diff --git a/CauldronMain.lua b/CauldronMain.lua
index 3b95302..7933ab3 100644
--- a/CauldronMain.lua
+++ b/CauldronMain.lua
@@ -315,12 +315,16 @@ function Cauldron:OnEnable()
-- initialize the achievement map
+ -- replace the "show" function for the standard tradeskill frame
+ LoadAddOn("Blizzard_TradeSkillUI");
+ self.blizzTradeSkillShow = TradeSkillFrame_Show;
+ TradeSkillFrame_Show = function()
+ -- Cauldron:info("TradeSkillFrame_Show");
+ end
-- clear init flag
self.initializing = false;
- -- upset the standard tradeskill frame
- UIPanelWindows["TradeSkillFrame"] = { area = "center" };
function Cauldron:OnDisable()
@@ -358,9 +362,10 @@ end
function Cauldron:OnTradeShow()
self:debug("OnTradeShow enter");
+ TradeSkillFrame_Update(); -- seems to fix the early bailout of trade skill iterations
-- update our known skills
self:debug("OnTradeShow: update known skills");
--- self:ScheduleTimer(self.UpdateSkills,1,self);
if not Cauldron.updatingSkills then
-- Cauldron:info("Requesting skill update on trade show");
Cauldron.updatingSkills = Cauldron:NeedsSkillUpdate();
diff --git a/CauldronMain.xml b/CauldronMain.xml
index 93aea26..801b900 100755
--- a/CauldronMain.xml
+++ b/CauldronMain.xml
@@ -823,11 +823,43 @@
+ <!-- Queue All button -->
+ <Button name="CauldronQueueAllButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Queue All">
+ <Anchors>
+ <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT">
+ <Offset x="0" y="5" />
+ </Anchor>
+ </Anchors>
+ <Scripts>
+ <OnLoad>
+ -- getglobal(self:GetName()):Disable();
+ </OnLoad>
+ <OnEnter>
+ GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
+ GameTooltip:ClearLines();
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(Cauldron:LocaleString("Click to queue the listed amount of this item"));
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(Cauldron:LocaleString("Shift-click to queue the listed potential amount of this item"));
+ GameTooltip:Show();
+ CursorUpdate(self);
+ </OnEnter>
+ <OnLeave>
+ GameTooltip:Hide();
+ ResetCursor();
+ </OnLeave>
+ <OnClick>
+ Cauldron:QueueAllTradeSkillItem();
+ Cauldron:UpdateButtons();
+ </OnClick>
+ </Scripts>
+ </Button>
<!-- Create all button -->
<Button name="CauldronCreateAllButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="CREATE_ALL">
<Size x="80" y="22"/>
- <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" />
+ <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="CauldronQueueAllButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+ <Offset x="3" y="0"/>
+ </Anchor>
<Frame name="$parentMask" setAllPoints="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true">
@@ -988,6 +1020,24 @@
+ <!-- Queue button -->
+ <Button name="CauldronQueueButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Queue">
+ <Anchors>
+ <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="CauldronCreateButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+ <Offset x="0" y="0" />
+ </Anchor>
+ </Anchors>
+ <Scripts>
+ <OnLoad>
+ -- getglobal(self:GetName()):Disable();
+ </OnLoad>
+ <OnClick>
+ Cauldron:QueueTradeSkillItem();
+ Cauldron:UpdateButtons();
+ </OnClick>
+ </Scripts>
+ </Button>
<!-- View guild crafters button -->
<!-- Show queue button -->
diff --git a/CauldronMainUI.lua b/CauldronMainUI.lua
index 564cde0..9c911d4 100644
--- a/CauldronMainUI.lua
+++ b/CauldronMainUI.lua
@@ -12,1297 +12,1276 @@ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Cauldron")
local SLOT_NONE = "none";
-function CauldronFrame_OnLoad()
+function Cauldron:Frame_Show()
--- ButtonFrameTemplate_HideButtonBar(CauldronFrame);
- ButtonFrameTemplate_HideAttic(CauldronFrame);
--- CauldronFrameInsetBg:Hide();
+self:debug("frame show: "..tostring(CauldronQueueWindowFrame));
+ if Cauldron.vars.enabled and not(IsShiftKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown()) then
-function CauldronFrame_OnEvent()
+ -- show main UI
+ ShowUIPanel(CauldronFrame);
+ SetPortraitToTexture(CauldronFramePortrait, GetTradeSkillTexture());
+ CauldronInputBox:SetNumber(1);
+ CauldronFrameTitleText:SetText(L["Cauldron"].." "..Cauldron.version);
+ -- show queue UI
+ if Cauldron.vars.showQueue then
+ ShowUIPanel(CauldronQueueWindowFrame);
+ SetPortraitToTexture(CauldronQueueWindowFramePortrait, GetTradeSkillTexture());
+ CauldronQueueWindowFrameTitleText:SetText(L["Queue"]);
+ end
+ -- check if the filter structure is out of date
+ --[[
+ if not Cauldron.db.global.version or (tonumber(Cauldron.db.global.version) < tonumber(Cauldron.vars.filterVersion)) then
+ Cauldron.db.global.version = tonumber(Cauldron.vars.filterVersion);
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter = {
+ -- sorting
+ sortDefault = true,
+ sortAlpha = false,
+ sortDifficulty = false,
+ sortBenefit = false,
+ -- difficulty
+ optimal = true,
+ medium = true,
+ easy = true,
+ trivial = true,
+ -- favorites
+ favorites = false,
+ favoritesAtTop = false,
+ -- availability
+ haveAllReagents = false,
+ haveKeyReagents = false,
+ haveAnyReagents = false,
+ };
+ end
+ --]]
+ self:RegisterMessage("Cauldron_Update", "OnCauldronUpdate");
+ self:Frame_Update();
+ else
+ -- show the Blizzard frame
+ Cauldron.blizzTradeSkillShow();
+ end
-function CauldronFrame_OnShow()
-function CauldronFrame_OnHide()
+function Cauldron:Frame_Hide()
+ self:UnregisterEvent("Cauldron_Update");
+ HideUIPanel(CauldronQueueWindowFrame);
+ HideUIPanel(CauldronFrame);
+ --[[
+ if TradeSkillFrame then
+ TradeSkillFrame:SetAlpha(1.0);
+ TradeSkillFrame:SetFrameStrata(Cauldron.vars.origFrameStrata or "MEDIUM");
+ TradeSkillFrame:SetFrameLevel(Cauldron.vars.origFrameLevel or 5);
+ end
+ --]]
+ CloseTradeSkill();
-function CauldronSearch_OnTextChanged()
- Cauldron:TradeSkillFilter_OnTextChanged(CauldronSearchBox);
+function Cauldron:Frame_Toggle()
+ if CauldronQueueWindowFrame:IsVisible() then
+ Cauldron:Frame_Hide();
+ else
+ Cauldron:Frame_Show();
+ end
function CauldronFrame_Update()
+ Cauldron:Frame_Update();
-function CauldronFrame_Show()
- Cauldron:Frame_Show();
+function Cauldron:Frame_Update()
+ local numTradeSkills = GetNumTradeSkills();
+ local name, rank, maxRank = GetTradeSkillLine();
+ if name == "UNKNOWN" then
+ return;
+ end
+-- Cauldron:UpdateSkills();
+ if CURRENT_TRADESKILL ~= name then
+ StopTradeSkillRepeat();
+ end
+ -- display skill name, level/progress
+ self:UpdateSkillInfo(name, rank, maxRank);
+ -- update search text box
+ self:UpdateSearchText();
+ -- update filter information
+ self:UpdateStatus();
+ self:UpdateFilterDropDowns();
+ -- display list of matching skills
+ self:UpdateSkillList();
+ end
+ -- display queue
+ self:UpdateQueue();
+ -- update buttons
+ self:UpdateButtons();
-function CauldronFilterDropDown_OnLoad(self)
- UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, CauldronFilterDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
- CauldronFilterDropDownText:SetJustifyH("CENTER");
- CauldronFilterDropDownButton:Show();
+function Cauldron:UpdateSkillInfo(skillName, rank, maxRank)
+ --@alpha@
+ self:debug("UpdateSkillInfo enter");
+ --@end-alpha@
+ local skillCount = Cauldron:GetSkillCount(skillName);
+ CauldronRankFrameSkillName:SetText(skillName.." ("..skillCount.." "..L["skills"]..")");
+ CauldronSkillNameText:SetText(skillName);
+ local prof_title = "";
+ for i=1,#PROFESSION_RANKS do
+ local value,title = PROFESSION_RANKS[i][1], PROFESSION_RANKS[i][2];
+ if maxRank < value then break end
+ prof_title = title;
+ end
+ CauldronRankInfoText:SetText(prof_title..", "..skillCount.." "..L["skills"]);
+ CauldronRankFrame:SetStatusBarColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5);
+ CauldronRankFrameBackground:SetVertexColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.75, 0.5);
+ CauldronRankFrame:SetMinMaxValues(0, maxRank);
+ CauldronRankFrame:SetValue(rank);
+ CauldronRankFrameText:SetText(rank.."/"..maxRank);
-function CauldronFilterDropDown_Initialize(self, level)
+function Cauldron:UpdateSearchText()
+ local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
+ if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ end
+ if (not skillName or skillName == "UNKNOWN") or
+ (not self.vars.playername) or
+ (not self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername]) or
+ (not self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName]) then
+ return;
+ end
+ local searchText = self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.search or "";
+ if searchText == "" then
+ searchText = SEARCH;
+ end
+ CauldronSearchBox:SetText(searchText);
+function Cauldron:UpdateStatus()
local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ local filters = {};
+ local filterTable = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter;
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ if filterTable.haveAllReagents then
+ table.insert(filters, L["Have all"]);
+ elseif filterTable.haveKeyReagents then
+ table.insert(filters, L["Have key"]);
+ elseif filterTable.haveAnyReagents then
+ table.insert(filters, L["Have any"]);
+ end
- if level == 1 then
+ local difficulties = {};
+ if not filterTable.optimal then
+ table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Optimal"]);
+ end
+ if not filterTable.medium then
+ table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Medium"]);
+ end
+ if not filterTable.easy then
+ table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Easy"]);
+ end
+ if not filterTable.trivial then
+ table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Trivial"]);
+ end
+ if #difficulties > 0 then
+ table.insert(filters, L["Difficulty"]..": "..Cauldron:JoinStrings(difficulties, ","));
+ end
- if not IsTradeSkillLinked() and not IsTradeSkillGuild() then
- -- favorites
- local favorites = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- favorites.text = L["Favorites"];
- favorites.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites or false;
- favorites.isNotRadio = true;
- favorites.keepShownOnClick = true;
- -- tooltipTitle = L["Favorites"],
- -- tooltipText = L["Display only favorite skills"],
- favorites.func = function()
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites;
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from favorites filter");
- Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- -- arg1 = "favorite",
- -- arg2 = "",
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(favorites, level);
+ if filterTable.favorites then
+ table.insert(filters, L["Favorites"]);
+ end
+ if filterTable.achievements then
+ table.insert(filters, L["Achievements"]);
+ end
+ if #filters > 0 then
+ local statusText = Cauldron:JoinStrings(filters, "; ");
+ CauldronStatusText:SetText(L["Filters"]..": "..statusText);
+ CauldronStatusFrame:Show();
+ else
+ CauldronStatusFrame:Hide();
+ end
- -- achievements
- local achievements = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- achievements.text = L["Achievements"];
- achievements.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements or false;
- achievements.isNotRadio = true;
- achievements.keepShownOnClick = true;
- -- tooltipTitle = L["Achievements"],
- -- tooltipText = L["Display only skills for achievements"],
- achievements.func = function()
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements;
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from achievements filter");
- Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- -- arg1 = "achievement",
- -- arg2 = "",
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(achievements, level);
- end
+function Cauldron:UpdateFilterDropDowns()
- --[==[
- info.text = CRAFT_IS_MAKEABLE
- info.func = function()
- TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials = not TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials;
- TradeSkillOnlyShowMakeable(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials);
- TradeSkillUpdateFilterBar();
- end
- info.keepShownOnClick = true;
- info.checked = TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials
- info.isNotRadio = true;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
