTypeSix = 0,
+		CcurrTypeSix = 1,
 		CcurrTypeSixName = "",
 		currencyFrameAlpha = 1.0,
 		currencyFramePoint = "CENTER",
@@ -726,8 +734,8 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourG = settings.currencyFrameBorderColourG
 		AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourB = settings.currencyFrameBorderColourB
 		AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourA = settings.currencyFrameBorderColourA
-		AJM.db.currencyMediaBorder = settings.currencyBorderStyle
-		AJM.db.currencyMediaBackground = settings.currencyBackgroundStyle
+		AJM.db.currencyBorderStyle = settings.currencyBorderStyle
+		AJM.db.currencyBackgroundStyle = settings.currencyBackgroundStyle
 		AJM.db.currencyFontSize = settings.currencyFontSize
 		AJM.db.currencyFontStyle = settings.currencyFontStyle
 		AJM.db.currencyNameWidth = settings.currencyNameWidth
@@ -771,7 +779,7 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaToonCurrencyListFrame()
 	-- The frame.
 	local frame = CreateFrame( "Frame", "JambaToonCurrencyListWindowFrame", UIParent )
 	frame.obj = AJM
-	frame:SetFrameStrata( "BACKGROUND" )
+	frame:SetFrameStrata( "LOW" )
 	frame:SetToplevel( false )
 	frame:SetClampedToScreen( true )
 	frame:EnableMouse( true )
@@ -983,28 +991,40 @@ function AJM:UpdateHendingText()
 	local parentFrame = JambaToonCurrencyListFrame
 	-- Type One
 	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeOne )
-	local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-		parentFrame.TypeOneText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	if icon ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
+			parentFrame.TypeOneText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	end
 	-- Type Two
 	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeTwo )
-	local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-		parentFrame.TypeTwoText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	if icon ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
+			parentFrame.TypeTwoText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	end
 	-- Type Three
 	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeThree )
-	local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-		parentFrame.TypeThreeText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	if icon ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
+			parentFrame.TypeThreeText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	end
 	-- Type Four
 	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeFour )
-	local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-		parentFrame.TypeFourText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	if icon ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
+			parentFrame.TypeFourText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	end
 	-- Type Five
 	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeFive )
-	local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-		parentFrame.TypeFiveText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	if icon ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
+			parentFrame.TypeFiveText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	end
 	-- Type six
 	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeSix )
-	local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-		parentFrame.TypeSixText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	if icon ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
+			parentFrame.TypeSixText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	end

 function AJM:CurrencyUpdateWindowLock()
@@ -1027,7 +1047,9 @@ function AJM:SettingsUpdateBorderStyle()
 	} )
 	frame:SetBackdropColor( AJM.db.currencyFrameBackgroundColourR, AJM.db.currencyFrameBackgroundColourG, AJM.db.currencyFrameBackgroundColourB, AJM.db.currencyFrameBackgroundColourA )
 	frame:SetBackdropBorderColor( AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourR, AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourG, AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourB, AJM.db.currencyFrameBorderColourA )
+	frame:ClearAllPoints()
 	frame:SetAlpha( AJM.db.currencyFrameAlpha )
+	frame:SetPoint( AJM.db.currencyFramePoint, UIParent, AJM.db.currencyFrameRelativePoint, AJM.db.currencyFrameXOffset, AJM.db.currencyFrameYOffset )

 function AJM:SettingsUpdateFontStyle()
@@ -1398,10 +1420,10 @@ function AJM:JambaToonHideCurrency()

 function AJM:JambaToonRequestCurrency()
-	-- Colour red.
+	-- Colour Light Red.
 	local r = 1.0
-	local g = 0.0
-	local b = 0.0
+	local g = 0.42
+	local b = 0.42
 	local a = 0.6
 	for characterName, currencyFrameCharacterInfo in pairs( AJM.currencyFrameCharacterInfo ) do
 		--AJM.Print("DoRequestCurrency", characterName)
@@ -1444,6 +1466,7 @@ function AJM:JambaToonRequestCurrency()

 function AJM:DoSendCurrency( characterName, dummyValue )
@@ -1458,6 +1481,13 @@ function AJM:DoSendCurrency( characterName, dummyValue )
 	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFour	= select( 2, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeFour ) )
 	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFive = select( 2, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeFive ) )
 	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeSix = select( 2, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeSix ) )
+	-- Max CurrencyValues
+	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeOne = select( 6, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeOne ) )
+	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo = select( 6, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeTwo ) )
+	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeThree = select( 6, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeThree ) )
+	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFour	= select( 6, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeFour ) )
+	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFive = select( 6, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeFive ) )
+	AJM.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeSix = select( 6, GetCurrencyInfo( AJM.db.CcurrTypeSix ) )
 	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon( characterName, AJM.COMMAND_HERE_IS_CURRENCY, AJM.currentCurrencyValues )
@@ -1465,7 +1495,7 @@ function AJM:DoSendCurrency( characterName, dummyValue )

 function AJM:DoShowToonsCurrency( characterName, currencyValues )
-	--AJM.Print("DoShowCurrency", characterName, currencyValues.currTypeOne )
+	--AJM.Print("DoShowCurrency", characterName, currencyValues.currTypeOne, currencyValues.currMaxTypeOne )
 	local parentFrame = JambaToonCurrencyListFrame
 	-- Get (or create and get) the character information.
 	local currencyFrameCharacterInfo = AJM.currencyFrameCharacterInfo[characterName]
@@ -1479,15 +1509,47 @@ function AJM:DoShowToonsCurrency( characterName, currencyValues )
 	local g = 1.0
 	local b = 1.0
 	local a = 1.0
+	local v = 0
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.characterNameText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	if currencyValues.currTypeOne == currencyValues.currMaxTypeOne and currencyValues.currTypeOne > 0 then
+		--AJM:Print("SetRed")
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+	else
+		--AJM:Print("SetWhite")
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	end
+	if currencyValues.currTypeTwo == currencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo and currencyValues.currTypeTwo > 0 then
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+	else
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	end
+	if currencyValues.currTypeThree == currencyValues.currMaxTypeThree and currencyValues.currTypeThree > 0 then
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+	else
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	end
+	if currencyValues.currTypeFour == currencyValues.currMaxTypeFour and currencyValues.currTypeFour > 0 then
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+	else
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	end
+	if currencyValues.currTypeFive == currencyValues.currMaxTypeFive and currencyValues.currTypeFive > 0 then
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+	else
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	end
+	if currencyValues.currTypeSix == currencyValues.currMaxTypeSix and currencyValues.currTypeSix > 0 then
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+	else
+		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	end
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetText( JambaUtilities:FormatMoneyString( currencyValues.currGold ) )
 	--currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetText( GetCoinTextureString( currencyValues.currGold ) )
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetText( currencyValues.currTypeOne )
diff --git a/Jamba-Curr/Locales/JambaCurr-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-Curr/Locales/JambaCurr-Locale-enUS.lua
index fbb9e0d..ef49c98 100644
--- a/Jamba-Curr/Locales/JambaCurr-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Curr/Locales/JambaCurr-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ L["Shows Currency on The Currency display window."] = true
 L["You can change the Currency ID here.\n\nFor a list of ID's\nhttp://www.wowhead.com/currencies"] = true
 L["Show Currency Window"] = true
 L["Open Currency List On Start Up.\n\nThe Master Minion Only)"] = true
-L["Lock Currency List\n\n(Enables Mouse Click-Through)"] = true
+L["Lock Currency List\n\n(Enables Mouse Click-Through)"] = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Curr/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-Curr/Locales/Locales.xml
index 424585b..c60cd2b 100644
--- a/Jamba-Curr/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-Curr/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaCurr-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Jamba-DisplayTeam.toc b/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Jamba-DisplayTeam.toc
index 13cd196..beae5c3 100644
--- a/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Jamba-DisplayTeam.toc
+++ b/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Jamba-DisplayTeam.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: Jamba-DisplayTeam
 ## Notes: Jamba-DisplayTeam
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-DisplayTeam/JambaDisplayTeam.lua b/Jamba-DisplayTeam/JambaDisplayTeam.lua
index 0cad4d8..8a4d81b 100644
--- a/Jamba-DisplayTeam/JambaDisplayTeam.lua
+++ b/Jamba-DisplayTeam/JambaDisplayTeam.lua
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ local AJM = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon(
 local JambaUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaUtilities-1.0" )
 local JambaHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaHelperSettings-1.0" )
 local LibBagUtils = LibStub:GetLibrary( "LibBagUtils-1.0" )
+local LibButtonGlow = LibStub:GetLibrary( "LibButtonGlow-1.0")
 AJM.SharedMedia = LibStub( "LibSharedMedia-3.0" )

 -- Constants required by JambaModule and Locale for this module.
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		teamListHorizontal = true,
 		showListTitle = false,
 		olnyShowInParty = false,
+		healthManaOutOfParty = false,
 		showCharacterPortrait = true,
 		characterPortraitWidth = 80,
 		showFollowStatus = true,
@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		experienceStatusShowValues = false,
 		experienceStatusShowPercentage = true,
 		showHealthStatus = true,
+		showClassColors = false,
 		healthStatusWidth = 100,
 		healthStatusHeight = 30,
 		healthStatusShowValues = true,
@@ -155,6 +158,9 @@ AJM.COMMAND_TOONINFORMATION_UPDATE = "IlvlInfoUpd"

 -- Messages module sends.
@@ -438,7 +444,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsUpdateStatusBarTexture()
 		characterStatusBar["reputationBar"]:GetStatusBarTexture():SetVertTile( false )
 		characterStatusBar["healthBar"]:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
 		characterStatusBar["healthBar"]:GetStatusBarTexture():SetHorizTile( false )
-		characterStatusBar["healthBar"]:GetStatusBarTexture():SetVertTile( false )
+		characterStatusBar["healthBar"]:GetStatusBarTexture():SetVertTile( false )
 		characterStatusBar["powerBar"]:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
 		characterStatusBar["powerBar"]:GetStatusBarTexture():SetHorizTile( false )
 		characterStatusBar["powerBar"]:GetStatusBarTexture():SetVertTile( false )
@@ -534,11 +540,11 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	followBar.CurrText = "currNothing"
 	followBar.CharacterLevel = 1
 	followBar.MaxCharacterLevel = 100
-	followBarClick:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowFollowTooltip(followBarClick, followBar, characterName, true) end)
-	followBarClick:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+--	followBarClick:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowFollowTooltip(followBarClick, followBar, characterName, true) end)
+--	followBarClick:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
 	-- Set the experience bar.
 	local experienceName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."ExperienceBar"
-	local experienceBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", experienceName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
+	local experienceBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", experienceName, parentFrame, "AnimatedStatusBarTemplate" ) --"TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
 	experienceBar.backgroundTexture = experienceBar:CreateTexture( experienceName.."BackgroundTexture", "ARTWORK" )
 	experienceBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( 0.0, 0.39, 0.88, 0.15 )
 	experienceBar:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
@@ -559,11 +565,12 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	experienceBarText.playerExperience = 100
 	experienceBarText.playerMaxExperience = 100
 	experienceBarText.exhaustionStateID = 1
+	experienceBarText.playerLevel = 1
 	characterStatusBar["experienceBarText"] = experienceBarText
 	AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil )
 	-- Set the artifactXP bar.
 	local experienceArtName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."ExperienceArtBar"
-	local experienceArtBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", experienceArtName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
+	local experienceArtBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", experienceArtName, parentFrame, "AnimatedStatusBarTemplate" ) --"TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
 	experienceArtBar.backgroundTexture = experienceArtBar:CreateTexture( experienceArtName.."BackgroundTexture", "ARTWORK" )
 	experienceArtBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15 )
 	experienceArtBar:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
@@ -584,12 +591,13 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactName = "N/A"
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactXP = 0
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactForNextPoint = 100
+	experienceArtBarText.artifactPointsSpent = 1
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactPointsAvailable = 0
 	characterStatusBar["experienceArtBarText"] = experienceArtBarText
 	AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil )
 	-- Set the HonorXP bar.
 	local experienceHonorName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."ExperienceHonorBar"
-	local experienceHonorBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", experienceHonorName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
+	local experienceHonorBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", experienceHonorName, parentFrame, "AnimatedStatusBarTemplate" ) --"TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
 	experienceHonorBar.backgroundTexture = experienceArtBar:CreateTexture( experienceArtName.."BackgroundTexture", "ARTWORK" )
 	experienceHonorBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15 )
 	experienceHonorBar:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
@@ -616,7 +624,7 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil )
 	-- Set the reputation bar.
 	local reputationName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."ReputationBar"
-	local reputationBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", reputationName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
+	local reputationBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", reputationName, parentFrame, "AnimatedStatusBarTemplate" ) --"TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
 	reputationBar.backgroundTexture = reputationBar:CreateTexture( reputationName.."BackgroundTexture", "ARTWORK" )
 	reputationBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( 0.0, 0.39, 0.88, 0.15 )
 	reputationBar:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
@@ -642,6 +650,7 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	characterStatusBar["reputationBarText"] = reputationBarText
 	AJM:UpdateReputationStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil )
 	-- Set the health bar.
 	local healthName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."HealthBar"
 	local healthBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", healthName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
 	healthBar.backgroundTexture = healthBar:CreateTexture( healthName.."BackgroundTexture", "ARTWORK" )
@@ -653,10 +662,27 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	healthBar:SetValue( 100 )
 	healthBar:SetFrameStrata( "LOW" )
 	healthBar:SetAlpha( 1 )
+	local healthIncomingName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."HealthIncomingBar"
+	local healthIncomingBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", healthIncomingName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
+	healthIncomingBar.backgroundTexture = healthIncomingBar:CreateTexture( healthIncomingName.."BackgroundTexture", "ARTWORK" )
+	healthIncomingBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( 0.58, 0.0, 0.55, 0.15 )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetStatusBarTexture( statusBarTexture )
+	healthIncomingBar:GetStatusBarTexture():SetHorizTile( false )
+	healthIncomingBar:GetStatusBarTexture():SetVertTile( false )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, 100 )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetValue( 0 )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetFrameStrata( "BACKGROUND" )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetAlpha( 1 )
+	-- Set the heal Incoming bar
 	local healthBarClick = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", healthName.."Click"..characterName, parentFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
 	healthBarClick:SetAttribute( "unit", Ambiguate( characterName, "all" ) )
 	healthBarClick:SetFrameStrata( "MEDIUM" )
 	characterStatusBar["healthBar"] = healthBar
+	characterStatusBar["healthIncomingBar"] = healthIncomingBar
 	characterStatusBar["healthBarClick"] = healthBarClick
 	local healthBarText = healthBar:CreateFontString( healthName.."Text", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal" )
 	healthBarText:SetTextColor( 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 )
@@ -664,8 +690,11 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, parentFrame )
 	healthBarText.playerHealth = 100
 	healthBarText.playerMaxHealth = 100
+	healthBarText.inComingHeal = 0
 	characterStatusBar["healthBarText"] = healthBarText
 	AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, nil, nil )
 	-- Set the power bar.
 	local powerName = AJM.globalFramePrefix.."PowerBar"
 	local powerBar = CreateFrame( "StatusBar", powerName, parentFrame, "TextStatusBar,SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
@@ -822,6 +851,7 @@ function AJM:HideJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName )
+	characterStatusBar["healthIncomingBar"]:Hide()
@@ -1112,6 +1142,7 @@ function AJM:UpdateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, characterPosition )
 	-- Display the health bar.
 	local healthBar	= characterStatusBar["healthBar"]
+	local healthIncomingBar = characterStatusBar["healthIncomingBar"]
 	local healthBarClick = characterStatusBar["healthBarClick"]
 	if AJM.db.showHealthStatus == true then
@@ -1131,7 +1162,18 @@ function AJM:UpdateJambaTeamStatusBar( characterName, characterPosition )
-	end
+	end
+	-- Display the health Incoming bar.
+	if AJM.db.showHealthStatus == true then
+		healthIncomingBar.backgroundTexture:SetAllPoints()
+		healthIncomingBar:SetWidth( AJM.db.healthStatusWidth )
+		healthIncomingBar:SetHeight( AJM.db.healthStatusHeight )
+		healthIncomingBar:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", healthBar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 )
+		healthIncomingBar:Show()
+	else
+		healthIncomingBar:Hide()
+		--healthBarClick:Hide()
+	end
 	-- Display the power bar.
 	local powerBar = characterStatusBar["powerBar"]
 	local powerBarClick = characterStatusBar["powerBarClick"]
@@ -1211,7 +1253,7 @@ local function SettingsCreateDisplayOptions( top )
 		L["Show Team List"],
 		L["Show Jamba Team or Unit Frame List"]
-	)
+	)
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowTeamListOnlyOnMaster = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
@@ -1243,6 +1285,26 @@ local function SettingsCreateDisplayOptions( top )
 		L["Enable Clique Support\n\n**reload UI to take effect**"]
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
+	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxOlnyShowInParty = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only Show in Party"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleOlnyShowinParty,
+		L["Only Show Display-Team\nIn Party or Raid"]
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
+	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxHpManaOutOfParty = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Health & Power Out of Group"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleHpManaOutOfParty,
+		L["Update Health and Power out of Groups\nUse Guild Communications!"]
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
 	-- Create appearance & layout.
 	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Appearance & Layout"], movingTop, true )
 	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
@@ -1254,18 +1316,8 @@ local function SettingsCreateDisplayOptions( top )
 		L["Show Title"],
 		L["Show Team List Title"]
-	)
-	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxOlnyShowInParty = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
-		AJM.settingsControl,
-		thirdWidth,
-		left2,
-		movingTop,
-		L["Olny Show in Party"],
-		AJM.SettingsToggleOlnyShowinParty,
-		L["Olny Show Display-Team\nIn Party or Raid"]
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCharactersPerBar = JambaHelperSettings:CreateSlider(
@@ -1586,7 +1638,17 @@ local function SettingsCreateDisplayOptions( top )
 		L["Show Percentage"]
-	)
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
+	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowClassColors = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		thirdWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Show Class Colors"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleShowClassColors,
+		L["Show class Coulor on Health Bar"]
+	)
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsHealthStatusWidthSlider = JambaHelperSettings:CreateSlider(
@@ -1748,6 +1810,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 --	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxTeamHorizontal:SetValue( AJM.db.teamListHorizontal )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowListTitle:SetValue( AJM.db.showListTitle )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxOlnyShowInParty:SetValue( AJM.db.olnyShowInParty )
+	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxHpManaOutOfParty:SetValue ( AJM.db.healthManaOutOfParty )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsTeamListTransparencySlider:SetValue( AJM.db.frameAlpha )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsTeamListScaleSlider:SetValue( AJM.db.teamListScale )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsTeamListMediaStatus:SetValue( AJM.db.statusBarTexture )
@@ -1774,6 +1837,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsExperienceStatusWidthSlider:SetValue( AJM.db.experienceStatusWidth )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsExperienceStatusHeightSlider:SetValue( AJM.db.experienceStatusHeight )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowHealthStatus:SetValue( AJM.db.showHealthStatus )
+	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowClassColors:SetValue( AJM.db.showClassColors )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowHealthStatusValues:SetValue( AJM.db.healthStatusShowValues )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowHealthStatusPercentage:SetValue( AJM.db.healthStatusShowPercentage )
 	AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsHealthStatusWidthSlider:SetValue( AJM.db.healthStatusWidth )
@@ -1803,6 +1867,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 		--AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxTeamHorizontal:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowListTitle:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxOlnyShowInParty:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
+		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxHpManaOutOfParty:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList)
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsTeamListScaleSlider:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsTeamListTransparencySlider:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsTeamListMediaStatus:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
@@ -1829,6 +1894,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsExperienceStatusWidthSlider:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList or not AJM.db.showExperienceStatus)
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsExperienceStatusHeightSlider:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList or not AJM.db.showExperienceStatus )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowHealthStatus:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList )
+		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowClassColors:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList or not AJM.db.showHealthStatus )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowHealthStatusValues:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList or not AJM.db.showHealthStatus )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsCheckBoxShowHealthStatusPercentage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList or not AJM.db.showHealthStatus )
 		AJM.settingsControl.displayOptionsHealthStatusWidthSlider:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showTeamList or not AJM.db.showHealthStatus )
@@ -1878,6 +1944,7 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		--AJM.db.teamListHorizontal = settings.teamListHorizontal
 		AJM.db.showListTitle = settings.showListTitle
 		AJM.db.olnyShowInParty = settings.olnyShowInParty
+		AJM.db.healthManaOutOfParty = settings.healthManaOutOfParty
 		AJM.db.teamListScale = settings.teamListScale
 		AJM.db.statusBarTexture = settings.statusBarTexture
 		AJM.db.borderStyle = settings.borderStyle
@@ -1901,6 +1968,7 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		AJM.db.experienceStatusShowValues = settings.experienceStatusShowValues
 		AJM.db.experienceStatusShowPercentage = settings.experienceStatusShowPercentage
 		AJM.db.showHealthStatus = settings.showHealthStatus
+		AJM.db.showClassColors = settings.showClassColors
 		AJM.db.healthStatusWidth = settings.healthStatusWidth
 		AJM.db.healthStatusHeight = settings.healthStatusHeight
 		AJM.db.healthStatusShowValues = settings.healthStatusShowValues
@@ -1993,6 +2061,12 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleOlnyShowinParty( event, checked )

+function AJM:SettingsToggleHpManaOutOfParty( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.healthManaOutOfParty = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 function AJM:SettingsChangeScale( event, value )
 	AJM.db.teamListScale = tonumber( value )
@@ -2122,6 +2196,11 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleShowHealthStatus( event, checked )

+function AJM:SettingsToggleShowClassColors( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.showClassColors = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 function AJM:SettingsToggleShowHealthStatusValues( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.healthStatusShowValues = checked
@@ -2222,6 +2301,7 @@ end ]]
 -- A Jamba command has been recieved.
 function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	AJM:DebugMessage( "JambaOnCommandReceived", characterName )
+	--AJM:Print("DebugCommandReceived", characterName, commandName )
 		AJM:ProcessUpdateFollowStatusMessage( characterName, ... )
@@ -2237,9 +2317,18 @@ function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_COMBO_STATUS_UPDATE then
 		AJM:ProcessUpdateComboStatusMessage( characterName, ... )
+		AJM:ProcessUpdateCombatStatusMessage( characterName, ... )
+	end
+		AJM:ProcessUpdateHealthStatusMessage( characterName, ... )
+	end
+	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_POWER_STATUS_UPDATE then
+		AJM:ProcessUpdatePowerStatusMessage(characterName, ... )
+	end
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_REQUEST_INFO then
-	end
+	end

@@ -2430,6 +2519,7 @@ function AJM:SendFollowStatusUpdateCommand( isFollowing )
 	if AJM.db.showTeamList == true and AJM.db.showFollowStatus == true then
 		local canSend = false
 		local alpha = AutoFollowStatus:GetAlpha()
+		--AJM:Print("testA", alpha)
 		if alpha < 1 then
 			canSend = true
 			AJM.isFollowing = false
@@ -2444,7 +2534,7 @@ function AJM:SendFollowStatusUpdateCommand( isFollowing )
 				canSend = false
-		--AJM:Print("canSend", canSend)
+		--AJM:Print("canSend", canSend )
 		if canSend == true then
 			if AJM.db.showTeamListOnMasterOnly == true then
 				AJM:JambaSendCommandToMaster( AJM.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STATUS_UPDATE, isFollowing )
@@ -2455,12 +2545,13 @@ function AJM:SendFollowStatusUpdateCommand( isFollowing )

 function AJM:ProcessUpdateFollowStatusMessage( characterName, isFollowing )
-	AJM:UpdateFollowStatus( characterName, isFollowing, isFollowLeader )
+	AJM:UpdateFollowStatus( characterName, isFollowing )

-function AJM:UpdateFollowStatus( characterName, isFollowing, isFollowLeader )
-	--AJM:Print("follow", characterName, isFollowing, isFollowLeader)
+function AJM:UpdateFollowStatus( characterName, isFollowing )
+	--AJM:Print("follow", characterName, "follow", isFollowing)
 	if CanDisplayTeamList() == false then
@@ -2472,30 +2563,56 @@ function AJM:UpdateFollowStatus( characterName, isFollowing, isFollowLeader )
 	if characterStatusBar == nil then
-	local followBar = characterStatusBar["followBar"]
+	local followBar = characterStatusBar["followBar"]
 	if isFollowing == true then
 		-- Following.
 		followBar:SetStatusBarColor( 0.05, 0.85, 0.05, 1.00 )
+		LibButtonGlow.HideOverlayGlow(followBar)
 		if isFollowLeader == true then
 			-- Follow leader.
 			followBar:SetStatusBarColor( 0.55, 0.15, 0.15, 0.25 )
+			LibButtonGlow.HideOverlayGlow(followBar)
 			-- Not following.
+		LibButtonGlow.ShowOverlayGlow(followBar)
 		followBar:SetStatusBarColor( 0.85, 0.05, 0.05, 1.00 )
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer("EndGlowFollowBar", 2 , followBar)
-	end
+	end
+function AJM:EndGlowFollowBar(frame)
+	LibButtonGlow.HideOverlayGlow(frame)
+-- TEXT and Combat updates
+function AJM:SendCombatStatusUpdateCommand()
+	local inCombat = UnitAffectingCombat("player")
+	--AJM:Print("canSend", inCombat)
+	if AJM.db.showTeamListOnMasterOnly == true then
+		AJM:JambaSendCommandToMaster( AJM.COMMAND_COMBAT_STATUS_UPDATE, inCombat )
+	else
+		AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_COMBAT_STATUS_UPDATE, inCombat )
+	end

 function AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowTextAll()
 	for characterName, characterStatusBar in pairs( AJM.characterStatusBar ) do
-		AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowText( characterName )
+		AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowText( characterName, nil )

-function AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowText( characterName, characterLevel, characterMaxLevel, overall, equipped, gold, durability, slotsFree, totalSlots, toolText )
-	--AJM:Print("Info", characterName, characterLevel,characterMaxLevel, overall, equipped) -- debug
+function AJM:ProcessUpdateCombatStatusMessage( characterName, inCombat )
+--	AJM:Print("test", characterName, inCombat )
+	AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowText( characterName, inCombat )
+function AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowText( characterName, inCombat )
+	--AJM:Print("FollowTextInfo", characterName, inCombat) -- debug
 	if CanDisplayTeamList() == false then
@@ -2507,8 +2624,26 @@ function AJM:SettingsUpdateFollowText( characterName, characterLevel, characterM
 	if characterStatusBar == nil then
 	local followBarText = characterStatusBar["followBarText"]
+--[[	if inCombat == true then
+	--AJM:Print("change stuff here")
+		local _, _, icon = GetCurrencyInfo( "1356" )
+		local text = followBarText:GetText()
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":14|t")
+		followBarText:SetText( iconTextureString.." "..text )
+	else
+		local text = ""
+		text = text..Ambiguate( characterName, "none" )
+		followBarText:SetText( text )
+	end
+	if inCombat == true then
+		followBarText:SetTextColor(1.0, 0.5, 0.25)
+	else
+		followBarText:SetTextColor( 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 )
+	end
 	local text = ""
 	if AJM.db.followStatusShowName == true then
 		text = text..Ambiguate( characterName, "none" )
@@ -2537,6 +2672,10 @@ function AJM:HONOR_XP_UPDATE(event, arg1, agr2, ...)

+function AJM:ARTIFACT_XP_UPDATE(event, ...)
+	AJM:SendExperienceStatusUpdateCommand()
 function AJM:HONOR_LEVEL_UPDATE(event, arg1, agr2, ...)
@@ -2558,13 +2697,17 @@ function AJM:SendExperienceStatusUpdateCommand()
 		local artifactXP = 0
 		local artifactForNextPoint = 100
 		local artifactPointsAvailable = 0
+		local artifactPointsSpent = 0
 			if ArtifactWatchBar:IsShown() == true then
-			local itemID, altItemID, name, icon, totalXP, pointsSpent, quality, artifactAppearanceID, appearanceModID, itemAppearanceID, altItemAppearanceID, altOnTop = C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo()
-			local numPointsAvailableToSpend, xp, xpForNextPoint = MainMenuBar_GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP(pointsSpent, totalXP)
+			--local itemID, altItemID, name, icon, totalXP, pointsSpent, quality, artifactAppearanceID, appearanceModID, itemAppearanceID, altItemAppearanceID, altOnTop = C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo()
+			--local numPointsAvailableToSpend, xp, xpForNextPoint = MainMenuBar_GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP(pointsSpent, totalXP)
+			local artifactItemID, _, name, _, artifactTotalXP, artifactPointsSpent, _, _, _, _, _, _, artifactTier = C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo()
+			local numPointsAvailableToSpend, xp, xpForNextPoint = MainMenuBar_GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP(artifactPointsSpent, artifactTotalXP, artifactTier)
 			artifactName = name
 			artifactXP = xp
 			artifactForNextPoint = xpForNextPoint
-			artifactPointsAvailable = numPointsAvailableToSpend
+			artifactPointsAvailable = numPointsAvailableToSpend
+			artifactPointsSpent	= pointsSpent
 		local honorXP = UnitHonor("player")
 		local honorMax = UnitHonorMax("player")
@@ -2576,35 +2719,31 @@ function AJM:SendExperienceStatusUpdateCommand()
 		local honorExhaustionStateID = GetHonorRestState()
 		if not (honorexhaustionStateID == 1) then
 			honorExhaustionStateID = 0
-		end
+		end
 	--	AJM:Print("testSend", honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID)
 		if AJM.db.showTeamListOnMasterOnly == true then
 				--AJM:Print("Test", characterName, name, xp, xpForNextPoint, numPointsAvailableToSpend)
-				AJM:JambaSendCommandToMaster( AJM.COMMAND_EXPERIENCE_STATUS_UPDATE, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID )
+				AJM:JambaSendCommandToMaster( AJM.COMMAND_EXPERIENCE_STATUS_UPDATE, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, playerLevel, artifactName, artifactPointsSpent, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID )
 				AJM:DebugMessage( "SendExperienceStatusUpdateCommand TO TEAM!" )
 				--AJM:Print("Test", characterName, name, xp, xpForNextPoint, numPointsAvailableToSpend)
-				AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_EXPERIENCE_STATUS_UPDATE, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID)
+				AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_EXPERIENCE_STATUS_UPDATE, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, playerLevel, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactPointsSpent, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID)

-function AJM:ProcessUpdateExperienceStatusMessage( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID)
-	AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID )
+function AJM:ProcessUpdateExperienceStatusMessage( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, playerLevel, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsSpent, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID)
+	AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, playerLevel, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsSpent, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID )

 function AJM:SettingsUpdateExperienceAll()
 	for characterName, characterStatusBar in pairs( AJM.characterStatusBar ) do
-		AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil )
+		AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil )

-function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID )
---AJM:Print( "UpdateExperienceStatus", characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID)
+function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, playerLevel, artifactName, artifactXP, artifactPointsSpent, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID )
+--AJM:Print( "UpdateExperienceStatus", characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxExperience, exhaustionStateID, playerLevel)
 --	AJM:Print("ArtTest", characterName, "name", artifactName, "xp", artifactXP, "Points", artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable)
 --	AJM:Print("honorTest", characterName, honorXP, honorMax, HonorLevel, honorExhaustionStateID)
 	if CanDisplayTeamList() == false then
@@ -2639,8 +2778,6 @@ function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxE

 	if playerExperience == nil then
 		playerExperience = experienceBarText.playerExperience
@@ -2650,7 +2787,9 @@ function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxE
 	if exhaustionStateID == nil then
 		exhaustionStateID = experienceBarText.exhaustionStateID
+	if playerLevel == nil then
+		playerLevel = experienceBarText.playerLevel
+	end
 	if artifactName == nil then
 		artifactName = experienceArtBarText.artifactName
@@ -2658,7 +2797,9 @@ function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxE
 	if artifactXP == nil then
 		artifactXP = experienceArtBarText.artifactXP
+	if artifactPointsSpent == nil then
+		artifactPointsSpent = experienceArtBarText.artifactPointsSpent
+	end
 	if artifactForNextPoint == nil then
 		artifactForNextPoint = experienceArtBarText.artifactForNextPoint
@@ -2686,24 +2827,31 @@ function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxE
 	experienceBarText.playerExperience = playerExperience
 	experienceBarText.playerMaxExperience = playerMaxExperience
 	experienceBarText.exhaustionStateID = exhaustionStateID
+	experienceBarText.playerLevel = playerLevel
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactName = artifactName
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactXP = artifactXP
+	experienceArtBarText.artifactPointsSpent = artifactPointsSpent
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactForNextPoint = artifactForNextPoint
 	experienceArtBarText.artifactPointsAvailable = artifactPointsAvailable
 	experienceHonorBarText.honorXP = honorXP
 	experienceHonorBarText.honorMax = honorMax
 	experienceHonorBarText.honorLevel = honorLevel
 	experienceHonorBarText.honorExhaustionStateID = honorExhaustionStateID
+	local min, max = math.min(0, playerExperience), playerMaxExperience
+	--experienceBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( playerMaxExperience ) )
+	--experienceBar:SetValue( tonumber( playerExperience ) )
+	experienceBar:SetAnimatedValues(playerExperience, min, max , playerLevel)

