-Added descriptions to the anchors
Xruptor [01-17-11 - 17:30]
-Added descriptions to the anchors
-Refresh display when turning on/off auras
-Changed the anchor background so it doesn't conflict with xanDebuffTimers
-Had to add a check for nil or empty durations.
diff --git a/XanBuffTimers.lua b/XanBuffTimers.lua
index f4e3837..a61c172 100644
--- a/XanBuffTimers.lua
+++ b/XanBuffTimers.lua
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ function f:PLAYER_LOGIN()
if XBT_DB.auras == nil then XBT_DB.auras = false end
--create our anchors
- f:CreateAnchor("XBT_Anchor", UIParent)
- f:CreateAnchor("XBT_FocusAnchor", UIParent)
+ f:CreateAnchor("XBT_Anchor", UIParent, "xanBuffTimers: Target Anchor")
+ f:CreateAnchor("XBT_FocusAnchor", UIParent, "xanBuffTimers: Focus Anchor")
--create our timers
for i=1,MAX_TIMERS do
@@ -105,6 +105,15 @@ function f:PLAYER_LOGIN()
XBT_DB.auras = true
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanBuffTimers: Buff Auras [|cFF99CC33ON|r]")
+ --update the buff display
+ if UnitName("target") and UnitGUID("target") then
+ targetGUID = UnitGUID("target")
+ f:ProcessBuffs("target", timers)
+ end
+ if UnitName("focus") and UnitGUID("focus") then
+ focusGUID = UnitGUID("focus")
+ f:ProcessBuffs("focus", timersFocus)
+ end
return true
@@ -179,7 +188,7 @@ end
-- Frame Creation --
-function f:CreateAnchor(name, parent)
+function f:CreateAnchor(name, parent, desc)
--create the anchor
local frameAnchor = CreateFrame("Frame", name, parent)
@@ -202,8 +211,8 @@ function f:CreateAnchor(name, parent)
edgeSize = 16,
insets = { left = 5, right = 5, top = 5, bottom = 5 }
- frameAnchor:SetBackdropColor(0.75,0,0,1)
- frameAnchor:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.75,0,0,1)
+ frameAnchor:SetBackdropColor(0,183/255,239/255,1)
+ frameAnchor:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,183/255,239/255,1)
@@ -216,6 +225,9 @@ function f:CreateAnchor(name, parent)
+ if desc then
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(desc)
+ end
@@ -350,14 +362,14 @@ function f:ProcessBuffs(sT, sdTimer)
if XBT_DB.auras then
--auras are on so basically were allowing everything
passChk = true
- elseif not XBT_DB.auras and duration > 0 then
+ elseif not XBT_DB.auras and duration and duration > 0 then
--auras are not on but the duration is greater then zero, so allow
passChk = true
--UnitIsUnit is used JUST IN CASE (you never know lol)
if passChk and name and unitCaster and UnitIsUnit(unitCaster, "player") then
- if duration <= 0 then expTime = 0 end --just in case for non-cancel auras
+ if not duration or duration <= 0 then expTime = 0 end --just in case for non-cancel auras
sdTimer[i].id = sT
sdTimer[i].spellName = name
sdTimer[i].spellId = spellId