- if ( not IsTradeSkillGuild() ) then
- info.func = function()
- TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp = not TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp;
- TradeSkillOnlyShowSkillUps(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp);
- TradeSkillUpdateFilterBar();
- end
- info.keepShownOnClick = true;
- info.checked = TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp;
- info.isNotRadio = true;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
- end
- --]==]
- info.checked = nil;
- info.isNotRadio = nil;
- info.func = nil;
- info.notCheckable = true;
- info.keepShownOnClick = false;
- info.hasArrow = true;
- info.value = 1;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
- info.func = nil;
- info.notCheckable = true;
- info.keepShownOnClick = false;
- info.hasArrow = true;
- info.value = 2;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
+ -- TODO
- -- spacer
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
- text = "",
- notClickable = true,
- isNotRadio = nil,
- notCheckable = true,
- }, level);
+function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()
- -- skill difficulty
+ if Cauldron.updatingSkillList then
+ return;
+ end
- local difficultyTitle = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- difficultyTitle.text = L["Difficulty"];
- difficultyTitle.isTitle = true;
- difficultyTitle.isNotRadio = nil;
- difficultyTitle.notCheckable = true;
- difficultyTitle.tooltipTitle = "";
- difficultyTitle.tooltipText = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyTitle, level);
+ local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
+ if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ end
- local difficultyOptimal = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- difficultyOptimal.text = L["Optimal"];
--- textR = 1.0,
--- textG = 1.0,
--- textB = 1.0,
- difficultyOptimal.isNotRadio = true;
- difficultyOptimal.notCheckable = false;
- difficultyOptimal.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.optimal;
- difficultyOptimal.keepShownOnClick = true;
- difficultyOptimal.tooltipTitle = L["Optimal"];
- difficultyOptimal.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
- difficultyOptimal.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- difficultyOptimal.arg1 = "optimal";
- difficultyOptimal.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyOptimal, level);
+ local skillList = Cauldron:GetSkillList(self.vars.playername, skillName);
+ if not skillList then
+ return;
+ end
- local difficultyMedium = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- difficultyMedium.text = L["Medium"];
--- textR = 1.0,
--- textG = 1.0,
--- textB = 1.0,
- difficultyMedium.isNotRadio = true;
- difficultyMedium.notCheckable = false;
- difficultyMedium.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.medium;
- difficultyMedium.keepShownOnClick = true;
- difficultyMedium.tooltipTitle = L["Medium"];
- difficultyMedium.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
- difficultyMedium.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- difficultyMedium.arg1 = "medium";
- difficultyMedium.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyMedium, level);
- local difficultyEasy = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- difficultyEasy.text = L["Easy"];
--- textR = 1.0,
--- textG = 1.0,
--- textB = 1.0,
- difficultyEasy.isNotRadio = true;
- difficultyEasy.notCheckable = false;
- difficultyEasy.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.easy;
- difficultyEasy.keepShownOnClick = true;
- difficultyEasy.tooltipTitle = L["Easy"];
- difficultyEasy.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
- difficultyEasy.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- difficultyEasy.arg1 = "easy";
- difficultyEasy.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyEasy, level);
- local difficultyTrivial = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- difficultyTrivial.text = L["Trivial"];
--- textR = 1.0,
--- textG = 1.0,
--- textB = 1.0,
- difficultyTrivial.isNotRadio = true;
- difficultyTrivial.notCheckable = false;
- difficultyTrivial.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.trivial;
- difficultyTrivial.keepShownOnClick = true;
- difficultyTrivial.tooltipTitle = L["Trivial"];
- difficultyTrivial.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
- difficultyTrivial.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- difficultyTrivial.arg1 = "trivial";
- difficultyTrivial.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyTrivial, level);
+ local height = 0;
- -- spacer
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
- text = "",
- notClickable = true,
- isNotRadio = nil,
- notCheckable = true,
- }, level);
+ Cauldron.updatingSkillList = true;
- -- reagents availability
+ -- iterate over the list of skills
+ for i, skillInfo in ipairs(skillList) do
+ local skillFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i];
+ -- check if we have a frame for this position
+ if not skillFrame then
+ -- create a new frame for the skill information
+ if self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].options.compactView then
+ -- TODO
+ else
+ -- TODO
+ end
+ skillFrame = CreateFrame("Button",
+ "CauldronSkillItem"..i,
+ CauldronSkillListScrollFrameScrollChild,
+ "CauldronSkillItemFrameTemplate");
+ end
+ --[[
+ if self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].options.compactView then
+ -- set the height of frame
+ skillFrame:SetHeight(25);
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCooldown"]:SetHeight(25);
+ -- rescale the icon frame
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetWidth(18);
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetHeight(18);
+ -- reposition the name
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillName"]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 43, -4);
+ -- hide the category info
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCategory"]:Hide();
+ else
+ --]]
+ -- set the height of frame
+ -- TODO: set height if expanded
+ --[[
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCooldown"]:SetHeight(50);
+ -- rescale the icon frame
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetWidth(37);
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetHeight(37);
+ -- reposition the name
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillName"]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 62, -4);
+ -- show the category info
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCategory"]:Show();
+ end
+ --]]
- local reagentsTitle = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- reagentsTitle.text = L["Reagents"];
- reagentsTitle.isTitle = true;
- reagentsTitle.isNotRadio = nil;
- reagentsTitle.notCheckable = true;
- reagentsTitle.tooltipTitle = "";
- reagentsTitle.tooltipText = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(reagentsTitle, level);
- -- force check "normal" if the list is linked
- if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
+ skillFrame:SetID(i);
+ skillFrame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
+ -- set selection
+ if self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.selected == skillInfo.index then
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Selection"]:Show();
+ else
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Selection"]:Hide();
- local normal = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- normal.text = L["Normal"];
- normal.checked = Cauldron:ReagentsFilterNormalCheck();
- normal.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
- normal.tooltipText = L["Display the normal list of skills"];
- normal.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1)
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- normal.arg1 = "normal";
- normal.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(normal, level);
- if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- local haveAllReagents = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- haveAllReagents.text = L["Have all"];
- haveAllReagents.isNotRadio = nil;
- haveAllReagents.notCheckable = false;
- haveAllReagents.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents;
- haveAllReagents.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
- haveAllReagents.tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have all the required reagents are shown in the list"];
- haveAllReagents.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- haveAllReagents.arg1 = "all";
- haveAllReagents.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveAllReagents, level);
+ -- populate the frame
+ local frame = nil;
- local haveKeyReagents = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- haveKeyReagents.text = L["Have key"];
- haveKeyReagents.isNotRadio = nil;
- haveKeyReagents.notCheckable = false;
- haveKeyReagents.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents;
- haveKeyReagents.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
- haveKeyReagents.tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have all key reagents (non-vendor available) are shown in the list"];
- haveKeyReagents.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- haveKeyReagents.arg1 = "key";
- haveKeyReagents.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveKeyReagents, level);
- local haveAnyReagents = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- haveAnyReagents.text = L["Have any"];
- haveAnyReagents.isNotRadio = nil;
- haveAnyReagents.notCheckable = false;
- haveAnyReagents.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents;
- haveAnyReagents.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
- haveAnyReagents.tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have any reagents are shown in the list"];
- haveAnyReagents.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1);
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- haveAnyReagents.arg1 = "any";
- haveAnyReagents.arg2 = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveAnyReagents, level);
+ -- set name and difficulty color
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillName"];
+ if frame then
+ local nameText = skillInfo.name;
+ local skillNamePrefix = "";
+ if ( ENABLE_COLORBLIND_MODE == "1" ) then
+ skillNamePrefix = TradeSkillTypePrefix[skillType].." " or "";
+ end
+ frame:SetText(skillNamePrefix..nameText);
+ if TradeSkillTypeColor then
+ local color = TradeSkillTypeColor[skillInfo.difficulty];
+ if color then
+ frame:SetFontObject(color.font);
+ frame.r = color.r;
+ frame.g = color.g;
+ frame.b = color.b;
+ end
+ end
- -- spacer
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
- text = "",
- notClickable = true,
- isNotRadio = nil,
- notCheckable = true,
- }, level);
- -- reset item
- local resetFilters = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- resetFilters.text = L["Reset filters"];
- resetFilters.checked = false;
- resetFilters.isNotRadio = nil;
- resetFilters.notCheckable = true;
- resetFilters.tooltipTitle = L["Reset filters"];
- resetFilters.tooltipText = L["Reset all filters on the skills list"];
- resetFilters.func = function(arg1, arg2)
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset();
- Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
- end;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(resetFilters, level);
- elseif level == 2 then
- local slots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(0) };
- local subslots = {};
- for i,slot in pairs(slots) do
- info.text = slot;
- info.func = function()
- -- TradeSkillSetFilter(0, i, "", slots[i]);
- end;
- info.notCheckable = true;
- info.hasArrow = false;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
+ -- set category
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCategory"];
+ if frame then
+ frame:SetText(skillInfo.defaultCategory);
+ if TradeSkillTypeColor then
+ frame:SetFontObject(TradeSkillTypeColor.header.font);