-	experienceBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( playerMaxExperience ) )
-	experienceBar:SetValue( tonumber( playerExperience ) )
-	experienceArtBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( artifactForNextPoint ) )
-	experienceArtBar:SetValue( tonumber( artifactXP ) )

-	experienceHonorBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( honorMax ) )
-	experienceHonorBar:SetValue( tonumber( honorXP ) )
+	--experienceArtBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( artifactForNextPoint ) )
+	--experienceArtBar:SetValue( tonumber( artifactXP ) )
+	experienceArtBar:SetAnimatedValues(artifactXP, 0, artifactForNextPoint, artifactPointsAvailable + artifactPointsSpent)
+	--experienceHonorBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( honorMax ) )
+	--experienceHonorBar:SetValue( tonumber( honorXP ) )
+	experienceHonorBar:SetAnimatedValues(honorXP, 0, honorMax, honorLevel)

 	if 	UnitInParty(Ambiguate( characterName, "none" ) ) == true then
@@ -2716,6 +2864,7 @@ function AJM:UpdateExperienceStatus( characterName, playerExperience, playerMaxE
 		experienceBar:SetAlpha( 1 )
 	local text = ""
 	if AJM.db.experienceStatusShowValues == true then
 		text = text..tostring( AbbreviateLargeNumbers(playerExperience) )..L[" / "]..tostring( AbbreviateLargeNumbers(playerMaxExperience) )..L[" "]
@@ -2847,9 +2996,12 @@ function AJM:UpdateReputationStatus( characterName, reputationName, reputationSt
 	reputationBarText.reputationBarMin = reputationBarMin
 	reputationBarText.reputationBarMax = reputationBarMax
 	reputationBarText.reputationBarValue = reputationBarValue
-	reputationBar:SetMinMaxValues( tonumber( reputationBarMin ), tonumber( reputationBarMax ) )
-	reputationBar:SetValue( tonumber( reputationBarValue ) )
-    if reputationName == 0 then
+	--reputationBar:SetMinMaxValues( tonumber( reputationBarMin ), tonumber( reputationBarMax ) )
+	--reputationBar:SetValue( tonumber( reputationBarValue ) )
+	reputationBar:SetAnimatedValues(reputationBarValue, reputationBarMin, reputationBarMax, 0 )
+   if reputationName == 0 then
         reputationBarMin = 0
         reputationBarMax = 100
         reputationBarValue = 100
@@ -2891,8 +3043,8 @@ end

 function AJM:UNIT_HEALTH( event, unit, ... )
-	AJM:SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand( unit )
 	--AJM:Print("test2", unit)
+	AJM:SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand( unit )

 function AJM:UNIT_MAXHEALTH( event, unit, ... )
@@ -2900,29 +3052,59 @@ function AJM:UNIT_MAXHEALTH( event, unit, ... )
 	AJM:SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand( unit )

+function AJM:UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION( event, unit, ... )
+	--AJM:Print("test2", unit)
+	AJM:SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand( unit )

 function AJM:SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand(unit)
+	--AJM:Print("debugHealthUpd", unit )
 	if unit == nil then
 	if AJM.db.showTeamList == true and AJM.db.showHealthStatus == true then
-		local playerHealth = UnitHealth( unit )
-		local playerMaxHealth = UnitHealthMax( unit )
-		local characterName, characterRealm = UnitName( unit )
-		local character = JambaUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfNotNil( characterName, characterRealm )
-		--AJM:Print("HeathStats", character, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth)
-		AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( character, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth)
+		if AJM.db.healthManaOutOfParty == true then
+			if unit == "player" then
+				--AJM:Print("itsme", unit)
+				local playerHealth = UnitHealth( unit )
+				local playerMaxHealth = UnitHealthMax( unit )
+				local inComingHeal = UnitGetIncomingHeals( unit )
+				local _, class = UnitClass ("player")
+				if AJM.db.showTeamListOnMasterOnly == true then
+					--AJM:Print( "SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand TO Master!" )
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToMaster( AJM.COMMAND_HEALTH_STATUS_UPDATE, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class )
+				else
+					--AJM:Print( "SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand TO Team!" )
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_HEALTH_STATUS_UPDATE, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class )
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			local playerHealth = UnitHealth( unit )
+			local playerMaxHealth = UnitHealthMax( unit )
+			local inComingHeal = UnitGetIncomingHeals( unit )
+			local characterName, characterRealm = UnitName( unit )
+			local _, class = UnitClass ( unit )
+			local character = JambaUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfNotNil( characterName, characterRealm )
+			--AJM:Print("HeathStats", character, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth)
+			AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( character, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class)
+		end

+function AJM:ProcessUpdateHealthStatusMessage( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class )
+	AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class)
 function AJM:SettingsUpdateHealthAll()
 	for characterName, characterStatusBar in pairs( AJM.characterStatusBar ) do
-		AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, nil, nil )
+		AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil, nil )

-function AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth )
-	--AJM:Print("testUpdate", characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth)
+function AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class )
+	--AJM:Print("testUpdate", characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth, inComingHeal, class )
 		if characterName == nil then
@@ -2938,7 +3120,8 @@ function AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth )
 	local healthBarText = characterStatusBar["healthBarText"]
-	local healthBar = characterStatusBar["healthBar"]
+	local healthBar = characterStatusBar["healthBar"]
+	local healthIncomingBar = characterStatusBar["healthIncomingBar"]

 	if playerMaxHealth == 0 then
 		playerMaxHealth = healthBarText.playerMaxHealth
@@ -2949,6 +3132,9 @@ function AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth )
 	if playerMaxHealth == nil then
 		playerMaxHealth = healthBarText.playerMaxHealth
+	if inComingHeal == nil then
+		inComingHeal = healthBarText.inComingHeal
+	end
 	if 	UnitInParty(Ambiguate( characterName, "none" ) ) == true then
 		if range == false then
@@ -2962,8 +3148,18 @@ function AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth )
 	healthBarText.playerHealth = playerHealth
 	healthBarText.playerMaxHealth = playerMaxHealth
+	healthBarText.inComingHeal = inComingHeal
+	-- Set statusBar
 	healthBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( playerMaxHealth ) )
 	healthBar:SetValue( tonumber( playerHealth ) )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetMinMaxValues( 0, tonumber( playerMaxHealth ) )
+	healthIncomingBar:SetValue( tonumber( playerHealth ) )
+	if inComingHeal > 0 then
+--	AJM:Print("incomingHeal", inComingHeal)
+		healthIncomingBar:SetValue( tonumber( playerHealth + inComingHeal ) )
+		healthIncomingBar:SetStatusBarColor( 0, 1, 0, 1 )
+	end
 	local text = ""
 	if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(Ambiguate( characterName, "none" ) ) == true then
 		--AJM:Print("dead", characterName)
@@ -2981,11 +3177,21 @@ function AJM:UpdateHealthStatus( characterName, playerHealth, playerMaxHealth )
 	healthBarText:SetText( text )
-	AJM:SetStatusBarColourForHealth( healthBar, floor((playerHealth/playerMaxHealth)*100), characterName)
-function AJM:SetStatusBarColourForHealth( statusBar, statusValue, characterName )
-	local r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
+	AJM:SetStatusBarColourForHealth( healthBar, floor((playerHealth/playerMaxHealth)*100), characterName, class)
+-- TODO Support for classColors
+function AJM:SetStatusBarColourForHealth( statusBar, statusValue, characterName, class )
+	--AJM:Print("colour class", statusValue, characterName)
+	local classColor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]
+	if classColor ~= nil and AJM.db.showClassColors == true then
+		-- AJM:Print("test", characterName, class, classColor.r, classColor.g, classColor.b )
+		local r = classColor.r
+		local g = classColor.g
+		local b = classColor.b
+		statusBar:SetStatusBarColor( r, g, b, 1 )
+	else
+		local r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
 		statusValue = statusValue / 100
 		if( statusValue > 0.5 ) then
 			r = (1.0 - statusValue) * 2
@@ -2994,8 +3200,9 @@ function AJM:SetStatusBarColourForHealth( statusBar, statusValue, characterName
 			r = 1.0
 			g = statusValue * 2
-		b = 0.0
+		b = b
 		statusBar:SetStatusBarColor( r, g, b )
+	end

@@ -3012,23 +3219,44 @@ end

 function AJM:SendPowerStatusUpdateCommand( unit )
 	if AJM.db.showTeamList == true and AJM.db.showPowerStatus == true then
-		local playerPower = UnitPower( unit )
-		local playerMaxPower = UnitPowerMax( unit )
-		local characterName, characterRealm = UnitName( unit )
-		local character = JambaUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfNotNil( characterName, characterRealm )
-		--AJM:Print("power", character, playerPower, playerMaxPower )
-		AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( character, playerPower, playerMaxPower)
+		if AJM.db.healthManaOutOfParty == true then
+			if unit == "player" then
+				--AJM:Print("itsme", unit)
+				local playerPower = UnitPower( unit )
+				local playerMaxPower = UnitPowerMax( unit )
+				local _, powerToken = UnitPowerType( unit )
+				if AJM.db.showTeamListOnMasterOnly == true then
+					--AJM:Print( "SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand TO Master!"  )
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToMaster( AJM.COMMAND_POWER_STATUS_UPDATE, playerPower, powerToken )
+				else
+					--AJM:Print( "SendHealthStatusUpdateCommand TO Team!", playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken )
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_POWER_STATUS_UPDATE, playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken )
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			local playerPower = UnitPower( unit )
+			local playerMaxPower = UnitPowerMax( unit )
+			local characterName, characterRealm = UnitName( unit )
+			local _, powerToken = UnitPowerType( unit )
+			local character = JambaUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfNotNil( characterName, characterRealm )
+			--AJM:Print("power", character, playerPower, playerMaxPower )
+			AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( character, playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken)
+		end

+function AJM:ProcessUpdatePowerStatusMessage( characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken )
+	AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken )
 function AJM:SettingsUpdatePowerAll()
 	for characterName, characterStatusBar in pairs( AJM.characterStatusBar ) do
-		AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( characterName, nil, nil )
+		AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( characterName, nil, nil, nil )

-function AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower)
-	--AJM:Print("testPOwer", characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower )
+function AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken)
+	--AJM:Print("testPOwer", characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower, powerToken )
 	if characterName == nil then
@@ -3084,19 +3312,26 @@ function AJM:UpdatePowerStatus( characterName, playerPower, playerMaxPower)
 	powerBarText:SetText( text )
-	AJM:SetStatusBarColourForPower( powerBar, originalChatacterName )
+	AJM:SetStatusBarColourForPower( powerBar, powerToken )--originalChatacterName )

-function AJM:SetStatusBarColourForPower( statusBar, unit )
-	unit =  Ambiguate( unit, "none" )
-	local powerIndex, powerString, altR, altG, altB = UnitPowerType( unit )
+function AJM:SetStatusBarColourForPower( statusBar, powerToken )
+	local info = PowerBarColor[powerToken]
+	if info ~= nil then
+	--	AJM:Print("powertest", powerToken, info.r, info.g, info.b )
+		statusBar:SetStatusBarColor( info.r, info.g, info.b, 1 )
+		statusBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( info.r, info.g, info.b, 0.25 )
+	end
+	--unit =  Ambiguate( unit, "none" )
+--[[	local powerIndex, powerString, altR, altG, altB = UnitPowerType( powerToken )
 	if powerString ~= nil and powerString ~= "" then
 		local r = PowerBarColor[powerString].r
 		local g = PowerBarColor[powerString].g
 		local b = PowerBarColor[powerString].b
 		statusBar:SetStatusBarColor( r, g, b, 1 )
 		statusBar.backgroundTexture:SetColorTexture( r, g, b, 0.25 )
-	end
+	end ]]

@@ -3312,6 +3547,7 @@ function AJM:OnEnable()
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_HEALTH" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_MAXHEALTH" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_POWER", "UNIT_POWER" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_MAXPOWER", "UNIT_POWER" )
@@ -3324,6 +3560,7 @@ function AJM:OnEnable()
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "HONOR_LEVEL_UPDATE" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE" )
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "ARTIFACT_XP_UPDATE" )
 	AJM.SharedMedia.RegisterCallback( AJM, "LibSharedMedia_Registered" )
     AJM.SharedMedia.RegisterCallback( AJM, "LibSharedMedia_SetGlobal" )
 	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_TEAM_CHARACTER_ADDED, "OnCharactersChanged" )
@@ -3393,13 +3630,21 @@ function AJM:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED( event, ... )
 	if AJM.updateSettingsAfterCombat == true then
 		AJM.updateSettingsAfterCombat = false
-	end
+	end
+	-- Ebony added follow bar combat Icon
+	if AJM.db.showTeamList == true and AJM.db.showFollowStatus == true then
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "SendCombatStatusUpdateCommand", 1 )
+	end

 function AJM:PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED( event, ... )
 	if AJM.db.hideTeamListInCombat == true then
+	-- Ebony added follow bar combat Icon
+	if AJM.db.showTeamList == true and AJM.db.showFollowStatus == true then
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "SendCombatStatusUpdateCommand", 1 )
+	end

 function AJM:PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE(event, ...)
diff --git a/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Locales/JambaDisplayTeam-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Locales/JambaDisplayTeam-Locale-enUS.lua
index 167ba85..7ac5d76 100644
--- a/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Locales/JambaDisplayTeam-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-DisplayTeam/Locales/JambaDisplayTeam-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -81,8 +81,11 @@ L["Currency Info:"] = true
 L["Unknown Sender"] = true
 L["Show ToolTip"] = true
 L["Characters Per Bar"] = true
-L["Olny Show in Party"] = true
-L["Olny Show Display-Team\nIn Party or Raid"] = true
+L["Only Show in Party"] = true
+L["Only Show Display-Team\nIn Party or Raid"] = true
+L["Health & Power Out of Group"] = true
+L["Show Class Colors"] = true

 --Help System

@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ L["Enable Clique Support"] = true
 L["Enable Clique Support\n\n**reload UI to take effect**"] = true
 L["Show Title"] = true
 L["Show the Character Portrait"] = true
-L["Olny shows Equipped item Level"] = true
+L["Only shows Equipped item Level"] = true
 L["Show the Team Experience(xp) bar"] = true
 L["Show the Team Reputation Bar"] = true
 L["Show the Teams Health Bars"] = true
@@ -106,7 +109,6 @@ L["Show Percentage"]  = true
 L["Faction Name"] = true
 L["Show Jamba Team or Unit Frame List"] = true
 L["Show Character Name"] = true
 L["ShowHonorXP"] = true
 L["Show ToolTip Information"] = true
 L["Show the Follow Bar and Character Name\n\nHover Over for Character Infomation"] = true
@@ -119,4 +121,6 @@ L["Show the Team Artifact XP bar"] = true
 L["Show the Team Honor XP Bar"] = true
 L["ShowReputation"] = true
 L["Show the Team Reputation Bar"] = true
+L["Update Health and Power out of Groups\nUse Guild Communications!"] = true
+L["Show class Coulor on Health Bar"] = true

diff --git a/Jamba-FTL/Jamba-FTL.toc b/Jamba-FTL/Jamba-FTL.toc
index af34be5..17231cb 100644
--- a/Jamba-FTL/Jamba-FTL.toc
+++ b/Jamba-FTL/Jamba-FTL.toc
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaFTL
 ## Notes: JambaFTL
 ## Author: olipcs (although most of the code is originaly from Jafula) (any changes added to support 4.0.5 from ebony!)
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
 ## SavedVariables: JambaFTLProfileDB
 ## LoadOnDemand: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-FTL/JambaFTL.lua b/Jamba-FTL/JambaFTL.lua
index beee8ff..dd101d9 100644
--- a/Jamba-FTL/JambaFTL.lua
+++ b/Jamba-FTL/JambaFTL.lua
@@ -701,4 +701,4 @@ end
 -- Called when the addon is disabled.
 function AJM:OnDisable()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-FTL/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-FTL/Locales/Locales.xml
index e6c26a5..a0d3c9f 100644
--- a/Jamba-FTL/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-FTL/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Credits: Many thanks goes to Jafula for the awsome JAMBA addon
 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaFTL-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Follow/Jamba-Follow.toc b/Jamba-Follow/Jamba-Follow.toc
index 8b3d01a..1ee30eb 100644
--- a/Jamba-Follow/Jamba-Follow.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Follow/Jamba-Follow.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaFollow
 ## Notes: JambaFollow
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Follow/JambaFollow.lua b/Jamba-Follow/JambaFollow.lua
index aeeecf5..9df113b 100644
--- a/Jamba-Follow/JambaFollow.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Follow/JambaFollow.lua
@@ -683,8 +683,6 @@ function AJM:AreTeamMembersInCombat()
 		-- Is the team member online?
 		if JambaApi.GetCharacterOnlineStatus( characterName ) == true then
 			-- Yes, is the character in combat?
-			--if UnitAffectingCombat( characterName ) then
-			-- Ebony This API does not like A realmName so better remove it its from the server we playing on.
 			if UnitAffectingCombat( Ambiguate( characterName, "none" ) ) then
 			inCombat = true
@@ -702,6 +700,7 @@ function AJM:IsFollowingStrobingPaused()
 	return AJM.followingStrobingPaused

 function AJM:CharacterOnTaxi()
 	if AJM:IsFollowingStrobing() == true then
@@ -712,6 +711,7 @@ function AJM:CharacterOnTaxi()

 	if AJM.characterIsOnTaxi == true then
 		AJM.characterIsOnTaxi = false
@@ -723,21 +723,13 @@ function AJM:PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED()

 function AJM:SuppressNextFollowWarningCommand( info, parameters )

 function AJM:SuppressNextFollowWarning()
 	-- Events are fired as follows for a /follow command.
-	-- When the character is not already following.
-	-- AUTOFOLLOW_END (Need to suppress this)
-	-- When a character is following.
-	-- AUTOFOLLOW_END (Need to suppress this)
-	-- AUTOFOLLOW_END (And also we need to suppress this one as well)
 	if AJM.isFollowing == true then
@@ -754,17 +746,18 @@ function AJM:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextSecondBreak()
 	AJM.jambaExternalNoWarnNextSecondBreak = true

 function AJM:AUTOFOLLOW_BEGIN( event, target, ... )
-			AJM.currentFollowTarget = target
-			AJM.isFollowing = true
+	AJM.currentFollowTarget = target
+	AJM.isFollowing = true

 function AJM:AUTOFOLLOW_END( event, ... )
 	AJM.isFollowing = false
-	AJM:ScheduleTimer( "AutoFollowEndUpdate", 1 )
-	--AJM:AutoFollowEndSend()
+	AJM:ScheduleTimer( "AutoFollowEndUpdate", 0.5 )

+-- checks the follow system Msg, is there under 1 always 1 unless it fadeing.
 function AJM:AutoFollowEndUpdate()
 	local alpha = AutoFollowStatus:GetAlpha()
 	--AJM:Print("updatetest", test)
@@ -774,58 +767,45 @@ function AJM:AutoFollowEndUpdate()

 function AJM:AutoFollowEndSend()
-	-- Argument 1 has the reason follow ended, this does not come back from the event parameters.
-	-- arg1 is gone in 4.01 which makes this functionality kinda useless.  Shame.
 	-- If warn if auto follow breaks is on...
 	local canWarn = false
-	local canWarnMsg = nil
 	if AJM.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks == true then
 		if AJM.jambaSetFollowTarget == false then
 			canWarn = true
-	-- Do not warn if not Taxi
-	if UnitOnTaxi(AJM.currentFollowTarget) == true or UnitOnTaxi("player") == true then
+	-- Do not warn if on Taxi
+	if UnitOnTaxi("player") == true then
+		--AJM:Print("taxi")
 		canWarn = false
 	--Do not warn if in combat?
 	if AJM.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat == true and AJM.outOfCombat == false then
+		--AJM:Print("Do Not warn in comabt")
 		canWarn = false
 	--Do not warn if a passenger in a vehicle.
 	if UnitInVehicle("Player") == true and UnitControllingVehicle("player") == false then
+		--AJM:Print("UnitInVehicle")
 		canWarn = false
 	-- Do not warn if any other members in combat?
-	if AJM.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat == true and AJM:AreTeamMembersInCombat() == true then
+	if AJM.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat == true and AJM:AreTeamMembersInCombat() == true or UnitAffectingCombat("player") == true then
+		--AJM:Print("doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat")
 		canWarn = false
 	-- Don't warn about follow breaking if follow strobing is on or paused.
 	if AJM.db.doNotWarnFollowStrobing == true then
 		if AJM.followingStrobing == true or AJM.followStrobingPaused == true then
+			--AJM:Print("FollowStrobing")
 			canWarn = false
-	-- Ebony says this system does not work right. so is not checking to see if blizzard code says follow is borken, (or kinda anyway)
-	-- If the first do not warn flag is set, check the second do not warn flag.
---[[	if AJM.jambaExternalNoWarnNextBreak == false then
-			if AJM.jambaExternalNoWarnNextSecondBreak == true then
-				canWarn = false
-				AJM.jambaExternalNoWarnNextSecondBreak = false
-			end
-		end
-	-- ebony says i DON'T even know what the hell this is doing??? so it can go
-	-- Is another Jamba module supressing this warning?
-	if AJM.jambaExternalNoWarnNextBreak == true then
-		canWarn = false
-		canWarnMsg = "jambaExternalNoWarnNextBreak"
-		AJM.jambaExternalNoWarnNextBreak = false
-	end ]]
 	-- Check to see if range warning is in effect. This olny works in a party it seems!!
 	if AJM.db.onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange == true then
 		if CheckInteractDistance( AJM.currentFollowTarget, 4 ) then
+			--AJM:Print("CheckInteractDistance")
 			canWarn = false
@@ -1093,7 +1073,7 @@ end

 function AJM:FollowTarget( target )
 	-- Attempting to follow self?  Note: if target ever is party1, etc, then this will not catch the same character.
-	if JambaUtilities:Lowercase( target ) == JambaUtilities:Lowercase( AJM.characterName ) then
+	if target == AJM.characterName then
 	local canFollowTarget = true
@@ -1120,7 +1100,8 @@ function AJM:FollowTarget( target )
 	-- If allowed to follow the target, then...
 	if canFollowTarget == true then
 		-- Set the jamba set this flag toggle, so not to complain about follow broken after combat.
-		if (AJM.db.autoFollowAfterCombat == true) or (AJM.followingStrobing == true) then
+		--if (AJM.db.autoFollowAfterCombat == true) or (AJM.followingStrobing == true) then
+		if 	AJM.followingStrobing == true then
 			AJM.jambaSetFollowTarget = true
 		--AJM:Print( target )
diff --git a/Jamba-Follow/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-Follow/Locales/Locales.xml
index 5624384..2fa029f 100644
--- a/Jamba-Follow/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-Follow/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaFollow-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-ItemUse/Jamba-ItemUse.toc b/Jamba-ItemUse/Jamba-ItemUse.toc
index 69ad7c1..d64ddae 100644
--- a/Jamba-ItemUse/Jamba-ItemUse.toc
+++ b/Jamba-ItemUse/Jamba-ItemUse.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaItemUse
 ## Notes: JambaItemUse
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-ItemUse/JambaItemUse.lua b/Jamba-ItemUse/JambaItemUse.lua
index 2064f70..d38ddd6 100644
--- a/Jamba-ItemUse/JambaItemUse.lua
+++ b/Jamba-ItemUse/JambaItemUse.lua
@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ end
 -- Command this module sends.

+AJM.COMMAND_ITEMBAR_BUTTON = "JambaCommandItemBarButton"
+AJM.COMMAND_ITEMUSE_SYNC = "JambaCommandItemBarSync"
 -- Messages module sends.
@@ -215,12 +218,22 @@ local function CreateJambaItemUseFrame()
 		updateButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function() AJM:ClearButton() end )
 		updateButton:SetPoint( "TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -4, -3 )
 		updateButton:SetHeight( 20 )
-		updateButton:SetWidth( 70 )
+		updateButton:SetWidth( 65 )
 		updateButton:SetText( L["Clear"] )
-		updateButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(updateButton, true) end)
+		updateButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(updateButton, "clear", true) end)
 		updateButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
-		ArtifactUpdateButton = updateButton
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		ClearUpdateButton = updateButton
+	-- Sync Button
+		local syncButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "ButtonSync", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
+		syncButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function() AJM:SyncButton() end )
+		syncButton:SetPoint( "TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -71, -3 )
+		syncButton:SetHeight( 20 )
+		syncButton:SetWidth( 65 )
+		syncButton:SetText( L["Sync"] )
+		syncButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(updateButton, "sync", true) end)
+		syncButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+		SyncUpdateButton = syncButton
+	frame:ClearAllPoints()
 	frame:SetPoint( AJM.db.framePoint, UIParent, AJM.db.frameRelativePoint, AJM.db.frameXOffset, AJM.db.frameYOffset )
 	frame:SetBackdrop( {
 		bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
@@ -238,12 +251,16 @@ local function CreateJambaItemUseFrame()

-function AJM:ShowTooltip(frame, show)
+function AJM:ShowTooltip(frame, info, show)
 	if show then
 		GameTooltip:SetOwner(frame, "ANCHOR_TOP")
 		GameTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 16, 0)
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Clears items no longer in your bags "], 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+		if info == "clear" then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Clears items no longer in your bags"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+		elseif info == "sync" then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Synchronise Item-Use Buttons"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+		end
@@ -255,12 +272,14 @@ function AJM:UpdateHeight()
 	if AJM.db.hideClearButton == false then
 		AJM.db.itemUseTitleHeight = 2
 		local newHeight = AJM.db.itemUseTitleHeight + 20
-		ArtifactUpdateButton:Show()
+		ClearUpdateButton:Show()
+		SyncUpdateButton:Show()
 		return newHeight
 		AJM.db.itemUseTitleHeight = 2
 		oldHeight = AJM.db.itemUseTitleHeight
-		ArtifactUpdateButton:Hide()
+		ClearUpdateButton:Hide()
+		SyncUpdateButton:Hide()
 		return oldHeight
@@ -330,7 +349,8 @@ function AJM:UpdateQuestItemsInBar()
 					if AJM:IsInInventory( itemLink ) == false then
 					--AJM:Print("NOT IN BAGS", itemLink)
 						AJM.db.itemsAdvanced[iterateItems] = nil
-						AJM:JambaSendSettings()
+						AJM:JambaSendUpdate( iterateItems, "empty", nil )
+						--AJM:JambaSendSettings()
@@ -388,8 +408,9 @@ function AJM:OnButtonContentsChanged( event, button, state, type, value, ... )
     AJM:AddItemToItemDatabase( button.itemNumber, type, value )
-    AJM:JambaSendSettings()
-    AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+    AJM:JambaSendUpdate(button.itemNumber, type, value )
+	--AJM:JambaSendSettings()
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()

 function AJM:OnButtonUpdate( event, button, ... )
@@ -468,11 +489,18 @@ end
 function AJM:CheckForSatchelsItemAndAddToBar()
 	for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
 		for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
-		local texture, count, locked, quality, readable, lootable, link, isFiltered, hasNoValue, itemID = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)
-		--AJM:Print("test", link, lootable)
 			if link and lootable then
-				--AJM:Print("satchelsFound", link)
-				AJM:AddAnItemToTheBarIfNotExists( link, false )
+				--AJM:Print("test", link)
+				tooltipScanner:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+				tooltipScanner:SetHyperlink(link)
+				--AJM:Print("scanTooltip", link) -- Debug
+				local tooltipText = _G[tooltipName.."TextLeft2"]:GetText()
+				--AJM:Print("tooltiptest", link, tooltipText) -- Debug
+				if tooltipText ~= "Locked" then
+					--AJM:Print("Not Locked", link)
+					--AJM:Print("satchelsFound", link)
+					AJM:AddAnItemToTheBarIfNotExists( link, false )
+				end
@@ -482,7 +510,7 @@ end

 function AJM:ClearButton()
 	local state = "0"
-	for iterateItems = 1, AJM.maximumNumberOfItems, 1 do
+	for iterateItems = 1, AJM.db.numberOfItems, 1 do
 		local itemContainer = AJM.itemContainer[iterateItems]
 		if itemContainer == nil then
 			AJM:CreateJambaItemUseItemContainer( iterateItems, parentFrame )
@@ -505,8 +533,8 @@ function AJM:ClearButton()
 					if AJM:IsInInventory( name ) == false then
 						--AJM:Print("NOT IN BAGS", itemLink)
 						AJM.db.itemsAdvanced[iterateItems] = nil
+						AJM:JambaSendUpdate( iterateItems, "empty", nil	)
-						AJM:JambaSendSettings()
@@ -514,6 +542,29 @@ function AJM:ClearButton()

+-- Sync Buttion
+function AJM:SyncButton()
+	local dataTable = {}
+	for iterateItems = 1, AJM.db.numberOfItems, 1 do
+	local itemContainer = AJM.itemContainer[iterateItems]
+		if itemContainer == nil then
+			AJM:CreateJambaItemUseItemContainer( iterateItems, parentFrame )
+			itemContainer = AJM.itemContainer[iterateItems]
+		end
+			local containerButton = itemContainer["container"]
+			local itemInfo = AJM:GetItemFromItemDatabase( iterateItems )
+			local kind = itemInfo.kind
+			local action = itemInfo.action
+			data = {}
+			data.button = iterateItems
+			data.type = kind
+			data.action = action
+			table.insert( dataTable, data )
+	end
+	AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_ITEMUSE_SYNC, dataTable)
 -- Adds artifact power items to item bar.
 function AJM:CheckForArtifactItemAndAddToBar()
 	for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
@@ -533,43 +584,8 @@ function AJM:CheckForArtifactItemAndAddToBar()
---Removes artifact power after used.
-function AJM:UpdateArtifactItemsInBar()
-	local state = "0"
-	for iterateItems = 1, AJM.maximumNumberOfItems, 1 do
-		local itemContainer = AJM.itemContainer[iterateItems]
-		if itemContainer == nil then
-			AJM:CreateJambaItemUseItemContainer( iterateItems, parentFrame )
-			itemContainer = AJM.itemContainer[iterateItems]
-		end
-		local containerButton = itemContainer["container"]
-		local itemInfo = AJM:GetItemFromItemDatabase( iterateItems )
-		local kind = itemInfo.kind
-		local action = itemInfo.action
-		if kind == "item" then
-			local name, itemLink,_,_,_,_,questItem = GetItemInfo( action )
-			if itemLink and itemLink:match("item:%d") then
-				tooltipScanner:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
-				tooltipScanner:SetHyperlink(itemLink)
-				--AJM:Print("scanTooltip", name, itemLink)
-				local tooltipText = _G[tooltipName.."TextLeft2"]:GetText()
-				if tooltipText and tooltipText:match(ARTIFACT_POWER) then
-					if AJM:IsInInventory( name ) == false then
-						--AJM:Print("NOT IN BAGS", itemLink)
-						AJM.db.itemsAdvanced[iterateItems] = nil
-						AJM:SettingsRefresh()
-						AJM:JambaSendSettings()
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end

---Checks the item is in the player players bag
+--Checks the item is in the Toon players bag
 function AJM:IsInInventory(itemLink)
 	for bag = 0,4,1 do
 		for slot = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do
@@ -612,7 +628,7 @@ function AJM:AddAnItemToTheBarIfNotExists( itemLink, startsQuest)
 			--Checks the items we talking about is in the bags of the player.
 			if itemInfo.kind == "empty" then
 				AJM:AddItemToItemDatabase( iterateItems, "item", itemId )
-				AJM:JambaSendSettings()
+				AJM:JambaSendUpdate( iterateItems, "item", itemId )
 					if startsQuest then
 						AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["New item that starts a quest found!"], false )
@@ -671,6 +687,31 @@ function AJM:UpdateJambaItemUseDimensions()

+-- Communications
+function AJM:JambaSendUpdate( button, type, action )
+	--AJM:Print("testDataDebug", button, type, action )
+	AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_ITEMBAR_BUTTON, button, type, action )
+function AJM:ReceiveButtonData(characterName, button, type, action)
+	--AJM:Print("ReceiveButtonDataDebug", button, type, action )
+	AJM:AddItemToItemDatabase( button, type, action )
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:ReceiveSync(characterName, data)
+	--AJM:Print("ReceiveSync", data)
+	for id, data in pairs( data ) do
+		--AJM:Print("ID", id, data.button, data.type, data.action )
+		AJM:AddItemToItemDatabase( data.button, data.type, data.action )
+		AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+	end
 -- Settings Dialogs.

@@ -755,7 +796,7 @@ local function SettingsCreateOptions( top )
-		L["Hides the clear Button"],
+		L["Hide Buttons"],
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - verticalSpacing
@@ -1228,4 +1269,12 @@ end

 -- A Jamba command has been recieved.
 function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
+	if characterName ~= self.characterName then
+		if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_ITEMBAR_BUTTON then
+			AJM:ReceiveButtonData( characterName, ... )
+		end
+		if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_ITEMUSE_SYNC then
+			AJM:ReceiveSync( characterName, ... )
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/JambaItemUse-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/JambaItemUse-Locale-enUS.lua
index 51677ad..0db9021 100644
--- a/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/JambaItemUse-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/JambaItemUse-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -65,10 +65,13 @@ L["Number Of Rows"] = true
 L["New item that starts a quest found!"] = true
 L["Clear Item Bar"] = true
 L["Clear the item bar (remove all items)."] = true
-L["Hides the clear Button"] = true
+L["Hide Buttons"] = true
 L["Item Bar Cleared"] = true
 L["Automatically Add Artifact Power Items To Bar"] = true
 L["Automatically Add Satchel Items To Bar"] = true
 L["New Artifact Power Item found!"] = true
 L["Clear"] = true
-L["Clears items no longer in your bags "] = true
+L["Clears items no longer in your bags"] = true
+L["Sync"] = true
+L["Synchronise Item-Use Buttons"] = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/Locales.xml
index e9fe15b..6fca106 100644
--- a/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-ItemUse/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaItemUse-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Mount/Jamba-Mount.toc b/Jamba-Mount/Jamba-Mount.toc
index 67a08fa..70e6ae2 100644
--- a/Jamba-Mount/Jamba-Mount.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Mount/Jamba-Mount.toc
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: Jamba-Mount
 ## Notes: Jamba-Mount
 ## Author: Ebony
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
 ## SavedVariables: JambaMountProfileDB
 ## LoadOnDemand: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Mount/JambaMount.old.lua b/Jamba-Mount/JambaMount.old.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42c397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba-Mount/JambaMount.old.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+Jamba - Jafula's Awesome Multi-Boxer Assistant
+Copyright 2008 - 2017 Michael "Jafula" Miller
+License: The MIT License
+This is was made by Ebony with the idea from Hydra
+-- Create the addon using AceAddon-3.0 and embed some libraries.
+local AJM = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon(
+	"JambaMount",
+	"JambaModule-1.0",
+	"AceConsole-3.0",
+	"AceEvent-3.0",
+	"AceHook-3.0",
+	"AceTimer-3.0"
+-- Get the Jamba Utilities Library.
+local JambaUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaUtilities-1.0" )
+local JambaHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaHelperSettings-1.0" )
+--  Constants and Locale for this module.
+AJM.moduleName = "Jamba-Mount"
+AJM.settingsDatabaseName = "JambaMountProfileDB"
+AJM.chatCommand = "jamba-mount"
+local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( AJM.moduleName )
+AJM.parentDisplayName = L["Toon"]
+AJM.moduleDisplayName = L["Mount"]
+-- Settings - the values to store and their defaults for the settings database.
+AJM.settings = {
+	profile = {
+		mountWithTeam = true,
+		dismountWithTeam = true,
+		dismountWithMaster = true,
+		mountInRange = false,
+		--mountName = nil,
+		--messageArea = JambaApi.DefaultMessageArea(),
+		warningArea = JambaApi.DefaultWarningArea()
+	},
+-- Configuration.
+function AJM:GetConfiguration()
+	local configuration = {
+		name = AJM.moduleDisplayName,
+		handler = AJM,
+		type = 'group',
+		childGroups  = "tab",
+		get = "JambaConfigurationGetSetting",
+		set = "JambaConfigurationSetSetting",
+		args = {
+			push = {
+				type = "input",
+				name = L["Push Settings"],
+				desc = L["Push the Mount settings to all characters in the team."],
+				usage = "/jamba-mount push",
+				get = false,
+				set = "JambaSendSettings",
+				order = 4,
+				guiHidden = true,
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	return configuration
+-- Command this module sends.
+-- Messages module sends.
+-- Addon initialization, enabling and disabling.
+-- Initialise the module.
+function AJM:OnInitialize()
+	-- Create the settings control.
+	AJM:SettingsCreate()
+	-- Initialse the JambaModule part of this module.
+	AJM:JambaModuleInitialize( AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.frame )
+	-- Populate the settings.
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+	AJM.MountFromTeamMember	= false
+	AJM.castingMount = nil
+-- Called when the addon is enabled.
+function AJM:OnEnable()
+	AJM:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA")
+	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_AREAS_CHANGED, "OnMessageAreasChanged" )
+-- Called when the addon is disabled.
+function AJM:OnDisable()
+	-- AceHook-3.0 will tidy up the hooks for us.
+function AJM:SettingsCreate()
+	AJM.settingsControl = {}
+	-- Create the settings panel.
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateSettings(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		AJM.moduleDisplayName,
+		AJM.parentDisplayName,
+		AJM.SettingsPushSettingsClick
+	)
+	local bottomOfInfo = AJM:SettingsCreateMount( JambaHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() )
+	AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfInfo )
+	-- Help
+	local helpTable = {}
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHelp( AJM.settingsControl, helpTable, AJM:GetConfiguration() )
+function AJM:SettingsPushSettingsClick( event )
+	AJM:JambaSendSettings()
+function AJM:SettingsCreateMount( top )
+	local checkBoxHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetCheckBoxHeight()
+	local left = JambaHelperSettings:LeftOfSettings()
+	local headingHeight = JambaHelperSettings:HeadingHeight()
+	local headingWidth = JambaHelperSettings:HeadingWidth( false )
+	local dropdownHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetDropdownHeight()
+	local verticalSpacing = JambaHelperSettings:GetVerticalSpacing()
+	local movingTop = top
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Mount Options"], movingTop, false )
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxMountWithTeam = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Mount with Team"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleMountWithTeam
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxDismountWithTeam = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Dismount with Team"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleDisMountWithTeam,
+		L["Dismount with Character That Dismount"]
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxDismountWithMaster = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only Dismount's from Master"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleDisMountWithMaster,
+		L["Only Dismount's from Master character."]
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxMountInRange = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only Mount when in Range"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleMountInRange,
+		L["Only Works In a party!"]
+	)
+--	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+--	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea = JambaHelperSettings:CreateDropdown(
+--		AJM.settingsControl,
+--		headingWidth,
+--		left,
+--		movingTop,
+--		L["Message Area"]
+--	)
+--	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )
+--	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", AJM.SettingsSetMessageArea )
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea = JambaHelperSettings:CreateDropdown(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Send Warning Area"]
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )
+	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", AJM.SettingsSetWarningArea )
+	movingTop = movingTop - dropdownHeight - verticalSpacing
+	return movingTop
+function AJM:OnMessageAreasChanged( message )
+	--AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )
+	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )
+function AJM:SettingsSetWarningArea( event, value )
+	AJM.db.warningArea = value
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+--function AJM:SettingsSetMessageArea( event, value )
+--	AJM.db.messageArea = value
+--	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleMountWithTeam( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.mountWithTeam = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleDisMountWithTeam( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.dismountWithTeam = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleDisMountWithMaster( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.dismountWithMaster = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleMountInRange( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.mountInRange = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+-- Settings received.
+function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
+	if characterName ~= AJM.characterName then
+		-- Update the settings.
+		AJM.db.mountWithTeam = settings.mountWithTeam
+		AJM.db.dismountWithTeam = settings.dismountWithTeam
+		AJM.db.dismountWithMaster = settings.dismountWithMaster
+		AJM.db.mountInRange = settings.mountInRange
+		AJM.db.messageArea = settings.messageArea
+		AJM.db.warningArea = settings.warningArea
+		-- Refresh the settings.
+		AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+		-- Tell the player.
+		AJM:Print( L["Settings received from A."]( characterName ) )
+		-- Tell the team?
+		--AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea,  L["Settings received from A."]( characterName ), false )
+	end
+function AJM:BeforeJambaProfileChanged()
+function AJM:OnJambaProfileChanged()
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxMountWithTeam:SetValue( AJM.db.mountWithTeam )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxDismountWithTeam:SetValue( AJM.db.dismountWithTeam )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxDismountWithMaster:SetValue( AJM.db.dismountWithMaster )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxMountInRange:SetValue( AJM.db.mountInRange )
+	--AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetValue( AJM.db.messageArea )
+	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetValue( AJM.db.warningArea )
+	-- Set state.
+	--AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxMountWithTeam:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.mountWithTeam )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxDismountWithTeam:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.mountWithTeam )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxDismountWithMaster:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.dismountWithTeam or not AJM.db.mountWithTeam )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxMountInRange:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.mountWithTeam )
+-- JambaMount functionality.
+function AJM:UNIT_SPELLCAST_START(event, unitID, name, rank, lineID, spellID, ...  )
+	--AJM:Print("Looking for Spells.", unitID, spellID, name)
+	--AJM.castingMount = nil
+	-- No Need to send the casting of mount again to team.
+	if AJM.MountFromTeamMember == true then
+		return
+	end
+	if unitID == "player" and UnitAffectingCombat("player") == false then
+		local mountIDs = C_MountJournal.GetMountIDs()
+		for i = 1, #mountIDs do
+			--local name , id, icon, active = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(i)
+			local creatureName,mountSpellID,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,hideOnChar,isCollected,mountID = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(mountIDs[i])
+			if (isCollected and hideOnChar ~= true) then
+				--AJM:Print("MountName", name, spellID, "Checks", creatureName, mountSpellID)
+				if spellID == mountSpellID then
+					--AJM:Print("SendtoTeam", "name", creatureName , "id", mountID)
+					if IsShiftKeyDown() == false then
+						AJM.castingMount = creatureName
+						AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_MOUNT_ME, spellID, mountID )
+						break
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(event, unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID, ... )
+	if unitID ~= "player" then
+        return
+    end
+	--AJM:Print("Looking for Spells Done", spell, AJM.castingMount)
+	if spell == AJM.castingMount then
+		--AJM:Print("test", spell)
+		AJM.isMounted = spell
+		--AJM:Print("Mounted!", AJM.isMounted)
+	end
+function AJM:UNIT_AURA(event, unitID, ... )
+	--AJM:Print("tester", unitID, AJM.isMounted)
+	if unitID ~= "player" or AJM.isMounted == nil or AJM.db.dismountWithTeam == false then
+        return
+    end
+	--AJM:Print("tester", unitID, AJM.isMounted)
+	if not UnitBuff( unitID, AJM.isMounted) then
+		--AJM:Print("I have Dismounted - Send to team!", AJM.isMounted)
+		if AJM.db.dismountWithMaster == true then
+			if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster( AJM.characterName ) == true then
+				if IsShiftKeyDown() == false then
+					--AJM:Print("test")
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_MOUNT_DISMOUNT )
+					AJM.MountFromTeamMember = false
+				end
+			else
+				--AJM:Print("test1")
+				return
+			end
+		else
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:TeamMountStart(characterName, spellID, mountID)
+	--This checks the toon is not moving and if so adds a timmer before it mounts! (ebony magic :D)
+	local moving = GetUnitSpeed("Player")
+	--AJM:Print("moving", moving, spellID, mountID )
+	if moving == 0 then
+		--AJM:Print("mount?", spellID, mountID )
+		AJM:TeamMount(characterName, spellID, mountID)
+	else
+		--AJM:Print("player Moving try agian in 1..." )
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "TeamMountStart", 1, nil, spellID, mountID )
+	end
+function AJM:TeamMount(characterName, spellID, mountID)
+	--AJM:Print("testTeamMount", characterName, name, mountID )
+	--mount with team truned off.
+	if UnitAffectingCombat("player") == true then
+		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.warningArea, L["I am Unable To Mount In Combat."], false )
+		return
+	end
+	if AJM.db.mountWithTeam == false then
+		return
+	end
+	-- already mounted.
+	if IsMounted() then
+		return
+	end
+	-- Checks if character is in range.
+	if AJM.db.mountInRange == true then
+		if UnitIsVisible(Ambiguate(characterName, "none") ) == false then
+			--AJM:Print("UnitIsNotVisible", characterName)
+			return
+		end
+	end
+	-- Checks done now the fun stuff!
+	--Do i have the same mount as master?
+	hasMount = false
+	local creatureName, spellID, icon, active, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, hideOnChar, isCollected, mountID = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(mountID)
+	if isUsable == true then
+		--AJM:Print("i have this Mount", creatureName)
+		hasMount = true
+		mount = mountID
+	else
+		--AJM:Print("i Do not have Mount", creatureName)
+		for i = 1, C_MountJournal.GetNumMounts() do
+		local creatureName, spellID, icon, active, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, hideOnChar, isCollected, mountID = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(i)
+			--AJM:Print("looking for a mount i can use", i)
+			if isUsable == true then
+				mount = mountID
+				hasMount = true
+				break
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--AJM:Print("test1420", mount, name)
+	-- for unsupported mounts.
+	if hasMount == true then
+		--AJM:Print("test14550", mount, name )
+		if name == "Random" then
+			C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)
+		else
+			--AJM:Print("test1054" )
+			C_MountJournal.SummonByID( mount )
+		end
+		if IsMounted() == false then
+			AJM:ScheduleTimer( "AmNotMounted", 2 )
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:AmNotMounted()
+	if IsMounted() == false then
+		--AJM:Print("test")
+		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.warningArea, L["I am unable to Mount."], false )
+	end
+-- A Jamba command has been received.
+function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
+	if characterName ~= self.characterName then
+		if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_MOUNT_ME then
+			--AJM:Print("command")
+			AJM:TeamMountStart( characterName, ... )
+			AJM.MountFromTeamMember = true
+		end
+		-- Dismount if mounted!
+		if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_MOUNT_DISMOUNT then
+			--AJM:Print("time to Dismount")
+			if IsMounted() then
+				AJM.MountFromTeamMember = false
+				Dismount()
+			end
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/Jamba-Mount/Locales/JambaMount-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-Mount/Locales/JambaMount-Locale-enUS.lua
index 47f0f36..f225e7e 100644
--- a/Jamba-Mount/Locales/JambaMount-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Mount/Locales/JambaMount-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ L["I am unable to Mount."] = true
 L["Only Works In a party!"] = true
 L["Dismount with Character That Dismount"] = true
 L["Only Dismount's from Master character."] = true
+L["I am Unable To Mount In Combat."] = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Mount/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-Mount/Locales/Locales.xml
index ae1937a..828b3fa 100644
--- a/Jamba-Mount/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-Mount/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaMount-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Purchase/Jamba-Purchase.toc b/Jamba-Purchase/Jamba-Purchase.toc
index 384b5ab..266def3 100644
--- a/Jamba-Purchase/Jamba-Purchase.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Purchase/Jamba-Purchase.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: Jamba-Purchase
 ## Notes: Jamba-Purchase
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Purchase/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-Purchase/Locales/Locales.xml
index 32ff556..072ec06 100644
--- a/Jamba-Purchase/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-Purchase/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaPurchase-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Quest/Jamba-Quest.toc b/Jamba-Quest/Jamba-Quest.toc
index 4f84694..903e1c5 100644
--- a/Jamba-Quest/Jamba-Quest.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Quest/Jamba-Quest.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaQuest
 ## Notes: JambaQuest
 ## Author: Ebony, DropDownchanges by Schilm, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Quest/JambaQuest.lua b/Jamba-Quest/JambaQuest.lua
index b2ddcf7..aa9e687 100644
--- a/Jamba-Quest/JambaQuest.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Quest/JambaQuest.lua
@@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( AJM.moduleName )
 AJM.parentDisplayName = L["Quest"]
 AJM.moduleDisplayName = L["Quest"]

-    _AbandonAllButton = [[Interface\Icons\INV_BOX_01]],
-    _ShareAllButton = [[Interface\Icons\INV_BOX_02]],
-    _TrackAllButton  = [[Interface\Icons\INV_BOX_03]],
-    _UnTrackAllButton = [[Interface\Icons\INV_BOX_04]],

 -- Settings - the values to store and their defaults for the settings database.
 AJM.settings = {
@@ -48,6 +42,7 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		doNotAutoAccept = true,
 		allAcceptAnyQuest = false,
 		onlyAcceptQuestsFrom = false,
+		hideStaticPopup = false,
 		acceptFromTeam = false,
 		acceptFromNpc = false,
 		acceptFromFriends = false,
@@ -66,7 +61,6 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		hasChoiceSlaveChooseSameRewardAsMaster = false,
 		hasChoiceSlaveMustChooseOwnReward = true,
 		hasChoiceSlaveRewardChoiceModifierConditional = false,
---		hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter = false,
 		hasChoiceCtrlKeyModifier = false,
 		hasChoiceShiftKeyModifier = false,
 		hasChoiceAltKeyModifier = false,
@@ -78,7 +72,6 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		frameXOffset = 0,
 		frameYOffset = 0,
 		overrideQuestAutoSelectAndComplete = false,
---		hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacterAndGet = false,

@@ -116,30 +109,101 @@ end
 -- Command this module sends.


 -- Messages module sends.

+-- Popup Dialogs.
+-- Initialize Popup Dialogs.
+local function InitializePopupDialogs()
+   -- Asks If you like to Abandon on all toons
+   StaticPopupDialogs["JAMBAQUEST_ABANDON_ALL_TOONS"] = {
+        text = L["Would you like to Abandon \"%s\" On All Toons?"],
+        button1 = L["Just Me"],
+        button2 = L["All Team"],
+        button3 = NO,
+        timeout = 0,
+		whileDead = 1,
+		hideOnEscape = 1,
+        OnAccept = function( self )
+			--AJM:Print("Button1")
+			AbandonQuest()
+		end,
+		OnAlt = function ( self )
+			--AJM:Print("Button3")
+		end,
+		OnCancel = function( self, data )
+			--AJM:Print("Button2")
+			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_ABANDON_QUEST, data.questID, data.title)
+		end,
+    }
+   -- Asks If you like to Track on all toons
+   StaticPopupDialogs["JAMBAQUEST_TRACK_ALL_TOONS"] = {
+        text = L["Would you like to Track \"%s\" On All Toons?"],
+        button1 = YES,
+        button2 = NO,
+        timeout = 0,
+		whileDead = 1,
+		hideOnEscape = 1,
+        OnAccept = function( self, data )
+			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_QUEST_TRACK, data.questID, data.title, true )
+		end,
+		OnCancel = function( self )
+		end,
+    }
+	StaticPopupDialogs["JAMBAQUEST_UNTRACK_ALL_TOONS"] = {
+        text = L["Would you like to UnTrack \"%s\" On All Toons?"],
+        button1 = YES,
+        button2 = NO,
+        timeout = 0,
+		whileDead = 1,
+		hideOnEscape = 1,
+        OnAccept = function( self, data )
+			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_QUEST_TRACK, data.questID, data.title, false )
+		end,
+		OnCancel = function( self )
+		end,
+    }
+	StaticPopupDialogs["AbandonALLToonsQuest"] = {
+        text = L["This will abandon ALL quests ON every toon!  Yes, this means you will end up with ZERO quests in your quest log!  Are you sure?"],
+        button1 = YES,
+        button2 = NO,
+        timeout = 0,
+		whileDead = true,
+		hideOnEscape = true,
+       OnAccept = function()
+			AJM:DoAbandonAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+		end,
+    }
 -- Addon initialization, enabling and disabling.
@@ -156,6 +220,8 @@ function AJM:OnInitialize()
 	AJM:JambaModuleInitialize( AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.frame )
 	-- Populate the settings.
+	-- Initialise the popup dialogs.
+	InitializePopupDialogs()
 	-- Create the Jamba Quest Log frame.
 	-- An empty table to hold the available and active quests at an npc.
@@ -175,8 +241,6 @@ function AJM:OnEnable()
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "GOSSIP_SHOW" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "QUEST_GREETING" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "QUEST_PROGRESS" )
-	AJM:RegisterEvent( "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" )
-	AJM:RegisterEvent( "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" )
    -- Quest post hooks.
     AJM:SecureHook( "SelectGossipOption" )
     AJM:SecureHook( "SelectGossipActiveQuest" )
@@ -186,18 +250,14 @@ function AJM:OnEnable()
     AJM:SecureHook( "AcceptQuest" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( "AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuest" )
     AJM:SecureHook( "CompleteQuest" )
-    --AJM:SecureHook( "DeclineQuest" )
-	AJM:SecureHook( "IgnoreQuest" )
-	AJM:SecureHook( "UnignoreQuest" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( "GetQuestReward" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( "ToggleFrame" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( "ToggleQuestLog" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( WorldMapFrame, "Hide", "QuestLogFrameHide" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( "ShowQuestComplete" )
-	JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown.questID = 0;		-- for QuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown_Initialize
-	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown, JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
+	AJM:SecureHook( "QuestMapQuestOptions_AbandonQuest" )
+	AJM:SecureHook( "QuestMapQuestOptions_TrackQuest" )
+--	AJM:SecureHook( QuestFrame, "Hide", "DeclineQuest" )

 -- Called when the addon is disabled.
@@ -589,29 +649,6 @@ function AJM:SettingsCreateQuestCompletionControl( top )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionDoNothing:SetType( "radio" )
 	movingTop = movingTop - radioBoxHeight
-	-- TODO: Fix or remove.
-	-- Radio box: Has choice, choose best reward.
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
---		AJM.settingsControlCompletion,
---		headingWidth,
---		column1Left,
---		movingTop,
---		L["Toon Auto Selects Best Reward"],
---		AJM.SettingsToggleHasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter
---	)
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter:SetType( "radio" )
---	movingTop = movingTop - radioBoxHeight
-	-- Radio box: Has choice, choose best reward - actually get it.
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxActuallyGetTheBestReward = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
---		AJM.settingsControlCompletion,
---		headingWidth,
---		column1Left + indent,
---		movingTop,
---		L["And Claims It As Well"],
---		AJM.SettingsToggleActuallyGetTheBestReward
---	)
-	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
 	-- Radio box: Has choice, minion complete quest with master.
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionCompleteQuestWithMaster = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
@@ -752,8 +789,6 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		AJM.db.hasChoiceShiftKeyModifier = settings.hasChoiceShiftKeyModifier
 		AJM.db.hasChoiceAltKeyModifier = settings.hasChoiceAltKeyModifier
 		AJM.db.hasChoiceOverrideUseSlaveRewardSelected = settings.hasChoiceOverrideUseSlaveRewardSelected
---		AJM.db.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter = settings.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter
---		AJM.db.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacterAndGet = settings.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacterAndGet
 		AJM.db.messageArea = settings.messageArea
 		AJM.db.warningArea = settings.warningArea
 		AJM.db.overrideQuestAutoSelectAndComplete = settings.overrideQuestAutoSelectAndComplete
@@ -807,9 +842,6 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionCompleteQuestWithMaster:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveCompleteQuestWithMaster )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionChooseSameRewardAsMaster:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveChooseSameRewardAsMaster )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionMustChooseOwnReward:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveMustChooseOwnReward )
---	Ebony Fix or remove,
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter )
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxActuallyGetTheBestReward:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacterAndGet )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionRewardChoiceModifierConditional:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveRewardChoiceModifierConditional )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceCtrlKeyModifier:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceCtrlKeyModifier )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceShiftKeyModifier:SetValue( AJM.db.hasChoiceShiftKeyModifier )
@@ -833,8 +865,6 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxNoChoiceMinionCompleteQuestWithMaster:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxNoChoiceAllAutoCompleteQuest:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionDoNothing:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion )
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion )
---	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxActuallyGetTheBestReward:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion or not AJM.db.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionCompleteQuestWithMaster:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionChooseSameRewardAsMaster:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion or not AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveCompleteQuestWithMaster )
 	AJM.settingsControlCompletion.checkBoxHasChoiceMinionMustChooseOwnReward:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.enableAutoQuestCompletion or not AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveCompleteQuestWithMaster )
@@ -991,11 +1021,6 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleHasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacter( event, ch

---function AJM:SettingsToggleActuallyGetTheBestReward( event, checked )
---	AJM.db.hasChoiceAquireBestQuestRewardForCharacterAndGet = checked
---	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 function AJM:SettingsToggleHasChoiceMinionChooseSameRewardAsMaster( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveChooseSameRewardAsMaster = checked
 	AJM.db.hasChoiceSlaveMustChooseOwnReward = not checked
@@ -1236,20 +1261,11 @@ function AJM:DoSelectAvailableQuest( sender, questIndex )

-function AJM:UnignoreQuest()
+function AJM:DeclineQuest()
 	if AJM.db.mirrorMasterQuestSelectionAndDeclining == true then
 		if AJM.isInternalCommand == false then
             AJM:DebugMessage( "DeclineQuest" )
-		end
-	end
-function AJM:IgnoreQuest()
-	if AJM.db.mirrorMasterQuestSelectionAndDeclining == true then
-		if AJM.isInternalCommand == false then
-            AJM:DebugMessage( "DeclineQuest" )
+			AJM:ScheduleTimer("JambaSendCommandToTeam", 0.5, AJM.COMMAND_DECLINE_QUEST )
@@ -1258,13 +1274,8 @@ function AJM:DoDeclineQuest( sender )
 	if AJM.db.mirrorMasterQuestSelectionAndDeclining == true then
 		AJM.isInternalCommand = true
         AJM:DebugMessage( "DoDeclineQuest" )
+		HideUIPanel(QuestFrame)
-		local isIgnored = IsQuestIgnored()
-		if isIgnored then
-			UnignoreQuest()
-		else
-			IgnoreQuest()
-		end
 		AJM.isInternalCommand = false
@@ -1336,8 +1347,6 @@ function AJM:DoShowQuestComplete( sender, questName )
 	local questIndex = AJM:GetQuestLogIndexByName( questName )
 	if questIndex ~= 0 then
 		ShowQuestComplete( questIndex )
-        --TODO fix this or remove
-		--WatchFrameAutoQuest_ClearPopUpByLogIndex( questIndex )
 	AJM.isInternalCommand = false
@@ -1432,216 +1441,6 @@ function AJM:DoChooseQuestReward( sender, questIndex, modifierKeysPressed, rewar

---TODO FIX or Remove!
-function AJM:GetBestRewardIndexForCharacter()
-	-- Originally provided by loop: http://www.dual-boxing.com/showpost.php?p=257610&postcount=1505
-	-- New version provided by Mischanix via jamba.uservoice.com.
-	-- Modified by Jafula.
-	local numberOfQuestRewards = GetNumQuestChoices()
-	local bestQuestItemIndex = 1
-	local bestSellPrice = 0
-	-- Yanked this from LibItemUtils; sucks that we need this lookup table, but GetItemInfo only
-	-- returns an equipment location, which must first be converted to a slot value that GetInventoryItemLink understands:
-	local equipmentSlotLookup = {
-		INVTYPE_HEAD = {"HeadSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_NECK = {"NeckSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_SHOULDER = {"ShoulderSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_CLOAK = {"BackSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_CHEST = {"ChestSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_WRIST = {"WristSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_HAND = {"HandsSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_WAIST = {"WaistSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_LEGS = {"LegsSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_FEET = {"FeetSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_SHIELD = {"SecondaryHandSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_ROBE = {"ChestSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_2HWEAPON = {"MainHandSlot", "SecondaryHandSlot"},
-		INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND = {"MainHandSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND = {"SecondaryHandSlot", "MainHandSlot"},
-		INVTYPE_WEAPON = {"MainHandSlot","SecondaryHandSlot"},
-		INVTYPE_THROWN = {"RangedSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_RANGED = {"RangedSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT = {"RangedSlot", nil},
-		INVTYPE_FINGER = {"Finger0Slot", "Finger1Slot"},
-		INVTYPE_HOLDABLE = {"SecondaryHandSlot", "MainHandSlot"},
-		INVTYPE_TRINKET = {"Trinket0Slot", "Trinket1Slot"}
-	}
-	local statWeights = {
-	}
-	local classSpec = {
-		DEATHKNIGHT1 = 0x08,
-		DEATHKNIGHT2 = 0x04,
-		DEATHKNIGHT3 = 0x04,
-		DRUID1 = 0x01,
-		DRUID2 = 0x02, -- Feral bears get agi itemization as well
-		DRUID3 = 0x10,
-		HUNTER1 = 0x02,
-		HUNTER2 = 0x02,
-		HUNTER3 = 0x02,
-		MAGE1 = 0x01,
-		MAGE2 = 0x01,
-		MAGE3 = 0x01,
-		PALADIN1 = 0x10,
-		PALADIN2 = 0x08,
-		PALADIN3 = 0x04,
-		PRIEST1 = 0x10,
-		PRIEST2 = 0x10,
-		PRIEST3 = 0x01,
-		ROGUE1 = 0x02,
-		ROGUE2 = 0x02,
-		ROGUE3 = 0x02,
-		SHAMAN1 = 0x01,
-		SHAMAN2 = 0x02,
-		SHAMAN3 = 0x10,
-		WARLOCK1 = 0x01,
-		WARLOCK2 = 0x01,
-		WARLOCK3 = 0x01,
-		WARRIOR1 = 0x04,
-		WARRIOR2 = 0x04,
-		WARRIOR3 = 0x08,
-	}
-	local _, class = UnitClass("player")
-	-- Original canWear - here for documentation purposes - Jafula.
-	local canWear = {
-		DEATHKNIGHT = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Mail", "Plate", "Axe", "Mace", "Polearm", "Sword"},
-		DRUID = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Dagger", "Fist Weapon", "Mace", "Polearm", "Staff"},
-		HUNTER = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Mail", "Axe", "Dagger", "Fist Weapon", "Polearm", "Staff", "Sword", "Bow", "Crossbow", "Gun"},
-		MAGE = {"Cloth", "Dagger", "Staff", "Sword", "Wand"},
-		PALADIN = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Mail", "Plate", "Axe", "Mace", "Polearm", "Sword"},
-		PRIEST = {"Cloth", "Dagger", "Mace", "Staff", "Wand"},
-		ROGUE = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Dagger", "Fist Weapon", "Axe", "Mace", "Sword"},
-		SHAMAN = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Mail", "Axe", "Dagger", "Fist Weapon", "Mace", "Staff"},
-		WARLOCK = {"Cloth", "Dagger", "Staff", "Sword", "Wand"},
-		WARRIOR = {"Cloth", "Leather", "Mail", "Plate", "Axe", "Dagger", "Fist Weapon", "Mace", "Polearm", "Staff", "Sword", "Bow", "Crossbow", "Gun", "Thrown"}
-	}
-	-- Removed lower tier armour from canWear table (i.e. DKs, Paladins, Warriers can only wear Plate).
-	-- I personally would not pick up a lower tiered piece for my toons.  Jafula.
-	local canWear = {
-		DEATHKNIGHT = {"Plate", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Maces", "Two-Handed Swords", "Sigils", "Miscellaneous"},
-		DRUID = {"Leather", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "One-Handed Maces", "Polearms", "Staves", "Two-Handed Maces", "Idols", "Miscellaneous"},
-		HUNTER = {"Mail", "Bows", "Crossbows", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Swords", "Polearms", "Staves", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Swords", "Thrown", "Miscellaneous"},
-		MAGE = {"Cloth", "Daggers", "One-Handed Swords", "Staves", "Wands", "Miscellaneous"},
-		PALADIN = {"Plate", "Shields", "Daggers", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Polearms", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Maces", "Two-Handed Swords", "Librams", "Miscellaneous"},
-		PRIEST = {"Cloth", "Daggers", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Staves", "Wands", "Miscellaneous"},
-		ROGUE = {"Leather", "Bows", "Crossbows", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Thrown", "Miscellaneous"},
-		SHAMAN = {"Mail", "Shields", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "Staves", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Maces", "Totems", "Miscellaneous"},
-		WARLOCK = {"Cloth", "Daggers", "One-Handed Swords", "Staves", "Wands", "Miscellaneous"},
-		WARRIOR = {"Plate", "Shields", "Bows", "Crossbows", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Polearms","Staves", "Two-Handed Axes","Two-Handed Maces", "Two-Handed Swords", "Thrown", "Miscellaneous"}
-	}
-	local canWearLowbies = {
-		DEATHKNIGHT = {"Plate", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Maces", "Two-Handed Swords", "Sigils", "Miscellaneous"},
-		DRUID = {"Leather", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "One-Handed Maces", "Polearms", "Staves", "Two-Handed Maces", "Idols", "Miscellaneous"},
-		HUNTER = {"Leather", "Bows", "Crossbows", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Swords", "Polearms", "Staves", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Swords", "Thrown", "Miscellaneous"},
-		MAGE = {"Cloth", "Daggers", "One-Handed Swords", "Staves", "Wands", "Miscellaneous"},
-		PALADIN = {"Mail", "Shields", "Daggers", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Polearms", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Maces", "Two-Handed Swords", "Librams", "Miscellaneous"},
-		PRIEST = {"Cloth", "Daggers", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Staves", "Wands", "Miscellaneous"},
-		ROGUE = {"Leather", "Bows", "Crossbows", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Thrown", "Miscellaneous"},
-		SHAMAN = {"Leather", "Shields", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "Staves", "Two-Handed Axes", "Two-Handed Maces", "Totems", "Miscellaneous"},
-		WARLOCK = {"Cloth", "Daggers", "One-Handed Swords", "Staves", "Wands", "Miscellaneous"},
-		WARRIOR = {"Mail", "Shields", "Bows", "Crossbows", "Daggers", "Fist Weapons", "Guns", "One-Handed Axes", "One-Handed Maces", "One-Handed Swords", "Polearms","Staves", "Two-Handed Axes","Two-Handed Maces", "Two-Handed Swords", "Thrown", "Miscellaneous"}
-	}
-	local compare = function(val, t)
-		for _,v in ipairs(t) do if val == v then return true end end return false
-	end
-	local scaleRare = {
-		1,
-		1,
-		1,
-		1.11,
-		1.67,
-		2,
-		2.2,
-		1
-	}
-	if UnitLevel("player")<=58 then
-		scaleRare[7] = UnitLevel("player")+15
-	elseif UnitLevel("player")<=68 then
-		scaleRare[7] = (UnitLevel("player")-60)*3 + 85
-	elseif UnitLevel("player")<=79 then
-		scaleRare[7] = (UnitLevel("player")-70)*4 + 134
-	elseif UnitLevel("player")<=85 then
-		scaleRare[7] = (UnitLevel("player")-80)*8 + 292
-	end
-	local ourItemization = classSpec[class..(GetSpecialization() or 1)]
-	local statTable = {}
-	local rewardTable = {}
-	local countRewardNotLoaded = 0
-	for questItemIndex = 1, numberOfQuestRewards do
-		local rewardItemLink = GetQuestItemLink("choice", questItemIndex)
--- TODO: Remove
---AJM:Print( questItemIndex, " of ", numberOfQuestRewards, " is ", rewardItemLink )
-		if rewardItemLink ~= nil then
-			local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo( rewardItemLink )
-			if itemSellPrice > bestSellPrice then
-				bestSellPrice = itemSellPrice
-				bestQuestItemIndex = questItemIndex
-			end
-			local relevance = 0
-			local itemLevelD = 0
-			GetItemStats(itemLink, statTable)
-			for modifier, value in pairs(statTable) do
-				if statWeights[modifier] and bit.band(ourItemization, statWeights[modifier]) ~= 0 then
-					relevance = relevance + 1
-				end
-			end
-			local lowLevel = 400
-			local lowRare = 7
-			if equipmentSlotLookup[itemEquipLoc] ~= nil then
-				for _, a in ipairs( equipmentSlotLookup[itemEquipLoc] ) do
-					local itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink( "player", GetInventorySlotInfo( a ) )
-					if itemLink then
-						local _, _, ourRare, ourLevel = GetItemInfo( itemLink )
-						if ourLevel < lowLevel then
-							lowLevel = ourLevel
-							lowRare = ourRare
-						end
-					end
-				end
-				itemLevel = itemLevel * scaleRare[itemRarity]
-				lowLevel = lowLevel * scaleRare[lowRare]
-				itemLevelD = lowLevel - itemLevel
-				--AJM:Print( itemLevelD, relevance, compare( itemSubType, canWear[class] ), compare( itemSubType, canWearLowbies[class] ), itemSubType)
-				local toonCanWearPiece = false
-				if UnitLevel("player") <= 39 then
-					toonCanWearPiece = compare( itemSubType, canWearLowbies[class] )
-				else
-					toonCanWearPiece = compare( itemSubType, canWear[class] )
-				end
-				if itemLevelD <= 0 and relevance > 0 and toonCanWearPiece == true then
-				--AJM:Print( "added: ", questItemIndex)
-					rewardTable[questItemIndex] = relevance
-				end
-				--AJM:Print(itemLink..": r="..relevance..", delta="..itemLevelD, "itemIndex="..questItemIndex)
-				wipe(statTable)
-			end
-		else
-			countRewardNotLoaded = countRewardNotLoaded + 1
-		end
-	end
-	if countRewardNotLoaded > 0 then
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["The reward information was not loaded from the server.  Close the quest window and open it again."], false )
-	end
-	bestR = -1
---AJM:Print( "dotable!" )
-	for i, r in pairs( rewardTable ) do
-		--AJM:Print( i, r )
-		if r > bestR then
-			bestQuestItemIndex = i
-			bestR = r
-		end
-	end
-	return bestQuestItemIndex