+ frame.r = TradeSkillTypeColor.header.r;
+ frame.g = TradeSkillTypeColor.header.g;
+ frame.b = TradeSkillTypeColor.header.b;
- local subClasses = { GetTradeSkillSubClasses() };
- local subslots = {};
- for i,subClass in pairs(subClasses) do
- info.text = subClass;
- info.func = function()
- -- TradeSkillSetFilter(i, 0, subClasses[i], "");
+ end
+ -- set favorite check button
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."FavoriteButton"];
+ if frame then
+ frame:SetChecked(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[skillInfo.name].favorite);
+ frame.skillInfo = skillInfo;
+ -- set cooldown
+ --[[
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCooldown"];
+ local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(skillInfo.index);
+ if cooldown then
+ if not frame:IsVisible() then
+ frame:Show();
+ end
+ frame:SetText(SecondsToTime(cooldown));
+ else
+ if frame:IsVisible() then
+ frame:Hide();
- info.notCheckable = true;
- subslots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(i) };
- info.hasArrow = #subslots > 1;
- info.value = i;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
+ --]]
- elseif level == 3 then
- local subClasses = { GetTradeSkillSubClasses() };
- local subslots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE) };
- for i,slot in pairs(subslots) do
- info.text = slot;
- info.func = function()
- --[[
- TradeSkillSetFilter(UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE, i, subClasses[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE], subslots[i]);
- --]]
- end;
- info.notCheckable = true;
- info.value = {UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE, i};
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
- end
- end
-function CauldronSortDropDown_OnLoad(self)
- CauldronSortButton:SetText(L["Sort"]);
- UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, CauldronSortDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
- CauldronSortDropDownText:SetJustifyH("CENTER");
- CauldronSortDropDownButton:Show();
+ -- set the icon
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"];
+ if frame then
+ frame:SetNormalTexture(skillInfo.icon);
+ frame.itemLink = skillInfo.link;
+ frame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
+ end
-function CauldronSortDropDown_Initialize(self, level)
+ -- set the craft count
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIconCount"];
+ if frame then
+ local minMade, maxMade = skillInfo.minMade, skillInfo.maxMade;
+ if maxMade > 1 then
+ if minMade == maxMade then
+ frame:SetText(minMade);
+ else
+ frame:SetText(minMade.."-"..maxMade);
+ end
+ if frame:GetWidth() > 39 then
+ frame:SetText("~"..floor((minMade + maxMade)/2));
+ end
+ else
+ frame:SetText("");
+ end
+ end
+ -- set the disclosure button texture
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."DiscloseButton"];
+ if frame then
+ frame.skillInfo = skillInfo;
+ local reagentsExpanded = self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[skillInfo.name].expanded;
+ -- if reagentsExpanded then
+ frame:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-MinusButton-Up");
+ -- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:Show();
+ -- fill in the tools info
+ --[[
+ local spellFocus = BuildColoredListString(GetTradeSkillTools(skillInfo.index));
+ local toolsFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsToolsInfo"];
+ if spellFocus then
+ toolsFrame:Show();
+ toolsFrame:SetText(L["Requires"]..": "..spellFocus);
+ toolsFrame:SetHeight(15);
+ else
+ toolsFrame:Hide();
+ toolsFrame:SetText("");
+ toolsFrame:SetHeight(0);
+ end
+ --]]
- local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
- if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
- end
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ -- fill in the reagents
+ -- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:SetScale(0.86);
+ -- get reagents table
+ local reagents = skillInfo.reagents;
+ local reagentCount = #reagents;
- if level == 1 then
- -- title
- --[[
- local sortTitle = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- sortTitle.text = L["Sort"];
- sortTitle.isTitle = true;
- sortTitle.isNotRadio = nil;
- sortTitle.notCheckable = true;
- sortTitle.tooltipTitle = "";
- sortTitle.tooltipText = "";
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortTitle, level);
- --]]
- -- default
- local sortDefault = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- sortDefault.text = L["Default"];
- sortDefault.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault;
- sortDefault.isNotRadio = nil;
- sortDefault.keepShownOnClick = false;
- sortDefault.func = function()
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("default");
- end;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortDefault, level);
+ for j=1,8 do
+ local reagentFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j];
- --[[
- local sortDefault = {
- text = L["Default"],
- checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault,
- tooltipTitle = L["Default"],
- tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
- func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
- arg1 = "default",
- arg2 = "",
- };
- --]]
- -- alpha
- local sortAlpha = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- sortAlpha.text = L["Alphabetically"];
- sortAlpha.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha;
- sortAlpha.isNotRadio = nil;
- sortAlpha.keepShownOnClick = false;
- sortAlpha.func = function()
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("alpha");
- end;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortAlpha, level);
- --[[
- local sortAlpha = {
- text = L["Alphabetically"],
- checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha,
- tooltipTitle = L["Alphabetically"],
- tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
- func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
- arg1 = "alpha",
- arg2 = "",
- };
- --]]
+ if reagentFrame then
+ if j > reagentCount then
+ reagentFrame:Hide();
+ else
+ local reagentInfo = reagents[j];
- -- difficulty
- local sortDifficulty = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- sortDifficulty.text = L["By difficulty"];
- sortDifficulty.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty;
- sortDifficulty.isNotRadio = nil;
- sortDifficulty.keepShownOnClick = false;
- sortDifficulty.func = function()
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("difficulty");
- end;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortDifficulty, level);
+ reagentFrame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
+ reagentFrame.reagentIndex = reagentInfo.index;
+ reagentFrame.link = reagentInfo.link;
+ local reagentNameFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."Name"];
+ local reagentIconFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."IconTexture"];
+ local reagentCountFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."Count"];
+ -- PARANOIA: check if the reagent name, icon, or link are missing
+ if not reagentInfo.name or not reagentInfo.icon or not reagentInfo.link then
+ -- Cauldron:error("Reagent info missing; marking recipe for rescan: "..skillInfo.name);
+ Cauldron:MarkRecipeForRescan(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName], skillInfo.name);
+ end
+ reagentFrame:Show();
+ SetItemButtonTexture(reagentFrame, reagentInfo.icon);
+ if reagentNameFrame then
+ reagentNameFrame:SetText(reagentInfo.name);
+ end
+ local playerReagentCount = GetItemCount(reagentInfo.name);
+ if playerReagentCount < reagentInfo.numRequired then
+ -- Gray out items
+ SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentFrame, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ if reagentNameFrame then
+ reagentNameFrame:SetTextColor(GRAY_FONT_COLOR.r, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.g, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.b);
+ end
+ else
+ SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentFrame, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ if reagentNameFrame then
+ end
+ end
+ if playerReagentCount >= 100 then
+ playerReagentCount = "*";
+ end
+ if reagentCountFrame then
+ reagentCountFrame:SetText(playerReagentCount.."/"..reagentInfo.numRequired);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ TODO: only adjust height for expanded views
+ local reagentRows = math.floor((reagentCount - 1) / 2) + 1;
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:SetHeight(toolsFrame:GetHeight() + (reagentRows * _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail1"]:GetHeight()));
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i]:SetHeight(_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:GetHeight() + _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:GetHeight());
+ --]]
+ --[[
+ else
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:Hide();
+ frame:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Up");
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i]:SetHeight(_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:GetHeight());
+ end
+ --]]
+ end
- --[[
- local sortDifficulty = {
- text = L["By difficulty"],
- checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty,
- tooltipTitle = L["By difficulty"],
- tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
- func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
- arg1 = "difficulty",
- arg2 = "",
- };
- --]]
+ -- craft count
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoCount"];
+ if frame then
+ local potentialCount = Cauldron:GetPotentialCraftCount(skillInfo);
+ local text = "";
+ if (potentialCount > 0) and (potentialCount > skillInfo.available) then
+ text = skillInfo.available.."/"..potentialCount;
+ elseif skillInfo.available > 0 then
+ text = skillInfo.available;
+ end
+ frame:SetText(text);
+ end
- -- item level
- local sortItemLevel = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- sortItemLevel.text = L["By item level"];
- sortItemLevel.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel;
- sortItemLevel.isNotRadio = nil;
- sortItemLevel.keepShownOnClick = false;
- sortItemLevel.func = function()
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("itemlevel");
- end;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortItemLevel, level);
+ -- special skill-ups
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUpsIcon"];
+ -- Cauldron:info("skill ups icon frame: "..tostring(frame));
+ if frame then
+ if IsTradeSkillGuild() or (skillInfo.difficulty ~= "optimal") or (not skillInfo.numSkillUps or (skillInfo.numSkillUps < 1)) then
+ frame:Hide();
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUps"]:Hide();
+ else
+ frame:Show();
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUps"]:Show();
+ _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUps"]:SetText(skillInfo.numSkillUps);
+ end
+ end
- --[[
- local sortItemLevel = {
- text = L["By item level"],
- checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel,
- tooltipTitle = L["By item level"],
- tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
- func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
- arg1 = "itemlevel",
- arg2 = "",
- };
- --]]
+ -- achievement indicator
+ frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoAchievement"];
+ if frame then
+ local achievements = Cauldron:GetAchievementsForSkill(skillInfo);
+ local text = "";
+ if achievements and #achievements > 0 then
+ text = "A";
+ end
+ frame:SetText(text);
+ end
+ -- place the frame in the scroll view
+ if i > 1 then
+ -- anchor to the frame above
+ skillFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", _G["CauldronSkillItem"..(i-1)], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2);
+ else
+ -- anchor to the parent
+ skillFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
+ end
- -- required level
- local sortReqLevel = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- sortReqLevel.text = L["By required level"];
- sortReqLevel.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel;
- sortReqLevel.isNotRadio = nil;
- sortReqLevel.keepShownOnClick = false;
- sortReqLevel.func = function()
- Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("reqlevel");
- end;
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortReqLevel, level);
+ -- adjust the scroll child size
+ height = height + skillFrame:GetHeight();
+ CauldronSkillListScrollFrameScrollChild:SetHeight(height);
- --[[
- local sortReqLevel = {
- text = L["By required level"],
- checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel,
- tooltipTitle = L["By required level"],
- tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
- func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
- arg1 = "reqlevel",
- arg2 = "",
- };
- --]]
+ -- show the frame
+ skillFrame:Show();
+ end
+ -- hide any remaining frames
+ local j = #skillList + 1;
+ while true do
+ local frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..j];
+ if not frame then
+ break;
+ end
- -- favorites
- -- TODO
+ frame:Hide();
+ frame:SetHeight(0);
- -- benefit
- -- TODO
+ j = j + 1;
+ Cauldron.updatingSkillList = false;
-function CauldronQueueWindowFrame_UpdateQueue()
-function CauldronQueueWindowFrame_GetTopButton()
+function Cauldron:UpdateButtons()
-function CauldronQueueWindowFrame_OnLoad()
- --[[
- self:SetBackdropColor(.05,.05,.05,.8);
- self:SetBackdropBorderColor(.4,.4,.4,1);
- --]]
- -- tinsert(UISpecialFrames, self:GetName());
- -- CauldronQueueWindowFrameTitleText:SetText(Cauldron:LocaleString("Tradeskill Queue").." "..Cauldron.version);
- local scrollFrame = CauldronQueueFrameScrollFrame;
- scrollFrame.update = CauldronQueueWindowFrame_UpdateQueue;
- scrollFrame.dynamic = CauldronQueueWindowFrame_GetTopButton;
--- CauldronQueueFrameScrollFrameScrollBarTrack:Hide();
--- CauldronQueueFrameScrollFrameScrollBar.doNotHide = true;
- HybridScrollFrame_CreateButtons(scrollFrame, "CauldronQueueFrameButtonTemplate");
+ if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ CauldronQueueAllButton:Disable();
+ CauldronQueueButton:Disable();
+ -- CauldronAmountDecrementButton:Hide();
+ -- CauldronAmountInputBox:Hide();
+ -- CauldronAmountIncrementButton:Hide();
+ -- CauldronCreateAllButton:Hide();
+ -- CauldronCreateButton:Hide();
+ CauldronProcessButton:Disable();
+ -- CauldronClearQueueButton:();
+ return;
+ end
-function Cauldron:Frame_Show()
+ CauldronQueueAllButton:Enable();
+ CauldronQueueButton:Enable();
+ -- CauldronAmountDecrementButton:Show();
+ -- CauldronAmountInputBox:Show();
+ -- CauldronAmountIncrementButton:Show();
+ -- CauldronCreateAllButton:Show();
+ -- CauldronCreateButton:Show();
+ -- CauldronProcessButton:();
+ -- CauldronClearQueueButton:Show();
+ local skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSelectedSkill();
-self:debug("frame show: "..tostring(CauldronQueueWindowFrame));
+ if skillInfo then
+ CauldronCreateButton:SetText(skillInfo.verb or CREATE);
+ if skillInfo.verb then
+ CauldronCreateAllButton:Hide();
+ end
- if Cauldron.vars.enabled and not(IsShiftKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown()) then
--- CloseDropDownMenus();
+ CauldronQueueAllButton:Enable();
+ CauldronQueueButton:Enable();
- if TradeSkillFrame then
- -- place our frame over the original frame
--- CauldronFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TradeSkillFrame:GetLeft(), TradeSkillFrame:GetTop());
- -- hide the original tradeskill frame
- if not Cauldron.vars.origFrameStrata then
- Cauldron.vars.origFrameStrata = TradeSkillFrame:GetFrameStrata();
- end
- if not Cauldron.vars.origFrameLevel then
- Cauldron.vars.origFrameLevel = TradeSkillFrame:GetFrameLevel();
- end
- TradeSkillFrame:SetAlpha(0);
--- TradeSkillFrame:ClearAllPoints();
--- TradeSkillFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 900);
- TradeSkillFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND");
- TradeSkillFrame:SetFrameLevel(1);
- -- set the tradeskill frame's width to match ours
--- TradeSkillFrame:SetWidth(692);
- --[[
- -- remove the tradeskill frame from the special frame list
- for i,t in ipairs(UISpecialFrames) do
- if t == TradeSkillFrame:GetName() then
- table.remove(UISpecialFrames, i);
- break;
- end
- end
--- table.remove(
- --]]
- end
- -- put localized text in various labels
- CauldronSkillInfoFrameQueueLabel:SetText(L["Queue"]);
- CauldronQueueAllButton:SetText(L["Queue All"]);
- CauldronQueueButton:SetText(L["Queue"]);
- CauldronProcessButton:SetText(L["Process"]);
- CauldronClearQueueButton:SetText(L["Clear Queue"]);
- -- show main UI
- ShowUIPanel(CauldronFrame);
- SetPortraitToTexture(CauldronFramePortrait, GetTradeSkillTexture());
- CauldronInputBox:SetNumber(1);
- CauldronFrameTitleText:SetText(L["Cauldron"].." "..Cauldron.version);
+ CauldronCreateButton:Show();
- -- show queue UI
- if Cauldron.vars.showQueue then
- ShowUIPanel(CauldronQueueWindowFrame);
- SetPortraitToTexture(CauldronQueueWindowFramePortrait, GetTradeSkillTexture());
- CauldronQueueWindowFrameTitleText:SetText(L["Queue"]);
- end
- -- check if the filter structure is out of date
- --[[
- if not Cauldron.db.global.version or (tonumber(Cauldron.db.global.version) < tonumber(Cauldron.vars.filterVersion)) then
- Cauldron.db.global.version = tonumber(Cauldron.vars.filterVersion);
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter = {
- -- sorting
- sortDefault = true,
- sortAlpha = false,
- sortDifficulty = false,
- sortBenefit = false,
- -- difficulty
- optimal = true,
- medium = true,
- easy = true,
- trivial = true,
- -- favorites
- favorites = false,
- favoritesAtTop = false,
- -- availability
- haveAllReagents = false,
- haveKeyReagents = false,
- haveAnyReagents = false,
- };
+ if skillInfo.available ~= 0 then
+ CauldronCreateAllButton:Enable();
+ CauldronCreateButton:Enable();
+ else
+ CauldronCreateAllButton:Disable();
+ CauldronCreateButton:Disable();
- --]]
- self:RegisterMessage("Cauldron_Update", "OnCauldronUpdate");
+ else
+ CauldronQueueAllButton:Disable();
+ CauldronQueueButton:Disable();
+ CauldronCreateAllButton:Disable();
+ CauldronCreateButton:Disable();
+ end
- self:Frame_Update();
+ if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ if #CauldronQueue:GetItems(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].queue, CURRENT_TRADESKILL) > 0 then
+ CauldronProcessButton:Enable();
+ CauldronClearQueueButton:Enable();
+ else
+ CauldronProcessButton:Disable();
+ CauldronClearQueueButton:Disable();
+ end
+ end
+ if CauldronQueueWindowFrame:IsShown() then
+ CauldronShowQueueButton:Hide();
+ else
+ CauldronShowQueueButton:Show();
-function Cauldron:Frame_Hide()
+function Cauldron:OnCauldronUpdate()
- self:UnregisterEvent("Cauldron_Update");
- HideUIPanel(CauldronQueueWindowFrame);
- HideUIPanel(CauldronFrame);
- --[[
- if TradeSkillFrame then
- TradeSkillFrame:SetAlpha(1.0);
- TradeSkillFrame:SetFrameStrata(Cauldron.vars.origFrameStrata or "MEDIUM");
- TradeSkillFrame:SetFrameLevel(Cauldron.vars.origFrameLevel or 5);
+ --[[
+-- self:Search();
+ local selectionIndex
+ if self.vars.selectionIndex == 0 then
+ selectionIndex = self:GetFirstTradeSkill();
+ else
+ selectionIndex = self.vars.selectionIndex;
-function Cauldron:Frame_Toggle()
+function CauldronFrame_OnLoad()
- if CauldronQueueWindowFrame:IsVisible() then
- Cauldron:Frame_Hide();
- else
- Cauldron:Frame_Show();
- end
+-- ButtonFrameTemplate_HideButtonBar(CauldronFrame);
+ ButtonFrameTemplate_HideAttic(CauldronFrame);
+-- CauldronFrameInsetBg:Hide();
-function CauldronFrame_Update()
- Cauldron:Frame_Update();
+function CauldronFrame_OnEvent()
-function Cauldron:Frame_Update()
- local numTradeSkills = GetNumTradeSkills();
- local name, rank, maxRank = GetTradeSkillLine();
- if name == "UNKNOWN" then
- return;
- end
--- Cauldron:UpdateSkills();
- if CURRENT_TRADESKILL ~= name then
- StopTradeSkillRepeat();
- if CURRENT_TRADESKILL ~= "" then
- -- To fix problem with switching between two tradeskills
--- UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(TradeSkillInvSlotDropDown, TradeSkillInvSlotDropDown_Initialize);
--- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(TradeSkillInvSlotDropDown, 1);
--- UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(TradeSkillSubClassDropDown, TradeSkillSubClassDropDown_Initialize);
--- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(TradeSkillSubClassDropDown, 1);
- end
- end
- -- display skill name, level/progress
- self:UpdateSkillInfo(name, rank, maxRank);
- -- update search text box
- self:UpdateSearchText();
- -- update filter information
- self:UpdateStatus();
- self:UpdateFilterDropDowns();
- -- display list of matching skills
--- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from frame update");
- self:UpdateSkillList();
- end
- -- display queue
- self:UpdateQueue();
- -- update buttons
- self:UpdateButtons();
+function CauldronFrame_OnShow()
-function Cauldron:UpdateSkillInfo(skillName, rank, maxRank)
- --@alpha@
- self:debug("UpdateSkillInfo enter");
- --@end-alpha@
- local skillCount = Cauldron:GetSkillCount(skillName);
- CauldronRankFrameSkillName:SetText(skillName.." ("..skillCount.." "..L["skills"]..")");
- CauldronSkillNameText:SetText(skillName);
- local prof_title = "";
- for i=1,#PROFESSION_RANKS do
- local value,title = PROFESSION_RANKS[i][1], PROFESSION_RANKS[i][2];
- if maxRank < value then break end
- prof_title = title;
- end
- CauldronRankInfoText:SetText(prof_title..", "..skillCount.." "..L["skills"]);
- CauldronRankFrame:SetStatusBarColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5);
- CauldronRankFrameBackground:SetVertexColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.75, 0.5);
- CauldronRankFrame:SetMinMaxValues(0, maxRank);
- CauldronRankFrame:SetValue(rank);
- CauldronRankFrameText:SetText(rank.."/"..maxRank);
+function CauldronFrame_OnHide()
+ CloseTradeSkill();
-function Cauldron:UpdateSearchText()
- local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
- if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
- end
- if (not skillName or skillName == "UNKNOWN") or
- (not self.vars.playername) or
- (not self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername]) or
- (not self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName]) then
- return;
- end
+function CauldronSearch_OnTextChanged()
+ Cauldron:TradeSkillFilter_OnTextChanged(CauldronSearchBox);
- local searchText = self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.search or "";
- if searchText == "" then
- searchText = SEARCH;
- end
- CauldronSearchBox:SetText(searchText);
+function CauldronFrame_Update()
+function CauldronFrame_Show()
+ Cauldron:Frame_Show();
-function Cauldron:UpdateStatus()
+function CauldronFilterDropDown_OnLoad(self)
+ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, CauldronFilterDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
+ CauldronFilterDropDownText:SetJustifyH("CENTER");
+ CauldronFilterDropDownButton:Show();
+function CauldronFilterDropDown_Initialize(self, level)
local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- local filters = {};
- local filterTable = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter;
- --[[
- ["sortAlpha"] = false, -- should the list be sorted alphabetically (mutually-exclusive to "sortDifficulty" and "sortBenefit")
- ["sortDifficulty"] = true, -- should the list be sorted by difficulty (mutually-exclusive to "sortAlpha" and "sortBenefit")
- ["sortBenefit"] = false, -- should the list be sorted by potentcy of the benefit the crafted item/enchantment grants (mutually-exclusive to "sortDifficulty" and "sortAlpha") UNUSED
- ["haveAllReagents"] = false, -- should only items with all required reagents be shown in the list?
- ["haveKeyReagents"] = false, -- should only items with all key reagents be shown in the list?
- ["haveAnyReagents"] = false, -- should only items with any reagents be shown in the list?
- ["optimal"] = true, -- should optimal skills be shown?