@@ -1653,8 +1452,6 @@ function AJM:QUEST_ACCEPTED( ... )
 		if AJM.db.masterAutoShareQuestOnAccept == true then
 			if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster( AJM.characterName ) == true then
 				if AJM.isInternalCommand == false then
-					-- Remove some spam,
-					--AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, "Attempting to auto share newly accepted quest.", false )
 					SelectQuestLogEntry( questIndex )
 						if GetQuestLogPushable() and GetNumSubgroupMembers() > 0 then
 							AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, "Pushing newly accepted quest.", false )
@@ -1680,7 +1477,7 @@ end
 function AJM:DoAcceptQuest( sender )
 	if AJM.db.acceptQuests == true and AJM.db.slaveMirrorMasterAccept == true then
 	local questIndex = AJM:GetQuestLogIndexByName( questName )
-		--Olny works if the quest frame is open. Stops sending a blank quest.
+		--Only works if the quest frame is open. Stops sending a blank quest. Tell the team a char not got the quest window open???? <<<<<< TODO
 		if QuestFrame:IsShown() == true then
 			AJM.isInternalCommand = true
 			AJM:DebugMessage( "DoAcceptQuest" )
@@ -1802,6 +1599,44 @@ end

+function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_AbandonQuest(questID)
+	if JambaApi.GetTeamListMaximumOrderOnline() > 1 then
+		local lastQuestIndex = GetQuestLogSelection()
+		--AJM:Print("SetAbandonQuest", lastQuestIndex, questID)
+		title = GetAbandonQuestName()
+		local data = {}
+		data.questID = questID
+		data.title = title
+		StaticPopup_Hide( "ABANDON_QUEST" )
+		StaticPopup_Hide( "ABANDON_QUEST_WITH_ITEMS" )
+		StaticPopup_Show( "JAMBAQUEST_ABANDON_ALL_TOONS", title, nil, data )
+	end
+function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_TrackQuest(questID)
+	if JambaApi.GetTeamListMaximumOrderOnline() > 1 then
+		--AJM:Print("test", questID)
+		local questLogIndex = GetQuestLogIndexByID(questID)
+		local title = GetQuestLogTitle( questLogIndex )
+		local data = {}
+		data.questID = questID
+		data.title = title
+		if ( IsQuestWatched(questLogIndex) ) then
+			--AJM:Print("TrackingQuest")
+			StaticPopup_Show( "JAMBAQUEST_TRACK_ALL_TOONS", title, nil, data )
+		else
+			--AJM:Print("UnTrackQuest")
+			StaticPopup_Show( "JAMBAQUEST_UNTRACK_ALL_TOONS", title, nil, data )
+		end
+	end
+--Max's Menu System that was tainting like hell do like it trying quest3.0 Ebony's way.
 function JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown_Initialize(self)
 	local questLogIndex = GetQuestLogIndexByID(self.questID);
 	local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
@@ -1848,10 +1683,10 @@ function JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown_Initialize(self)
         text = L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_CONTEXT_ALERT_AbandonAllToons"],
         button1 = YES,
         button2 = NO,
-        timeout = 0,
-		whileDead = true,
+       	  timeout = 0,
+			whileDead = true,
 		hideOnEscape = true,
-        OnAccept = function(self, data)
+       OnAccept = function(self, data)
 			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_ABANDON_QUEST, data.questID, data.title)
@@ -1875,7 +1710,7 @@ function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_ShareQuest(questID)

-function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_AbandonQuest(questID)
+ function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_AbandonQuest(questID)
 	local lastQuestIndex = GetQuestLogSelection();
@@ -1890,21 +1725,6 @@ function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_AbandonQuest(questID)

-function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_TrackQuest(questID, questLogIndex)
-	--AJM:Print("test", questID, questLogIndex )
-	if ( not IsQuestWatched(questID) ) then
-		AddQuestWatch(questLogIndex, true);
-		QuestSuperTracking_OnQuestTracked(questID);
-	end
-function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_UnTrackQuest(questID, questLogIndex)
-	--AJM:Print("test", questID, questLogIndex )
-	if ( IsQuestWatched(questLogIndex) ) then
-		QuestObjectiveTracker_UntrackQuest(nil, questID);
-	end
 function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_ToggleTrackQuestAllToons(questID)

 	local questLogIndex = GetQuestLogIndexByID(questID);
@@ -1930,45 +1750,62 @@ function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_AbandonQuestAllToons(questID)


-function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_Jamba_DoQuestTrack( sender, questID, title, track )

+function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_Jamba_DoQuestTrack( sender, questID, title, track )
 	local questLogIndex = GetQuestLogIndexByID( questID )
 	if questLogIndex ~= 0 then
 		if track then
-			AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_TrackQuest( questID, questLogIndex )
+			AJM:JambaDoQuest_TrackQuest( questID, questLogIndex )
-			AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_UnTrackQuest( questID, questLogIndex )
+			AJM:JambaDoQuest_UnTrackQuest( questID, questLogIndex )
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.warningArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_DoNotHaveQuest"]( title ), false )
+		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_DoNotHaveQuest"]( title ), false )

-function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_Jamba_DoAbandonQuest( sender, questID, title )
+function AJM:JambaDoQuest_TrackQuest(questID, questLogIndex)
+	--AJM:Print("test", questID, questLogIndex )
+	if ( not IsQuestWatched(questID) ) then
+		AddQuestWatch(questLogIndex, true)
+		QuestSuperTracking_OnQuestTracked(questID)
+	end
+function AJM:JambaDoQuest_UnTrackQuest(questID, questLogIndex)
+	--AJM:Print("test", questID, questLogIndex )
+	if ( IsQuestWatched(questLogIndex) ) then
+		QuestObjectiveTracker_UntrackQuest(nil, questID)
+	end

+function AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_Jamba_DoAbandonQuest( sender, questID, title )
 	local questLogIndex = GetQuestLogIndexByID( questID )
 	if questLogIndex ~= 0 then
 		local lastQuestIndex = GetQuestLogSelection();
-		SelectQuestLogEntry(lastQuestIndex);
+		SelectQuestLogEntry(lastQuestIndex);
 		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_HaveAbandonedQuest"]( title ), false )
-	else
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.warningArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_DoNotHaveQuest"]( title ), false )

+-- Jamba ALL menu at the bottom of quest WorldMap Quest Log
 function AJM:CreateJambaMiniQuestLogFrame()

     JambaMiniQuestLogFrame = CreateFrame( "Frame", "JambaMiniQuestLogFrame", QuestMapFrame )
     local frame = JambaMiniQuestLogFrame
-	frame:SetWidth( 155 )
+	frame:SetWidth( 295 )
 	frame:SetHeight( 50 )
 	frame:SetFrameStrata( "HIGH" )
 	frame:SetToplevel( true )
@@ -1976,181 +1813,172 @@ function AJM:CreateJambaMiniQuestLogFrame()
 	frame:EnableMouse( true )
 	frame:SetMovable( true )
-	frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", QuestMapFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5,-55)
+	frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", QuestMapFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5,-50)
 		frame:SetBackdrop( {
 		bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
 		edgeFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",
 		tile = true, tileSize = 15, edgeSize = 15,
 		insets = { left = 5, right = 5, top = 5, bottom = 5 }
 	} )
 	table.insert( UISpecialFrames, "JambaQuestLogWindowFrame" )
-	AJM:CreateQuestLogButton('_AbandonAllButton',  0, AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoAbandonAllQuestsFromAllToons)
-	--AJM:CreateQuestLogButton('_ShareAllButton',  1, AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoShareAllQuestsFromThisToon) -- MCS 2016/04/02 This would make the share functionality share all quests from just the current toon
-	AJM:CreateQuestLogButton('_ShareAllButton',  1, AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoShareAllQuestsFromAllToons) -- MCS 2016/04/02 This would make the share functionality share all quests on all toons, rather than just current toon
-	AJM:CreateQuestLogButton('_TrackAllButton',  2, AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons)
-	AJM:CreateQuestLogButton('_UnTrackAllButton',  3, AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons)

-function AJM:CreateQuestLogButton(name, index, doAction)
-	StaticPopupDialogs[name .. "_confirm"] = {
-        text = L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_ALERT" .. name],
-        button1 = YES,
-        button2 = NO,
-        timeout = 0,
-		whileDead = true,
-		hideOnEscape = true,
-        OnAccept = function()
-			doAction()
-		end,
-    }
-	local x_coord = -10 - index * 35
-	local button = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", name, JambaMiniQuestLogFrame )
-	local buttonTexture = button:CreateTexture()
-	buttonTexture:SetAllPoints()
-	buttonTexture:SetTexture(ALL_QUEST_BUTTON_TEXTURES[name])
-	button.Normal = buttonTexture
-	button.ButtonName = name
-	button:SetScript( "OnClick", AJM.JambaAllQuestButtonOnClick )
-	button:SetScript( "OnEnter", AJM.JambaAllQuestButtonOnEnter )
-	button:SetScript( "OnLeave", AJM.JambaAllQuestButtonOnLeave )
-	button:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
-	button:SetSize( 30, 30 )
-	button:ClearAllPoints()
-	button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", JambaMiniQuestLogFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", x_coord, 10)
-function AJM.JambaAllQuestButtonOnEnter (button)
-	WorldMapTooltip:SetOwner( button, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT" )
-	WorldMapTooltip:SetText( L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MOUSEOVER" .. button.ButtonName], nil, nil, nil, nil, 1 )
-function AJM.JambaAllQuestButtonOnLeave ()
-	WorldMapTooltip:Hide()
-function AJM.JambaAllQuestButtonOnClick (button)
-	StaticPopup_Show( button.ButtonName .. "_confirm" )
+	-- abandon ALL button
+	local abandonButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "abandonButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
+	abandonButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function()  StaticPopup_Show("AbandonALLToonsQuest") end )
+	abandonButton:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0 , -5)
+	abandonButton:SetHeight( 35 )
+	abandonButton:SetWidth( 100 )
+	abandonButton:SetText( L["Abandon All\nQuests"] )
+	abandonButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(trackButton, true, L["Aabandon All Quests on all Minions"]) end)
+	abandonButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+	abandonQuestLogWindowAbandonFrameButton = abandonButton
+	-- Share All Button
+	local shareButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "shareButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
+	shareButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function()  AJM:DoShareAllQuestsFromAllToons() end )
+	shareButton:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 100, -5)
+	shareButton:SetHeight( 21 )
+	shareButton:SetWidth( 100 )
+	shareButton:SetText( L["Share All"] )
+	shareButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(shareButton, true, L["share All Quests to all Minions"]) end)
+	shareButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+	shareQuestLogWindowFrameShareButton = shareButton
+	--Track All Button
+	local trackButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "trackButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
+	trackButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function()  AJM:DoTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons() end )
+	trackButton:SetPoint( "TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -5)
+	trackButton:SetHeight( 21 )
+	trackButton:SetWidth( 100 )
+	trackButton:SetText( L["Track All"] )
+	trackButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(trackButton, true, L["Track All Quests on all Minions"]) end)
+	trackButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+	JambaQuestLogWindowFrameTrackButton = trackButton
+	-- Untrack All
+	local unTrackButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "unTrackButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
+	unTrackButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function()  AJM:DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons() end )
+	unTrackButton:SetPoint( "TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -25)
+	unTrackButton:SetHeight( 21 )
+	unTrackButton:SetWidth( 100 )
+	unTrackButton:SetText( L["Untrack All"] )
+	unTrackButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) AJM:ShowTooltip(trackButton, true, L["Untrack All Quests on all Minions"]) end)
+	unTrackButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+	JambaQuestLogWindowFrameUnTrackButton = unTrackButton
+function AJM:ShowTooltip(frame, show, text)
+	if show then
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(frame, "ANCHOR_TOP")
+		GameTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 16, 0)
+		GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+		GameTooltip:AddLine( text , 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	else
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+	end

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoAbandonAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+function AJM:DoAbandonAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+	AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["Abandoning quest's to all toons"], false )
+	AJM:DoAbandonAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+	AJM:ScheduleTimer("JambaSendCommandToTeam" , 2, AJM.COMMAND_ABANDON_ALL_QUESTS)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoAbandonAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+function AJM:DoAbandonAllQuestsFromThisToon()
 	AJM.iterateQuests = 0
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_AbandonNextQuest", 0.5)
+	AJM:IterateQuests("AbandonNextQuest", 0.5)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_AbandonNextQuest()
+function AJM.AbandonNextQuest()
 	local title, isHeader, questID = AJM:GetRelevantQuestInfo(AJM.iterateQuests)
 	if isHeader == false and questID ~= 0 then
 		local canAbandon = CanAbandonQuest(questID)
 		if canAbandon then
-			AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_AbandonAllButton"]( title ), false )
 			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_ABANDON_QUEST, questID, title)
 			if (AJM.iterateQuests ~= GetNumQuestLogEntries()) then
 				-- decrement quest count as we have removed one if not last quest
 				AJM.iterateQuests = AJM.iterateQuests - 1
-		else
-			AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_CannotAbandonQuest"]( title ), false )
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_AbandonNextQuest", 0.5)
+	AJM:IterateQuests("AbandonNextQuest", 0.5)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoShareAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+function AJM.DoShareAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+	AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["Sharing Quest's to All Minions"], false )
+	AJM:DoShareAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+	AJM:ScheduleTimer("JambaSendCommandToTeam" , 2,  AJM.COMMAND_SHARE_ALL_QUESTS)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoShareAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+function AJM.DoShareAllQuestsFromThisToon()
 	AJM.iterateQuests = 0
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_ShareNextQuest", 1)
+	AJM:IterateQuests("ShareNextQuest", 1)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_ShareNextQuest()
+function AJM.ShareNextQuest()
 	local title, isHeader, questID = AJM:GetRelevantQuestInfo(AJM.iterateQuests)
-	if isHeader == false and questID ~= 0 then
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_ShareAllButton"]( title ), false )
-		QuestMapQuestOptions_ShareQuest(questID)
-	end
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_ShareNextQuest", 1)
+	if GetQuestLogPushable() then
+		if isHeader == false and questID ~= 0 then
+			QuestMapQuestOptions_ShareQuest(questID)
+		end
+	end
+	AJM:IterateQuests("ShareNextQuest", 1)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+function AJM:DoTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+	AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["Tracking Quest's to All Minions"], false )
+	AJM:DoTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+	AJM:ScheduleTimer("JambaSendCommandToTeam", 1, AJM.COMMAND_TRACK_ALL_QUESTS)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+function AJM:DoTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
 	AJM.iterateQuests = 0
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_TrackNextQuest", 0.5)
+	AJM:IterateQuests("TrackNextQuest", 0.5)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_TrackNextQuest()
+function AJM.TrackNextQuest()

 	local title, isHeader, questID = AJM:GetRelevantQuestInfo(AJM.iterateQuests)

 	if isHeader == false and questID ~= 0 then
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_TrackAllButton"]( title ), false )
 		AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_QUEST_TRACK, questID, title, true )

-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_TrackNextQuest", 0.5)
+	AJM:IterateQuests("TrackNextQuest", 0.5)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
-	AJM.iterateQuests = 0
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_UnTrackNextQuest", 0.5)
+function AJM:DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+	AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["Untracking Quest's to All Minions"], false )
+	AJM:DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+	AJM:ScheduleTimer("JambaSendCommandToTeam", 1, AJM.COMMAND_UNTRACK_ALL_QUESTS)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromAllToons()
+function AJM:DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
+	AJM.iterateQuests = 0
+	AJM:IterateQuests("UnTrackNextQuest", 0.5)

-function AJM.QuestMapAll_Jamba_UnTrackNextQuest()

+function AJM.UnTrackNextQuest()
 	local title, isHeader, questID = AJM:GetRelevantQuestInfo(AJM.iterateQuests)
-	if isHeader == false and questID ~= 0 then
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_UnTrackAllButton"]( title ), false )
-		AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_QUEST_TRACK, questID, title, false )
-	end
-	AJM:IterateQuests("QuestMapAll_Jamba_UnTrackNextQuest", 0.5)
+		if isHeader == false and questID ~= 0 then
+			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_QUEST_TRACK, questID, title, false )
+		end
+	AJM:IterateQuests("UnTrackNextQuest", 0.5)

 function AJM:IterateQuests(methodToCall, timer)
 	AJM.iterateQuests = AJM.iterateQuests + 1
-	if AJM.iterateQuests <= GetNumQuestLogEntries() then
-		AJM:ScheduleTimer( methodToCall, timer )
-	end
+		if AJM.iterateQuests <= GetNumQuestLogEntries() then
+			AJM:ScheduleTimer( methodToCall, timer )
+		end

 function AJM:GetRelevantQuestInfo(questLogIndex)
     local title, level, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, frequency, questID, startEvent, displayQuestID, isOnMap, hasLocalPOI, isTask, isStory = GetQuestLogTitle( questLogIndex )
 	return title, isHeader, questID

@@ -2161,7 +1989,6 @@ function AJM:ToggleFrame( frame )

 function AJM:ToggleQuestLog()
 	-- This sorts out hooking on L or marcioMenu button
 	if AJM.db.showJambaQuestLogWithWoWQuestLog == true then
 		if WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() and QuestMapFrame:IsVisible() then
@@ -2186,40 +2013,6 @@ function AJM:ToggleShowQuestCommandWindow( show )

-	JambaHookQuestButtons()
-	JambaHookQuestButtons()
-function JambaHookQuestButtons()
-	for k, v in pairs( QuestMapFrame.QuestsFrame.Contents.Titles ) do
-		if AJM:IsHooked(v, "OnClick") then
-			AJM:Unhook(v, "OnClick")
-		end
-		AJM:RawHookScript(v, "OnClick", "QuestMapLogTitleButton_OnClick")
-	end
-function AJM:QuestMapLogTitleButton_OnClick(frame, button)
-	if ( button == "RightButton" ) then
-		if ( frame.questID ~= JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown.questID ) then
-			CloseDropDownMenus();
-		end
-		JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown.questID = frame.questID;
-		ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, JambaQuestMapQuestOptionsDropDown, "cursor", 6, -6);
-	else
-		self.hooks[frame].OnClick(frame, button)
-	end

@@ -2293,29 +2086,30 @@ function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_TOGGLE_AUTO_SELECT then
 		AJM:DoAutoSelectToggle( characterName, ... )
-	-- Want to action track and abandon command on the same character that sent the command.
+-- Want to action track and abandon command on the same character tat sent the command.
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_QUEST_TRACK then
 		AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_Jamba_DoQuestTrack( characterName, ... )
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_ABANDON_QUEST then
 		AJM:QuestMapQuestOptions_Jamba_DoAbandonQuest( characterName, ... )
+	 -- If this character sent this command, don't action it.
+	if characterName == AJM.characterName then
+		return
+	end
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_ABANDON_ALL_QUESTS then
-		AJM:QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoAbandonAllQuestsFromThisToon( )
+		AJM:DoAbandonAllQuestsFromThisToon()
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_TRACK_ALL_QUESTS then
-		AJM:QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon( )
+		AJM:DoTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_UNTRACK_ALL_QUESTS then
-		AJM:QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon( )
+		AJM:DoUnTrackAllQuestsFromThisToon()
-		if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_SHARE_ALL_QUESTS then
-		AJM:QuestMapAll_Jamba_DoShareAllQuestsFromThisToon( )
-	end
-	-- If this character sent this command, don't action it.
-	if characterName == AJM.characterName then
-		return
+	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_SHARE_ALL_QUESTS then
+		AJM:DoShareAllQuestsFromThisToon()
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_ACCEPT_QUEST then
 		AJM:DoAcceptQuest( characterName, ...  )
diff --git a/Jamba-Quest/Locales/JambaQuest-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-Quest/Locales/JambaQuest-Locale-enUS.lua
index af192dc..b310a4c 100644
--- a/Jamba-Quest/Locales/JambaQuest-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Quest/Locales/JambaQuest-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ L["Toon Auto Selects Best Reward"] = true
 L["And Claims It As Well"] = true
 L["The reward information was not loaded from the server.  Close the quest window and open it again."] = true

 L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_CONTEXT_DROPDOWNTEXT_AbandonAllToons"] = "Jamba Abandon On All Toons"
 L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_CONTEXT_DROPDOWNTEXT_TrackAllToons"] = "Jamba Track On All Toons"
 L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_CONTEXT_DROPDOWNTEXT_UnTrackAllToons"] = "Jamba UnTrack On All Toons"
@@ -131,5 +132,41 @@ end

 L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_ShareAllButton"] = function( questName )
 	return string.format( "Sharing quest to all toons: %s", questName )
+L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_ALL_MESSAGE_AbandonAllButton"] = function( questName )
+	return string.format( "Abandoning quest on all toons: %s", questName )
+L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_HaveAbandonedQuest"] = function( questName )
+	return string.format( "I have abandoned the quest: %s", questName )

+L["JAMBA_QUESTLOG_DoNotHaveQuest"] = function( questName )
+	return string.format( "I do not have the quest: %s", questName )
+L["Would you like to Abandon \"%s\" On All Toons?"] = true
+L["Would you like to Track \"%s\" On All Toons?"] = true
+L["Would you like to UnTrack \"%s\" On All Toons?"] = true
+L["Just Me"] = true
+L["All Team"] = true
+L["This will abandon ALL quests ON every toon!  Yes, this means you will end up with ZERO quests in your quest log!  Are you sure?"] = true
+L["Untracking Quest's to All Minions"] = true
+L["Tracking Quest's to All Minions"] = true
+L["Sharing Quest's to All Minions"] = true
+L["Abandoning quest's to all toons"] = true
+L["Abandon All\nQuests"] = true
+L["Aabandon All Quests on all Minions"] = true
+L["Untrack All"] = true
+L["Untrack All Quests on all Minions"] = true
+L["Track All"] = true
+L["Track All Quests on all Minions"] = true
+L["Share All"] = true
+L["share All Quests to all Minions"] = true
diff --git a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Jamba-QuestWatcher.toc b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Jamba-QuestWatcher.toc
index 8e5a312..c3f79e4 100644
--- a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Jamba-QuestWatcher.toc
+++ b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Jamba-QuestWatcher.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaQuestWatcher
 ## Notes: JambaQuestWatcher
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/JambaQuestWatcher.lua b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/JambaQuestWatcher.lua
index 0a5f997..88d5737 100644
--- a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/JambaQuestWatcher.lua
+++ b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/JambaQuestWatcher.lua
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsCreateQuestWatcherControl( top )
 		L["Unlock JoT"],
-		L["Unlocks Jamba Objective Tracker/nTo Move It/nLock to Click Through"]
+		L["Unlocks Jamba Objective Tracker\n Hold Alt key To Move It\n Lock to Click Through"]
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
 	AJM.settingsControlWatcher.checkBoxHideBlizzardWatchFrame = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
@@ -2257,4 +2257,4 @@ function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )

-JambaApi.ClearAllQuests = ClearAllQuests
+JambaApi.ClearAllQuests = ClearAllQuests
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/JambaQuestWatcher-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/JambaQuestWatcher-Locale-enUS.lua
index 23a9d06..520d0d2 100644
--- a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/JambaQuestWatcher-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/JambaQuestWatcher-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ L["Show JoT On Master Only"] = true
 L["Hide Blizzard's Objectives Tracker"] = true
 L["Hides Defualt Objective Tracker"] = true
 L["Unlock JoT"] = true
-L["Unlocks Jamba Objective Tracker/nTo Move It/nLock to Click Through"] = true
+L["Unlocks Jamba Objective Tracker\n Hold Alt key To Move It\n Lock to Click Through"] = true
 L["Enable JoT"] = true
 L["Enables Jamba Objective Tracker"] = true
 L["Olny show Jamba Objective Tracker On Master Character Olny"] = true
diff --git a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/Locales.xml
index 5a048be..13afb9d 100644
--- a/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-QuestWatcher/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaQuestWatcher-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Sell/Jamba-Sell.toc b/Jamba-Sell/Jamba-Sell.toc
index 2cddcbe..b68ca66 100644
--- a/Jamba-Sell/Jamba-Sell.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Sell/Jamba-Sell.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaSell
 ## Notes: JambaSell
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Sell/JambaSell.lua b/Jamba-Sell/JambaSell.lua
index 5408a54..39ff131 100644
--- a/Jamba-Sell/JambaSell.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Sell/JambaSell.lua
@@ -10,15 +10,17 @@ local AJM = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon(
-	"AceHook-3.0"
+	"AceHook-3.0",
+	"AceTimer-3.0"

 -- Load libraries.
 local JambaUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaUtilities-1.0" )
 local JambaHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaHelperSettings-1.0" )
 local AceGUI = LibStub:GetLibrary( "AceGUI-3.0" )
+local LibBagUtils = LibStub:GetLibrary( "LibBagUtils-1.0" )
 local LibItemUtilsJamba = LibStub:GetLibrary( "LibItemUtilsJamba-1.0" )
-local LibGratuity = LibStub( "LibGratuity-3.0" )
+local ItemUpgradeInfo = LibStub("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0")

 --  Constants and Locale for this module.
 AJM.moduleName = "Jamba-Sell"
@@ -28,19 +30,37 @@ local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( AJM.moduleName )
 AJM.parentDisplayName = L["Merchant"]
 AJM.moduleDisplayName = L["Sell"]

 -- Settings - the values to store and their defaults for the settings database.
 AJM.settings = {
 	profile = {
 		sellItemOnAllWithAltKey = false,
-		autoSellPoorItems = false,
-		autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions = false,
-		autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList = {},
+	--	autoSellPoorItems = false,
+	--	autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions = false,
+	--	autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList = {},
+		-- Other Items
 		autoSellOtherItems = false,
 		autoSellOtherItemsList = {},
 		messageArea = JambaApi.DefaultMessageArea(),
-		autoSellUnusableSoulbound = false,
-		autoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTier = false,
-		autoSellUnusableSoulboundTag = ""
+		autoSellItem = false,
+		-- Gray
+		autoSellPoor = false,
+		autoSellBoEPoor	=  false,
+		-- Green
+		autoSellUncommon = false,
+		autoSellIlvlUncommon = 0,
+		autoSellBoEUncommon	= false,
+		-- Rare
+		autoSellRare = false,
+		autoSellIlvlRare = 0,
+		autoSellBoERare	=  false,
+		-- Epic
+		autoSellEpic = false,
+		autoSellIlvlEpic = 0,
+		autoSellBoEEpic	=  false,

@@ -54,16 +74,6 @@ function AJM:GetConfiguration()
 		get = "JambaConfigurationGetSetting",
 		set = "JambaConfigurationSetSetting",
 		args = {
-			--[[
-			popout = {
-				type = "input",
-				name = L["PopOut"],
-				desc = L["Show the sell other settings in their own window."],
-				usage = "/jamba-sell popout",
-				get = false,
-				set = "ShowPopOutWindow",
-			},
-			]]--
 			push = {
 				type = "input",
 				name = L["Push Settings"],
@@ -94,7 +104,16 @@ AJM.COMMAND_SELL_ITEM = "SellItem"
 -- NUM_BAG_SLOTS is defined as 4 in Blizzard's FrameXML\BankFrame.lua.
+-- Store ItemQuality https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_TYPE_Quality

 function AJM:BeforeJambaProfileChanged()
@@ -106,15 +125,39 @@ end
 function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	-- Sell on all with alt key.
 	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxSellItemOnAllWithAltKey:SetValue( AJM.db.sellItemOnAllWithAltKey )
-	-- Auto sell unusable soulbound items.
-	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUnusableSoulboundItems:SetValue( AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound )
-	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTierItems:SetValue( AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTier )
-	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxUnusableSoulboundTag:SetText( AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundTag )
-	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTierItems:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound )
-	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxUnusableSoulboundTag:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound )
+	-- Auto sell Quality and Ilvl items.
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellItems:SetValue( AJM.db.autoSellItem )
+	-- Poor
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellPoor:SetValue ( AJM.db.autoSellPoor )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEPoor:SetValue ( AJM.db.autoSellBoEPoor )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellPoor:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellItem )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEPoor:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellPoor )
+	-- Uncommon
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUncommon:SetValue (AJM.db.autoSellUncommon )
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlUncommon:SetText (AJM.db.autoSellIlvlUncommon )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEUncommon:SetValue (AJM.db.autoSellBoEUncommon )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUncommon:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellItem )
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlUncommon:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellUncommon )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEUncommon:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellUncommon )
+	-- Rare
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellRare:SetValue (AJM.db.autoSellRare )
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlRare:SetText (AJM.db.autoSellIlvlRare )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoERare:SetValue (AJM.db.autoSellBoERare )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellRare:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellItem )
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlRare:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellRare )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoERare:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellRare )
+	-- Epic
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellEpic:SetValue ( AJM.db.autoSellEpic )
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlEpic:SetText ( AJM.db.autoSellIlvlEpic)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEEpic:SetValue ( AJM.db.autoSellBoEEpic )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellEpic:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellItem )
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlEpic:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellEpic )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEEpic:SetDisabled ( not AJM.db.autoSellEpic )
 	-- Messages.
 	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetValue( AJM.db.messageArea )
 	-- Greys.
 	AJM.settingsControlGreys.checkBoxAutoSellPoorItems:SetValue( AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems )
 	AJM.settingsControlGreys.checkBoxAutoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions:SetValue( AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions )
 	AJM.settingsControlGreys.greysEditBoxExceptionTag:SetText( AJM.autoSellPoorItemExceptionTag )
@@ -123,6 +166,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlGreys.greysEditBoxExceptionTag:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems or not AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions )
 	AJM.settingsControlGreys.greysButtonRemove:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems or not AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions )
 	AJM.settingsControlGreys.greysButtonAdd:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems or not AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions )
 	-- Others.
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers.checkBoxAutoSellOtherItems:SetValue( AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems )
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers.othersEditBoxOtherTag:SetText( AJM.autoSellOtherItemTag )
@@ -130,7 +174,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers.othersEditBoxOtherTag:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems )
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers.othersButtonRemove:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems )
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers.othersButtonAdd:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems )
-	AJM:SettingsGreysScrollRefresh()
+--	AJM:SettingsGreysScrollRefresh()