- ["medium"] = true, -- should medium skills be shown?
- ["easy"] = true, -- should easy skills be shown?
- ["trivial"] = false, -- should trivial skills be shown?
- ["favorites"] = false, -- should only favorite skills be shown?
- --]]
- if filterTable.haveAllReagents then
- table.insert(filters, L["Have all"]);
- elseif filterTable.haveKeyReagents then
- table.insert(filters, L["Have key"]);
- elseif filterTable.haveAnyReagents then
- table.insert(filters, L["Have any"]);
- end
- local difficulties = {};
- if not filterTable.optimal then
- table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Optimal"]);
- end
- if not filterTable.medium then
- table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Medium"]);
- end
- if not filterTable.easy then
- table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Easy"]);
- end
- if not filterTable.trivial then
- table.insert(difficulties, "!"..L["Trivial"]);
- end
- if #difficulties > 0 then
- table.insert(filters, L["Difficulty"]..": "..Cauldron:JoinStrings(difficulties, ","));
- end
- if filterTable.favorites then
- table.insert(filters, L["Favorites"]);
- end
- if filterTable.achievements then
- table.insert(filters, L["Achievements"]);
- end
+ if level == 1 then
- if #filters > 0 then
- local statusText = Cauldron:JoinStrings(filters, "; ");
- CauldronStatusText:SetText(L["Filters"]..": "..statusText);
- CauldronStatusFrame:Show();
- else
- CauldronStatusFrame:Hide();
- end
-function Cauldron:UpdateFilterDropDowns()
+ if not IsTradeSkillLinked() and not IsTradeSkillGuild() then
+ -- favorites
+ local favorites = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ favorites.text = L["Favorites"];
+ favorites.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites or false;
+ favorites.isNotRadio = true;
+ favorites.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ -- tooltipTitle = L["Favorites"],
+ -- tooltipText = L["Display only favorite skills"],
+ favorites.func = function()
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites;
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ -- arg1 = "favorite",
+ -- arg2 = "",
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(favorites, level);
- -- TODO
+ -- achievements
+ local achievements = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ achievements.text = L["Achievements"];
+ achievements.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements or false;
+ achievements.isNotRadio = true;
+ achievements.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ -- tooltipTitle = L["Achievements"],
+ -- tooltipText = L["Display only skills for achievements"],
+ achievements.func = function()
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements;
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ -- arg1 = "achievement",
+ -- arg2 = "",
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(achievements, level);
+ end
+ --[==[
+ info.text = CRAFT_IS_MAKEABLE
+ info.func = function()
+ TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials = not TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials;
+ TradeSkillOnlyShowMakeable(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials);
+ TradeSkillUpdateFilterBar();
+ end
+ info.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ info.checked = TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
+ if ( not IsTradeSkillGuild() ) then
+ info.func = function()
+ TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp = not TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp;
+ TradeSkillOnlyShowSkillUps(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp);
+ TradeSkillUpdateFilterBar();
+ end
+ info.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ info.checked = TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp;
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
+ end
+ --]==]
+ info.checked = nil;
+ info.isNotRadio = nil;
+ info.func = nil;
+ info.notCheckable = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ info.hasArrow = true;
+ info.value = 1;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
+ info.func = nil;
+ info.notCheckable = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ info.hasArrow = true;
+ info.value = 2;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
-function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()
- if Cauldron.updatingSkillList then
- Cauldron:info("already updating skill list");
- return;
- end
- local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
- if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
- end
+ -- spacer
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
+ text = "",
+ notClickable = true,
+ isNotRadio = nil,
+ notCheckable = true,
+ }, level);
- local skillList = Cauldron:GetSkillList(self.vars.playername, skillName);
- if not skillList then
- return;
- end
+ -- skill difficulty
- local height = 0;
+ local difficultyTitle = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ difficultyTitle.text = L["Difficulty"];
+ difficultyTitle.isTitle = true;
+ difficultyTitle.isNotRadio = nil;
+ difficultyTitle.notCheckable = true;
+ difficultyTitle.tooltipTitle = "";
+ difficultyTitle.tooltipText = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyTitle, level);
- Cauldron.updatingSkillList = true;
+ local difficultyOptimal = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ difficultyOptimal.text = L["Optimal"];
+-- textR = 1.0,
+-- textG = 1.0,
+-- textB = 1.0,
+ difficultyOptimal.isNotRadio = true;
+ difficultyOptimal.notCheckable = false;
+ difficultyOptimal.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.optimal;
+ difficultyOptimal.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ difficultyOptimal.tooltipTitle = L["Optimal"];
+ difficultyOptimal.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
+ difficultyOptimal.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ difficultyOptimal.arg1 = "optimal";
+ difficultyOptimal.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyOptimal, level);
- -- iterate over the list of skills
--- Cauldron:info("iterate over skill list of "..#skillList.." items");
- for i, skillInfo in ipairs(skillList) do
- local skillFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i];
--- Cauldron:info("asked for skill item frame "..i.."; frame: "..tostring(skillFrame));
- -- check if we have a frame for this position
- if not skillFrame then
- -- create a new frame for the skill information
- if self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].options.compactView then
- -- TODO
- else
- -- TODO
- end
- skillFrame = CreateFrame("Button",
- "CauldronSkillItem"..i,
- CauldronSkillListScrollFrameScrollChild,
- "CauldronSkillItemFrameTemplate");
--- Cauldron:info("created new skill item frame for "..i.."; frame: "..tostring(skillFrame));
- end
- --[[
- if self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].options.compactView then
- -- set the height of frame
- skillFrame:SetHeight(25);
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCooldown"]:SetHeight(25);
- -- rescale the icon frame
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetWidth(18);
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetHeight(18);
- -- reposition the name
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillName"]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 43, -4);
- -- hide the category info
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCategory"]:Hide();
- else
- --]]
- -- set the height of frame
- -- TODO: set height if expanded
- --[[
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCooldown"]:SetHeight(50);
- -- rescale the icon frame
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetWidth(37);
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:SetHeight(37);
- -- reposition the name
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillName"]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 62, -4);
- -- show the category info
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCategory"]:Show();
- end
- --]]
- skillFrame:SetID(i);
- skillFrame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
- -- set selection
- if self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.selected == skillInfo.index then
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Selection"]:Show();
- else
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Selection"]:Hide();
- end
- -- populate the frame
- local frame = nil;
+ local difficultyMedium = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ difficultyMedium.text = L["Medium"];
+-- textR = 1.0,
+-- textG = 1.0,
+-- textB = 1.0,
+ difficultyMedium.isNotRadio = true;
+ difficultyMedium.notCheckable = false;
+ difficultyMedium.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.medium;
+ difficultyMedium.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ difficultyMedium.tooltipTitle = L["Medium"];
+ difficultyMedium.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
+ difficultyMedium.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ difficultyMedium.arg1 = "medium";
+ difficultyMedium.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyMedium, level);
- -- set name and difficulty color
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillName"];
- if frame then
- local nameText = skillInfo.name;
- local skillNamePrefix = "";
- if ( ENABLE_COLORBLIND_MODE == "1" ) then
- skillNamePrefix = TradeSkillTypePrefix[skillType].." " or "";
- end
- frame:SetText(skillNamePrefix..nameText);
- if TradeSkillTypeColor then
- local color = TradeSkillTypeColor[skillInfo.difficulty];
- if color then
- frame:SetFontObject(color.font);
- frame.r = color.r;
- frame.g = color.g;
- frame.b = color.b;
- end
- end
- end
+ local difficultyEasy = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ difficultyEasy.text = L["Easy"];
+-- textR = 1.0,
+-- textG = 1.0,
+-- textB = 1.0,
+ difficultyEasy.isNotRadio = true;
+ difficultyEasy.notCheckable = false;
+ difficultyEasy.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.easy;
+ difficultyEasy.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ difficultyEasy.tooltipTitle = L["Easy"];
+ difficultyEasy.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
+ difficultyEasy.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ difficultyEasy.arg1 = "easy";
+ difficultyEasy.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyEasy, level);
- -- set category
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCategory"];
- if frame then
- frame:SetText(skillInfo.defaultCategory);
- if TradeSkillTypeColor then
- frame:SetFontObject(TradeSkillTypeColor.header.font);
- frame.r = TradeSkillTypeColor.header.r;
- frame.g = TradeSkillTypeColor.header.g;
- frame.b = TradeSkillTypeColor.header.b;
- end
- end
+ local difficultyTrivial = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ difficultyTrivial.text = L["Trivial"];
+-- textR = 1.0,
+-- textG = 1.0,
+-- textB = 1.0,
+ difficultyTrivial.isNotRadio = true;
+ difficultyTrivial.notCheckable = false;
+ difficultyTrivial.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.trivial;
+ difficultyTrivial.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ difficultyTrivial.tooltipTitle = L["Trivial"];
+ difficultyTrivial.tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"];
+ difficultyTrivial.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ difficultyTrivial.arg1 = "trivial";
+ difficultyTrivial.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyTrivial, level);
+ -- spacer
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
+ text = "",
+ notClickable = true,
+ isNotRadio = nil,
+ notCheckable = true,
+ }, level);
+ -- reagents availability
- -- set favorite check button
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."FavoriteButton"];
- if frame then
- frame:SetChecked(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[skillInfo.name].favorite);
- frame.skillInfo = skillInfo;
- -- set cooldown
- --[[
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillCooldown"];
- local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(skillInfo.index);
- if cooldown then
- if not frame:IsVisible() then
- frame:Show();
- end
- frame:SetText(SecondsToTime(cooldown));
- else
- if frame:IsVisible() then
- frame:Hide();
- end
- end
- --]]
- end
- -- set the icon
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"];
- if frame then
- frame:SetNormalTexture(skillInfo.icon);
- frame.itemLink = skillInfo.link;
- frame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
- end
- -- set the craft count
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIconCount"];
- if frame then
- local minMade, maxMade = skillInfo.minMade, skillInfo.maxMade;
- if maxMade > 1 then
- if minMade == maxMade then
- frame:SetText(minMade);
- else
- frame:SetText(minMade.."-"..maxMade);
- end
- if frame:GetWidth() > 39 then
- frame:SetText("~"..floor((minMade + maxMade)/2));
- end
- else
- frame:SetText("");
- end
+ local reagentsTitle = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ reagentsTitle.text = L["Reagents"];
+ reagentsTitle.isTitle = true;
+ reagentsTitle.isNotRadio = nil;
+ reagentsTitle.notCheckable = true;
+ reagentsTitle.tooltipTitle = "";
+ reagentsTitle.tooltipText = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(reagentsTitle, level);
+ -- force check "normal" if the list is linked
+ if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
- -- set the disclosure button texture
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."DiscloseButton"];
- if frame then
- frame.skillInfo = skillInfo;
- local reagentsExpanded = self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[skillInfo.name].expanded;
- -- if reagentsExpanded then
- frame:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-MinusButton-Up");
- -- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:Show();
- -- fill in the tools info
- --[[
- local spellFocus = BuildColoredListString(GetTradeSkillTools(skillInfo.index));
- local toolsFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsToolsInfo"];
- if spellFocus then
- toolsFrame:Show();
- toolsFrame:SetText(L["Requires"]..": "..spellFocus);
- toolsFrame:SetHeight(15);
- else
- toolsFrame:Hide();
- toolsFrame:SetText("");
- toolsFrame:SetHeight(0);
- end
- --]]
- -- fill in the reagents
- -- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:SetScale(0.86);
- -- get reagents table
- local reagents = skillInfo.reagents;
- local reagentCount = #reagents;
+ local normal = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ normal.text = L["Normal"];
+ normal.checked = Cauldron:ReagentsFilterNormalCheck();
+ normal.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
+ normal.tooltipText = L["Display the normal list of skills"];
+ normal.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1)
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ normal.arg1 = "normal";
+ normal.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(normal, level);
+ if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- for j=1,8 do
- local reagentFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j];
- if reagentFrame then
- if j > reagentCount then
- reagentFrame:Hide();
- else
- local reagentInfo = reagents[j];
+ local haveAllReagents = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ haveAllReagents.text = L["Have all"];
+ haveAllReagents.isNotRadio = nil;
+ haveAllReagents.notCheckable = false;
+ haveAllReagents.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents;
+ haveAllReagents.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
+ haveAllReagents.tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have all the required reagents are shown in the list"];
+ haveAllReagents.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ haveAllReagents.arg1 = "all";
+ haveAllReagents.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveAllReagents, level);
- reagentFrame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
- reagentFrame.reagentIndex = reagentInfo.index;
- reagentFrame.link = reagentInfo.link;
- local reagentNameFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."Name"];
- local reagentIconFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."IconTexture"];
- local reagentCountFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."Count"];
- -- PARANOIA: check if the reagent name, icon, or link are missing
- if not reagentInfo.name or not reagentInfo.icon or not reagentInfo.link then
- -- Cauldron:error("Reagent info missing; marking recipe for rescan: "..skillInfo.name);
- Cauldron:MarkRecipeForRescan(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName], skillInfo.name);
- end
+ local haveKeyReagents = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ haveKeyReagents.text = L["Have key"];
+ haveKeyReagents.isNotRadio = nil;
+ haveKeyReagents.notCheckable = false;
+ haveKeyReagents.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents;
+ haveKeyReagents.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
+ haveKeyReagents.tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have all key reagents (non-vendor available) are shown in the list"];
+ haveKeyReagents.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ haveKeyReagents.arg1 = "key";
+ haveKeyReagents.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveKeyReagents, level);
+ local haveAnyReagents = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ haveAnyReagents.text = L["Have any"];
+ haveAnyReagents.isNotRadio = nil;
+ haveAnyReagents.notCheckable = false;
+ haveAnyReagents.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents;
+ haveAnyReagents.tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"];
+ haveAnyReagents.tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have any reagents are shown in the list"];
+ haveAnyReagents.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1);
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ haveAnyReagents.arg1 = "any";
+ haveAnyReagents.arg2 = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveAnyReagents, level);
+ end
- reagentFrame:Show();
- SetItemButtonTexture(reagentFrame, reagentInfo.icon);
- if reagentNameFrame then
- reagentNameFrame:SetText(reagentInfo.name);
- end
- local playerReagentCount = GetItemCount(reagentInfo.name);
- if playerReagentCount < reagentInfo.numRequired then
- -- Gray out items
- SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentFrame, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- if reagentNameFrame then
- reagentNameFrame:SetTextColor(GRAY_FONT_COLOR.r, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.g, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.b);
- end
- else
- SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentFrame, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
- if reagentNameFrame then
- end
- end
- if playerReagentCount >= 100 then
- playerReagentCount = "*";
- end
- if reagentCountFrame then
- reagentCountFrame:SetText(playerReagentCount.."/"..reagentInfo.numRequired);
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ -- spacer
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
+ text = "",
+ notClickable = true,
+ isNotRadio = nil,
+ notCheckable = true,
+ }, level);
- --[[ TODO: only adjust height for expanded views
- local reagentRows = math.floor((reagentCount - 1) / 2) + 1;
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:SetHeight(toolsFrame:GetHeight() + (reagentRows * _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail1"]:GetHeight()));
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i]:SetHeight(_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:GetHeight() + _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:GetHeight());
- --]]
- --[[
- else
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:Hide();
+ -- reset item
+ local resetFilters = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ resetFilters.text = L["Reset filters"];
+ resetFilters.checked = false;
+ resetFilters.isNotRadio = nil;
+ resetFilters.notCheckable = true;
+ resetFilters.tooltipTitle = L["Reset filters"];
+ resetFilters.tooltipText = L["Reset all filters on the skills list"];
+ resetFilters.func = function(arg1, arg2)
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset();
+ Cauldron:UpdateStatus();
+ end;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(resetFilters, level);
- frame:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Up");
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i]:SetHeight(_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:GetHeight());
+ elseif level == 2 then
+ local slots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(0) };
+ local subslots = {};
+ for i,slot in pairs(slots) do
+ local slotInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[slot];
+ if not slotInfo then
+ slotInfo = {
+ checked = true,
+ };
+ end
+ info.text = slot;
+ info.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSlot(slots[i]);
+ -- TradeSkillSetFilter(0, i, "", slots[i]);
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ end;
+ info.notCheckable = false;
+ info.checked = slotInfo.checked;
+ info.hasArrow = false;
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
- --]]
- end
+ -- "all" sub-class
+ info.text = L["All"];
+ info.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSubclass("all", "");
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ end;
+ info.notCheckable = true;
+ info.hasArrow = false;
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ info.value = -1;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
+ -- "none" sub-class
+ info.text = L["None"];
+ info.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSubclass("none", "");
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ end;
+ info.notCheckable = true;
+ info.hasArrow = false;
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ info.value = -2;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
+ -- iterate over sub-classes
+ local subClasses = { GetTradeSkillSubClasses() };
+ local subslots = {};
+ for i,subClass in pairs(subClasses) do
+ info.text = subClass;
+ info.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSubclass(subClasses[i], "");
+ -- TradeSkillSetFilter(i, 0, subClasses[i], "");
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ end
+ subslots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(i) };
+ if #subslots > 1 then
+ info.notCheckable = true;
+ info.hasArrow = true;
+ else
+ local catInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[subClass];
+ if not catInfo then
+ catInfo = {
+ shown = true,
+ expanded = true,
+ };
+ end
- -- craft count
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoCount"];
- if frame then
- local potentialCount = Cauldron:GetPotentialCraftCount(skillInfo);
- local text = "";
- if (potentialCount > 0) and (potentialCount > skillInfo.available) then
- text = skillInfo.available.."/"..potentialCount;
- elseif skillInfo.available > 0 then
- text = skillInfo.available;
- end
- frame:SetText(text);
- end
- -- special skill-ups
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUpsIcon"];
- Cauldron:info("skill ups icon frame: "..tostring(frame));
- if frame then
- if IsTradeSkillGuild() or (skillInfo.difficulty ~= "optimal") or (not skillInfo.numSkillUps or (skillInfo.numSkillUps < 1)) then
- frame:Hide();
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUps"]:Hide();
- else
- frame:Show();
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUps"]:Show();
- _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoNumSkillUps"]:SetText(skillInfo.numSkillUps);
+ info.notCheckable = false;
+ info.checked = catInfo.shown;
+ info.hasArrow = false;
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ end
+-- info.hasArrow = #subslots > 1;
+ info.value = i;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
- -- achievement indicator
- frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."MiscInfoAchievement"];