@@ -139,14 +183,23 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 	if characterName ~= AJM.characterName then
 		-- Update the settings.
 		AJM.db.sellItemOnAllWithAltKey = settings.sellItemOnAllWithAltKey
-		AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound = settings.autoSellUnusableSoulbound
-		AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundTag = settings.autoSellUnusableSoulboundTag
-		AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTier = settings.autoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTier
-		AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems = settings.autoSellPoorItems
-		AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions = settings.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions
+		AJM.db.autoSellItem = settings.autoSellItem
+		AJM.db.autoSellPoor = settings.autoSellPoor
+		AJM.db.autoSellBoEPoor = settings.autoSellBoEPoor
+		AJM.db.autoSellUncommon = settings.autoSellUncommon
+		AJM.db.autoSellIlvlUncommon = settings.autoSellIlvlUncommon
+		AJM.db.autoSellBoEUncommon = settings.autoSellBoEUncommon
+		AJM.db.autoSellRare = settings.autoSellRare
+		AJM.db.autoSellIlvlRare = settings.autoSellIlvlRare
+		AJM.db.autoSellBoERare = settings.autoSellBoERare
+		AJM.db.autoSellEpic = settings.autoSellEpic
+		AJM.db.autoSellIlvlEpic = settings.autoSellIlvlEpic
+		AJM.db.autoSellBoEEpic = settings.autoSellBoEEpic
+	--	AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems = settings.autoSellPoorItems
+	--	AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions = settings.autoSellPoorItemsHaveExceptions
 		AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems = settings.autoSellOtherItems
 		AJM.db.messageArea = settings.messageArea
-		AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList = JambaUtilities:CopyTable( settings.autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList )
+--		AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList = JambaUtilities:CopyTable( settings.autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList )
 		AJM.db.autoSellOtherItemsList = JambaUtilities:CopyTable( settings.autoSellOtherItemsList )
 		-- Refresh the settings.
@@ -157,6 +210,7 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )

 -- Settings Dialogs.
@@ -172,8 +226,12 @@ local function SettingsCreateMain( top )
 	local headingHeight = JambaHelperSettings:HeadingHeight()
 	local headingWidth = JambaHelperSettings:HeadingWidth( false )
 	local horizontalSpacing = JambaHelperSettings:GetHorizontalSpacing()
+	local indent = horizontalSpacing * 12
 	local verticalSpacing = JambaHelperSettings:GetVerticalSpacing()
 	local halfWidth = (headingWidth - horizontalSpacing) / 2
+	local thirdWidth = (headingWidth - (horizontalSpacing * 5)) / 5
+	local left2 = left + thirdWidth
+	local left3 = left + halfWidth
 	local movingTop = top
 	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Sell Item On All Toons"], movingTop, false )
 	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
@@ -186,34 +244,116 @@ local function SettingsCreateMain( top )
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
-	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Sell Unusable Soulbound Items"], movingTop, false )
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Sell Items"], movingTop, false )
 	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
-	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUnusableSoulboundItems = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellItems = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
-		L["Automatically Sell Unusable Soulbound Items"],
-		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellUnusableSoulboundItems
+		L["Automatically Sell Items"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellItems
+-- Gray
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - 3
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellPoor = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Sell Gray Items"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellPoor
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEPoor = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left3,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only SoulBound"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellBoEPoor
+	)
+-- Green
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight - 3
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUncommon = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Sell Green Items"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellUncommon
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEUncommon = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left3,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only SoulBound"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellBoEUncommon
+	)
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
-	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTierItems = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlUncommon = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox(
-		headingWidth,
-		left,
-		movingTop,
-		L["And Unusable Lower Tier Armour Soulbound Items"],
-		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTierItems
+		thirdWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Item Level"]
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlUncommon:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.SettingsEditBoxChangedIlvlUncommon )
+-- Rare
+	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight - 3
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellRare = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Sell Rare Items"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellRare
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoERare = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left3,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only SoulBound"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellBoERare
+	)
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
-	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxUnusableSoulboundTag = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox(
-		AJM.settingsControl,
-		headingWidth,
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlRare = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		thirdWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Item Level"]
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlRare:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.SettingsEditBoxChangedIlvlRare )
+-- Epic
+	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight - 3
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellEpic = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
-		L["On Characters With This Tag"]
+		L["Sell Epic Items"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellEpic
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoSellBoEEpic = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		halfWidth,
+		left3,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Only SoulBound"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoSellBoEEpic
-	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxUnusableSoulboundTag:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.SettingsEditBoxChangedUnusableSoulboundTag )
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlEpic = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		thirdWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Item Level"]
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxAutoSellIlvlEpic:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.SettingsEditBoxChangedIlvlEpic )
 	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight
 	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Sell Messages"], movingTop, false )
 	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
@@ -234,6 +374,7 @@ function AJM:OnMessageAreasChanged( message )
 	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )

 local function SettingsCreateGreys( top )
 	-- Position and size constants.
 	local buttonControlWidth = 105
@@ -332,6 +473,7 @@ local function SettingsCreateGreys( top )
 	movingTop = movingTop -	buttonHeight
 	return movingTop

 local function SettingsCreateOthers( top )
 	-- Position and size constants.
@@ -424,7 +566,7 @@ end

 local function SettingsCreate()
 	AJM.settingsControl = {}
-	AJM.settingsControlGreys = {}
+	--AJM.settingsControlGreys = {}
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers = {}
@@ -432,12 +574,12 @@ local function SettingsCreate()
-	JambaHelperSettings:CreateSettings(
-		AJM.settingsControlGreys,
-		L["Sell: Greys"],
-		AJM.parentDisplayName,
-		AJM.SettingsPushSettingsClick
-	)
+--	JambaHelperSettings:CreateSettings(
+--		AJM.settingsControlGreys,
+--		L["Sell: Greys"],
+--		AJM.parentDisplayName,
+--		AJM.SettingsPushSettingsClick
+--	)
 		L["Sell: Others"],
@@ -446,8 +588,8 @@ local function SettingsCreate()
 	local bottomOfSell = SettingsCreateMain( JambaHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() )
 	AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfSell )
-	local bottomOfGreys = SettingsCreateGreys( JambaHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() )
-	AJM.settingsControlGreys.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfGreys )
+--	local bottomOfGreys = SettingsCreateGreys( JambaHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() )
+--	AJM.settingsControlGreys.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfGreys )
 	local bottomOfOthers = SettingsCreateOthers( JambaHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() )
 	AJM.settingsControlOthers.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfOthers )
 	-- Help
@@ -459,6 +601,7 @@ end
 -- Settings Callbacks.

 function AJM:SettingsGreysScrollRefresh()
@@ -495,6 +638,8 @@ function AJM:SettingsGreysRowClick( rowNumber, columnNumber )

 function AJM:SettingsOthersScrollRefresh()
@@ -542,21 +687,85 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleSellItemOnAllWithAltKey( event, checked )

-function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellUnusableSoulboundItems( event, checked )
-	AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound = checked
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellItems( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellItem = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+--  Poor
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellPoor( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellPoor = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellBoEPoor( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellBoEPoor = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+-- Uncommon
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellUncommon( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellUncommon = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsEditBoxChangedIlvlUncommon( event, text )
+	AJM.db.autoSellIlvlUncommon = text
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellBoEUncommon( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellBoEUncommon = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+-- Rare
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellRare( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellRare = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsEditBoxChangedIlvlRare( event, text )
+	AJM.db.autoSellIlvlRare = text
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellBoERare( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellBoERare = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+-- Epic
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellEpic( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellEpic = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsEditBoxChangedIlvlEpic( event, text )
+	AJM.db.autoSellIlvlEpic = text

-function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTierItems( event, checked )
-	AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundLowerTier = checked
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellBoEEpic( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoSellBoEEpic = checked

 function AJM:SettingsSetMessageArea( event, value )
 	AJM.db.messageArea = value

+--TPDO Remove!
 function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellPoorItems( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems = checked
@@ -593,6 +802,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsGreysAddClick( event )

 function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoSellOtherItems( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems = checked
@@ -641,17 +851,17 @@ end

 -- Initialize Popup Dialogs.
 local function InitializePopupDialogs()
-        text = L["Are you sure you wish to remove the selected item from the auto sell poor items exception list?"],
-        button1 = YES,
-        button2 = NO,
-        timeout = 0,
-		whileDead = 1,
-		hideOnEscape = 1,
-        OnAccept = function()
-			AJM:RemoveGrey()
-		end,
-    }
+--       text = L["Are you sure you wish to remove the selected item from the auto sell poor items exception list?"],
+--       button1 = YES,
+--       button2 = NO,
+--       timeout = 0,
+--		 whileDead = 1,
+--		 hideOnEscape = 1,
+--       OnAccept = function()
+--		 AJM:RemoveGrey()
+--		 end,
+--   }
         text = L["Are you sure you wish to remove the selected item from the auto sell other items list?"],
         button1 = YES,
@@ -672,32 +882,23 @@ end
 -- Initialise the module.
 function AJM:OnInitialize()
 	-- Item link of item to add to auto sell item other / poor exception list.
-	AJM.autoSellPoorItemExceptionLink = nil
+--	AJM.autoSellPoorItemExceptionLink = nil
 	AJM.autoSellOtherItemLink = nil
 	-- The tag to add to the other / poor exception item.
-	AJM.autoSellPoorItemExceptionTag = JambaApi.AllTag()
+--	AJM.autoSellPoorItemExceptionTag = JambaApi.AllTag()
 	AJM.autoSellOtherItemTag = JambaApi.AllTag()
 	-- Create the settings control.
 	-- Initialise the JambaModule part of this module.
-	AJM:JambaModuleInitialize( AJM.settingsControlGreys.widgetSettings.frame )
+--	AJM:JambaModuleInitialize( AJM.settingsControlGreys.widgetSettings.frame )
+	AJM:JambaModuleInitialize( AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.frame )
 	-- Populate the settings.
 	-- Initialise the popup dialogs.
 	-- Hook the item click event.
 	AJM:RawHook( "ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick", true )
-	--[[
-	-- Create a standalone window for the sell others.
-	AJM.standaloneWindow = AceGUI:Create( "Window" )
-	AJM.standaloneWindow:Hide()
-	AJM.standaloneWindow:SetTitle( "Jamba-Sell" )
-	AJM.standaloneWindow:SetLayout( "Fill" )
-	AJM.standaloneWindow:AddChild( AJM.settingsControlOthers.widgetSettings )
-	AJM.standaloneWindow:SetHeight( 410 )
-	AJM.standaloneWindow:SetWidth( 410 )
-	AJM.standaloneWindow.frame:SetFrameStrata( "HIGH" )
-	]]--

 -- Called when the addon is enabled.
@@ -714,9 +915,9 @@ end
 -- JambaSell functionality.

-function AJM:ShowPopOutWindow()
+--function AJM:ShowPopOutWindow()

 -- The ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick hook.
 function AJM:ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick( self, event, ... )
@@ -732,7 +933,8 @@ function AJM:DoSellItem( itemlink )
 	-- Iterate each bag the player has.
 		-- Iterate each slot in the bag.
-		for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots( bag ) do
+		numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots( bag )
+		for slot = 1, numSlots do
 			-- Get the item link for the item in this slot.
 			local bagItemLink = GetContainerItemLink( bag, slot )
 			-- If there is an item...
@@ -740,7 +942,9 @@ function AJM:DoSellItem( itemlink )
 				-- Does it match the item to sell?
 				if JambaUtilities:DoItemLinksContainTheSameItem( bagItemLink, itemlink ) then
 					-- Yes, sell this item.
-					UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
+					if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() == true then
+						UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
+					end
 					-- Tell the boss.
 					AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( bagItemLink ), false )
@@ -749,6 +953,7 @@ function AJM:DoSellItem( itemlink )

 function AJM:GetGreysMaxPosition()
 	return #AJM.db.autoSellPoorItemsExceptionList
@@ -786,6 +991,7 @@ function AJM:RemoveGrey()
 	AJM:SettingsGreysRowClick( 1, 1 )

 function AJM:GetOthersMaxPosition()
 	return #AJM.db.autoSellOtherItemsList
@@ -817,22 +1023,140 @@ function AJM:RemoveOther()

-	-- Does the user want to auto sell poor items?
-	if AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems == true then
-		AJM:DoMerchantSellPoorItems()
+	-- Sell Items
+	if AJM.db.autoSellItem == true then
+		AJM:DoMerchantSellItems()
-	-- Does the user want to auto sell other items?
+	-- Sell Other Items
 	if AJM.db.autoSellOtherItems == true then
-		AJM:DoMerchantSellOtherItems()
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "DoMerchantSellOtherItems", 2 )
+	-- Does the user want to auto sell poor items?
+	--if AJM.db.autoSellPoorItems == true then
+	--	AJM:DoMerchantSellPoorItems()
+	--end
+	-- Does the user want to auto sell other items?
 	-- Does the user want to auto sell unusable soulbound items?
-	if AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound == true then
-		if JambaApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( AJM.characterName, AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundTag ) == true then
-			AJM:DoMerchantSellUnusableSoulbound()
+--	if AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulbound == true then
+--		if JambaApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( AJM.characterName, AJM.db.autoSellUnusableSoulboundTag ) == true then
+--			AJM:DoMerchantSellUnusableSoulbound()
+--		end
+--	end
+function AJM:DoMerchantSellItems()
+	local count = 0
+	local gold = 0
+	for bag,slot,link in LibBagUtils:Iterate("BAGS") do
+		if bag ~= nil then
+			if link ~= nil then
+			local canSell = false
+			local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, iconFileDataID, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo( link )
+			--AJM:Print("Test", itemLink, itemRarity )
+				if AJM.db.autoSellPoor == true then
+					if itemRarity == AJM.ITEM_QUALITY_POOR then
+						canSell = true
+						if AJM.db.autoSellBoEPoor == true then
+							local isBop = JambaUtilities:ToolTipBagScaner(link, bag, slot)
+							if isBop ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND then
+							 --AJM:Print("BoE", link )
+							 canSell = false
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				-- Green
+				if AJM.db.autoSellUncommon == true then
+					if itemRarity == AJM.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON then
+						if itemType == WEAPON or itemType == ARMOR then
+							--AJM:Print("testGreen", link, itemRarity, "a", AJM.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON )
+							local num = tonumber( AJM.db.autoSellIlvlUncommon )
+							local iLvl = ItemUpgradeInfo:GetUpgradedItemLevel(link)
+							--AJM:Print("test", iLvl, "vs", num, "item", link )
+							if num ~= nil and iLvl ~= nil and (itemLevel > AJM.MIN_ITEM_LEVEL ) then
+								if iLvl >= num then
+									canSell = true
+								end
+							end
+							if AJM.db.autoSellBoEUncommon == true then
+								local isBop = JambaUtilities:ToolTipBagScaner( link,bag,slot )
+								--AJM:Print("IsBoP", isBop)
+								if isBop ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND then
+									canSell = false
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+					--Blue
+					if AJM.db.autoSellRare == true then
+						if itemRarity == AJM.ITEM_QUALITY_RARE then
+							if itemType == WEAPON or itemType == ARMOR then
+								local num = tonumber( AJM.db.autoSellIlvlRare )
+								local iLvl = ItemUpgradeInfo:GetUpgradedItemLevel(link)
+								--AJM:Print("test", iLvl, "vs", num )
+								if num ~= nil and iLvl ~= nil and (itemLevel > AJM.MIN_ITEM_LEVEL ) then
+									if iLvl >= num then
+										canSell = true
+									end
+								end
+								if AJM.db.autoSellBoERare == true then
+									local isBop = JambaUtilities:ToolTipBagScaner( link,bag,slot )
+									--AJM:Print("IsBoP", isBop)
+									if isBop ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND then
+										canSell = false
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					-- Epic
+					if AJM.db.autoSellEpic == true then
+						if itemRarity == AJM.ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC then
+							if itemType == WEAPON or itemType == ARMOR then
+								local num = tonumber( AJM.db.autoSellIlvlEpic )
+								local iLvl = ItemUpgradeInfo:GetUpgradedItemLevel(link)
+								--AJM:Print("test", iLvl, "vs", num )
+									if num ~= nil and iLvl ~= nil and (itemLevel > AJM.MIN_ITEM_LEVEL ) then
+									if iLvl >= num then
+										canSell = true
+									end
+								end
+								if AJM.db.autoSellBoEEpic == true then
+									local isBop = JambaUtilities:ToolTipBagScaner( link,bag,slot )
+									--AJM:Print("IsBoP", isBop)
+									if isBop ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND then
+										canSell = false
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					if canSell == true then
+						if itemSellPrice ~= nil and itemSellPrice > 0 then
+							if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() == true then
+								count = count + 1
+								gold = gold + itemSellPrice
+								UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+	if count > 0 then
+		local formattedGoldAmount = GetCoinTextureString(gold)
+		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X Items And Made:"]( count )..formattedGoldAmount, false )

 function AJM:DoMerchantSellUnusableSoulbound()
 	-- Iterate each bag the player has.
 	local localizedClass, fileClass = UnitClass( "player" )
@@ -880,8 +1204,10 @@ function AJM:DoMerchantSellUnusableSoulbound()
 						if compare( itemSubType, canWear["ALL"] ) then
 							if not compare( itemSubType, canWear[fileClass] ) then
 								-- Sell.
-								UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
-								AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( itemLink ), false )
+								if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() == true then
+									UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
+									AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( itemLink ), false )
+								end
@@ -891,11 +1217,13 @@ function AJM:DoMerchantSellUnusableSoulbound()

 function AJM:DoMerchantSellPoorItems()
 	-- Iterate each bag the player has.
 		-- Iterate each slot in the bag.
-		for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots( bag ) do
+		local numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots( bag )
+		for slot = 1, numSlots do
 			-- Get the item link for the item in this slot.
 			local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink( bag, slot )
 			-- If there is an item...
@@ -929,12 +1257,16 @@ function AJM:SellPoorItemIfNotAnException( itemName, itemLink, bag, slot )
 	-- Can sell the item?
 	if canSell == true then
 		-- Then use it (effectively selling it as the character is talking to a merchant).
-		UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( itemLink ), false )
+		if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() == true then
+			UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
+			AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( itemLink ), false )
+		end
 		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["DID NOT SELL: X"]( itemLink ), false )
+-- Sell Other Items!

 function AJM:DoMerchantSellOtherItems()
 	-- Iterate all the wanted items...
@@ -953,9 +1285,11 @@ function AJM:DoMerchantSellOtherItems()
 						-- Does it match the item to sell?
 						if JambaUtilities:DoItemLinksContainTheSameItem( bagItemLink, itemInformation.link ) then
 							-- Yes, sell this item.
-							UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
-							-- Tell the boss.
-							AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( bagItemLink ), false )
+							if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() == true then
+								UseContainerItem( bag, slot )
+								-- Tell the boss.
+								--AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["I have sold: X"]( bagItemLink ), false )
+							end
diff --git a/Jamba-Sell/Locales/JambaSell-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-Sell/Locales/JambaSell-Locale-enUS.lua
index 9335066..9b0f83f 100644
--- a/Jamba-Sell/Locales/JambaSell-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Sell/Locales/JambaSell-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -21,14 +21,18 @@ end
 L["DID NOT SELL: X"] = function( itemLink )
 	return string.format( "DID NOT SELL: %s", itemLink )
+L["I have sold: X Items And Made:"] = function( count )
+	return string.format( "I have sold: %s Items And Made: ", count )
+L["Items"] = true
 L["Sell: Others"] = true
-L["Sell Greys"] = true
+--L["Sell Greys"] = true
 L["Sell Others"] = true
-L["Auto Sell Poor Quality Items"] = true
-L["Except For These Poor Quality Items"] = true
-L["Add Exception"] = true
-L["Exception Item (drag item to box)"] = true
-L["Exception Tag"] = true
+--L["Auto Sell Poor Quality Items"] = true
+--L["Except For These Poor Quality Items"] = true
+--L["Add Exception"] = true
+--L["Exception Item (drag item to box)"] = true
+--L["Exception Tag"] = true
 L["Remove"] = true
 L["Add"] = true
 L["Sell Others"] = true
@@ -41,10 +45,21 @@ L["Add Other"] = true
 L["Sell Messages"] = true
 L["Sell Item On All Toons"] = true
 L["Hold Alt While Selling An Item To Sell On All Toons"] = true
-L["PopOut"] = true
-L["Show the sell other settings in their own window."] = true
-L["Sell Unusable Soulbound Items"] = true
-L["Automatically Sell Unusable Soulbound Items"] = true
-L["On Characters With This Tag"] = true
+--L["PopOut"] = true
+--L["Show the sell other settings in their own window."] = true
+--L["Sell Unusable Soulbound Items"] = true
+--L["Automatically Sell Unusable Soulbound Items"] = true
+--L["On Characters With This Tag"] = true
 L["Sell"] = true
-L["And Unusable Lower Tier Armour Soulbound Items"] = true
+--L["And Unusable Lower Tier Armour Soulbound Items"] = true
+--New Stuff
+L["Automatically Sell Items"] = true
+L["Sell Items"] = true
+L["Only SoulBound"] = true
+L["Item Level"] = true
+L["Sell Gray Items"] = true
+L["Sell Green Items"] = true
+L["Sell Rare Items"] = true
+L["Sell Epic Items"] = true
diff --git a/Jamba-Talk/Jamba-Talk.toc b/Jamba-Talk/Jamba-Talk.toc
index 7d8fd75..d5907de 100644
--- a/Jamba-Talk/Jamba-Talk.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Talk/Jamba-Talk.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaTalk
 ## Notes: JambaTalk
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Talk/JambaTalk.lua b/Jamba-Talk/JambaTalk.lua
index eabff5d..da15327 100644
--- a/Jamba-Talk/JambaTalk.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Talk/JambaTalk.lua
@@ -785,4 +785,4 @@ function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_MESSAGE then
 		AJM:ProcessReceivedMessage( characterName, ... )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Talk/Locales/Locales.xml b/Jamba-Talk/Locales/Locales.xml
index df18854..0b257ac 100644
--- a/Jamba-Talk/Locales/Locales.xml
+++ b/Jamba-Talk/Locales/Locales.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ License: The MIT License

 <Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
 	<Script file="JambaTalk-Locale-enUS.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jamba-Taxi/Jamba-Taxi.toc b/Jamba-Taxi/Jamba-Taxi.toc
index 9a49185..a153f44 100644
--- a/Jamba-Taxi/Jamba-Taxi.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Taxi/Jamba-Taxi.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: Jamba-Taxi
 ## Notes: Jamba-Taxi
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Taxi/JambaTaxi.lua b/Jamba-Taxi/JambaTaxi.lua
index b52d5c1..086a451 100644
--- a/Jamba-Taxi/JambaTaxi.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Taxi/JambaTaxi.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ AJM.settings = {
 	profile = {
 		takeMastersTaxi = true,
 		requestTaxiStop = true,
-		changeTexiTime = 5,
+		changeTexiTime = 2,
 		messageArea = JambaApi.DefaultMessageArea(),
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ end

 AJM.COMMAND_TAKE_TAXI = "JambaTaxiTakeTaxi"
 AJM.COMMAND_EXIT_TAXI = "JambaTaxiExitTaxi"

 -- Messages module sends.
@@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ function AJM:OnEnable()
 	-- Hook the TaketaxiNode function.
 	AJM:SecureHook( "TakeTaxiNode" )
 	AJM:SecureHook( "TaxiRequestEarlyLanding" )
+	-- WoW API Events.
+	AJM:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_CLOSED")
 	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_AREAS_CHANGED, "OnMessageAreasChanged" )

@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ function AJM:SettingsCreateTaxi( top )
 		L["Clones To Take Taxi After Master"]
-	AJM.settingsControl.changeTexiTime:SetSliderValues( 0, 10, 1 )
+	AJM.settingsControl.changeTexiTime:SetSliderValues( 0, 5, 0.5 )
 	AJM.settingsControl.changeTexiTime:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", AJM.SettingsChangeTaxiTimer )

 	--movingTop = movingTop - halfWidthSlider
@@ -284,7 +287,6 @@ function AJM.TakeTimedTaxi( event, nodeIndex, ...)

 -- Called after the character has just taken a flight (hooked function).
 function AJM:TakeTaxiNode( taxiNodeIndex )
 	-- If the take masters taxi option is on.
@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ function AJM:TakeTaxiNode( taxiNodeIndex )
 		AJM.jambaTakesTaxi = false
--- exit taxi with team ebony
 local function LeaveTaxi ( sender )
 	if AJM.db.requestTaxiStop == true then
 		if sender ~= AJM.characterName then
@@ -309,10 +311,9 @@ local function LeaveTaxi ( sender )

 function AJM.TaxiRequestEarlyLanding( sender )
 	-- If the take masters taxi option is on.
+	--AJM:Print("test")
 	if AJM.db.requestTaxiStop == true then
 		if UnitOnTaxi( "player" ) and CanExitVehicle() == true then
 			if AJM.jambaLeavsTaxi == false then
@@ -323,6 +324,21 @@ function AJM.TaxiRequestEarlyLanding( sender )
 		AJM.jambaLeavsTaxi = false
+function AJM:TAXIMAP_CLOSED( event, ... )
+	--AJM:Print("closeTaxiTwo", AJM.jambaTakesTaxi )
+	if TaxiFrame_ShouldShowOldStyle() or FlightMapFrame:IsVisible() then
+		AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam ( AJM.COMMAND_CLOSE_TAXI )
+	end
+local function CloseTaxiMapFrame()
+	if AJM.jambaTakesTaxi == false then
+		CloseTaxiMap()
+	end
 -- A Jamba command has been received.
 function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	if characterName ~= self.characterName then
@@ -348,6 +364,9 @@ function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 				LeaveTaxi ( characterName, ... )
+		if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_CLOSE_TAXI then
+			CloseTaxiMapFrame()
+		end

diff --git a/Jamba-Toon/Jamba-Toon.toc b/Jamba-Toon/Jamba-Toon.toc
index eddd88b..8028fb0 100644
--- a/Jamba-Toon/Jamba-Toon.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Toon/Jamba-Toon.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaToon
 ## Notes: JambaToon
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Toon/JambaToon.lua b/Jamba-Toon/JambaToon.lua
index aa87d0d..715f350 100644
--- a/Jamba-Toon/JambaToon.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Toon/JambaToon.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ local AJM = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon(
+	"AceHook-3.0",

@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ local AJM = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon(
 local JambaUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaUtilities-1.0" )
 local JambaHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaHelperSettings-1.0" )
 local LibBagUtils = LibStub:GetLibrary( "LibBagUtils-1.0" )
+--local LibCache = LibStub('LibItemCache-1.1')
 AJM.SharedMedia = LibStub( "LibSharedMedia-3.0" )

 --  Constants and Locale for this module.
@@ -59,8 +61,13 @@ AJM.settings = {
 		autoRepair = true,
 		autoRepairUseGuildFunds = true,
 		merchantArea = JambaApi.DefaultMessageArea(),
-		warnAfk = true,
-		afkMessage = L["I am inactive!"],
+		autoAcceptRoleCheck = false,
+		enterLFGWithTeam = false,
+		acceptReadyCheck = false,
+		teleportLFGWithTeam = false,
+		rollWithTeam = false,
+		--Debug Suff
+		testAlwaysOff = true

@@ -95,7 +102,10 @@ end
 AJM.COMMAND_TEAM_DEATH = "JambaToonTeamDeath"
 AJM.COMMAND_RECOVER_TEAM = "JambaToonRecoverTeam"
 AJM.COMMAND_SOUL_STONE = "JambaToonSoulStone"
+AJM.COMMAND_TELE_PORT = "Jambateleport"
+AJM.COMMAND_CHECK_BAGS = "jambaCheckBags"

 -- Messages module sends.
@@ -105,6 +115,9 @@ AJM.COMMAND_SOUL_STONE = "JambaToonSoulStone"
 -- Variables used by module.