- if frame then
- local achievements = Cauldron:GetAchievementsForSkill(skillInfo);
- local text = "";
- if achievements and #achievements > 0 then
- text = "A";
+ elseif level == 3 then
+ local subClasses = { GetTradeSkillSubClasses() };
+ local subslots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE) };
+ for i,slot in pairs(subslots) do
+ info.text = slot;
+ info.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSubclass(subClasses[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE], subslots[i]);
+ --[[
+ TradeSkillSetFilter(UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE, i, subClasses[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE], subslots[i]);
+ --]]
+ Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
+ end;
+ local catInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[subClasses[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE]..";"..subslots[i]];
+ if not catInfo then
+ catInfo = {
+ shown = true,
+ expanded = true,
+ };
- frame:SetText(text);
- end
- -- place the frame in the scroll view
- if i > 1 then
- -- anchor to the frame above
- skillFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", _G["CauldronSkillItem"..(i-1)], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2);
- else
- -- anchor to the parent
- skillFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
- end
- -- adjust the scroll child size
- height = height + skillFrame:GetHeight();
- CauldronSkillListScrollFrameScrollChild:SetHeight(height);
- -- show the frame
- skillFrame:Show();
- end
- -- hide any remaining frames
- local j = #skillList + 1;
--- Cauldron:info("looking to hide remaining skill item frames: starting at "..j);
- while true do
- local frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..j];
--- Cauldron:info("hiding skill item frame "..j.."; frame: "..tostring(frame));
- if not frame then
--- Cauldron:info("no frames left");
- break;
+ info.notCheckable = false;
+ info.checked = catInfo.shown;
+ info.isNotRadio = true;
+ info.keepShownOnClick = true;
+ info.value = {UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE, i};
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
- frame:Hide();
- frame:SetHeight(0);
- j = j + 1;
- Cauldron.updatingSkillList = false;
-function Cauldron:UpdateButtons()
+function CauldronSortDropDown_OnLoad(self)
+ CauldronSortButton:SetText(L["Sort"]);
+ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, CauldronSortDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
+ CauldronSortDropDownText:SetJustifyH("CENTER");
+ CauldronSortDropDownButton:Show();
+function CauldronSortDropDown_Initialize(self, level)
+ local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- CauldronQueueAllButton:Disable();
- CauldronQueueButton:Disable();
- -- CauldronAmountDecrementButton:Hide();
- -- CauldronAmountInputBox:Hide();
- -- CauldronAmountIncrementButton:Hide();
- -- CauldronCreateAllButton:Hide();
- -- CauldronCreateButton:Hide();
- CauldronProcessButton:Disable();
- -- CauldronClearQueueButton:();
- return;
+ skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
- CauldronQueueAllButton:Enable();
- CauldronQueueButton:Enable();
- -- CauldronAmountDecrementButton:Show();
- -- CauldronAmountInputBox:Show();
- -- CauldronAmountIncrementButton:Show();
- -- CauldronCreateAllButton:Show();
- -- CauldronCreateButton:Show();
- -- CauldronProcessButton:();
- -- CauldronClearQueueButton:Show();
+ local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- local skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSelectedSkill();
- if skillInfo then
- CauldronCreateButton:SetText(skillInfo.verb or CREATE);
- if skillInfo.verb then
- CauldronCreateAllButton:Hide();
- end
+ if level == 1 then
- CauldronQueueAllButton:Enable();
- CauldronQueueButton:Enable();
+ -- title
+ --[[
+ local sortTitle = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ sortTitle.text = L["Sort"];
+ sortTitle.isTitle = true;
+ sortTitle.isNotRadio = nil;
+ sortTitle.notCheckable = true;
+ sortTitle.tooltipTitle = "";
+ sortTitle.tooltipText = "";
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortTitle, level);
+ --]]
- CauldronCreateButton:Show();
+ -- default
+ local sortDefault = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ sortDefault.text = L["Default"];
+ sortDefault.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault;
+ sortDefault.isNotRadio = nil;
+ sortDefault.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ sortDefault.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("default");
+ end;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortDefault, level);
- if skillInfo.available ~= 0 then
- CauldronCreateAllButton:Enable();
- CauldronCreateButton:Enable();
- else
- CauldronCreateAllButton:Disable();
- CauldronCreateButton:Disable();
- end
- else
- CauldronQueueAllButton:Disable();
- CauldronQueueButton:Disable();
- CauldronCreateAllButton:Disable();
- CauldronCreateButton:Disable();
- end
+ --[[
+ local sortDefault = {
+ text = L["Default"],
+ checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault,
+ tooltipTitle = L["Default"],
+ tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
+ func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
+ arg1 = "default",
+ arg2 = "",
+ };
+ --]]
+ -- alpha
+ local sortAlpha = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ sortAlpha.text = L["Alphabetically"];
+ sortAlpha.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha;
+ sortAlpha.isNotRadio = nil;
+ sortAlpha.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ sortAlpha.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("alpha");
+ end;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortAlpha, level);
- if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
- if #CauldronQueue:GetItems(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].queue, CURRENT_TRADESKILL) > 0 then
- CauldronProcessButton:Enable();
- CauldronClearQueueButton:Enable();
- else
- CauldronProcessButton:Disable();
- CauldronClearQueueButton:Disable();
- end
- end
- if CauldronQueueWindowFrame:IsShown() then
- CauldronShowQueueButton:Hide();
- else
- CauldronShowQueueButton:Show();
- end
+ --[[
+ local sortAlpha = {
+ text = L["Alphabetically"],
+ checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha,
+ tooltipTitle = L["Alphabetically"],
+ tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
+ func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
+ arg1 = "alpha",
+ arg2 = "",
+ };
+ --]]
+ -- difficulty
+ local sortDifficulty = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ sortDifficulty.text = L["By difficulty"];
+ sortDifficulty.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty;
+ sortDifficulty.isNotRadio = nil;
+ sortDifficulty.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ sortDifficulty.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("difficulty");
+ end;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortDifficulty, level);
+ --[[
+ local sortDifficulty = {
+ text = L["By difficulty"],
+ checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty,
+ tooltipTitle = L["By difficulty"],
+ tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
+ func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
+ arg1 = "difficulty",
+ arg2 = "",
+ };
+ --]]
+ -- item level
+ local sortItemLevel = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ sortItemLevel.text = L["By item level"];
+ sortItemLevel.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel;
+ sortItemLevel.isNotRadio = nil;
+ sortItemLevel.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ sortItemLevel.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("itemlevel");
+ end;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortItemLevel, level);
-function Cauldron:OnCauldronUpdate()
+ --[[
+ local sortItemLevel = {
+ text = L["By item level"],
+ checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel,
+ tooltipTitle = L["By item level"],
+ tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
+ func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
+ arg1 = "itemlevel",
+ arg2 = "",
+ };
+ --]]
+ -- required level
+ local sortReqLevel = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ sortReqLevel.text = L["By required level"];
+ sortReqLevel.checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel;
+ sortReqLevel.isNotRadio = nil;
+ sortReqLevel.keepShownOnClick = false;
+ sortReqLevel.func = function()
+ Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort("reqlevel");
+ end;
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortReqLevel, level);
--- self:Search();
- local selectionIndex
- if self.vars.selectionIndex == 0 then
- selectionIndex = self:GetFirstTradeSkill();
- else
- selectionIndex = self.vars.selectionIndex;
- end
- --]]
+ local sortReqLevel = {
+ text = L["By required level"],
+ checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel,
+ tooltipTitle = L["By required level"],
+ tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
+ func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
+ arg1 = "reqlevel",
+ arg2 = "",
+ };
+ --]]
+ -- favorites
+ -- TODO
+ -- benefit
+ -- TODO
+ end
function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_OnLoad(dropdown)
@@ -1395,7 +1374,6 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Initialize(level)
tooltipText = L["Display a compacted view of the skill list"],
func = function(arg1, arg2)
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView;
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from compact view filter (old)");
arg1 = "compact",
@@ -1412,7 +1390,6 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Initialize(level)
tooltipText = L["Display only favorite skills"],
func = function(arg1, arg2)
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites;
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from favorites filter (old)");
arg1 = "favorite",
@@ -1428,7 +1405,6 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Initialize(level)
tooltipText = L["Display only skills for achievements"],
func = function(arg1, arg2)
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements;
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from achievements filter (old)");
arg1 = "achievement",
@@ -1682,6 +1658,7 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Initialize(level)
function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset()
@@ -1690,11 +1667,13 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset()
skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ --[[
-- sorting
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = true;
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ --]]
-- difficulty
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.optimal = true;
@@ -1702,9 +1681,10 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset()
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.easy = true;
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.trivial = true;
- -- favorites
+ -- favorites/achievements
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites = false;
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favoritesAtTop = false;
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements = false;
-- availability
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
@@ -1712,87 +1692,177 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset()
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from filter dropdown reset");
function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(sort)
- Cauldron:info("filter dropdown set sort: "..tostring(sort));
local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-- local sort = info.arg1;
+ local filter = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter;
if sort == "default" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ filter.sortDefault = true;
+ filter.sortAlpha = false;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = false;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = false;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
+ filter.sortFavorites = false;
+ filter.sortBenefit = false;
elseif sort == "alpha" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ filter.sortDefault = false;
+ filter.sortAlpha = true;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = false;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = false;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
+ filter.sortFavorites = false;
+ filter.sortBenefit = false;
elseif sort == "difficulty" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ filter.sortDefault = false;
+ filter.sortAlpha = false;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = true;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = false;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
+ filter.sortFavorites = false;
+ filter.sortBenefit = false;
elseif sort == "itemlevel" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ filter.sortDefault = false;
+ filter.sortAlpha = false;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = false;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = true;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
+ filter.sortFavorites = false;
+ filter.sortBenefit = false;
elseif sort == "reqlevel" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ filter.sortDefault = false;
+ filter.sortAlpha = false;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = false;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = false;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = true;
+ filter.sortFavorites = false;
+ filter.sortBenefit = false;
elseif sort == "benefit" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = true;
+ filter.sortDefault = false;
+ filter.sortAlpha = false;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = false;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = false;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
+ filter.sortFavorites = false;
+ filter.sortBenefit = true;
elseif sort == "favorite" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit = false;
+ filter.sortDefault = false;
+ filter.sortAlpha = false;
+ filter.sortDifficulty = false;
+ filter.sortItemLevel = false;
+ filter.sortRequiredLevel = false;
+ filter.sortFavorites = true;
+ filter.sortBenefit = false;
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from sort change");
+function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSlot(slot)
+ local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
+ if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ end
+ Cauldron:info("set slot: "..tostring(slot));
+ local slotInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[slot];
+ if not slotInfo then
+ -- don't have slot info; create it
+ slotInfo = {
+ checked = true,
+ };
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[slot] = slotInfo;
+ end
+ slotInfo.checked = not slotInfo.checked;
+function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSubclass(subclass, subslot)
+ local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
+ if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
+ skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
+ end
+ Cauldron:info("set subclass: "..tostring(subclass)..", subslot: "..tostring(subslot));
+ -- handle "special" sub-classes
+ if subclass == "all" or subclass == "none" then
+ local checkit = (subclass == "all");
+ local subClasses = { GetTradeSkillSubClasses() };
+ local subslots = {};
+ for i,subClass in pairs(subClasses) do
+ subslots = { GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots(i) };
+ if #subslots > 1 then
+ for j,slot in pairs(subslots) do
+ local catInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[subClass..";"..subslots[j]];
+ if not catInfo then
+ catInfo = {
+ shown = checkit,
+ expanded = true,
+ };
+ else
+ catInfo.shown = checkit;
+ end
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[subClass..";"..subslots[j]] = catInfo;
+ end
+ else
+ local catInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[subClass];
+ if not catInfo then
+ catInfo = {
+ shown = checkit,
+ expanded = true,
+ };
+ else
+ catInfo.shown = checkit;
+ end
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[subClass] = catInfo;
+ end
+ end
+ return;
+ end
+ local catName = subclass;
+ if subslot ~= "" then
+ catName = subclass..";"..subslot;
+ end
+ Cauldron:info("catName: "..catName);
+ local catInfo = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[catName];
+ if not catInfo then
+ -- don't have category info; create it
+ catInfo = {
+ shown = true,
+ expanded = true,
+ };
+ Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[catName] = catInfo;
+ end
+ catInfo.shown = not catInfo.shown;
function Cauldron:ReagentsFilterNormalCheck()
local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
@@ -1819,27 +1889,27 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(info)
local reagents = info.arg1;
+ local filter = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter;
if reagents == "normal" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
+ filter.haveAllReagents = false;
+ filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
+ filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
elseif reagents == "all" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
+ filter.haveAllReagents = true;
+ filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
+ filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
elseif reagents == "key" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = true;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
+ filter.haveAllReagents = false;
+ filter.haveKeyReagents = true;
+ filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
elseif reagents == "any" then
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = true;
+ filter.haveAllReagents = false;
+ filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
+ filter.haveAnyReagents = true;
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from reagent filter change");
@@ -1854,11 +1924,11 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(info)
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter[info.arg1] = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[CURRENT_TRADESKILL].window.filter[info.arg1];
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from difficulty filter change");
function Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_Initialize(level)
Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_Initialize enter");
@@ -1972,7 +2042,6 @@ function Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot(info)
-- end
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from slot filter change");
Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot exit");
@@ -2088,10 +2157,10 @@ function Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_SetCategory(info)
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from category filter change");
function Cauldron:CollapseAllButton_OnClick(button)
@@ -2130,7 +2199,6 @@ function Cauldron:CollapseAllButton_OnClick(button)
-- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.selected = 0;
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from collapse all button click");
@@ -2148,7 +2216,6 @@ function Cauldron:CollapseItemButton_OnClick(button)
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.selected = skillInfo.index;
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from collapse item button click");
@@ -2173,7 +2240,6 @@ function Cauldron:SkillItem_OnLeave(frame)
function Cauldron:SkillItem_OnClick(frame, button, down)
- Cauldron:info("skill item click: frame="..tostring(frame)..", button="..tostring(button)..", down="..tostring(down));
local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
@@ -2186,7 +2252,6 @@ function Cauldron:SkillItem_OnClick(frame, button, down)
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from skill item selection");
@@ -2214,7 +2279,6 @@ function Cauldron:TradeSkillFilter_OnTextChanged(frame)
Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.search = text;
-- update the UI
- Cauldron:info("updating skill list from tradeskill filter text change");
@@ -2248,6 +2312,7 @@ function Cauldron:FavoriteItemButton_OnClick(button)
function Cauldron:ConfirmDialog(title, message, okayBtn, okayBtnCB, cancelBtn, cancelBtnCB)
local gui = Cauldron.libs.GUI;
@@ -2279,6 +2344,7 @@ function Cauldron:ConfirmDialog(title, message, okayBtn, okayBtnCB, cancelBtn, c
function Cauldron:AppendToTooltip(tooltip, skillIndex)
if not tooltip then
diff --git a/CauldronQueue.xml b/CauldronQueue.xml
index 097e9f4..eebb84f 100644
--- a/CauldronQueue.xml
+++ b/CauldronQueue.xml
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
<ScrollFrame name="CauldronQueueFrameScrollFrame" inherits="UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate" hidden="true">
- <Size x="297" y="332" />
+ <Size x="294" y="332" />
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@
<!-- Buttons frame -->
<Frame name="CauldronQueueButtonsFrame">
- <Size x="357" y="25" />
+ <Size x="328" y="25" />
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronQueueWindowFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<Offset x="2" y="0" />
@@ -572,62 +572,13 @@
- <!-- Queue All button -->
- <Button name="CauldronQueueAllButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Queue All">
- <Anchors>
- <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
- <Offset x="0" y="0" />
- </Anchor>
- </Anchors>
- <Scripts>
- <OnLoad>
- -- getglobal(self:GetName()):Disable();
- </OnLoad>
- <OnEnter>
- GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
- GameTooltip:ClearLines();
- GameTooltip:AddLine(Cauldron:LocaleString("Click to queue the listed amount of this item"));
- GameTooltip:AddLine(Cauldron:LocaleString("Shift-click to queue the listed potential amount of this item"));
- GameTooltip:Show();
- CursorUpdate(self);
- </OnEnter>
- <OnLeave>
- GameTooltip:Hide();
- ResetCursor();
- </OnLeave>
- <OnClick>
- Cauldron:QueueAllTradeSkillItem();
- Cauldron:UpdateButtons();
- </OnClick>
- </Scripts>
- </Button>
- <!-- Queue button -->
- <Button name="CauldronQueueButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Queue">
- <Anchors>
- <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="CauldronQueueAllButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
- <Offset x="0" y="0" />
- </Anchor>
- </Anchors>
- <Scripts>
- <OnLoad>
- -- getglobal(self:GetName()):Disable();
- </OnLoad>
- <OnClick>
- Cauldron:QueueTradeSkillItem();
- Cauldron:UpdateButtons();
- </OnClick>
- </Scripts>
- </Button>
- <!-- spacer -->
<!-- Process button (disabled) -->
<Button name="CauldronProcessButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Process">
+ <Size x="150" y="20" />
- <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="CauldronQueueButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
- <Offset x="2" y="0" />
- </Anchor>
+ <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+ <Offset x="0" y="0" />
+ </Anchor>
@@ -643,7 +594,7 @@
<Button name="CauldronClearQueueButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Clear Queue">
<Size x="90" y="20" />
- <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="CauldronProcessButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+ <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT">
<Offset x="0" y="0" />
diff --git a/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua b/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua
index b418b1a..b1aefcc 100644
--- a/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua
+++ b/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua
@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ L["Have any"] = true
L["Achievements"] = true
L["Display only skills for achievements"] = true
+L["All"] = true
+L["None"] = true
L["Slots"] = true
L["All slots"] = true
L["(None)"] = true