+AJM.sharedInvData = {}
 -- Settings Dialogs.
@@ -229,8 +242,7 @@ local function SettingsCreateRequests( top )
 		L["Display Team Release Prompts"],
 		L["Display Team Release Popup Displays when the Team Dies"]
-	)
+	)
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAutoAcceptSummonRequest = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
@@ -242,17 +254,59 @@ local function SettingsCreateRequests( top )
 		L["Automatically Accept Summon Requests"]
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
-	AJM.settingsControlRequests.dropdownRequestArea = JambaHelperSettings:CreateDropdown(
+	-- Ebony Group Stuff
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControlRequests, L["Raid/Party Tools."], movingTop, false )
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAutoRoleCheck = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		L["Auto Accept Role Checks"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAutoRoleCheck,
+		L["Automatically Accept Role Checks \n\nIf a role is already set.."]
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAcceptReadyCheck = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControlRequests,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Accept Ready Checks With Team"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleAcceptReadyCheck,
+		L["Accept Ready Checks With Team \n\nIf Team Member is the one that does the ready check it is Auto."]
+	)
+ 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+ 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxLFGTeleport = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControlRequests,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["LFG Teleport With Team"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleLFGTeleport,
+		L["Teleport With Team Members LFG"]
+	)
+ 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+ 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxLootWithTeam = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+		AJM.settingsControlRequests,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Roll Loot With Team"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleLootWithTeam,
+		L["Roll Loot With the Team"]
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - dropdownHeight - verticalSpacing
+ 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.dropdownRequestArea = JambaHelperSettings:CreateDropdown(
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
 		L["Send Request Message Area"] ,
 		L["Pick a Message Area"]
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.dropdownRequestArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.dropdownRequestArea:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", AJM.SettingsSetRequestArea )
-	movingTop = movingTop - dropdownHeight - verticalSpacing
 	return movingTop

@@ -403,27 +457,8 @@ local function SettingsCreateWarnings( top )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxBagsFullMessage:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.EditBoxChangedBagsFullMessage )
 	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight
-	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControlWarnings, L["Inactive"], movingTop, true )
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControlWarnings, L["Other"], movingTop, true )
 	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
-    AJM.settingsControlWarnings.checkBoxWarnAfk = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
-		AJM.settingsControlWarnings,
-		headingWidth,
-		left,
-		movingTop,
-		L["Warn If Toon Goes Inactive"],
-		AJM.SettingsToggleWarnAfk,
-		L["Warn If Toon Goes Inactive mosty for PVP"]
-	)
-	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
-	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxAfkMessage = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox( AJM.settingsControlWarnings,
-		headingWidth,
-		left,
-		movingTop,
-		L["Inactive Message"]
-	)
-	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxAfkMessage:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.EditBoxChangedAfkMessage )
-	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight
-	-- Ebony CC
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.checkBoxWarnCC = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
@@ -514,8 +549,6 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxWarnManaDropsMessage:SetText( AJM.db.warnManaDropsMessage )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.checkBoxWarnBagsFull:SetValue( AJM.db.warnBagsFull )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxBagsFullMessage:SetText( AJM.db.bagsFullMessage )
-	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.checkBoxWarnAfk:SetValue( AJM.db.warnAfk )
-	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxAfkMessage:SetText( AJM.db.afkMessage )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.checkBoxWarnCC:SetValue( AJM.db.warnCC )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxCCMessage:SetText( AJM.db.CcMessage )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.dropdownWarningArea:SetValue( AJM.db.warningArea )
@@ -524,10 +557,15 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAutoDenyDuels:SetValue( AJM.db.autoDenyDuels )
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAutoAcceptSummonRequest:SetValue( AJM.db.autoAcceptSummonRequest )
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAutoDenyGuildInvites:SetValue( AJM.db.autoDenyGuildInvites )
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAutoRoleCheck:SetValue( AJM.db.autoAcceptRoleCheck )
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxAcceptReadyCheck:SetValue( AJM.db.acceptReadyCheck )
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxLFGTeleport:SetValue( AJM.db.teleportLFGWithTeam )
+	AJM.settingsControlRequests.checkBoxLootWithTeam:SetValue( AJM.db.rollWithTeam )
 	AJM.settingsControlRequests.dropdownRequestArea:SetValue( AJM.db.requestArea )
 	AJM.settingsControlMerchant.checkBoxAutoRepair:SetValue( AJM.db.autoRepair )
 	AJM.settingsControlMerchant.checkBoxAutoRepairUseGuildFunds:SetValue( AJM.db.autoRepairUseGuildFunds )
 	AJM.settingsControlMerchant.dropdownMerchantArea:SetValue( AJM.db.merchantArea )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxHitFirstTimeMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnHitFirstTimeCombat )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxWarnTargetNotMasterMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnTargetNotMasterEnterCombat )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxWarnFocusNotMasterMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnFocusNotMasterEnterCombat )
@@ -537,7 +575,6 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxWarnManaDropsMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnWhenManaDropsBelowX )
 	AJM.settingsControlMerchant.checkBoxAutoRepairUseGuildFunds:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.autoRepair )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxBagsFullMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnBagsFull )
-	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxAfkMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnAfk )
 	AJM.settingsControlWarnings.editBoxCCMessage:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.warnCC )

@@ -559,10 +596,12 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoDenyDuels( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.autoDenyDuels = checked
 function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoAcceptSummonRequest( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.autoAcceptSummonRequest = checked
 function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoDenyGuildInvites( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.autoDenyGuildInvites = checked
@@ -573,12 +612,32 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoAcceptResurrectRequests( event, checked )

 function AJM:SettingsToggleAcceptDeathRequests( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.acceptDeathRequests = checked

+function AJM:SettingsToggleAutoRoleCheck( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.autoAcceptRoleCheck = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleAcceptReadyCheck( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.acceptReadyCheck = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleLFGTeleport( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.teleportLFGWithTeam = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleLootWithTeam( event, checked )
+	AJM.db.rollWithTeam = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 function AJM:SettingsToggleWarnHitFirstTimeCombat( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.warnHitFirstTimeCombat = checked
@@ -599,16 +658,6 @@ function AJM:EditBoxChangedBagsFullMessage( event, text )

-function AJM:SettingsToggleWarnAfk( event, checked )
-	AJM.db.warnAfk = checked
-	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
-function AJM:EditBoxChangedAfkMessage( event, text )
-	AJM.db.afkMessage = text
-	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 function AJM:SettingsToggleWarnCC( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.warnCC = checked
@@ -708,17 +757,21 @@ function AJM:OnInitialize()
 	AJM.haveBeenHit = false
 	-- Bags full changed count.
 	AJM.previousFreeBagSlotsCount = -1
+	--Start-DB for items.
+	--AJM:scanBagsForItems()
+	AJM:AddDummyItem()

 -- Called when the addon is enabled.
 function AJM:OnEnable()
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = false
 	-- WoW events.
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_COMBAT" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_HEALTH" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "MERCHANT_SHOW" )
-	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_MANA" )
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "RESURRECT_REQUEST" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_DEAD" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "CORPSE_IN_RANGE" )
@@ -730,14 +783,22 @@ function AJM:OnEnable()
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "DUEL_REQUESTED" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "ITEM_PUSH" )
-	--test
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "LFG_ROLE_CHECK_SHOW" )
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "READY_CHECK" )
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE", "ITEM_PUSH" )
-	AJM:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_AURA" )
+-- Fail stuff??
+--	AJM:RegisterEvent(  "BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED" )
 	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_AREAS_CHANGED, "OnMessageAreasChanged" )
-		AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_CHARACTER_ONLINE, "OnCharactersChanged" )
+	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_CHARACTER_ONLINE, "OnCharactersChanged" )
 	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_CHARACTER_OFFLINE, "OnCharactersChanged" )
+	-- Ace Hooks
+	AJM:SecureHook( "ConfirmReadyCheck" )
+	AJM:SecureHook( "LFGTeleport" )
+	AJM:SecureHook( "RollOnLoot" )
+-- fail tooltip scan keep for now
+--	AJM:SecureHook( GameTooltip , "SetBagItem", "AddTooltipInfo" )

 -- Called when the addon is disabled.
@@ -762,16 +823,18 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		AJM.db.warnManaDropsMessage = settings.warnManaDropsMessage
 		AJM.db.warnBagsFull = settings.warnBagsFull
 		AJM.db.bagsFullMessage = settings.bagsFullMessage
-		AJM.db.warnAfk = settings.warnAfk
-		AJM.db.afkMessage = settings.afkMessage
 		AJM.db.warnCC = settings.warnCC
 		AJM.db.CcMessage = settings.CcMessage
 		AJM.db.autoAcceptResurrectRequest = settings.autoAcceptResurrectRequest
 		AJM.db.acceptDeathRequests = settings.acceptDeathRequests
 		AJM.db.autoDenyDuels = settings.autoDenyDuels
-		--ebonnysum
 		AJM.db.autoAcceptSummonRequest = settings.autoAcceptSummonRequest
 		AJM.db.autoDenyGuildInvites = settings.autoDenyGuildInvites
+		AJM.db.autoAcceptRoleCheck = settings.autoAcceptRoleCheck
+		AJM.db.enterLFGWithTeam = settings.enterLFGWithTeam
+		AJM.db.acceptReadyCheck = settings.acceptReadyCheck
+		AJM.db.teleportLFGWithTeam = settings.teleportLFGWithTeam
+		AJM.db.rollWithTeam = settings.rollWithTeam
 		AJM.db.autoRepair = settings.autoRepair
 		AJM.db.autoRepairUseGuildFunds = settings.autoRepairUseGuildFunds
 		AJM.db.warningArea = settings.warningArea
@@ -781,8 +844,6 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		-- Tell the player.
 		AJM:Print( L["Settings received from A."]( characterName ) )
-		-- Tell the team?
-		--AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea,  L["Settings received from A."]( characterName ), false )

@@ -860,8 +921,8 @@ function AJM:PLAYER_DEAD( event, ...)
 		StaticPopup_Show( "TEAMDEATH" )
--- Mosty taken from blizzard StaticPopup Code

+-- Mosty taken from blizzard StaticPopup Code
 StaticPopupDialogs["TEAMDEATH"] = {
 	--local resTime = GetReleaseTimeRemaining(),
 	text = L["Release Team?"], --..resTime,
@@ -1017,7 +1078,108 @@ function AJM:RESURRECT_REQUEST( event, ... )

--- EbonySum Accepts summons
+--LFG stuff
+function AJM:READY_CHECK( event, name, ... )
+	-- Auto do Ready Check if team member is the one that does the readycheck
+	if AJM.db.acceptReadyCheck == true then
+		--AJM:Print("readyCheck", name )
+		for index, characterName in JambaApi.TeamListOrderedOnline() do
+			if name == Ambiguate( characterName, "none") then
+				AJM.isInternalCommand = ture
+				--AJM:Print("found in team", characterName)
+				if ReadyCheckFrame:IsShown() == true then
+					--AJM:Print("Ok?")
+					ConfirmReadyCheck(1)
+					ReadyCheckFrame:Hide()
+				end
+				AJM.isInternalCommand = false
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:ConfirmReadyCheck( ready )
+	--AJM:Print("Test", ready )
+	if AJM.db.acceptReadyCheck == true then
+		if AJM.isInternalCommand == false then
+			AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_READY_CHECK, ready)
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:AmReadyCheck( ready )
+	--AJM:Print("AmReady!", ready )
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = true
+		if ready == 1 then
+			ConfirmReadyCheck(1)
+			ReadyCheckFrame:Hide()
+		else
+			ConfirmReadyCheck()
+			ReadyCheckFrame:Hide()
+		end
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = false
+function AJM:LFGTeleport( event, arg1, ... )
+	--AJM:Print("LFGtest")
+	if AJM.db.teleportLFGWithTeam == true then
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() == false then
+			if AJM.isInternalCommand == false then
+				if IsInLFGDungeon() == true then
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_TELE_PORT, true )
+				else
+					AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_TELE_PORT, false )
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:DoLFGTeleport(port)
+	--AJM:Print("TeleCommand", port)
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = true
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() == false then
+		if port == true then
+			--AJM:Print("yestel")
+			LFGTeleport(1)
+		else
+			--AJM:Print("notel")
+			LFGTeleport()
+		end
+	end
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = false
+function AJM:LFG_ROLE_CHECK_SHOW( event, ... )
+	if AJM.db.autoAcceptRoleCheck == true then
+		--AJM:Print("testPopup?")
+		CompleteLFGRoleCheck("ture")
+	end
+function AJM:RollOnLoot(id, rollType, ...)
+	--AJM:Print("lootTest", id, rollType)
+	local texture, name, count, quality, bindOnPickUp = GetLootRollItemInfo( id )
+	--AJM:Print("lootItemTest", name)
+	if AJM.db.rollWithTeam == true then
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() == false then
+			if AJM.isInternalCommand == false then
+				AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_LOOT_ROLL, id, rollType, name)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:DoLootRoll( id, rollType, name )
+	--AJM:Print("i have a command to roll on item", name)
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = true
+	if name ~= nil then
+		RollOnLoot(id, rollType)
+	end
+	AJM.isInternalCommand = false

 function AJM:CONFIRM_SUMMON( event, sender, location, ... )
 	local sender, location = GetSummonConfirmSummoner(), GetSummonConfirmAreaName()
@@ -1075,18 +1237,17 @@ function AJM:MERCHANT_SHOW( event, ... )

-function AJM:UNIT_MANA( event, unitAffected, ... )
+function AJM:UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT( event, unitAffected, power, ... )
 	if AJM.db.warnWhenManaDropsBelowX == false then
 	if unitAffected ~= "player" then
-	local powerType, powerTypeString = UnitPowerType( "player" )
-	if powerTypeString ~= "MANA" then
+	if power ~= "MANA" then
-	end
-	local currentMana = (UnitMana( "player" ) / UnitManaMax( "player" ) * 100)
+	end
+	local currentMana = (UnitPower( "player", 0 ) / UnitPowerMax( "player", 0 ) * 100)
 	if AJM.toldMasterAboutMana == true then
 		if currentMana >= tonumber( AJM.db.warnWhenManaDropsAmount ) then
 			AJM.toldMasterAboutMana = false
@@ -1163,15 +1324,6 @@ function AJM:ITEM_PUSH( event, ... )

-function AJM:UNIT_AURA( event, ... )
-	if AJM.db.warnAfk == true then
-		if JambaUtilities:DoesThisCharacterHaveBuff( L["Inactive"] ) == true then
-			AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.warningArea, AJM.db.afkMessage, false )
-		end
-	end
 --Ebony CCed
 function AJM:LOSS_OF_CONTROL_ADDED( event, ... )
 	if AJM.db.warnCC == true then
@@ -1184,6 +1336,124 @@ function AJM:LOSS_OF_CONTROL_ADDED( event, ... )

+--Most of this is Jamba-Bag sutff that needs to be here for my notes. Ebony!
+function AJM:AddDummyItem()
+	JambaUtilities:ClearTable( AJM.sharedInvData )
+	itemInformation = {}
+	itemInformation.characterName = "ebonyOwns"
+	itemInformation.name = "DummyTestItem"
+	itemInformation.count = "0"
+	itemInformation.itemId = "71142"
+	table.insert( AJM.sharedInvData, itemInformation )
+function AJM:AddTooltipInfo( toolTip )
+	--AJM:Print("test")
+	local name, link = toolTip:GetItem()
+	local itemName, characterName, itemCount = AJM:AddToTooltip(link )
+	AJM:AddToTooltip(toolTip, link)
+--	local totalCount = 0
+--	if itemName ~= nil then
+--		toolTip:AddLine(" ")
+--		toolTip:AddLine(L["Jamba Inventory"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+--		toolTip:AddDoubleLine(Ambiguate(characterName, "none"), L["Bags"]..L[" "]..itemCount, 1,1,1,1,1,1)
+--		totalCount = totalCount + itemCount
+--	end
+--	if totalCount > 1 then
+--		toolTip:AddDoubleLine("Total", totalCount, 1,0,0,1,1,1)
+--	end
+	toolTip:Show()
+function AJM:AddToTooltip(toolTip, link)
+	local totalCount = 0
+	if link ~= nil then
+		toolTip:AddLine(" ")
+		toolTip:AddLine(L["Jamba Bags"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+		for id, item in pairs( AJM.sharedInvData ) do
+			--AJM:Print("Checking", item.name, link, item.count)
+			local itemId = JambaUtilities:GetItemIdFromItemLink( link )
+			--AJM:Print("Checking", item.itemId, itemId, item.characterName )
+			if itemId == item.itemId then
+				--AJM:Print("found8", item.name, item.characterName, item.count)
+				toolTip:AddDoubleLine(Ambiguate(item.characterName, "none"), L["Bags"]..L[" "]..item.count, 1,1,1,1,1,1)
+				totalCount = totalCount + item.count
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if totalCount > 1 then
+		toolTip:AddLine(" ")
+		toolTip:AddDoubleLine("Total", totalCount, 1,0.82,0,1,1,1,1)
+	end
+function  AJM:BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED(event, ... )
+	for bagID = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+		for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
+			--if slot ~= nil then
+			local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bagID, slot)
+			if itemLink ~= nil then
+				--AJM:Print("test1212", itemLink)
+				local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subclass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo(itemLink)
+				local itemId = JambaUtilities:GetItemIdFromItemLink( itemLink )
+					--AJM:Print("ItemNotInList", link)
+					--We olny want to check items with a count. EG- (mats etc.)
+				if maxStack	~= nil then
+					if maxStack > 1 then
+						local countBags = GetItemCount(link)
+						AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_CHECK_BAGS, link, countBags, itemId )
+					else
+						local countBags = GetItemCount(link)
+						--AJM:Print("NonStackeditems", link, countBags, itemId)
+						AJM:JambaSendCommandToTeam( AJM.COMMAND_CHECK_BAGS, link, countBags, itemId )
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:addItemIfNotExists( itemLink, countBags, characterName )
+	local IfNotExists = false
+		for id, item in pairs( AJM.sharedInvData ) do
+			--AJM:Print("test132", item.name, itemLink )
+			if item.itemId == itemLink and characterName == item.characterName then
+				--AJM:Print("found!", item.name, characterName)
+				IfNotExists = true
+				--If Count Has changed we need to update the text!
+				if item.count ~= countBags and item.characterName == characterName then
+					--AJM:Print("IDRemovTest", id)
+					AJM.sharedInvData[id] = nil
+					IfNotExists = false
+				end
+				break
+			else
+				IfNotExists = false
+			end
+		end
+	return 	IfNotExists
+function AJM:ReceivedCheckBags( characterName, item, count, itemId )
+	--AJM:Print("itemTest.", characterName, item, count, itemId )
+	itemInformation = {}
+	itemInformation.characterName = characterName
+	itemInformation.name = item
+	itemInformation.count = count
+	itemInformation.itemId = itemId
+	if AJM:addItemIfNotExists( itemId, count, characterName )	== false then
+		table.insert( AJM.sharedInvData, itemInformation )
+	end
 -- A Jamba command has been received.
 function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	--AJM:Print("Test", characterName, commandName)
@@ -1196,4 +1466,22 @@ function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_SOUL_STONE then
+	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_READY_CHECK then
+		if characterName ~= self.characterName then
+			AJM.AmReadyCheck( characterName, ... )
+		end
+	end
+	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_TELE_PORT then
+		if characterName ~= self.characterName then
+			AJM.DoLFGTeleport( characterName, ... )
+		end
+	end
+	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_LOOT_ROLL then
+		if characterName ~= self.characterName then
+			AJM.DoLootRoll( characterName, ... )
+		end
+	end
+	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_CHECK_BAGS then
+		AJM:ReceivedCheckBags( characterName, ... )
+	end
diff --git a/Jamba-Toon/Locales/JambaToon-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-Toon/Locales/JambaToon-Locale-enUS.lua
index 8106656..b37ddf5 100644
--- a/Jamba-Toon/Locales/JambaToon-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Toon/Locales/JambaToon-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ License: The MIT License

 local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):NewLocale( "Jamba-Toon", "enUS", true )
+L["I'll be something one day"] = true
 L["Slash Commands"] = true
 L["Toon: Warnings"] = true
 L["Push Settings"] = true
@@ -62,14 +63,7 @@ L["I do not have enough money to repair all my items."] = true
 L["Repairing cost me: X"] = function( costString )
     return string.format( "Repairing cost me: %s", costString )
-L["I am inactive!"] = true
-L["Warn If Toon Goes Inactive"] = true
-L["Inactive Message"] = true
--- Brgin special.
--- This is the inactive buff - you need to make sure it is localized correctly.
--- http://www.wowhead.com/spell=43681
-L["Inactive"] = true
--- End special.
+L["Other"] = true
 L["Crowd Control Message"] = true
 L["Warn If Toon Gets Crowd Control"] = true
 L["I Am"] = true
@@ -81,6 +75,11 @@ L["Recover All Team Corpses?"] = true
 L["I can not release to my Corpse for:"] = true
 L[" Seconds"] = true
 L["I Do not have a SoulStone"] = true
+L["Raid/Party Tools."] = true
+L["Auto Accept Role Checks"] = true
+L["Accept Ready Checks With Team"] = true
+L["LFG Teleport With Team"] = true
+L["Roll Loot With Team"] = true

 --Jamba Help Tooltips
 L["Display Team Release Popups when the Team Dies"] = true
@@ -101,3 +100,11 @@ L["Warn If All Regular Bags Are Full"] = true
 L["Warn If Toon Goes Inactive mosty for PVP"] = true
 L["Warn If any Minion Gets Crowd Control"] = true
 L["Automatically Deny All Guild Invites"] = true
+L["Automatically Accept Role Checks \n\nIf a role is already set.."] = true
+L["Accept Ready Checks With Team \n\nIf Team Member is the one that does the ready check it is Auto."] = true
+L["Teleport With Team Members LFG"] = true
+L["Roll Loot With the Team"] = true
+--PLace Holder.
+L["Bags"] = true
+L[" "] = true
+L["Jamba Bags"] = true
diff --git a/Jamba-Trade/Jamba-Trade.toc b/Jamba-Trade/Jamba-Trade.toc
index cd1783c..9984212 100644
--- a/Jamba-Trade/Jamba-Trade.toc
+++ b/Jamba-Trade/Jamba-Trade.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## Interface: 70100
+## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: JambaTrade
 ## Notes: JambaTrade
 ## Author: Ebony, Former Author: Jafula
-## Version: 7.1.5-5.1.7
+## Version: 5.3.0
 ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
 ## X-Child-Of: Jamba
 ## Dependencies: Jamba
diff --git a/Jamba-Trade/JambaTrade.lua b/Jamba-Trade/JambaTrade.lua
index 6fa16b4..0cad26c 100644
--- a/Jamba-Trade/JambaTrade.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Trade/JambaTrade.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local AJM = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon(
 local JambaUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaUtilities-1.0" )
 local JambaHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "JambaHelperSettings-1.0" )
 local LibBagUtils = LibStub:GetLibrary( "LibBagUtils-1.0" )
-local LibGratuity = LibStub( "LibGratuity-3.0" )
+--local LibGratuity = LibStub( "LibGratuity-3.0" ) --Unlikey to be used bugged!
 local AceGUI = LibStub( "AceGUI-3.0" )

 --  Constants and Locale for this module.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ AJM.moduleName = "Jamba-Trade"
 AJM.settingsDatabaseName = "JambaTradeProfileDB"
 AJM.chatCommand = "jamba-trade"
 local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( AJM.moduleName )
-AJM.parentDisplayName = L["Interaction"]
+AJM.parentDisplayName = L["Toon"]
 AJM.moduleDisplayName = L["Trade"]

 AJM.inventorySeperator = "\008"
@@ -36,16 +36,14 @@ AJM.inventoryPartSeperator = "\009"
 AJM.settings = {
 	profile = {
 		messageArea = JambaApi.DefaultMessageArea(),
-		framePoint = "CENTER",
-		frameRelativePoint = "CENTER",
-		frameXOffset = 0,
-		frameYOffset = 0,
 		showJambaTradeWindow = false,
+		tradeBoEItems = false,
+		tradeCRItems = false,
+		autoTradeItemsList = {},
 		adjustMoneyWithGuildBank = false,
 		goldAmountToKeepOnToon = 200,
 		adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade = false,
 		goldAmountToKeepOnToonTrade = 200,
-		ignoreSoulBound = false

@@ -59,24 +57,6 @@ function AJM:GetConfiguration()
 		get = "JambaConfigurationGetSetting",
 		set = "JambaConfigurationSetSetting",
 		args = {
-			loadname = {
-				type = "input",
-				name = L["Load Item By Name"],
-				desc = L["Load a certain amount of an item by name into the trade window."],
-				usage = "/jamba-trade loadname <item-name>,<amount>",
-				get = false,
-				set = "JambaTradeLoadNameCommand",
-				guiHidden = true,
-			},
-			loadtype = {
-				type = "input",
-				name = L["Load Items By Type"],
-				desc = L["Load items by type into the trade window."],
-				usage = "/jamba-trade loadtype <class>,<subclass>",
-				get = false,
-				set = "JambaTradeLoadTypeCommand",
-				guiHidden = true,
-			},
 			push = {
 				type = "input",
 				name = L["Push Settings"],
@@ -95,36 +75,45 @@ end
 -- Command this module sends.


 -- Messages module sends.

+-- Popup Dialogs.
+local function InitializePopupDialogs()
+        text = L["Are you sure you wish to remove the selected item from the trade items list?"],
+        button1 = YES,
+        button2 = NO,
+        timeout = 0,
+		whileDead = 1,
+		hideOnEscape = 1,
+        OnAccept = function()
+			AJM:RemoveItem()
+		end,
+    }
 -- Addon initialization, enabling and disabling.

 -- Initialise the module.
 function AJM:OnInitialize()
-	AJM.inventory = ""
-	AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable = {}
-	AJM.inventorySortedTable = {}
-	AJM.itemClassList = {}
-	AJM.itemClassSubList = {}
-	AJM.itemClassSubListLastSelection = {}
-	AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection = ""
-	AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection = ""
+	-- Initialise the popup dialogs.
+	InitializePopupDialogs()
+	AJM.autoTradeItemLink = nil
+	AJM.autoTradeItemTag = JambaApi.AllTag()
 	-- Create the settings control.
 	-- Initialse the JambaModule part of this module.
 	AJM:JambaModuleInitialize( AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.frame )
-	AJM:CreateInventoryFrame()
 	-- Populate the settings.
@@ -132,8 +121,8 @@ end
 -- Called when the addon is enabled.
 function AJM:OnEnable()
 	AJM:RegisterEvent( "TRADE_SHOW" )
-	AJM:RegisterEvent( "TRADE_CLOSED" )
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "TRADE_CLOSED" ) -- Unsued but we keep it for now!
+	AJM:RegisterEvent( "GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED" ) -- Temp!
 	AJM:RegisterMessage( JambaApi.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_AREAS_CHANGED, "OnMessageAreasChanged" )

@@ -163,25 +152,111 @@ function AJM:SettingsPushSettingsClick( event )

 function AJM:SettingsCreateTrade( top )
+	local buttonControlWidth = 85
 	local checkBoxHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetCheckBoxHeight()
 	local editBoxHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetEditBoxHeight()
+	local buttonHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetButtonHeight()
+	local dropdownHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetDropdownHeight()
 	local left = JambaHelperSettings:LeftOfSettings()
 	local headingHeight = JambaHelperSettings:HeadingHeight()
 	local headingWidth = JambaHelperSettings:HeadingWidth( false )
-	local dropdownHeight = JambaHelperSettings:GetDropdownHeight()
+	local horizontalSpacing = JambaHelperSettings:GetHorizontalSpacing()
 	local verticalSpacing = JambaHelperSettings:GetVerticalSpacing()
+	local tradeWidth = headingWidth
 	local movingTop = top
-	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Trade Options"], movingTop, false )
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Trade Item List"], movingTop, false )
 	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
 	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxShowJambaTradeWindow = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
-		L["Show Jamba Trade Window On Trade"],
+		L["Trade The List Of Items With Master"],
 	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxTradeBoEItems = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+	AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Trades Binds When Equipped Items With Master"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleTradeBoEItems
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxTradeCRItems = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
+	AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Trades Crafting Reagents Items With Master"],
+		AJM.SettingsToggleTradeCRItems
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsHighlightRow = 1
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsOffset = 1
+	local list = {}
+	list.listFrameName = "JambaTradeIteamsSettingsFrame"
+	list.parentFrame = AJM.settingsControl.widgetSettings.content
+	list.listTop = movingTop
+	list.listLeft = left
+	list.listWidth = tradeWidth
+	list.rowHeight = 15
+	list.rowsToDisplay = 10
+	list.columnsToDisplay = 2
+	list.columnInformation = {}
+	list.columnInformation[1] = {}
+	list.columnInformation[1].width = 70
+	list.columnInformation[1].alignment = "LEFT"
+	list.columnInformation[2] = {}
+	list.columnInformation[2].width = 30
+	list.columnInformation[2].alignment = "LEFT"
+	list.scrollRefreshCallback = AJM.SettingsScrollRefresh
+	list.rowClickCallback = AJM.SettingsTradeItemsRowClick
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems = list
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateScrollList( AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems )
+	movingTop = movingTop - list.listHeight - verticalSpacing
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsButtonRemove = JambaHelperSettings:CreateButton(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		buttonControlWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Remove"],
+		AJM.SettingsTradeItemsRemoveClick
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop -	buttonHeight - verticalSpacing
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Add Items"], movingTop, false )
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeItem = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Other Item (drag item to box)"]
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeItem:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.SettingsEditBoxChangedTradeItem )
+	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeTag = JambaHelperSettings:CreateEditBox(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		headingWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Other Tag"]
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeTag:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", AJM.SettingsEditBoxChangedTradeItemTag )
+	movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsButtonAdd = JambaHelperSettings:CreateButton(
+		AJM.settingsControl,
+		buttonControlWidth,
+		left,
+		movingTop,
+		L["Add"],
+		AJM.SettingsTradeItemsAddClick
+	)
+	movingTop = movingTop -	buttonHeight
+	JambaHelperSettings:CreateHeading( AJM.settingsControl, L["Trade Options"], movingTop, false )
+	movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight
 	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAdjustMoneyOnToonViaGuildBank = JambaHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox(
@@ -230,6 +305,76 @@ function AJM:SettingsCreateTrade( top )
 	return movingTop

+-- Settings Callbacks.
+function AJM:SettingsScrollRefresh()
+	FauxScrollFrame_Update(
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.listScrollFrame,
+		AJM:GetTradeItemsMaxPosition(),
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rowsToDisplay,
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rowHeight
+	)
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsOffset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset( AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.listScrollFrame )
+	for iterateDisplayRows = 1, AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rowsToDisplay do
+		-- Reset.
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].columns[1].textString:SetText( "" )
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].columns[1].textString:SetTextColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].columns[2].textString:SetText( "" )
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].columns[2].textString:SetTextColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].highlight:SetColorTexture( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
+		-- Get data.
+		local dataRowNumber = iterateDisplayRows + AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsOffset
+		if dataRowNumber <= AJM:GetTradeItemsMaxPosition() then
+			-- Put data information into columns.
+			local tradeItemsInformation = AJM:GetTradeItemsAtPosition( dataRowNumber )
+			AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].columns[1].textString:SetText( tradeItemsInformation.name )
+			AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].columns[2].textString:SetText( tradeItemsInformation.tag )
+			-- Highlight the selected row.
+			if dataRowNumber == AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsHighlightRow then
+				AJM.settingsControl.tradeItems.rows[iterateDisplayRows].highlight:SetColorTexture( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5 )
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:SettingsTradeItemsRowClick( rowNumber, columnNumber )
+	if AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsOffset + rowNumber <= AJM:GetTradeItemsMaxPosition() then
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsHighlightRow = AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsOffset + rowNumber
+		AJM:SettingsScrollRefresh()
+	end
+function AJM:SettingsTradeItemsRemoveClick( event )
+function AJM:SettingsEditBoxChangedTradeItem( event, text )
+	AJM.autoTradeItemLink = text
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsEditBoxChangedTradeItemTag( event, text )
+	if not text or text:trim() == "" or text:find( "%W" ) ~= nil then
+		AJM:Print( L["Item tags must only be made up of letters and numbers."] )
+		return
+	end
+	AJM.autoTradeItemTag = text
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsTradeItemsAddClick( event )
+	if AJM.autoTradeItemLink ~= nil and AJM.autoTradeItemTag ~= nil then
+		AJM:AddItem( AJM.autoTradeItemLink, AJM.autoTradeItemTag )
+		AJM.autoTradeItemLink = nil
+		AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeItem:SetText( "" )
+		AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+	end
 function AJM:OnMessageAreasChanged( message )
 	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetList( JambaApi.MessageAreaList() )
@@ -244,6 +389,16 @@ function AJM:SettingsToggleShowJambaTradeWindow( event, checked )

+function AJM:SettingsToggleTradeBoEItems(event, checked )
+	AJM.db.tradeBoEItems = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+function AJM:SettingsToggleTradeCRItems(event, checked )
+	AJM.db.tradeCRItems = checked
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 function AJM:SettingsToggleAdjustMoneyOnToonViaGuildBank( event, checked )
 	AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithGuildBank = checked
@@ -275,11 +430,10 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 	if characterName ~= AJM.characterName then
 		-- Update the settings.
 		AJM.db.messageArea = settings.messageArea
-		AJM.db.framePoint = settings.framePoint
-		AJM.db.frameRelativePoint = settings.frameRelativePoint
-		AJM.db.frameXOffset = settings.frameXOffset
-		AJM.db.frameYOffset = settings.frameYOffset
 		AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow = settings.showJambaTradeWindow
+		AJM.db.tradeBoEItems = settings.tradeBoEItems
+		AJM.db.tradeCRItems = settings.tradeCRItems
+		AJM.db.autoTradeItemsList = JambaUtilities:CopyTable( settings.autoTradeItemsList )
 		AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithGuildBank = settings.adjustMoneyWithGuildBank
 		AJM.db.goldAmountToKeepOnToon = settings.goldAmountToKeepOnToon
 		AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade = settings.adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade
@@ -288,8 +442,6 @@ function AJM:JambaOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings )
 		-- Tell the player.
 		AJM:Print( L["Settings received from A."]( characterName ) )
-		-- Tell the team?
-		--AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea,  L["Settings received from A."]( characterName ), false )

@@ -302,6 +454,10 @@ end

 function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxShowJambaTradeWindow:SetValue( AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxTradeBoEItems:SetValue( AJM.db.tradeBoEItems)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxTradeCRItems:SetValue( AJM.db.tradeCRItems)
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxTradeBoEItems:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
+	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxTradeCRItems:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
 	AJM.settingsControl.dropdownMessageArea:SetValue( AJM.db.messageArea )
 	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAdjustMoneyOnToonViaGuildBank:SetValue( AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithGuildBank )
 	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxGoldAmountToLeaveOnToon:SetText( tostring( AJM.db.goldAmountToKeepOnToon ) )
@@ -309,328 +465,74 @@ function AJM:SettingsRefresh()
 	AJM.settingsControl.checkBoxAdjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade:SetValue( AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade )
 	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxGoldAmountToLeaveOnToonTrade:SetText( tostring( AJM.db.goldAmountToKeepOnToonTrade ) )
 	AJM.settingsControl.editBoxGoldAmountToLeaveOnToonTrade:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade )
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeTag:SetText( AJM.autoTradeItemTag )
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeItem:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsEditBoxTradeTag:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsButtonRemove:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
+	AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsButtonAdd:SetDisabled( not AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow )
+	AJM:SettingsScrollRefresh()

+--Comms not sure if we going to use comms here.
 -- A Jamba command has been received.
 function AJM:JambaOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... )
 	if characterName == self.characterName then
-	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_SHOW_INVENTORY then
-		AJM:SendInventory( characterName )
-	end
-	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_HERE_IS_MY_INVENTORY then
-		AJM:ShowOtherToonsInventory( characterName, ... )
-	end
-	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_LOAD_ITEM_INTO_TRADE then
-		AJM:LoadItemIntoTrade( ... )
-	end
-		AJM:LoadItemClassIntoTradeWindow( ... )
-	end
-	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_GET_SLOT_COUNT then
-		AJM:GetSlotCountAndSendToToon( characterName )
-	end
-	if commandName == AJM.COMMAND_HERE_IS_MY_SLOT_COUNT then
-		AJM:SetOtherToonsSlotCount( characterName, ... )
-	end

 -- Trade functionality.

-function AJM:CreateInventoryFrame()
-	local frame = CreateFrame( "Frame", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrame", UIParent )
-	frame.parentObject = AJM
-	frame:SetFrameStrata( "LOW" )
-	frame:SetToplevel( true )
-	frame:SetClampedToScreen( true )
-	frame:EnableMouse( true )
-	frame:SetMovable( true )
-	frame:RegisterForDrag( "LeftButton" )
-	frame:SetScript( "OnDragStart",
-		function( this )
-            this:StartMoving()
-		end )
-	frame:SetScript( "OnDragStop",
-		function( this )
-			this:StopMovingOrSizing()
-			local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset = this:GetPoint()
-			AJM.db.framePoint = point
-			AJM.db.frameRelativePoint = relativePoint
-			AJM.db.frameXOffset = xOffset
-			AJM.db.frameYOffset = yOffset
-		end	)
-	frame:ClearAllPoints()
-	frame:SetPoint( AJM.db.framePoint, UIParent, AJM.db.frameRelativePoint, AJM.db.frameXOffset, AJM.db.frameYOffset )
-	frame:SetBackdrop( {
-		bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
-		edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
-		tile = true, tileSize = 10, edgeSize = 20,
-		insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
-	} )
-	frame:SetWidth( 323 )
-	frame:SetHeight( 452 )
-	frame.title = frame:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal" )
-	frame.title:SetText( "Jamba-Trade" )
-	frame.title:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 10, -7 )
-	frame.title:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
-	frame.title:SetJustifyV( "TOP" )
-	local left, right, top, bottom, width, height
-	left = 86
-	right = 400
-	top = 10
-	bottom = 35
-	width = right - left
-	height = bottom - top
-	local header = frame:CreateTexture( nil, "ARTWORK" )
-	header:SetTexture( "Interface\\BankFrame\\UI-BankFrame" )
-	header:ClearAllPoints()
-	header:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 7, 0 )
-	header:SetWidth( width )
-	header:SetHeight( height )
-	header:SetTexCoord( left/512, right/512, top/512, bottom/512 )
-	frame.header = header
-	local closeButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrameButtonClose", frame, "UIPanelCloseButton" )
-	closeButton:SetScript( "OnClick", AJM.JambaTradeWindowCloseButtonClicked )
-	closeButton:SetPoint( "TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 1, 2 )
-	local dropDownClass = AceGUI:Create( "Dropdown" )
-	dropDownClass.frame:SetParent( frame )
-	dropDownClass:SetLabel( "" )
-	dropDownClass:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 8, -28 )
-	dropDownClass:SetWidth( 130 )
-	dropDownClass:SetList( AJM.itemClassList )
-	dropDownClass:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", AJM.JambaTradeClassDropDownChanged )
-	frame.dropDownClass = dropDownClass
-	local dropDownSubClass = AceGUI:Create( "Dropdown" )
-	dropDownSubClass.frame:SetParent( frame )
-	dropDownSubClass:SetLabel( "" )
-	dropDownSubClass:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 142, -28 )
-	dropDownSubClass:SetWidth( 170 )
-	dropDownSubClass:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", AJM.JambaTradeSubClassDropDownChanged )
-	frame.dropDownSubClass = dropDownSubClass
-	local checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrameCheckButtonIgnoreSoulbound", frame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate" )
-	checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 142, -95 )
-	checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound:SetHeight( 24 )
-	checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound:SetWidth( 24 )
-	checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound:SetScript( "OnClick", AJM.JambaTradeIgnoreSoulBoundCheckboxChanged )
-	frame.checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound = checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound
-	local labelIgnoreSoulBound = frame:CreateFontString( nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlight" )
-	labelIgnoreSoulBound:SetText( L["Ignore Soulbound"] )
-	labelIgnoreSoulBound:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 167, -100 )
-	labelIgnoreSoulBound:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
-	labelIgnoreSoulBound:SetJustifyV( "TOP" )
-	labelIgnoreSoulBound:SetWidth( 150 )
-	frame.labelIgnoreSoulBound = labelIgnoreSoulBound
-	local labelMineBags = frame:CreateFontString( nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlight" )
-	labelMineBags:SetText( "" )
-	labelMineBags:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 145, -63 )
-	labelMineBags:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
-	labelMineBags:SetJustifyV( "TOP" )
-	labelMineBags:SetWidth( 370 )
-	frame.labelMineBags = labelMineBags
-	local labelTheirsBags = frame:CreateFontString( nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlight" )
-	labelTheirsBags:SetText( "")
-	labelTheirsBags:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 145, -80 )
-	labelTheirsBags:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
-	labelTheirsBags:SetJustifyV( "TOP" )
-	labelTheirsBags:SetWidth( 370 )
-	frame.labelTheirsBags = labelTheirsBags
-	local loadMineButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrameButtonLoadMine", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
-	loadMineButton:SetScript( "OnClick", AJM.JambaTradeLoadMineButtonClicked )
-	loadMineButton:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 10, -60 )
-	loadMineButton:SetHeight( 24 )
-	loadMineButton:SetWidth( 100 )
-	loadMineButton:SetText( L["Load Mine"] )
-	frame.loadMineButton = loadMineButton
-	local loadTheirsButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrameButtonLoadTheirs", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
-	loadTheirsButton:SetScript( "OnClick", AJM.JambaTradeLoadTheirsButtonClicked )
-	loadTheirsButton:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 10, -87 )
-	loadTheirsButton:SetHeight( 24 )
-	loadTheirsButton:SetWidth( 100 )
-	loadTheirsButton:SetText( L["Load Theirs"] )
-	frame.loadTheirsButton = loadTheirsButton
-	local blockNumber = 0
-	local cellCounter = 0
-	local blockRowSize = 7
-	local blockColumnSize = 8
-	local cellXOffset = 4
-	local cellYOffset = -4
-	local cellXSpacing = 4
-	local cellYSpacing = 4
-	local xOffset = 6
-	local yOffset = header:GetHeight() + 93
-	local blockXLocation, blockYLocation
-	local cellHeight, cellWidth
-	local tempButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrameButtonTemp", frame, "ItemButtonTemplate" )
-	cellWidth = tempButton:GetWidth()
-	cellHeight = tempButton:GetHeight()
-	tempButton:Hide()
-	AJM.tradeScrollRowHeight = cellHeight + cellYSpacing
-	AJM.tradeScrollRowsToDisplay = 1 * blockColumnSize
-	AJM.tradeScrollMaximumRows = AJM.tradeScrollRowsToDisplay
-	AJM.tradeScrollOffset = 0
-	AJM.tradeScrollItemsPerRow = 1 * blockRowSize
-	frame.tradeScrollFrame = CreateFrame( "ScrollFrame", frame:GetName().."ScrollFrame", frame, "FauxScrollFrameTemplate" )
-	frame.tradeScrollFrame:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", -27, -yOffset )
-	frame.tradeScrollFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -27, 5 )
-	frame.tradeScrollFrame:SetScript( "OnVerticalScroll",
-		function( self, offset )
-			FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(
-				self,
-				offset,
-				AJM.tradeScrollRowHeight,
-				AJM.TradeScrollRefreshCallback )
-		end
-	)
-	frame.slotBackgrounds = {}
-	frame.slots = {}
-	left = 79
-	right = 121
-	top = 255
-	bottom = 296
-	width = right - left
-	height = bottom - top
-	for blockY = 0, (blockColumnSize - 1) do
-		for blockX = 0, (blockRowSize - 1) do
-			blockNumber = blockX + (blockY * blockColumnSize)
-			local slotTexture = frame:CreateTexture( nil, "ARTWORK" )
-			slotTexture:SetTexture( "Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-Components-Bank" )
-			slotTexture:ClearAllPoints()
-			blockXLocation = xOffset + (1 * (blockX * width))
-			blockYLocation = -yOffset + (-1 * (blockY * height))
-			slotTexture:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", blockXLocation, blockYLocation )
-			slotTexture:SetWidth( width )
-			slotTexture:SetHeight( height )
-			slotTexture:SetTexCoord( left/256, right/256, top/512, bottom/512 )
-			frame.slotBackgrounds[blockNumber] = slotTexture
-			frame.slots[cellCounter] = CreateFrame( "Button", "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrameButton"..cellCounter, frame, "ItemButtonTemplate" )
-			frame.slots[cellCounter]:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", cellXOffset + blockXLocation, cellYOffset + blockYLocation )
-			frame.slots[cellCounter]:SetScript( "OnClick", function( self ) AJM:OtherToonInventoryButtonClick( self ) end)
-			frame.slots[cellCounter]:SetScript( "OnEnter", function( self ) AJM:OtherToonInventoryButtonEnter( self ) end )
-			frame.slots[cellCounter]:SetScript( "OnLeave", function( self )  AJM:OtherToonInventoryButtonLeave( self ) end)
-			frame.slots[cellCounter]:Hide()
-			cellCounter = cellCounter + 1
-		end
-	end
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame = frame
-	table.insert( UISpecialFrames, "JambaTradeInventoryWindowFrame" )
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame:Hide()
-function AJM:JambaTradeWindowCloseButtonClicked()
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame:Hide()
-function AJM:JambaTradeClassDropDownChanged( event, value )
-	AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection = value
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame.dropDownSubClass:SetList( AJM.itemClassSubList[value] )
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame.dropDownSubClass:SetValue( AJM.itemClassSubListLastSelection[value] )
-	AJM:TradeScrollRefreshCallback()
-function AJM:JambaTradeSubClassDropDownChanged( event, value )
-	AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection = value
-	AJM.itemClassSubListLastSelection[AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection] = AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection
-	AJM:TradeScrollRefreshCallback()
-function AJM:JambaTradeIgnoreSoulBoundCheckboxChanged()
-	if JambaTradeInventoryFrame.checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound:GetChecked() then
-		AJM.db.ignoreSoulBound = true
-	else
-		AJM.db.ignoreSoulBound = false
-	end
-function AJM.JambaTradeLoadMineButtonClicked()
-	AJM:LoadItemClassIntoTradeWindow( AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection, AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection, AJM.db.ignoreSoulBound )
+-- New Trade stuff

-function AJM.JambaTradeLoadTheirsButtonClicked()
-	local name = AJM:GetNPCUnitName()
-	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon( name, AJM.COMMAND_LOAD_ITEM_CLASS_INTO_TRADE, AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection, AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection, AJM.db.ignoreSoulBound )

-function AJM:OtherToonInventoryButtonEnter( self )
-	if self.link ~= nil then
-		GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor( GameTooltip, self )
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner( self, "ANCHOR_LEFT" )
-		GameTooltip:ClearLines()
-		GameTooltip:SetHyperlink( self.link )
-		CursorUpdate()
-	end
+function AJM:GetTradeItemsMaxPosition()
+	return #AJM.db.autoTradeItemsList

-function AJM:OtherToonInventoryButtonLeave( self )
-	if self.link ~= nil then
-		GameTooltip:Hide()
-		ResetCursor()
-	end
+function AJM:GetTradeItemsAtPosition( position )
+	return AJM.db.autoTradeItemsList[position]

-function AJM:OtherToonInventoryButtonClick( self )
-	local name = AJM:GetNPCUnitName()
-	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon( name, AJM.COMMAND_LOAD_ITEM_INTO_TRADE, self.bag, self.slot, false )
-	SetItemButtonDesaturated( self, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 )
+function AJM:AddItem( itemLink, itemTag )
+	-- Get some more information about the item.
+	local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subclass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo( itemLink )
+	-- If the item could be found.
+	if name ~= nil then
+		local itemInformation = {}
+		itemInformation.link = link
+		itemInformation.name = name
+		itemInformation.tag = itemTag
+		table.insert( AJM.db.autoTradeItemsList, itemInformation )
+		AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+		AJM:SettingsTradeItemsRowClick( 1, 1 )
+	end

-function AJM:GetInventory()
-	local itemId
-	AJM.inventory = ""
-	for bag, slot, link in LibBagUtils:Iterate( "BAGS" ) do
-		-- Don't send slots that have no items and don't send anything in the keyring bag (-2)
-		if link ~= nil and bag ~= -2 then
-			local texture, itemCount, locked, quality, readable = GetContainerItemInfo( bag, slot )
-			itemId = JambaUtilities:GetItemIdFromItemLink( link )
-			AJM.inventory = AJM.inventory..bag..AJM.inventoryPartSeperator..slot..AJM.inventoryPartSeperator..itemId..AJM.inventoryPartSeperator..itemCount..AJM.inventorySeperator
-		end
-	end
+function AJM:RemoveItem()
+	table.remove( AJM.db.autoTradeItemsList, AJM.settingsControl.tradeItemsHighlightRow )
+	AJM:SettingsRefresh()
+	AJM:SettingsTradeItemsRowClick( 1, 1 )

-function AJM:JambaTradeLoadTypeCommand(  info, parameters )
-	local class, subclass = strsplit( ",", parameters )
-	if class ~= nil and class:trim() ~= "" and subclass ~= nil and subclass:trim() ~= "" then
-		AJM:LoadItemClassIntoTradeWindow( class:trim(), subclass:trim(), false )
-	else
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["Jamba-Trade: Please provide a class and a subclass seperated by a comma for the loadtype command."], false )
-	end

-function AJM:JambaTradeLoadNameCommand(  info, parameters )
-	local itemName, amount = strsplit( ",", parameters )
-	if itemName ~= nil and itemName:trim() ~= "" and amount ~= nil and amount:trim() ~= "" then
-		AJM:SplitStackItemByNameLimitAmount( itemName:trim(), amount:trim() )
-	else
-		AJM:JambaSendMessageToTeam( AJM.db.messageArea, L["Jamba-Trade: Please provide a name and an amount seperated by a comma for the loadname command."], false )
+function AJM:TRADE_SHOW( event, ... )
+	--Keep for tradeing gold!
+	if AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade == true then
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "TradeShowAdjustMoneyWithMaster", 1 )
-function AJM:TRADE_SHOW( event, ... )
+	-- do trade list with Gold!
 	if AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow == true then
-		AJM:TradeShowDisplayJambaTrade()
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer("TradeItemsFromList", 1 )
-	if AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithMasterOnTrade == true then
-		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "TradeShowAdjustMoneyWithMaster", 1 )
+	if AJM.db.tradeBoEItems == true and AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow == true then
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer("TradeBoEItems", 1.5 )
+	end
+	if AJM.db.tradeCRItems == true and AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow == true then
+		AJM:ScheduleTimer("TradeCRItems", 1.8 )

@@ -648,53 +550,121 @@ function AJM:TradeShowAdjustMoneyWithMaster()
 	if moneyToDepositOrWithdraw > 0 then
 		for index, character in JambaApi.TeamListOrderedOnline() do
 			--AJM:Print("Team", character )
-			local teamCharacterName = ( Ambiguate( character, "none" ) )
+			local teamCharacterName = ( Ambiguate( character, "short" ) )
 			local tradePlayersName = GetUnitName("NPC")
 			if tradePlayersName == teamCharacterName then
-				--AJM:Print("found", tradePlayersName, teamCharacterName )
-				--PickupPlayerMoney( moneyToDepositOrWithdraw )
-				--GetCursorMoney()
-				--AddTradeMoney()
-				MoneyInputFrame_SetCopper(TradePlayerInputMoneyFrame, moneyToDepositOrWithdraw)
-				break
+					--AJM:Print("found", tradePlayersName, teamCharacterName, character )
+					if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster(character) == true and JambaUtilities:CheckIsFromMyRealm(character) == true then
+						MoneyInputFrame_SetCopper(TradePlayerInputMoneyFrame, moneyToDepositOrWithdraw)
+						break
+					end
-				AJM:Print(tradePlayersName, "is not Member of the team, Will not trade Gold.")
+				--AJM:Print(tradePlayersName, L["Is Not a Member of the team, Will not trade Gold."])


-function AJM:GetNPCUnitName()
-	local name, realm = UnitName( "npc" )
-	if realm then
-		name = name.."-"..realm
-	else
-		name = name.."-"..AJM.characterRealm
+function AJM:TradeItemsFromList()
+	if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster( AJM.characterName ) == true then
+		return
-	return name
+	for index, character in JambaApi.TeamListOrderedOnline() do
+		--AJM:Print("Team", character )
+		local teamCharacterName = ( Ambiguate( character, "short" ) )
+		local tradePlayersName = GetUnitName("NPC")
+		if tradePlayersName == teamCharacterName then
+			--AJM:Print("found", tradePlayersName, teamCharacterName, character )
+			if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster(character) == true and JambaUtilities:CheckIsFromMyRealm(character) == true then
+				--Checks the D_B for any items in the list.
+				for position, itemInformation in pairs( AJM.db.autoTradeItemsList ) do
+					--AJM:Print("Items in list", itemInformation.link )
+					if JambaApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( AJM.characterName, itemInformation.tag ) == true then
+					--Checks if there is a item in the bag with the name
+						--local bag, slot, link = LibBagUtils:Find("BAGS", itemInformation.link ) --did olny the find the 1st stack of a item.
+						for bag,slot,link in LibBagUtils:Iterate("BAGS", itemInformation.link ) do
+							if bag ~= nil then
+								--AJM:Print("found", bag, slot)
+								for iterateTradeSlots = 1, (MAX_TRADE_ITEMS - 1) do
+									if GetTradePlayerItemLink( iterateTradeSlots ) == nil then
+										PickupContainerItem( bag, slot )
+										ClickTradeButton( iterateTradeSlots )
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			--AJM:Print(tradePlayersName, L["Is Not a Member of the team, Will not trade Items."])
+		end
+	end

-function AJM:TradeShowDisplayJambaTrade()
-	local slotsFree, totalSlots = LibBagUtils:CountSlots( "BAGS", 0 )
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame.labelMineBags:SetText( self.characterName..": "..(totalSlots - slotsFree).."/"..totalSlots )
-	if slotsFree < 6 then
-		JambaTradeInventoryFrame.labelMineBags:SetTextColor( 0.9, 0.0, 0.0 )
+function AJM:TradeBoEItems()
+	if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster( AJM.characterName ) == true then
+		return
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame.checkBoxIgnoreSoulBound:SetChecked( AJM.db.ignoreSoulBound )
-	AJM:JambaTradeIgnoreSoulBoundCheckboxChanged()
-	local name = AJM:GetNPCUnitName()
-	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon( name, AJM.COMMAND_GET_SLOT_COUNT )
-	AJM:LoadThisToonsClasses()
-	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon (name, AJM.COMMAND_SHOW_INVENTORY )
+	for bag,slot,link in LibBagUtils:Iterate("BAGS") do
+		if bag ~= nil then
+			local _, _, locked, quality = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)
+			-- quality is Uncommon (green) to  Epic (purple) 2 - 3 - 4
+			if quality ~= nil and locked == false then
+				if quality >= 2 and quality <= 4 then
+					-- tooltips scan is the olny way to find if the item is BoE in bags!
+					local isBoe = JambaUtilities:ToolTipBagScaner(link, bag, slot)
+					-- if the item is boe then add it to the trade list!
+					if isBoe ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND then
+						--AJM:Print("test21", link, locked)
+						for iterateTradeSlots = 1, (MAX_TRADE_ITEMS - 1) do
+							if GetTradePlayerItemLink( iterateTradeSlots ) == nil then
+								PickupContainerItem( bag, slot )
+								ClickTradeButton( iterateTradeSlots )
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end

-function AJM:TRADE_CLOSED()
-	if AJM.db.showJambaTradeWindow == false then
+function AJM:TradeCRItems()
+	if JambaApi.IsCharacterTheMaster( AJM.characterName ) == true then
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame:Hide()
+	for bag,slot,itemLink in LibBagUtils:Iterate("BAGS") do
+		if itemLink then
+			-- using legion CraftingReagent API, as tooltip massess up some "items"
+			local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,isCraftingReagent = GetItemInfo(itemLink)
+			if isCraftingReagent == true then
+				--AJM:Print("TradeCraftingGoods", isCraftingReagent, itemLink)
+				-- tooltips scan is the olny way to find if the item is BOP in bags!
+				local isBop = JambaUtilities:TooltipScaner(itemLink)
+				--AJM:Print("testBOP", itemLink, isBop)
+				if isBop ~= ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP then
+				--AJM:Print("AddToTrade", itemLink)
+					for iterateTradeSlots = 1, (MAX_TRADE_ITEMS - 1) do
+						if GetTradePlayerItemLink( iterateTradeSlots ) == nil then
+							PickupContainerItem( bag, slot )
+							ClickTradeButton( iterateTradeSlots )
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AJM:TRADE_CLOSED()
+-- Guild bank stuff keep TEMP!

 	if AJM.db.adjustMoneyWithGuildBank == false then
@@ -715,309 +685,3 @@ function AJM:GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED()
 		WithdrawGuildBankMoney( -1 * moneyToDepositOrWithdraw )
-function AJM:SendInventory( characterName )
-	AJM:GetInventory()
-	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon( characterName, AJM.COMMAND_HERE_IS_MY_INVENTORY, AJM.inventory )
-function AJM:GetSlotCountAndSendToToon( characterName )
-	local slotsFree, totalSlots = LibBagUtils:CountSlots( "BAGS", 0 )
-	AJM:JambaSendCommandToToon( characterName, AJM.COMMAND_HERE_IS_MY_SLOT_COUNT, slotsFree, totalSlots )
-function AJM:SetOtherToonsSlotCount( characterName, slotsFree, totalSlots )
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame.labelTheirsBags:SetText( characterName..": "..(totalSlots - slotsFree).."/"..totalSlots )
-	if slotsFree < 6 then
-		JambaTradeInventoryFrame.labelTheirsBags:SetTextColor( 0.9, 0.0, 0.0 )
-	end
-function AJM:LoadItemIntoTrade( bag, slot, ignoreSoulBound )
-	ClearCursor()
-	LibGratuity:SetBagItem( bag, slot )
-	if LibGratuity:Find( ITEM_SOULBOUND, 1, 3 ) then
-		if ignoreSoulBound == true then
-			return true
-		end
-		if GetTradePlayerItemLink( MAX_TRADE_ITEMS ) == nil then
-			PickupContainerItem( bag, slot )
-			ClickTradeButton( MAX_TRADE_ITEMS )
-			return true
-		end
-	else
-		for iterateTradeSlots = 1, (MAX_TRADE_ITEMS - 1) do
-			if GetTradePlayerItemLink( iterateTradeSlots ) == nil then
-				PickupContainerItem( bag, slot )
-				ClickTradeButton( iterateTradeSlots )
-				return true
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	ClearCursor()
-	return false
-function AJM:LoadItemClassIntoTradeWindow( requiredClass, requiredSubClass, ignoreSoulBound )
-	for bag, slot, link in LibBagUtils:Iterate( "BAGS" ) do
-		-- Ignore slots that have no items and ignore anything in the keyring bag (-2)
-		if link ~= nil and bag ~= -2 then
-			local itemId = JambaUtilities:GetItemIdFromItemLink( link )
-			local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subClass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo( itemId )
-			if requiredClass == L["!Single Item"] then
-				if requiredSubClass == name then
-					if AJM:LoadItemIntoTrade( bag, slot, ignoreSoulBound ) == false then
-						return
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			if requiredClass == L["!Quality"] then
-				if requiredSubClass == AJM:GetQualityName( quality ) then
-					if AJM:LoadItemIntoTrade( bag, slot, ignoreSoulBound ) == false then
-						return
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			if requiredClass == class and requiredSubClass == subClass then
-				if AJM:LoadItemIntoTrade( bag, slot, ignoreSoulBound ) == false then
-					return
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function AJM:SplitStackItemByNameLimitAmount( name, amount )
-	amount = tonumber( amount )
-	local foundAndSplit = false
-	for bag, slot, link in LibBagUtils:Iterate( "BAGS", name ) do
-		-- If the item has been found and split, then finish up this section.
-		if foundAndSplit == true then
-			break
-		end
-		-- Attempt to split the item to the request amount.
-		SplitContainerItem( bag, slot, amount )
-		-- If successful, cursor will have item, stick it into an empty spot in the bags.
-		if CursorHasItem() then
-			LibBagUtils:PutItem( "BAGS" )
-			foundAndSplit = true
-		end
-	end
-	-- If item was found and split successfully then look for item stack of the request size and attempt to put it in the trade window.
-	if foundAndSplit == true then
-		AJM:ScheduleTimer( "LoadItemByNameLimitAmountIntoTradeWindow", 5, name..","..tostring( amount ) )
-	end
-function AJM:LoadItemByNameLimitAmountIntoTradeWindow( nameAndAmount )
-	local name, amount = strsplit( ",", nameAndAmount )
-	amount = tonumber( amount )
-	for bag, slot, link in LibBagUtils:Iterate( "BAGS", name ) do
-		local texture, count, locked, quality, readable, lootable, link = GetContainerItemInfo( bag, slot )
-		if count == amount then
-			-- This stack is the required size.
-			AJM:LoadItemIntoTrade( bag, slot, false )
-			break
-		end
-	end
-local function JambaInventoryClassSort( a, b )
-	local aClass = ""
-	local bClass = ""
-	local aSubClass = ""
-	local bSubClass = ""
-	local aName = ""
-	local bName = ""
-	if a ~= nil then
-		aClass = a.class
-		aSubClass = a.subClass
-		aName = a.name
-	end
-	if b ~= nil then
-		bClass = b.class
-		bSubClass = b.subClass
-		bName = b.name
-	end
-	if aClass == bClass then
-		if aSubClass == bSubClass then
-			return aName > bName
-		end
-		return aSubClass > bSubClass
-	end
-	return aClass > bClass
-function AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( class, subClass )
-	if class ~= nil then
-		if AJM.itemClassList[class] == nil then
-			AJM.itemClassList[class] = class
-			AJM.itemClassSubList[class] = {}
-			AJM.itemClassSubListLastSelection[class] = ""
-		end
-		if class ~= nil and subClass ~= nil then
-			AJM.itemClassSubList[class][subClass] = subClass
-		end
-	end
-function AJM:GetQualityName( quality )
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_POOR then
-		return L["0. Poor (gray)"]
-	end
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON then
-		return L["1. Common (white)"]
-	end
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON then
-		return L["2. Uncommon (green)"]
-	end
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_RARE then
-		return L["3. Rare / Superior (blue)"]
-	end
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC then
-		return L["4. Epic (purple)"]
-	end
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY then
-		return L["5. Legendary (orange)"]
-	end
-	if quality == 6 then
-		return L["6. Artifact (golden yellow)"]
-	end
-	if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_HEIRLOOM then
-		return L["7. Heirloom (light yellow)"]
-	end
-	return L["Unknown"]
-function AJM:LoadThisToonsClasses()
-	local itemId
-	for bag, slot, link in LibBagUtils:Iterate( "BAGS" ) do
-		-- Don't send slots that have no items and don't send anything in the keyring bag (-2)
-		if link ~= nil and bag ~= -2 then
-			itemId = JambaUtilities:GetItemIdFromItemLink( link )
-			local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subClass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo( itemId )
-			if name ~= nil then
-				AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( L["!Single Item"], name )
-			end
-			if quality ~= nil then
-				AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( L["!Quality"], AJM:GetQualityName( quality ) )
-			end
-			AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( class, subClass )
-		end
-	end
-function AJM:ShowOtherToonsInventory( characterName, inventory )
-	table.wipe( AJM.inventorySortedTable )
-	local inventoryLines = { strsplit( AJM.inventorySeperator, inventory ) }
-	local inventoryInfo
-	for index, line in ipairs( inventoryLines ) do
-		local bag, slot, inventoryItemID, itemCount = strsplit( AJM.inventoryPartSeperator, line )
-		if inventoryItemID ~= nil and inventoryItemID ~= "" then
-			local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subClass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo( inventoryItemID )
-			AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( class, subClass )
-			if name ~= nil then
-				AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( L["!Single Item"], name )
-			end
-			if quality ~= nil then
-				AJM:AddToClassAndSubClassLists( L["!Quality"], AJM:GetQualityName( quality ) )
-			end
-			if texture == nil then
-				class = "?"
-				name = "?"
-			end
-			inventoryInfo = {}
-			inventoryInfo.bag = bag
-			inventoryInfo.slot = slot
-			inventoryInfo.inventoryItemID = inventoryItemID
-			inventoryInfo.itemCount = itemCount
-			inventoryInfo.class = class
-			inventoryInfo.subClass = subClass
-			inventoryInfo.name = name
-			table.insert( AJM.inventorySortedTable, inventoryInfo )
-		end
-	end
-	table.sort( AJM.inventorySortedTable, JambaInventoryClassSort )
-	-- Start the row at 1, and the column at 0.
-	local rowCounter = 0
-	local columnCounter = AJM.tradeScrollItemsPerRow - 1
-	table.wipe( AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable )
-	for index, line in ipairs( AJM.inventorySortedTable ) do
-		columnCounter = columnCounter + 1
-		if columnCounter == AJM.tradeScrollItemsPerRow then
-			rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
-			columnCounter = 0
-		end
-		if AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter] == nil then
-			AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter] = {}
-		end
-		AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter][columnCounter] = {}
-		AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter][columnCounter]["bag"] = line.bag
-		AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter][columnCounter]["slot"] = line.slot
-		AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter][columnCounter]["inventoryItemID"] = line.inventoryItemID
-		AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[rowCounter][columnCounter]["itemCount"] = line.itemCount
-	end
-	AJM.tradeScrollMaximumRows = rowCounter
-	AJM:TradeScrollRefreshCallback()
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame.dropDownClass:SetList( AJM.itemClassList )
-	JambaTradeInventoryFrame:Show()
-function AJM:TradeScrollRefreshCallback()
-	FauxScrollFrame_Update(
-		JambaTradeInventoryFrame.tradeScrollFrame,
-		AJM.tradeScrollMaximumRows,
-		AJM.tradeScrollRowsToDisplay,
-		AJM.tradeScrollRowHeight
-	)
-	AJM.tradeScrollOffset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset( JambaTradeInventoryFrame.tradeScrollFrame )
-	local slotNumber, columnNumber, slot
-	local r, g, b
-	for iterateDisplayRows = 1, AJM.tradeScrollRowsToDisplay do
-		-- Reset cells.
-		for columnNumber = 0, (AJM.tradeScrollItemsPerRow - 1) do
-			slotNumber = columnNumber + ((iterateDisplayRows - 1) * AJM.tradeScrollItemsPerRow)
-			slot = JambaTradeInventoryFrame.slots[slotNumber]
-			SetItemButtonTexture( slot, "" )
-			slot:Hide()
-		end
-		-- Get data.
-		local dataRowNumber = iterateDisplayRows + AJM.tradeScrollOffset
-		if dataRowNumber <= AJM.tradeScrollMaximumRows then
-			-- Put items in cells.
-			for columnNumber, inventoryInfoTable in pairs( AJM.inventoryInDisplayTable[dataRowNumber] ) do
-				slotNumber = columnNumber + ((iterateDisplayRows - 1) * AJM.tradeScrollItemsPerRow)
-				slot = JambaTradeInventoryFrame.slots[slotNumber]
-				local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subClass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo( inventoryInfoTable["inventoryItemID"] )
-				if texture == nil then
-					texture = "Interface\\Icons\\Temp"
-					r = 0.9
-					g = 0.0
-					b = 0.0
-				else
-					r, g, b = GetItemQualityColor( quality )
-				end
-				SetItemButtonTexture( slot, texture )
-				SetItemButtonCount( slot, tonumber( inventoryInfoTable["itemCount"] ) )
-				if AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection == class and AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection == subClass then
-					SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor( slot, 0.4, 0.9, 0.0 )
-					SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor( slot, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0 )
-				elseif AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection == L["!Single Item"] and AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection == name then
-					SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor( slot, 0.4, 0.9, 0.0 )
-					SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor( slot, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0 )
-				elseif AJM.itemClassCurrentSelection == L["!Quality"] and AJM.itemSubClassCurrentSelection == AJM:GetQualityName( quality ) then
-					SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor( slot, 0.4, 0.9, 0.0 )
-					SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor( slot, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0 )
-				else
-					SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor( slot, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
-					SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor( slot, r, g, b )
-				end
-				slot.link = link
-				slot.bag = inventoryInfoTable["bag"]
-				slot.slot = inventoryInfoTable["slot"]
-				slot:Show()
-			end
-		end
-	end
diff --git a/Jamba-Trade/Locales/JambaTrade-Locale-enUS.lua b/Jamba-Trade/Locales/JambaTrade-Locale-enUS.lua
index bb5ef7c..275dab9 100644
--- a/Jamba-Trade/Locales/JambaTrade-Locale-enUS.lua
+++ b/Jamba-Trade/Locales/JambaTrade-Locale-enUS.lua
@@ -15,28 +15,21 @@ L["Settings received from A."] = function( characterName )
 	return "Settings received from "..characterName.."."
 L["Message Area"] = true
-L["Load Item By Name"] = true
-L["Load a certain amount of an item by name into the trade window."] = true
-L["Load Items By Type"] = true
-L["Load items by type into the trade window."] = true
-L["Load Mine"] = true
-L["Load Theirs"] = true
-L["Jamba-Trade: Please provide a class and a subclass seperated by a comma for the loadtype command."] = true
-L["Jamba-Trade: Please provide a name and an amount seperated by a comma for the loadname command."] = true
-L["!Single Item"] = true
-L["Show Jamba Trade Window On Trade"] = true
 L["Adjust Toon Money While Visiting The Guild Bank"] = true
 L["Amount of Gold"] = true
-L["!Quality"] = true
-L["0. Poor (gray)"] = true
-L["1. Common (white)"] = true
-L["2. Uncommon (green)"] = true
-L["3. Rare / Superior (blue)"] = true
-L["4. Epic (purple)"] = true
-L["5. Legendary (orange)"] = true
-L["6. Artifact (golden yellow)"] = true
-L["7. Heirloom (light yellow)"] = true
-L["Unknown"] = true
-L["Ignore Soulbound"] = true
+L["Add"] = true
+L["Other Tag"] = true
+L["Other Item (drag item to box)"] = true
+L["Remove"] = true
+L["Trade The List Of Items With Master"]= true
+L["Trade Item List"] = true
+L["Add Items"] = true
+L["Toon"] = true
+L["Item tags must only be made up of letters and numbers."] = true
+L["Are you sure you wish to remove the selected item from the trade items list?"] = true
 L["Trade Excess Gold To Master From Minion"] = true
 L["Amount Of Gold To Keep"] = true
+L["Trades Binds When Equipped Items With Master"] = true
+L["Is Not a Member of the team, Will not trade Gold."] = true
+L["Is Not a Member of the team, Will not trade Items."] = true
+L["Trades Crafting Reagents Items With Master"] = true
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/CHANGES.txt b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/CHANGES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..340f8e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/CHANGES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+tag 5876ed6c59ef3d2568d88b9bba9ec77682e6074e Release-70200-28
+Author:	Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
+Date:	Tue Mar 28 12:21:53 2017 +0200
+Toc updated to 70200
+commit 7c5485ab35700b2e38a008feb84e4af34b7396f0
+Author: Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
+Date:   Tue Mar 28 12:07:53 2017 +0200
+    Updated TOC to 70200
+commit c4ed50190aad123c1297705da7f38c86f7ab1d10
+Author: Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
+Date:   Tue Mar 28 11:30:56 2017 +0200
+    toc update
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/Core.lua b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/Core.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..422fc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/Core.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0", 28
+local type,tonumber,select,strsplit,GetItemInfoFromHyperlink=type,tonumber,select,strsplit,GetItemInfoFromHyperlink
+local library,previous = _G.LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+local lib=library --#lib Needed to keep Eclipse LDT happy
+if not lib then return end
+local pp=print
+if LibDebug then LibDebug() end
+local print=function() end
+Caching system
+1	itemName	String	The name of the item.
+2	itemLink	String	The item link of the item.
+3	itemRarity	Number	The quality of the item. The value is 0 to 7, which represents Poor to Heirloom. This appears to include gains from upgrades/bonuses.
+4	itemLevel	Number	The item level of this item, not including item levels gained from upgrades. There is currently no API to get the item level including upgrades/bonuses.
+5	itemMinLevel	Number	The minimum level required to use the item, 0 meaning no level requirement.
+6	itemType	String	The type of the item: Armor, Weapon, Quest, Key, etc. (localized)
+7	itemSubType	String	The sub-type of the item: Enchanting, Cloth, Sword, etc. See itemType. (localized)
+8	itemStackCount	Number	How many of the item per stack: 20 for Runecloth, 1 for weapon, 100 for Alterac Ram Hide, etc.
+9	itemEquipLoc	String	The type of inventory equipment location in which the item may be equipped, or "" if it can't be equippable. The string returned is also the name of a global string variable e.g. if "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND" is returned, _G["INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"] will be the localized, displayable name of the location.
+10	iconFileDataID	Number	The FileDataID for the icon texture for the item.
+11	itemSellPrice	Number	The price, in copper, a vendor is willing to pay for this item, 0 for items that cannot be sold.
+12	itemClassID	Number	This is the numerical value that determines the string to display for 'itemType'.
+13	itemSubClassID	Number	This is the numerical value that determines the string to display for 'itemSubType'
+14 ? number
+15 expansionId
+16 ? ?
+17 ? boolean
+-- ItemLink Constants
+local i_Name=1
+local i_Link=2
+local i_Rarity=3
+local i_Quality=3
+local i_Level=4
+local i_MinLevel =5
+local i_ClassName=6
+local i_SubClassName=7
+local i_StackCount=8
+local i_EquipLoc=9
+local i_TextureId=10
+local i_SellPrice=11
+local i_ClassID=12
+local i_SubClass_ID=13
+local i_unk1=14
+local i_unk2=15
+local i_unk3=16
+local i_unk4=17
+local oGetItemInfo=GetItemInfo
+lib.itemcache=lib.itemcache or
+	setmetatable({miss=0,tot=0},{
+		__index=function(table,key)
+			if (not key) then return "" end
+			if (key=="miss") then return 0 end
+			if (key=="tot") then return 0 end
+			local cached={oGetItemInfo(key)}
+			if #cached==0 then return nil end
+			local itemLink=cached[2]
+			if not itemLink then return nil end
+			local itemID=lib:GetItemID(itemLink)
+			local quality=cached[3]
+			local cacheIt=true
+			if quality==LE_ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT then
+				local relic1, relic2, relic3 = select(4,strsplit(':', itemLink))
+				if relic1 and relic1 ~= '' and not oGetItemInfo(relic1) then cacheIt = false end
+				if relic2 and relic2 ~= '' and not oGetItemInfo(relic2) then cacheIt = false end
+				if relic3 and relic3 ~= '' and not oGetItemInfo(relic3) then cacheIt = false end
+			end
+			cached.englishClass=GetItemClassInfo(cached[12])
+			cached.englishSubClass=GetItemSubClassInfo(cached[12],cached[13])
+			if cacheIt then
+				rawset(table,key,cached)
+			end
+			table.miss=table.miss+1
+			return cached
+		end
+	})
+local cache,select,unpack=lib.itemcache,select,unpack
+local	function CachedGetItemInfo(key,index)
+	if not key then return nil end
+	index=index or 1
+	cache.tot=cache.tot+1
+	local cached=cache[key]
+	if cached and type(cached)=='table' then
+		return select(index,unpack(cached))
+	else
+		rawset(cache,key,nil) -- voiding broken cache entry
+	end
+local upgradeTable = {
+	[  1] = { upgrade = 1, max = 1, ilevel = 8 },
+	[373] = { upgrade = 1, max = 3, ilevel = 4 },
+	[374] = { upgrade = 2, max = 3, ilevel = 8 },
+	[375] = { upgrade = 1, max = 3, ilevel = 4 },
+	[376] = { upgrade = 2, max = 3, ilevel = 4 },
+	[377] = { upgrade = 3, max = 3, ilevel = 4 },
+	[378] = {                       ilevel = 7 },
+	[379] = { upgrade = 1, max = 2, ilevel = 4 },
+	[380] = { upgrade = 2, max = 2, ilevel = 4 },
+	[445] = { upgrade = 0, max = 2, ilevel = 0 },
+	[446] = { upgrade = 1, max = 2, ilevel = 4 },
+	[447] = { upgrade = 2, max = 2, ilevel = 8 },
+	[451] = { upgrade = 0, max = 1, ilevel = 0 },
+	[452] = { upgrade = 1, max = 1, ilevel = 8 },
+	[453] = { upgrade = 0, max = 2, ilevel = 0 },
+	[454] = { upgrade = 1, max = 2, ilevel = 4 },
+	[455] = { upgrade = 2, max = 2, ilevel = 8 },
+	[456] = { upgrade = 0, max = 1, ilevel = 0 },
+	[457] = { upgrade = 1, max = 1, ilevel = 8 },
+	[458] = { upgrade = 0, max = 4, ilevel = 0 },
+	[459] = { upgrade = 1, max = 4, ilevel = 4 },
+	[460] = { upgrade = 2, max = 4, ilevel = 8 },
+	[461] = { upgrade = 3, max = 4, ilevel = 12 },
+	[462] = { upgrade = 4, max = 4, ilevel = 16 },
+	[465] = { upgrade = 0, max = 2, ilevel = 0 },
+	[466] = { upgrade = 1, max = 2, ilevel = 4 },
+	[467] = { upgrade = 2, max = 2, ilevel = 8 },
+	[468] = { upgrade = 0, max = 4, ilevel = 0 },
+	[469] = { upgrade = 1, max = 4, ilevel = 4 },
+	[470] = { upgrade = 2, max = 4, ilevel = 8 },
+	[471] = { upgrade = 3, max = 4, ilevel = 12 },
+	[472] = { upgrade = 4, max = 4, ilevel = 16 },
+	[491] = { upgrade = 0, max = 4, ilevel = 0 },
+	[492] = { upgrade = 1, max = 4, ilevel = 4 },
+	[493] = { upgrade = 2, max = 4, ilevel = 8 },
+	[494] = { upgrade = 0, max = 6, ilevel = 0 },
+	[495] = { upgrade = 1, max = 6, ilevel = 4 },
+	[496] = { upgrade = 2, max = 6, ilevel = 8 },
+	[497] = { upgrade = 3, max = 6, ilevel = 12 },
+	[498] = { upgrade = 4, max = 6, ilevel = 16 },
+	[503] = { upgrade = 3, max = 3, ilevel = 1 },
+	[504] = { upgrade = 3, max = 4, ilevel = 12 },
+	[505] = { upgrade = 4, max = 4, ilevel = 16 },
+	[506] = { upgrade = 5, max = 6, ilevel = 20 },
+	[507] = { upgrade = 6, max = 6, ilevel = 24 },
+	[529] = { upgrade = 0, max = 2, ilevel = 0 },
+	[530] = { upgrade = 1, max = 2, ilevel = 5 },
+	[531] = { upgrade = 2, max = 2, ilevel = 10 },
+	[535] = { upgrade = 1, max = 3, ilevel = 15 },
+	[536] = { upgrade = 2, max = 3, ilevel = 30 },
+	[537] = { upgrade = 3, max = 3, ilevel = 45 },
+	[538] = { upgrade = 0, max = 3, ilevel = 0 },
+	local stub = { ilevel = 0 }
+	setmetatable(upgradeTable, { __index = function(t, key)
+		return stub
+	end})
+-- Tooltip Scanning stuff
+local itemLevelPattern = _G.ITEM_LEVEL:gsub("%%d", "(%%d+)")
+local soulboundPattern = _G.ITEM_SOULBOUND
+local boePattern=_G.ITEM_BIND_ON_EQUIP
+local bopPattern=_G.ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP
+local boaPattern1=_G.ITEM_BIND_TO_BNETACCOUNT
+local scanningTooltip
+local anchor
+local tipCache = lib.tipCache or setmetatable({},{__index=function(table,key) return {} end})
+local emptytable={}
+local function ScanTip(itemLink,itemLevel,show)
+	if type(itemLink)=="number" then
+		itemLink=CachedGetItemInfo(itemLink,2)
+		if not itemLink then return emptytable end
+	end
+	if type(tipCache[itemLink].ilevel)=="nil"then -- or not tipCache[itemLink].cached then
+		local cacheIt=true
+		if not scanningTooltip then
+			anchor=CreateFrame("Frame")
+			anchor:Hide()
+			scanningTooltip = _G.CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "LibItemUpgradeInfoTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+		end
+		--scanningTooltip:ClearLines()
+		GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(scanningTooltip,anchor)
+		local itemString=itemLink:match("|H(.-)|h")
+		local rc,message=pcall(scanningTooltip.SetHyperlink,scanningTooltip,itemString)
+		if (not rc) then
+			return emptytable
+		end
+		scanningTooltip:Show()
+		local quality,_,_,class,subclass,_,_,_,_,classIndex,subclassIndex=CachedGetItemInfo(itemLink,3)
+		-- line 1 is the item name
+		-- line 2 may be the item level, or it may be a modifier like "Heroic"
+		-- check up to line 6 just in case
+		local ilevel,soulbound,bop,boe,boa,heirloom
+		if quality==LE_ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT and itemLevel then
+			local relic1, relic2, relic3 = select(4,strsplit(':', itemLink))
+			if relic1 and relic1 ~= '' and not CachedGetItemInfo(relic1) then cacheIt = false end
+			if relic2 and relic2 ~= '' and not CachedGetItemInfo(relic2) then cacheIt = false end
+			if relic3 and relic3 ~= '' and not CachedGetItemInfo(relic3) then cacheIt = false end
+			ilevel=itemLevel
+		end
+		if show then
+			for i=1,12 do
+				local l, ltext = _G["LibItemUpgradeInfoTooltipTextLeft"..i], nil
+				local r, rtext  = _G["LibItemUpgradeInfoTooltipTextRight"..i], nil
+				ltext=l:GetText()
+				rtext=r:GetText()
+				pp(i,ltext,' - ',rtext)
+			end
+		end
+		for i = 2, 6 do
+			local label, text = _G["LibItemUpgradeInfoTooltipTextLeft"..i], nil
+			if label then text=label:GetText() end
+			if text then
+				if ilevel==nil then ilevel = tonumber(text:match(itemLevelPattern)) end
+				if soulbound==nil then soulbound = text:find(soulboundPattern) end
+				if bop==nil then bop = text:find(bopPattern) end
+				if boe==nil then boe = text:find(boePattern) end
+				if boa==nil then boa = text:find(boaPattern1) end
+				if boa==nil then boa = text:find(boaPattern2) end
+			end
+		end
+		tipCache[itemLink]={
+			ilevel=ilevel or itemLevel,
+			soulbound=soulbound,
+			bop=bop,
+			boe=boe,
+			cached=cacheIt
+		}
+		scanningTooltip:Hide()
+	end
+	return tipCache[itemLink]
+-- GetUpgradeID(itemString)
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Number - The upgrade ID (possibly 0), or nil if the input is invalid or
+--            does not contain upgrade info
+function lib:GetUpgradeID(itemString)
+	if type(itemString)~="string" then return end
+	local itemString = itemString:match("item[%-?%d:]+") or ""-- Standardize itemlink to itemstring
+	local instaid, _, numBonuses, affixes = select(12, strsplit(":", itemString, 15))
+	instaid=tonumber(instaid) or 7
+	numBonuses=tonumber(numBonuses) or 0
+	if instaid >0 and (instaid-4)%8==0 then
+		return tonumber((select(numBonuses + 1, strsplit(":", affixes))))
+	end
+-- GetCurrentUpgrade(id)
+-- Returns the current upgrade level of the item, e.g. 1 for a 1/2 item.
+-- Arguments:
+--   id - Number - The upgrade ID of the item (obtained via GetUpgradeID())
+-- Returns:
+--   Number - The current upgrade level of the item. Returns nil if the item
+--            cannot be upgraded
+function lib:GetCurrentUpgrade(id)
+	return upgradeTable[id].upgrade
+-- GetMaximumUpgrade(id)
+-- Returns the maximum upgrade level of the item, e.g. 2 for a 1/2 item.
+-- Arguments:
+--   id - Number - The upgrade ID of the item (obtained via GetUpgradeID())
+-- Returns:
+--   Number - The maximum upgrade level of the item. Returns nil if the item
+--            cannot be upgraded
+function lib:GetMaximumUpgrade(id)
+	return upgradeTable[id].max
+-- GetItemLevelUpgrade(id)
+-- Returns the item level increase that this upgrade is worth, e.g. 4 for a
+-- 1/2 item or 8 for a 2/2 item.
+-- Arguments:
+--   id - Number - The upgrade ID of the item (obtained via GetUpgradeID())
+-- Returns:
+--   Number - The item level increase of the item. Returns 0 if the item
+--            cannot be or has not been upgraded
+function lib:GetItemLevelUpgrade(id)
+	return upgradeTable[id].ilevel
+-- GetItemUpgradeInfo(itemString)
+-- Returns the current upgrade level, maximum upgrade level, and item level
+-- increase for an item.
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns if the item can be upgraded:
+--   Number - The current upgrade level of the item
+--   Number - The maximum upgrade level of the item
+--   Number - The item level increase of the item
+-- or if the item cannot be upgraded:
+--   nil
+--   nil
+--   0
+-- or if the item is invalid or does not contain upgrade info:
+--   nil
+function lib:GetItemUpgradeInfo(itemString)
+	local id = self:GetUpgradeID(itemString)
+	if id then
+		local cur = self:GetCurrentUpgrade(id)
+		local max = self:GetMaximumUpgrade(id)
+		local delta = self:GetItemLevelUpgrade(id)
+		return cur, max, delta
+	end
+	return nil
+-- GetHeirloomTrueLevel(itemString)
+-- Returns the true item level for an heirloom (actually, returns the true level for any adapting item)
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Number, Boolean - The true item level of the item. If the item is not
+--                     an heirloom, or an error occurs when trying to scan the
+--                     item tooltip, the second return value is false. Otherwise
+--                     the second return value is true. If the input is invalid,
+--                     (nil, false) is returned.
+-- Convert the ITEM_LEVEL constant into a pattern for our use
+function lib:GetHeirloomTrueLevel(itemString)
+	if type(itemString) ~= "string" then return nil,false end
+	local _, itemLink, rarity, itemLevel = CachedGetItemInfo(itemString)
+	if (not itemLink) then
+		return nil,false
+	end
+	local rc=ScanTip(itemLink,itemLevel)
+	if rc.ilevel then
+		return rc.ilevel,true
+	end
+	return itemLevel, false
+-- GetUpgradedItemLevel(itemString)
+-- Returns the true item level of the item, including upgrades and heirlooms.
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Number - The true item level of the item, or nil if the input is invalid
+function lib:GetUpgradedItemLevel(itemString)
+	-- check for heirlooms first
+	local ilvl, isTrue = self:GetHeirloomTrueLevel(itemString)
+	if isTrue then
+		return ilvl
+	end
+	-- not an heirloom? fall back to the regular item logic
+	local id = self:GetUpgradeID(itemString)
+	if ilvl and id then
+		ilvl = ilvl + self:GetItemLevelUpgrade(id)
+	end
+	return ilvl
+-- IsBop(itemString)
+-- Check an item for  Bind On Pickup.
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Boolean - True if Bind On Pickup
+function lib:IsBop(itemString)
+	local rc=ScanTip(itemString)
+	return rc.bop
+-- IsBoe(itemString)
+-- Check an item for  Bind On Equip.
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Boolean - True if Bind On Equip
+function lib:IsBoe(itemString)
+	local rc=ScanTip(itemString)
+	return rc.boe
+-- IsBoa(itemString)
+-- Check an item for  Bind On Aaccount
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Boolean - True if Bind On Equip
+function lib:IsBoa(itemString)
+	local rc=ScanTip(itemString)
+	return rc.boa
+-- IsArtifact(itemString)
+-- Check an item for  Heirloom
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Boolean - True if Artifact
+function lib:IsArtifact(itemString)
+	return CachedGetItemInfo(itemString,i_Quality)==LE_ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT
+-- GetClassInfoIsHeirloom(itemString)
+-- Retrieve class and subclass
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   class,subclass
+function lib:GetClassInfo(itemString)
+	local rc=ScantTip(itemString)
+	return rc.class,rc.subclass
+-- IsHeirloom(itemString)
+-- Check an item for  Heirloom
+-- Arguments:
+--   itemString - String - An itemLink or itemString denoting the item
+-- Returns:
+--   Boolean - True if Heirloom
+function lib:IsHeirloom(itemString)
+	return CachedGetItemInfo(itemString,i_Quality) ==LE_ITEM_QUALITY_HEIRLOOM
+-- Parses an itemlink and returns itemId without calling API again
+-- @param #lib self
+-- @param #string itemlink
+-- @return #number itemId or 0
+function lib:GetItemID(itemlink)
+	if (type(itemlink)=="string") then
+			local itemid,context=GetItemInfoFromHyperlink(itemlink)
+			return tonumber(itemid) or 0
+			--return tonumber(itemlink:match("Hitem:(%d+):")) or 0
+	else
+			return 0
+	end
+-- Returns a caching version of GetItemInfo. Can be used to override the original one.
+-- Adds a second parameter to directly retrieving a specific value
+-- (Note: internally uses select so it's actually like calling select(n,GetItemInfo(itemID))
+-- Arguments:
+--   self #lib self
+-- Returns:
+--   #function The new function
+function lib:ScanTip(itemLink)
+	local GameTooltip=LibItemUpgradeInfoTooltip
+	if GameTooltip then
+		GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, UIParent)
+		GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(itemLink)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+	return ScanTip(itemLink,100,true)
+function lib:GetCachingGetItemInfo()
+	return CachedGetItemInfo
+function lib:GetCacheStats()
+	local c=lib.itemcache
+	local h=c.tot-c.miss
+	local perc=( h>0) and h/c.tot*100 or 0
+	return c.miss,h,perc
+function lib:GetCache()
+	return lib.itemcache
+function lib:CleanCache()
+	return wipe(lib.itemcache)
+--[===========[ ]===========]
+--[===[ Debug utilities ]===]
+--[===========[ ]===========]
+local function compareTables(t1, t2)
+	local seen = {}
+	for k, v1 in pairs(t1) do
+		seen[k] = true
+		local v2 = rawget(t2, k)
+		if not v2 then return false end
+		if type(v1) ~= type(v2) then return false end
+		if type(v1) == "table" then
+			if not compareTables(v1, v2) then return false end
+		elseif v1 ~= v2 then return false end
+	end
+	for k in pairs(t2) do
+		if not seen[k] then return false end
+	end
+	return true
+-- prints the table rows in red and green
+-- omits the lead { and the trailing }
+local function printDiffTable(t1, t2)
+	local keys, seen = {}, {}
+	for k in pairs(t1) do
+		keys[#keys+1] = k
+		seen[k] = true
+	end
+	for k in pairs(t2) do
+		if not seen[k] then
+			keys[#keys+1] = k
+		end
+	end
+	table.sort(keys)
+	local function formatTable(t)
+		local comps = {}
+		for k, v in pairs(t) do
+			comps[#comps+1] = ("%s = %d"):format(k, v)
+		end
+		return "{ " .. table.concat(comps, ", ") .. " }"
+	end
+	for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
+		local v1, v2 = rawget(t1, k), rawget(t2, k)
+		local equal
+		if type(v1) == "table" and type(v2) == "table" then equal = compareTables(v1, v2)
+		else equal = v1 == v2 end
+		if not equal then
+			if v1 then
+				pp(("|cffff0000    [%d] = %s,|r"):format(k, formatTable(v1)))
+			end
+			if v2 then
+				pp(("|cff00ff00    [%d] = %s,|r"):format(k, formatTable(v2)))
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- Scans the first 10000 upgrade IDs
+-- Run this with /run LibStub:GetLibrary("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0"):_CheckUpgradeTable()
+-- If you don't have Aspirant's Staff of Harmony cached it may error out, just try again.
+	local debugFrame
+	local worker
+	local newTable
+	local debugTooltip
+	function lib:_CheckUpgradeTable(itemLink)
+		if worker then
+			pp("|cffff0000LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0: upgrade check already in progress")
+			return
+		end
+		if not debugFrame then
+			debugFrame = _G.CreateFrame("frame")
+			debugFrame:Hide()
+			debugFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function()
+				local ok, result, count, max = pcall(worker)
+				if not ok or result then
+					debugFrame:Hide()
+					worker = nil
+				end
+				if not ok then
+					pp("|cffff0000LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0 error: " .. result .. "|r")
+				elseif result then
+					pp("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0: scan complete")
+					if compareTables(upgradeTable, newTable) then
+						pp("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0: |cff00ff00No changes|r")
+					else
+						pp("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0: |cffff0000New table:|r {")
+						printDiffTable(upgradeTable, newTable)
+						pp("}")
+					end
+				else
+					pp("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0: scanning " .. count .. "/" .. max)
+				end
+			end)
+		end
+		if not debugTooltip then
+			debugTooltip = _G.CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "LibItemUpgradeInfoDebugTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+			debugTooltip:SetOwner(_G.WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+		end
+		newTable = {}
+		--local itemLink = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:89551:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:90:253:0:0:1:0|h[Aspirant's Staff of Harmony]|h|r"
+		local itemLink = itemLink or "|cff0070dd|Hitem:89551:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:100:253:4:0:0:0|h[Aspirant's Staff of Harmony]|h|r"
+-- Livello è il 9,upgradeid il 14. Al decimo posto, un valore che deve essere 4 o 4+n *8) per far scattare l'uso dell'upgradeid
+		local itemLevel = select(4, _G.GetItemInfo(itemLink))
+		assert(itemLevel, "Can't find item level for itemLink")
+		local count, max, batchsize = 0, 10000, 200
+		worker = function()
+			for i = count, math.min(max, count+batchsize) do
+				local link = itemLink:gsub("%d+|h", i.."|h")
+				debugTooltip:ClearLines()
+				debugTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
+				local upgrade, max
+				local curLevel, maxLevel = _G.LibItemUpgradeInfoDebugTooltipTextLeft3:GetText():match("^Upgrade Level: (%d+)/(%d+)")
+				local ilvl = tonumber(_G.LibItemUpgradeInfoDebugTooltipTextLeft2:GetText():match("Item Level (%d+)"))
+				if not ilvl then
+					ilvl = tonumber(_G.LibItemUpgradeInfoDebugTooltipTextLeft3:GetText():match("Item Level (%d+)"))
+				end
+				assert(ilvl ~= nil, "Can't find ItemLevel in tooltip: " .. _G.LibItemUpgradeInfoDebugTooltipTextLeft2:GetText())
+				if curLevel or maxLevel or ilvl ~= itemLevel then
+					newTable[i] = { upgrade = tonumber(curLevel), max = tonumber(maxLevel), ilevel = ilvl - itemLevel }
+				end
+			end
+			count = count + batchsize
+			return (count > max), count, max
+		end
+		debugFrame:Show()
+	end
+-- vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0.toc b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8552d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+## Interface: 70200
+## Title: Lib: ItemUpgradeInfo-1.0
+## Notes: Database of item upgrade IDs
+## Author: eridius
+## Version: Release-70200-28 70200
+## X-Revision: 7c5485a
+## X-Category: Library
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0.xml b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49934ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
+	<Script file="LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
+	<Script file="Core.lua"/>
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae1900e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- $Id: LibStub.lua 76 2007-09-03 01:50:17Z mikk $
+-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries.  http://www.wowace.com/wiki/LibStub for more info
+-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain
+-- Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
+local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
+-- Check to see is this version of the stub is obsolete
+if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
+	LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
+	LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
+	-- LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+	-- major (string) - the major version of the library
+	-- minor (string or number ) - the minor version of the library
+	--
+	-- returns nil if a newer or same version of the lib is already present
+	-- returns empty library object or old library object if upgrade is needed
+	function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+		assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
+		minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
+		local oldminor = self.minors[major]
+		if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
+		self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
+		return self.libs[major], oldminor
+	end
+	-- LibStub:GetLibrary(major, [silent])
+	-- major (string) - the major version of the library
+	-- silent (boolean) - if true, library is optional, silently return nil if its not found
+	--
+	-- throws an error if the library can not be found (except silent is set)
+	-- returns the library object if found
+	function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
+		if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
+			error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
+		end
+		return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
+	end
+	-- LibStub:IterateLibraries()
+	--
+	-- Returns an iterator for the currently registered libraries
+	function LibStub:IterateLibraries()
+		return pairs(self.libs)
+	end
+	setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.toc b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef0b412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+## Interface: 70200
+## Title: Lib: LibStub
+## Notes: Universal Library Stub
+## Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel
+## X-Website: http://www.wowace.com/addons/libstub/
+## X-Category: Library
+## X-License: Public Domain
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test.lua b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..338bcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+debugstack = debug.traceback
+strmatch = string.match
+local lib, oldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", 1) -- make a new thingy
+assert(lib) -- should return the library table
+assert(not oldMinor) -- should not return the old minor, since it didn't exist
+-- the following is to create data and then be able to check if the same data exists after the fact
+function lib:MyMethod()
+local MyMethod = lib.MyMethod
+lib.MyTable = {}
+local MyTable = lib.MyTable
+local newLib, newOldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", 1) -- try to register a library with the same version, should silently fail
+assert(not newLib) -- should not return since out of date
+local newLib, newOldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", 0) -- try to register a library with a previous, should silently fail
+assert(not newLib) -- should not return since out of date
+local newLib, newOldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", 2) -- register a new version
+assert(newLib) -- library table
+assert(rawequal(newLib, lib)) -- should be the same reference as the previous
+assert(newOldMinor == 1) -- should return the minor version of the previous version
+assert(rawequal(lib.MyMethod, MyMethod)) -- verify that values were saved
+assert(rawequal(lib.MyTable, MyTable)) -- verify that values were saved
+local newLib, newOldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", "Blah 3 Blah") -- register a new version with a string minor version (instead of a number)
+assert(newLib) -- library table
+assert(newOldMinor == 2) -- previous version was 2
+local newLib, newOldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", "Blah 4 and please ignore 15 Blah") -- register a new version with a string minor version (instead of a number)
+assert(newOldMinor == 3) -- previous version was 3 (even though it gave a string)
+local newLib, newOldMinor = LibStub:NewLibrary("Pants", 5) -- register a new library, using a normal number instead of a string
+assert(newOldMinor == 4) -- previous version was 4 (even though it gave a string)
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test2.lua b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae7172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+debugstack = debug.traceback
+strmatch = string.match
+for major, library in LibStub:IterateLibraries() do
+	-- check that MyLib doesn't exist yet, by iterating through all the libraries
+	assert(major ~= "MyLib")
+assert(not LibStub:GetLibrary("MyLib", true)) -- check that MyLib doesn't exist yet by direct checking
+assert(not pcall(LibStub.GetLibrary, LibStub, "MyLib")) -- don't silently fail, thus it should raise an error.
+local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary("MyLib", 1) -- create the lib
+assert(lib) -- check it exists
+assert(rawequal(LibStub:GetLibrary("MyLib"), lib)) -- verify that :GetLibrary("MyLib") properly equals the lib reference
+assert(LibStub:NewLibrary("MyLib", 2))	-- create a new version
+local count=0
+for major, library in LibStub:IterateLibraries() do
+	-- check that MyLib exists somewhere in the libraries, by iterating through all the libraries
+	if major == "MyLib" then -- we found it!
+		count = count +1
+		assert(rawequal(library, lib)) -- verify that the references are equal
+	end
+assert(count == 1) -- verify that we actually found it, and only once
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test3.lua b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test3.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21bda2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test3.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+debugstack = debug.traceback
+strmatch = string.match
+local proxy = newproxy() -- non-string
+assert(not pcall(LibStub.NewLibrary, LibStub, proxy, 1)) -- should error, proxy is not a string, it's userdata
+local success, ret = pcall(LibStub.GetLibrary, proxy, true)
+assert(not success or not ret) -- either error because proxy is not a string or because it's not actually registered.
+assert(not pcall(LibStub.NewLibrary, LibStub, "Something", "No number in here")) -- should error, minor has no string in it.
+assert(not LibStub:GetLibrary("Something", true)) -- shouldn't've created it from the above statement
diff --git a/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test4.lua b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test4.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4735246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamba/Libs/LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0/LibStub/tests/test4.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+debugstack = debug.traceback
+strmatch = string.match
+-- Pretend like loaded libstub is old and doesn't have :IterateLibraries
+LibStub.minor = LibStub.minor - 0.0001
+LibStub.IterateLibraries = nil
+-- Now pretend that we're the same version -- :IterateLibraries should NOT be re-created
+LibStub.IterateLibraries = 123
+assert(LibStub.IterateLibraries == 123)
+-- Now pretend that a newer version is loaded -- :IterateLibraries should NOT be re-created
+LibStub.minor = LibStub.minor + 0.0001
+assert(LibStub.IterateLibraries == 123)
+-- Again with a huge number
+LibStub.minor = LibStub.minor + 1234567890
+assert(LibStub.IterateLibraries == 123)